• Published 5th Oct 2016
  • 12,021 Views, 761 Comments

Rise of the Crystal Emperor - Navanastra

Emperor Mateus of the Palamecian Empire fails to conquer the world not once but twice after getting defeated by Firion and his gang. Instead of just going back to hell the Emperor wakes up in a brand new world and in an even newer body as well.

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Chapter 15: The Iclings of the North

Author's Note:

Another chapter out and done. Hope you all like it.

Also I have posted a new story. Please look at it >_< https://www.fimfiction.net/story/409665/mystery-dungeons-through-realms-and-worlds

(P.S I am not desperate)

Chapter 15: The Icelings of the north

Edited by: Arkanids

A random changeling guard suddenly awoke from her “on the job” slumber as the magically sealed gate (which she was posted to watch and not sleep in front of like she was doing just a moment ago) suddenly started to buckle with a distinct magical chime, which occurs whenever someone was opening it from the outside.

Primarily by a changeling of course, as the runes dotting the surface of the large circular heavy stone portal could only be activated via the distinct natural characteristic of changeling magic. Not to mention being able to look past the mirage in front of the gate, from the natural existing cave walls and rocks that surrounded it.

Basically impossible for any none changeling to find or open it. Heck, even a changeling from another hive might have trouble in opening the gate themselves without using force. As they require to have both the correct magical frequency and to know the necessary patterns to activate all of the runes in the right order.

Something that only the guard members, officers and of course the nobles can accomplish.

Overall, the young changeling guard wasn’t particularly alarmed when the circular lock mechanism on the stone portal started to rotate in opposite direction from one another before finally allowing the door to slide down into the ground. Revealing something the changeling mare didn’t expect at all, or was even briefed on what to do when such a situation presented itself.

“Ok…nobody has ever taught me what to do when a none changeling is suddenly standing in the open entrance of the hive with one of our scouts resting on its back. Wait a minute…what?” The changeling mare thought to herself. Lost in her confused and completely uncertain on what to do, say, or even how to react to such an unexpected and quite unusual situation.

Even more so when the none changeling, or should she say pony, with never before seen bat wings and razor sharp fangs jutting from its muzzle, was wobbling in through the open portal while looking rather unfocused and very unhappy about something.

Not sure what the hell was going on here, but the changeling did the next best thing she could think. Presenting the pointy end of her obsidian carved spear directly towards the outsider, shaking a bit inside her blue polished crystal armor while doing so.

She was quite nervous now, if no one could tell.

She was, after all, just a simple watch changeling and not a full fletch changeling guard like the one on the ponies back. The combat training she received as a newbie was more for stalling or buying time, or rather stun the enemy while quickly flying or galloping off to call for actual help.

Remembering the last part, she started to power up her horn for quick but rather basic stun spell while still keeping her spear pointed towards the intruder just in case.

Thera noticed this despite her lopsided vision and pounding headache. One half of it actually coming from her anger rather than her liquor related issues. Because having been forced to carry the piece of bug meat on her back while not being stable on all four of her hooves can serious sour some ponies moods. Especially Thera’s.

She wasn’t sure if she really managed to injure the changeling guards wings during her pounce, as he claimed that she did, or if he was just acting to be lazy about it.

Though one thing was for certain, her daily body count was soon going to be increased by two. If this obviously terrified looking changeling was going to be stupid enough to actually shoot her with that spell. Though, the chances of her hitting Thera right now was somewhat plausible, given her intoxication state, weight on her back, and slight exhaustion.

Though of course, this doesn’t need to happen.

“Fire that spell of yours and your partner over here will get it instead. I may be drunk, but that doesn’t mean I can’t quickly move a whole body to cover mine. Try me, I dare you.” Thera openly threatened, glaring at the now shock changeling in front of her who was still holding in the spell at the tip of her horn.

“Just… just stand down private Chipper. Do as she says. I don’t particularly feel like getting stunned today, while having been choked and pierced through my leg at the same time. I already suffered through enough damage and humiliation as is. So just… calm down.” The changeling on Thera’s back coughed out, which in turn cause the changeling, now dubbed Chipper, to widen her eyes even more as she recognized the voice.

