• Published 5th Oct 2016
  • 12,042 Views, 761 Comments

Rise of the Crystal Emperor - Navanastra

Emperor Mateus of the Palamecian Empire fails to conquer the world not once but twice after getting defeated by Firion and his gang. Instead of just going back to hell the Emperor wakes up in a brand new world and in an even newer body as well.

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Chapter 17: Expanding his Domain (re-edit)

Author's Note:

Well, I am not sure if this chapter is ready for release or not. The one who proofread it says that it was mostly fine. If its not let me know. Also if you want, you could maybe even help me in proofreading future chapter. You can never have enough proofreaders and editors.

Chapter 17: Expanding his Domain

Proofread by: Lazy Coyote

Looked over by: Scytherind

“Wait...is that Lady Thera?” Silver asked after he re-sheathed his sword once again.

Being deep inside hostile territory really makes someone jumpy, especially in a situation where someone or something could come running in from around a corner. In fact, now that he thinks about it, he should really keep his sword drawn at all time just to be sure. But then again, it would mean that he would be walking around down here on just three legs. Doable, but far from comfortable, no matter how much you train yourself to walk and fight on just three legs.

But either way he doubts that he really needs to be so incredibly vigilant down here with the Emperor at his side. It was still rather shocking to think that he managed to decimate so many of these bug things with just one simply spell. Granted it was a very large spell by the looks of it, but still. Now he can tell with certainty as to how he managed to best Sombra so easily.

Making him feel both respect and slight fear towards his ruler.

The aforementioned Mare shook her head, before focusing her attention at the group in front of her. Squinting her eyes a bit as they seemed unfocused at first.

“Oh...its the golden boy and the shiny brigade.” She commented before rubbing her head and hissing in pain, not minding the fact that she just had insulted an Emperor and his escorts.

Luckily for her though, this particular Emperor doesn’t seem to care for formalities that much. As he seemed to be more occupied with something other then her. Like that band of crystal ponies that suddenly rounded the corner at the other end of the hall at full speed and sprinted their way over. All looking fairly frantic and somewhat exhausted.

“It seems we already found our missing workers and guards. Wonderful, this has certainly saved us a lot of time by looking for them ourselves. Just marvelous timing.” The emperor stated, as he watched the large group of ponies make their way toward him and the rest.

“By the gods above. Look, it's the Emperor himself and reinforcements.” One of the ponies leading the group shouted as they came galloping closer.

The guards behind the Emperor readied their blades once more. Fully expecting a band of pursuers to tail these group of escapes as should be the norm with escapes. The simply workers and civilians in particular seemed to look the worst. Not being trained for long continues gallops for long distances.

The lead pony stopped in front of the Emperor and the rest of his escorts after he finally reached them.

“Your highness. It is...it is not save here. A large group of changeling guards are after us as we speak. They are close by.” The stallion stated in between huffs before looking over his shoulder at the distinct echoes of buzzing wings and beating hooves which suddenly appeared afterwards.

“By the damned of the underworld. They are already here.” The stallion frantically stated, before quickly looking back at this ruler.

“Quick your highness, this isn’t safe anymore. We need to reach the nearest path back to the surface. For both your safety and all of these civilians behind me.” He added, sounding rather desperate.

The his surprise, the emperor simply shook his head lightly. “Nonsense. I have personally come here to consult with the leaders of this species and perhaps come up with an...agreement if you would. “He stated before looking at Silver next to him. “Would you be so vigilant as to escort these naked guards and workers back to the surface from which we came? I shall continue on further down into the belly of the beast myself, until I finally come across someone who is within the proper position of leadership of these so called changelings. I shall return myself once the deed is done.” The emperor added, getting a lot of wide eyed expression as a response, for his rather unorthodox request in the eyes of his own guards.

“Absolutely not your highness. With all due respect. As much as you have show that you seemed to be capable of holding your own against large masses of enemies, it would go completely against my duties as a captain of the guard by letting you, my emperor, walk through hostile territories alone and without any backup. I like to request that I personally stay. While at least one of our guards here will escort these ponies back to the surface where it is safer.” Silver respectfully countered, staying steadfast and loyal towards his ruler despite his original wishes.

While that was going on. The ongoing echos of wings and hooves where getting louder with every passing second. Causing a lot of the aforementioned civilian’s and workers to panic. Something which both Silver and the emperor noticed.

“Very well, pick one of your loyal guards and let him do the job which I originally intended for you. If you whish to watch, that's fine. And while we're at it. Whoever you choose might also want to send a messenger back to the city and request more guards to the cave entrance just in case.” Mateus responded.

Silver nod. “Of course.” He stated before pointing his hoof at a random guard behind him. “You are going to achieve this task. Escort these workers and guards back to the surface and also do as the Emperor just stated. Alert the rest of the city guard and allow a whole legion to come to the camp outside the cave entrance. And also...”He quickly turned his attention to the escapes.“...two of you will also have to take that unconscious changeling over there and also the one we have gagged and bound. Take these two with you back to the surface, as momentary prisoners and sources of information. Now go. Before more guards show up.” He ordered, getting a quick but simple nod from the same stallion who was leading the escapes before following the one assigned to lead them all out of this situation and back out into freedom.

