• Published 5th Oct 2016
  • 12,043 Views, 761 Comments

Rise of the Crystal Emperor - Navanastra

Emperor Mateus of the Palamecian Empire fails to conquer the world not once but twice after getting defeated by Firion and his gang. Instead of just going back to hell the Emperor wakes up in a brand new world and in an even newer body as well.

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Chapter 6: Start of a New Day and a New Age

Chapter 6: Start of a New Day and a New Age

Edited by: Chrome Masquerade

Ruby Quill awoke with a pounding headache and with a source of light shining through her eyelids. She began to groan, trying to get away from the offensive bright disturbance and reacted naturally in waking up with something similar to a hangover.

“Oh… by the elder gods… my head. What the heck did I do last night?” Ruby Quill mumbled as she rolled herself onto her side.

“Well nothing much really, besides fainting twice and hitting your head on both occasions as well.” A voice suddenly answered for her, which immediately caused her to open her eyes in shock before closing them again quickly from the sudden spike of pain this action caused in her head.

She hissed as the pain kept her body locked up for a while before it subsided to a more manageable degree. She opened her eyes again afterwards, this time slowly, without moving her head -to minimize the risk of such a spike happening again- before moving her eyes gently to look around her.

The very first thing she recognized and noticed was the fact that she was lying on a large bed. A large bed in one of the many guest rooms, to be precise, as she already knew the ins and outs of the Palace, that being part of her occupation, despite her otherwise still hazy-feeling mind and memory.

“What? Where? How the heck did I get here?” She muttered to herself as she began to rub her eyes with a hoof to get some of the fogginess out of them.

“You got here because I was forced to carry your sorry flank up here while you were still unconscious.” The same mystery voice suddenly replied, again causing Ruby to seize up before quickly darting her eyes around the place in hopes of spotting whoever was obviously in the room with her.

What she eventually saw left her both intrigued and scared at the same time. Right outside the edge of her vision, on the right side of her bed, sitting casually on a large couch facing her was a dark blue mare with a long blue -and purple tipped- mane, bat wings on her back, predatory eyes and sharp fangs proudly protruding from her mouth. Not only that, but there was also a sheathed sword right next to her as well, which just added to the whole intimidation factor of this mystery pony.

She was about to either scream or stumble back before a raised hoof from the mystery mare stopped her.

“Calm down, I am not going to hurt you. If I was then I probably wouldn’t have bothered to carry your heavy flank all the way up those really long and wide stairs and placed you here.” The mystery mare explained to her calmly, before her accusation of being heavy suddenly registered on her.

“Wait… did you just imply that I am fat?” She questioned with her fear and confusion momentarily replaced by offense.

The mare in front of her simply smirked. “Yes, yes I did. You are one heavy little bag of potatoes, my dear. Quite an achievement for yous size, if you ask me.” She said back with amusement evident in her tone.

Ruby was about to retort to this when the dark blue mare suddenly showed off her razor sharp set with a wide smile, which immediately melted any anger or annoyance she felt over this mare and swiftly replace it with the fear and intimidation she felt at the beginning.

The mystery mare noticed this as she chuckled, which honestly didn’t make her feel any better in the slightest.

“Are… are you going to suck my blood or something?” She carefully asked as she tried to hide herself under the blanket.

Though, to her added confusing all she got for that was a wave of hysteric laughter and a loud thud. She peeked over the fabric and was completely surprised to see the previously intimidating mare was now rolling around the floor while laughing her dark blue flank off...most likely towards her question.

Once again she found herself feeling a bit annoyed at this situation, but also somewhat glad that she wasn’t going to get beaten -or worse- anytime soon. But that still obviously didn’t mean that she could or would trust this… bat pony, or whatever she was. Sure, she might have carried her up to this room, even though she didn’t have to, but she still remembered the fact that this mare managed to single-hoofedly kill one of Sombra’s guards with almost complete ease while looking like she was enjoying it as well. There was obviously a psychopath hidden deep within this mare but then again, everyone is a little crazy, at least. She also looked and seemed like a soldier too, at second glance, and the primary thing that either a warrior or a soldier is good at, is killing things.

