• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 11,632 Views, 382 Comments

The Daily Show presents: Equestrian Interviews - Daily Show Ponies

Jon Stewart interviews various MLP: FiM characters at the end of an episode of 'The Daily Show'

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Jessica Williams 3 (Rough Draft)

Staffs at the Daily show, Jon himself included, likes to tally up a list of Daily Show first. A little collection of events that they held as benchmarks for the great achievements they’ve manage to obtain over the years.

Some such accomplishments included the first time a they won an emmy, the first time they had a US president on as a guest and indeed the first time they had someone from Equestria on their show. Spike himself breaking multiple first as: First to appear on Equestrian Interviews, first non-pony on the show, and first male in a sea of girly ponies.

But it was on this stallment of the Daily show that another first was about to occur at the hands of Jessica Williams. Jessica herself marking the first black female correspondent in the shows history. In this episode she was to show her final report in her three day segment in Equestira.

This was the first time a correspondent had spent more than a day in Equestria for a story and so far Jon loved every moment of it. He himself, whenever he visited for business, only ever spent, at most, a couple of days in any given city or town. But jessica had literally been all over the map to do this story for what felt like even longer when considering the astronomical differences of the two worlds.

Since Jon was in charge he always saw each story before it was aired. But as stock footage ended and the cameras zoomed in on him he reflected on just how much he was excited for the segment to begin. Like a really good movie he was eager to watch it again.

“Hello everybody and welcome back to the Daily Show!” Jon announced over his audience who quickly quieted down. “For the past few days our own... Jessica Williams has spent the majority of her time in various Equestrian Kingdoms where she filled this report on her third and final day.”

The sound of crowd cheering was almost as loud as the opening sequence that showed edited clips of Jessica conducting interviews and traveling around Equestria from previous installments of her story. Once the montage ended the crowd slowly began to silence themselves in preparation since she was now officially monologuing her report.

”Today was my final day in Equestria and I was determined to make it count!” Jessica’s overdub said as it showed her standing just outside the of Ponyville looking towards it. “In the time that I’ve been here I’ve learned that, while the average pony is very intellectually up to date on public figures and events, the same could not be said about their knowledge of the Mane 6

Towards the end of his explaining the footage strategically changed to only show clips of Twilight and her friends doing battle with various monsters. These actions shots eventually distilled to a single clip at the end depicting them using the elements of harmony to cast forth a beam of rainbowed energy into the direction of the camera. As if those watching were the ones getting hit. This also served as a transition to show Jessica now sitting in a chair located inside Canterlot Castle back in front of Celestia.

“It’s crazy that no one here knows about the Mane 6!” Jessica commented. “I mean everyone here knows who you are and you barely do anything.”

The crowd laughed at Jessica’s blunt accusation as well as Celestia’s now shocked expression of not knowing how to respond. The camera sat and focused on her inability to say anything before changing to show clips of Twilight and her friends on some of their adventures, alternating between them either running around or talking to each other in rapid succession.

“I was determined to fix this problem by bringing as much exposure to these six protectors as I could,” Jessica said while her on screen self walked down a random hallways side by side with an elderly grey and purple unicorn, before the scene moved to the two of them sitting across from each other in an empty room somewhere in the Castle. “And to help me I got to sit down with the Castle’s own record keeper and former professor of Equestrian history, Pine Scent.”

“So this is where I’m at right now... I’ve spent the past two days doing this story and I swear every pony I’ve met knows everything about everyone except for when it comes to who owns the elements of Harmony.” Jessica explained with her guest nodding in agreement. “And I’ve been trying to get ponies to recognize but they aint havin it! So has a historian and record keeper tell me what I’m doing wrong? Why does no one seem to know who these girls are?”

“Well there are many factors to consider when dealing with something as intricate as public figures.” Pines responded.

“Like what?” Jessica asked which made her guest have to stop and think for a brief second.

“Well for example... yes, Twilight and her friends have helped us out of numerous occasions... but what you need to understand is that when they were given the divine powers of the elements they were just ordinary mares,” she explained. “When Celestia used the elements 1000 years ago--”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa hang on a second... 1000 years ago!?” Jessica echoed. “Celestia is over a 1000 years old?”

