• Published 24th Jul 2012
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The Daily Show presents: Equestrian Interviews - Daily Show Ponies

Jon Stewart interviews various MLP: FiM characters at the end of an episode of 'The Daily Show'

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Episode 13 [Fancy Pants]: Welcome to Equestria Ms. McShane

Jon could hear the phone ringing from the other end and never before had Jon hoped that the person he was trying to contact would answer. He was nervous that perhaps what he would request would fall on deaf ears even though history had shown that the person he was calling was very reliable.

A voice did eventually answer and as it did Jon gave a signal to Trixie to not make a noise.

"Hello again Jon," Princess Celestia said sounding surprised to hear from him. "My, I would think you'd be spending time with your family right now. Don't you have a few days still left on your one week vacation?"

Even Celestia's soothing voice did little to help Jon's nervous disposition.

"Yeah uh, hi to you too," Jon said sounding anxious. "And yeah I am buuut I'm calling because I have a request I'd like to submit to you, your Highness." His vain attempt at flattering her was all too noticeable.

"Oh please Jon, don't be so formal," she said with a chuckle. "If you need my help with something all you need to do is ask...Is this about your next guest?"

"Actually no, this time it has nothing to do with work," Jon answered. "I'm calling you today on a more...personal issue, an issue that I desperately need your help with."

"Goodness...well, I understand and am willing to do whatever I can to help," Celestia said reassuringly. "Now then... what is it you'd like to request of me?" Jon thought about how to phrase his next question; he wanted to be sure that it didn't come off as too demanding, this was his last hope to save the night.

"Well before I ask you...uh...remember how you told me I was the first human ever to set foot in Equestria?" Jon asked as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Yes I most certainly do." Celestia answered. Before continuing Jon looked over at Trixie who was gently motioning for him to go for it.

"Well if it's alright with you I'd like to add another person to that list." He said. At first there was silence followed by a confused response.

"Excuse me?" Celestia said.

"You see It's like this...I had plans to go out for dinner tonight but all the good places are backed up for months." Jon explained.

"And you want to bring a guest over to Equestria in the hopes of continuing your dinner plans?" Celestia surmised

"Yeah that's just about the size of it." He said.

"Jon...you know how I feel about beings from other worlds coming to Equestria." She said in a serious tone that got Jon feeling less confident about his plan. When they first met one of the only guidelines she set for making deals with Jon was that while he could come to Equestria whenever he pleased he was not allowed to bring anyone with him.

She had nothing against humans but from what she understood the human race had a nasty little habit of invading new territory whenever they had the chance. But she trusted Jon...she could sense the purity of his heart. Which meant that her rejection of his request would be all the more difficult to do.

"I'm terribly sorry," Celestia continued, "But I'm afraid I'm going to have to say--"

"Wait! Before you say anything let me just say that if you did do this for me I'd do anything to make it up to you!" He interrupted. "It's just...I promised Tracey we'd go out tonight and I'd really hate to--"

"Wait! Tracey!?" She exclaimed. "The person you want to bring over here is your wife?"

"Oh uh, yes, yes it is," he answered. "We're planning a date night."

"Goodness Jon why didn't you say so sooner!" She exclaimed in an excited tone. "It would be an absolute delight to have Tracey as our esteemed guest for the evening."

"Wow really!" Jon said as a new wave of hope filled his being.

"Of course!" She said. "I'll make the necessary arrangements at a local Canterlot establishment; all you need to do is show up and I'll handle the rest."

"That's great! You’re the best Celestia!" He said. "How can I ever make this up to you?"

"Weeell," She said in a sly voice. "I do believe you said you'd do anything if I granted you this favor."

"Yes...I did say that." Jon said sounding concerned.

"Well I'm going to take you up on that offer." She said.

"And...what is it that you want me to do?" He asked.

"You'll see." Celestia chimed. "In the mean time I'll make reservations for two at a local Chateau called 'the Alimentaire Cheval,' call me again when you're ready to head out and I'll transport you safety to your desired location."

"Alright...and again I can't thank you enough." Jon said. "I'll call you soon, I just need to tell Tracey about the slight change in plans."

The sound of Celestia ending the phone call caused Jon to sigh a deep sigh. Relieved that he got this far Jon stood up and did a victory arm thrust.

"Sounds like it went better than expected." Trixie commented.