With the guard and the escapes gone. The remaining guards, Thera and the Emperor himself focused their attention back at the upcoming horde in front of them. With the Emperor once more preparing a spell on the tip of his staff. This time being visible as a tiny electric orb forming on its zenith.

Without saying a world. The Emperor cast the tip of his staff forwards. Releasing the tiny orb into the air and allowing it land on the ground in front of them. A faint circle started to spread out from where it landed, momentarily showing the large crest around it before quickly disappearing. Only leaving the small spark at the center where the spell originally landed.

The captain was understandingly confused, but at the same time curious as to what this spell was.

“Dreary Cell. Just let the oncoming wave of changeling guards come close and don’t worry about anything. Even the once in the air can get affected by it.” The emperor quickly stated as if he had read Silvers mind.

He might actually have for all he knows.

“Ugh...filthy magic. There is no glory in using the art of the arcane in battle. Now that these crystal ponies are gone, I can finally do what I wanted to do for a long time.” Thera suddenly stated before she pulled out her own sword. Though a bit wobbly as Silver noted.

“Uhm...you don’t sound or look particularly sober if I had to guess...in fact...”He recoiled a bit.” I can smell your overdose of alcohol from here. Did you really manage to get in here all by yourself while being drunk as all hell?” Silver asked while giving the Thestral and a both confusing and disapproving glare.

Thera just ignored him, as most of her attention was mostly fixed at the arriving mass of enemy changelings finally rounding the far end corner of the hall.

“Well here they are. I hope whatever magic you have cast just now is going to do its job. Because there are certainly more then we physically can fight off.” Silver commented as he braced himself to what was to come.

His fellow stallions behind him did the same. Even going so far as gripping their weapons just in case.

“AAAAAAARG!!” Thera suddenly screamed before taking into the air and charging forward, her blade firmly gripped in between her teeth with an almost feral driven looking plastered on her eyes. Silver and the guards where of course surprised at Thera’s lack of fear and self preservation, leaving them both shocked and speechless as they simply watched this crazy mare charge a large group of changelings all on her own. Minus the Emperor of course who simply shook his head.

Even some of the changelings leading the charge where fairly surprised by this. Not expecting a single surface dweller to charge them boldly like that. And with so much...murder in her eyes.

The they didn’t even had the chance to reach the magical trap before quickly Thera clashed with the closest changeling she could aim for and mercilessly ramming the tip of her sword right into the exposed neck of the her first victim. Killing him instantly before striking her sword down at the next changeling behind him.

The engagement swiftly turned into a berserk filled frenzy as Thera literally started to break through the changelings armor and dodged incoming spells. Inserting her blade through the gaps or slicing through ‘lings and chitin with a strong arm and leaving those immobilized as they all fell to the ground.

It was a dance of blood and death. Something which Silver and his guards can’t help to be mesmerized by for whatever reason as they all simply watched on with speechless expressions.

Though the Emperor on the other hand was occupied with completely different thoughts compared to Silver.

Hmmm...I should perhaps make contact with Thera’s race as well? Though this time a lot more diplomatically then what I am doing now if their fighting prowess mimics Thera’s. Having access to such ferocious fighters in the future would certainly be a plus for any future expansions or conflicts. I should definitely keep this in mind once this is all done.” Mateus thought to himself as the slaughter in front of him continued.

And a slaughter it truly was as Thera was performing feats of great strength, ferocity and a great lack of self preservation as the injuries she was given in her scuttle where doing little, if at all to actually slow her down. Showing these underground dwelling bugs what a high class Thestral warrior can accomplish when driven by blood lust. Even making use of her razor sharp fangs whenever she can.

“You have all...been going on my...bloody nerves...this entire...freaking...time...I hate sneaking...I hate running...I hate BLOODY HEADACHES AND BEING UNABLE TO SEE BLOODY STRAIGHT!! I HATE BEING BLOODY BOARD AND STUCK IN ONE BLOODY PLACE THIS ENTIRE TIME. I HATE EVERYTHING RIGHT NOOOOW!!” Thera screamed in absolute rage as she continued to make these changeling look like fools, dead or disabled on the ground.

“This is ridiculous how is one surface dweller able to kill or wound so many of us on her own.” A changeling openly stated, before quickly parrying a strike from Thera with his spear but still getting punched in the gut and send to the floor.

At this point the remaining changeling where actually inching back. All of them bunching together with both their spear and horns aimed at the seemingly invisible looking Thestral hovering above them. She may have burn marks and gashes of her own, but neither of those seemed to stop this deranged Thestral mare in finally doing what she has been taught to do all her life.

Be a living weapon.

Thera on the other end was busy finishing off another changeling, before tossing his lifeless form over her shoulders. Right into Mateus waiting Deary Cell.

As expected. The spell immediately activated when the body landed in its epicenter and allowing the large crest from before to reappear with static. Large magical orbs suddenly jut up from the edges of the crest before eventually detonating all at once. Kicking up dust, debris and rocks, while also creating a blinding flash of light which made Thera flinch.