“Um... y-yes, yes she is,” Pines answered, sounding rather confused that she didn’t know this. Of course she did but she had a bit she wanted to try out. “Celestia has been a round of multiple millilumens. Which actually brings up a good point as to why ponies know who Celestia is but not the Mane 6. Because Celestia has been around much longer obviously and as such has garnered more of a presence and with our record keeping it’s quite easy to--”

“Damn 1000 years!?” Jessica interrupted, still fixed on the number. “Fuck... and I thought MY boss was old.”

The record keeping pony just looked at the camera as if asking silently what she should say in a situation like this. Jessica noticed this and decided to try something.

“Excuse me a moment will you?” She asked.

Without waking for a response she got up and walked out of the room. The next scene showed her slowly easing her way back down in front of Celetia like she was approaching a wild animal and didn’t want to scare it. There was a slightly moment of silence before she finally spoke up.

“You didn’t tell me you were over 1000 years old,” Jessica finally said.

“Oh, well... I was certain that you knew,” Celestia responded, not quite yet picking up that this was a joke. “In fact because of my age--”

“MY. NAME. JESSICA. JESS. I. CA. I. AM. INTERVIEWING. YOU. FOR. THE. DAILY. SHOW.” Jessica yelled so loudly some nearby guards stuck their heads through the archway to make sure everything was alright. “DO. YOU. REMEMBER. WHY. I’M. HERE?”

“Jessica honey I’m old but I’m not senile.” Celestia stated. “Also I can hear you just fi--”

“DO. YOU. REMEMBER. WHY. I’M. HERE!?” Jessica repeated in an even louder voice which made the guest flinch at the reverberating echo that followed.

“Yes, I’m being intervetered for the show.” Celestia answered, determined to remain using her inside voice. “There’s no need to yell; I know why you’re here.”

“YES. YES. YOU. DO... BECUASE. I. JUST. TOLD. YOU!” Jessica continued before reaching into her pocket to pull out her iphone. “THIS. IS. A CELL. PHONE. YOU. PROBABLY. DON’T. KNOW. WHAT. THIS. IS. BECUASE. YOUR. SO. OLD...”

The scene went somewhat muted to give the audience a chance to laugh as well as give Jessica an opportunity to have her overdub voice.

”Damn no wonder she couldn't help me before! She probably has alzheimer's!” Jessica said as her on screen self continued yelling at Celestia. “But anyway back to business!”

The scene with continued up until the next transition which showed Jessica back at the room where she had left Pines all alone.

“Sorry bout that,” Jessica apologized. “Now then... you were saying.”

It took a second for her to remember but soon she recalled her last point.

“Ah yes, um... as I was trying to say is... uh, what you need to consider, and what I’m trying to say here is, is that saving the world isn’t the only thing the Mane 6 do.” She recalled. “They’ve only have ever done that on a small number of times. But mostly they’ve enjoyed a peaceful existence ”

“I think I know what you’re getting at here.” Jessica responded right before the camera shifted to the side for a transition shot.

When the next establishing shot arrived it depicted Jessica back at Twilight library with the Mane 6 still present.

“So I’ve been talking to this lady up in Canterlot and she seems to think that the reason no one knows who you are is because you guys don’t save the world enough,” Jessica explained to the confused looked group of mares. “So get to it! Get your flanks out there and start saving the world! Earn that fame!”

Most of the ponies just stared at her while a select few just starting looking around the room but ultimately back at her. Overall however no one moved except for Rarity raising her hoof to attention.

“Darling, I admire your trying to... help us... truly I do,” Rarity began. “But honestly theres is no need for us to do any world saving business at present. As you can see, at least for now, our world is at peace.”

“I agree with Rarity. Trust us if there was another attack going on like with Terik we wouldn't be here” Twilight added, her response earning her a sharp look from Jessica.. “And now since he’s back in Tartarus we can all relax and enjoy this moment of peace.”

“Weeeell... at least for another six months when the next major tragedy occurs.” Pinkie Pie added which made her friends all lean back to glare at her with varying confused looks. “What!? Haven't you girls noticed how stuff like this happens almost regularly!?”

There was a moment of silence that was only broken by the sound of chairs squeaking at her friends gave up and readjusted themselves to looking forward at their interviewer who was already in the midst of a new idea.

