• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 11,632 Views, 382 Comments

The Daily Show presents: Equestrian Interviews - Daily Show Ponies

Jon Stewart interviews various MLP: FiM characters at the end of an episode of 'The Daily Show'

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Episode 19 [CMC]: Border hoppers

In the Stewart household there was always a set of rules that everyone had to follow. There were the standard everyday rules that survive through the generations liking wiping your feet before coming inside or no elbows on the table but there were also specific and unique rules known only to Jon, Tracey and their two kids.

Some included such classics as Jon not being allowed to eat anything after 8 o’clock, or Jon wasn’t allowed to swear around the kids, or Jon wasn’t allowed feed the dog at the dinner table, or Jon wasn’t allowed to talk bad about Tracey’s mother.

Alot of the rules were tailored made for Jon and for good reason as his profession meant that he had to constantly make sure his work didn’t follow him home. A good example of this was the fact that his children were not allowed to watch his show for obvious reason, though they did anyway in secret.

Another rule that directly related to Jon and his work was that no one else was allowed to be in his study but him. It was a rule that he himself established but based on how it was constantly broken it amounted to little more than a suggestion.

The reason why he had this rule was because he did most of his creative thinking and business transactions in this private room so he liked to think that while inside he was Jon Stewart the comedian slash host of the Daily show and when he was anywhere else he was Jon Stewart family man. Basically the same principle by which a country will have an embassy on foreign ground.

He especially didn’t want his kids to be in this room since his discussion about his program would often lead to vulgar or suggestive conversation which whoever was on the other phone and when he wasn’t working he would take care of paper work and didn’t want to be disturbed.

Usually if his two kids, Maggie and Nathan, were to venture their way into his study he’d give them a light scolding and send them on their way. But on this particular Sunday night Jon found himself sitting at his wood carved desk with his two kids sprawled across his nearby couch like they had just had the life sucked out of him; and judging by their occasional moans or tendency to sometimes fall on the ground one might conceivably think this to be the case.

If this were any other day he’d tell them to leave but in this case he allowed them to be close to their father if it meant it’d help them feel better. Since they weren’t at all in a joyous mood they laid their silent with Jon thankfully taking the advantage by getting some work done.

Usually they’d be asking him what he was doing, or what was he writing down, the answer to which would have probably bored them right out of the room. But instead all they did was occupy space with the only sound to be heard coming from the clock off the wall as the seconds rolled by or Jon’s phone vibrating against his desk from incoming texts and emails as he multi-tasked.

Sometimes the mood was livened up by the wind making the tree scratch outside his window or Jon having to clear his throat but no one made the effort to open their mouths and speak through cognitive thought. As much as Jon did, to a degree, enjoy this silence he knew it would be broken any second now.

He knew why his kids weren’t talking to him or really at all at this time. The elephant in the room was just as gut wrenching for him as it was on them. It had been a few days since the incident and Jon was determined to move past it and to have his kids do the same. But as his son struggled to sit up on and over his sister he knew that wasn’t the case; especially when he opened began to address Jon for the first time all day.

“I miss Trixie.” Nathan said, his small and innocent voice piercing Jon’s heart as he looked over to see his daughter following her brother’s stride.

“I miss her too, daddy.” Maggie added.

Rather than answering Jon stayed silent and looked up from his desk, not in the direction of his kids but at the door, staring at like he was expecting Trixie to come barging in without knocking or asking permission as she often did. Slowly Jon’s mouth opened like he was trying to form words but to his kid’s dismay, he just let out a sigh and continued on his papers, writing faster and harder as if to say “I’m busy.”

The documents he was filling out rattled and fluttered as hurriedly filled out questions and signed his name, and the cold draft of wind from the window behind him causing him to shiver; his penmanship suffered as a direct result.

With sheer determination Jon continued to work on his paperwork while simultaneously answering incoming texts with his free hand. But even with his head straight down and body hunched over, he still couldn't help but notice the sound of the couch creaking ever so slightly followed by the sound of tiny feet making his way to his desk.

