• Published 24th Jul 2012
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The Daily Show presents: Equestrian Interviews - Daily Show Ponies

Jon Stewart interviews various MLP: FiM characters at the end of an episode of 'The Daily Show'

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Jason Jones (Rough draft)

With the first segment of the Daily show already completed, and the commercials that followed soon afterwards ran for the appropriate amount of time, it was now time for Jon to share his on screen time by allowing one of his correspondents to show their latest project to the world.

And after the Daily show logo assembled itself on stage before promptly flying off screen Jon took notice and greeted his audience, fully ready to hand the patton.

“Hey everyone welcome back! You know... discrimination is still an ever present issue that plagues our world in every social class and environment. Such acts have even appeared in places that we would never have suspected,” He began while neatly folding his hands and speaking as respectfully as possible. “Like in Equestria where if you want to adopt a child you may find it difficult depending on your sexual orientation. Jason Jones has more on this topic.

The crowd cheered before quickly silencing themselves at the visuals that sprung forth on the monitors that were in sight for them to watch. What followed was footage of Canterlot before switching to another camera which showed even more stock footage of one of Canterlot many busy streets.

The title card at the bottom of the screen read “Same Sex discrimination: Adoption agencies edition” and the voice over that played through it all was of Jason Jones. His voice deep and earnest sounding at the serious topic at hand.

The gays. A group of people known for their athletical fitness, keen sense of fashion, exquisite taste in fine arts, and ability to turn invisible when in danger. But despite their lavish lifestyles there are those will still feel the need to treat them like second class citizens. Even here in Equestria.” Jason’s overdubbed monologue said as the footage changed to him on a hill looking over at the scenery before him of rolling green hills which also included ponyville before switching to him sitting across an elder looking white stallion with black blow streaks in his hair. His portly stomach was covered by a sports jacket and his hair was slicked but was still long enough to curl on the end. “Fortunately there are those believe in Equality. Like Canterlot Lawmaker Stable Hoofington who has made it his mission to see that everyone is treated fairly no matter who they are.”

“Thank you for agreeing to sit down... and talk about a very serious issue with me here on this program.” Jason said as he reached over to meet his hoof for a shake. “I know how difficult it could be... for a pony in your position to be outspoken about such things.”

“It’s my pleasure Mr. Jones.” Hoofington responded before leaning back into his seat

“Now tell me... what forms of... unlawful inequality are you leading the charge against here today.” Jason asked with his hands clasped together in anticipation.

“Well... recently I’ve tried to get laws enacted into parliament that would guarantee that those who are attempting to adopt are treated fairly as everypony else,” Hoofington explained as Jason nodded in agreement. “Because as it stands if a same sex couple are allowed to adopt but the process by which they do so is different than a straight couple attempting to do the same.”

“This seems like such a good idea to have implemented into the Pony legislature.” Jason commented with his guest nodding his head in agreement. “I mean this is Equestria we’re talking about here... who in their right mind would be against something as basic as equal rights.”

“Well unfortunately there are those who don’t see things my way and would rather things stay the same they are,” Hoofington continued. “There are... I have colleagues who oppose my laws and try to have them... essentially blocked.”

The camera then changed to show footage of Pony politicians and representatives walking, conversing, and attending private meetings within Canterlot Castle. Switching from actions shots of them either presenting a case to a council of other ponies or sitting at a desk working on whatever paperwork needed to be done.

In fact the amount of people lobbying against Hoofington is so bad that that not only as the main parliament of the Castle refused to hear his case for the second straight year in the row they’re working on blocking him from presenting the case further.” Jason’s overdubbing explained while a royal parchment materialized on screen. “According to their reasons for the blockage, which was signed into effect by Celestia, ‘Huffington's continued efforts to try and sensationalize what is essentially a non issue is keeping the royal council from focusing on more important issues like defence, relations with other kingdoms, and infrastructure.

“Have you tried to rally forth other ponies to help you with your cause?” Jason asked. “Maybe get a couple thousand signatures or something.”

“Ah, well no I haven’t done that yet.” Hoofington admitted.

“Is it because ponies can’t write?” Jason asked with the crowd laughing only slightly at this very serious issue.

“What I have done is reached out to ponies who themselves work in adoptions agencies but even they won’t get involved,” Hoofington revealed. “Some of them have even tried to get me to step down from my position on the issue.”

