• Published 24th Jul 2012
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The Daily Show presents: Equestrian Interviews - Daily Show Ponies

Jon Stewart interviews various MLP: FiM characters at the end of an episode of 'The Daily Show'

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Episode 18 [Lyra & Bon Bon]: Here it is your moment of zen

Jon had been to funerals before, both as a friend and as a relative, and every time there was always the same group of people. The ones crying their eyes out, that one guy who couldn't stay very long, and the ones who just stood and were silent except for when they needed to comfort others.

Silent reverence and internal pain were the emotions of choice for such occasions and although the return of the Great and Powerful Trixie to the Stewart household should have been cause for celebration, Jon couldn't help but notice the tell tale signs of a funeral. Him in a black suit, his wife silently off to the side trying to keep her composure, his children crying their eyes out and that one person who had to leave.

Only that one person was Trixie.

Pretty much the day Jon learned that Trixie was okay he rushed home to tell his wife the good news. She was as thrilled as he was and made plans to welcome their beloved Trixie back with everything set in place. Jon would make sure the kids were present for her return, her room would be furnished with everything from new clothes and furniture to a new television set and Tracey would prepare her a feast.

But before they could even the chance to preheat the oven or tell their kids Jon was sent a note from the hospital, only this time it was from Trixie herself. In it she revealed that she wasn’t coming back home and that she was to stay in Equestria.

Her reasoning being that for too long was she staying in the human world where she didn’t belong. Although she greatly appreciated taking her in she explained that they both knew this was only temporary and that by continuing to stay in Equestria she was living a life of unhealthy escapism as she had her own goals and agendas left unresolved when she fled to the human world. Jon tried to talk her out of it but she wouldn’t budge.

This is why it took so long for Jon to hear word of her recovery. After she was deemed healthy enough again to travel she struggled with the idea of the possibility of never seeing her family again. She was on the verge of dead and now found herself with a new lease on life but rather than returning to her new home she decided to say in her old one and spent several weeks wrestling with herself over the idea and whether it was the right choice.

In the end she knew what she had to do.

So it was on this day that the Stewart family gathered in the living room of their Manhattan suite, Jon and Tracey standing over Trixie who was being sandwiched on both sides by the teary eyed team of Jon’s kids Nathan and Maggie. Neither of them wanted her to go.

Even Celestia herself was ready and willing to give her a special pass, allowing her to continue living among the humans but Trixie declined. Not wanting to press such an emotional issue Celestia respectfully accepted the terms of her return to Equestria.

A pass allowing her to travel more easily to other towns, to teleport her on the main roading leading to her next destination, basic supplies (Which Celestia insisted on along with rations, a map, and a new cart), and more importantly... one last chance to say by to her family.

“We’ll... We’ll miss you Trixie!” Nathan said, choking on her tears. The sound of rain landing on the living room window providing a static sounding background noise.

“I’ll miss you too, Nate,” Trixie said, using her hoof to pat him on the back.

“Please don’t go!” Maggie begging in a whining voice that Trixie had never heard before which caused a tear to develop in her eye.

“I’m sorry, honey but... but I need to,” she said, her voice as aching as the kids to show that she was sad too. “It’s something that needs to be done... for myself.

“B-but why!” Nathan asked trying to hold back his emotions.

“I don’t... I... I don’t, I don’t want you to!” Maggie added her frantic question, escalating to full on crying. Desperately she latched on to Trixie, refusing to let go, shoving her face into Trixie’s furry shoulder.

“I know honey, I know,” Trixie said as she began to gently caress the top of her head, Maggie’s wailing muffled by her coat. “When you’re older you’ll understand.”

Jon wasn’t so sure about that since even he didn’t quite get it.

“Trixie... you... you know you don’t have to do this right?” Jon said in a defeated voice, as if nothing he said could change anything.

“I’m sorry Jon but... it’s not something I want to do,” Trixie said as Tracey kneeled down on one leg to grab both her children in an attempt to give Trixie some room to breathe. “It’s something I need to do.”

“But... I... I don’t want... I thought we’d...” Jon tried to say as he was now reminded of what he went through to get her back only to lose her again. “Trixie I... why?”

“Jon... words cannot describe how thankful I am to you and Tracey for taking me in,” Trixie began, turning her attention to the still whimpering children. “And kids... I’m happy you allowed me to be as much a part of your lives and you’ve been a part of mine... but the fact of the matter is the time I spent at Canterlot... unsure of whether or not I’d live got me thinking and I... I can’t keep running away from my life back in Equestria.”