“Okay, okay, okay new plan!” Jessica began. “If there’s no dangers going around then I’ll just make one and then you guys can fix it.” Her plan was met with worried looks at how serious she sounded.

“Um... excuse me?” Fluttershy spoke up. “Isn’t that... um... unethical?”

“You just leave that to me. All you need to worry about is fighting against the forces of the invading kingdom.” Jessica responded.

“What invading kingdom?” Applejack asked.

“The one I’ll have Celestia wage war against,” she answered which only made those same worried faces look more frightened. Jessica noticed this and promptly got eh wrong idea. “Hey don’t worry I’ll make it happen! I’m an American after all and if there’s anything we’re good at is causing waring conflicts in other countries and letting other clean up our messes.”

While the crowd laughed the camera quickly switched over to show Jessica once again sitting in front of Celestia.

“I’m sorry Jessica but even if it is for the sake of your show I won’t wage war against the Souther griffin tribe.” Celesia explained before the camera swung back around to show the correspondent sitting back in front of the the Mane 6 looking dejected.

“Okay... that didn't work.” Jessica sighed as she showed her declaration of war with a big red rejected stamp across it. “Sorry guys.”

”It was time for a new approach.”

“What if there’s no conflicts for them to resolve ” Jessica asked, now back to sitting in front of Pine Scent. “What else can I do?” There was a slight pause to allow some laughter from the audience at her continued attempts.

“Well... in a way... ponies don’t recognize them as the Elements of Harmony because, like I’ve said they’re fairly new at this,” she reminded. “They they don’t portray themselves as such every waking moment. If they did I’m sure more ponies would be aware. But even when they are saving us from certain doom they don’t take it for granted. They don’t flaunt their gifts or try to use their achievements to their advantage. So in a way they’re humble enough that they don’t like to remind others of what they’ve done.”

“So what you’re saying is.... this just a matter of marketing.” Jessica responded in a now a I see sort of tone.

“Uh, n-no that wasn’t exactly what I was--” Pines tried to say before Jessica scurried off to her right only to reappear in front of the Mane Six again via well done editing of the footage.

This time however she was carrying with her a large cardboard box which was overflowing with hats, scarfs, and other random assortment of accessories which made it obvious that it held costumes. The Mane 6 looked at it slightly nervously; with Rarity looking particularly gauled at how tacky it all looked.

“Alright, new idea!” Jessica began, “since there aint nothing going around worth saving I’m going to help you with your image!”

“Darling please!” Rarity said with a flip of her hair. “I think when it comes to... image some of us don’t need any help.”

“That right there! No one is going to take you seriously if you act like that! Which is why I’m going to help you with a little rebranding!” Jessica announced. “First off; drop the girly names. If you want people to remember you y’all need some more intimidating names.”

Each friend could only look at each other as Jessica pulled out a piece of paper and pointed to each corresponding pony.

“Rainbow Dash, you are now Painbow Smash! Twilight Sparkle... yeah hell no, your new name is Midnight Flash.” She began. “Applejack, your now Cocoa Puffs. Pinkie Pie is now called Power Pie... Rarity your new name is Ultrarareity. And Fluttershy I’ve already legally changed your name to Murder McKills-a-lot.”

“Goodness! That sounds so... so violent!” Murder McKills-a-lot commented.

“Exactly! It’s the kind of names that strikes fear into the hearts of your enemies!” Jessica countered.

“B-but I don’t have any enemies!” the scared pony countered.

“Well you do know?” Jessica said as he used her thumb to point over her shoulder, causing the camera to pan out slightly to show several pony thugs with weapons standing right behind her. Their grunts and growing could still be heard as the camera change positions to show a reaction shot of the six friends staring with uncertainty, or in Fluttershy’s case fear.

Finally it was Rainbow Dash who broke the silence.

“Also... what’s in that box you got there?” She asked.

“I’m glad you asked!” Jessica exclaimed. “Part of your reboot is proper costumes.”

“Costumes?” Applejack echoed with a look of disdain on her face at the concept.

“Yep! And I’ve based each of your uniforms on one of the guardians of the human world,” Jessica explained as got up to approach them. “So after this there won’t be a pony alive who won’t recognize you.”