This changeling was the one from her enlistment and training sessions, he was one of the teachers that taught her how to become a simple watch changeling before she could raise up to BE a full fletch guard.

“Sir, Ice shadow? Is that really you… what… what on the hives name happened to you? And… who is this pon-“

“Thestral” Thera growled out, which forced Chipper to flinch back before looking back at the now named Ice shadow for a response.

Ice shadow also grumbled to himself, though a lot less noticeable then Thera’s.

Thera on the other hand was no longer in the mood in keeping this dead weight of a changeling supported on her back anymore, especially now since he did his job in leading her into the hive of these Icelings, as Ice Shadow dubbed them along the way.

A silly title for sure but one that kinda fits when you think about, given they own a natural impunity to the cold, they have icy blue eyes and their equally ice blue colored chitin and wings.

So, like the gentle mare that she is. Thera unceremoniously drops Ice Shadow onto the floor with both a grunt and an audible thud from when he hits the hard stone floor.

This action, of course, caused him to glare up at the thestral. Chipper, completely forgetting that there was an intruder standing literally a few steps away, immediately darted toward where Ice Shadow was laying.

She quickly lowered herself once at his side. “Oh by the foremother! Your leg, what happened to you sir, what caused this?” Chipper panicky asked, noticing the massive puncture wound on the upper part of his right hind legs.

The visible blood and wound, has long since frozen over thanks to the rigid cold of the outside world. Not that it was any warmer in here anyway, given the neatly cut ice pillars and carvings decorating the walls and floors.

Ice shadow coughed a couple of times before looking up at the distressed newbie in front of him.

“Well, what the hell does it look like? It looks like a puncture wound doesn’t it?” He hissed, once again being reminded by the fact that he had a busted leg to begin with.

“Do you require help, or any medical assistance? I can quickly fly to the nearest infirmary to get a nurse to help you. Or I could personally carry you there if you want.” Chipper suggested instead, making Ice Shadow frown at the stupid question.

“Well of course I require help. This leg isn’t going to heal itself after all, and I don’t feel like getting it amputated anytime soon. Regrowing it requires heavy magic and a lot of my own personal love reserves; not to mention how painful the process will be.” He retorted, causing Chipper to stop asking her silly questions.

Ice Shadow signed at this. “Just... just go get help. I shall keep an eye on this thestral so that she can’t-” He stopped mid sentence, noticing one very important thing.

“Wait…where the heck is she!?” He questioned out loud, darting his head and eyes at every direction possible to find her.

To his horror, the entire hall was completely empty and void of anyone else. Minus himself and Chipper of course.

“Well I could have sworn that she was just-” Chipper tried to comment, before swiftly being interrupted by Ice Shadow.

“Don’t just sit there! Go get help and inform everyone along the way that an outsider is freely roaming through the hive unchecked, just look what she has done to me!” He shouted, sounding quite panicked himself which in turn forced chipper to spring back up on all fours, saluting to her superior.

“Ye-yes sir, I will be as quick as I possibly can.” She responded before swiftly buzzing off to act on her task.

Ice shadow again just grumbled before looking down at himself at the frozen pierce wound he has on his hind leg.

“I have a feeling that the leg is going to get amputated regardless. I can hardly feel anything on it past my flank. Just great.” He bitterly though, he raised one of his leg and began to poke at his injured one out of curiosity and immediately regretting it.

“Never mind, this wound still stings as all hell despite being frozen over. Can’t believe that I got beating down so easily despite having the advantage of being hidden by the thick snow fall. But then again, I have never fought or seen any of these thestrals before. So my experience with them is pretty much nil. It might be possible that they have certain senses that ponies, gryphons or yaks don’t have. Who knows?” He added in his head, sighing to himself before a sudden sense of danger swiftly enveloped his mind. This forced him to quickly look around himself in search for anything that could have caused this sensation. Even looking over his shoulder at the still open portal and seeing nothing unusual.

Despite that, the sense of anxiety still persisted. Ice Shadow just knew that something was going to happen pretty soon, something major, though he didn’t know what. Which is what scares him most and keeps his mind out of his own troubles in order to focus more on his intuitions.

