• Published 5th Oct 2016
  • 12,041 Views, 761 Comments

Rise of the Crystal Emperor - Navanastra

Emperor Mateus of the Palamecian Empire fails to conquer the world not once but twice after getting defeated by Firion and his gang. Instead of just going back to hell the Emperor wakes up in a brand new world and in an even newer body as well.

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Chapter 22: The Quarrels of two Monarch’s

Author's Note:

Ok, this is the REAL chapter. Not like the...other one.

Chapter 22: The Quarrels of two Monarch’s

The Emperor was sitting in front of his personal desk, trying to think of ways to expand his current realm. Not just for expansion sake, but also to get his hands...or rather hooves on more resources.

The recent subjugation of the changeling did allowed him access to new sources of ore. Such as Iron and Copper. But even so, the empire still lacked the fuel resources it needed to make proper use of these new sources of ore. Such as oil, coal and other fossil fuels.

Wood was also a problem. Not hard to believe when your city is literally situated in the middle of a snow covered tundra. Then of course there was also the issue of getting his hands...or hooves on more of those enchanted crystals, which are also quite crucial for the industrialization and militarization of his newly acquired realm.

So many problems but so little solutions. Food will also be a problem when the population starts to grow. A wide open tundra isn’t exactly known to be well suited for agriculture.

Mateus knew that he needed to expand and fast. How is up to him really. He could also try diplomacy to get what he needs, or engaging into some trade deals with other nations to trade for the resources his nations requires. But where is the fun in that?

No, he needed another target, another group of people to subjugate and annex into the empire for his own goals. He is planning to make the Crystal Empire into an actual empire. Expansion is what he is good at as long as a gang of over ambitious teenagers isn’t there to thwart his plans.

He has certainly learned his lessons last time. Never again is he going to underestimate a small band of wannabe heroes. No matter how minor or insignificant these are going to be. That...and being less off a “dick” as the common peasant would say also helps.

A sudden knock on the door roused him from his thoughts.

“Your highness. I brought the tea you requested.” The muffled voice of ruby pierced through his private quarters which caused the re-incarnated monarch to dispel his flare ball which he was playing around with while busy with his own thoughts.

“Ah yes. Bring it in.” He responded before unlocking the door with his magic.

Paranoia was also another issue he is suffering from. Ever since has been haunted with vivid nightmares.

Nightmare related to his mother.

Ruby trotted into the room before placing the tray onto his table.

“Would you need me to pour in the tea for you?” Ruby asked with a kind smile.

The emperor shook his head. “No, you may leave now.” He casually responded.

Ruby’s ears dropped. “Well...as you wish your highness. Oh and by the way...” She perked back up again. “Sir Cid wishes to speak with you about something important. Something related to these enchanted crystal as he named them.” Ruby added, which certainly peeked the Emperors interest.

“Very well, tell him that I am waiting for him at the throne room.” He responded to which Ruby nodded.

“It will be done my lord.” She responded before leading herself out. Leaving the emperor once again with his own thoughts and his own personal demons. He always hated those demon’s, their are just such “dicks” as the commoner would say.

Be quiet, I am trying to enjoy some tea here.” He mentally stated to an empty spot to the far right corner of his room before taking a small sip from his tea.

He is not crazy, he can simply see things which mortals cannot.

Like that tiny little demon who was childishly showing its tongue at him.

He especially hated those.


Cid gave the emperor a short bow as he stood in front of his throne.

“So, what brings you here Sir Cid? Have you discovered something new?” The emperor asked while leaning lazily against his throne.

Cid nodded. “Yes, this here.” He quickly stated before pulling out the pulsating crystal from his coat.

The emperor raised an eyebrow. “So it’s pulsating. What exactly is that supposed to mean?” He asked, giving Cid the benefit of the doubt even though from his perspective, it looks quite insignificant.

Cid began. “Well...it means what we have here is a beacon. I was experimenting with a hoof full of other enchanted crystal by trying to copy and transfer their magic into another in hopes in created more with such a method. Though instead, I somehow managed to fashion a beacon of some sorts. Which seems to be resonating with the very magic which resides within the Crystal heart. The closer I got to it with this, the faster it was pulsating.” He explained, which certainly got the emperors interest.

“Oh...so your saying, that with that crystal you have on your...hoof. We could probably pinpoint a source of magic which is similar in nature to the crystal hearth, correct?” Mateus guess.

Cid nodded. “Yes, and potentially a new sources for these magical crystals. Which we only have here in limited supplies now.” Cid confirmed, causing the emperor to rub his chin.

“I see...” The emperor mumbled. “Do you wish to maybe launch an expedition then?” He asked, to which again Cid nodded.

“Yes I would like too. This is actually the second reason why I wanted to speak to you. To ask your permission to take a few of these newly build MagiTech walkers as transportation.

