• Published 5th Oct 2016
  • 12,043 Views, 761 Comments

Rise of the Crystal Emperor - Navanastra

Emperor Mateus of the Palamecian Empire fails to conquer the world not once but twice after getting defeated by Firion and his gang. Instead of just going back to hell the Emperor wakes up in a brand new world and in an even newer body as well.

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Chapter 11: The Gears are Turning (Edited)

Author's Note:

Well here we are, after a long and tedious pause which I blame the internet for we finally have the next chapter of our glorious emperor out and about. Hope this chapter was worth the wait for you guys.

Also if you have a penny to spare and want to support me through your good will. My Patreon can be find here.

I know allot of people always keep saying just go get a job, but to be honest, its allot easier said then done.

Chapter 11: The Gears are Turning.

Edited and Proofread by: IcefireInfinite, neon scar, O24, Detsella Morningdew

“Oh thank Celestia, finally, a REAL BED!” Cadence announces out loud as she flopped herself onto the oversized bed in a very un-princess like fashion.

She sighs in contentment as she felt heavenly softness and warmth creep into her. Squeezing the pillow under her chin, she smiles. She never knew how much she missed the comforts of a bed. Ever since Cadance and her group had left Canterlot almost a week ago, each night of the journey was spent sleeping in basic sleeping bags that couldn’t even compare.

You never knew what you had until you lose it is the old saying.

“I can only agree. Finally, being out from the cold and back into a nice warm room is a very welcome change indeed.” Shining Armor commented as he carefully placed his bags on a nearby wall.

He rolled his shoulders and let a sigh of relief before properly observing the room around him. The walls and ceiling were made of crystal, just like the rest of the Palace, though in contrast the flooring underneath his hooves were layered with warm and soft carpets. A welcome change from the hard, cold crystal flooring outside their room.

It was just him and Cadence. The other two having received their own just across the hall.

He began to look for something similar to a restroom and quickly found it as he spotted a door nestled comfy in between a shelve and a closet. He was about to head for it when his wife suddenly beat him to the punch. Zipping past him and through the door before closing it behind her.

“I’m going to go ahead and go first since you always seem take an eternity whenever you go in,” he heard Cadence muffled voice call out from behind the door.

He just rolled his eyes. “That’s because you mares don’t have to worry about ‘something’ getting in the way when you try to sit down.” He retorted.

He stood there, patiently waiting for her to be done, and eventually being rewarded when Cadence finally exits after a minute or two. Looking quite satisfied.

Making sure she noticed him rolling his eyes, he stepped in, closing the door behind him before allowing nature to do the rest while Cadence went straight back to her bed for some well needed relaxation. She sighs as her fur was once again kissed by the warm embrace of a soft mattress and pillows, allowing for her limps to spread out and her wings to lay flat against her sides. Decency be damned, she needs this.

As she begins to doze off her thoughts immediately went back to the encounter they just had, or more specifically everything they have learned so far after finally arriving at the Crystal Empire. The Crystal Ponies’ dislike towards Equestria, their now obviously focused military policies, and their new Emperor in general.

“Who is he and where did he come from? I thought that Sombra mercilessly slaughtered every crystal unicorn during his reign to secure the throne. Does this mean he failed and that there might be more Crystal unicorns out there? And why are the crystal ponies so distrusting of outsiders now, especially towards equestrians. Aunt Celestia never mentioned this kind of animosity before, so what changed?. Did I miss something, or are the history books wrong about this? Ugh…so many questions, and not a single answer.” Cadence thought to herself with a loud groan as a headache started to creep in

“This whole thing has turned into a disaster,” she muttered into the pillow as frustration settled in, but saying that she was one hundred percent against this would be a lie.

She felt somewhat glad that she didn’t had to confront Sombra on her own and take over. She might had been prepared for that very moment all of her life, but she just felt that she might still be too young for this, so having someone beat her to the punch was more or less a breath of relief. Especially since the ponies here weren’t as tolerant as there are back home. Which only adds to her relieve.

This would be disappointing for her auntie surely, but hey, not everything can possibly work as intended, now can it?