The crowds light laughter was almost timed perfectly to to the cheesy screen transition that saw Jessica now sitting back down in the same spot in the same location only this time the box was no where to be seen. The interviewer was instead admiring her handiwork from off screen- nodding to herself pridefully for a job well done.

“Now this is what I’m talking about!” Jessica said. The camera panned to an over the shoulder shot for a view of the Mane 6 which almost immediately resulted in the audience laughing once more.

This time around the mane 6 each decked out in what can only be derived as children’s halloween costumes judging by the size and material used for clothing and masks. But what really had the audience in a continued frenzy was that each pony was now dressed a different marvel character.

Twilight being the leader was dressed as captain America. Her intelligence and tendency to be out of touch only served to sell the character. The entire time had to use her magic to hold up the accompanying shield that was comically almost bigger than herself.

Because of her blonde hair Applejack was given the role of Thor. This, and the fact that Jessica thought it would be funny to have the magicless earth pony carry mjolnir constantly in her mouth, made her a very convincing Norse god.

Pinkie Pie may have lacked the intelligence and wealth needed to properly portray Iron man but her wild nature and tendency to do whatever she wanted made her perfect. Her helmet covered her entire face but it was easy to tell it was here from her poofy hair jutting out of each opening.

There are some marvel, and indeed superheroes in general, who possess the power of Speed. Heroes that would be an apt comparison for Rainbow Dash. But for her she was covered head to hoof in a Spiderman costume complete with stringers on her wrists for makeshift webs. Spiderman may not be able to fly but his anarchic sense of humor and constant sarcasm played well with Rainbow Dash’s personality.

Rarity would have made a great Black Widow with her excellent use of CQC and womanly appeal, but Jessica instead turned her into a prissy version of Wolverine. Because she wanted an excuse to mess with her mane by making them stick out on each side. Which she couldn't fix because of the claws on her front hoofs.

And Fluttershy was hulk. Because calm and collected one minute to a raging beast in another was her in a nutshell. Her costume consisted only of having a oversized (Even by children’s toy standards) hulk fist on each of her hoofs. Everytime she took a step the fist would say “hulk smash.”

“Now whos ready to fight crime and get noticed!” Jessica asked, with no one saying anything for a few seconds.

“I can’t see anything.” Rainbow Dash from mumbled under her mask.

“Perfect! Okay step 3!” Jessica continued, now looking at her list. “Ya’ll need a new headquarters cause this place just ain't cutting it!”

In a show of disgust Jessica motioned around the room, occasionally scowling at an object. Each pony but Rainbow Dash followed her han movements.

“I mean come one... a tree house? What are you guys like five!?” she continued. “Every other super hero’s got a kickass home base! Superman’s got his Fortress of solitude, Batman’s got the Batcave, Aquaman’s probably got some underwater cave he lives in.”

“Wouldn’t he live in the mythical city of Atlantis?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah sure whatever. Point is you guys need to step up your game! Jessica reiterated. “I mean how the hell does a Princess not live in a Castle?”

In response to this each friend glanced over at each other. Some with either worried or surprised looks on their faces. Eventually it was Twilight who spoke up, after using her magic to place her vibranium shield away.

“Actually... this, technically isn’t my home anymore.” Twilight stated.

“What?” Jessica responded.

“I mean yes I used to live here but this library tree house is actually a perfect recreation of my old house...” Twilight continued. “...which was severel damaged not too long ago.”

“Then... where do you live now?” Jessica asked. Only stead of an answer there was another scene transition to an entirely new location, which was done strategically to that Jessica was still depicted sitting down but everything else had changed. “Now this is more like it!”

The new interior was much more grandiose than the previous shot with crystal walls, arching banisters, flowing tapestry surrounding a round chamber with seven thrones facing the center. It was only when the camera panned backward and out a window did the viewers finally see that Jessica now found herself inside a Castle embedded in a crystallized tree-like structure.

Each pony was depicted sitting in their corresponding thrown when the camera came back onto a sweeping shot of them all. All except for Fluttershy, she was left standing since Jessica was occupying her seat.

“This place is great!” Jessica continued. “How much did it cost to get this place built?”

“I guess y’all could say it was given to us for free.” Applejack shrugged.