She shook her head to get her mind back into reality as the mare in front of her slowly started to calm down. She eventually got back up on all fours while huffing and chuckling to herself a bit more before turning her eyes back to her. Those piercing, orange, predatory eyes of her, with those sharp fangs.

All of a sudden she found herself intimidated once again, something that the mare YET AGAIN seemed to notice.

“Ok, look. Just to clarify.” She began calmly while pointing a hoof to herself. “I am not here to harm you. I am not here to bite, eat or drink your blood in any way, shape or form and I am NOT your enemy. Unless you want me to be.” She continued before giving her a small smile.

“So yeah, anyway, for the sake of politeness and to once again show that I am not going to nibble you, let me just introduce myself. My name is Thera. Thera Blade, to be exact. And before you ask, no. The term for my race is NOT bat-pony. We are actually called Thestrals, just as gryphons are called gryphons and minotaurs are called minotaurs.” She quickly explained before looking off to the side with a bit of a scowl.

“Bat-pony is actually more of a laymare’s term made up by Equestrians to describe my race and also for the sake of ponifying everything, which in the end turned into a racial slur over time for other races to use.” Thera quickly added, with an obvious tone of annoyance in her voice, before calming down and looking back at her.

“Oh…” was all that Ruby could say as she lowered her head. She eventually lifted her head again before giving Thera a small smile for the first time.

“Well… in that case, my name is Ruby Quill, or just Ruby, for short. Personal assistant and royal record keeper.” Ruby introduced herself, which was met with a nod and smile from Thera.

Though it was then when a thought suddenly hit her as her eyes went wide. “W-wait, was… was everything I remember seeing back in the throne room really real? Did… did you and that… unicorn really defeat Sombra?” She suddenly asked as her memories of that moment resurfaced.

Thera simply continued to smile as she gave Ruby a simple nod to answer her question. That immediately confused Ruby a great deal, which Thera again noticed as her smile dropped to a look of curiosity.

“How?” Ruby asked which just confused Thera even more as she tilted her head a bit.

“How what?” Thera replied.

“How is it possible for anyone to defeat someone like Sombra? He was the most powerful unicorn who ever ruled over the Crystal Empire, if not the world. Then how is it even feasible for him to be defeated so easily?” Ruby Quill questioned as she held the blanket around her closer as a sudden wave of confusion and slight fear entered her mind, fear that the king might somehow still be alive and just plotting his revenge and wrath upon all of them.

Thera, on the other hoof, simply chuckled. “Well, I don’t really know anything about this whole ’most powerful unicorn who ever lived’ title that this guy seems to have floating around him. Heck, I didn’t even know him at all until you told me.” Thera answered, which momentarily confused the poor ruby mare more before Thera continued. “BUT what I do know is that he is gone. Like literally gone, by another unicorn who was obviously stronger and more gifted than him.” Thera added with a smirk.

“I mean, really, I have been in a lot of fights in my young life. From normal ponies to minotaurs, to gryphons and heck, even monsters three times the size OF minotaurs s well. I even watched unicorn battle mages do their thing too, but not in the same level of control, the speed or magical strength in comparison to this guy. He made it seem so easy back there, as if he had done this before multiple times.” Thera went on as she spaced out a bit, looking off into the distance while seeming deep in thought.

Though, good for her. Ruby Quill was also deep in thought, absorbing all the information she was given.

“If the things she said are true, then whoever killed the king for us must be a really powerful individual, stronger than Sombra himself, if that is possible.” Ruby thought to herself as her fears of Sombra ever coming back were slowly diminishing.

Though a new worry was slowly inching into her mind as she thought more about the information she was given. Primarily about this golden unicorn who killed Sombra with one hit.