It might be related to this “Thestral” mare from earlier that just disappeared. But again he wasn’t sure. I mean, she was all alone, how much trouble can one bat winged and sharp fanged equine create? Really all he can do know is wait and see what happens.

And most importantly if Chipper even remembers to actually go to the infirmary to inform the nurses about his condition, after she tells everyone of the intruder.

Maybe he is being a bit too harsh on the young changeling, but then again she has been known to be rather forgetful under fear or pressure. From personal experiences with her.

He sighs again. “Better start crawling my too the infirmary then. At least on the way, I will eventually come across another changeling who will be able to get me their quicker.” He told himself, before starting the grueling journey of crawling his way to the infirmary.

Completely forgetting about the still open portal in the process, which might be an error he is certainly going to regret making in the future.


“Captain, I think I found something!” A crystal guard shouted out within the wind of the still ongoing storm, which Silver Sword thankfully heard.

“On my way!” He called back before pushing himself through the thick snow covered ground, adjusting the thick hood of his cloak to keep the snow from battering his face too much.

Once there, he could spot two guards standing right in front of a large hole. An indentation in the earth which looks to be fairly recent if the freshly fallen snow at the bottom of the hole was anything to go by.

If the sinkhole was truly much older, then would have been filled with snow and ice long ago, this obviously wasn’t the here.

“Sir, do you thing that this might be linked with the missing ponies? I mean random sinkhole swallowing up ponies out here in the snowfields does seem to be possible.” The crystal guard suggested while gesturing towards the hole with his head.

Silver rubbed his chin in thought while gazing down at the aforementioned sinkhole and giving the stallions suggestion some mental consideration.

That’s when another guard suddenly came pushing his way through the snow. “Sir, another regiment has stumbled upon sinkhole just like this one a kilometer or two away. Also looking quite fresh, with the snow only partially covering up the bottom of the hole.” The new guard informed, panting a bit out of exhaustion which was quite visible in this rigid cold.

Silver nods. “Well, seems like we have our answer. If they are two freshly made sinkholes close by, then they are certainly more of them as well. Your theory about this sinkholes having a hoof at the disappearance of these guards, miners and prospectors might actually be plausible. Nice work.” Silver announced which made the guard smile a bit at the praise.

“Now then, onto the confirming factor of this theory. Somebody has to go down there and see if this thing actually leads somewhere. So, which of you wants to volunteer?” He again announced, while looking in between the guards presenting in front of him.

One of them raised a hoof. “I’ll go. I have a decent climbing experience thanks to my first job as a construction worker.” He announced before lowering his hoof again.

Silver nods. “Well alright then. Somebody go get him a coil of rope in case something goes horribly wrong. I don’t feel like losing anymore ponies today in case this thing turns out to be unstable or worse. No need to invite bad fortune now should we.” He called out, one of the guards took the order up to himself and galloping off to get the item.

The stallion who has volunteered was busy peering down the large opening of the earth, and expressively contemplating how deep the sinkhole actually is, and if there was more to it then was visible from his angle.

The guard from before quickly returned. With the rope resting on his back.

“Here you go captain. Hope this is long enough, it's actually the longest one we brought with us.” He stated while presenting the coil to the captain.

Again Silver just nods. “It’s good enough. The hole doesn’t look too deep to begin with.” He responded before turning his head towards the volunteer. “Well here it is. Go help him tie the rope across his barrel while the others go tie the other end on that large rock over there.” He pointed out to the rock formation just behind him.

The two guards next to the hole nodded, while another two behind the captain quickly took hold of the other end of the rope and made their way to the aforementioned rock to fasten the rope. While the other two did the same towards their comrade, fastening the rope tightly around his armor and barrel.

“Alright he is ready to go.” One of the guards stated.

Silver nods before watching the volunteered guard skidding down the steep rock wall and jumping from outcrop to outcrop to gradually make his way down to the bottom.

“How does it look down there?” Silver shouted.

The stallion look up towards the other before replying. “Well they're certainly seems to be a tunnel down here. Leading west if I had to guess. Not sure if this one is just as fresh as the sinkhole though.” The guard yelled back before focusing back at the tunnel.