Lunging forward the two children once again tried to embrace their friend only to have their mother hold both of them closer. Tracey was tempted to let them go but she knew that if she did it would be impossible to separate the two of them.

“Remember when you first had me on your show? Remember what I said during that day that seemed like so long ago,” Trixie asked Jon who stayed silent. “There still so much I need to do back home and there are still ponies I need to find... my entire life looking for loved ones only to find them here in a family I thought I could never have... and for a while I thought that was enough... but... it isn’t.”

As much as he pained him to hear this Jon understood. Since the day he took her in he always held the notion in the back of his mind that she would one day return home but now that it was actually happening he had a hard time accepting it. He never knew how much he’d end up loving her like she was his own child.

“Believe me... nothing would make me happier than to stay here with you guys,” Trixie continued. “But I--”

“Then why don’t you?” Jon asked taking a step forward and down on one knee to get at almost eye level. “You could stay here with us... for as long as you want.”

“Yeah!” Nathan added. “Please don’t leave us.”

“Please... please don’t go away!” Maggie said as she rubbed her tiny hands over her eyes.

“Jon you know I can’t do that... I can’t keep running away from my demons,” Trixie explained. “There was a reason I went on your show to broadcast myself to all of Equestria and there’s a reason why I wander from city to city... and as long as I stay here I’ll never have that closure... and don’t worry kids I’ll come to visit some day but for now... I... I need some time for myself.”

Believing that no amount of argument would work at the moment Jon defaulted on natural instinct and leaned in to give Trixie a huge and a kiss on the forehead. Sensing that now was the right time Tracey and the kids joined him for a group hug with Jon making sure that when he let go she’d have room to walk away.

“I’ll miss you Trixie,” Jon whispered. “You were like the daughter I never had.” Usually his joke would have gotten Maggie to protest her annoyance with her father but in this case she just continued to hug her soon to be departed best friend.

“I know Jon, I know,” Trixie said as the family backed away. “I’ll never forget you.”

There was a shift in atmosphere as Trixie’s horn picked up a magical draft entered the room. She was the only one who could sense it but soon everyone would too when Jon’s phone went off. Even Tracey knew what this particular ring tone was for which meant she also knew what was coming next.

Reaching into his pocket Jon answered it without checking on who it was.

“Hello... yeah... yeah... uh huh... yes, I understand,” Jon said to whoever was on the other line before hanging up. “Celestia is ready.”

“Trixie!” Nathan winned as he took a step forward only to be stopped by Jon placing a firm grasp on his shoulder.

“I’ll never forget you guys!” Trixie said as she turned her back, feeling the approaching magic now swarming unseen around her in a faster pace. “And don’t worry I’ll be back to visit someday!”

“We love you, Trixie!” Maggie yelled past her bouts of weeping.

“I love you guys too,” Trixie said as tears streamed down your face.

“You... you sure you’ll be alright without us!?” Jon called.

“Of course I’m sure,” Trixie said in a confident sounding tone to put him at ease. “After all... I am the great... and powerfu--”

Before she knew it a bright light erupted so fast and so blindingly that at first she thought it was from a bolt of lighting courtesy of the stagnant New York weather. But when she regained her sense of sight she realized that this was not the case, for her present location was anything but the big apple.

Instead of concrete sidewalks she saw dirt roads, instead of the sound of traffic she heard birds chirping and the scurrying of tiny animals up trees or in bushes. And of course instead of the cozy Stewart home she found herself in some kind of forest’s edge where no civilization could be seen for miles.

Her senses took an extra second to adjust as she struggled to maintain the transition period, she’d been away from her natural element for so long she almost forgot was it was like to teleport in such a strenuous manner. Even though she knew she was no longer in her human home she desperately turned around to see if perhaps her surrogate family was somehow still behind her.

Sadly this was not the case. When she spun around she wasn’t greeted by her family but rather a large wooden wagon that looked exactly the same as the one she previously owned almost as if it was the same one, but Trixie could tell it was different.

For starters her own self pushing wagon was somewhat small in scale to the point where she was nervous that a harsh wind could topple it since she built it herself. This new one however was much larger and looked to have been build from only the sturdiest wood, crafted by professionals.

It had the same color scheme and insignia painted on a hanging sign as her previous mode of transportation but this new model was obviously made as a gift upon her return. Curious, she approached it to slide her hoof against its surface to find that the wood in which it was made up of had been sanded down and varnished to the point where splinters would be impossible to obtain.