This was practically the opening the remaining changeling needed to quickly buzz off as they knew that fighting her would just end up in them either getting killed or knocked out.

With that the fighting was basically over when the dust settled. She screamed in rage once she realized where all of her pray has run off to.

“Well that was certainly and interesting display of skill.” The emperor casually commented after everything was over.

Thera on the other hand was far from pleased. “You and you're infuriating magic! Thanks to you, these soft shells have run off before I was even done with them. You have basically scared away my prey, which is almost considered to be a sin from where I am from.” She openly complained towards the Emperor, which silver didn’t took to kindly.

“Hey, I don’t know who you are or how many changelings you managed massacre here all on your own. But you are not going to disrespect the Emperor for your own narrow minded rage and lack of perception. There was no need for you to just charge into the fray like a derange retar...” Silver was about to finish before the emperor stopped him.

He pointed a hoof at Thera direction, was he followed with confusion, before realizing that her expression had suddenly changed. She looked a lot more green around her face then she previously did. Which was made even more apparent when her cheeks suddenly puffed up before she placed a hoof onto her mouth.

Her situation was made even more clear when she suddenly sprinted off to the nearest ice pillar she could find inside this hall before retching her guts out. Which was revolting to hear, especially in the way it was echoing all across the walls. Forcing Silver to physically recoil from this as Thera continued to vomit in the corner. Quite a lot, judging by the continuous splatter sounds that went along with her.

“Ugh...I guess this was long overdue for her. Judging by how much she reeked of Alcohol before.” Silver commented as he just watched the mare off her stomachs contents from a distance.

“Quite, but now we have the chance of picking ourselves another guide. One which can finally lead us to the destination I so personally desire.” The emperor stated while looking at he group of injured changelings in front of him who haven’t been killed yet.

Some of them where obviously unconscious, of course. While a few where still very much in the land of the awakened as their painful moans and coughs made clear.

Silver nods, before following his emperor towards the first few changelings on the floor which where still awake ,still keeping his sword drawn just in case.

Mateus eventually approached the one that looked the least injured. Only sporting a large gash on one of its front legs and a large dent on its helmet. The emperor looked down at him.

“You there. I need you to lead me towards your leader down here. I wish to talk to whoever is in charge.” The emperor casually requested, which in turn forced the changeling to finally open his eyes and look up at the golden unicorn standing above him.

He hissed. “Why? So that you can kill the rest of our kind? Why should I save my own life by dooming the rest of my kin?” He responded bravely, though a bit strained, as he clearly was fighting against his pain., judging by his tone.

The Emperor nods. “True, but it's more of the contrary then the former.” He clarified which only confused the changeling beneath him.

“What...what do you mean?” He asked before hissing a pain.

“Simple, if you want to save your kind and end the bloodshed of your people, then you will have to lead me to your leaders so an agreement can be made. If not, well, then I will be then forced to find the path for myself while also defending myself from anymore hostile changeling that decide to attack me. So if you wish to save lives, then I suggest that you do as I requested and simply guide me to your leader. I will even offer to aid you with your wounds and those of your comrades.” The emperor offered.

The changeling was surprise by this offer but also quite suspicious. Which was understandable. But even so, his threat was still real. Judging by what he sees around him, it was pretty was clear that these outsiders where not your typical run of the mill ponies that their southern brethrens where. The mare with the bat wings and razor sharp fangs was particularly dangerous. Never had he ever seen a sapient being become so...feral in the blink of an eye. Becoming like a predatory animal, vicious and with zero consideration for pain and self-preservation.

Even some of the most mindless drones didn’t displayed such ferocity. Even they were capable of choosing between fight or flight, should a situation turn dangerous.

But either way he needed to make a decision, one which would either get him killed outright or banished later. Neither a very enticing reward, nor a good incentive to make a choice. Normally he would easily choose the death option, but given that the birth rate of new changeling is rather low without a proper queen to fix that, and even more so with a lack of proper food in the form of love and other positive emotions, meant that risking the lives of more changelings is something which they cannot afford. So with a heavy heart he mentally agreed to accept this outsiders offer to escort him deeper into the hive to where the princess is.

That’s at least what they crowned her as. With her being the most magically gifted one and the one changeling which is able to spread the most love for her kin to keep everyone energized in the most basic level.

Which is why their magic and flight and so heavily limited, forcing them to use physical weapons more often and keeping themselves grounded.

So with that mind. The changeling simple nods to the Emperors offer which pleased him quite a bit.

“A wise decision. Now, about your injuries.” The emperor stated, before he pointed his staff downwards towards the injured changeling and began collecting his Mana for a spell he hasn’t used for quite a while.

A level 16 Cure spell. A master level spell which has the ability to almost heal any injuries in an instant. No matter how small or near fatal they are.