Silver again just rubbed his chin in thought for a couple more seconds before looking to his side. “Quick, go get the rest of the ropes. I like to personally go down there and see this for myself. If these are truly the cause of the pony’s disappearance then the tunnel must certainly lead to them. Either dead or alive, but let’s hope that it is the latter, not the former.” Silver ordered.

One of the guards salutes before dashing off to do as ordered. It didn’t take long for him to return, alongside with few more guards tailing his…well, tail. All of them carrying large coils of hemp made rope on their backs.

Silver wasn’t even aware that they brought so many with them from the barracks. But then again, when you go scouting in the mountains for missing ponies, having a large access of rope is actually required for many different reasons.

This being one of them.

“Good, since we have so many, I would say that one half of you all are coming along with me while the other half stays up here to guard this area. Now let’s hurry.” He again ordered, before tying himself up.

The rest soon followed, preparing themselves for the decent before anchoring their life lines on different nearby boulders to keep them safe. Once all was said and done, Silver alongside 6 others quickly decanted down the indentation where the first guard was waiting patiently for them.

Once at the bottom, Silver swiftly untied himself before gazing off into the tunnel. From the looks of things, it seems to be bending towards the north at the very end. Making this tunnel look even more intriguing than it already was. Besides the ice crystal dotting the walls and ceilings and the curious looking oval shape of the entire cave.

Certainly doesn’t look too natural in terms of shape. But even more of a reason to explore it, and see where exactly it goes.

“Alright follow me, let’s see where this leads.” Silver called out before taking the lead.

The rest swiftly followed, all of them clutching their blades with one of their hooves as they when deeper into the unknown. Given the knowledge on just what type of creatures are calling these icy mountains and snow fields their home; it really is no wonder.

Ice worms might be the largest creatures roaming these lands but there are far from the only ones out here. Yeti’s, ice wraith, or snow trolls are just a small portion of things that can kill you out here.

“Does anyone carry any light crystal on them?” Silver openly asked while looking over his shoulder.

Two of the guards behind him nod. “Yes we do sir.” One of them answered, before pulling out a hoof sized crystal out of his pouch.

Once outside, it immediately lid up in a light bluish glow, giving the cave a brilliant blue tint to it. Even more so with all the icicle and ice crystal reflecting its beams and amplified it.

This sight would have been truly beautiful, if it wasn’t for the fact that they were here on a search and rescue mission. Not sightseeing.

Though that mission was swiftly stopped to a screeching halt the moment Silver and the rest reached a collapsed section of the cave.

“Blast it, the path is block. The roof of the cave must have came loose here at some point.” Silver openly noted while frowning at the wall of rubble in front of him.

“Actually…” one of Silvers guards spoke up as he stepped forward. “This cave in must have also happened recently by the looks of it.” The guard stated, forcing silver to raise an eyebrow at him.

“Is that so? How in the empire's name do you know that?” He naturally question, not expecting his fellow guard to have any knowledge about this stuff.

“Well…” The guard began. “My uncle actually used to be a talented geologist. He taught me a lot of things during my foalhood. Like being able to judge a rocks age and or what it might be. Of course, I can never claim myself to be an expert in this field; quite the opposite in fact. But I do know enough to be able tell that this cave in isn’t really that old, in fact rather recent to be honest.” He answered, looking back at the pile of rubble with a curious expression.

This caused silver to hum. “I see, well in that case we might actual have found yet another piece of this grand puzzle. I would really love to start clearing this rubble to see what might await us on the other side. But we obviously lack both the pony power and time to do so. We might be better off reporting this to the emperor and trying our luck at the other sinkhole for easier access. This one seems to be a dead end at the moment.” Silver commented before turning himself around.

“Let’s get out of here before the snow has a chance to cover up the exit, and judging by how heavy it’s snowing outside, it won’t certainly be too long before that happens.” He added, again getting nods of acknowledgments from the guards behind him before they followed him back outside.

Unbeknownst to them. The wall of rubble denying them further access was not as thick as the crystal ponies have thought it was. With a simple changeling being able to listen in on their conversation. With the help of a tiny gap left into the hastily made rock wall.

