• Published 14th Mar 2017
  • 8,309 Views, 1,284 Comments

Mother X: Father - Tatsurou

Giegue finds solace from madness raising a filly Moon Dancer...unwittingly laying the path for his own salvation.

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Catching Up

As the PSI energy faded, Niiue and Moondancer found themselves standing on one of many rock chunks in the asteroid belt, their bodies surrounded by their PSI energy as their physical functions slowed to almost nothing. Whoa, Moondancer marveled as she struggled mentally to adapt to not relying on her body for functionality. This is...pretty trippy.

Yeah, it's disorienting the first time you slow your internal systems like this, Niiue agreed. Don't worry, though. We won't have to be like this for long. I've got another ship stashed near here. It's not as big, but it gets the job done...especially since all we're really doing now is zipping around providing support for Larice and the crew he joins up with.

What's so important about a blue Mook, anyway? Moondancer asked curiously as she followed Niiue in a teleport chain from asteroid to asteroid. ...for that matter, what even is a Mook?

A three-eyed, multi-tentacled race native to Saturn, Niiue responded, before going into an odd lecturing mode. A Class II sentient species. It's a rare example of a highly psionic lifeform that is not its planet's sole dominating inhabitant. Every Mook uses PSI abilities. Their many limbs assist not only in-

Why does this sound like a data entry sheet? Moondancer interrupted. It...also doesn't sound like you...or Giegue.

Niiue was silent for some time. ...when something is broken, bits and pieces are left behind on both sides.

Can I ask you who Cerue was without causing mental issues? Moondancer inquired, gently but hopefully.

Niiue said nothing until they'd entered the two-man ship he'd led them to, an oddly-shaped pod that could do little but fly very fast, and couldn't even land anywhere without crashing. Once the pair was inside and had adjusted their physiological responses back to a normal level, he spoke up. "If things had turned out differently...she might have been your mother."

Moondancer stared in awe. "My...my mother?" she gasped.

"Don't hope too much," Niiue cautioned. "When the link between Giegue and Cerue broke, she...left. I have no idea where she went from there. It's highly unlikely you'll ever see her...and if you do, it will likely not be a pleasant encounter if you mention the connection."

Moondancer hung her head, her ears flat against her skull.

Niiue decided to distract her as best he could. "In regard to your original inquiry, this blue Mook seems to have some sort of connection to the Apple of Enlightenment, and to Points of Power around the Solar System. He and those gathered with him are the Apple Chasers. Beyond that...I don't really know what's going on. I can only hope that Mook has - or will have - a plan. For now, let's head to Saturn orbit."

Nodding, Moondancer moved to the communications rig, plugging in Larice' com signal to see if she could raise him, intending to find out if he'd managed to find the blue Mook.

To her surprise, the rather primitive comm system rang a few times, before receiving a connection signal. "Larice, it's Moondancer. I've managed to get a lock on you, and we're on our way to Saturn to observe. It's gonna be a bit, so I want a report-"

"Survived *bzzt, click* attack from Giegue," Larice interrupted. "...barely. Alinivar located and *click* allied with. Alinivar condition...stable. Col. Saturn condition...stable. Zarbol condition...passenger *click* stable, vessel in need of *bzzt* repair."

"Sounds like you got your ass handed to you," Moondancer allowed worriedly. "Lucky you're still in one piece."

"I am under order *bzzt, click* to not die," Larice retorted, his voice sounding stronger.

Moondancer managed to chuckle. "Well, do a better job following that order, you hear? Now, did he say anything significant?"

"He mentioned *clickclickclick* an Apple," Larice responded, sounding as though he'd undergone a full system's reboot now.

"Tell them to get to Satralla Tower!" Niiue spoke up. "That's where I'm getting the signal from the Apple fragment."

"Satralla Tower, Larice," Moondancer relayed. "You know where that is?"

"...Alinivar and *whirrr* Col. Saturn know the location," Larice responded. "However, Alinivar is *click* aware of a third Point of Power, and wishes to *whirrr, click* investigate it first. The Points *whirrr* unlock PSI abilities for Alinivar and Col. Saturn."

"...follow his lead, Larice," Moondancer stated finally. "The Apple picked him, so I'll assume he knows what he's doing."

"Understood," Larice agreed before the connection was lost.

"Well, that's a good sign I hope," Niiue allowed. "If Alinivar knows what he's doing, that's good for the rest of us. I just hope nothing goes wrong."

"For now, just get us to Saturn," Moondancer insisted. "They might need assistance."

"Just going to make a quick stop nearby to get them a ship," Niiue countered. "They're going to need to get off world."

By the time the pair finished arranging for the work to get Alinivar and the others a ship, they were in position over Satralla Tower just in time to see the group confront Greyface. Moondancer frowned as she watched the fight from the pod, definitely unhappy with what she was seeing. Despite how well Larice's new friends were able to fight, Greyface seemed implacable...until he ran out of ammunition for his weapons. Before the group could take advantage of that, he seized the Apple Fragment and hopped back into his pod, shooting straight out of Saturn orbit.

"Can we stop him?" Moondancer asked hopefully.

"Even if we could do anything other than try to ram him, he's too fast to catch," Niiue grumbled. "Better let Larice know about the ship we got him. And tell him to head for Jupiter. A lot of Giegue's forces are active there, so another Apple might be there. Even if it isn't, there's another Point of Power there."

Nodding, Moondancer turned back to the comm to relay the message.

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