“But then…it just made the whole trip and preparation pretty much pointless in the grand scheme of things…that’s just fantastic,” she muttered into one of the oversized pillows as this realization hits her.

The bathroom door suddenly opened, making her ears to perk up as she rolled herself over to a more presentable position as Shining steps out.

Shining spotted her and smiled before making his way to his saddlebags to look them over. “So, how’s the bed Cadence? I’m pretty sure you’re going to be taking the side closest to the bathroom door if I know you correctly.” Shining questioned her with a light chuckle as he pulled out a book, along with a quill and an inkpot from his saddle-bags.

Cadence just rolls her eyes before giving off a light chuckle.

“Superbly comfortable, not as familiar as our own bed back in Canterlot but still very comfy. You can almost feel yourself melting into its sheet... or maybe that is just my exhaustion talking.” Cadence happily answered, a yawn managing to get out.

She was really feeling drowsy, the bed itself only solidifying that.

Shining could only agree to that as he closed up his bags before making his way over to a desk on the corner of the room, sitting right next to a large window overlooking the northern districts of the city, the crystal mountains proudly presenting themselves at the horizon.

Cadence tilts her head as she watches him grab the quill with his magic before sitting down.

“Uh…sweetie, what are you doing?” Cadence asked curiously as she sat up.

“Well, I’m writing and documenting everything that’s happened to us so far, and what we’ve learned today. It should be important that we keep a record of this to present to princess Celestia and Luna once we go back. Shining explained, his gaze never leaving the book.

“Besides, Twilight’s likely also curious to know where we’ve been. I am sure she would love to read all of the sights we have been seeing along our journey. I know she is going to get a kick out of this.” Shining added with a chuckle, turning Cadence thoughts to that adorkable little sister of his.

Ah yes, Twilight, she couldn’t believe how quick it has been. It only felt like yesterday to her when she used to be babysat her.

“They really grow up fast these days, don’t they? Changed in such a short amount of time. Funny, I guess the same thing could pretty much be said about me too,” Cadence thought to herself before the very mention of ‘change’ brought her back to their current reality, and the fact that they were basically guests in a country previously ruled by a tyrannical maniac.

Her thoughts once again wandered back towards the very stallion who allegedly brought an end to all of this.

The Crystal Empire's new Emperor.

“Hey uhm…Shining?” Cadence called out trying to get his attention. He turned his head to look over his shoulder.

“Yeah, what is it?”

“How…what are your thoughts on the new Emperor?” She asked.

He turns around. “To be honest, I don’t fully trust him,” He frowned, “We know nothing about him. There is just something about his character and demeanor which rubs me the wrong way. Call it a gut feeling.” Shining answered truthfully as he laid the quill down onto the table beside him.

Cadence simply nodded as Shining went on. “Plus, there is that…the remains of Sombra’s Crown. Nothing, but the burned and melted remains of his crown, you can probably imagine just how brutal that spell must have been if there is just the badly mangled remains of his crown left of him. Most certainly black magic, the type which has been outlawed for centuries. It shows that, whoever this pony is has access to magic forbidden to the average pony. Similar to Sombra in a way if you think about. If that doesn’t ring any alarms then I don’t know what will.”

Cadence had to admit that Shining was raising some interesting points there, but at the same time, both of them really didn’t know anything about him and what his motives are. Cadence did have to recognize that different countries did have different traditions, cultures, and ways of how they personally handled situations compared to others, especially a civilization that spend a thousand years in limbo.

What might seem unethical or unnational to some might be perfectly reasonable and just for others. Something her aunt reminded her of countless times whenever she taught her about politics.

But overall, Cadence could both agree and disagree with his assumption. Though she has to be fair about herself that it is far too early to make any assumption. It would be like actually judging a book by its cover. That is also something her aunt has constantly drilled into her mind over the years.

Always have the benefit of the doubt, even if the individual seems harsh on the outside. Plus, the Crystal ponies in general seem to really like and follow their new leader’s ideology and methods, so how bad could he really be?