When he looked up he saw his two children now directly standing in front of his desk with the younger Maggie’s eyes just barely reaching over the threshold. Before he could look away Nathan took the lead, and, with saddened eyes, addressed his father.

“Daddy,” He said. “When do you think we’ll see Trixie again?”

Letting out a firm yet tired sounding sigh Jon placed his pen down and arched himself back to once again avoid looking into their begging gazes.

“I’m not sure.” Jon answered as she stretched his arms behind his head. “Trixie said she would visit some day but she doesn’t know when.”

“S-s-so it could be soon right!” Maggie added, her voice filled with hope that Jon wasn’t eager to crush.

“I don’t know about that, honey.” Jon said, as he phone lit up causing him to quickly press a few buttons to answer . “I hate to be a downer but I think it’ll be quite some time before we see her again.”

“Well what if we went to see her!” Nathan asked. “Can we go see her daddy!?”

“Yeah can we, can we, can we!?” Maggie added.

Taking of his glasses to rub his tired face Jon leaned forward to look his children dead in their eyes to try to convey how serious he was.

“Now listen you two... I realize you want to see aunt Trixie again and believe me nothing would make me happier than to do the same.” Jon began. “But you heard what she said... she need some time away to... find herself... to be at peace, you see.”

Hearing this made Nathan purse his lips and lower his head where he caught a view of Maggie doing the same. Because of her shorter stature Jon didn’t notice tears beginning to well up.

“Now then, let’s try and stay quiet for a moment for daddy,” Jon suggested. “I really need to get back to--”

“Was Trixie mad at us?” Maggie asked as she used her sleeve to wipe her nose. “Is that why she left? Because she didn’t love us anymore?”

Even though he had not so directly made this topic off limits, her final inquiry made Jon drop his phone in shock at the idea of Trixie leaving because of apathy. In response to this his phone vibrated as if to complain but was due to an incoming text. Bending down Jon retrieved his phone and took a second to think about what he would say to his kids.

Before addressing Maggie Jon quickly glanced over at his phone in order to resolve whoever had texted him so he could give his kids his undivided attention. Before he could do so however he found himself doing a double take at the person who had tried to contact him, or rather the pony.

Surprised, Jon read a brief snippet of text sent by his royal friend Celestia but just as quickly realized it wasn’t anything important. She had just discovered yet another trunk full of equipment he left behind when he interviewed Luna in Canterlot and was simply messaging him that she was going to be sending it to him. Routine stuff.

Double tasking yet again, Jon decided to kill two birds with one stone by getting up to clear his desk while talking to his heart-broken children.

“Maggie, Maggie, Maggie. Of course Trixie still loves you.” Jon said as he began to take his belongings off his work space and either onto the floor or in an adjacent drawer. “Trust me that pony cared about you two kids just as much as me or your mother.”

Following his gaze the two tiny onlookers simply stared at Jon no doubt with the question “Then why did she leave” prepared to be thrown at Jon who was Equally prepared to answer it.

“The reason why she left is well... because as much as you or I would love it if she stayed here with us at heart... she’s still a pony, a pony in a human’s world.” Jon continued as he continued to clear his desk. “She still has business to take care of back home... her original home and until she’s finally at peace with that then she’ll most likely return... do you understand what I’m saying.”

“I... I guess so.” Maggie said, holding her brother’s hand. In truth both kids, to some degree, knew and why Trixie left them but their childish sense of greed meant that their better judgment was clouded.

“I know this is hard on you two, it’s hard on us all... but with patience you’ll know fully understand what Trixie was going through... but until then I want you to stay strong. It’s what she’d want.” Jon said as he just finished up preparing his desk. “But first and foremost I want the two of you to know this... Trixie loved you guys more than anything and it broke her heart to leave just as much as it was for us to watch her go... so don’t ever start thinking that it’s your fault.”

