• Published 24th Jul 2012
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The Daily Show presents: Equestrian Interviews - Daily Show Ponies

Jon Stewart interviews various MLP: FiM characters at the end of an episode of 'The Daily Show'

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Episode 14 [Queen Chrysalis]: Final confrontation.

Jon Stewart was a man of many beliefs. One thing he believed was that if you have something, or someone, that's important to you and its being tested or put in harm’s way, then it's your duty to protect it. Otherwise it's not something you love, but rather something you just say you love.

This was the case when it came to Queen Chrysalis. To him, her very existence meant that everything he loved and had worked for was in danger and it was his job to deal with it. Back at Daily Show headquarters, when he saw her point that jagged horn of her’s at Stephen Colbert, all he could think of was how if this thing were to stay any longer no one would be safe.

When he tackled Chrysalis, their bodies didn't even have time to touch the ground before they both got teleported away. They got sent away mid-collision so their ride was turbulent at best.

In his short time in dealing with magic, Jon had been teleported by different ponies at different times to different places, but Trixie's style was by far was the most bizarre to work with. Unlike Twilight or Celestia, where a teleportation was quick and instantaneous, Trixie's process was longer, presumably to account for her being less skilled.

For a while it felt as if they were just sailing through a void of empty space which was made all the more nauseating by their constant flailing. But soon the two crashed back into reality in the form of them landing gracelessly on the cold hard ground of Canterlot Castle.

“Oof!” Jon moaned as he made contact the ground. When he opened his eyes he immediately noticed that his surroundings were different. “Wh..what?...Where am--what happened?” Because of the angle in which he got teleported Jon was left staring upward at the ceiling. When he gazed at it, he realized where he was. Instead of being on set of his show he was now in Canterlot…with Chrysalis.

“Oh, fuck.” He said.

He had landed with a great amount of force, with the brunt of the force being administered to his back. This brought back nostalgic memories of when he first met Celestia. She had teleported him from his house all to her throne room and when he arrived he had done so in a similar fashion to this one.

"Celestia!" Jon said in painful voice.

The thought of her snapped Jon out of whatever dream like state he was in and, as a result, he quickly shot up and looked straight ahead. Instead of the Celestia he saw the long stretch of space that had the door to the rest of castle at the end of it. Blocking the way was, to his dismay, Queen Chrysalis. She was still hunched over, in pain, and in her Lyra form. Unlike Jon, she didn't have such an easy landing. While Jon just suffered from a sore back, Chrysalis had landed on her shoulder so hard, her head bounced off the floor, disorientating her to the point where she couldn't stand.

Jon used this momentary opening to jump to his feet and turn around to where the royal throne was. Around this portion of the plan, Jon would have already called Celestia to warn her that the pony who had just appeared before her wasn't Lyra but Chrysalis. But since Jon was now physically here he decided to cut out the middle man and just tell her himself.

"Celestia!" Jon yelled. "Quick! Use your magic! That's...not..."

As if someone had sucked all the air out of him Jon stopped in his place and momentarily forgot how to speak. The royal seat was there in front of him, atop a long set of stairs as it always had been, but this time it was completely vacant. He looked to the side of the elevated platform and then to his left and right.

The only thing present was a small sign attached to the front of the chair with bold letters that read: "Am currently unavailable; be back in 15 minutes."

The sign just stood there, crooked as if to taunt Jon. It was such an easy thing to overlook but Jon just felt stupid for not thinking that perhaps she wouldn't be in this particular area at this particular time. No one was there to help him. No one but Chrysalis to keep him company and no one other than himself to blame.

"You've got to be kidding me." Jon said to himself. "Celestia...of all the times you had to go on a lunch break."

Many emotions were now exploding within Jon's person. Fear for what Chrysalis might do to him, anger for himself for falling into his own trap, anxiety over what would happen next, but one thing he felt oddly enough, was a sense of relief. He may have messed up but at least he managed to get Chrysalis out of his world and away from his friends and family. In the long run, he didn't really care what happened to him just as long as those he loved were safe.

With so many conflicting emotions still fighting to obtain dominance of Jon's psyche he lost control of his legs and fell to his knees. He didn't even bother to see if Chrysalis was watching him. He just smiled, laughed at himself, and reached into his jacket pocket. He pulled out his cellphone and thought about what he would say once he actually called Celestia.

