• Published 5th Oct 2016
  • 12,041 Views, 761 Comments

Rise of the Crystal Emperor - Navanastra

Emperor Mateus of the Palamecian Empire fails to conquer the world not once but twice after getting defeated by Firion and his gang. Instead of just going back to hell the Emperor wakes up in a brand new world and in an even newer body as well.

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Chapter 10: Welcome To The Empire (Edited)

Chapter 10: Welcome to the Crystal Empire

Edited by: cosmic flash

“No, no, no this part goes into that part on the main shaft.” Cid explains. Getting slightly frustrated at his assistant for mountain the components yet again and having a hard part fully understanding the design.

“Sorry Master Cid, but…your diagrams look like as if they were drawn by a foal, which makes it hard to decipher them sometimes.” His assistant complained while moving around the table, with the parts still balanced on his back to carry it to the other end of the workshop.

Cid was about to retort before just giving up with a sigh, truth be told his sketching skills really weren’t the best. Quite ironic giving the fact that he is both the head blacksmith and mechanic of the empire while also a part-time inventor.

Even more comical was the fact that his wife, Mable Hammers, is actually an excellent artist and painter, her drawing skills are VASTLY superior to his. Then again, he sometimes questioned how it was possible for a creature with hooves to be able to draw and paint on a canvas in the first place without the use of either magic or just simple using the mouth like most ponies do. That also bring in question his own ability to just hold a hammer and wrench with his hooves.

Cid Hammers was once again having an (Or subjected too) to his monthly existential crisis regarding the functionality and logic of the world around him. The answer usually went to “magic” as it always does, but that single minded explanation was never really enough for him. Leading to moments where he would just stand or sit on his haunch’s spaces out. Trying to answers realities biggest question by himself while starting off into nothing.

Cid quickly shook his head before moving his chestnut-colored hoof up to his golden brown mane to rub his head

“Not now Cid. Focus on your work or else everything is going to blow up again like it did last time.” He mentally told himself, both his goatee and mustache twitching as he scrunched his muzzle.

His wife having never let that incident go down for a whole month since it did involve him almost blowing a quarter of their mansion and part of the neighborhood around them.

He was about to criticize another assistant of his bending a piece of metal the wrong way when a sudden knock from the door behind him drew his attention.

“Honey, The Captain of the guards like to see you. I do hope you haven’t done anything illegal or dangerous yet again for him to be here.” The muffled voice of his wife came through a closed door. Again, breaking his focus.

He grunts. “The captain again? Wonder what brings him down to my workshop this time?” Cid thought to himself as he moved past the large table and towards the back door.

He opened it carefully revealing none other than his lovely wife Mable standing there in her usual dress with the well-known and Captain Silver Sword standing behind her.

“Greetings there Sir Cid Hammers, sorry for the intrusion but I came to you to simply deliver a quick message.” Silver immediately cut to the point.

Cid was a bit surprised by this but kept his composure as he dusts the sooth of his attire to make look himself a bit more presentable. “Straight to the point I see, quite understandable given the festivities today, a perfect day to spend some quality time with miss Sapphire.” Cid answered with a smile, an action which actually broke the captain’s stoic look as his eyes slightly widen.

“What? N-no…for starters we are just friends and second, she is actually back at the palace with a few of her guards stationed at the throne room. So Perish the thought.” Silver Sword responded his usual professionalism cracked and exposed. Which made Cid’s smile go even wider before his own wife decided to add her own two gil into the conversation as well.

“My husband is right dear captain, you and Lieutenant Sapphire just look so perfect for one another, you should give it a try, especially since you two have been friends since foalhood as far as I heard.” Mable added in while pushing a golden lock of her light brown face with a hoof.

Silver at this point was slightly flustered. All he was tasked to do is relay a simple message but now he was openly embarrassed by two nobles.

Why didn’t he just send out one of his men to do this for him?

“Can we please just get back on track here, as I said I came here to relay a quick message from the Emperor himself.” Silver stated with a groan but mostly for the sake of quickly switching the subject.