The changeling cringed at first. Expecting it to hurt or feel incredibly uncomfortable just like how most healing spells do. Though imagine his surprise when it turned out that it wasn’t painful, nor was it uncomfortable in any meaningful way. Just warm, and rather pleasant if he had to be honest. Even more so when he no longer could feel his broken rib cage or flesh wound on the side.

This was incredibly strange, but in a good way.

“There, now you should be able to walk on your own. I personally have nothing against one of my guards carrying you but this is obviously a lot faster.” The emperor stated after his craft was done.

The changeling in question was simply speechless. Moving his limbs and poking the areas where his wounds once were. To say that he was stun would be an understatement. But he knew that he hadn’t had the luxury to pause for too long as he had a band of outsiders waiting for his contribution of this deal. Something which still didn’t sat very well on him still.

So he got up, shakily at first as the healed areas where feeling a bit numb at first.

“Well alright, I can easily escort you to the princess if that’s what you want. As long as you uphold your promise in healing the rest, as you just stated.” The changeling responded after he got up. Pointing his hoof at a couple of his fallen comrades to make his point.

The emperor just hummed. “Fair enough.” He answered before Silver quickly intervened.

“Are you sure about this your highness? Healing so many changelings at once could bring them back up to an outnumbering sizable. Wouldn’t this be a bit...dangerous? They were planning to assault us anyway until Thera...”He pointed at the mare who was still occupied.”...intervened.” He questioned.

The emperor waved him off. “Ah, it will be fine. I have personally dealt with a lot more and dangerous enemies when I was in Hell. Demons are some of the most vicious creatures you can ever face. Not just physical but magical as well.” Mateus casually stated before focusing back at the task at hand.

“Hell? demons?” Silver questioned confused but keeping quiet afterwards. Simply watching as the emperor raised the tip of his staff up into the air and began channel mana through it once more. Though a lore more this time for obvious reasons.

A white glowing wave suddenly sprung from the tip of his staff and was gradually spreading out all across the hall in the form of a large bubble. Everything it touched was quickly affected by the spell. Giving off a soft glow around there forms. Especially around their injured areas as they all started to heal or close up.

The bubble even managed to reach the hunch over from of Thera, who suddenly found herself losing both her nausea and headache at the same time.

“Huh...by the blood gods?” She mumbled, totally confused by this.

“There, this should do it.” The emperor casually stated.

Silver and the one changeling where awestruck by this. Not just them, but the guards behind silver as well as they simply watched the confused looking changelings get up. Just like the first one, there bodies where void of any injuries or gashes. Minus a few scars here and there for the bigger cuts, but something they could easily live with.

“By the foremothers. What type of magic is this? Even some of the craziest unicorn magicians can’t do this.” The changeling stated as he looked about the hall in awe. Watching as more of his fellow guards slowly but surely got up.

“A high level Cure spell which a lot of well known magicians and even fiends use. Can be also cast in such a way which can affect a larger area, though with reduced effectiveness of course. Which is why a lot of them now have very visible scars in places where their wounds once where.” The emperor explained before finally getting back on business.” But enough chit chat. I uphold my end of the bargain and now I am expected to hold yours. Lead me to your leader and more unnecessary violence shall be a thing of the past. As I said, I have official business here.” The emperor stated which got the changelings immediate attention.

He was conflicted at first again before simply nodding. It was clear that this unicorns magical skills were off the charts. Which meant that he had very little leverage against him, if any.

So he sighed. “Alright, I can escort you to the hearth of the hive. I shall also make sure to inform any passing guards to stand down. A lot have already perished as it is.” The changeling guard stated.

He was about to, when Thera suddenly jumped into the fray and stopped him. She didn’t looked particularly pleased.

“What the...why in the GODS did you heal them again? I spend so much time end effort beating them all down and here you are curing them of the damage I caused? What is the point of defeating them when you just go around the heal the enemy back up?” Thera openly complained while showing her fangs a bit.

The changeling of course didn’t took to kindly to that as he glared at her, but otherwise kept his mouth shut as he knew insulting her now would most likely lead him back on the floor or even worse if he isn’t too careful with her.

He hated to admit it, but he knew superior skills and resilience when he sees it. The one magic bolt he managed to hit her with didn’t even stopped her. In fact it only seemed to anger her more back then as she continued to just trash her way through. The large scorch mark she had on the side went completely unnoticed so far. But of course, now it didn’t matter as the wound was long gone thanks to the unicorns spell. Same with the after effects of alcohol, but sadly that didn’t include her temper.

The emperor stayed neutral, as always. “Simple. I want hostilities so cease. Both me and you have already made it clear that further acts of aggression are not wise and I wish to strike a lucrative deal now which would surely satisfy both parties despite the rocky start. This is politics at its finest.” The emperor explained.

Thera huffed. “Politics. I always hated Politics. Back home, politics where waged with either words or at the edge of a dagger. But overall it's all pretty much the same for the most part. Far to much talk and not enough action.” She commented.

Mateus simply hummed before focusing his attention back at the changeling. The changeling knew what was up and quickly nods before leading the way. Though not without chattering something towards his fellow guards in a language which the emperor has never heard before. Actually, to be honest it didn’t sound like a language at all. More like crickets doing their cracking or some other bug related noises or chirps.