"Hey Celestia, how's it going?" Jon joked out loud as he dialed his phone. “Listen I know you're taking a breather but could you come and help me? Queen Chrysalis is right behind me and I think she's going to kill me sooo if you could swing by I'd owe ya big time."

Jon was moments away from pressing dial when he heard someone from just over his shoulder. At first he assumed it was Chrysalis walking up to him with malicious intentions but when he stopped and listened he could still clearly hear her far off in the background moaning in pain. The second sound was that of someone gasping for breath.

Was there someone else with him after all?

This made Jon curious. Curious enough to briefly look behind him to see what it was. When he did so that same sense of relief that at first seemed so inviting and ever present shattered into pieces. He now realized that he was not alone with Chrysalis there was also someone else with him. Or rather somepony else.

"Trixie!" Jon yelled. Dropping his phone on the ground Jon jumped to his feet and sprinted across the room where Trixie was lying on the ground gasping for breath like a fish out of water. Collapsing to his knees, he picked her up and held her head gently with his hand the way he would a newborn baby. "Oh my god, Trixie are you okay!?"

Although she was conscious, she looked like she could black out at any moment, since the amount of magic needed to get them all here turned out to be more than she could handle. She could hardly breathe let alone speak so her interaction with Jon was limited to her looking at him with her tired eyes.

"Jesus Christ, what are you even doing here!?" He asked. Were she in any position to be able to talk, she might've countered by asking Jon the same thing since the original plan was to only teleport Chrysalis. In response, the frail Unicorn raised her hoof as delicately as she could. Following her extended leg Jon now saw what she was pointing at. Chrysalis was now upright and fully conscious

"What...what happened?" She said. Shaking her head she looked across the room and saw a terrified looking Jon Stewart cradling a pony she had never seen before. Her confusion only deepened when she saw that she was no longer in on the set of The Daily Show. "Wh...wh-where am I!?"

At first she hadn't the faintest idea of where she was so she looked in all directions, her movements random and frenzied. Slowly she began to realize exactly where she was; she just didn't want to accept it.

This wasn't the first time she'd been in the royal throne room herself. The last time she was here was when she tried to take over Canterlot, and it was here that she, for a brief moment, had actually succeeded. Back then she was arguably the strongest creature in Equestria, and was the closest she had ever been to being in full control of this world. But now circumstances couldn't be more different.

Back home her influence over her own people was starting to waver and at her present state she was only a few tiers stronger than an average pony. The thought that she was here now in her current status made her terrified.

"What the hell am I doing in Canterlot Castle!" He blurted with a panicked lack of awareness for Jon and Trixie. "I shouldn't be here yet! It's way too early! I...I, I, I need to get out of here!"

Ignoring the fact that she would've left without Jon at her side, Chrysalis threw her horn skyward and immediately began to conjure a large amount of magic at the tip of her horn. Jon found it disheartening that in her weakened state she managed to do in three seconds what took Trixie did in almost thirty minutes. That and at any moment, it looked like she would just send herself back, rendering everything they had done moot.

"NO!" Jon yelled as he threw his hand outward like he wanted to physically grab her. Before he could get up Chrysalis vanished but just as quickly reappeared, so suddenly one would miss it if they blinked. Her spell managed to work but without the proper amount of power needed to travel between worlds to go along with it all she managed to do was desynchronize from Equestria for about one-tenth of a second.

She was clearly in no condition to make a leap this great, not that she'd ever admit that.

"No...no, no, no, no this can't be happening to me!" She said as she tried again to teleport back to New York. Like before she managed to build up a considerable amount of magic in her horn, only this time when she tried to use it, it literally blew up in her face. "NO! I...I can do this!"

Again, she charged her horn, and again, it blew up and when that failed, she tried again, yielding the exact same results. She tried several more times and nothing changed each time she illuminated the entire room with what was like lighting fireworks at regular intervals. She was so determined to make this work she didn't even notice that trial after trial it was taking her longer and longer to gather the magic needed to precede. Every attempt she would gather less magic than the last only to have the spell reject it and discharging it back in her face, wasting another chunk of her magic in the process.

Evidence suggested that she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, but Jon still watched with a worried expression on his face while carefully holding Trixie's head against his chest. He was still worried of a possible scenario where she managed to pull it off but she never did. Jon started to notice that it was getting increasingly harder for her to manage all the magic.

