• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Mother X: Father - Tatsurou

Giegue finds solace from madness raising a filly Moon Dancer...unwittingly laying the path for his own salvation.

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Problem Solving

Once Alinivar finished his painting, he put it away without showing it to anyone and then moved to the controls. For a time, he sent the ship on odd, indirect courses, stopping here and there to pick up items the ship map showed would be useful. Moondancer didn't tag along when they were going onto ships, since the ships flew under Giegue's flag and she didn't want to draw undue attention. When they approached Neptune, however, she decided to tag along once she wrapped herself in a protective PSI shield that would keep her from getting wet.

Neptune's 'surface' - if it could be called that - proved to be a sequence of clouds solid enough to walk on, interconnected by whirlpools and waterfalls that linked the cloud platforms and the occasional cavern. A few buildings were built on the clouds, including one that Alinivar went directly to. This proved to be the lab of a fish-man by the name of Dr. Yooghurt, an acquaintance of Malik, the silver Mook Moondancer had seen - but not spoken to - on the ship.

Moondancer wasn't able to follow much of the discussion with the fish-doctor, but it led to a bit of back and forth between the ship and the lab...and something about a cassette tape. After that, they went to an area called the Cloud Ocean, where numerous cloud platforms were scattered about and could only be reached via a special riding ship that could leap from one platform to the next through Neptune's thick atmosphere. While very pretty, they didn't remain there long. After Zarbol had harvested a couple of ancient devices from some old wreckage, they brought those back to Dr. Yooghurt. He tweaked them into parts for the ship, a ship-mounted weapon and a heat-shield projector that would allow them to explore Venus.

Once they were installed on the ship, Alinivar swung by the Uranus Orbiter - where, on impulse, Moondancer picked up a Goddess Ribbon to hang onto, even though it didn't suit her - before heading for Pluto. Pluto proved to be almost completely frozen over and covered in ice and snow, with soaring mountains and spires at one end of the tiny planet. Moondancer grinned eagerly as they stepped out onto the planet, leaping into the snow and digging back and forth within it. To her surprise, the entire group took a break for a couple hours to teach her to play in the snow, including making snowmen, having snowball fights, and even going to the mountains to teach her to sled. Moondancer enjoyed all of it immensely, and it managed to take her mind off her more somber thoughts. They even managed to earn a useful item and a new PSI skill for Alinivar through a mountain contest from the native Wooly Shamblers - bipedal beings with two tentacles as the only thing visible under a thick coat of wool.

After leaving Pluto, Alinivar found a planet not marked on the map, small and with only a single landmass, that seemed to appear as they approached it and vanished as they moved away. Ancient records identified the world as Eris, and nothing whatsoever was known about it. All that was there was a message left by an ancient civilization about an invading threat that returned every millennium, and a prophecy with its own intelligence. "Do...do you think it's talking about the Apple of Enlightenment?" Moondancer asked Alinivar curiously.

"Considering the place is decorated in an apple motif, maybe," Alinivar allowed, pointing to where decorations that resembled the Apple fragments they'd tried to collect sat twinkling in the light of the tiny world.

With nothing else to do there, Alinivar set course for Venus.

Venus was cloaked in acidic clouds that the group could barely survive, only protected by the cooling energy shields projected around them by the ship. However, the surface was incredibly hot, and covered with acid and lava pits that criss-crossed many of the paths, and the heat bore down on them all even as they walked. If not for the occasional cavern or pool of water they were able to duck into, they would have surely overheated and cooked before too long. Alinivar's new PSI Freeze Omega skill proved especially useful at dealing with the monsters that prowled Venus, and Moondancer's PSI allowed her to float over pits of lava to reach some important items.

After a few more side trips to pick up items, Alinivar took the group to Jupiter to explore the swamps south of Bolos, a city of Foppies - tiny red balls with stubby feet. The swamps had narrow dirt paths surrounded by poisonous water, with pink fog shrouding vision. Various monsters of plant matter wandered about, trying to hunt the group down if they got too close. Eventually, the path led to a cave blocked by an irritable cactus, which insisted on fighting them if they wanted to pass. After an intense battle, it was finally felled, and the group was able to enter.

Inside was an old friend of Zarbol's. After the pair talked for a time, he upgraded Zarbol's UFO body with a few new skills, and the group made their way back to Bolos. Once they reached the town, however, Moondancer let out a long yawn.

"Getting tired?" Alinivar asked curiously. "How about we take a nap in a real bed before we head back to the ship?"

Moondancer smiled softly. "That sounds nice..."

"There's a hotel in town, Boing!" Col. Saturn spoke up. "Will be nice to get slumber, kay-o!"

"I could use a decent recharge," Zarbol agreed.

"We have all *click* been pushing hard," Larice agreed.

With that decided, the group made their way to the hotel and paid for a room for the night. Everyone curled up for a good, long rest.

As Moondancer tried to sleep, however, she felt a voice calling her. Unable to sleep, she got up...only to find a door open in the wall, a door that hadn't been there before. Curious, she stepped inside.

Beyond the door was a much higher tech facility, a single chamber with a window out onto the stars. Inside was a single Fobby - a creature resembling the Foppies, except orange - staring out the window. "So you've come," it said simply, its voice echoing with powerful PSI.

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