"No kidding...but now here comes the hard part" Jon said. "Convincing Celestia to let us go is one thing...but now I just have to convince--"

Before he could finish the door to his study slowly opened, giving a very loud creaking noise in the process. On the other end was Tracey who, as Trixie so accurately described, looked beautiful.

"Tracey." He said as he finally hung up the phone.

"Jon honey, is everything alright?" She said as she passed the threshold. "You've been up here for quite some time."

"Oh no nothing's wrong," he said. "I uh...I was just preparing for our date is all."

"That's great," She said with a smile. "Did you get us a reservation?" Jon looked over at Trixie who laughed slightly and made her way to the door.

"I'll leave this to you Stewart," Trixie said. "If you two love birds need me I'll be downstairs."

Watching her leave Trixie noticed a whimsical look about her which contrasted neatly with with Jon's nervous face.

"Honey what's going on?" She said turning to Jon.

"Nothing's wrong sweety," He insisted. "As a matter of fact everything is better than expected. I just got off the phone with a friend who can set us up with a table for two at a really high end joint."

Tracey was somewhat skeptical of Jon's claims since she could tell when he was lying, or in this case not telling the entire story. But his claims that the evening was still going to happen made her forget all that.

"Really?" She said sounding surprised.

"Of course baby," Jon continued. "It's called the...uh, the 'Alimentaire Cheval.'"

"Hmmm...can't say I've ever heard of it." She said rubbing her chin. "Is it any good?"

"Oh yeah," He said in an unsure tone. "...it's out of this world."


The night had barely started and already Jon was held up in his study a lot longer than he had anticipated. At first it was because he was trying to get Celestia let him bring his wife over for dinner and now it was time spent trying to get her to actually go through with it. Despite her willingness to go out on the town she thought the furthest they'd travel was the upper west side, not to a completely other universe.

It took some time but he finally managed to convince her to go. He had some help in the form of Trixie assuring that the restaurant in question was most excellent and in a very safe neighborhood; a lie in itself since she had never been but that didn't stop her from helping Jon out.

The three of them were now back in the living room where Jon was saying his temporary farewells to his kids.

"Alright you two; mommy and daddy are going to be gone for a little bit," He said but not before giving them each a kiss on the forehead. "Now while we're away you two be good and do whatever Aunt Trixie says, ok?"

The two children agreed and with that Jon was ready to head out. Tracey however was far from ready, they hadn't even left the house yet and already she was worried. Not about herself but for her kids.

Jon turned around to see his wife talking with Trixie like a highway patrolman who'd just pulled over a drunk driver. She may have regarded this night on out with Jon as mana from heaven but she was still uneasy about leaving her children behind while she was in some other world.

"...Also remember the kids shouldn't be up past ten...actually if you can put them to bed now...no wait they haven't had dinner yet...ok after dinner put them to bed but remember to read them a bed time story first," Tracey said, her words frantic with a hint of authority. "Also remember Nathan gets his allergies from his father so nothing with peanuts in them...oh, and Maggie's stuffed bear is in the dryer right now so if she wants it make sure to wait till it's--"

"Honey it's fine!" Jon said cutting her off midway through her instruction. "Trixie's got everything under control...don't you oh Great one?"

"Indeed I do, you needn't worry about a thing Tracey. Your kids are in good hooves with me" Trixie said. "Now then...out of curiosity does your insurance provider cover accidental magic discharges?" Trixie's harmless joke didn't go over very well with Tracey who just looked horrified. Before she could comment Jon was quick on the damage control.

"Honey she was just kidding," he assured her, as he tugged her inch by inch towards the stairs. "Now come on the Princess is waiting for our confirmation."

"I...well al-alright then I..," She said, before moving she gave her kids one last hug then proceeded head upstairs. "...I suppose we should head out now before I change my mind."

Although Jon was anxious to spend some time with Tracey he also wanted to get a move on because he was looking forward to being back in Equestria. For all the faults and for all the bad experiences he's had thus far he always enjoyed the occasional visit. It was the right balance of peaceful and exciting which made him come back time after time.

Whenever someone asked him what the pony world was like he would say something along the lines of: Equestria is place of such overwhelming diversity and kindness you could sneeze in public and get around ten different variations of the phrase "Bless you."

And now he had the chance to share that same feeling with his wife, so he wanted to leave as soon as possible. Tracey on the other hand was not too eager. She was on the verge of heading up the stairs when her maternal instincts got the better of her. She was barely up three steps when she rushed back over to Trixie.