”Ponies like pony head mistress Flora Rosa of the Equestrian Adoption agency, Ponyville chapter, who refuses to support Hoofington is his guest for Equality.” The overdub said as the camera depicted sitting across from a brown Earthpony with light yellow hair, thick rimmed glasses, and a loose collar similar to Mayor Mare’s. “I sat down with Ms. Rosa to delicately ask her why she had decided to take up such an opposition position on such a delicate social issue.”

“So tell me... why do you hate gay ponies.” Jason asked with his interviewee looking rather annoyed by the question but nevertheless kept a level head.

“I don’t hate homosexual ponies.” She answered.

“Suuure you don't.” Jason added while shaking his head.

“For years our agency has done our best to provide a service to any pony couple who are willing to adopt a filly of their own,” Flora explained with an incredulous look about her. “We would never turn down a same sex couple from adopting a filly or treat them any less than if than we would with a straight couple.”

“But don’t you realize that even you allow same sex ponies to adopt you’re still discriminating against them by making it harder for them to obtain a child then if they were straight!?” Jason urged her to realize, which only made her cock her head to the side and give him an odd look like he had just said something incredibly stupid.

“Um... young man I don’t know where you’re getting your information from but it’s actually the other way around.” She countered.

“Excuse me?” Jason responded.

“When it comes to adoption in Equestria... to a small degree it’s actually easier for a gay couple to adopt than it is for a straight couple.” She went on to say with Jason looking flabbergasted by the idea. The camera took turns changing angles between the two with neither one stepping up to say anything. The crowd laughed at Jason’s continued look of disbelief as he looked back on his notes frantically.

When he didn’t find what he was looking for he leapt up from his seat only to quickly bend back into camera view.

“W-would you... would you just... excuse me for a second!?” Jason asked before running off screen with the Headmistress looking confused as she waved her hoof, allowing him to run off.

THe camera changed yet again back to the main office of Hoofington’s house where the segment originally took place. Looking as if he had never left the white Unicorn watched as Jason took his seat across from him looking to be in a panicked state.

“Hi! Uh, me again!” Jason said Hoofington acknowledging his return with a nod. “Soooo I’ve been asking around and... I found something very... very interesting. So I was talking with Ms. Flora Rosa... d-do you know her?”

“Yes I’ve met with her before,” Hoofington said. “She runs the adoptions agency down in Ponyville.”

“Right, right! So under the impression that ... in Equestria... the gays have more rights,” Jason explained with a shrug and an expression like this couldn't possibly be true. “I mean... c’mon... she’s... she’s not telling the truth is she.”

“When it comes to the bureaucratic act of adopting a child from an adoption agency... yes, same sex couples are afforded more leeway during the screening process.” Hoofington explained as best he could.

Holy shit!

“And in fact this has been going on for as long as the major cities of this region were established.” Hoofington added.

“So when you say... you’re pushing for laws for Equality,” Jason began before pausing. “What you’re really saying is... harder for same sex couples to adopt?”

“Yes, that’s right.” Hoofington said without falter. “At least to the point where they’re on the same level as straight couples.”

“I uh... I-I gotta... excuse me.” Jason said once again leaving a guest in the middle of interview. The camera angle then went to just outside of Hoofington’s office where Jon began to walk down the nearest street as his overdubbing filled the void the footage changed again to more stock footage of random ponies walking around random scenic areas.

Okay so apparently here in Equestria if you’re gay you have more rights than if you’re straight, and really in a place like this I’m not surprised.” Jason’s overdub said as the camera changed to purposely show the most feminine looking scenic part of Canterlot possible, complete with multiple colors, fluffy exteriors, and of course the ever present ponies. “But still inequality was inequality and I was nevertheless determined to see why Equestria allowed this to happen in the first place.

The camera changed yet again. This time to the spacious halls where Jason first started talking with Headmistress Flora Rosa who, like Hoofington, looked as if she never left. Sitting across from her, this time with newfound purpose, Jason adjust his notes and took a deep breath before once again continuing his report.

“So tell me... why do you hate straight ponies.” Jason asked with his interviewee once again looking annoyed by the question.

“Again... I, and this institute, do not hate any pony based on sexual preference.” Flora maintained with a hoof gesture like she was pointing at Jason. “This adoption agency, as well as many others like it, pride itself on treating everypony with the same level of respect regardless of who they are or what they believe.”

“I want to believe you I really do... but from what I’ve been told if a gay couple wants to attempt a foal they’re more likely to get the child than if they were straight.” Jason countered.