Traveling through the northern Tundra and mountains is quite a dangerous ordeal, and having some well armed mechanized transpiration would make this expedition a lot more safer. Not to mention less time consuming too. I already pinpoint a potential lead with this crystal I have. From the tests I have done so far. The crystal seems to resonate stronger the more north west I go with it. So that will be the direction I shall lead this expedition too, with a hoof full of guards and other professionals of course.” He explained causing the emperor to look down at him curiously at his last sentence.

“Oh, so YOU are going to be leading this expedition then?” He asked, causing the middle aged noble sigh.

“Well yes and no. My wife is actually going to be leading this expedition for the most part, not me. I am just accompanying her because...well...I just don’t want her to go exploring the lands outside the city all alone while I stay here. It's boring without her.” He clarified, which again made the Emperor raised his eyebrow and ignoring his last sentence.

“Oh, and why is that? I thought she was a painter by trade.” He asked, causing the old stud to hum.

“Well, its because she knows a lot more about traveling through the wilderness then I do. She used to travel with her father a lot before we eventually got engaged, who was a traveling merchant by trade which makes her quite adept when it comes to surviving out in the wild. She is a much more qualified person to lead this expedition then I am for sure. I am much better with a wrench then eating berries from the bushes. “He explained.

“Well in that case, go assemble your team then. If this might help us resolve our shortages of enchanted crystal, then I have nothing against it. Just don’t die along the way.” He casually responded.

“Well thank you your highness...and I will try and do that.” Cid responded before taking his leave. Leaving the Emperor again with his own thoughts and a few stoic looking crystal guards who don’t really do or say much anyway.

The Emperor leaned back against his throne. “Great, never thought boredom would ever be a problem for me.” He thought to himself before resting his head against his hoof.

He always hated to play the waiting game.


“Would you like some tea your highness.” A servant mare asked as she patiently stood behind her princess.

Celestia nodded. “Yes, that would be lovely.” She responded with a kind smile before placing down the parchments she just recently signed.

The maid gave her a short bow before leading herself out, leaving the princess to her own devices and thoughts. Which Celestia used to give out a sigh as she looked down at the pile of paperwork which still awaited her. She always hated this part of her job. But it's a job she has to do, because nopony else would.

She tried, but apparently her level of paperwork is too much for most ponies to handle. They usually quite before they can even complete their first week.

Celestia let out another sigh as she stared out through her open balcony to the far right of her room. Primarily at the direction where the Crystal Empire is located.

I should probably keep an eye on the empire now. Just to make sure that we won't have another Sombra on our hooves. Crystal unicorn or not.” She thought to herself before her calm and bored expression turned into that of frustration.

She would barely admit this to anypony, but she did feel quite frustrated when she heard that somepony else took the throne. She felt quite happy and relieved to know that Sombra was finally dealt with, but now Equestria has basically a rival nation right up to its northern border who’s view towards Equestria are lukewarm at best. Which she cannot blame them for.

If only her niece was able to take the throne for her heroism and not this crystal unicorn. To secure Equestria’s northern border to to help ease up relationships with both the crystal ponies and hers at the same time. A subtle way of expansion is what she calls it while also trying to fix past mistakes.

But now she can basically scratch that with this new leader on the crystal throne. A leader she knows nothing about off.

Maybe I should request and audience with him to at least get to know him? Though showing myself within the Crystal empire might not be such a good idea. The wounds are still deep, and most Crystal ponies likely still remembered what Equestria was trying to do. WHAT I was trying to do. I have to approach this diplomatically if I want the relations of both of our nations to grow steadily into the positive. Rather soon then later to be honest.” She thought to herself before looking back down on her parchments.

“Yes, I should do that.” Celestia thought out loud before pulling out a new piece of paper with her magic and began to compose a letter.

A letter which will hopefully be sent towards the Crystal Empire swiftly so that she can put her slight paranoia to rest. Not to mention her overall curiosity as well towards this new leader.

Maybe Cadence can give her a bit more information about this stallion before the audition can happen.

Couldn’t hurt could it?


“Alright is everyone ready?” Cid called out while looking at the crystal ponies in front him, along with the small assembly of crystal guards and walkers which will be used as transportation.

They all nodded.

“Good, because it is time to move out...well according to my clock it is.” Cid muttered before looking down at his golden watch to look at the time, before realizing something.

“Wait. Where is Mable?” He asked while looking around for his spouse.

“I am right behind you darling.” She responded behind him while wearing a thick furry coat which practically covered almost all of her body.

“You might want to wear this too.” She stated before hoofing him a coat similar to hers.

He nodded. “Ah yes of course, we are going northwest towards the mountains of course. How could I forget?” He commented before taking the coat.

“Alright, let's get into the machines and get this expedition started. Honey, you take the crystal and lead us with it. The emperor wants us to come back alive, so you better lead us proper.” He stated before giving her the crystal.

She just rolled her yes. “Of course I will, don’t fret dear. Father has taught me everything remember?” She commented before making her way to her MagiTech machine and its driver.

The expedition was on.