“Is… is he evil?” Ruby Quill asked out loud, which immediately got the attention of the spaced-out mare beside her.

“Evil? To be honest I have no idea if he is evil or not. He sure is mysterious, though, and a touch snobbish. Plus, he does look and act like royalty. But I haven’t yet seen or felt anything about him that would make him “evil” in any way. So… your guess is as good as mine.” Thera answered while rubbing her chin in thought.

“Well, I mean we are still all here and not yet sent off into the mines or worse. So I guess, how bad could this really be? Plus, he did free us from a ruthless tyrant as well, so he can’t be that bad.” Ruby Quill thought to herself before a tap on her shoulder roused her out of her mental musing.

“Why don’t you ask him yourself what his plans are going to be? Then you can make your own assumptions about the new emperor and go from there.” Thera suddenly suggested, an idea that really took Ruby Quill by surprise, simply because she was feeling a bit unsure about the idea of meeting another unicorn who seemed to be more powerful than even Sombra.

She was about to voice her concerns when her own stomach quickly had other ideas with a loud grumble. Her cheeks flushed red in embarrassment as Thera smirked at her, when all of the sudden her own belly was joining in the conversation, which prompted her to smile sheepishly instead, while looking off to the side with her own blush.

Both mares eventually giggled for the first time as Thera finally stood up.

“I guess we can meet the emperor AFTER we get something to eat first, I am not sure about you, but it probably has been over two days since I last had a bite.” Thera announced as she grabbed her sword and carefully strapped it on.

It was then when another thought entered Ruby’s mind as she pushed off the covers and crawled off of bed herself. “Wait… you just said about him being an emperor, right? I mean, I do remember him looking and sounding quiet noble-ish and elite, but I never thought that he was actually royalty as well. Unless he just crowned himself after taking Sombra’s throne. Maybe both?” Ruby questioned as she followed the Thestral mare out of the room and into one of the long and many huge hallways of the palace, their hooves clip-clopping on the crystal floor and echoing throughout the wide walls and ceilings.

Thera scratched her head with one wingtip as they continued on before looking over at Ruby beside her. “Well, no. No he didn’t just crown himself. As far as he told me, he is or was an emperor prior to this, which I honestly… kind of believe, judging by the way he looks, sounds, carries himself and most importantly in how calm and collected he mostly seems. He just has this aura of authority to him, but then again I could be wrong. It’s just something you need to judge for yourself once you meet him.” Thera answered as they rounded into another corridor, giving Ruby Quill more to think about.

“By the way, do you know anyone who can help me with my broken wing problem I have at the moment?”


“Yes I SWEAR. The king never even got a single hit on this unicorn despite the fact he was throwing his deadly crystal magic left, right and center like crazy. And to add to that, this unicorn at the end preformed some kind of never before seen magic and literally vaporized the king with one massive shot. I swear, neither me nor Iron Shield here are crazy or have been influenced or brainwashed by the king. We are telling the truth here.” An emerald colored stallion and former crystal guard member know as Gem Cut announced to a few of his colleagues.

Iron Shield beside him nodded to the story, which sadly didn’t really help much with the skepticism of the other few ponies in the room despite the fact that both Gem and Iron were both Sombra’s prisoners within the throne room.

The only pony in the room who was actually paying close attention to what these two stallions were saying was Silver Sword, previous captain of the Crystal Guard before Sombra’s reign and after Queen Aurora.

He sighed at those memories before a mare suddenly spoke up.

“So let me get this straight.” The azure colored mare (by name, Shimmering Sapphire) began as she looked on skeptically between the two stallions. “A pair of complete strangers, one described as a pony with bat wings, fangs and predatory eyes and the other a golden-clad unicorn stallion that looked more like a mare with an oversized horn on its head came barging into the throne room randomly and then just killed either of Sombra’s guards and the king himself as if it was nothing for them?” The mare continued on, to which the two stallions nodded.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head at them, which caused the two stallion to slump down on their chairs. “Yeah, sure. I still believe that you two somehow displeased the mad king and therefore got brainwashed by him to tell such ridiculous lies to force US to make a mistake and expose ourselves to him.” Sapphire accused, which was followed by her two colleagues, another mare and a stallion, next to her, to nod their heads in approval.