Cid deciding to just let the captain off the hook for now and nodded, which made Silver almost sigh in relief before he composed himself.

“Well, I simply came here to personally tell you that the emperor wishes to speak to you about new a few new weapon designs and the plans to ‘modernize’ the crystal guard.” Silver finally stated which made both Cid and Mable look curiously at him.

“Oh and also discussing some plans on new machines he also came up with. So overall quite a lot of plans.” Silver quickly added which rose Cid’s interest levels even more.

“Wait a sec…” Cid began as he adjusted his multi layered mechanical loupe sitting on his scalp. “The new Emperor wants ME to talk about new plans and diagrams?” He asked in surprise; to which Silver swiftly nodded.

“Well yes, according to him he most likely has some diagrams ready to be reviewed by you. Which is…quite quick to be honest.” Silver confirmed which almost caused the complex and expensive looking loupe on Cid’s head to slide off.

At first there was silence, though that silence didn’t really last long as Cid quickly had a look of glee on his face which made his wife simply roll her eyes and shake her head.

“Our new Emperor is possibly versed within the fields of machines and mechanics as well? Count me in, I am always ready to try out new things.” Cid happily announced loudly.

“I’m just going to put some of our stuff back into the vault in case things start to blow up again. Don’t cause too much mayhem dear while I go do that.” Mable announced as she made her way back upstairs.

Cid in responded by simply rolled his eyes before focusing back at the captain in front of him.

“Don’t mind her captain, she can be quite overdramatic at times.” Cid openly stated.

“Well she actually might have a point there.” Silver answered flatly which caused Cid to glare at him for it.

“Oh shush, trial and error my friend, trial and error. All part of an inventor’s life.” Cid stated before trotting past him to follow his wife up the stairs.

Silver simply shook his head as he followed the mare upstairs to return to the palace as soon as possible.


Both Cadence and her 3 companions where busy marveling at both the architecture and overall shimmering beauty that are the interior halls of the Crystal Palace. Everything was made of beautifully carved and perfectly polished crystals. The walls, the floors and the magically charged crystal on the ceiling which glowed with a soft and yet well illuminating glow. Perfectly highlighting the various colors of chiseled artwork on the walls and ceilings.

“I had once read about the architectural mastery of the crystal ponies and their unique ability to work and mold crystals to their will. But to actually see it for myself something completely different. Nothing compared to whatever the books where describing.” Cadence thought to herself in continuous awe as she and her companions were led by the previously introduced Ruby Quill.

“These crystal halls are amazing, larger than the halls of Canterlot Castle.” A guard behind Cadence commented out in which she could only agree on.

They continued their trek through theses massive halls, passing by row upon row of crystal guards standing vigilant along the walls with their Halbert’s and even passing by a number of maids and servants going about their day.

The distant sounds of the festivities going on outside echoing through Halls.

“The throne room is right ahead of us.” Ruby Quill suddenly announced after while pointing at a large set of doors ahead of them.

A pair of six guards flanked the two double doors from both sides of the wall. Leading into the main Throne room of the Palace beyond its portal.

“I guess they take security extremely seriously here. Really no surprise to be honest, given their current state.” Shining whispered to no one in particular as they continued to approach the Six heavily armed guards blocking their path.

“Halt, state your business.” One of the guards in front ordered, as he glared through both his helmet and muzzle guard.

Ruby Quill immediately stepped forward. “Greetings, I bring the Equestrian who have been summoned by the emperor to meet with them personally. Is his Majesty currently at the throne room?” Ruby questions at the end.

“Equestrians, these are Equestrians?” The head guard asked, his voice obviously showing a bit of displeasure at this revelation. “What else is Equestria sending us this time?” The guard continued on, a line that even made Shining frown a bit for a second despite his training.

Cadence was once again felt shocked.

“What…what has Equestria actually done to the crystal ponies in the past that would elicit such disdain in the first place? Why didn’t aunt Celestia warn me about this?” Cadence wondered to herself as she began to look around. Looking at the guards surrounding them with their weapons held firmly and ready.