“Technically yes, but in the end the ponies character and background ultimately decides whether they get to keep the filly or colt.” She countered back.

“Yeah, characteristics like... how gay they are.” Jason said with the crowd laughing as the headmistress shook her head in frustration before jumping to forward in the conversation. “Explain to me the process by which a pony can adopt a child. And at one point where does the straight vs. gay aspect gets involved.”

“Well to put it simply... a long time ago, when major Equestrian colonies were staring to take root, laws were put in place fairly early one. One such law was that if you wanted to adopt a child you needed proof of your parenting ability. More specifically that you were a good parent and could provide a stable environment for the pony you wanted to adopt.” Flora explained with Jason pretending to take notes. “The most common practice was that if you already had children a representative of the adoption agency would check to see if the children were healthy and proper taken care of. And from there, if the couple were deemed good parents, they could would get their new child.”

“But what if a couple never had children and just wanted the adoption.” Jason asked.

“Yes, this is where we find ourselves isn’t it. And yes you are right there were those who wanted to adopt but didn’t have children of their own. And to this lawmakers, and those who ran adoption agencies, responded with a another rule stating that if you didn’t have any previous experience you were allowed to adopt-- however you were still required to show proof of proper living conditions.” She explained. “What this meant of course was ponies had to show proof of financial stability, a safe environment for the child, and of course a background check to make sure they are not not criminals. Once that was cleared a couple got their foal but for the next year a representative from the agency where they go their child would routinely visit to see if they were developing well. If the representative saw no cause for concern then the filly or colt was officially theirs to keep.”

“A huh, a huh.” Jason responded as he camera angle appeared behind him to show that instead of notes he was drawing an unflattering caricature of the headmistress.

“So for awhile this was the standard but at one point in time it was pointed out that this system might be considered somewhat unfair to same sex couples. Because while straight couples have two methods of adopting a child, either by showing proof of their parental qualifications or the more traditional route of showing their present children, same sex couples could only do the former option since of course they couldn’t biologically have their own foals.” She continued. “At the time this wasn’t considered a case of discrimination but some did believe that gay couples were at a bit of a handicap. So regiments were put in place to... I guess one could say ‘even out the playing field.’”

“So what kind of advantages are we talking here?” Jason asked, his mind already filled with speculations. “Like gay ponies can adopt a baby no matter how poor they are, or, or, or they could live in a horribly designed house and still get the kid.”

“Uh, no,” The headmistress answered. “You see they--”

“Yeah you’re right whoever heard of a gay couple who didn’t live in a nice home.” Jason interrupted.

“As I was saying... the ‘advantages’ are are available to same sex couples is during the screening process after they first take in their soon-to-be child.” She explained. “As you recall when an a couple wants an adopted child but they themselves have no children an Adoption agency employee will allow them to take care of the child but will routinely check up on them.”

“I GOT IT!” Jason interjected. “With gay couples they don’t have to be looked at after the fact! They can swing by and pick up and kid and BAM... that’s it.”

Rather than correcting him the headmistress just glared at him for a few seconds.

“No.” She finally answered. “With straight couples after they receive their child they are visited a total of eight times during that year for progress reports. But for Gay couples it’s reduced to six.”

My god it was worse than anything I could possibly Ima-- wait what.” Jason’s overdubbing said before cutting himself off.

“Wait... tha... that’s it?” He inquired. “A reduction of two visits out of eight... that’s... that’s it?”

“That’s it.” Flora confirmed as the camera zoomed out to get a better look at the two of them.

Okaaaaay so apparently in Equestria inequality does exist but on the hole just sounds... kinda boring really.” Jason said as the camera transition back over to Hoofington’s office. But then again maybe there’s something I’m missing here. Something that could be explained to me by someone who's been fighting for this particular issue all their life.“

“Actually I’ve only been lobbying on this issue for a little under a month now,” Hoofington confessed as Jason rubbed his hand across the face in apparent frustration.

“Okay help me understand here... so the problem here is gay couples have it easier... because they get two visits less than straight couples when it comes to seeing if they’re good parents.” Jon surmised with the pony politician nodding the entire time.

“Yes indeed, this is the case,” He agreed. “Some might find this to not be that big an issue... but it’s still a form of inequality and I do believe that’s issue worth dealing with.”

“Riiiight... but is it though?” Jason asked. “I mean... this doesn’t feel like discrimination but more helping other less fortunate.”