Eventually she stopped her fruitless attempts of escape whereupon she dropped to her knees and lowered her head.

"I...can't...do...it." She said in between gasps of breath. "I’m...not...strong enough."

She lowered her head in shame and in doing so covered her body with her hair as if she didn't want to be seen. Jon was too far away to notice but she had already begun to change. With any attempt to leave now impossible, Chrysalis' mind began to think more logically. She had so many questions with the most obvious one being how she got here. Since Jon was with her, however, she came to one conclusion.

"This....t-this..." She said in a weak tone. Her body was trembling and the way her shoulders moved up and down gave the impression that she was breathing heavily. "...THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!"

She threw her head up so quickly she flung her long hair all the way behind her revealing that she had already reverted back to her original form. Her power was so depleted that she had subconsciously lost control of her ability to maintain her Lyra form.

"YOU...y-you tricked me! I don't know how you managed to do it but I know this is your doing!" She roared as she slowly fumbled towards Jon. Her face looked as if she was trying to stab him with her gaze and she was grinding her teeth so hard Jon could hear it from his side of the room. "I underestimated you human; never did I predict that you could even come close to stopping me...and yet, here we are! So, what's your big plan now, huh!? What are you going to do now that we're here!?"

Of course Jon did have a plan, but it involved him not being anywhere near Canterlot and calling Princess Celestia for help. A plan which he had completely forgotten at the time but was soon reminded of by the sound of his phone crying out to him.

Both he and Chrysalis' attention were now torn by the sound of Jon's phone which he had dropped back at his original landing point. They both realized just by the sound it was making, "Her Majesty" by The Beatles, that the person trying to make contact was Celestia. No doubt she was calling because she wanted to see if Jon was alright since she always watched his show live.

Almost simultaneously, the two enemies looked at each other then back at the phone, their eyes a mixture of surprise and a sense of urgency. Realizing that Celestia still had no idea where they had went or if they needed assistance, Jon carefully, but quickly, placed Trixie back on the ground and with all of his strength ran to his phone.

When he was close enough to where he could bend over and grab it he opted instead to dive at it as quickly as he could like a baseball player diving for home base. His fingers just barely wrapped around it before it flew out of his hand and across the room, like it was on the end of a rubber band. Jon watched the phone zip forward eventually stopping in midair. It was now hovering in place in front of Chrysalis, her angry eyes carefully scanning the screen.

Once she determined for certain who was calling she took a deep breath and quickly answered it by sliding her hoof across the screen.

"Hello Celestia." She said in her most accurate Jon Stewart voice. "How can I help you?"

"Celestia no!" Jon yelled and he ran forward. "That's not--"

Before Jon even knew what had happened he went back to being silent, not of his own free will, but because there was something obstructing his mouth. Like a gunslinger with a deadly aim Chrysalis had shot out a tiny burst of magic towards Jon whereupon it solidified itself into a corporeal mass of green sludge over his mouth.

It felt as if someone had wadded up dozens of chewing gum and wrapped it over his face. When he tried to tear it off Chrysalis just activated it with her horn and it wouldn't move like a parasite refusing to give up its only source of nourishment.

When he looked back up at Chrysalis, he saw that she was now multitasking by using her horn to hold the phone to her ear and pointing at Jon with an extended hoof as if to say "gimme a minute; I'm on the phone." Jon thought about physically walking up and taking the phone away but the way she was glaring at him had petrified him to the point where he dared not move. He just watched as Chrysalis continued her phone call under the guise of himself.

"Sorry about that Celestia, that was no one." She said, still imitating Jon. "Now what was it that you wanted to talk about?"

Jon tried to yell out to Celestia again but for all his struggling all he could manage was just a few muffled words that even he could barely hear.

"What? Oh no, no, no. I'm alright, but thanks for asking." Chrysalis said. "Yeah, we just had some...some technical difficulties, but everything is...say again...really...oh really...well…could you tell me exactly what you saw?"

This one sided conversation between herself and Celestia was driving Jon crazy. He didn't know what the princess was saying but whatever it was it couldn't be good for Chrysalis to know. Trying again Jon attempted to rip the green gunk off his face but again she used her magic to keep it in place.

"Really...I see...no I assure what you saw was all just a part of the show...there's no need to get involved." Chrysalis continued. "After we're done getting everything back together my interview with Lyra will continue as …wait, excuse me?"