Is this really the hospitality you get for traveling to a different nation as an outsider? All of a sudden Cadence found herself feeling a sense of empathy for her aunt.

“Lieutenant Lancer please, no need for such words towards our guests. The emperor simply wishes too…” Ruby tried to say when the throne room doors suddenly opened up.

The entire group turned as a pair of guards and two maids suddenly emerge carrying what looked like a guard frozen in ice with only his head sticking out and his teeth chattering.

“Make way, we need to quickly get this soldier outside to thaw him out before frostbite sets in.” One of the guards shouted as he and his followers quickly made their way past the guards and Cadence’s group to much of their confusion.

“What…what the…?” A royal guard was the first break the silence as everybody watched the group of Crystal ponies disappear around a distant corner.

Ruby Quill blinked before shaking her head. “Allowing her to keep that sword was probably not a good idea.” She mutters to herself as she took this opportunity to just trot past the lieutenant and through the open doors. Again, beckoning the Equestrians to swiftly follow her.

Cadence and her gang swiftly did as they enter the throne room for the first time. Only to once again stop at gawk at the sheer size of it.

“What is it with this place liking it big…like REALLY big?” Cadence once again thought out as she began to observe the interior of the throne room. Looking more like the interior of a Cathedral then an actual throne room. Large banners were hanging from both the walls and ceilings depicting the symbol of a white crystallized snowflake behind a purple-colored background. More guards were also present, flanking Cadence and her guards from both sides of the red carpet they are following along, being just as vigilant as the ones outside and ready for whatever danger or cause for action which might be needed. Always vigilant, always watching.

Though what immediately caught their attention was something else. Or rather somepony in this regard.

Right beside the foot of the throne stood a Thestral, a pure one, if the predatory look in her eyes told Cadence anything, In comparison to the ones her aunt uses as her night guards. Cadence had only seen a couple of pure blooded Thestrals in her life, which were again easily recognizable by the predatory glint that they all share behind their cat like eyes, which can automatically make some ponies to feel uneasy or intimidated underneath their stares. Including her. Sharper rows of teeth and fangs and thicker leathery wings compared to the so called half breeds as they often call their southern cousins. Generation of interbreeding can do that. Though Cadence isn’t particularly well versed in that subject.

That little thought process stopped though when Cadence realized the other pony sitting next to her. Coming face to face with somewhat mesmerizing looking pony. A crystal Unicorn to be exact, staring down at them from on top the Crystal Throne.

If the unicorn was male or female was still debatable though for her its well-toned body structure underneath a beautiful golden armor resting on top some purple-colored robes would suggest that she was maybe looking at a stallion despite the more mare-ish type features with his muzzles, long but somewhat messy blond mane and eyes.

Especially the makeup around them.

She felt a bit uneasy underneath his gaze though. His purple-colored eyes radiating a large amount of knowledge and authority, and even with a hint of contempt which Cadence quickly noticed.

“Shining might actually be right…I have a bit of a bad feeling about this unicorn, first of all his horn is just so long, like almost as long as Aunt Celestia’s. Meaning that he is probably no slouch when it comes to his magical abilities and knowledge…in fact…is he levitating that enchanted sword without the use of his horn next to him? I…I can’t see or feel any obvious or visible trace of magic on and around it…how…how is he doing that?” Cadence wondered to herself.

“No more enchanted swords for you, stick to the normal ones.” The Emperor chided which immediately caused Cadence to perk up in full attention with her eyes widen with surprise.

“That…that voice…”

The Thestral he was speaking to looked shocked at first, then pissed. “WAIT WHAT?! But…but WHY?” She demanded which only made the glare on the now fully confirmed stallion harden even more.

“Because you obviously lack the knowledge of how they work and how to handle them properly.” The Emperor responded back in a controlled but still annoyed sounding tone, which made Cadence’s ears perk up even more and her mouth slightly open.