“I-- okay well but it this way,” Hoofington began as he adjusted himself in his seat. “Are you straight?”

“Yes.” Jason answered.

“Are you currently in a relationship.” He continued to ask.

“Yes I am.” Jason answered again.

“Have you ever considered adopting a child of your own.” He inquired further.

“Fuck that!” Jason exclaimed causing Hoofington to forgo asking any more questions. “Me and Sam already have like.. three or something of our own. Hell no we don’t want anymore!” Since the crowd would no doubt have laughed at this point the footage was edited to give time for Hoofington to respond.

“Well... you might now want to but other couples, other straight couples would like to,” He continued. “And I’m sure they wouldn't like the fact that they’re being treated differently because of their sexual orientation.”

Exactly because when adopting a child the issue isn’t about the child itself or the context by which a child is put into a new home and therefore a new way of life. Nope it’s all about whether or not one couple get’s it faster than another.” Jason said as the camera transitioned to show the outside out a school yard before changing again to show him sitting in front of two ponies inside the school itself. “Because for some straight couples like Ms. Cheerilee and Big Mac the prospect of their rights being infringed upon is insulting to their very existence.”

“So I’m assuming you two know about the adoption laws in Equestria,” Jason began as the two ponies listening closely. “Regarding how gay couples have it easier when it comes to the actual adoption.”

“Eeyup.” Big mac answered.

“Yes, I am well aware of the rules regarding the matter.” Cheerilee added. “I’ve actually had to teach my students about this once before.”

“Now then... as a straight couple yourself I can only imagine how absolutely furious you two must be.” Jason assumed. “Tell me... are you angry knowing that it is more difficult for you to adopt than it is for same sex couples?”

“Nope.” Big Mac answered.

“Not at all.” Cheerilee added.

God Dammit.

“I actually applaud the fact that there are those who can adopt a child in a much more expeditious fashion. You see I am a teacher and I find that a good home can make the difference between a pony that exceeds in school and a pony who fails and get’s held back. You know studies have shown that a pony that grows up in a an environment with parental figures have a higher chance of excelling at life than those who grow up in foster home after foster home.” Cheerilee explained. “I’ve had students who struggle tremendously in their studies. Mostly because they’re still live in orphanage and often don’t have time to study because they get so little attention. This sometimes causing them to lash out or be disruptive during class because that’s the only way they’re noticed in this world and that’s detrimental to themselves and those around them. So yes I am well aware that same sex couples can potentially adopt a child easier and I welcome it... because if such a rule means that a little pony has even a slightly higher chance of having a family than I welcome it with open hooves.”

“Okay... that all makes sense... but I’m sure a kid wouldn't mind the idea of not getting adopted if it mean some ponies would feel equal.” Jason offered. “I mean hey you know what they say... trauma builds character.’”

“Well... I’m pretty sure a child wouldn't like the fact they they’re denied their rights to have a family.” Cheerilee argued, not sounding mad in the slightest. As a teacher she knew when someone was goofing around a serious topic.

“And how would you know?” Jason countered. “Are you an orphan.”

“No I am not.” She answered.

“Exactly.” Jason responded.

“But he is.” She countered, now pointing to Big Mac. “isn’t that right honey.”

“Yep.” Big Mac confirmed.

Oh boy.

“The thing about Big Mac is his mother and father passed away while he was still very young. At the time his sister Applejack was too young to help out around the farm so he had to manage the entire Apple Harvest himself.” Cheerilee explained. “And for a young stallion like himself, having to take over the family business was such a turning point in his life. Every year he worked tirelessly knowing that if he failed his entire family would be homeless with just one bad harvest. This is what a lack of parental figures does to child, it puts them in a position that can ultimately ruin their development”

“Eeeyup.” Big Mac agreed.

“Will uh... will you excuse me for a second.” Jason asked.

Before getting his answer he walked off camera only to reappear on screen after it transitioned once again to the office of Hoofington. The two gazed at each other for a few seconds before Jason began talking.

“Okay can I ask you something?” Jason finally stated.

“Sure go ahead.” Hoofington allowed.

“When it comes to this... inequality in the adoption law... what’s the worst case scenario for the child.” Jason asked.

