• Published 24th Jul 2012
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The Daily Show presents: Equestrian Interviews - Daily Show Ponies

Jon Stewart interviews various MLP: FiM characters at the end of an episode of 'The Daily Show'

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Episode 5 [Octavia]: The Cellist

"Thank you for joining us. Here it is, your moment of zen!" By uttering these words Jon signals for his staff to play the last video clip before going off air. Another day another episode.

Jon could still hear the screams of his fans as he made his way backstage; weaving his way through a gauntlet of staff workers, occasionally receiving a thumbs up or someone saying "good job." After a few seconds of navigating Jon finally found his way to his office where he liked to go after each show to mentally unwind. His version of a cool down lap.

No sooner did he collapse in his hair did someone knock on his door and ask to come in. Usually no one would do such a thing as it was an unwritten rule that after a show no is to disturb Jon for awhile, but in this case Jon made an exception.

"Yes Selina; doors open." Jon yelled, sitting up in chair and buttoning up his coat to hid his protruding stomach.

A woman walked in wearing mostly black. Her dark brown hair held tightly back in a professional looking bun which complimented her glasses and Pantsuit. This was her usual ensemble with the only thing missing being her diamond necklace. The woman was Selina Jenson, the backstage manager and Jon's personal assistant.

"The show went very well today. The crowd especially took a liking to your Romney impersonation." She said, her gaze never leaving the clipboard she usually had with her.

"Thanks Selina," Jon responded as he took out his trusty list of names. "Could you please tell the tech guys to do something about the soundboard. The dramatic 'dun dun dun' sound effect came in kinda late."

"Of course, Sir." She said, still looking at her clipboard. "I'll make a note of that and have it fixed by tomorrow."

Jon was about tell her to call him 'Jon' instead of 'sir,' as it made him feel old. He didn't however as it would have been pointless; he'd asked her to do so many times before but she never did. It was just they was she was, always professional all the time. Jon didn't complain though, she was a great assistant. She was 20 years his junior and already she knew the ins and outs of the entertainment business almost as much as him.

As she jotted down anther note in on her clipboard she noticed the list of names on his desk. At first she thought nothing of it but her curiosity was peaked once she recognized a name or two.

"So that's the famous list I've heard so much about." She said. "Can I have a look?"

Jon, at the behest of Celestia (And even his own bosses) made sure to keep the details of how they did business a secret. Many people were trying to figure out how Jon was communicating with the people of Equestria in an attempt to do the same themselves. But in this case he figured letting his assistant look at the list was no big deal.

"No problem," Jon said, handing her the list. "I'll give you a five bucks if you can find a name that doesn't sound like a Crayon color." She looked at the list and read some of Jon's notes, which either described a pony or in some cases were reminders to get more information.

"So these are the people that everyone wants to get their hands on," she finally said, as she switched to another page. "It's incredible...an entirely different world out there at your fingertips."

"Your making it sound more extravagant than it actually is." Jon said.

"Am I?" Selina retorted. "Tell me, when was the last time someone else got the chance to interview a talking mythical creature of legend?"

Jon didn't answer, he instead just sat there massaging his head and did his best to not sound tired.

"I swear: Dragons, talking ponies, Pegasus...it's all so unreal." She said, putting the list back down. "So. Still not going to tell me how you manage to do all this?"

"Do what?" Jon said with a gin. "Manage an award winning show on television? I have this assistant who helps me. You should meet her, she's great. Knows how to brew up kick ass cup of coffee too." She didn't respond she just gave him a nod and began to walk out of the office.

"Who should I choose next?" Jon said. Selina stopped in her tracks halfway out the door and turned to Jon, her expression still the same.

"What do you mean sir?" She said.

"Common Selina you've worked here for almost 10 years," he said, picking up the list of names. "And in that time I've learned two things about you. One; you always have an opinion about something. And two; your opinion is usually right."

Jon placed the list of name on his desk facing Selina and sat up in his chair.

"You've seen the list and you've read my notes," Jon said, extending his hand. "If you're as good as an assistant as I think you are then you already know who should be on the show next...so who should I choose?"

With that Selina closed the door and made her way to Jon's desk. She flipped to one of the pages and extended her finger outward, placing her perfectly manicured nail on a name.

"Octavia. Next to her name you wrote 'Sophisticated musician,'" she said with a smile, turning around once again making her way for the exit. "....sometimes I feel that this show could use some class."

Later that day:

This time around Jon didn't head home at his usual time but instead stayed in his office a little longer. He was finishing up some paperwork but more important he stayed longer to make sure he was alone. After a few hours of paperwork he walked out of his office and into the area that had the other rooms and cubicles; he wanted to make sure no one else was around. The coast was clear.

Jon proceeded to pull out his phone and dial the number that he had dialed many times before; each time bringing something new and exiting his way.

"Hello Jon," Celestia said from the other line. "How can I help my favorite human today?"

"Well for starters you can tell who your second favorite human is," he responded. "I want to find him and rub it in his face."

"Oh my," Celestia said with a chuckle. "Someones in a good mood today."

"Eh what can I say," Jon said with a shrug. "I've gone the entire day without someone calling me an 'asshole' so I must be doing something right. But hey now that I have your attention...I was wondering if you could help me with out something."

"Certainly Jon." She said. "Is this regarding having someone on your show."

"Why yes It is! You just...you just get me." He said jokingly, walking up and down the now empty hallway. "I've decided who I want to appear on my show for tomorrow."

"That's great," She responded. "Just tell me who you wish interview and I'll have a talk with them."

"Thanks! The pony this time around is one, Octavia." Jon said taking a moment to reflect on how good and loyal a friend Celestia turned out to be. She was truly someone he could always count on for help.

"Oh...well I'm afraid I can't ask that particular pony." Celestia said. Jon took a moment to reflect on previous reflection.

"So when you say I'm your favorite human..." He said.

"Please hear me out," Celestia continued. "This particular pony is actually busy at the moment. I don't know if you recall but she is actually a well renowned musician in her field." Jon could vaguely remember a past conversation with Celestia in where she mentions a Pony who was a musician. Hence the phrase he put next to her name: 'Sophisticated musician.'

"You see the thing is at this moment she's in the middle of something important," she continued. "And I'm afraid it wouldn't be very proper of me to summon her right in the middle of personal affairs."

"Yeah I guess you're right." Jon said. He had to admit that what she was saying made sense; he wanted to have a noteworthy guest on his show but not if it meant inconveniencing them. Jon almost gave up on the idea but just as he did he realized that there was actually a second option.

"But hey what about this," He continued. "You can't pull her away at the moment and I understand that but...but what if you teleport me to her and I'll ask her myself after she's done with her whatever it is she's doing? That way I'll be sure to approach her when it's the most convenient, I'll get my guest, and you don't have to get your hooves dirty." Jon felt proud that he remembered to use the term 'hooves' instead of 'hands.'

"Well I don't see the harm in that," Celestia replied sounding amused. "Alright consider it done. If you have trouble finding her remember to look for a pink bow tie. Oh and one last thing. Don't be offended if she comes off as spiteful...deep down she's actually a very sweet pony."

Jon nodded and stood up readying himself for the incoming magic. He was still in the suit he wore that day so he didn't feel he needed a change of wardrobe, but at the same time he underestimated the exquisiteness of his soon to be location, as evident by him unwilling to pull back up his tie or button up his jacket.

"Alright!" Jon said. "I'm ready!"

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