“I don’t think we should really jump to conclusions just yet Shining, the crystal empire has just gotten rid of their previous ruler and have just begun their long road to recovery from Sombra’s rule. Obviously, things will be a bit questionable at first, but really, who are we to judge? This is a different country after all, and the one-thousand-year loss of time and innovation isn’t doing them any favors. Let’s just start by looking into this deeper and giving them some time, something I am sure Princess Celestia would easily agree with.” Cadence explained her thoughts out loud as she shifted herself to the edge of the bed.

Shining was about to reply, but the words of his wife started to settle with him.

He nods “I guess you're right their Cadence, we should take our time and explore a bit. I guess I’m just as exhausted of this trip as you are, especially since it turned out to be completely useless in the end.” Shining responded with a sigh as he rubbed his forehead.

Cadence smiled as she hopped off from the bed and gave her husband a comforting kiss on the cheek. Shining smiled as they shared a quiet moment with one another. It was broken when Cadence suddenly sported a dreamy look that Shining could only tilt his head at.

“Oh by Celestia, his voice, his hind legs melting voice.” She suddenly said in a rather dreamy sounding tone, Shining scoffing at her comment all the while.

“Pfff, he’s not really that special.” He retorted with a frown while looking off to the side. Cadence could only smirk at her husband’s actions.

“What is this? Are you jealous that a stallion looks and sounds much more attractive than you do?” She teased with a devious grin, causing Shining’s frown to deepen.

“Me? Jealous? Ha, what a joke, I’m not jealous of a stallion who looks more like a mare.” He retorted.

“Well in that case, why don’t you give it a try yourself, a bit of makeup would look good on you I’m sure.” She countered back with a small giggle. Shining simply glared at her for it.

“Don’t even start with that. The last time I let both you and Twilly touch my face I ended up looking like a clown in front of all of my fellow guard ponies. They called me mister circus for a whole month.” He commented with a wince remembering that particular memory a few years back.

Cadence again simply laughed at this before turning herself around and making her way towards the front door of their room. Shining noticed this as he followed her with a gaze from where he sat, a questionable eyebrow raised at her as she places her hoof on the door handle.

“And where in Luna’s name are you going?” Shining question which caused Cadence to pause and to look over her shoulder to him.

“Well I am going to have a DEEPER look into things as I suggested earlier, get a feel on their new ruler and find out more about the crystal ponies’ history and overall culture.” She answered which gave shining a deadpan look.

“I hope your idea of ‘Getting a Feel’ isn’t going involve anything regarding your cutie mark and overall status.” He questions which made Cadence simply roll her eyes with a smile and chuckle at the end.

“Yeah, as if I am actually going to start molesting a ruler who really doesn’t like us and who has the power to disintegrate a pony with his magic.” She answered with a shake of her head before opening the door and stepping out into the halls beyond it.

“I still think this pony smells trouble regardless.” Shining thought to himself as he went back in writing his reports within his diary like book on the desk.


The emperor was patiently sitting on his chair at the dining room, sipping his tea in a rather peaceful and quiet environment.

He was guessing the festivities were still going strong outside, which is perfectly fine with him since that meant that he won’t be needing to host court and could focus more on his pet projects.

A few servants and maids were on standby in case he would order or request something alongside his usual tea, with Ruby quill actually being one of them as she sat on her own chair next to the emperors with a basic sandwich and her own cup of tea.

One of the guards stationed on the main entrance suddenly approached them. He saluted which caught the emperor’s attention as he raised his eyebrow at him.

The guard took this as his que to speak. “Your highness, Sir Cid Hammers has arrived as you requested and awaits permission to enter.” The guard reports.

“Let him in.” He casually replied.

The guard nods before giving a hoof signal over to his comrades to let the noble in, revealing a brown coated and blond maned stallion on the other side. Not super well-dressed for such a formal meeting which is a bit uncommon for nobles but still acceptable in his eyes.

Cid approached the monarch as he gave a respective bow as he stopped, also addressing miss Ruby Quill with a friendly nod.

“As requested, I have arrived at you behave your highness to discuss the plans you wanted me to see.” He greeted in a formal tone.