“It was given to us by the elemental tree after we opened that mystery box thingy from way back when Discords roots attacked us.” Rainbow Dash added.

“For real!? All of this was free!” Jessica exclaimed. “Man you guys are lucky!”

“Indeed... and all it took was the defeat of Tirek and the almost completely destruction of our entire world in the process,” Rarity responded. “Soooooo lucky.”

”New names, check. New outfits, check. and a new Headquarters, check. The rebranding is now completely!” Jessica’ said over the laughter from the audience. “But if I was to go completely through with this I needed to be sure to cover all my bases.”

The camera scene shifted again to show Jessica back at Canterlot Castle, sitting across from Pines.

“I think I’m just about ready to try this again but just to be sure I want to make sure I didn’t miss anything.” Jessica said. “So what else ya got?”

“Well in addition to everything I’ve just said... what one needs to take into consideration is that, while Twilight and her friends have done much for us,” she began. “They do come off as... how should I put this... somewhat bland looking.”

“You do realize we’re talking about a group of technicolor ponies one of which has a rainbow mane right?” Jessica responded.

“Yes and to a human they must really stand out in your world but here in Equestria is all more the standard rather than the exception. Even our highest ranking leader, Celestia, has a rainbow mane.” Pines pointed out. “Basically what I’m trying to say here is that while they are unique in their abilities... from a purely cosmetic point of view they’re quite ordinary looking.”

“Yeah I mean, seen one multicolored talking magical horse seen them all amiright?” Jessica summed out.

“That’s... one way of looking at it, certainly.” Pines admitted. “But surely you must have noticed that aside from colorization and hair styles most ponies are remarkably identical in terms of body structure. Evolution, for whatever reason, has made us homogeneously similar. Now if the Mane 6 were stallions things might be different.”

If Pines didn’t have Jessica’s complete attention before the mention of gender certainly had now.

“What do you mean?” Jessica responded.

“Well as I’m sure you’ve also noticed here in Equestria the population consists mostly of females.” Pines explained. “So what I theorize is that if the Twilight and her friends were the opposite gender they would stand out more since it’s rare to see stallions hold high ranking positions of power especially in cases like...”

”Did she just say what I think she said!?”

“... this where a pony can--”

“Wait, wait.... wait!” Jessica interrupted. “Go back a bit! What did you say about men not having power!”

“Oh well... simply put h-here in Equestria there are more females to males. The ration being at around a five to one odds.” Pines explained. “This naturally means that the chances of, say the leader of a kingdom being female rather than male is much higher.”

“Are you saying... that women are normally the ones in charge and that men struggle for equality!?” Jessica asked almost smiling.

“In some cases... yes.” Pines acknowledged. “In fact there are some studies that show that not only are mare more likely to succeed in the workforce because they have more opportunities some studies have shown that a stallions will be paid three fourths of what mare makes.”

Before she could continue Pines was watched as Jessica got up from her her seat and rushing outside the room. A few edits later and she now found herself outside of the Castle swiftly heading down towards the city.

”Holy shit this is amazing! I knew that there were more women than dudes here in Equestria but I had no we were the ones in charge!” Jessica said, her on screen self smiling from ear to ear. “Fuck doing the rest of the story and fuck going back to New York! I finally found a place where I aint being held down by no glass ceiling! Move over white penises Jessica’s on top now!”

The scene changed to show the correspondent confidently walking confidently through the shops section of ponyville with “Pretty woman” by Roy Orbison played in the background. The sound of laughter continued as scene depicted Jessica walking into Rarity’s fashion boutique, only to come out seconds later now looking completely different through the power of editing.

Her long braided hair was now strengthened out and flowing down to her ankles. Only instead of her usual color it was now dyed a series of of dark purple and hot pink streaks. A makeshift had was being worn to give the appearance that she had a horn, a pair of wings were now strapped to her back, and a tail (which matched her new hair style) was poking from out of her pants. She was still wearing her clothes from prior but the instinct colors and new cosmetic items gave the impression that she would be better suited at a rave.

Before she walked too far the scene shifted again only this time the still laughing audiences saw Jessica walking down a busy Canterlot street with an entourage of ponies at her side, each of whom were carrying shopping bags like Jessica herself. The scene continued with the ponies chatting with the human before a few proper transitions saw them at an art gallery, then at a restaurant, a park, and a inside someones luxurious house. All the while never breaking eye contact as they talking to one another.

