• Published 5th Oct 2016
  • 12,041 Views, 761 Comments

Rise of the Crystal Emperor - Navanastra

Emperor Mateus of the Palamecian Empire fails to conquer the world not once but twice after getting defeated by Firion and his gang. Instead of just going back to hell the Emperor wakes up in a brand new world and in an even newer body as well.

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Chapter 18: Tales of the Emperor

Chapter 18: Tales of the Emperor

Edited by Caelos

“Ahh finally, this train ride took a lot longer somehow than it should have. But it's nice to finally be back in Canterlot where the climate is at least a lot more acceptable than it was in the north. I could really use a warm bath right now.” Cadence openly sighed as she was the first to exit the train.

Canterlot train station was suspiciously emptier today than it normally would be. Most likely given the fact, that a large portion of the building was being guarded and watched by a number of guards. Something which happened on Cadence's departure as well. Which was just mandatory.

She knew that these guards were just doing their jobs in keeping their princesses safe from practically everything but having to also lock down an entire public establishment whenever she or either of her two aunts where trying to make use of it is just a tad bit ridiculous in her opinion.

Canterlot is already the safest city in all of Equestria (especially after the changelings invasion). Not to mention that being an Alicorn meant that you aren’t exactly defenseless either. Even truer for both Celestia and Luna.

But what can she really do about it? Rules are rules after all, and these guards are again just trying to do their jobs as best as they could, even when it meant going a tad bit overboard.

But alas, it's not something she should concern herself with at the moment as she immediately spotted Twilight and her gang waiting for her at the exit of the train station.

Cadence smiled when she saw Twilight gallop up towards her with a very excited smile etched on her face.

“Cadence, your back. How was the the Crystal Empire?” She happily greeted before stopping in front of her. Followed up by her friends as they soon joined her as well.

Cadence smiled. “Well it was beautiful to say the least. A city which is made of nothing but of beautifully carved crystals and decorated streets was certainly one of the most mesmerizing things I have ever seen in my life. Not to mention the crystal ponies living there, which by the way...” She turned her attention to Rarity.”...had coats similar in both glimmer and beauty as actual crystals. I am sure your friend Rarity over here would have just loved such a sight.” Cadence stated, which in turn caused Rarity to go wide eyed at the very idea of ponies being literally made out of crystals. Not to mention having coats which shined like crystals, which on its own would already be the most fabulous thing she could ever think of.

It was then that Shining finally made it out of the train cart on his own. Hauling a large stack of bags on his back which would explain why he took so long to get out of the train in the first place. This though was none of Twilight's concern as she still ran over to her brother to greet him as well.

“Shining. How was the trip for you?” She happily asked, oblivious to the fact that Shining was a bit busy with his own problems. He may be a stallion, but he was also just a unicorn. Not an earth pony which would certainly have no problems balancing this much luggage on their backs like he was trying to do. Something which a certain cowgirl noticed.

“Do you need a hoof there sugarcube? I can tell that you are mighty struggling.” Applejack offered which caused the unicorn in question to shake his head.

“No, no need of that I can...ugh...handle this...urg...” He answered with a lot of strain in his voice, which was hard to miss.

“Why isn’t he using his horn to carry all of these bags instead? Would certainly make it easier than having them all strapped on his back.” Rainbow Dash commented while tilting her head.

Cadence sighted. “Well it's something personal...no really. He wants to start training his body more physically and not rely on his magic too much. A noble cause for sure but it just tends to lead to some...over the top situation as you can see here.” She answered while looking at her exhausted looking husband and the ridiculous large tower of luggage on his back.

She couldn't for the life of her remember why she decided to bring so much baggage with her in the first place. Especially when the original goal of her trip was to liberate the Crystal Empire from the evil king Sombra. That is, of course, until somepony decided to beat her to it. But that was a topic for another place and time where she could openly announce it to everypony at once and not have to repeat herself twice for her aunts and Twilight respectively.

“Anyway. Let's just head back to the castle. I am sure aunt Celestia is going to be very surprised to see me again this soon. I am sure that she is going to ask a lot of question afterwards” Cadence finally suggested before casually walking past the mares and towards her destination.

Twilight and the rest of course followed. With Shining dragging behind somewhat thanks to the heavy weight on his back.

Twilight came up next to Cadence with a curious look. “Wait, what do you mean so soon? You two did managed to safe the crystal ponies from Sombra right?” She asked, both curious and also a bit concerned.