As she slowly lowered her hoof Chrysalis’ expression changed from anger to that of something closely resembling disappointment. Whatever Celestia was telling her it was powerful enough for her to momentarily lower her guard. This gave Jon enough time to slowly tear the green gunk of his face portion by portion.

"What...what do you mean? Are...are you certain...wait, who?" She asked Celestia in a confused voice that lingered on the furious. "I uh...no I don't remember, could you please give me a quick description...I see...I see...thank you for telling me."

Although Chrysalis was giving thanks and acting polite she had look about her like she was ready to bite someone's head clean off.

"No I'm fine I assure you...where am I?" She asked. Looking over at Jon she saw him tearing off her goo at a now faster pace. She didn't care though since she didn't plan on talking very much longer, but before answering she paused to stare at both him and Trixie and gave a smile that showed off her razor sharp teeth. "I'm at Ponyville right now...inside the Everfree Forest to be exact...why yes I would love for you to help me...if you could come by that would be great...Okay thanks. Listen I'd love to talk some more but there's a problem here I need to take care of. Okay, bye bye."

She hanged up the phone at the same time that Jon got the last piece of magic enveloping gunk off his face. He gasped for breath and watched as Chrysalis slammed his phone on the ground and proceeded to smash it into dozens of pieces with her hoof.

"A hidden teleportation spell...very clever." She said with an angry tone which was made all the more terrifying by her large evil smile and nervous laughter. "Ruined; you've ruined everything...this was finally my chance to get back on top and you've...completely....ruined it." She began to slowly tilt her head to side all the while still giggling to herself.

Jon's worst fear was now being realized, for now she was looking dead straight at Trixie. Within an instant her smile vanished and her horn began to glow.

"AND YOU!" She roared as she lifted Trixie high up in the air by her neck. "You're the one who brought me here aren't you!?"

Trixie didn't answer but she showed signs of life by desperately gasping for breath and violently swinging her hooves back and forth. Chrysalis was not only levitating her but she was doing so while choking her by the neck which was very evident by her face starting to change color from the lack of oxygen.

"What's your take from all this huh? Fame, fortune, or did you just want what was rightfully mine!?" She asked as she purposely made it impossible for her to answer by increasing the pressure. "You worthless, pathetic, little nopony!...I'm going to tear off your horn and shove it down your--"

Suddenly and without warning, Chrysalis was interrupted by a large force colliding with her face. It was so strong it sent her hurdling towards the ground, and since whatever it was got her right in the eye she didn't see who it was or where it came from after the fact.

With her being momentarily incapacitated, her magical grip was released and Trixie fell back down, but before she could collide with the hard ground, she got caught by the person who had just moments ago laid out the Changeling Queen.

"I got ya, Trixie!" Jon said, after catching her at the last minute. Walking off to the side he placed her on the ground as gently as possible and brushed her long hair away from her face. "There, there, It's going to be okay, I'm here."

With Trixie now out of harms way Jon peaked over and Chrysalis who was still on the ground.

"Now...stay here I need to take care of business." He added.

Having been fueled by his desire to help his friend Jon had dashed across the room in a speed that was uncanny for his age. Chrysalis didn't see him coming mostly due to her being distracted by her strangling of Trixie, but even if she was fully aware of her surroundings, she might not have been able to counter in time. Getting up now, she could just barely see the image of a figure walking towards her; it was Jon. He looked furious and he was rubbing the same hand he used to punch her in the face.

"You!" She said as she struggled to get up. "I'm going to--"

Again she was cut off by Jon slamming his closed fist into her face with a roar. At 5'6 and 156 pounds, Jon wasn't the tallest human in the world, in fact most people he met we're bigger than him. But here in Equestria he towered over most ponies. Even those as big as Celestia and Chrysalis were a few inches shorter than he was (though on their hind legs not so much) which meant that when he threw a punch, it hurt.

This time, when he punched her, he did so with such great force that her head bounced off the floor, blurring her vision and causing her to become delirious again. Although she had trouble seeing, she knew he was now standing over her body based on the fact that she could hear him yelling at her.