The paint work was made of a special property that wouldn't wash off so easily and despite it looking brand new there was evidence that it had been used before, presumably for test runs to make sure it was safe to drive. Everything about this was top of the line and made to ensure that Trixie was satisfied. Hopping onto the front step she opened the door to the main cargo hold to find that the interior was just as improved as the exterior.

With a much larger volume she could now see that there was a bed, refrigerator, drawer, and many other useful appliances needed for on-the-road travel. In addition there was a work bench which had multiple maps of Equestria, celestial tools like a compass and sextant if she got lost, and a box filled with candles to read them all.

Trixie remembered a time where if she wanted even one of these things she’d have to go without eating for a few days but now she was blessed with all the maps she wanted and a fully stocked fridge to keep her from going hungry. All of this was no doubt the work of Celestia who wanted to welcome her back properly but even with all of this she still felt an emptiness in her heart.

She made a firm decision that this was the right call but despite her need to do so she was still heartbroken about it. Grabbing one of the maps she swung it around like it was baseball bat, imagining that she was outside playing catch with Maggie and Nathan. She hated to see them so sad right before leaving.

With a sigh she walked over to the far end of the wagon to look out the back window to see if anypony was outside. Using the fridge as leverage she hoisted herself up to take a peak only to discover that there was not.

Turning her head to the side she made plans to leap onto her bed where she would lay for several minutes to think of her next move. But before she could she realized that there was something laying on her new mattress that was too small to notice earlier. Working her way over she realized it was her costume neatly pressed and folded waiting for her, cape, hat, and all. But atop of that was also a picture half in and half out of a frame of the same size, as if beckoning her to load it in or take it out.

Using her magic she brought the picture closer to her face. Her heart skipped as she realized that she was now looking at was a group photo of the entire family that they took right around the time she first moved in with them. She could tell it was when she first arrived cause Trixie didn't look entirely pleased to be there. But it was just an act; she loved being with the Stewarts since day one.

Holding back her tears she flipped it open to find that there was writing on the back that wasn’t there previously. At first sight she saw two pairs of notes, two well written paragraphs and two sloppily written lines with misspelled words and occasional backwards letters.

From this Trixie gathered that Jon, Tracey and their two kids wrote last minute farewell messages. The first two she read were from the kids which were simple in nature.

“Bye Bye Trixie, I love you and I hope to see you again very very very soon!”

“I am sad that you are going to leave but if you promise to be happy then I will be happy too.”

Trixie’s eye’s began to distort from tears as she moved on to the one she correctly assumed to be Tracey.

“Trixie you have my full support in whatever you do. I can’t say I’m happy about you leaving but I know you have your own objectives that still need to be taken care of and it would be selfish of me to stand in your way. I know our relationship got off to a rocky start and while I didn’t approve of your staying with us at first I now realize you were more than just a talking pony who needed a place to stay; you were a loving person, a dependable family member, and a good friend. My heart goes out to you and may God bless you. - Tracey.”

Her words were so moving that Trixie had to sit down on her bed and curl up as heart experiences a mixture of sadness for leaving and joy that they still loved her. It was only when she starting to read Jon’s message that she was forced to get back up.

Much like Jon himself his last words were simple yet touching.

“Trixie, I love you. I love you as if you were my own flesh and blood daugher and I hope you will always think of me as a father figure. Be safe and know that whenever I do an interview with a pony and I whisper in their ear at the end, that’s me telling them to to say ‘Hi’ for me if they ever see you. I will always love you and nothing in this world or yours will ever change that. - Jon Stewart.

PS: Look in the fridge.”

Quickly Trixie set aside her picture, least more tears would fall on it’s surface, and did as the note commanded by quickly rushing over to the fridge to open in quickly, as if it was a portal back to their home.

What she saw was the usual milk, eggs, fruits and vegetables needed for a balanced diet; and even a few cans of high grade pony chow. But on the very top shelf was a section cleared off for a single dish, a glass container which had loose pieces of properly cooked and seasoned meat.

It was saran wrapped with a little note at the top:

“I had Tracey make your favorite, stuffed chicken breasts with mushrooms”

With a gentle smile Trixie took the pre cooked meal and made plans to have some before heading off to the next town.

“I love you too, Jon.” Trixie said under her breath but knew that Jon could hear her. “I love you too.”

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