Cadence smiled. “Oh, don’t worry, the crystal ponies and their city are fine. There is nothing much to be concerned about anymore. Sombra is defeated and that is that.” She answered, which caused Twilight to sigh in relief as one of her biggest worries was put to rest.

Though that still left one big question open .

“Wait, if that is the case then why are you already here? Shouldn’t you still be in the Crystal Empire then?” Twilight continued to ask, exercising her natural sense of curiosity of basically everything.

It was Cadence´s turn to sigh. “Well...I am planning to explain that as well. But first let´s go find Celestia and Luna so that I can explain it to everypony at once. After this long train trip, I really don’t feel like repeating myself. I am actually going to head to my room for a while afterwards.” She responded.

Twilight was of course disappointed by this but understood her reasoning. In fact, now that she focused on it more she did look exhausted. The Crystal Empire is after all quite a ways off to the north. Which could easily take close to a day on a train to reach.

“I bet that she and Shining beat that sucker down. Just like how we did it with both Nightmare Moon and Discord. We eat bad guys for breakfast.” RD boastfully stated which caused some too shake their heads.

If only you knew Rainbow Dash. The truth is a lot more anticlimactic than you would believe.” Cadence thought to herself.

The group eventually made it back to the open streets and where making their way directly towards the castle of in the distance. With a few of guards from the train station following them of course.

Because regulations are still regulations after all. Especially for such a young princess like Cadence.

Cadence personally ignored most of the stares and bows aimed her way from simple citizens she passed, and especially those coming from the nobles. As she knew that most of their nice and respective behaviors are just a mirage to mask their personal agendas. Either pursuing even more wealth at the expense of others or to just seek more power within the noble council. But it didn’t matter, as the central plaza in front of the castle gates eventually came into view after around 10 minutes of trotting around.

The mass of guards behind them thankfully dispersed after Cadence and the rest passed through the main gate of the castle and into its first main hall. From there the trip towards the throne room was more or less straightforward. Quite literally in fact as it was just a single straight hallway towards a set of double doors which separated this hall from the throne room behind beyond.

A guard quickly approached the princess and her escorts as they stopped in front of the closed doors. The guard bowed respectively in front of Cadence before addressing her.

“Princess Cadence. I certainly wasn’t expecting you to return so swiftly. I am sure Princess Celestia is going to be equally surprised when she sees you.” The guard greeted.

Cadence smiled sheepishly. “Well yeah, I have a feeling that I am going to get a lot of responses like these today. It was also made public to almost all of the castle staff that I was going to be away for some time. The fact that I am back now is certainly going to raise a lot of curious questions to everypony I pass.” Cadence commented before regaining her composure.

“Anyway, can we see my aunt no...” She was about to say before a loud crash coming from behind stopped her, along with a loud thud and a very recognizable groan.

Cadence sighed as she already knew who it was without having to really look over her shoulder to confirm it.

“I told you that you should´ve asked for help with that.” AJ could be heard chiding in the back, which just confirmed Cadence suspicion.

The guard facing Cadence looked a bit confused at this before Cadence addressed him.

“Don’t mind him. He has this new idea set in his mind which he is probably going to give up on in the next couple of days. Anyway, is it ok to speak with my aunt right now, or is she still busy with court?” Cadence requested which brought the conversation back on the forefront.

The guard nods. “Well yes, yes of course. Princess Celestia is actually on her break as we speak. Perfect timing if I do to say so myself.” The guard responded before giving his two colleagues a head gesture to unlock the doors. Which they did before pushing them open. Allowing the same guard to step through to announce Cadence´s presence to the alabaster Alicorn sitting on the throne.

“Princess Celestia. Princess Cadence has returned from her trip to the north with Prince Shining and the elements of harmony as her company.” The guard openly announced which got Celestia’s attention.

Celestia arched a curious eyebrow as she looked up from the book she was reading. “Oh, so soon? Well then let them in of course. I do have the time now after all” She calmly requested.

The stallion nods, before retreating himself back through the open portal to relay her message to Cadence and the rest. It didn’t take long for them to enter the throne room soon after.

On Cadence entry, Celestia quickly removed herself from the throne to personally greet her beloved niece.

Both Cadence and Celestia embraced each other before the sun princess finally decided to get the obvious question out of the way.

“Cadence, your back so soon. Have you perhaps failed in stopping Sombra or has some other problem prevented you from even entering the crystal empire all together? Please, tell me everything.” She asked while looking down at her niece with a certain level of concern and caution.