"Ok just one more thing!" She said which only made Jon more impatient. "The emergency numbers are on the fridge...if you need helping dialing the numbers then ask Nathan for help...also my cellphone number is up there to so if for whatever reason you need to get a hold of me you know what to do...also Maggie will probably say she's old enough to drink some soda but I don't want her to be bouncing off the--"

"Trace we need to go!" Jon urged from the bottom of the staircase. "What's the big deal you've let Trixie watch over the kids before?"

"Yes but I was always at least a room way." She said.

"Well it's either this or we go to McDonalds." Jon joked. It didn't help.

"Jon this is serious," She said. "They're my babies and I just feel like I need to--"

"Tracey, Tracey, you have nothing to be worried about." Trixie said as she placed a single hoof over her mouth. "I assure you I will have full control over the situation while you are away."

"...Are you sure?" Tracey asked in a hush tone.

"Of course I am. Observe." Trixie said in a confident tone. To demonstrate her literal control of the kids Tracey faced them and began to bark orders. "Nathan, Maggie...sit!"

Like obedient dogs the two children sat down quickly.

"Nathan, Maggie...roll over." She said, getting her desired results yet again. She turned to Tracey feeling proud of the level of authority she had over them. It didn't help however since both Tracey and Jon looked shocked at the sight of their kids being ordered around like house pets.

Tracey was about to say something when she sighed a sigh of defeat and calmly dragged herself up the stairs and past Jon.

"Before you change your mind?" Jon asked.

"Before I change my mind." She answered back. Both of them eventually disappeared behind the door to Jon's study as their kids waved and yelled goodbye.

The two of them were now alone in the room where Jon did most of his work. This was his home away from home so to speak, so Tracey couldn't help but feel slightly out of place.

"So...how does this usually go down?" She asked. Jon answered as he walked over to his desk phone.

"It's simple really," he answered while dialing a number. "All I have to do is call Celestia and tell her we're ready...she'll then use her magic to transport us to her world and from there she does all the work."

Tracey had so many questions but she decided to wait till after they arrived in Equestria. As Jon briefly had a back and forth with someone over the phone she occupied herself by looking around the room. She motioned to a chair in the corner that was holding up a scruffy looking grey trench coat.

"I must’ve told you a hundred times to throw away that ugly thing." She criticized as Jon got off the phone.

"Alright it's all set," he said. "Now all we do is wait. Oh, make sure to close your eyes though...the light might blind you."

"O-ok." She said, now feeling nervous. "Anything else I should know."

"Uh yeah the princess...well she's not exactly like other ponies," he answered. "You'll see what I mean." Sensing her nervousness Jon walked up to his wife and wrapped his arms around her now trembling body.

"Hey, hey don't worry, everything's fine." He assured her as he pressed her head against his chest.

"I swear if something happens to the kids while we're away you're dead." She threatened.

"Duly noted." Jon quipped. A few moments passed with seemingly nothing happening which gave Tracey time to let her mind wander...which only served to stress her out even more about this whole idea.

"Wait!" She shouted. "I need to go tell her one more thing!" Tearing herself away from Jon's embrace she rushed towards the door that lead to the hallway. She stopped halfway once she realized that the door was no longer there, in fact there was nothing before her but a seemingly endless hall of sterile floors and ivory pillars.

The sound of her heels against the pearl floors echoed all around her, causing all of her senses to overflow with new information. Within the blink of an eye she was no longer in Jon's study but some kind of grand throne room surrounded by stained glass windows and golden ornaments on display.

"What...in the world?" She said as she didn't know whether to be amazed or terrified. The sound of someone clearing their throat behind her got her attention. She spun around to see her husband standing side by side with what she could only described as some kind of mythical beast with wings, a horn, and free flowing hair of many colors.

"Tracey." Jon said. "This is the Princess I was telling you about." The creature that Jon was intruding was huge compared to Trixie. She wasn't taller than Jon but her size and horn gave the appearance that she was. As a veterinarian technician she'd seen horses before but none even came close to this.

The almost divine looking animal took a few steps forward to the terrified human and presented her hoof.

"Welcome to Equestria Ms. McShane." It said with a large smile. "A pleasure to finally meet your acquaintance."

"Oh...my...god." Tracey said as she hesitatingly grabbed her hoof.

"Please dear, call me 'Celestia.'" It said with a giggle.

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