Reaching in to his pocket Jon pulled out a phone and sent a quick message to Celestia in who turn used her magic to instantly transport a heavy looking black case onto his desk, being escorted by a bright and enveloping light which disappeared far too quickly to anyone to notice.

Even the sight of actual magic wasn’t enough to get his kids to smile. It was hard to tell but it seemed like Jon’s words helped his two young ones feel somewhat better though they still sported a look of dismay between them. Sitting back down Jon began to fidget with the lock on his trunk to see what else he left behind so he could catalogue it later.

“I’ll try and see if maybe we could try to get in contact with her through letters or phone.” Jon said as he struggled to open the large stage chest. “But as far actually bringing her back here... I don’t see that happening any time soon. I know... it’s difficult but I’m sorry to say that it’s going to be awhile before any of you two see another pony again.”

Stepping forward Nathan looked like he was about to say something when something caught everyone’s attention in the room. In shock Jon had to lean back in his chair to process what both he and his kids just saw, right before their very eyes the large black transportation case had, on it’s own, jumped a few inches into the air like a wild animal was trying to break free.

Nathan and Maggie looked to their dad with expressions that asked if he did that but Jon responded with a look of his own which said no he did not. Slowly Jon reached out to the trunk with caution like he was afraid it would bite him. Gently he laid a single finger on it’s side which at first did nothing but just as he was about to do the same with the other hand the large plastic case moved violently once again, this time lunging forward where it spilled over Jon’s desk and terminated with a crash, sending bits of plastic onto the ground.

At this point Jon was too confused to think about the implications of what was occurring. Were he not so sleep deprived and heart broken he would have realized that something from another world was residing in his trunk which would have prompted him to get his kids away from whatever it was.

From his angle he could not see what had hatched from the stage container but both Nathan and Maggie were in just the right position to see for themselves what it was and the answer caused them to both drop their jaws in astonishment.

Like a horror movie first victim Jon slowly inched his way out of his seat to get a good look at whatever made new creature was now present in his house. At first he saw some squirming objects but nothing definitive. Reaching back into his pocket Jon tried to find his glasses but before he could equip them he saw something that at first made no sense but then filled him with dread.

A familiar pink bow.

With great swiftness a head poked over the the end of Jon’s desk which made him fall back into his seat out of shock both for the sudden appearance and the fact that he recognized who it was that was now in his home.

“Hiya Johnny!” The intruder known as Applebloom said. “Long time no see!”

Before Jon could respond, as he was too shocked to even say anything, his two children sprung into action!”

“BABY PONIES!” Nathan and Maggie screamed as they crowded around the front of Jon’s desk. Jon was too fixated on the still present Applebloom to notice but within moments his two kids dove to the ground only to arise holding a pegasus and a unicorn respectively. Jon was now greeted by the sight of not just Applebloom but two other ponies accompanying her.

His surprise only deepened when he recognized them as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, Applebloom two closest friends.

“DADDY, DADDY, DADDY LOOK!” Nathan demanded, jumping up and down. “MORE PONIES!”

“DADDY, LOOK AT THIS ONE!” Maggie added, squeezing the orange pegasus in her arms. “THIS ONE HAS WINGS!”

Jon watched at the two fillies currently being manhandled by his kids tried desperately to escape their grasp but their small size made it impossible, even the fully grown Trixie found it difficult to break free once Nathan and Maggie got their hands on her. For a second Jon was relieved by this since he still recalled how, between the three of them, these persistent ponies had the destructive capabilities of a bull on steroids so he found it lucky that at least two of them were subdued.

But when Applebloom pulled herself up onto his desk he was once again reminded that in grand scheme of things he would rather they not be here at all.

“So this is where y’all live?” Applebloom asked. “This place looks mighty fancy! Is this your room?”

Jon tried to speak but he found that no words could be formulated. He still couldn't understand how in one moment he could be having a quiet evening doing his taxes and signing contracts and in another have three young fillies in his room. Different priorities were had by his kids who rushed to address this wondrous issue with him.