This made him was fairly curious, which the changeling realized when looking at the emperors expression.

“Ancient cricket language of our species. We still teach this to our younglings and make use of it from time to time at the surface to not give our intentions away and to also keep ourselves hidden from the surface dwellers. Most will obviously think that there are simply just crickets or other insects nearby. ” The changeling explained.

The emperor hums curiously to that before following the guard. His escorts where not too far behind. Keeping a very keen eye on every changeling they past while resting one of their hooves at the handle of their blades.

Thera on the other hand grumbled. Looking at the confused looking changelings around her and causing those to flinch back at her gaze.

“Ugh...for the love off... I think I might just follow along. Just to see what this golden unicorns plans are. I may hate Politics, but I hate being stuck in the middle of nowhere with nothing else to do even more. I wouldn’t be surprised if the blizzard was still raging on outside. These lands are even worse than the ones back home, when it comes to blizzards or any other related storm that make flying a chore.” She mumbled before following the group as well. Giving each and every changeling she passed a hungry glare which again forced them all to step back.

Today has been just one wonderful day for her. Not the worst day she ever had but certainly not the least worse either. She always hated such days, even more so when she perfectly knows that most of them where the results of her own stupid action.

Her father might be right. She does have a tendency to think and act on her emotions more rather than her actual head or instincts. When will she ever learn, that is the question she is mostly asking herself for the duration of the trip.

Not minding the many changelings she eventually passed the deeper she got into this underground maze, she did take note of a couple of little ones hiding behind some changeling adults. But it was also something she didn’t heed much thought to.

Kids losing their parents is nothing new for a Thestral. Like how she lost her father long ago, which is why she hates politics so much.


“Princess.” A changeling guard shouted as he suddenly came bursting into the hall of the nobles, halting whatever conversation was going on.

Like the one they had now. Regarding a bunch of surface dwellers escaping their captivity alongside with an actual breach happening somewhere at the uppermost level of the hive. News which these nobles have easy access to, thanks to their strong natural link with the hive mind, which allows them to directly communicate with all the other changelings in their hive with their minds alone. Not as strong or long reaching as a queens of course, but still something to make use of within their own territory.

Though to the changelings guards dismay, the aforementioned noble he seeked was not present. Just a large room filled with a couple of nobles and a few changeling guards for obvious safety.

One of the nobles stepped up. “What is it soldier? Why have your burst into these halls?” The noble asked curiously.

The changeling guard gulped. “Well...”He began.” Somebody wants to see her.” He responded which caused everyone within the room to go wide eyed.”

The same noble scuffed “What do you mean, somebody WANTS to see her?” The same noble asked, almost demanding it judging by his tone.

The guard immediately replied. “Somebody from the surface. These are actually the same surface dwellers which have been causing us so much trouble thus far, including the death of so many changelings which happened not too long ago.” The changeling responded.

“WHAT!?” The noble shouted, both shocked and angered at this at the same time. Something which his fellow kin behind him reflected. Though more out of shock than out of anger.

“And you have brought them here? Past all the drones, guards and civilians? Into the very hearth of our home? What in the foremothers names has gotten into you?” The noble asked. His shock and disbelief at this stupidity very evident in both his voice and expression.

The guard gulped again. “Yes but...it's not like there was much of a choice. According to the one leading them. He has personally seen the fighting prowess and magical might of two of these intruders. Both of which have been responsible for the quick demise of many of our guards in less then an hour. The one who holds the title of emperor has even made a promise to cease further bloodshed if he would be allowed an audition with our leaders. There is no point in refusing such a request, especially when our energy resources are so limited to begin with. Not to mention preserving the lives of our limited number of guards and drones” The changeling lengthily explained, easing everyone’s minds somewhat with his logic.

One of the other nobles was about to retort though, when another soul suddenly entered the room and immediately got everyone’s attention.

“Let them in then, i would like to personally hear what these outsider have to say.” The voice of aforementioned princess stated as she suddenly appeared from behind an archway which lead directly into the private tunnels where most of the nobles reside.

Everyone’s heads quickly turned toward her as she entered the room. She may be called princess by the lower ranked changelings above, but for the rest of her class, she was just another noble. The only difference was that she is the most magical gifted of them all, which in turn allows her to spread the most energy around the hive in order to keep things rolling as they should. Plus, she was also the one least stuck up out of all of them. She was more interested in preserving her band of cast out changelings which have been trying to get by on their own after the exodus of their ancestors.

Forging a hive without a proper queen is doable, but very hard. Not just for magical reasons, but also for their natural capabilities and the birth rate of new nymphs to usher in the next generation. Nobles have it a little bit easier on that regard, thanks to their unique lineage and biology compared to simple changelings. But thanks to the fact that they are forced to focus most of their energy to nourish the rest of the hive, meant that taking up the role of “breeders” was almost out of their reach for most of the time.

The nobles understandingly where a bit skeptical at this. Though they didn’t get the chance to forge an answer for themselves when the aforementioned outsiders simply allowed themselves access into the hall instead of waiting for a reply.