"THAT'S FOR ATTACKING MY ASSISTANT!" He yelled as loudly as could. With heavy breathes he looked down at her and could see his own reflection in the floor, he hardly recognized the angry face staring back at him but at this point he really didn't care. Bending over, he grabbed her by her jagged horn and hoisted her back up to a sitting position. Throwing his whole body into it, he leaned forward and punched her in the face for the third time. "THAT'S FOR INSULTING MY WIFE!"

His third punch was so devastating it caused Chrysalis to roll a couple feet away and onto her stomach. With enough space between them for a running start Jon waited for her to slowly get up whereupon he bolted at her and kicked her at hard as he could in the throat, which caused her to fly backwards and land on her back.

"THAT'S FOR THREATENING TO HURT MY KIDS!" He roared, staying back to catch his breath. It looked as if Chrysalis was unconscious since she was now motionless and silent. Jon took this moment to admire his handy work before looking over at Trixie who was still on the floor and in pain.

Seeing this only made Jon more angry so he promptly walked up the unconscious Queen and while standing over her grabbed her by her neck and lifted her up as high as he could. Which, due to her dead weight, was only about shoulder high. He paused for a second to look at her bruised face which slumped over his hand to the side. She looked dead but Jon could feel a pulse.

"And this." He said as he cocked his fist back and took a deep breath. "THIS FOR TRI--"

His hand froze mid swing and was now hovering a couple of inches away from her face. Jon knew what this one, this sensation was one that he remembered all too well. He was now completely paralyzed. He didn't even have the movement necessary to look surprised when Chrysalis' eyes shot open, her gaze directly solely at him. She was playing possum and Jon fell for it.

Trying as best he could Jon attempted to break free from her spell and launch his fist forward. And to his credit Chrysalis was weak enough that he managed to inch forward a little bit. But doing so caused him to use up what little energy he had left. The only part of him that moved was his hand to release her, though this was not done of his own free will.

"How dare you." Chrysalis said. "How dare you lay your filthy human hands on a Queen!?"

With her horn now glowing she tried to lift Jon in the air as she did with Trixie but since he was considerably heavier he only managed to lift him a few feet skywards. What she could do quite easily was use her magic so stretch his arms and legs in all directions as if he was about to attempt to do a snow angel. She used her powers to yank on his arms and legs like a kid tearing the legs off a spider.

It felt to Jon as if his appendages would pop out of their sockets at any moment. The pain was so excruciating but he didn't make a sound since she was also using her magic to choke him.

"You've destroyed everything I've worked for" She said. "...So now I'll destroy YOU!"

Using her hind legs to jump slightly in the air, she swung her head up then down which made Jon's entire being slam into the ground. He barely had time to let out a cry of pain before being lifted back up in the air. To show that she was not done, Chrysalis tilted her head to the side which caused Jon's body to contort slightly. Now it felt as if his joints were being bent in their opposite directions and whenever he put up the slightest resistance she just increased the pressure.

"How does it feel, human?" She asked, "How does it feel to know that you are powerless against me!"

Just as it would seem that he would snap in half the evil queen once again slammed Jon as hard as she could back on the ground, this time doing so where he would land on his knees instead of his stomach. Because of her magic Jon couldn't talk to even give the slightest expression of pain. All he could do was give out muffled groans of agony.

He was now sitting up on his knees at the hoofs of Chrysalis. She used her magic to make it so he was looking up as if he was about to pray to her.

"Beg! I want to hear you beg for your life!" She demanded as she loosened the grip on his throat. "If you do so perhaps I'll go easy on you and give you a quick and painless death!" Jon now had a plan. Like before, he thought if he stalled for time, someone would come and save him. It was risky but he was all out of options.

A few seconds after Jon was granted permission to speak he began to laugh. At first it was a stifled giggle but soon it elevated to a full on explosion of laughter. Chrysalis didn't know what to make of it. At first she assumed he had gone mad but her theory was put to rest once he began to speak.

"You seem to upset about something." Jon said in a sarcastic tone. Some might have called his actions 'tempting fate,' but he found the fact that she was tricked like this to be endlessly amusing in hindsight. "Am I to assume this means you wouldn't be willing to do a follow up interview?"

His willingness to crack jokes at her expense, even while his own life was in jeopardy, both confused and infuriated Chrysalis. At that moment there was a great many things she could have done to him ranging from more magic torture to blatant bodily harm, but since she was blinded by a mask of pure anger, she fell back on her more animalistic instincts.