“Oh dear Celestia…that voice of his.” Cadence thought to herself as she found herself strangely mesmerized by this stallion’s very smooth but masculine sounding voice. A voice that would make many mares she knew back in Canterlot melt by just listening to it.

Thera though didn’t share this sentiment as she continued to send visual daggers up at the stallion as both Cadence and everybody else in the room were completely ignored by these two. In complete bafflement especially for the Equestrians.

“Lack of knowledge? Isn’t that what it was supposed to do? Freezing some poor bloke by just lightly tapping him with the edge of the blade?” Thera shot back which made some guards around them tense up, one next to Cadence even raising her eyebrow.

“And THAT is exactly why enchanted weapons for you are out of the question, at least as long you are here in the empire.” The emperor responded with a quiet snort as he finally broke his gaze with the mare below her to look at the levitating ice sword next to him.

“But…but…I WANT IT, I LOVE SWORDS AND I ALWAYS WANTED A MAGICAL ONE!!” Thera practically shouted like a little filly which took everybody in the room completely by surprise, even more so when she suddenly opened her wings and was taking a stance that dictated that she was about to leap up into the air and pounce on him.

Ruby Quill who had been just as confused and silent this entire time suddenly reacted, moving forward in an attempt to calm the situation down before it would end in a disaster.

She would have when the Emperor unexpectedly chucked the sword away to the side and towards a nearby wall with shocking speeds and immediately shattering into a dozen pieces the moment it made contact. Once again surprising everyone.

“Plus, the blade was in poor condition anyway and not for use.” The golden monarch commented while rubbing his chin as he watched the few remaining pieces of the blade clank down onto the floor.

Thera of course was stunned, falling backwards onto her flank while staring at the shattered remains of the sword. She was about to retort, shout, cry and rage verbally before a realizing flash came across her features.

“Oh…wait…did…did it seriously just shatter on just one hard throw?” She questioned to no one in particular while raising an eyebrow.

“A well-made blade wouldn’t even had scratch on it, yet alone shattering like glass.” The emperor comments to which the mare could only agree on.

“Huh…so it was poorly made. Definitely not a sword I would be interested in, even if it was enchanted or not.” The Thestral commented, regaining her full composure.

There were a few moment of silence as everybody in the room, with the exception of the guards, were still somewhat unsure as to what that was all about, especially for the Equestrians.

“Uhm…your…highness?” Ruby suddenly announced, sounding somewhat unsure.

The emperor hummed as he looked back down towards her, noticing his visitors for the first time.

Ruby stepped up further before gesturing to the new arrivals with a hoof. “Your highness these are the Equestrians you wished to speak too. Presenting Princess Mi Amore Cadenza of Equestria and her escorts Captain Shining Armor and his two royal guards.” Ruby announced which caused the emperor to sit back thoughtfully on his throne.

“Does every civilized nation consist of equines in this world?” The emperor thought to himself as he tapped his armrest, quickly realizing something. “Also Equestria…really? If all of their cities and settlement have horse related names and puns just like their nation then I might lose some respect for them right then and there.” He thought as he eyed the so-called Equestrians more closely, an act that the white unicorn seemed to have noticed.

Shining suddenly steps up, closely eyed and watched by the Crystal Guards before stopping right at the foot of the throne to give a bow of respect.

Shining rose, looking up at the emperor as he silently cleared his throat. “Your Majesty, I am Captain Shining Armor, servant of her Royal Highness Princess Celestia’s and leader of the royal guards of Equestria. We have travelled far to liberate the crystal ponies from the cruel unicorn tyrant King Sombra in hopes to also repair relationships and heal past mistakes.” Shining armor announces.

“I see.” The emperor simply answered as he leans back.

It was then when Cadence finally shook her head before stepping up as well to bow respectfully before him at her husband’s side. “The Captain speaks the truth. I promise that we have come with no ill intentions and are simply here to offer a hoof of peace and friendship. We are just ambassadors to our nation, representing Equestria at large in hope to perhaps build up good relations between both of our nation's.” Cadence butted in, making full use of everything Aunt Celestia had taught her over the years.