The emperor acknowledges this with a wave of his hoof before offering the noble to take a seat opposite from Ruby, which the brown stallion gladly accepted.

Once everything was in order the emperor decided that discussions could start but not before quickly checking that all the previously attending servants were escorted out and that all of the entrances were closed and guarded.

For now, the emperor wants whatever is being suggested and discussed here today to stay perfectly private, especially towards the four equestrians currently staying as guests within the Palace.

“Sir Cid hammers I presume?” The emperor started with an aimed gesture towards the stallion in which he received a nod for his efforts.

The emperor continued by giving his assistant beside him a sideways glance followed by a hoof gesture which she quickly understood, reaching down under the table before re-emerging with a large pile of blue colored scrolls and diagrams onto the table and laid them out appropriately in front of them.

The newly introduced Cid raised his eyebrow at them before curiously peeking one up and unwrapping it. What he immediately saw made his eyes go wide which made the emperor to smile a bit.

“These are diagrams and plans for tech and machines I am sure would greatly improve the empires military capabilities, economic growth and greatly push the nation towards industrialization and the overall re-construction and recovery of the Empire. Also included brand new weapon designs, Armor designs, and also added recipes for the creation of certain new material types and alloys I am sure you all are unfamiliar with, and since you are both the head Smith, machinist and local crazy inventor I am sure that you could make good use of all of these plans, diagrams and formulas that I have provided for you last night. These plans are yours if you can follow them and make general use of them for further future improvements or new inventions.” The emperor explained casually while ignoring the increasingly dumbfounded look the stallion in question was sporting with every passing second.

Cid immediately discarded the diagram he was currently holding before grabbing another and gaping at it just as he did with the first one, then another, and then another, before he basically skimmed through most of them and eventually turned his gaze back to the monarch who supposedly drew, wrote and designed all of them in a single night.

“By all respect Sir…but…you drew and designed all of these? In a single night?” Cid questioned, sounding flabbergasted.

“For starters it took THE WHOLE night, I didn’t really haven’t much sleep, which is fine as they are a lot of work to be done. But yes, all of these are firmly from my own designs and concepts. I really had the very best education available during my youth from where I am from.” He answered calmly while leaning himself back against his chair.

‘Well except for the formulas for making certain alloys, and the fact that most of these designed are concepts I already came up with back in my own world during my conquests before death came to put a stop to that. But he doesn’t need to know that.’ He thought to himself as he crossed his hind legs under the table.

Cid took a few moments to let all of this sink in as he went back reviewing some of the other plans and diagrams, he found to be the most fascinating. I mean really, flying ships, walking hulking machines with magical death laser mounting in front of them, autonomous mining machines for deep ground mining operations and so on. They were even some revolutionary new weapon designs and concepts and even further improvements on the already very complex and highly effective crystal guard armor.

His favorite being the diagrams of flying ships and other such airborne contraption.

To him all of this was worth gold…no, no even that it was worth diamonds…no scratch that too, this was all PRICELESS.

Cid was basically looking at a whole MILLENNIA worth of scientific and mechanical achievements, all done in a single night. Absolutely maddening for him. And even more insane, it was all his, all his to look at, to study, to build, to replicate, to tinker, to improve. Sure, some of these formulas and designs look very complex and somewhat hard to fully understand even for him, but with some time and study he was sure he could crack and learn from each and every one of them.

All of this basically hoofed to him for free, with the only price for it being “make them a reality”. He would be a fool to say no to such a one of a lifetime opportunity…heck multiple life times from the sheer treasure trove in front of them.

“I…I will immediately get to work Sire. The more complex ones will obviously take some time, not to mention gathering up the material and workforce for them. But the simpler once like new weapon designs, armor designs, and overall metal recipes will be easy and quick to be replicated.” Cid responded while looking at the emperor’s direction.

“Well go ahead then, if you need any more funds then don’t be afraid to ask. The treasuries are filled to the brim as we speak.” Mateus casually added.

“Thanks sire.” He replied with a bow.

He quickly went by in collection the easiest to achieve diagrams before taking his leave.