The changeling quickly buzzed off deeper into the cave to inform the leading military figures and nobles about this. They might have garnered themselves a bit too much attention for the abduction of these crystal looking ponies.

They might have bitten off more than they can chew.


“Alright, that would be the last one.” A changeling guards stated before flying back down onto the ground after having hung another blue cocoon with a pony inside. Though not completely per say. Its head was still exposed and free to do whatever it wants while also being conscious. Same with the rest of his fellow ponies, who were hanging against the wall alongside them.

Why? Well because they’re all stallion of course. Something the Icelings don’t have much need for besides food purposes. Not so much with the mares, who have been taking away for breeding to help bolster their numbers. Without a queen, reproducing can be a bit tricky, especially when their birth rate ratio has a natural affinity towards male rather than producing females. For the purpose of having both strong workers and soldiers for any large hive.

A part of their biological nature that even the most skilled bio magician can’t really fix without resorting to full blown mutation methods.

So those that do eventually bare eggs with changeling females inside them are kept either close as local nurses, helpers, or nannies for all the nymph. Keeping them deep inside the hive in order to safeguard them. With the odd random exceptions of course.

Which is why, the female variety of these crystal ponies are much more useful for them. Seducing them and using them as breeders to help create changeling eggs with the highly fertile and adaptive changeling seeds.

They are actually being held in a completely different chamber all together. Trying to be convinced to breed, or risking the well-being of their male counterparts. Basically just using them as leverage tools, and perhaps for food sources too, as they are still changeling after all.

Though, living as exiles for so long and away from any queen allowed them to more or less adapt themselves to sustain on other means of food, such as certain fungi, and the consumption of meat. But love and other positive emotions will always be their main source of nourishments. Which is again one of the few reason as to why keeping their numbers up is rather difficult on their own. The changeling females sometimes lack the fertility they need to even bare eggs. Thanks to the lack of love.

Though besides not knowing the reason why they are hang up, and with the mares taken away. One, or rather many of the trapped crystal ponies where obviously not happy with their current situation as they woke up in. Especially the guards, who have long been stripped of both their armor and weapons for obvious reasons.

Though their outcries where of course short, except for one who hasn’t stopped ever since he woke up from his slumber.

“Let us out! If you think that our absent is going to go unnoticed then you are all very much mistaken.” A very angry looking crystal guard spat out while visible trying to break out of his cocoon. With predictable results of course.

This particular guard has been screaming like hell ever since he and many other woke up from their previously mentioned slumber. A sleep spell was caste on them prior to their capture, making the track to the hive less burdensome.

Many of them, of course, where at first confused and scared out of their wits. But some, primarily those from the guard, where rather quick in regaining their composure and glaring daggers at their captors while attempting to break out.

Which of course failed, that is why they are all still neatly packed inside their slimy prisons. Many where decent or rather smart enough to not antagonize their captors any further besides some glares. But one very loud mouth stallion has apparently not been given the memo in being subtle towards his jailers and not painting himself as a big red target.

Many of his comrades just groaned, as this one guy continued to demand the ridiculous. Even the changeling at this point simply decided to ignore this hothead joker of a pony and simply went on their marry ways without even giving the ranting stallion the satisfaction of attention. The stallion simple went on and on, until one of his officer finally had enough.

“For the love of the god can you bloody SHUT UP! I have enough of your constant bickering and threatening. I swear if I had one hoof free right now to move on my will, I would have long shoved it so far down your throat that if would have come out at the other end! Be bloody quite or I will ask our captors to actually make you.” The lieutenant shouted, giving the stallion the type of glare which was ready to kill if he had the chance to do so.

The pissed off stallion on the other hand just looked away and frowned. But thankfully took the warning of his superior seriously and finally shut his trap for the first time ever since he woke up. The lieutenant grumbled, before focusing back in to… well, doing nothing really.

“Great, in a way, private Picks is right. All we can do now is hope for some form of rescue while being stuck here. There are just too many aspects to take into consideration even if one of us managed to break out of their prison. Not really worth the overall risk if you ask me” The lieutenant thought, as he simply kept his gaze fixed at the two guards in front of him. Guarding the only exit out of this stone and ice chiseled room and keeping their pupil-less eyes fixed on him as well.