Much to the dismay of the changeling who was leading them.

Everyone’s attention immediately switched back up front, watching as the band of outsiders casually made their way down a couple of stepes from the entrance and down onto the grand hall floors where all of the other nobles where.

The nobles where understandingly surprised by this, even somewhat angered that these outsiders have casually allowed themselves in without their consent.

One of the nobles was about to retort to that before one of his fellow kin stopped him. Shaking his head before nodding at the direction who seemed to be the leader this group of crystalline looking ponies. Except for one of course, though she didn’t looked that much more normal herself. Looking at her bat wings, cat like eyes, and noticeable fangs sticking out of her muzzle.

Besides her, the other obvious stick out from this group was the leader himself. A unicorn so golden with equally golden looking fur and tail was certainly something you don’t see everyday. Especially with such a long horn and such a huge magical aura coming from it.

The nobles could somewhat tell, as their natural sensitivity to magic was again something which perfectly separated them from the normal run of the mill changeling. Besides that, they could also tell that this one particular unicorn also had a certain sense of “regal supremacy” to him. Giving a bit of an intimidating factor which the nobles couldn’t ignore.

They might not have any personal memories or experiences when it comes to dealing with an actual changeling queen, as none of them where even alive when their ancestors got exiled in the first place. But they have a certain have natural hunch on what such a presence would feel like.

Like the one they are feeling now. This unicorn was just oozing with both authority and power. The princess in particular was fairly intrigued by this.

She eventually shook her head, before moving closer to her fellow nobles to stand in front of them. She was the one this unicorn wanted to speak to after all. Though she would be lying if she told anyone that she wasn’t feeling both anger and a bit of nervousness inside her. Anger for the obvious loss of their guards at the hooves of these outsiders, and nervousness because of the strong aura he was giving off. Not to mention the lack of experience as well when being confronted with situations such as this.

But she had to, as she was acting as the representative of her hive.

“Are you the so called “princess” everyone seems to be talking about?” The unicorns asked her. Noting the obvious visual differences these nobles had compared to the rest of their kin.

They were still as insectoid looking as the rest of their kind of course. Though with the noticeable difference of sporting a sculpt fill of green silky looking hair instead of the shiny bold craniums most other changelings had. Not really counting the guards as they were all wearing helmets.

Another feature which was different about them where their eyes. Sporting actual real pupils with Irises instead of the just being the bare blue orbs the other changelings had. Overall these changelings where certainly different looking a some key aspects compared to the most common changeling the emperor had seen so far. Some even sporting some blue and green colored attire in the form of cloaks most likely made out of silk judging by its smooth surface. Which was again something new and most certainly a symbol of their status.

Or so he guessed, as he obviously had, no inside knowledge about changeling culture or customs.

Either way the female noble nods at the emperors which at least answered his question. It was now finally time to let his silver tongue to do its job instead of his staff., just like how he did so back in his world at the start of his world dominating conquest. Rallying his people under his cause, long before he eventually had to result to demonic presence and powers to do most of the dirty work at the later stages of the war.

But that was a flash back for another time.

“So, what is it you wish? Now that you are here, what exactly are you intentions of being here? Besides causing problems and killing off our guards.” She began, more or less hitting the nail right on the point and bringing this discussion on an immediate tense tone.

For everyone else that is, as the Emperor was keeping himself as emotionally cold as always does, while the “princess” was simply standing her ground. Thera on the back was just uncaring. Simply satisfied in watching this spectacle from afar and waiting for something to happen.

And happened it did, as the emperor was just as bold as she is. Added his own nail into the imaginary coffin.

“Simple, I am here to take dominion over your kind for the act of taking my guards and workers hostage. I am not accepting anything else at this point.” He casually stated, which was both a shock and surprise for the changelings to say the least. A surprise which quickly turned into outrage for all nobles.

“What?! Why in Tartarus would we ever accept such a blatant demand? If you think that we are going to be submitting ourselves to you as slaves then you have another thing coming. Barging in here, killing our guards and coming down with his blatant lies about talks. He just seeks to conquer us that all.” One of the nobles shouted, which was quickly accompanied with a chant of angry agreements and accusations.

At this point the tension was on. Silver and the guards were preparing themselves for the worst while the few changelings guards did the same. Thera on the other end just casually stood there. Not minding the obvious increasing levels of hostility. It's nothing she had not seen before, back at the Royal court of Kazzas.

The arguments went on from there, before the aforementioned princess finally intervened to break the tension.

“Alright that's enough. Starting a fight won’t get us anywhere. Calm down and lets keep this a little bit more civil.” She shouted, forcing everyone to calm down and stop their bickering.

Though their scolds where still on. All aimed at the Emperor and his few escorts behind him. Still keeping themselves ready for the worst. They may be loved starved themselves, but they were still changeling nobles. Even in their weakened state, they can conjure up some serious potent magic when the need arises.