Mateus just continues to smile to himself as he watched this worlds Cid scoot off with a hoof full of in-between his…well hooves. Contemplating if what he was being a bit to hasty with his plans.

He immediately scoffed these thoughts off. There was much work to do. Since he didn’t get much of sleep last night due to his new ambitions and his inner demons keeping him up, he spends most of the night doing research on this city and everything else that surrounds it. Both historically and geographically, and according to some of the records he managed to find in the Palace library is that the crystal empire overall might possess the most damning position he has ever seen.

No natural borders besides the Crystal Mountains to the north, no natural coastlines, no rivers or hills, no thick woodland or marshes, heck the city itself doesn’t even have a wall besides the magical barrier that keeps the climate mild and temperate inside. Just absolutely nothing. Just a wide open snowy plain with some giant snow worms sprinkled here and there.

The only saving grace is simple the weather. The constants snow covered plains and harsh blizzards haunting these lands are an easy death trap for those not prepared to survive in such harsh and frankly unforgiving environment.

It’s something but in his eyes frankly not enough.

This needs to fix this.

“Would you like some more tea your highness?”

He blinks before looking down at his empty cup in mild confusion before casually waving the servant off with a hoof.

“No, the time for loitering is over. There is a lot of work ahead of us which means no further delights. Time to get back to work.” He commanded before getting up from his seat and making his way out of the dining hall.

Today will be the day where everything will change for the Crystal Empire as a whole. He did it once he will do it again. One way or another.


Cadance is still amazed at the sheer livelihood and joy these Crystal ponies exuding.

You would think that a Tyrant like Sombra would have left some heavy scars on the mind and spirits of these ponies but in this case, it seems to be rather the complete opposite. Crystal ponies all around her were hard at work, repairing buildings, cleaning up the streets, selling and buying stuff at the markets and businesses doing their best to attend to their customers.

She even managed to find a group of foals just happily playing about in the streets and simple having a good time.

It’s almost hard to believe that a pony like Sombra used to rule over these poor souls just a few days ago.

Either these crystal ponies just don’t care or they are just more able to deal with Trauma in comparison to their Equestrian counterparts. Either way Cadence didn’t care as she was just happy to see these crystal ponies enjoying themselves and trying to make the best of their situation.

It’s really good to see these ponies engage in normal day to day affairs. Its shows just how dedicated they are in trying to regain what has been taken away from them and make do of what they still have. It’s quite uplifting to see to be honest.” Cadence thought to herself with a smile as she continued her stroll through the crystalline streets of the Crystal city.

Besides enjoying the dedicated nature of the crystal ponies, the city itself was also a marvel to behold thanks to its unique crystal focused architecture, even though most of the buildings around her were either damaged or in poor maintenance. Just imagine how the city would shine when everything was repaired and fixed.

Cadence would love to see that, epically since she has already fallen in love with its architecture already. It’s just too bad that she won’t have the time to appreciate it’s beauty as she is simply just a guest at this point.

She would be lying to herself if she told herself that she wasn’t feeling just a little bit jealous and also a bit frustrated towards the stallion, but then again, it’s really nothing she can do about it.

“And here I thought I was going to face Sombra myself and then accent to the throne to fix everything. Funny how things can just change on a dime.” Cadence muttered to herself quietly as she stopped in front of the market Plaza to observe the ongoing activity around her.

She couldn’t resist to smile when she spotted a little colt happily helping his mother tend to some customers in front of their stall.

She was about to continue with her trek when all of the sudden…

“Someone…please help…I can’t hold this up myself.” Someone shouted nearby which immediately got the Alicorn’s attention.

Cadence quickly whipped her head to its source, only to come across a cry a crystal pony trying to prevent a bunch of crates from falling off his wagon all and by the obvious struggling to keep them stable. If they fall though, the poor stallion could be buried deep within a pile of heavy looking crates and suffer serious injuries as a result.

Cadence helpful nature immediately kicked in as she rushed towards the struggling stallion.

“Hold on, I can use my magic to help.” Cadence shouted as she swiftly powers up her horn and reached out towards the slowly buckling load.