Cadence sighed. “No...no not at all. Everything turned out to be fine and I even managed to get into the Crystal Empire to see the city and its ponies for myself. In fact...” She gave off a pause to collect her thoughts before continuing”...Sombra had already been defeated before me, Shining and our escorts even arrived. The city itself already looked to be in the process of recovering. Everything seemed so normal and peaceful when we were there. Heck I was even able to see a couple of crystal foals running about the city streets while having some normal innocent childish fun. It was just like entering any other city. With Sombra long gone and the citizens free.” Cadence openly stated which surely had its predicted effect as Cadence expected.

The entire room was in a state of shock and surprise. Rainbow Dash and Twilight in particular seemed to be the most shocked of them all. With their eyes and mouth hanging wide open and their bodies almost stiff.

“Wait...so you did NOT defeat Sombra yourselves, but in fact somepony else did it instead?” Dash asked. A question which everyone was silently asking themselves.

Cadence simply nods as Shining finally decided to join in after he dropped most of his load onto the floor to give his back some much needed relief.

He grunted a bit before answering. “No, we didn’t, some golden unicorn with equally golden armor and a large staff managed to best King Sombra all on his own before we even arrived. He is also now the official new ruler of the Crystal Empire as well, being a crystal unicorn himself.” Shining answered which caused Celestia to arch an eyebrow.

“Crystal unicorn? I thought that Sombra had killed off all crystal unicorns back then to ensure that his power was absolute. As sad and terrible that may sound. Which is one of the reasons why my sister and I were forced to bring a stop to his rule before he could grow too powerful.” Celestia questioned while allowing herself a small flashback of Sombra’s reign of tyranny and bold expansions into Equestrian borders. Not to mention how many ponies died in those days. Especially the very ponies Sombra was expected to rule.

Celestia rubbed her forehead with a hoof to get those memories out of her mind as they weren’t exactly the prettiest once to remember. Something which Cadence and the rest of the ponies noticed.

“Princess Celestia are you alright?” Twilight asked with concern as she stepped up close.

Celestia nodded. “Yeah I am fine. Just had a small flashback which I wanted to get rid of. Nothing much”. She assured before focusing back to the topic at hoof. ”Anyway, as you just stated. A random never before seen unicorn has managed to defeat Sombra all on his own and is now the new ruler of the Crystal Empire, Is that correct?” Celestia asked to which Cadence just nods.

Celestia sighed. “Well this was certainly unexpected.” She muttered to which Cadence tilted her head.

“Uhm...what?” She asked confused.

“Oh, nothing it's just...it´s just that this sudden turn of event was just...unexpected to say the least. But I guess it is at least good to know that Sombra is no longer going to be a threat and that the crystal ponies are finally free once more. I had hoped that we could´ve made amends with the crystal ponies in the north by sending you to deal with Sombra. But I guess we have to try and get back into their good graces in some other way then. Diplomacy is my specialty after all, but it's never really easy.” Celestia commented which got everyone confused.

“What do you mean making amends with them?” Cadence asked while tilting her head.

Celestia sighed again. “Well, during the early years when me and Luna where still foals, there was a lot of border dispute between the first Equestrian leaders and the crystal ponies to the north. Both claiming ownership of the lands north of Canterlot, including the very mountain itself on which this city is built. As it would have given both sides a valuable strategic advantage in controlling the surrounding lands and keeping the other in check. Its central location on these lands was just prime for that. “She paused to take a breather before continuing.” Either way, the cold relationship between our nations continued when me and my sister eventually accented to the throne after we became Alicorns. One of the first things we wanted to do was to finally break the ice that separated us from the Crystal Empire to the north. A diplomatic effort in which we almost succeeded if it wasn’t for a certain unicorn noble who wanted to take matters into his own hoofs and finally rid Equestria of its closest rival and finally claim the lands to the north for his own. That noble was none other than Sombra in case some of you are wondering.” Celestia finally announced which caused everyone to gasp in shock.

Even the nearby guards where highly curious about this revelation as they showed the smallest sliver of interest at what the princess was rehearsing. Very early Equestrian history was indeed taught in many schools all around the kingdoms, but of course not in all of its rough details.

Which makes instances such as these quite lucrative for anyone close enough to hear them. I mean what could possibly be a better source of ancient Equestrian History than the one pony who has lived through it herself to tell about it?

“So wait...you're saying that Sombra was actually from Equestria?” Twilight asked after she managed to shake herself back into reality.

“Why haven’t I read about that before? Something like this should normally be archived somewhere. That a pony from old Equestria had gained control over the Crystal Empire and enslaved its population.” Twilight added, feeling quite flabbergasted at the fact that she had never come across a book that even remotely mentioned something like that.