“DADDY LOOK DADDY LOOK!” Maggie begged as she stretched her arm to present to him Scootaloo who continued to struggle. “It’s a baby pony! Daddy look! It’s a baby pony!”

“YEAH DAD LOOK! CAN WE KEEP THEM” Nathan added with great excitement. “Because, because, because if we get... if... if... if we get Trixie back and then get a boy-pony we could have a pony family!

“That’s right daddy a whole pony family!” Maggie said. “Trixie can be the mommy, we’ll get the daddy and these three are the babies!”

By this point Jon was ready to stand up, slam his fists, and take charge of the situation but the image of Jon taking care of five ponies under the same room knocked him back down to his seat. His eyes looked like they had seen what pure unfiltered horror was and despite his study never being this crowded or noisy as he heard was his heart beating.

“Hey!” Scootaloo said to Maggie as she tried to free herself. “Who you callin a baby!?”

“Mister... Stewart,” Sweetie Belle struggled to say with Nathans powerful arm across her neck. “I... can’t breathe.”

“Hey, Johnny, who are these tiny humans?” Applebloom asked. “Johnny? Can ya hear me Johnny.”

“His name is Daddy, other pony.” Maggie corrected. “Hey, Nate, grab her too!”

“On it, sis!” Nathan said as he reached out with his free hand. “Hey, Daddy, watch this!”

Before he knew it the entire room was buzzing with each children trying to get his attention. In typical juvenile fashion each minor tried desperately to be the center of attention through spastic movements and attempting to be the loudest one.

Jumping back onto the ground Appleboom fled from Nathan who was running around with Sweetie Belle still tucked under his arm as Maggie followed close behind with Scootaloo over her head like she was about to jump off a ledge hoping the orange Pegasus would safely fly her to safety.

At first Jon didn’t know what to do or say but he was awakened from his dream like trance by the sound of one of his kids knocking over lamp. He then saw Applebloom trample over a pile of important paperwork that Jon had carefully placed on the ground. He could barely hear himself think with all the commotion and but soon as soon as reality was properly set back in for Jon realized he had to do something.

Without even thinking about it Jon got up and took a deep breath like a dragon about to unleash a fiery stream of flame. He may not have possessed such an ability but his approach was nevertheless just as impacting.

“ENOUGH!” Jon yelled at the top of his elderly lungs. “EVERYONE STOP THIS IMMEDIATELY!”

Without even a cool down time all five children stopped in their tracks like someone pressing pause on their television. All eyes were no on Jon, who regained his composure by sitting a back down, combing his hair back and clearing his throat. From the look of it he didn't seem angry at all but calm and composed, which for an actor was a skill worth having. Nathan was still scared enough that he dropped the now dizzy unicorn onto the ground with a thud.

“Uh oh.” Maggie said as her brother picked Sweetie Belle back up, this time gently holding her around her stomach. “Daddy’s mad.”

“Don’t worry Maggie... everything is just fine.” Jon said in a comforting tone before taking a deep breathe as he leaned forward get a good look at Applebloom in the center of the room. “However, Applebloom... come here please.”

Carefully the now scared earth pony tiptoed her way to the front of Jon’s desk, occasionally having to walk around a piece of broken plastic then walking between Nathan’s legs till she arrived close enough to where she could get a good look at Jon, and Jon at her.

“Y-yes Johnny.” Applebloom said, her ears bent back with one hoof to the side ready to run away if need be.

“Applebloom honey,” Jon began in a tone like was conducting an interview. “Why... are you here in New York... no... no, no, no, how are you here in New York.”

“Well I... y-you see we.” Applebloom tried to say. “Me and girls well... we uh.”

“We’re here to get our Cutie Marks!” Scootaloo proudly announced without any hint of fear.

“What?” Jon said with what looked like angry narrowed eyes but was actually Jon squinting to get a good look at Scootaloo who was being held further away from him.