In a quick motion she turned around and readied her hind legs in a kicking position. Jon had experienced being kicked by ponies a couple of times now so he wasn't at all concerned about her decision, which only made the resulting pain all the more unbearable.

After cocking her legs back Chrysalis slammed her hooves into Jon's chest region as hard as she could. When she made contact with his chest, a spark of magic went off between them like a power line blowing out. The resulting force sent Jon rocketing all the way across the room at a speed so fast Jon's eyes couldn't keep up.

Fortune had decided to give him a break, however, since instead of slamming on a wall or going through a window, he ended up just awkwardly landing on Celestia’s royal throne. He wasn't without injuries however. He suddenly found it even more difficult to breathe now than when he was being choked and the kick had resulted in a few broken ribs and an almost shattered sternum.

When he tried to get up, the overwhelming pain forced him to sit back down.

"Well." Jon said through bouts of pain. "At least this chair is comfy."

His wise cracking did very little to endear himself to Chrysalis who had already walked over to the base of the stairs that led up to where Jon was grounded.

"I'm going to give you one last chance to redeem yourself. If you agree to take me back to your world...I'll spare your life." Chrysalis said as she paced back and forth. "If you think this is the end of my invasion then you are very much wrong...I’ll just find another way back to your world and continue my plan with or without without you."

Rather than being concerned, Jon found her deal to be just as laughable since he knew her threats were hollow and devoid of any truth. She was stuck here just as much as he was for the time being and he knew it. Jon paused at first, which lead Chrysalis to believe that he was actually considering her offer, but in actuality he was just working up the strength to lift his arm in the air.

"Are we done yet?" Jon asked as he looked at his watch. "Because I've got a meeting... with my producers in about an hour."

She was sure that he would buckle under by now but her attempts to salvage her plan, by reasoning with Jon ,was met only with continued uncooperativeness and more blasphemous behavior. Both being things she never tolerated in her kingdom

"Foolish human!" She scowled as she pointed her horn directly at him. "This is your last chance! Obey me or die...what do you say?"

"I say...." Jon said with a pause as he rubbed his aching chest. "The real Lyra hits harder than you do."

For Chrysalis that was it, she had now reached her tipping point. She no longer wished to try and arrange a deal with Jon nor did she wish to consort with him any longer than she needed to. A small part of her now realized that her plan had failed…now all she wanted now was to get rid of Jon.

"...Why...you...filthy...HUMAN!" She roared as the top of her horn began to glow with ominous power. At the time the throne room wasn't properly lit since no one was scheduled to occupy it but it was now illuminated so brightly Jon had to shield his eyes. In her rage Chrysalis had managed to amass a large chunk of magic on the on the tip of her horn much like how she did back at the studio. Jon recognized it as the same type of magic that she almost used on Stephen, only this time it was now aimed at him.

"You will rue the day you ever tried to stop me!" She yelled. Her magic was so bright and wide in diameter that Jon had a hard time seeing her. Any remnants of Jon's joking facade had now washed away and been replaced by a sense of fear. He'd never seen so much magic accumulate in one spot like this and he feared what it might do.

He desperately tried to get up from his chair even though he had no idea of where he'd go from there. When he tried, he found he couldn't move at all. Not because Chrysalis was using her magic to subdue him but because his many injuries prevented him from moving without feeling a great surge of pain.

"Die!" She yelled. The force of her firing her attack was enough to recoil her head back and send her sliding backwards a few feet. The beam of energy moved at much slower pace than Jon expected which gave him just enough time to turn his head and throw his arms over himself.

But all of his attempts to lessen the inevitable were in vain. The blast of energy eventually made contact in an enormous display of light and heat, doing untold amounts of damage, both externally and, most dangerous of all, internally resulting in a near death state of being. It's just that none of it was dealt to Jon himself.

Since he had turned away Jon didn't see what happened but he did hear the sound of something falling on the ground with an audible thud. Curious by the fact that he was still alive Jon looked up to see Chrysalis looking straight ahead instead of at him with a face that suggested that she had missed. Of course she didn’t though.

Jon followed her gaze downwards to see what she was staring at and immediately found himself beyond horrified. He held his breath and he began to feel cold, he wasn't dead but he felt as if he was. His almost shattered skeleton, aching joints and torn tendons were nothing compared to the pain he now felt in his heart which felt like someone had yanked out through his chest.