She eventually focused her attention back to Mateus. “I am not sure what kind of response you were expected from us back there. But you can’t really expect US to just give up our interdependence like that. We have survived for in these harsh lands for a very long time, alone and mostly disconnected from the rest of the world. Why should WE sacrifice the strides we have accomplished so far and allow ourselves to be owned by someone else? Especially towards a race which would most likely ostracise us for what we are. Not just you but to most surface dwellers.” She stated, going on a bit on a rant at the end which ended up sounding a lot more anger filled then she wanted it to.

It was true though, most of the surface world would find these changelings revolting. Not just because of their alien looks, but for there equally alien sounding diet as well, being the emotion sucking vampires which they are. Primarily positive emotions such as love are what nourishes these changelings the most.

Something which Mateus knew. Thanks to the little interrogation session he had with the ‘ling who escorted him and the rest of his party down here. He was also aware of the obvious plight these changelings seemed to be suffering from. Queen-less for generations while also lacking the nourishment they needed in order to keep themselves remotely stable. A lack of energy which hampers their birth of new nymphs and keeps their natural abilities and magic to the most basic level.

Something which Mateus was planning to capitalize on, like with every golden opportunity which presents itself to him.

“Say...”He eventually began.” Doesn’t your kind feed on love and any other from of positive emotions to keep yourself alive and energized?” Mateus suddenly asked which caught her completely by surprise.

“Yeah...we do...How in the foremothers names do you know that? Most surface dwellers don’t even know our kind exists.” She cautiously asked, sounding rather suspicious.

The emperor shrugged. “I have my sources. Reliable sources. An old text I once read inside a library about an underground dwelling race which feeds on love and what not. The description inside those books do match with the changelings overall looks so far, from my observation at least.” He lied, as he already knew most about her kind beforehand. Thanks from that timid little thing he first encountered and the one who led him here.

The princess seemed to be a bit skeptical at first, before finally sighing and accepting the emperors explanation as a possibility. They were obviously not the only changeling hive out there. There are bound to be some who do things differently compared to them, and are possibly a lot more active on the surface too. Something which her hive would love to do as well, if it wasn’t for the lack of love which seriously limits their natural affinity to illusion magic. Changing themselves to random ponies, or whatever race they wish to transform to in order to blend themselves in with the local populace up above.

One of the main ways to gain their food sources in fact.

“Well yes...yes our kind does feed on the positive emotions of others to keep ourselves fed. We obviously don’t have a lot of access to those, thanks to the fact that such emotions are pretty scares to find in a cold and blizzard ridden wasteland. It certainly hasn’t been easy since we made these mountains our home.” She explained with a sad tone. Almost depressed in fact, which a lot of her kin picked up on as they felt for her.

The emperor hummed. “If that is the case, then how did your hive manage to survive for so long if your required food sources are so scarce? Surely such an issue would normally lead to starvation, and would certainly not allow the numbers of changelings I have come across so far. There is probably more to this than you told me.” Mateus curiously asked while rubbing his chin.

The princess sighed once more. “Well yes, you would be correct to ask yourself such question when you just realize what our diet acually consist of. “She began with a small pause.” The reason why we have managed to survive for this long is thanks to the collective effort of everyone here by sharing a small portion of their energy and magic with every changeling around them. Especially for us nobles. We are in fact the largest contributors of self produced love and energy of this hive. Furthermore we have also managed to adapt our diets to be able to consuming meat or fungus based foods over time, which also helped us have some source of energy and sustenance if the former options aren’t enough. Basically making good use of the fangs we all have. But of course, such
Alternatives are still nothing compared to the form of food we really need.
Positive emotions from others, primarily the emotion of love which can feed and energize us the most. It is simply impossible for us to change who we are, no matter how hard we want to try. We are changelings and that is that.” She finally finished.

The emperor again simply hummed to that while processing the information he was given. Silver and the rest seemed be curious at this information as well, especially Silver, as a possible realization quickly clicked inside his head on what the emperor might be pulling here.

Thera on her part was arching her eyebrows just a little bit. Feeling somewhat intrigued by the story which was more or less shouted into the hall by this so called princess figure in front of her. Especially when she already has some knowledge when it comes to these changelings.

It isn’t much, but it is something.

The emperor eventually forced himself back to the presence as he focused back at the so called princess in front of him. Ready to spring his trap card.

“Well in that case I would say that you will have no problems accepting my offer. Especially with what I am going to tell you next, regarding a special “item” we have.” He began cryptically which got the princess and the rest of her kin confused.

“And what then might that be?” She naturally asked afterwards.

“Simple...”Mateus began. “From where I am from, love and any other form of positive emotions are in abundance. All thanks to a heart piece relic of the city which is literally shaped like a hearth. It radiates positive emotions such as love to every citizen of its empire. So meaning that you and your race will be showered with all the love and food that you can possibly ever have if you accept my offer and join me as a Vassal. The city itself even has a lot of extra space for those who wish to become citizens as well. Simple and easy.” He casually answered.

The hall was stock silent afterwards. Changelings just staring at the emperor with unexpected eyes while Silver was mentally trying to figure out what the emperors true intentions were with that surprisingly generous offer towards a race which needed it.