“Yeah Mr. Stewart!” Sweetie Belle added who was much closer. “We came to your world to try to see if we could get our Cutie Marks here... seeing as how we can’t seem to do it back home.”

Looking back down Jon once again was staring at their apparent ring leader.

“Applebloom! Is this true?” Jon demanded to know in a low but stern voice.

“Um... yeah that’s right.” She said. “T-the Cutie Mark Crusaders are here on a mission! A mission to find what our...”

As she recounted their oath Jon now found himself in shock at what was being told to him. If what he understood was to be taken as fact then three little ponies and traveled across planes of existence in order to find what their future professions would be.

“How... how is this possible.” Jon interrupted with begging hands. “How are you guys even here... no one is allowed to come to this world without Celestia’s permission, what’s going on!?”

The three shifting pair of eyes locked on each other only to once again look back at Jon’s towering presence.

“Well,” Applebloom began. “Ya see, We...”

“We snuck in!” Scootaloo proudly announced.

“What... what did you say?” Jon asked.

“Yeah, we hid in one those giant suitcases and waited for Celestia to teleport us here.” Sweetie Belle added. “We knew that sooner or later she would send you more equipment for your show so we waited.”

“I... you... my... I mean how.” Jon struggled to say. “You... you three hid in... in one of my... how did you even know about... about... Celestia and... and all this.”

“Uh well... if ya’ll would recall... you told us?” Applebloom stated.

“I did what now?” Jon asked.

“Duh! Remember when we last met!?” Scootaloo exclaimed. “Back in Rarity’s boutique! You told us about how Celestia still sent you your old junk.”

Jon still had no idea what they were referring to. But after a few seconds of quiet reflection it hit him like a runaway train. What Scootaloo said was indeed true, the last time Jon saw these three little ponies it was when he found himself hiding in Rarity’s shop. Once there he received a phone call from his wife about a package that arrived, a package that contained some lighting fixture that he had left behind.

He then explained to the three curious fillies that when he interviewed Luna in Canterlot he had to set up his own stage and in the process left behind some equipment. Since then Celestia had been regularly sending up case after case of his of his expensive stage parts... only this time he got more than he bargained for.

“I... can’t believe this.” Jon said now realizing how he had just screwed himself over... again.

“Pretty clever huh!” Applebloom said. “Now that we’re here... we uh... we actually have something we want to ask ya.”

“Did that suitcase come with a return address?” Jon asked, his eyes wide with continued astonishment he looked like he was trying to imitate an owl.

“Theeeere’s... a very specific Cutie Mark we came here to try and get, right girls.” Applebloom said with her two friends nodding in agreement. “So we were wondering... Johnny?”

Looking up all three girls were now huddled together like a acapella group ready to sing.

“Can we go on your show to try and get our TV Cutie Marks!?” All three asked at once.

It was always the same, whenever a pony tried to enter the human world it was always for the same reason.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Jon moaned as he slapped his hand across his face. “You came all the way here just to... just to be on my show!?”

The most frustrating part about all this, at least for Jon, was how unsurprising this all was. Historically speaking they weren't the first to do this.

“Well we also really wanted to see you again... buuuut yeah we’d really like if we were your next guest!” Applebloom said. “We really love your show, right girls?” Nodding in agreement all three fillies were once again scooped up by by a corresponding kid with Applebloom once again being the notable exception.

“That would be the best!” Maggie squealed as she began to rub her face against Scootaloo’s mane.

“Baby ponies on Daddy’s show!?” Nathan gasped. “Too cool!”

“Are you gonna do it Daddy! Huh, are ya , are ya!?” Maggie wanted to know.

Jumping up and down Applebloom was pleased to see that these two humans were one her side regarding this project. Jon however was less than enthusiastic. With aching head and strained vision Jon slumped back into his seat like he was melting.

“I... I... I...don’t... believe this.” Jon said in a hush tone which made everyone in the room take a few steps towards him. “Applebloom. Words cannot express how disappointed I am with you right now.”