Creating a bit of a staring contest that the lieutenant quickly lost.

He had to admit though, that these so called changelings (or Icelings as they also sometimes refer themselves as) had an interesting architecture going on, with both their digging and chiseling skills. Not sure how, but he could have sworn that he saw one of these changelings using their long fangs to crave out these shaped and patterned which he sees everywhere around the room. All of this would be fairly interesting to see if there wasn’t this tiny problem of them acting as the captives of these pony-bug hybrids.

But then again, the luminescent lighting that these changeling where using wasn’t exactly enough for pony eyes. So he couldn’t exactly appreciate much of it, even if he wanted to.

Really, what else was he supposed to do while trapped and hang up against a wall inside a slimy blue cocoon made of…something. Panicking certainly doesn’t help and giving the captor the joy in watching them cry, beg or scream is something he and many others of his colleges were not exactly keen in giving them. Not so much for the civilians though, but then again they were kinda hold up inside their own prison chamber somewhere. So he personally doesn’t know what could have happening with them in comparison.

Hopefully something similar to their fates, same with the few mare that have been taken away to gods knows whe-

*Thong, thong*

Two very loud and distinguished thongs suddenly ranged out inside the prison which the lieutenant’s thoughts.

Everybody’s eyes were now glued to its source, as they all watched the two changeling guards collapse to the floor with very noticeable cracks on their black crystal helmets. To say that the row of crystal guard where both shocked and surprised would have been an understatement.

“Finally, started to get frustrated with the notion of being forced to sneak all this time without getting the chance of actually hit something. Feels good to hit someone on the head after…uhm…wait, what was I going to add to that?” The one responsible for the two knockouts commented, as she stood somewhat wobbly in between the doorway with the two unconscious changelings beside her. Leaving only one changeling left standing in the room, being just as shocked and surprise at this as everyone else.

“You there, get these ponies down or I will do more than just knock you out like your two comrades here. Try me, after this whole bullshit I am feeling quite ready to take the first soul down to its afterlife. So be smart and do as I say.” Thera openly threatened, or rather slurred a bit before pulling out her sword and pointing it at the last remaining changeling at a tilted angle.

This demand shook the changeling out of his petrified state however before he eventually started to glare at her, taking a battle stance and lowering his horn towards her.

Thera on the other end smirked at this, before readying herself with her own stance with her blade, though a bit out of whack. Though to her surprise, the next thing that changeling did was lighting up his horn before disappearing with a flash of blue. Confusing Thera for just a moment before she frowned.

“Huh…a coward, figures.” She mumbled before the actual purpose of the changeling retreat finally dawned on her. “Crap…he will most likely call in for help wherever he just teleported to.” She commented, mentally beating herself up for this slight error of foresight.

They have horn, just like unicorns. Which obviously means that they have magic capabilities and possibly even teleportation within their arsenal. How she has overlooked that one issue is beyond her.

But either way, Thera shook herself out of her thoughts and focused back at the task at hoof. She finally found the prisoners and that was all she wanted to accomplish. Finding them, leading them back outside and more or less get rewarded with a large sum of money to take home with her.

Or at least that was the idea. Though being mentally intoxicated doesn’t exactly garner the best ideas or expectations. But she made it this far so why not run the rest of the track and see what the finish line offers. One of her complains was that she was bored out of her mind, at least now she could say that she did something to medicate that boredom.

“Hey, can you perhaps cut us down from here? You look like someone who might be here to help.” The lieutenant openly asked.

Thera just mumbled something as a response before spreading her wings and making her way at the closest pod. With one precise slice with her blade, the pod split wide opened, which in turn caused its occupant to literally fall out of its grasp and fall down onto the cold stone floor with an audible thud and groan. The rest soon followed, one slice, one thud, one groan or yelp of surprise of pain with each and every freed guard.

Once Thera was done, she lowered herself back onto the ground while rubbing her still aching head. Her headache whas strong as ever, made even worse when she had to empty herself again on her way here at a secluded place.