He would be lying if he would tell anyone that he was a hundred percent on board with the emperors decisions. Allowing a completely foreign species into the city like that. But then again, there numbers are pretty tight, especially with the crystal guards. If any form of trouble or tension with another nation or race arises, then having a larger pool of potential soldiers might not be such a bad decision after all. These changelings after all are just as sentient as he and his comrades are, only seeking to survive and trying to defend what little possession they have left.

But still, he wasn’t particularly sure what his real plan here was really. Though he knew, if he waited long enough he would most certainly find out sooner than later. Better to do so, before voicing out his concerns or his protests.

Besides that, the princess herself was the first one to return from her dumbfounded state as she shook her head to clear it.

She glared at the emperor. “Your sense of humor is poor pony. Joking about love and endless food for our kind when we are in the verge of starvation. I don’t know what your ideas are but such a kind offer of hospitality doesn’t exist. Especially coming from someone who has brutally killed our guards before.” She retorted.

The emperor stayed calm, as always. “It is not a joke. If you don’t believe that such a place even exists, then just wait for the return of the two changeling guards we have brought up to the surface for momentary captivity. Once they return, they will most likely indulge you with a grand tale in how exhilarating the crystal empire really is. There is truly enough energy for you all to leech off there. Boundless if I my add.” He stated, which caused the princesses eyes to widen just a bit.

“Wait, you have two of our guards captive?” She asked a bit surprised.

“Yes, but their are in good care as far as I know. They are most likely on their way back to the city as we speak. As I stated, we shall release them again soon, so that they can tell you all about the wonders they have witnessed. Proving that I was telling the truth.” He stated casually.

Princess just nods, before switching her attention back at his fellow nobles behind her.

They began to silently discuss with one another. “So...what are you thoughts to this. If this outsider tells the truth, then this could be the golden break we have been waiting for. An end to all our struggles.” One noble stated as she looked in between her fellow changelings.

One shook his head angrily. “No, do I have to remind you all the trouble these surface dwellers have caused us? Now to mention the death of so many of our guards. The breeders already have enough problems to lay more eggs as it is, having lost so many of our changelings is unacceptable.” He stated, trying to swing the rest of his nobles to his opinion.

One intervened though. “Yes, but what if this outsider is telling the truth? I mean if he is, then ensuring an brand new generation of nymphs would certainly be no longer an issue for our kind. We would have everything we need. Including being able to practice our most essential abilities. Long flight and the use of shape shifting, just like like every other changeling hive out there.” He countered, trying to capitalize on this once of the lifetime opportunity. If not for himself then for his fellow changelings at least.

The princess hummed to that. Personally weighing both the pros and cons of the emperors offer and the possibly scam this might be. What bad outcomes it might lead to if they do lower their hooves towards this strange unicorn.

Strange for so many reason. Most notably the aura he was giving off. A sphere of pure magical power and royal authority. Not to mention charm too. Which might be why she managed this situation so well. Despite the fact that her heart was racing a thousands beats per second back there. She would be lying that she wasn’t nervous, she was extremely nervous back then. But his calm demeanor managed to rub off her somehow. Even allowing her to beat heads with him at the first sentence. Even though she wasn’t planning to do so.

She knew that magically this unicorn might be beyond here. Even more reasons to not agitate him.

“Well...”The princess began.” I guess what we can do is just wait and see I guess. If these two aforementioned captives every return with positive tails. The I guess that we can then make a more coherent decision on his offer.” She added as the silent bickering was drawing to a close.

All lot of the nobles quickly agreed to her logic, even those that where still not fond with the idea of having this outsider have its way with them. Even though he seemed to be very capable in also forcing it down on them as well. His magic was great, that’s for sure, though to what extent is still a mystery to them as they obviously not seen it yet

Either way, going with the princesses offered suggestion is so far the best course of action they can take in not trying to resolved into something which would certainly lead to a war.

The princess nods before focusing his attention back at the Emperor. “Alright, we shall wait for these two changelings to return and indulge us with the tails you so confidently told us about. Not that we have much choice in the matter it seems.” She openly stated, which in turn pleased the emperor quite a lot before he turned his attention back at the guards behind me.

“Well then, it seems that we are done here dear Silver. Time to return to the surface then and make further preparations. I personally have to give Cid a little visit again in regards to his latest project.” The emperor stated to which Silver nods.

The emperor and his guards quickly made their back towards the surface, with the same changelings from before leading them back up. For simplicity sake.

The princess sighed once the outsiders where out of earshot. Allowing her to breath normally once more and calm herself.

“By the foremothers, what horrible curse are we suffering from this time?” She muttered to herself.

“Ha...curse, if you think this is a curse. Then you should try wandering around some foreign lands aimlessly while being unable to return home because fate seems to have other plans for you. Trust me, you will eventually get used to things like these, politics i mean.” Thera casually stated from her little corner.

Smiling to herself when the nobles just realized that she was still there. Twirling a changeling spear around her hooves, which she just got from the changeling guard she is sitting on top on.

Nobody said that she was a nice individual. Especially when she gets bored.