• Published 14th Mar 2017
  • 8,309 Views, 1,284 Comments

Mother X: Father - Tatsurou

Giegue finds solace from madness raising a filly Moon Dancer...unwittingly laying the path for his own salvation.

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Cleansing Red

After leaving Mercury, Alinivar set course for Mars. Once there, Niiue went over the data available. “Looks like there’s a factory here mass producing troops for Giegue, but no trace of Zexonyte. Though if you want to try and cripple Giegue’s forces, you could blow the factory up. That might give us an advantage in out maneuvering him.”

“Worth a try,” Alinivar agreed. He then turned to Moondancer, who’d stayed close to Niiue since they’d left Mercury. “Feeling up to tagging along?”

Moondancer nodded. “Yes, I think so,” she agreed. “If it’s on Mars...then it’s making Starmen. That...that should be stopped.”

“Agreed,” Larice spoke up with a whir. “The wrong done *click* my people should be rectified.”

With the decision made, the group made their way down to the surface.

Not far away from the ship, the groups saw the structure they were looking for, the entrance guarded by a Starman who glowed gold and silver, its limbs covered in spikes and the shape of its head-helm slightly different. “Careful,” Larice spoke up. “That is *click* a Final Starman, one of the strongest versions. It may be difficult *whirr* to get past.”

“*click* Attention HQ!” the Final Starman suddenly declared as it locked in on them. “Enemy Number One incoming. Apprehend immediately! Orders are confirmed, no discourse with enemy units permitted!”

“And no chance of talking,” Moondancer murmured sadly as the group prepared for battle.

Larice’ prediction proved true, as the Final Starman was incredibly tough. Not only was it physically durable, it had incredibly strong PSI defenses. Oddly enough, the guns Col. Saturn had picked up on Earth seemed to be the most effective weapon, as the Final Starman’s energy shields didn’t work well against the particle based weapons. Odd how a weapon-being designed to be the strongest in space fell so easily to ordinary bullets.

Before long, the Final Starman fell apart and stopped moving. The group then made their way into the facility. In stark contrast to Mars’ red surface, the inside of the facility was dull grey. As it turned out, however, it was merely a tunnel to the facility itself. Inside, it turned out to be a factory for manufacturing Blue Starmen, a newer model that had different abilities. As they moved through, they discovered quite a few notes regarding something called ‘Project Rebuild’ on the walls, discussing some sort of weapon that was somewhat vulnerable to electricity. As they reached the last note, Alinivar stopped and stared.

“Alinivar?” Zarbol asked worriedly. “Why aren’t we moving forward?”

“It...it can’t be...” Alinivar murmured sorrowfully.

Curious, Moondancer moved up to see what was written on the note.

Test Subject: Taken from Satralia after Giegue attacked there.
Inflated, robotized, badass-ized!
Just look at that radar on its head!

“Is something wrong, Alinivar?” she asked worriedly. “You...used to live in Satralia-”

“There was a Mr. Saturn who was with me when I faced Giegue there, before the Apple chose me,” Alinivar murmured sorrowfully. “He was a friend. I...I bought my paints from him. I...never found any trace of him after the attack...no matter how much I looked...”

At the very top of the facility, a huge Mr. Saturn waited. It was half-machine at this point, with a radar in place of a ribbon. Alinivar stared up at it as they approached. “It’s you, isn’t it...” he murmured softly.

The creature - labeled ‘Ultrasaturn’ - stared back down at them, seemingly impassive as it waited for them to get close enough to fight. Alinivar stopped before entering that range.

“Is that you, my friend?” Alinivar asked sorrowfully. “I still have my gold stone. I never did pay for my paints...” Reaching into a pocket, he pulled out a small shimmering piece of rock, glowing gold. “I haven’t painted in a while, I’m afraid...”

The Ultrasaturn stared at the stone, taking no action.

“I’ve gotten into music, just like I always used to talk about,” Alinivar continued. “I...I’m in a band. And...I guess saving the solar system. But...I couldn’t save you...”

The Ultrasaturn remained motionless.

“Is...is there any of you left in there?” Alinivar asked desperately. “Anything I can still save?”


Alinivar’s eyes locked on the one eye of the Ultrasaturn that was still flesh and blood...where a single tear had formed. “My friend, it is you...”

“Not...anymore...” the Ultrasaturn managed to push out past the program. “Come...no closer...can’t...control...”

“I...I can’t save you?” Alinivar moaned sorrowfully, lashing his tendrils angrily.

“You...can...” the Ultrasaturn responded. “...it hurts...it hurts...end it...”

Alinivar’s eyes closed, tears pouring as he couldn’t face what was being asked...but at the same time, he couldn’t turn his back. He gathered his PSI, intending it to be a single blast.

Energy gathered from Col. Saturn, from Larice, from Zarbol, from Moondancer...and from the Ultrasaturn. A wave of pure light tore through the Ultrasaturn, doing no damage. A ghostly image of a Mr. Saturn floated free of it. “Thank you, boing,” it said softly as it floated away. “Paint one more for me...” It then faded away...and with no soul to drive it, the Ultrasaturn fell dead.

Alinivar moved up to the fallen body sadly. Reaching out, he gently removed the radar bow...finding paints hidden inside. Giving the bow to Col. Saturn, he pocketed the paints before setting the gold stone in the open mouth. “Goodbye, my friend.”

No one said anything as they stepped into the next room, setting the factory to explode before warping back to the ship.

Back on the ship, Alinivar moved to a corner where he pulled out an easel and the new paints. Staring out into space, he eyeballed a memory and began to paint. He had left his friend alone and forgotten...he owed it to him to ensure he was remembered.

Moondancer watched calmly, trying to understand what had happened, and what would happen. One thought entered her mind, a thought that filled her with fear. What had been done to Alinivar’s friend had left him in such pain that ending him saved him. And the way he’d cried out... ‘...it hurts...it hurts...’

Is that how she would have to ‘save’ her father?

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