That caused the stallions to look exchange glances nervously as they started to panic at this accusation, as the other pony named Iron Shield spoke up.

“No, please! It’s really not like that at all, we swear! We are not brainwashed or magically controlled by the king at all, how the heck could we if the tyrant is nothing more than a burned scorch mark on the throne room floor? Please, captain you gotta believe us!” The bronze colored Iron Shield pleaded as he looked over towards his captain for any level of support.

Though, before the captain could react or voice his thoughts, he was quickly beaten by Sapphire as she stood up from her chair and slammed her hoof against the rugged wooden table.

“With all due respect, captain, we can’t take these rookies for granted on their words. We have been planning and preparing for this rebellion for so long that I can’t even physically… remember…when…” She drifted off for a bit at the end before her gaze quickly hardened again as she looked back at the captain. “We just cannot risk ourselves to be exposed and possibly drag the empire into a civil war just because of two lunatics who think that some random outsider somehow managed to kill the mad tyrant with one hit. I suggest we bind and lock these two up and continue with our task of finding more ponies to join our cause and haul more armor and weapons for the day where we will strike back with force.” Sapphire suggested which again was accompanied by nods of approval by her two fellow veterans and a look of fear by the two stallions in question.

This finally gave the captain some time to think and personally reflect on the information and claims these two stallions provided, and also to things he had seen or even heard from others.

He personally remembered a large group of both mares and stallions in many different physical states running out from the west entrance of the Palace in complete panic when he was taking shelter from the cold weather in a local closed pub right next to the large plaza in front of the palace.

At the time he was both confused and somewhat fearful at this scene, as terrible thoughts and ideas suddenly settling themselves into his mind as to what could possibly cause Sombra’s personal prisoners to just run and scramble off from the palace in such a state of panic. But that fear quickly was put to rest with even more confusion and levels of doubt as he overheard some of the escaped prisoners whispering that the unicorn tyrant was killed by another unicorn, a claim that was preposterous for him at the time, as he can still vaguely recall the great purge of the crystal unicorns during King Sombra’s reign, a horrible night full of screams and blood, an act to solidify his position even more and to make sure that he was the only magic user left within the Empire.

They called it nýchta tis nkremístike krýstallo. The Night of Shattered Crystal.

He shook his head to get those dark memories out of his mind for the time being and focus more on the reality at hoof.

Again when he overheard the hushed claims of the mares and stallions he was naturally skeptical, but at the same time hopeful. He hadn’t really bothered to tell this news to his other fellow guard members simply because of the lack of evidence and the risk of it being a trap and a ruse to lower his guard, thus risking capture, something that unfortunately happened to both Gem Cut and Iron Shield when they both were hiding out in a small abandoned warehouse right next to the palace. That hope quickly rose within him when these two suddenly came barging in, out of breath and completely shaken before fully announcing to anyone that the king has been killed.

Couple that with the fact that the blizzard that used to be constantly raging outside the Empire's borders has slowly dissipated as well, he was slowly starting to believe the fact that the king might, in fact, been slain after all, which of course would be absolutely fantastic news for the future of this empire and its citizens.

Though one question still remind if all of this was really true. “Who was it that slew the king? Can he be trusted? And will he be able to fix the damage caused by the black unicorn king and bring this empire back to its former state of glory and wealth, or will he drive it deeper into anarchy and ultimately plunge it into ruin?” He wondered to himself as he was aware of the ancient rules and traditions of the Crystal Ponies.

But those were, again, also irrelevant to the current situation, as his fellow guards were still patiently awaiting his input in the matter and course of action.

He sighed as a decision was quickly made in his head, one he was sure none of his other members would really support.