“B-but... but we didn’t mean to get ya’ll upset.” Applebloom challenged. “W-we just wanted to see you is all.”

“But mostly it was for the Cutie Mark thing.” Scootaloo added causing both her friends to shove a hoof across her mouth.

“Do you three have even the faintest idea of what you’re dealing with here?” Jon asked in a concerned tone, not exactly knowing fully himself. “Traveling between two worlds isn’t child's play! What if you three had gotten hurt!”

“But... but we didn’t so... so it’s okay right?” Scootaloo asked.

“Noooo. No it’s not okay! You girls... to think you’d go this far! Don’t you know it’s illegal to sneak into this world!?” Jon asked while making sure to not raise his voice too much, both because he didn't want to scare them or wake up his wife a few room away. In typical parental fashion Jon wasn’t angry, but rather disappointed, as he would often said to his own children and his own mother would to him. There was even a part of him that was impressed they actually pulled up such a feat but he was far too tired to get worked up about it. “Don’t you know how much trouble you three are in!?”

“Weeell we kinda already thought about that.” Sweetie Belle said tentatively. “If you tell Celestia that you wanted us on your show all along then... then we won’t be technically breaking any laws since we’d be here as your guests.”

The fact that they were still trying to force their way onto his program as a means to avoid facing responsibility for what they did made Jon tilt his head in a slight angle like he was trying to express himself through body language. Again he found himself somewhat impressed by their plan. Quickly however he shook it off just in time to fully process what this all meant

“If you think... I’d still let you on my show... you... you... aaargg,” Jon moaned as he slumped further into his chair. “That does it... you three have really done it now.”

“W-what are you gonna do!?” Applebloom bellowed as Jon grabbed a hold of his phone.

“I am going to get Celestia to call your sisters.” Jon grumbled like he did not want to deal with this anymore. Rubbing his temple he began press some buttons on his cellphone. This bold declaration caused each of the three fillies to sport facial expression of varying degrees of fear. “I’ll let them decide what to do with you three.”

Sensing that they were moments away from losing their new found friends Maggie and Nathan jumped forward to try and talk their father out of it.

“Don’t do it Daddy!” Nathan cried. “Please don’t”

“Nate buddy jus... just... just stay out of this one.” Jon said as he weakly tried to shoo him away. “This does not concern you.”

“Please let them be on your show Daddy... please!” Maggie added.

Looking up Jon matched their begging woeful eyes with an tired and sunken glare of his own. In the past their pathetic puppy eyes might have swayed his heart but he was so emotionally and physically drained that he was now more resistant to such tricks.

“Sorry gang that’s not gonna work on me” Jon countered as he finished typing in Celestia full number. “Not this time.”

“Please Mr. Stewart don’t tell Rarity!” Sweetie Belle begged.

“Yeah, we won’t do it again!” Scootaloo added.

“I know you won't,” Jon grumbled. “Because I’m going to make sure you three are grounded till you’re my age.”

“Please Johnny.” Applebloom sniffed. “We just really, really, really wanna get our Cutie Marks.”

Their insistent was now starting to pierce Jon’s shield of cold uncaring indifference and was beginning to get him upset. Before actually placing his call Jon stood up to address all five children at once.

“Now listen here!” Jon said. “As of right now I’ll... I-I’l... uh....”

Jon always had a weakness for the begging eyes. His kids figured out long ago that if they got together and gave their father a pair of saddened expressions combined with pouting lips they could pretty much get away with murder. Jon had been practicing his resistance to this tactic and was on the verge of becoming completely immune like his wife.

It had gotten to the point where he was almost able to resist a pair of begging kids but there was no way he could hold his own against five.

“Oh no.” Jon thought as he was now facing down not only his kids but the three young fillies, all of whom looked like they were practicing their roles as Oliver Twist. “T-t-that’s not going to work! When I say I’m going to do something... I’ll, I’ll do it!”

