• Published 14th Mar 2017
  • 8,309 Views, 1,284 Comments

Mother X: Father - Tatsurou

Giegue finds solace from madness raising a filly Moon Dancer...unwittingly laying the path for his own salvation.

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Setting Things in Motion

It wasn't long before all the Starmen of rank Super, Deluxe, and Ghost had gathered for their orders in the cockpit. To Moondancer's confusion, Niiue waited until Larice arrived before giving anyone their orders. "It looks like everyone's here," he said as soon as Larice came through the door. "As you know, we've been hit. And you're wondering 'by what?'"

As Niiue began to pace, Moondancer rolled her eyes. Is this really necessary? she thought at Niiue irritably. They're pretty well trained. You could just give them orders without explaining-

Like Giegue always did? Niiue thought back. Yes, and that was so effective that all we have left to order around are those who did so...and Larice. I'd rather have more troops capable of independent thought if we're going to be trying to save my other half from himself. He turned towards the Starmen. "It appears we were hit by...some sort of shielded organic life form."

Wait, what? Moondancer demanded, once again trying to access her malfunctioning console. What kind of organic life form can survive in space, even with a shield?

Us, for one, Niiue pointed out. We are able to use our PSI to move ourselves around even with our physiological reactions suspended. No idea if we're the only ones who can, or what type of organic life form this is...and I don't intend to stick around to find out. "It tore directly through the engine," he continued aloud, "giving us about...30 minutes to evacuate. As Starmen, you all should have no trouble using PSI Teleport to leave the ship, right? Ten minutes left now, so hurry."

As all the other Starmen teleported away, Larice moved forward. "Sir *whirr, click* I lack that ability. Only Super and above have that skill uploaded."

Niiue chuckled softly. "Still haven't learned your lesson from last time?" he asked teasingly.

"No, *click* sir," Larice responded firmly. "I do not feel *whirrr* it is a lesson I should learn."

"What do you mean, Niiue?" Moondancer asked curiously.

"Why don't you tell her, Larice?" Niiue suggested. "If you think you have the time."

Larice turned to Moondancer. "Master Giegue assigned me to *whirr, click* take care of you while he was gone. I perform all commands to the best of my ability. However, I concluded *whirr, click* that returning you to him was counter to the order to 'take care of you', as his *click, click* unstable mental state was not conducive to your healthy growth. I asked *whirr* if it would be better if you were tended by others - like myself - until he was in a better state."

"That's why he took your emblem?" Moondancer gasped in surprise. "But...he said-"

"Giegue's memory of events is no longer accurate," Niiue pointed out. "He has learned to lie to himself...and that's making his mental state all the more unstable." He sighed softly. "I hate to say this, Moondancer...but don't get-"

"You are not *whirrr* being very conducive to her mental well being either," Larice interrupted.

Niiue raised an eyebrow. "A bit verbose, aren't you?" he asked encouragingly.

"We are soldiers, meant to serve *whirrr* our Master," Larice explained. "This means we are to *click* carry out our duties to the best of *whirrr* our abilities. So if we feel a different approach *click click* is better, we are remiss in our duties if we do not raise it..." He whirred and clicked for a time. "...Giegue did not agree..."

"And yet you're still following that last order he gave you?" Moondancer inquired thoughtfully.

"He never rescinded it," Larice stated plainly.

Niiue smirked over at Moondancer. Still think just giving orders is better? he thought at her.

"I no longer *whirr* have time to reach the escape pods," Larice offered. "I hope this last act of mine is of benefit to you."

"I can use PSI Teleport," Moondancer pointed out primly. "I'd repay you poorly if I didn't warp you to the hanger to take a ship."

"The ship in there is a one seater," Niiue pointed out. "You'll have to teleport back up here without him once you deposit him." He turned to Larice. "We'll get in contact with you eventually. Until then, travel to Saturn and locate a Mook with an odd blue coloration. Find him and join his cause."

"Orders confirmed," Larice deduced. "Whose orders *whirr, click* have priority?"

Niiue tilted his head. "I don't under-"

He's asking if this means your orders now supersede Giegue's, Moondancer thought at him silently.

Niiue fell silent. On the one hand, they were going up against Giegue, however circuitously. On the other, Niiue didn't actually have the authority to supersede Giegue's orders in the command structure...and even if Larice would accept his word that he did, any signal of that sort in the Starmen network would make him lose whatever authority he had. ...what do I say? he asked Moondancer silently.

Moondancer smiled. "Larice, you said the last order you're still following is to take care of me...and you took that to mean even defying Giegue if that's what it took?"

"Affirmative," Larice declared, followed by a few more disc sounds.

"Then until further notice, my orders are absolute," Moondancer offered. "Is that acceptable in the command structure?"

"...acceptable," Larice concluded. "You are *whirrr* Giegue's daughter. Ergo, you are Geeg command chain."

"Good," Moondancer confirmed. Taking hold of Larice, she teleported him to the hanger, and the one-seater ship waiting there. "Then here's one order from me you'd better follow: don't die."

Starmen had no faces to show expressions, but Moondancer got the PSI impression that Larice was smiling. "Affirmative," he agreed as he boarded the ship.

Moondancer watched it take off, then warped back to the cockpit. "What now?" she asked Niiue.

Niiue smiled sadly. "Now we make our own way out...and hope for the best." Taking hold of each other, the pair teleported out of the ship, aiming for safety.

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