“I will personally go into the palace and see if the claims of the king's death are true or not.” Silver announced out loud for everyone to hear, a decision that took them completely by surprise, as the mare and the two others immediately got up from there seats.

“No, wait! Captain! You can’t! What if this is really just a-” The same mare began before being interrupted by him with a raise of his hoof.

“I have made up my mind on the matter already. Besides…” He began before turning his attention to a nearby window and peering outside between the curtains before continuing. “The atmosphere around the city has suddenly become much more calm and peaceful ever since both Iron and Gem here returned from their captivity. So just call me intrigued and curious on the matter.” He finished as he looked back at the other five ponies in the room with a look of finality on his face that told that he truly had made up his mind and that nobody had any chance in stopping him.

With a sigh and a nod coming from Sapphire, he went for the front door, unlocked it, and moved the wooden barrier aside before stepping out into the cold fresh air and snow-covered streets outside of their hideout.

The very first thing he immediately noticed was the fact that the snow had suddenly stopped falling for the first time. Not only that but he could also see a few sun rays breaking through from above, not much, but it certainly was enough to dispel all the gloom and doom feel that previously dominated the city as a whole. If he wasn’t mistaken, it was also a few degrees warmer as well.

Another thing that surprised the captain was that he wasn’t the only pony that seemed to notice the much more calmer nature around them, with some of them having the courage, (A.K.A, curiosity) to step out of their homes or shelters for the very first time since what felt like… forever. Sure it was really just a hoof full of them that dared to stick their heads through their windows or doorways, but it was really all he needed to fully prove that something had changed.

Crystal Ponies, after all, have a more natural ken on sensing the change of mood and tone of their surroundings, much better than other pony races in comparison.

“So... this must be it then? King Sombra truly must be dead if citizens themselves are able to sense the mood change as well. His aura of fear and anger no longer present within the air.” Silver Sword wondered as his hooves dug into the snow-covered streets as he casually made his way towards his own home, a thing he hadn’t done for a very long time, a realization that -also for the first time in a LONG time- brought a small smile on his face as he passed by a few confused or surprised citizens next to their homes.


The Emperor sat on his newly acquired throne, though this one had a few pillows -for his back and rump- he had taken with him from one of the ambassadorial bedrooms he stayed in last night.

He could have very easily taken the royal bed chambers as well, like he originally planned in doing for obvious reasons. Though, the problem with the Royal Chambers was that they were way, WAY too spacious, even for his taste! Seriously, even The Emperor knew that you really don’t need that MUCH room to just sleep in, let alone take a shower or bath either, as the thing was literally the size of a small waterfall and pond.

He might have been an emperor, but when it came to personal space he was actually quite humble and actually favored slightly above normal size rooms more than anything else. And again, seriously, what single person really needs such a 10 person long and 15 person wide bed anyway? He would rather spend all of that money for more research and military expansions, or in this case fixing up the infrastructure of his new realm as he was sure that the previous king was rather neglectful in that department and focused more on surrounding himself in females and a lot of shiny stuff than anything else.

The Emperor mentally sighed as something about his current thoughts were reflecting some aspect of his previous life. He leaned himself back against his throne as his mind once again began to wander off about his current situation and comparing them to his previous actions and failures he had made in his past.

“Well, here it is, got myself a new realm to rule over faster than I originally planned. Though I can tell that I have A LOT of work ahead of me if I ever want it to even come close to the level of achievement I had with my old empire, or maybe even surpass it, if I want to aim for that goal instead.” Mateus mentally commented to himself as he began to tap his right hoof against the armrest it sat upon as his train of thoughts continued on.

Though it quickly stopped as a memory of his past began to resurface once more, specifically the words of an injured rebel soldier one of his men managed to capture before he was eventually executed by throwing him into the Colosseum.