She was really regretting it more and more for having drunk so much hard liquor at one single go.

“Couldn’t you have added a bit more fairness when freeing us? I almost lost a tooth by falling directly onto my muzzle.” The lieutenant complained while getting up and rubbing the left underside of his chin.

Thera as a response just rolled her eyes before turning herself away from the group. “Don’t be such a child, and besides, if you all don’t start moving your asses and grabbing yourself some weapons and gears, you will have a lot more pressing matters to worry about besides losing a single tooth. In case you haven’t seen it, one of the changeling guard actually teleported himself away to most likely get reinforcements to stop us. So you better get yourself in gear or back into these cocoons with you.” She stated before wobbling herself back towards the door which the lieutenant notice.

“Wait a minute… are you… are you drunk?” The officer asked curiously while raising an eyebrow.

Thera of course ignored the question as she was more focused on peeking out into the hall for coming threats and other changeling alike. Because besides guards, she also come across some rather basic looking changeling which seem to be simple workers. And there where a lot of them, certainly more than guards as far as she has witnessed.

The lieutenant sighed, before looking around himself and spotting the spears the two changeling guard dropped. They might be made of pure obsidian, but a weapon was a weapons and was certainly better than nothing.

“You two, take their spears and back up… uhm…”

“Thera” She quickly introduced herself while still gazing out into the hall.

“Well yes, take the spears and give Thera some backup in case more of these changeling guards come flying or galloping down the hallway. The rest of us in the meantime shall scout around the room to see if anything here might be of use. Now let’s hurry.” He swiftly ordered, getting nods from the two appointed guards while the rest immediately went on in looking about in the chamber for anything useful to take. Spying rock carved shelves and containers scattered about inside the chamber.

To their disappointment though, all of these storage units seemed to be either empty or filled with useless junk or items which where an enigma to all of them in terms of what it is or what it is used for.

There wasn’t even a basic stick, paddle or pole for them to use. Which was just beyond frustrating.

“Blast, can’t say I am very surprised with the fact that this room might have been empty. This is a prison after all and not some form of armory or storage room.” He cursed before calling out for his fellow guards.

“Let’s go then, we already wasted enough time as it is. Let’s just hope that we don’t come across any patrols or guards who are looking for us. Let’s move.” He barked out.

The rest simply followed, before Thera swiftly decided to take the lead as the entire group left the room and pushed into a large empty hallway.

Despite the somewhat gloomy esthetic of these halls, thanks to the limited lighting of wall covered luminescence and whatever else the rest was, it was still somewhat clear to see that this hallway was boasting more than just one room. Easily deduced by the many, many entry arches dotting the hall from both sides.

“Have you looked into these rooms already? I mean you probably must have if you managed to sneak your way towards.” The lieutenant asked while gazing down the hall.

“Huh, what?...Uh no, no I haven’t. I actually came from up there.” Thera answered by pointing a hoof up towards the ceiling which the officer followed.

“Oh, must be some kind of a ventilation shaft by the looks of it.” He stated while looking at a pony sized hole way up on the curved roof of the ceiling.

He shook his head. “Anyway, in that case we better check out these rooms as we go along. Who knows, one of them might actually garner something useful, or even better, harboring the other prisoners. Can’t obviously leave them behind if we do come across them.” He added, before moving down the hall with the rest quickly following.

“Wait, there is more of you down here? I thought that it was just you guys.” Thera question as she followed along. Again somewhat wobbly but this time the lieutenant decided to not point that out a second time.

Plus now that she was close he could actually smell the alcohol coming off her. Making him both mentally groan and regard her in awe at the fact that she managed to get this far while being physically and mentally unfit to do so.

But then again, Thestral metabolism might be different compared to his. So a lot of things might be possible.

The lieutenant nods. “Yes, yes there is a lot more down here then just us. If we are going to attempt to escape this place then we might as well try and free the rest as well. It is both my duties as a guards and an act on my own morals. No pony should be left behind if we have a chance to free them as well.” He explained as they went on. Many of his comrades peeking into every room they passed along the way just as instructed.