With her strong magical grip around the heavy wooden boxes the stallion finally had a moment of relief as much of the weight was lifted of his shoulders. Immediately a group of Crystal ponies came in to assist and together they all managed to safely place and stack the crates back on top of the wagon.

The Stallion was exhausted but otherwise relieved and ok. The stallion immediately looks over to Cadence to give her a friendly smile.

“Thank you so much for your help there miss. Without it I would most likely lying flat on the ground with these bastard crates on top of me.” He thanks her which in turn made her smile and nod in confirmation.

“It was nothing really, I was glad to help.” She replied feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over her.

He just continues to smile thankfully before noticing something peculiar about her. ”I…don’t want to be rude or anything but…judging by your more natural looks you are not from around here are you?” The stallion questioned curiously which was quickly shared by all the other crystal ponies nearby the moment he pointed it out.

Cadence smile swiftly changed into a nervous grin when she suddenly found herself at the center of attention from many ponies around here, making her feel somewhat awkward.

“Well…yes…yes I am in fact from someplace else.” She replied while rubbing the back of her head. “Equestria to be honest.” She hesitantly added, remembering the last reaction she got when it was clear that she and her companions hailed from the far south.

The stallion looked a bit surprised at first before becoming rather intrigued instead. “Equestria huh, that’s quite a long trek away. Especially on hoof. What exactly bring you all the way up here to the north anyway? I thought normal ponies aren’t really made for its harsh climates.” The stallion asked.

Cadence was rather surprised to hear him ask that. She was sure that her origin might ignite some old grudge like it did yesterday but then again it seems that not all the citizens of the crystal empire have ill feelings about Equestria or at least don’t care much about Equestria in general.

Which isn’t really that surprising now that she thought about it, these ponies really have more pressing matters to worry about after all. Like trying get their lives back on track and to establish and sense of normalcy around here.

Sure, there are still a few ponies that give her suspicious glances here and there, but really nothing to concerning outside their local guards who are naturally more in the know.

One thing's for certain, Equestria has a lot of political support to give if her auntie’s nation ever hopes in rebuilding relationships with their crystalline cousins.

“Well…just an expedition trip.” Cadence lied as she knew telling them the real reason might be fruitless at this point or even in the worst-case scenario could backfire on her greatly. So, it is better to be safe than sorry and just look and sound as neutral as possible to them.

“We heard that a long lost nation has suddenly sprung up in the snowy plains and mountains of the north. So we were send up here to investigate and see if these claims were true or not. By the looks of it they obviously were.” She explained to them and trying to look as natural as possible. Such where the skills required as a princess and a high political figure, being good in keeping a visage.

Thankfully this act seemed to be paying off for her as the Stallion just nods before being quickly interrupted by another crystal pony behind him.

“I don’t want to cut this conversation short. But we still have to deliver these tools and equipment’s to the rebuilding sites in the north district of the city. Our Boss is paying us in time rather than actually getting the items where they are expected at.” The new pony behind him explained which in turn caused the stallion's eyes to widen.

“By the Gods you are right, I totally forgot about that.” He exclaimed before quickly looking back at Cadence with an apologetic look. “Sorry miss, but I just got remembered that I still have a Job to do here. Hope you enjoy your stay in the city.” He dismissed himself.

“That is fine, we all have our jobs to do after all.” Cadence replied kindly.

The stallion strapped himself onto the cart before navigating himself out of the market and out of sight.

Cadence just sighed. “Well, that was nice I guess. But small exertion has really left me beat for some reason. Must be from the long trip we just had. I guess it’s time to just head back to the Palace and relax for the remainder of the day and maybe even push shining buttons while doing so.” Cadence mused to herself.

With a self-nod and a devious smile on her muzzle regarding bottoms she casually made her way back to the Crystal Palace at the hearth of the city.


Far off from the city limits, out beyond the snowy dunes and within a dark secluded cave, a pair of eyes were looking out towards sparkling silhouette of the city with a mix of both wonder, intrigue and also with a lot of hunger and hope.