The scene eventually brought the cackling group of females at a pony version of Starbucks where each of them were outside at the patio enjoying a frappuccino. For first time Jessica broke away from her newfound friends to lean over to her side so she could get the waitresses attention.

“Excuse me!” She called out as she pointed to her iphone. “Could I please get the password to your guys’ Wifi?”

“Uh... we don’t have wifi.” The waitress answered.

“But your cafe. How the hell do you not have have wifi?” Jessica asked disparagingly.

“Because... Equestria doesn't have the internet.” The waitress answered.

“WHAT!?” Jessica roared so loudly that everyone in the area turned to look at her as the background music was cut off like a skip on a record player. The silence was soon followed by Jessica bursting from her seat off camera only to sit back down in front of Celestia by way of properly timed editing.

“Y’all mothafuckas don’t have the Internet!?” Jessica yelled. Her combination of outburst, crass phrasing of the question, and outfit made it so Celestia didn’t answer right away but instead just found herself staring at her.

There was a slight pause before her actual answer which was used to edit in a reaction shot of Jessica still looking shocked while the audience laughed.

“No, no we do not. Technology speaking we’re still experimenting without motorized vehicles so we’re not even close” She finally answered. “If I had to draw a comparison I would say that we’re roughly around where your world was during the early 1900s.”

Some found this almost as humorous as the look of pure abject horror on Jessica’s face.

“What’s actually interesting about the internet is it plays a very important role in your story you're doing how our worlds function differently in terms general knowledge. Since you life in the age of information you see things differently” Celestia continued. “You say that here in Equestria nopony knows who the Mane 6 is... well that could also be explained by the fact that, without a centralized knowledge database like the internet, we Equestrians largely rely on other forms of much slower and less modular--”

“FUCK THIS I’M OUT!” Jessica shouted as exploded from her seat and one hand ripped her hair to the ground revealing that her new hair style was actually a wig all along.

The sound of laughter was carefully edited to decrease in volume when the fed up looking Jessica sat back down in front of the Mane 6 with, looking like she couldn’t take any more of this.

“Yeah, sorry guys but I give up. There’s no way in hell I’m staying here any longer without a proper connection,” she explained with a wave of her now useless tablet. “So it looks like I won’t be helping you guys become fore famous. I’m sorry.”

The camera changed positions to show each friend looking annoyed (except Pinkie). Not for the fact that Jessica had given up on them but because of what they had been subjected to up until now. Case in point; they were still in their super hero costumes.

“By the way you six look ridiculous.” Jessica added.

With a deep sigh Applejack began to remove bits of her costume with Twilight using her magic to help her along.

“Maybe this is for the best then.” the Earthpony stated as her red cap fluttered to the ground.

“I agree, darling.” Rarity added. “We... appreciate you trying to help but perhaps it’s not that important an issue as you make seem to be.”

“If it means that Equestria can enjoy peace and prosperity then... well I think I speak for everypony when I say that it’s worth it that not every pony knows who we are.” Fluttershy suggested which in return got nodding approvals from each of her friends. This was enough to get Jessica fired up again, if only for a little bit.

“I still can’t beleive you guys are okay with that!” She blurted. “Hell if I saved the world, even once, I would demand that there be a holiday in my honor! Jessica Day! And if your born on Jessica day your name is now Jessica no matter what! And in the movie about my life I want Beyonce to play me!”

“Oh, oh, oh who's gonna play me!” Pinkie Pie asked with a wave of her hand though Jessica just ignored her.

“Come one guys one some level this had to annoy you.” Jessica maintained. “Even just a little bit.” Her assumptions caused a few of her guests to glance at one another but for the most part they stayed firm in their humble assertion of the situation.

“Nope not at all,” Twilight shrugged. “Personally I kinda like it this way. Afterall we don’t do it because of recognition. We do it for the good of our world.”

“Yeah I get that but at the same time I refuse to believe that you aren’t bothered by the lack of respect that comes with it!” Jessica tried to get them to see. “I mean back in my world everyone knows you are... because you’ve been on the Daily Show. You are literally more known as celebrities by humans then you are as heroes by your own species!? How does that not make you feel...”