The Emperor simply sat there, rubbing his chin as he contemplated the Princess’s words. “I doubt that I am personally interested in engaging with a nation that doesn’t seem to be well received in mine. Then again, I am not in any position to make enemies…not yet that is.” Mateus thought to himself as both Shining and Cadence look up at him expectantly.

“Might as well hear them out then, I might receive some good intel from them regarding the lands to the south. Information is key to winning after all.” He continued before leaning forward a bit to address these two better.

“Well, if you have come here seeking no ill towards the empire and its citizens then I welcome you at least.” Mateus announced while twirling his staff a bit on his hoof. “I like to apologize then for the “cold” welcome. The Empire has only recently been fried from his dark past so you can imagine that most of its citizens are still baring the scars of that Sombra has given them. There is still so much to mend and so much to heal. Beyond that feel free to stay and explore the city freely at your hearts content. You four are welcome as long as you respect the peace of course.”

Shining relaxes at this as he gave the golden monarch another short bow in thanks. “We very much appreciate it your highness, we will promise to not be a burden to either you or the crystal ponies during our limited stay.” Shining answered, keeping himself neutral at all times.

It was then when Cadence took her chance once more as her own curiosity got the better of her, mostly revolving around the fact that he was the one who brought King Sombra to his permanent demise and freed to crystal ponies from his tyranny.

“By all due respect Sir.” Cadence began in which Mateus gaze switched to her. She gulped silently.

Those eyes of his, she couldn’t really place a hoof on it but those eyes seemed to give off a huge amount of knowledge, power and even traces of internal anger and pain. Most of them making her feel pretty intimidated while the last one also made her feel a bit of pity.

Whatever that pain was she didn’t know, but most ponies don’t radiate pain out of their eyes unless there is a lot of it locked deep inside someone. The same kind of pain she could somewhat feel inside Aunt Luna as well when she first met her.

She mentally shook her stupor away as she forced herself to focus.

She cleared her throat. “I was just wondering, or more like we as a whole.” She looks over her shoulder before looking back. ”How did you manage to defeat King Sombra? He was known as one of the most powerful sorcerers in history.” Cadence finally asked which caused everyone to go silent.

“Well I can personally show you.” Another voice suddenly announced as all eyes except the Emperor’s were herded to its source.

A Sapphire colored mare suddenly came up from one of the doors behind the throne, judging by the fact that she was wearing a pretty well ordinated armor would suggest she was an officer. Just like the stallion guarding the throne room door.

She seemed to be carrying something on her back as she casually approached the group. Some of the guards around them saluting to her as she stopped right between them and the emperor.

“Wha-what do you mean by that?” Cadence asked the guard mare as she eyed the newcomer.

The mare simply smirked. “Well first off, my name is Lieutenant Shimmering Sapphire, or just Sapphire for short since my name is somewhat of a mouthful.” Sapphire answered as she moved a free hoof around her back to retrieve whatever item she had back there.

She then threw it right in front everyponies’ hooves with a loud clang echoing through the room.

Cadence and the gang looked down at whatever it was and where confused. For her it looked like the badly burned and melted remains of something metallic, circular in form even.

“What…what is it?” Cadence eventually asked before looking back at her.

“THIS is what remains of King Sombra. His Crown to be precise.” Sapphire casually answered, which caused every equestrian in the room to go wide eyed.

“Wha-what?” Both Cadence and Shining asked in unison as their gazes went back and forth from the badly scorched crown to the mare and vice versa.

“Well you heard me right, this is precisely what is left of our previous king.” Sapphire answered again as she felt the reaction of the Equestrians personally quite amusing.

Judging by their reaction they were probably unused to the concept of killing, which was somewhat strange. But she didn’t linger on it too long as a proper explanation was probably better.