“Well you see... this law is a direct and utter misstep in justice for those looking to adopt.” Hoofington maintained. “You see couples in this system you want to--”

“No, no, no, no, no... I didn’t say worse case scenario for the parents,” Jason interrupted always quick to do so for the sake of making someone look stupid. “I asked... what’s the worse case scenario... for the child.”

“For the child?” Hoofington asked with Jason nodding. “Well... uh...let’s see... uuuuuuuuh... well...”

Jason could only stare as his political guest struggled to come up with an answer on his own. Long silence after long silence were bookended with him trying to fill space by saying “um” or “well” in an attempt to kick starter his point.

Jason was willing to wait as long as he needed to for him to come up with a counter argument which almost did with a little help.

“Well... uh, in terms of the child... the worse case scenario is...” He tried to say. “That they... could...”

“Actually be adopted?” Jason interjected.

“Well see this is the thing!” Hoofington said with a newfound perspective. “A child does have the higher chance of getting adopted by a same sex couple yes but that also increases the chance of them being given to an unfit family.”

“Because the family in this scenario are gay?” Jason asked.

“Noooo, thats- that’s not what I meant.” Hoofington said now in full damage control. “All am I’m saying is if a same sex couple, really any couple at all, has an an easier time obtaining a child... there is a chance that a couple might want to adopt since it’s easier for them. Thusly... incompetent parents, or those who might not be ready for parenthood.”

“That is so true,” Jason admitted. “It’s like how I don’t ever want to get my scrotum pierced but if I see one being advertised as only slightly on discount I just have to go for it.”

“Exactly,” Hoofington agreed. “And with same sex couples... what’s to stop them from adopting three, even five children since it’s easier for them.”

”Hoofington was right! What was stopping a pony from doing just that. Aside from regulations restricting the amount of ponies once can adopt at a time, laws put in place to make sure only those will proper backgrounds can adopt, and representatives from adoptions agencies whoever see each adoption to make sure the right child is placed in the right home. But still he did have a point when it came to same sex couples who might might be enticed to adopt because of their only slightly strict regulations.” Jason’s overdub said as the angle shifted to stock photos of parents standing next to children that they have adopted, courtesy of the Ponyville adoption agency. The camera then shifted to Jason sitting in a genetically lit room with the camera angled in such a way that you could tell that there were three ponies across from him but it was difficult to see who they were “How long till someone abuses this legal loophole? In order to answer this question I brought in three local Ponyville residents who are gay but didn’t have children... to get their input on this subject.

“Thank you all for agreeing to meet with me here today,” Jason said, with the camera still on him. “Now I’m just going to get right to the point here... how do you feel knowing that that the law grants ponies, such as yourself, the an advantage over other ponies when it comes to adopting children.”

The camera finally transitioned to behind Jason to reveal that he was talking directly to Bon Bon, Lyra, and Rainbow Dash-- neither of whom looked particularly interested in being there.

“To... be honest,” Bon Bon began. “I don’t have strong feelings one way or the other.”

“Yeah, me neither.” Lyra added.

“Wait I thought this interview was about the Equestrian Games.” Rainbow Dash commented with Jason addressing more the established couple than her.

“But don’t you realize that you are in a position of power!? The power to adopt any child you wanted... at a slightly less inconvenience.” Jason informed with no pony looking impressed. “I mean sure you don’t care now. But once you realize you have less restriction than other ponies what’s stopping you from adopting three, even five children at once.”

“Uuuuh... the fact that we don’t want kids?” Lyra answered bluntly, sounding like it was a stupid questions to even ask. This got the attention of her mate Bon Bon who looked somewhat shocked.

“Ahem. I think what my partner is trying to say is we know that as a same sex couple we have the privilege of being able to not only adopt but we are mature enough adults to know that this isn’t that right time to for us to take that leap yet.” Bon Bon corrected. “Financially we’re not secure enough to look after a little filly or colt and emotionally I don’t think we’re in the right state of mind to be mothers.”

“That’s not what I mean.” Lyra corrected back. “I just don’t want to have kids.”

“Lyra, how can say that!” Bon Bon scolded. “We’ve been together for so how many years and you seriously can’t picture us raising a child together!”

“Well excuse me but I just don’t see myself taking care of some bratty foal!” Lyra countered.

“Lyra, we’ve been over this! You’d make a great mother!” Bon Bon assured her as Jason tried to interject but couldn't find a good chance to do so. “You’re loving, caring, generous, and you always try to do your very best at whatever you do.”