Celestia smiled. “Well, that is because all of the books which were available to you at the library where not going into full detail about these specific instances of history. The once that do are actually locked away within the private archives here in the castle. The reason? For damage control. It wouldn’t exactly bode well for Equestria’s image back in the day if it was made public that Equestria was responsible for the downfall, massacre and enslavement of a whole nation. Especially when me and my sister were trying to build up our nation as a peaceful and tolerant society after so much strife in the past had almost ruined it. Yes, I know it was really just Sombra, his guards and followers who committed these atrocities. But the fact that he was both the head military advisory and the son of the previous Equestrian king meant that his actions were pretty much reflective to the image of Equestria as a whole. As silly as that may sound, but that was just how the world worked back then. Especially when disputes and wars where common.” She explained before allowing herself a quick breather after her long explanation was done.

“Whoa, I never knew that. Man, times back then must have been really chaotic then.” RD commented as she rubbed her head from this information overload she had been given.

“Yeah...” Pinkie chimed in. “It's a good thing that everypony nowadays are all pretty happy and nice to one another. Well most of them at least. Pinkie added, most likely referring to the Canterlot nobility

“So, wait...besides that. You just mentioned that Sombra was not just the military advisory back in the day but also the son of the previous king before the two of you acceded to the throne? Wouldn’t that make him a prince or something? The legit next ruler of Equestria?” Twilight asked, while mentally shuddering at the thought that such a power hungry maniac could have ever gained the throne himself. Which would have certainly lead to a reign of similar tyrants in the future if the royal history of other nations around the world are anything to go by.

She again shuddered at the idea of possibly having a darker equestria if that ever happened. Thank heavens for Princess Celestia’s and Luna’s ascensions to the throne after their transformations to Alicorns.

Celestia’s nods. “Well yes, that is technically correct and actually one of the reasons why he was always so...well agitated. Thinking back on it though I should have seen the signs long before things got out of hoof and should have stripped him from his position. Though then again, doing so would have also possibly resulted in a civil war, as he still had a lot of followers back then which supported his original claim to the throne. Either way, his presence was always one filled with potential problems and dangers no matter what Luna and I had done. Times where certainly rough back then, very much so.” She sighted.

“So...what now?” Cadence asked while looking up at Celestia.

She began to tap her chin. “Well, for now nothing much really. Sombra is apparently defeated and the Crystal Empire as a whole now has a new ruler. All we can do now is wait and bide our time. Perhaps even try and reach out to the new king or emperor of the crystal ponies and request an audience with him. I would love to know who this crystal unicorn is and if we could perhaps come to any agreements which would help bolster a relationship in the future. It will be hard, most certainly, especially with all the damage Sombra did to them and to some extend even me and Luna. By allowing the city to disappear for a thousand years when trying to just banish Sombra instead. If me and Luna hadn't been so rash back then, we would have surly sensed the curse he had placed upon the Crystal Heart. Linking himself with it, corrupting it and allowing himself to grow as strong as he did. Then we would have surely tried to sever his connection with it first and save the empire from suffering the same fate. We were young and rash though that is hardly an excuse for what has happened.” She again sighed.

“Yeah, but you two had to didn’t you? Sombra was a threat, and he needed to be dealt with one way or another. I am sure that if you could explain this to the crystal ponies somehow, they would probably understand.” Twilight again chimed in. Trying to justify her princesses actions.

Celestia shook her head. “No, it won’t as I said, there has been more than just us accidentally banishing the empire alongside Sombra that has contributed to the ill feelings the crystal ponies have towards us. I am sure Cadence and Shining have most likely encountered some crystal ponies that weren't exactly very fond of your presence right?” Celestia asked her niece, to which she nodded, remembering their first encounter she had with a couple of crystal guards on the edge of the magical barrier.

“Plus...” Celestia began.”...I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the crystal ponies actually remember the banishment we accidentally forced them through. The curse we cast on Sombra didn't exactly erase the memories of them being banished in the first place. Which is why Sombra remembered the location of the Crystal Empire after being sent adrift for so long. Another reason for the crystal ponies to despise us. Even IF you explain to them that it was just a miscalculated accident. Equestria has already placed too much strife on these crystalline beings for it to be THAT easy.” Celestia stated which caused Twilight to lower her head in slight sadness.