He almost didn't recognize the figure lying halfway down the stairs because it's body was now black and smoldering from the attack. But once his eyes adjusted he recognized the person all too well.

"TRIXIE!" Jon yelled. His greatest fear had come true. "NO!"

Much to his and Chrysalis' dismay, Trixie had intercepted the attack by using the last drop of magic she had left to teleport herself in front of it, taking its full force. The attacks harmful effects were so powerful because she was closer that she didn't even get a chance to cry out in pain.

She wasn't moving and, although he was far away, he could tell that she wasn’t breathing either. This caused Jon to jump up from his seat and run forward only to tumble down when his knees gave out.

He was still roughly on the top of the stairs but now more than ever he could see Trixie and how bad of shape he was in. He tried to get back up to help her but within the blink of an eye her body flew away and was now in front of Chrysalis, her limbs lifeless and dangling like a broken marionette.

"Pathetic excuse for a Unicorn!" Chrysalis yelled. "STOP! GETTING! IN! MY! WAY!" She punctuated each word by slamming Trixie's now unconscious body violently against the ground. After she was done she tossed Trixie over her shoulder where she landed against a pillar with a sickening crack and landed back on the floor.

When she turned to face Jon again she was shocked to find that he had, within a few seconds: gotten up, ran down stairs, and was a few feet away running at her seemingly unabated with a crazed look in his eye.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" He roared and he swung his fist at her. Unfortunately for him, Chrysalis' prior knowledge to his fighting tactic coupled with his own sluggishness meant that she ducked his attack with ease. Seeing an opening of her own, she lunged forward and skewered Jon with her long horn.

She didn't know much about human anatomy so, when she gored him, she hoped she had gotten some kind of major organ but thankfully all she did was stab him on the side, mainly puncturing pure fat. However, due to her horn being awkwardly shaped, getting it out of Jon was much harder than getting it in. She yanked it out bringing with it a few small chunks of flesh.

The pain was so acute that Jon yelled in pain and fell backwards on his back. He groaned in pain while holding his wound which was now producing a small pool of blood all around him. Just when he thought the pain was starting to subside a bit, it escalated ten folds when Chrysalis stomped her hoof deep in his wound.

Jon screamed in pain as Chrysalis stood over his body with her front legs on each shoulder. Jon grabbed her in an attempt to throw her off, but she just slammed him back down by placing a free hoof over his bruised chest and pushing forward. To make sure he didn't try again, she dug her back hoof deeper into his open bloody opening.

Jon got the message; he wasn't going anywhere.

"Why won't you people just die!?" She yelled at him.

The pain he felt from being held down had caused Jon to shut his eyes, but when he opened them again, he saw the same deadly horn of hers now a few inches away from his face.

"You are not going to going to prevent me from realizing my destiny!" She continued. "Princess Celestia couldn't stop me, the Elements of Harmony couldn't stop me, and dammit, I will NOT be stopped by a filthy human!"

For the third and final time that day, Chrysalis began to charge her horn for a concentrated burst of energy. In response to this Jon struggled to get way, but when he did, she just shifted her weight on his chest and wound, causing him to stay put. Eventually she managed to accumulate a collection of magic at the tip of her horn again. And although it was much smaller than before, a well-executed shot from such a close range would be ideal for dealing massive amounts of damage.

"You’ve run out of miracles, human. I told you when we first met that, if you tried to interfere, you'd never see your family again." She said as she lowered her horn closer to his face, "And I meant it!"

Desperately, Jon tried to break free, but it was fast becoming apparent to him that he wasn't going to be able to maneuver his way out of this one. Eventually his stopped his pointless struggling and laid his head back; he had finally given up. While Chrysalis was charging her attack, Jon did the only thing he felt made sense at the time. He began to laugh.

"Man this day sucks...but at least my family is safe." He said to himself as he turned to face Trixie's lifeless body. "My only regret is that I couldn't protect you like I should have...and for that...I am sorry."

As if his body accepted that he was going to die, Jon began to slowly lose consciousness. Maybe it was from the overwhelming pain or his brain was shutting down to avoid seeing his own death happen, but either way he was slowly drifting away as his brain released endorphins.

The last thing Jon remembered seeing was the great ball of magic nearing its completion in front of his face. His eyes closed and, after a few seconds, had passed the sound of magic exploding on soft flesh followed by a scream of pain echoed throughout the room.

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