“In fact, you can also ask Ruby Quill for confirmation, since she was practically there when it happened, same with the Bat-Pony here who killed one of Sombra’s personal body guards in the process.” Sapphire quickly added while pointing a hoof at each individual pony in question.

She flinched a bit when she noticed that Thera was giving her death glares from where she stood. “It’s THESTRAL, NOT Bat-pony. Keep that in mind.” Thera spat.

Cadence and Shining simply ignored that as their attention was still glued to the remains of Sombra’s crown and generally the idea that the King basically got turned into nothing but ash, if ash at all.

“What kind of Magic could just completely disintegrate a pony like that? I don’t think even Auntie knows a spell that could do that. Darker spells have always been a taboo. So seeing a pony practicing that is…” Cadence wondered to herself as she tried to form a mental picture of Sombra's brutal demise before shuddering at the idea alone.

The closest spell she knew that is designed for purely offensive purposes is an electrocution spell that flings a victim off their hooves while also stunning them at the same time. Never capable of causing too much damage or let alone outright kill them.

She tried to stay away from the more darker spells and even if she would have been interested, Aunt Celestia would have forbidden her from studying them anyway.

She was the princess of love after all not the princess of bashing in faces.

She shook her head before diverting her attention back at the Emperor as she stepped up. “My…we request to leave so that we could find ourselves a place to rest. It really has been a very exhausting day for me and my party.” Cadence requested with another short bow which caused the emperor to rub his chin a bit.

“I have no problems with your wishes to recuperate your strength after your obviously long and tiresome journey through the wastes. In fact you may want to stay within the Palace numerous guestrooms if you desire some luxury during your stay. Ruby Quill over here will show you the way if you so desire.” Mateus offered.

“Oh…uh well yes of course. I can very easily escort you and your followers to the guest rooms if you accept the Emperor’s hospitality.” Ruby Quill offered kindly towards the Princess.

Cadence smiles to show her gratitude. “Thank you so much your highness, we would be of course honored to accept your generous offer to rest within the Palace.” Cadence respectfully thanked him with another quick bow of her head before turning herself toward Ruby with a nod which she returned.

“Alright this way then. Please stay close and keep your curious hooves to yourself even though there is nothing much to touch on the way there anyway.” Ruby lightly joked at the end before leading the way towards the aforementioned guest wing of the palace.

Cadence and her gang quickly followed her alongside a few of the Crystal guard as they all casually filed themselves out of the throne room through one of the back doors.

“Respect is nice but sugarcoating me with it won’t really affect how I will generally treat people or in this case ponies depending on who they are, what they did, or how I feel about them in the first place.” The emperor thought to himself as he watched them all slowly disappear behind the large doorway leading into the upper floors leaving him, Thera and the rest of the guards alone in the Throne room.

“Well that went better than expected.” Sapphire commented out as she picked up the remains of King Sombra’s crown off the floor.

The emperor ignored her as his gaze casually went back to the dark blue mare down beside him as a curious thought once again popped up. “Seriously though, why are you still here? I would still imagine after all of this you would have already made your long journey back to whatever nation you hail from.” He questioned casually which made the mare in question look up at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Direction reason and also injuries for the most part, the weather outside the magic barrier is still too cold for me to traverse, both on hooves or on wings if one wasn’t broken.” She answered while showing him her bandaged wing.

“So I guess you are going to be stuck with lil’ ol’ me for a bit longer then.” She added with a grin at the end which made the emperor smirk back at her.

“Well no problem, I will just hire one of my guards to babysit you then in case you get your…hooves on some more shiny glowing swords.” He countered back which caused Thera to just glare up at him instead and him to quietly chuckle.

“I am serious though.” The emperor added.

“Shut up...you’re not my dad!”

“That would be a disaster.”

“I fully agree.”

Author's Note:

Before you all start crying, YES I have a reason and also a backstory in mind as to WHY the crystal ponies resent Equestria as a whole. But you will all have to wait for future chapter for all of that to make sense.

Also do you guys want me to make a concept art of Cid for next chapter?