To show he was serious Jon grabbed his phone and displayed it for all to see, indeed showing that if he wanted to all he had to do was press one button and he would be calling his celestial contact back at the castle. But this was not enough for any of kids to falter in their begging act, if anything it caused it to intensify.

“Please let us be on your show?” Applebloom begged

“I’m.. I’m sorry I... that is to say, well.” Jon fumbled to say unsure of what he was even trying to say.

Their eyes were still begging and their lips still quivering but now they added into the mix nose sniffeling as well as pretending to wipe away tears that didn’t exist. Jon always had a theory that all kids were telepathically linked which is why it was scarier whenever they were silent, not because it meant something was wrong but because they were discussing way in which things could go wrong.

This theory was all but cemented when all three kids opened their mouths to speak in synchronized unison like they had been practicing all day.

“PLEEEEEAAAAAAASE!” They all begged at once.

Never had Jon wished that his wife was here with him right now because if she was she’d be able to hold her own against such a pathetic display of eager begging. Jon one weakness was being exploited to it’s fullest yet again, and like with every other incident he caved in.

“Alright alright!” Jon bellowed, “You can be on my show just... for the love of god stop looking at me!”

Usually hearing one’s father say such a thing would be enough to make any child cry but in this case it made the Stewart children jump up and down with joy. The three invading ponies soon followed in turn causing Jon’s usually quiet study to be completely taken over by the sound of children screaming and hollering with Joy.

Jon had never been to a teen pop concert but he was starting to get a good idea of what one was like.

“Okay, okay that’s enough, everyone be quiet!” Jon yelled to get their attention. “Stop screaming or I’ll change my mind!”

Immediately all five children silences themselves with Applebloom tactfully taking a step forward to confirm that their deal was set.

“Sooooo... you really will let us on your show?” She asked just to be sure. “You aint just fibbin.”

Thinking about it Jon realized how easy it would be to simply lie about deal of their and tell Celestia to teleport them away behind their backs, but doing so would be dishonest. As much as Jon didn’t like this, he did gave his word which he never went back on. The exact same as when Trixie pulled the same stunt.

“Yeah I’m serious you three... you three are my next guests.” Jon sighed, preemptively covering his ears for the onslaught of screaming returned. “But hey... hey... quiet down I said!”

Like before there was once again silence with the occasional giddy laughter from a random child.

“Okay before we go any further you three are staying in Nathan and Maggie’s room.” Jon ordered while pointing to the three young mares then to his children. “Kids, make sure they go to bed right now. I don’t want them looking tired for when they go on stage.”

“OKAY DADDY!” Nathan roared as he grabbed two ponies in each hand and bolted for the exit.

“H-hey, hey no running indoors!” Jon called out as Maggie ignored his ordered and followed close behind her brother with Scootaloo held tightly against her stomach. The sound of giggling could still be heard as Jon theorized that all five of them were already in the kids room.

Despite his orders to go to bed at once he knew that wasn’t going to be the case and made plans to order his cosmetology girls to go heavy on the makeup to hide any bags under the eyes.

“Oooh, Jon, what have you gotten yourself into.” He asked himself as he slowly arched himself back in his chair while blinding grobbing his desk for his phone. Eventually he found it and brought it up to his hear. He wanted desperately to go to bed but before he could do so he had one last piece of unfinished business to take care of.

With a press of a button the phone began to ring and soon a soothing voice was on the other line.

“Hey Celestia? It’s me Jon.

“Hello Jon!” Celestia said. “Isn’t this a nice surprise.”

“Yeah, yeah sure is, listen I’m calling because I know who I want for tomorrows show.” Jon began.

“Oh well that’s so good to hear!” She said. “Wh-”

“Now before I tell you who it is I just have one thing to say to you.” He interrupted

“Oh,” Celestia commented. “And what might that be.”

“.... Celestia.... “ Jon began. “You suck at border patrol.”

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