• Published 14th Mar 2017
  • 8,309 Views, 1,284 Comments

Mother X: Father - Tatsurou

Giegue finds solace from madness raising a filly Moon Dancer...unwittingly laying the path for his own salvation.

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I'm Ready to Go

Much to the Runaway Five's surprise - based on a few startled oaths from Gorgeous and Groovy - and the youngsters' pleasure, they did manage to run down the side of the building safely just ahead of the band coming out the front door. Much to Jeff's mild irritation, he was unable to develop a proper propeller design for the Robo-Arms due to a lack of proper parts. Much to his relieved surprise, the Robo-Arms proved more than capable of bracing and absorbing the inertia of the fall without damaging himself or the pavement beneath him. "Note to self," he muttered quietly as he straightened his glasses, "check my supply of parts before attempting anything like that again, not after."

"I'd have arrested your inertia before you hit the ground if you were actually in danger," Moondancer pointed out as she lightly touched down, having simply let herself fall before neutralizing her inertia with her PSI aura via levitation just before impact, a few moments before Jeff's own landing.

"Too bad we don't have time to do that again," Ness breathed out, the exhilaration still running through his system.

"I'm sure the opportunity will present itself another time," Paula offered as she wiped her own brow.

"Indeed," Poo agreed dutifully. "As enjoyable an experience as it was, duty calls."

"In that case, let's get to Threed," Buzz Buzz suggested firmly. "Before someone working for Giygas tries to steal what's left of the Sky Runner."

"Right!" Ness agreed quickly before leading the way into the Runaway Five's van. He paused once they were all inside, however. "Is...something different about the van?" he asked curiously.

"No," Moondancer observed calmly as she glanced around, seeing the PSI illusion of the van and the inside of the saucer craft. "Why?"

"It's just...despite there being more of us, it seems..." Ness shifted, sitting down against the perceived wall and squinting past it. "...roomier, somehow..."

Moondancer smiled warmly. It seemed Ness' abilities were progressing further than anticipated, and his mind was now strong enough to perceive the presence of the illusion, if not clearly pierce it. "Well, more of the equipment's in the trunk," she pointed out obliquely.

"Maybe that's it," Ness allowed uncertainly as they began to move.

The trip back to Threed was uneventful, and it wasn't long before the Runaway Five dropped them off on the road by the graveyard at Jeff's request. With a hearty farewell and warm well wishes, the minor heroes turned band left the youngsters to their adventure. Watching them go, Moondancer felt sad at the separation...but somehow knew that she would see them again, and that her bond to them could not truly be severed. She felt them...in her Magicant.

As they turned toward the graveyard, Moondancer spoke up. "Jeff, Paula, Poo, you head down to check on the Skyrunner," she instructed. "I can only take one other person with me on the point-to-point teleports, and that's with Buzz Buzz's assistance in focusing the energy."

"Understood," Jeff agreed calmly. "With luck, I should have it up and running before you return." He turned and calmly went to the ladder down to the catacomb where the Skyrunner had crashed. Poo calmly followed.

Paula pouted briefly, but nodded assent at last. "Alright. Be careful, you three." With that said, she followed Jeff and Poo down the ladder.

Nodding, Ness shifted himself onto Moondancer's back for closest contact. Bracing herself, she sent them both through the warp.

As the trio climbed down the ladder, Poo noticed Paula's hesitation. "Is something bothering you?" he asked in concern.

"It's...this place has some bad memories, is all," she offered hesitantly. "I...don't really like coming back down."

"Ah, you refer to when you were infected with the Zombie curse," Poo deduced in recognition. "Yes, I can see why this would be a troubling place to return to."

"H-how did you know about that?" Paula gasped out in surprise.

"When Ness and Moondancer shared my mind at the end of my training, we shared each others stories," Poo explained. "I saw many of the events each of them had been through as though through their eyes, and they through mine. I know them both quite well."

Paula frowned thoughtfully as she turned the implications of that over in her mind. Jeff, meanwhile, got to work on the Skyrunner, pleased to see that it wasn't as badly damaged as it had appeared on first crash examination.

To Moondancer's surprise, they appeared in the cavern to Lilliput Steps, rather than Saturn Valley. "Buzz Buzz, why direct us here?" she asked in confusion. "Don't we need to pick up the Secret Herb?"

"No we don't," Buzz Buzz corrected. "I did a quick check of Ness' PSI strength. He's aware of far more PSI than he should be at his current level of training. I expect the PSI you both unleashed back in Nightmare Moonside to heal Giegue through the Mani Mani Statue opened both your minds beyond their normal limits. And Ness did want to do this himself."

"You're here?" Mondo Mole asked in surprise. "It's a lot sooner than I expected. I thought you were going to wait until you learned PSI Healing Gamma?"

"He has," Buzz Buzz pointed out as Ness stepped off Moondancer's back and walked up to Mondo Mole.

"But that shouldn't be possible!" Mondo Mole pointed out. "He's nowhere near strong enough-" His eyes widened as Ness laid his hands against him and the numbness faded, his body moving again. He then looked into Ness' eyes. "...oh wow. Star PSI..."

"Indeed," Buzz Buzz confirmed. "He and Moondancer have each discovered one."

"That's why they know PSI beyond their level," Mondo Mole observed as he glowed faintly. "Well, I'm not needed here. Oh, but Ness?"

"Y-yeah?" Ness asked in surprise.

"Power isn't supposed to come easily, or cheaply," Mondo Mole explained calmly as the glow suffused him. "The world knows this, and will not freely grant you power even if you are attuned to it. Creatures like me, who guard the Sanctuaries? We are a mix of Giygas' madness and the planet's power, drawn to the Sanctuaries to guard them not to steal them, but to test if you are ready for their power. Don't be afraid to strike with all your might when you fight us. Some foes, that will be your only option...and Earth needs to know you can, and so do you."

Ness nodded in understanding. "So that's what the Sprout meant at Milky Well..."

"Don't think we'll take it easy on you, either," Mondo Mole continued. "The others will do everything in their power to kill you. In the long run, it's better that the Earth fall than for you and Moondancer walk Giygas' path. Understand?"

Swallowing convulsively, Ness nodded.

"Then my work here is done," Mondo Mole observed as his body dissolved, leaving behind an ordinary mole that scurried away back to his hole."

Ness stared after the mole for a time, then shook himself. Turning, no sign of distress was on his face as he nodded to Moondancer. "Let's go," he said calmly. "Paula and the others are waiting."

Moondancer nodded in agreement, focusing her energy to warp back to Threed.

Author's Note:

Due to the effect of discovering Star PSI, Ness and Moondancer will now learn ordinary PSI 20 levels earlier than normal. This has no effect on their stats, especially PP.

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