“Loyalty and devotion can really go a long way, far longer than your method of intimidation and fear. If your own men would be far more loyal to you rather than afraid, then your plans of world conquest would be going a lot better than they seem to be going now, and you would have no need to control your own men with your foul magic and force them to do your bidding. But I guess a BEING like you can never understand what true loyalty is. How it feels for your own people to genuinely cheer your name rather than just doing so out of fear.” He mentally re-rehearsed the words of that suicidal fool before he personally pushed him off the edge to a sea of fiends below him on the arena grounds of his Colosseum.

Truth be told, he still felt rather annoyed by the words of that one rebel soldier who DARED to speak up to him like that and question his methods of ruling. At this point it was nothing more of a distant memory for him but the problem with it right now was just how often this comment was constantly popping up inside his mind whenever he tried to contemplate how he was going to build his newly acquired nation and how to he was going to go about ruling it, as well.

He was planning on just doing the same thing again, like he had been back in his old world. But for some reason, something deep within the back of his mind told him that this approach was just going to end him up to his second downfall. At first he was thinking that perhaps demons were whispering these messages in the back of his mind, like they have so many times in his previous life, though that concept was quickly debunked after he performed a cleansing spell on his mind with no results or sense of resistance coming from it.

The Emperor felt greatly frustrated and annoyed by this, as these in-thought feelings were still constantly playing back and forth whenever the topic of ‘newly acquired nations’ came to mind.

Though that quickly changed to more confusion when he finally decided to REALLY sit down and meditate on this, on what had happened so far in combination with his memories and knowledge from his previous life and mistakes.

For starters, he was in a new world, with a new body and a new chance of life and possibilities. Should he really risk this new chance to repeat his actions from his previous life which he KNEW led to his terrible fate and failures in the first place? Or would he just go with the flow and for the first time and do things differently, and to see where this new path was going to lead him?

And that right there is the part that confused him, and the hated it. Usually his highly intellectual mind was able to find the answers to almost any problem, but this is really the first and only time where he was just unable to produce an acceptable answer for him to work with.

“*Hmph* so much for having a solid plan on what to do next from this point on. So this is how Borghen’s mind feels like then?” He muttered to himself before the sounds of a door slowly opening entered his new pony ears.

He darted his eyes toward the source of this sound and was somewhat surprised to see that both Thera and the ruby colored mare from yesterday entering the throne room together, while happily chatting with one another.

“It seems these two, at some point, must have made peace with one another.” The Emperor thought to himself before his eyes quickly darted to a sliver plate that the ruby mare was carrying on her back, with the lid firmly hiding and encasing whatever was resting underneath it.

The two mares eventually stopped their happy-go-lucky talking as they stopped right at the foot of his throne, in front of him.

The ruby mare looked up to him with a surprisingly kind smile, even bowing slightly. “Good morning, your highness. I have brought some breakfast for you from the kitchen, in case you’re hungry and haven’t eating anything yet.” She announced happily, an action which caused Mateus to raise an eyebrow at her.

Normally he would really expect nothing less for a conquered nation to quickly hail him as their new ruler, but for some reason he just found it somewhat odd for these ponies -or more specifically her- to recognize HIM immediately as their new monarch. Especially after her reaction to his mercilessly disintegrating the previous ruler in front of her, even IF she hated him.

“Maybe they have some sort of ancient tradition where, when a challenger slays their current king in a one on one engagement this person immediately has the right to take the throne for himself or herself and be recognized as the new ruler?” Mateus thought to himself as he carefully eyed the ruby red mare below him.

Truth be told, it actually wasn’t that common for nations back in his old world to practice such ideas simply because… there was no need for it. For a really long time kingdoms (except for his) were relatively peaceful with one another, which allowed royal dynasties to grow and flourish since there rarely was any threat for castles or palaces to be attacked or raided enemy forces or whatnot. And for the royal family to be captured or even killed was nearly unheard of. But besides that he was still well versed with old practices such as these, thanks to a lot of books and scrolls that talked about these civilizations of old.