“I know but... ARGH! I can’t be a mother! I can barely take care of myself!” Lyra confessed. “How can I expect to take care of somepony else.”

“Lyra, that’s not...” Bon Bon began before pausing. “Okay there might be some truth behind that but it’s not like you’d be alone... I’d be there with you too.”

“Uh, girls?” Jason tried to interject. “I-I’d like to get back to--”

“Yeah well I don’t need you always looking after me!” Lyra shot back. “I’m not that helpless.” This made Bon Bon notably flustered.

“Well pardon me but I was only trying to reassure you!” Bon Bon protested. “If you’re going to act like this than maybe you’re right about not getting a child... you already do a good job of acting like one already.”

Instead of arguing back Lyra instead blew a raspberry in her direction which caused both mares to turn in their seats to avoid looking at each other. This left the room in awkward silence with everyone present not daring to move a muscle for fear that it might set them off like hungry raptors.

Eventually however there was some movement in the form of Rainbow Dash lifting her hoof to ask a question but not willing to wait for Jason to call upon her.

“Hey, if this is about same sex couples and adoption why am I here?” She asked.

“Cause you’re gay.” Jason answered with a shrug.

“Oh for the love of-- Ugh, for the last time I am not gay!” Rainbow Dash proclaimed which caused Lyra, who was closer to her snort in response.

“Really?” Jasons said now pretending to read his notes. “Because I was told your so deep in the closet your practically in Narnia.”

“What the hay! Who told you that!” Rainbow Dash blurted. “Cause w-well whoever did is a liar!”

“Pfft, yeah right Dashie. You aint fooling anyone.” Lyra chuckled. “Everypony knows you and and Applejack have that thing going where secretly go behind her barn and--”

“LYRA!” Bon Bon scolded as she whipped around to bonk her on the head. “Don’t be so rude to Rainbow Dash! For Celestia’s sake you’re always like this! If Ms. Dash wants to stay in the closet that’s her decision.”

“That’s right!” Rainbow Dash agreed before realising the implications of what Bon Bon had said. “H-hey wait a minute I’m not even in the closet to begin with!”

Before Jason could try and salvage this portion of his report the three girls were not in a shouting match with each other, with no visible alliance. Just each pony trying to yell the loudest to get their rapidly dwindling point across.

“Excuse me?” Jason said, but to no avail.

The arguing escalate to the point where audio feedback was taking place from the mics that were attached to them. Because of the room they were in random ponies who were walking down were now peering through the window to see what was going on. No doubt rumours were starting to surface.

“Excuse me?” Jason said, again but like before no one noticed.

Their arguing just intensified as time went on with Rainbow Dash using her wings to yell at anypony she could from on high while, Lyra countered this by using her magic to accidentally throw a nearby pillow at any pony she deemed worthy. Not wanting to be outdone Bon Bon used her years of training as a voice actress to yell as loudly as she should, her lungs more powerful than the other two.

More ponies were gathering outside the building.

“EXCUSE ME!” Jason roared only to have all three mares turn to him with equal looks of disdain and anger.

“WHAT!” They exclaimed back in even greater force.

“Um... so in terms of the topic...ya know gay couples adopting,” he reminded. “So overall... do you even care?”

“NO!” All three answered before going back to yelling at each other.

Taking this opportunity Jason slowly climbed out of his seat and tiptoed his way off screen, like he was incredibly scared that any sudden movement would cause the three fighting ponies turn on him.

More ponies found there way to the window by by then the camera had just shifted again to show Jason slowly sitting into the seat which was directly in front of Hoofington back at his office. Despite the fact that the transition was edited Jason still feined exhaustion and fear as he caught his breath.

“You alright?” Hoofington asked.

“Yeah I uh... I’ve just us... I got back from an interview and.. you know... I’m beginning to think that maybe... just maybe... you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.” Jason submitted with his guest looking uncertain of how to respond as evident by how his mouth moved by no words emerged. “However good your intentions may be I can’t help but feel you’re doing the politician thing where you try to change something you know little about.”

After his claims there was a gap of silence was allowed to the laughter of the audience to subside Hoofington finally worked up the nerve to speak.

“I assure I have done the necessary research on the topic.” He assured Jason. “And while it may not seem like that glaring loophole now... that could change in the future. If we allow this to stand then... well it’s a slippery slope and before long there might be a day where same sex couples can fully adopt a child on the spot with no background checks whatsoever.”

Even Jason, with his limited knowledge of this issue overall, felt the need to face palm himself.