Again to their disappointments, all of the room so far where just as empty and similar in layout as the one they just left. Making it very clear that this part of the hive must have been just the dungeon area and nothing more. But at least it also means that the rest of the crystal ponies where being held up here as well. It’s just a matter of scouting out every possible room they pass by on their way out of here.

Carefully of course.

“I think we are getting some company soon, If I am not mistaken.” Thera casually commented as her ears suddenly perked up.

“Really, already? How can you be so…”The lieutenant tried to argue before he too suddenly picked something up within these empty halls.

The very distinct echo of buzzing wings and clambering hooves off into the distance.

Where exactly it was coming from was uncertain, but for now it seems that the search has to be put on hold. Right now they are in the worst position that they could possibly be in. Lost, naked and certainly outnumbered. Not to mention being deep inside enemy territory to boot.

An open fight in this state is something nobody wants, besides Thera, but hey, she's drunk.


“Your highness! Your highness!” A guard came blundering into the throne room where the Emperor was currently holding up council meeting with all the major noble families from across the city.

One of which being Cid himself of course.

The reason as to why the emperor himself was holding this council, was because of all the brand new changes and legislation he has drafted over a couple of night to get them ready for this very day.

The empire was somewhat old and out of date when it came to certain rules and method, especially towards their industries and production capabilities. This obviously needed to be fixed if the city itself was going to have any chance to stand up for itself against its much larger neighbors.

Basically giving the crystal ponies a huge technological, industrial and even magical edge compared to all of its neighbors or rivals.

Numbers aren’t everything after all.

“Yes, what is it?” Mateus casually stated while giving the random guard his attention.

The guard gave off a short bow before relaying his message. “Your highness, Captain Silver Sword and his fellow guards have managed to find something out at the snow, and according to their believes, it relates to the disappearance of the other ponies.” The guard announced.

Everybody within the throne room started to murmur to one another quietly after the news was said. The emperor rubbed his chin at this before giving the guard the hoof gesture to continue on with his message.

The guard nods. “According to the information, the captain and his comrades found a series of recently formed sinkholes out in the snow. All pretty recent and not too far apart from one another. Though…” He paused for a bit. ”There is a very intriguing problem with all of them.” The guard stated while momentarily darting his eyes across the room.

“Oh” The emperor began. “And what issue might that be?” He asked.

“Well…”The guard started. “All of these sinkholes had tunnel in them that seemed to lead in the same general direction from one another. Even more intriguing is the fact that every single one of them where blocked off by a cave in, which seemed to have also been recently formed. Basically, all of this unnatural coincidences are quite…suspicious to say the least. Though this also means that neither of them out there have the current means in getting themselves past these walls of rubble as they both lack the proper equipment and pony power. So the Captain wished to personally request for both the necessary equipment and a lot more guards to help with clearing out these caves.” The guard stated, before giving off a quiet sigh afterwards.

This caused another quiet wave of murmurs within the assembly of nobles while the emperor again just rubbed his chin in though. He eventually looked over to Ruby at this side.

“Ruby, I would like you to take over from this point on as I am needed somewhere else it seems.” He openly stated and shocking Ruby in the process.

“What? But I can’t… also where is your highness going anyway… are you… are you really planning on going out in the-” She stuttered before getting cut off.

“Yes, yes I am going out into the snow to see their findings for myself. Just read out the notes to the letter and everything will be done. Now If you excuse me…” The emperor stated before suddenly disappearing with a flash, which almost forced Ruby to fall of the thrones elevated platform.

With the head honcho gone, all of the rooms attention quickly shifted towards her, which in turn made her feel both small and incredible intimidated.

She is the royal secretary and assistance. Not a public speaker.

“Uhm…” Ruby nervously stated while looking down at the assembly of some of the richest and most powerful families within the city.

“Well uhm…” She tried again, before looking behind herself and seeing the large stack of papers neatly places next to the throne.

She immediately started scouting through the pile to search for the last topic the emperor was talking about before the interruption accrued. Which didn’t went so well as expected.

“You suck.” Someone within the crowd shouted, which in turns caused her to whimper a bit while covered in a seas of papers.

Why did she doze off in the middle of the council meeting?