The Emperor shook his head as he simply levitated the tray over to him without the use of his horn -to the utter surprise of the mare- before lifting the cover and revealing something quite basic.

Two slices of buttered, crisp bread, some slices of cheese and salad to obviously put on the bread, something that reminded him of flapjacks with honey poured on it and finally a nice cup of tea with a small cup of sugar next to it for sweetening. Though a spoon or other eating utensils were somehow forgotten to this set unless he was expected to just pour the whole cup into his tea which would just be ridiculous.

He was never much of a fan of sweets anyway, something he could thank his father for, despite the protests of his mother.

“Sorry if it doesn’t seem much, your highness, but… I was never really much of a cook anyway, I have always been more of an assistant and record keeper than anything else.” The ruby mare explained as she rubbed the back of her head while adorning a sheepish smile on her features which caused The Emperor to look away from his plate and down to the two mares in front of him.

“Yeah i can tell, because you somehow managed to forget a spoon despite giving me a cup of sugar to use for the tea.” The emperor thought to himself as he began to eye these two more carefully

What he saw again caused him to raise one eyebrow. Thera was eyeing him curiously while the ruby mare was smiling nervously up toward him. Though what really interested him the most was the look Thera was giving him, as if she was awaiting -or more like expecting- his response to the very simple offering the ruby mare gave to him.

“She is most likely expecting me to feel insulted or upset by the offering of the ruby mare beside her. Very sneaky of her, but completely in vain on her part, as I feel absolutely no problem for something simple, as luxury food actually has more of a reputation of making you look bloated and over time sending you to your grave faster as the result.” He thought to himself with a small smirk aimed at the dark mare below for pretending to fully know him, or at least trying to.

He immediately switched his gaze over to the ruby mare as his muzzle turned into a small smile. “That is fine, young miss, I am not much of an eater anyway, but I do enjoy a lot of good tea or wine to compensate for it.” He announced which immediately made the ruby mare release her breath in relief and for Thera beside her to look completely surprised… to his amusement.

“That overzealous girl still has a lot to learn.”

“By the way.” The emperor began which immediately got the attention of the red mare he was looking at. “You mentioned something about being more of an assistant and record keeper?” The Emperor questioned, which made the mare in question smile up at him.

“Well, yes. That is because I actually worked as the royal assistant and record keeper… or at least that’s what I can remember.” She explained to him as her smile quickly dropped at the end, as she found herself bumping into the massive mental blank that seemed to be making up most of her memories.

The Emperor, of course, noticed this sudden change of mood on her.

He rubbed his chin in thought, regarding her obvious case of amnesia, but he momentarily shoved that aside as something else suddenly came to him. Something that would be nice to know IF he was going to let her continue her profession of record keeping and assistance in local affairs, despite her amnesia. That and to also switch the subject for her in hopes of getting her back into her more cheery mood from before.

Why? He personally didn’t know. But he had already decided to just go with the flow for now and not let all these unnatural ideas and behaviors cloud his better judgment. Something he needed if he was going to fix this nation up to meet his current standards of functionality.

“Your name?” He casually questioned, which again caused the mare in question to lift her head to look at him, and look of momentary confusion graced her features.

“My… name, your highness?” She questioned, just to be sure, to which she received a nod from the golden unicorn monarch.

She slowly started to smile again, happy to just have her current troubles be shoved to the sides in favor of properly introducing herself to probably her new boss and ruler.

She cleared her throat before fully introducing herself fully to him. “My name is Ruby. Ruby Quill, at your service.” She introduced herself with a respectful bow at the end.

Author's Note:

Once again another chapter done. Next time we will dive into the start of Emperor Mateus finally picking up his new role as the Crystal emperor with a new unexpected surprise and revelation at the end of it.

Also here is a little concept art for the character of Ruby Quill, just imagine her with the crystal effects when the crystal hearth re-activates in the future. Why, because i am to lazy to add the crystal effect on her myself. Very simply.