• Published 14th Mar 2017
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Mother X: Father - Tatsurou

Giegue finds solace from madness raising a filly Moon Dancer...unwittingly laying the path for his own salvation.

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Fate Foretold

"What was that?" Moondancer demanded of Niiue as soon as she managed to catch her breath. "How did I know her name, when it looked like her parents hadn't even named her yet? How was her PSI strong enough for baby Geeg speak? How did she know baby Geeg speak? How did she know my name? My essence?" Moondancer started to hyperventilate as she let what happened start to run through her mind. The infant - Paula, apparently - had spoken in the thought language of the Geeg - the infant form, at any rate - which was more mental conception than actual words...and somehow as an infant knew Moondancer well enough to present her as more than just 'oddly colored shape of importance'. The mental image that came through was very strong...but it was slightly inaccurate. It was an image of Moondancer...but not as she was now. "When did she even get that image from-"

"Moondancer, shut up!" Niiue suddenly snapped out angrily, his PSI starting to flare.

Moondancer flinched back in shock, her ears going flat as her eyes started to water.

Almost immediately, Niiue's anger faded as he looked completely contrite. "Moondancer, I'm sorry..." He swiftly was at her side, holding her in a comforting embrace as he stroked her back, trying to calm them both down.

After a time, both managed to calm enough for Moondancer to speak up. "Niiue...what's going on? Why...why are you so upset?"

"I...I caught that image," he explained softly. "I was able...to get a bit more from it than you did. And 'when' is the right question, but a question I don't want to answer, because I don't want it to have an answer."

Moondancer tilted her head in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I...after getting brief contact with that girl's mind, I have a theory that will explain most of what just happened," Niiue continued, looking paler than normal. "But I don't want to share that theory, no matter how much you want the answers...because I want the theory to be wrong. Because if I'm right...it may be impossible to save Giegue."

Silence reigned between the pair for a time. Finally, Moondancer spoke up. "Then you're wrong," she stated firmly. "If the only explanation that fits the current information means we can't save Giegue, then we don't have enough information to get the right explanation. It's as simple as that."

Niiue took a few calming breaths, then smiled down at Moondancer. "I guess I can hope you're right, even if that's all I've got left. How are you able to stay so optimistic, so hopeful after everything that's happened?"

Moondancer glanced down, pawing at the floor with one hoof. "Because...because I've felt the start of the madness that's driving Giegue," she explained. "There's...there's a seed of it inside me. If...if I don't stay optimistic, stay hopeful...then that seed will sprout. And I'm pretty sure that won't do any good saving Giegue."

Niiue shuddered violently, as he mentally applied what he'd caught from that brief glimpse into what Paula was able to say onto Moondancer's present abilities, PSI and otherwise. The result was absolutely terrifying. "I wish the Geeg had gods," he grumbled morosely. "Then I'd have someone to pray to...it seemed a comforting activity back when Maria taught Giegue how to do it..."

"What's a god?" Moondancer asked curiously. "I haven't come across that term before."

"Humans and other races at a similar level believe in higher powers that watch over and protect them," Niiue explained. "They pray to these figures to influence events to improve their lives, and they have enough latent PSI power that enough 'miracles' happen in response to prayers to make them believe it actually works."

"Higher powers that watch over and protect..." Moondancer murmured softly, turning that over in her mind as she tried to find something in her experience that fit. Her eyes widened as she hit on one possibility. "Humans pray to the Geeg?"

Niiue opened his mouth to deny it, but paused. He had to admit that it was entirely possible that some of Earth's religions were spawned from Geeg involvement as the world was explored for possible inclusion in the Geeg empire at some point in their distant past. He didn't really like thinking of things that way, or wanting Moondancer to think of herself - or Giegue - as a god to humans. "Well, they certainly don't think so," he finally declared in a joking tone.

Moondancer smiled happily. "I...I think I know what I should do now."

"As do I," Niiue agreed. "I...I'm going to see if I can project into Giegue's Magicant - or what's left of it - to see if I can pick up more of what he plans to do now." He carefully sat in a meditation position. "Don't disturb me until I'm done."

Nodding, Moondancer moved to the other side of the ship to give Niiue space. Sitting back on her haunches, she closed her eyes and lifted her forelegs up, putting the flat of her hooves together.

"What are *bzzzt* you doing?" a Starman Super inquired of her.

"Praying to Father," she offered softly. "Maybe he'll hear me somewhere in time...and that will help me save him."

"Praying to Master Giegue will *click* help him?" the golden being asked in surprise.

"It can't hurt," the little filly offered hopefully.

The Starman turned and sent signals to its fellows. After a time, the ship was set to coast with motion sensors on max as the entire Starman complement moved to beside Moondancer before kneeling and putting the tips of their arm-tendrils together. "Is this the *whirr* proper position?" A Deluxe inquired.

Moondancer chuckled softly. "I guess so," she admitted. "Now...pray that my Dad will be alright."

"*whirr, click* Let Master Giegue-"

"Not for 'Master Giegue'," Moondancer corrected. "Pray for my Dad."

The Starmen exchanged confused glances. "It is your order to *click, click* use that specific terminology?" A Starman Ghost asked.

Moondancer nodded firmly.

The Starmen all bowed their heads. "Let Commander Moondancer's *whirrr* Dad be alright," they murmured in unison, over and over like a mantra.

Smiling, Moondancer returned to her own silent prayers. Dad...I don't know if you can hear this, or if you're even out there somewhere in space-time anymore...but I'm going to try and save you. And whenever I have a quiet moment I'll pray to you...and tell you everything I've done. I guess...that way you can have a record of my adventure? Isn't that nifty? I...don't have much to tell you now, but this is how it started...

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