“Or...Pinkie suddenly jumped up front with a big smile.” We could just plan a big surprise party for all those crystal ponies, giving them gifts, lots of yummy food and lots and lots of balloons to make then like us again. So far a party has made anypony happy. I have no idea why it wouldn’t work with the crystal ponies as well.” Pinkie happily suggested, causing many of her assembled friends to just smile while shaking their heads at the pink party ponies antics.

Celestia just chuckled. “I am afraid that it won't be that simple dear Pinkie. The crystal ponies may be ponies, but they have a completely different history and culture compared to our own. So, whatever may work here in Equestria might not really work for them. Plus, as I said, the wounds are most likely to deep right now for them to be simple patched up by gifts and parties.” Celestia stated, causing the pink party ponies enthusiasm to sink slightly.

But only slightly.

Cadence hummed to that, before another question came into mind. “Wait, you still haven’t told us how Sombra even managed to take over the empire in the first place, especially when it says that both Equestria and the Crystal Empire where military rivals at the time . How did he do it then?.” Cadence asked, which was also somewhat that had been on everyone’s mind.

Except for Pinkie´s as she was more focused on the thought of how she could throw a “Sorry for being mean to you in the past and I hope that we can be friends now” party for the crystal ponies despite what Celestia had just mentioned.

Celestia tapped her chin. “Well, I am not really sure about the specifics. But he did have legions of guards under his control back in the day, not to mention the support of some of the other nobles. He was also quite the gifted mage, which in the end helped him corrupt the Crystal Heart and leech its powers for his own personal gain. Furthermore, a lot of guards were missing from the barracks as well at the day of his disappearance. But still not nearly enough to invade the Crystal Empire. Overall the details are quite vague even for me. I would guess that the crystal ponies would know a little bit more than I do, as they were the once suffering through Sombra’s infiltration and takeover.” She answered.

Cadence then yawned. “Well anyway, as long as Sombra is truly gone I guess both the Crystal Empire and Equestria as a whole will be at peace for the foreseeable future. I guess that’s what counts the most. Now, If you will excuse me , I would like to return to me and Shining’s chambers so that we can unpack and rest. Train rides can be really exhausting.” She announced to which Celestia nods.

“Of course, take as much rest as you need my dear niece. Me and Luna will cover for your duties for the time being. So, don’t rush yourself.” Celestia answered happily before giving Cadence one last hug to send her off.

Cadence of course returned it before turning her attention to Twilight and the rest.

“Anyway, I am sorry for not being able to spend more time with you and your friends Twilight but...I am really beat now and could really use a bath as well.” She apologized to which Twilight smiled.

“Don’t worry Cadence, I understand.” She answered before Rarity jumped in.

“Yes, dear princess, take your time. I can vouch from personal experiences how long train rides can be.” She added to which Rainbow Dash, , Pinkie and even Fluttershy could only agree on with collective nods.

“Come on Shining. Let's head back to our room for now.” Cadence suggestion to which Shining sighed. Especially when looking down at the bags next to him.

“Oh no you don’t. Let me help you this time before you break your back, and that is not a joke. You can easily break it if you overexert yourself there sugarcube.” AJ announced before picking one up.

Shining just sighed again before just agreeing to Applejack’s suggestion while taking the rest. She might actually be right about the back part. As his was already feeling quite strained after having forced himself to carry this much baggage alone for the duration of their return to the palace.

With that they were off to Cadence´s and Shining´s quarters. Leaving Celestia and the remaining elemental bearers in the throne room.

A guard suddenly came up next to Celestia from behind before tapping her. She lowered her head towards him as the guard whispered something to her. Celestia nods, before returning her attention back to Twilight and the rest.

“It seems that my break is over. I must return to court now until the end of this evening. Sorry Twilight but duties come first.” Celestia apologized to which Twilight felt a slight sliver of disappointment, but still understood.

“That is fine Princess I understand. I guess me and the girls could just stroll through Canterlot for a while before then. Wouldn’t you all agree?” She stated before looking at her friends for answers.

Everypony nods, especially Rarity as she most likely has something in mind about this little sightseeing trip of theirs.

“I would love to. Coming to Canterlot is obviously somewhat of a rarity and getting some crucial shopping done for my work back home would certainly be a thing on my to do list. I already know exactly where I would like to go.” Rarity answered to which RD simply rolled her eyes while Twilight chuckled.

“I guess we will see each other later Princess.” Twilight announced before leading her gang of friends out of the throne room.

Leaving Celestia all alone with her guards and most importantly her thoughts.

A new ruler of the Crystal Empire.” She thought to herself before walking back up to her throne to begin court once more.

She needs to discuss this with her sister later for sure. This could be both interesting and troublesome at the same time.