Suddenly Jessica stopped mid sentence and completely froze in place. Her reaction was so sudden that those watching this from their computers assumed that the video was buffering but in actually it was because she got a idea. An idea so obvious that she was beyond shocked that she didn’t think of it sooner.

“... My god.” Jessica finally said. “That’s it... that’s it!”

“What’s it?” Rainbow Dash asked.

Instead of answer Jessica quickly gathered her things and made her way towards the nearest exit. Leaving the six friends alone for the final time. Rainbow Dash herself seemed to sense this since she was now in the process of flying away out of pure frustration.

Meanwhile the camera shifted in scene to show Jessica hurriedly walking down a random bit of road with newfound purpose as she balanced trying to get her notes ready while her overdub filled the void.

”I can’t believe I didn’t see it sooner! The answer was right in front of me the entire time! It was so obvious!” Jessica said as the scene changed again to show her now standing next a new pony as she reviewed her notes with a rather large smile on her face. “I now knew what I needed to do to get through to these people and this time... I wasn’t going to fail!”

“So... I’m going to show you a picture of a pony,” Jessica stated pausing to stifle a giggle and subdue her smile. “And I want you... to tell me if you recognize them. Okay?”

“Yeah sure.” The pony answered.

“Now then,” Jessica began before turning to smile a devious smile at the camera and ready her picture. “Do you recognize... this pony!?” The picture being shown was that of Rainbow Dash alone in a sitting position with a blank background.

The smile on Jessica face was still present even after a few seconds when the pony being interviewed shooked her head and looked back at the correspondent.

“No sorry I don’t,” she said. “She does look kinda familiar but I don’t think I know her at all.”

“Oh is that so.” Jessica smiled as she reached around with her free hand to pull out another picture. “Well how about... NOW!?”

A quick camera shift revealed that what Jessica had was a transparent picture printed on a glossy sheet of film. On it was an image of her boss Jon Stewart sitting at his desk during an interview. With it with now overlaid on the picture of Rainbow Dash it now seemed like she was in the middle of an interview.

This was enough to get the pony who was being interviewed to make the connection.

“Aaah! That’ right! I recognize her now!” The pony exclaimed. “That’s Rainbow Dash! Yeah, yeah, I remember... she was once a guest on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart!”

The sound of the audience cheering and applauding at Jessica finally getting what she wanted was short lived as the scene changed once again to another pony already looking another picture being held by the correspondent. This time it was of Applejack with the same same blank background.

“Hmmm... no... no I’m afraid I have absolutely no idea who this--” The pony began before Jessica slipped the same transparent image over the picture. “Oh hey I know her! That’s Applejack! She was once a guest on the Daily Show wasn’t she!?”

More cheering ensued as the scene changed rapidly to pony after pony. Each altercation resulting in what Jessica wanted so long as the image of Jon was played over the current picture.

“Oh that’s Fluttershy!”

“Yeah I know her! Her name is Rarity!”

“Isn’t that Pinkie Pie?”

“Yeah now I remember! That’s Twilight Sparkle!”

Through the magic that was editing each and every pony who Jessica interviewed following her discovered was now on the screen at the same time. Each occupying a segment of the screen Brady Bunch style. This was done so that their answer could be heard at the exact same time.

“She was on the Daily Show.” Each pony said in unison with the crowd once again in the middle of cheering.

”And so there you have it folks! Most ponies may not know who the Mane 6 is or even of their heroic exploits... but when it comes to their status as celebrities everypony seems to recognize their filmography.” Jessica’s overdub said as the next scene depicted her triumphantly standing on a hill overlooking ponyville. “And in that regard I guess ponies and humans are not so different after all.”

The scene briefly forze only to smoothly transition back to Jon sitting at his desk trying not to laugh.

“Great work there, Jessica.” Jon said as he adjusted his notes. “Jessica Williams everyone! We’ll be right back.”

The crowd which was already cheering intensified their applause and hollering to an ever greater degree as the camera zoomed out to a good enough distance so that Jon was still somewhat visible when the Daily Show logo Flew on screen.

Author's Note:

Years ago I stopped writing here, but never published a few stories that were being edited at the time. For the hell of it here they are.

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