• Published 14th Mar 2017
  • 8,309 Views, 1,284 Comments

Mother X: Father - Tatsurou

Giegue finds solace from madness raising a filly Moon Dancer...unwittingly laying the path for his own salvation.

  • ...

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Street Sharks

With his new mission in mind, Ness immediately got to work hunting down the street punks known as 'The Sharks' that were causing such trouble on the streets of Onett. They proved to be relatively easy to find, as they wore special black jumpsuits that changed color as they became aggressive, turning a variety of colors that made them look like rejects from the circus. Most of the Sharks wandering the streets had the light of Giygas' madness in their eyes, so Ness had no hesitation striking them down full force with the PSI Bat to make them return to normal. With the power of the PSI Bat, each one fell with a single strike...though before long, the Sharks they found wandering seemed to vanish rather than turning into normal people, only to take shape again when they weren't looking.

"What causes that?" Ness asked Buzz Buzz curiously.

"This is only a guess, but I'm pretty sure the Sharks are all under someone's sway," Buzz Buzz explained thoughtfully. "Given that they are a gang, probably their leader...and it's their leader who's primarily influenced by Giygas' madness wavelength. Most of these 'Sharks' we're fighting are probably projections, based in that leader's belief of how many followers they have. Though that shouldn't be possible..."

"It would if there happened to be a PSI amplifier anywhere in the area," Moondancer pointed out. "With the proximity of Your Sanctuary, it would influence anyone with a strong enough PSI impression in a position of power and authority once the amplifier was activated, especially if the amplifier were receiving and boosting the madness waves."

"Lier X. Aggerate did mention he had something big to show me that he dug up," Ness mentioned idly. "I hadn't given it much thought, since he's always coming up with crazy stories...but could that be it?"

"He lives up on the mountain?" Moondancer clarified as she glanced through the available pages of the Hint Book. "Then it's entirely possible he dug it up just in time for our meteor to have triggered its activation."

"Should we go deal with it?" Ness asked curiously.

"Definitely not!" Buzz Buzz insisted firmly. "As dangerous as one of those things can be, if it is amplifying madness waves, neither of you are equipped to deal with it...at least not until after you've been exposed to the Earth's energies through a Sanctuary or two."

"But we should make a point of coming back to the meteor sooner rather than later," Moondancer pointed out. "Zexonyte will form in the meteor before long, and we should retrieve it as soon as it forms. It's a very rare and valuable mineral that's a must for time travel, and I'd rather we have it and not need it than our enemies having it and finding a use for it."

"So where do we find the leader of the Sharks, then?" Ness asked curiously, making a mental note to check back frequently for the Zexonyte.

"Well, the Sharks primarily seem to be congregating in the southern half of town," Moondancer pointed out. "What's down there?"

"Well, there's the hospital, the bakery, the police station, the not-yet-open Mach Pizza, the arcade, and a few houses," Ness listed as he examined the Town Map. "What am I looking for?"

"Well, where would a bunch of street thugs congregate?" Buzz Buzz asked curiously.

"The hospital?" Moondancer suggested impishly.

Buzz Buzz attempted to glare, only to realize that was incredibly difficult when one's eyes weren't visible and one was sitting in the hair of the one you were glaring at. "Before they pick a fight with us," he clarified, setting Ness to giggling.

Moondancer shrugged her shoulders. "How should I know what a street thug thinks? The madness waves affecting their minds blocks my ability to read them."

"You just...casually read minds?" Ness asked in surprise.

"Below a certain threshold of PSI ability, yes," Moondancer confirmed. "It's not something I know how to turn off. I can't read yours, if that's what you're worried about..." She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Or your Mom's, for some reason."

"Well, you're a kid, Ness," Buzz Buzz pointed out. "Which of those places sounds like fun to hang out?"

"The hospital," Ness insisted firmly. "You can visit the sick and the elderly in need of medical attention and make them smile! It really makes my day to do that."

Buzz Buzz stared in stunned amazement. At least that was a clue as to why the Apple picked this kid. Maybe asking a kid who wasn't trying to be a saint would help. "What would Pokey think of as fun?" he tried.

"Oh, he's always sneaking down to the arcade!" Ness pointed out disapprovingly. "I don't know why. It always gets him in trouble, and none of the games there are any fun...and the older kids are always monopolizing them, anyway."

"In that case, I suggest we try the arcade," Moondancer offered. "If nothing else, it's a place to eliminate."

As they entered the arcade, they found the interior dimly lit. They were constantly bombarded by the sounds of the games running, being very distracting as they moved in. It was also filled with several Sharks. One of them immediately rushed up to Ness. "It was you! You beat up my buddy, didn't you?" His black suit turned green as he pulled out a pogo stick with which to charge Ness. "You'd better just beat it!"

Ness countered by sweeping his bat at the base of the Pogo Punk's pogo stick, tripping him up before bringing the PSI bat down to the back of his head. The aura of madness immediately dispersed, leaving the punk unconscious. "Okay," Ness offered happily.

"Huh?" Buzz Buzz asked in confusion.

"He said I should beat it," Ness pointed out, smiling nervously.

"Nice attempt," Moondancer praised gently, "but you really shouldn't try to explain those."

Ness nodded as they moved further into the arcade. A door into the empty lot behind the arcade was guarded by a Shark with a hula hoop. As they approached, he smirked down at Ness. "Hey kid," he greeted playfully. "Do you want to become a member?"

Ness stared up at the Shark in abject terror. Moondancer couldn't place why at first...until she realized it was his social awkwardness kicking in, being asked a direct question. Finally, Ness managed to shake his head.

The Shark's suit turned bright purple with a white skeleton drawn on it as he began to swing his hula hoop. "Don't be such a snob!" he snapped out as he lunged in to attack.

Ness swung out with the PSI Bat, knocking the hoop into the Shark's head to daze him before delivering the knock out blow. "...is this what it's going to be like?" Ness asked worriedly. "Am I...am I going to learn to talk to people...with a bat instead of words?"

"There are three other kids destined to help you," Moondancer reminded him. "And one lives one town south of here. ...at least, I assume a town called Twoson is close to Onett."

"It is," Ness agreed. "That...that will be something. A...a human friend I can...talk to."

"First we need to deal with Frank," Buzz Buzz reminded him gently.

Nodding, Ness pushed through the doors.

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