“You do realize these kids aren’t fast food items right?” Jason asked waiting just amount of time where he was about to answer before cutting him off. “I mean these adoption agencies don’t have drive throughs ya know?”

“I am well aware of the intricacies of adoption agencies,” Hoofington maintained.

“Okay... having said that I want to try something with you,” Jason proposed with his guest looking ready to comply. “I’m going to ask you a series of questions. If at any point your the answer to one of these question is yes... say ‘yes’ so I don’t contine. Understand?”

“I understand.” Hoofington answered.

“Okay... are you adopted? Do you have an adopted child yourself.” Jason began with Hoofington remaining quiet. “Do you know anyone who is adopted? Do you know anyone who had adopted a pony child?”

Like before he remained silent which started to worry him.

“Have you ever donated to an adoption agency? Do you know the rates by which ponies in Equestria are adopted each year?” Jason continued yielding same results. “Have you ever been to an adoption agency--”

“Yes!” Hoofington exclaimed, eager to finally stop his list of questions.

“-- that wasn’t located in Canterlot.” Jason finished.

“Oh,” Hoofington said in dissapointed. “... Withdrawn.”

Purposely leaving the room in silence so the crowd could laugh without interrupting, Jason just started at his guest who looked like he was ready to leave at any moment but a contractual obligation kept him bound.

To show that he wasn’t done Jason pulled out his notes and began to scan it’s surface as he addressed his guest.

“So to recap... straight ponies don’t care about the adoption rule, gay ponies don’t care bout the adoption rule, adoption center ponies don’t care bout the adoption rule, other politicians and even Princess Celsetia don’t care bout the adoption rule.” Jason listed one by one. “The only one who seems to care... is you.”

“Well... historically speaking there have been a lot of social issues that only a few cared,” Hoofington pointed out. “But in time other came around to seeing the importance of said issue and everything turned out for the better. At the moment... perhaps I’m not speaking to the right ponies.”

Okay so that sounded pretty douchey. But you know what? Maybe he’s right? Maybe he just needed to present his ideals to another group of ponies more willing to listen. A group of ponies of neatrual status who’d be willing to offer their unbiased opinions and-- holy shit I have an idea.”

“You know what?” Jason began. “I think I know the perfect group of ponies who’d be willing to speak with you about this.”

With a look of intrigue across Huntington's face the scene transition seamlessly to both himself and Jason walking on screen in a new area and sitting in chairs next to each other. Before any of them could talk the camera changed positions to show that they were sitting in front of Bon Bon, Lyra, and Rainbow Dash who had stopped their petty arguing but still looked annoyed to be in the same room as each other.

Jason still felt a sense of unease since they were all glaring at him. Not out of spite but because they didn't want to look at each other. Which is why he wanted to do this as quickly as possible.

“Hello again girls. Thanks for agree to stay... I’d like to you to meet my friend Hoofington,” Jason in introduced with the stallion lifting a hoof. “This nice pony has volunteered to listen to each of your arguments and decided who is right and who is wrong.”

“Excuse me?” Hoogfington said.

“All yours buddy.” Jason said with a pat on his back. Marching his way behind the camera the correspondent opened the door to the outside work and closed the door behind him just in time to hear a torrent of yelling in his wake. Even outside he could clearly hear the barrage of voices directed at the pony politician, all eager to get their point across and come out as the victor.

The camera then showed Jason walking around the ever growing group of ponies clammering outside the house trying to see what was going on and strutted down the street as his overdub only slightly drowned out the sound of screaming.

”Well we may not have solved this case of discrimination but perhaps if this day has taught us anything is that we as a society can learn to live together in peace as we join together in common unison... in her hatred for politicians.” Jason’s voice said as the camera freeze framed on Hoofington trying and miserably failing to calm the three squawking ponies before him.

“Jason Jones everyone,” Jon announced. “We’ll be right back.”

The crowd cheered as Jon returned to his notes and took out his pen to pretend to write notes in the form of his furiously writing down nonsensical scribbles. The camera did it’s usual ascent into the sky, showing off how big the stage was and how many fans occupied it.

This view was short lived however by the Daily show logo zipping onto the center of the screen before properly flying away which, along with it, caused the screen to go black in preparation for another series of commercials before the third segment's interview.

Author's Note:

Years ago I stopped writing here, but never published a few stories that were being edited at the time. For the hell of it here they are.

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