• Published 21st Nov 2011
  • 36,113 Views, 1,329 Comments

The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds - RK_Striker_JK_5

An old legend from Equestria's past returns, but is there a place for her in this new world?

  • ...


The sun had almost set during the journey back to Ponyville. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash trailed behind Celestia and Luna, while Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Rarity flew along thanks to some telekinetic help from the Princesses.

The lights of Ponyville burned brightly as they approached, guiding them down. Main Street was almost overflowing with an impromptu victory party. Lights were strung up on poles, music was playing and food had been set out. Everyone stopped what they were doing as the group descended and landed. The music stopped playing. More than a few dropped to one foreleg and bowed their heads down as Megan and Mike dismounted.

Megan massaged her forehead. “I thought we'd gotten a bit past this,” she muttered.

Mike looked himself over, then glanced at Luna, Celestia and finally Megan. “You gotta admit, honey. We do kinda look the part.”

Shining Armor strode forth and straightened to attention. “Your highnesses, Ponyville stands secure. We had some wounded, but no deaths here. I've received word from General Steel and Captain Blueblood about their situation and all is well with them.” He leaned forward a bit. “Tirac, he's been defeated?”

Before Celestia could speak, Twilight ran past her. “Shiny!” she cried out as she galloped up to him and threw her forelegs around his neck in a hug.

Shining Armor leaned into it and returned it. “Oh, I'm so glad you're safe, Twiley,” he said.

Celestia chuckled. “We won, Captain.” She raised a foreleg. “Ceremonies can wait for another day. For now, let's celebrate!”

A great cheer went up among everyone. The music started up once more and the celebrants threw up hooves and hands before resuming their activities.

Fluttershy surged forth and flew right to Big Mac, landing next to him even as he ran to her. “Oh, Big Macintosh, you're safe!” She threw her forelegs around him and kissed him.

Big Mac returned the kiss. “Glad to see you're all right too, Flutters,” he said before kissing her once more.

Rainbow Dash's eyes bugged out, while Applejack trotted up to Mike and the two exchanged a glance and nod. “Looks like I'll have to start settin' another plate at the dinner table,” Applejack said, smiling.

Several of the ponies stepped aside as Danny, Molly, Danielle and Michelle moved forward. Megan and Mike spotted them almost immediately and ran towards them. They threw their arms around Danielle and Michelle, hugging their children and crying.

Megan let go and leaned back. “Oh, thank god you two are okay! You are okay, right?” She looked them over. “What were you two up to?”

Michelle spoke up. “Well, we tried to leave the clubhouse with the other Crusaders, but this big blue bear ambled up to us and started roaring.” She held her hands up, fingers splayed out, and roared while stomping the ground.

Mike let out a small laugh at his daughter's antics. “I think that might've been the same one your mother and I fought when this whole craziness started. How'd you get away?” His expression turned serious. “You didn't try and fight it, did you?”

Danielle spoke up. “No, we didn't, Dad. We couldn't do anything before this really cool unicorn named Trixie Lulamoon ran out and fought it.” She turned and pointed back at a group of foals gathered around Trixie and Spike. “She shot fireworks into its face, rained lightning down on it and teleported around!”

Michelle nodded. “She got tired, but Applejack came along and kicked apples into its face. We all ran off to the schoolhouse with the other foals and Trixie put on a show for us with Ditzy – that's Dinky's mother – and Spike.” She swallowed. “It kept our minds off of what was going on.”

Mike hugged Michelle again. “Well, I think I'm gonna go over and thank Trixie.” He started walking to the group, but stopped and looked to Megan as she stood near Molly and Danny. “Coming?”

Megan nodded. “Oh, sure. Just gimme a second, Mike.” She turned back to her siblings. “So, as cliched as it sounds, I had a dream. And you were there.” She glanced at Danny. “And so were you. The question is, were you there?”

Danny thumped a fist against his leg. “Here's hoping Granny Bonnie and Faust were right. I plan on signing up for dancing lessons back on Earth.”

Molly patted him on the shoulder. “We'll get you doing the Charleston before you know it.” She suddenly clasped a hand over her mouth and yawned. “But first I need to sleep for about twelve hours,” she said, her shoulders slumping.

Megan hugged her, then Danny. “We'll all take a nice, long nap back at the house,” she said before breaking off and walking over to the group of foals. She stood beside Mike at the outer edge of the group. “How's the show?”

Mike tilted his head back and forth. “Not too bad, actually. I don't think she's using unicorn magic, just sleight of hand. Or hoof in this case,” he said, chuckling.

Megan lightly punched him in the arm, but winced and shook it at the impact with the plate armor.

Trixie and Spike stood before the foals. Trixie had a pack of playing cards balanced on her hoof. “Remove the top card, Spike, and show it to the audience, making sure I can't see it. Then, please slide it into the deck at some random location.”

Spike slid it off, then showed a two of clubs to the foals. Snips opened his mouth, but Scootaloo and Applebloom wrapped their forelegs around him, stopping him from speaking.

Spike slid the card into the middle of the deck. Trixie nodded to him. “Thank you!” She tapped her horn. “Now, then. As you can see, no unicorn magic!” She placed the deck onto the ground, slid off part of it with her hoof and flipped a card over. “Now then... is this your card?”

Spike picked up the five of diamonds, then eyed Trixie. “Nope.”

Trixie chuckled slightly. “Ah, no matter!” She slid another card from the deck. “This? Well, how about this one? No?” She placed a hoof to her chin before suddenly turning to the audience and gasping. She walked over to Dinky and looked her over before reaching behind her horn and 'extracting' a card. “Is this it?” she asked, holding up the two of clubs and waving it about.

Spike's eyes widened. “Hey, that's it! How'd you do that?”

Trixie bowed slightly as the foals stamped the ground in applause. She walked back to him and leaned close to him. “A magician never reveals their secrets.” She paused. “Although I could teach them to you, if you'd like.”


Trixie nodded. “Really.”

Spike patted Trixie on her shoulder. “You know what? You're not all that bad. Thanks.”

Trixie winked at him. “Was there ever any doubt?” She held up a hoof. “Don't answer that.”

Megan and Mike gingerly walked forward, stepping around the foals. “Excuse us, kids. May we have a moment with Trixie?” Megan asked the foals, waiting for their assent before continuing forward. She and Mike stopped before Spike and Trixie. “Trixie Lulamoon?” she asked, extending a hand. “I'm Megan and this is my husband, Mike.”

Trixie gasped and dropped her head nearly to the ground. “The Mag'ne and Her Husband, Mike? Oh, this is a great honor!”

Spike waved a hand. “Hey, what's up?” He elbowed Trixie. “Okay, now you're embarrassing yourself.”

Trixie slowly lifted her head. “Y-es, of course!” She straightened up, keeping her eyes on Megan and Mike. “What may T-I do for you? Anything you wish, and it shall be done!” she half-shouted, thrusting her forelegs into the air.

Megan chuckled slightly. “I'll keep that in mind. But really, Mike and I just wanna thank you for rescuing our daughters and the rest of the Crusaders.” She extended her hand.

Trixie looked at the hand before gingerly placing a foreleg in it. “You're welcome,” she said, blushing slightly.

Mike continued. “That took a lot of guts, Trixie. Megan and I faced off against an Ursa Minor before this whole mess started.” He shook his head. “That damned thing took rifle shots to the face and a pistol to the flank and was barely phased.”

Trixie shrugged. “Truth be told, Trixie's flank got pulled out of the fire by Applejack's timely arrival. I was pretty scared there.”

Spike hesitated for a moment before reaching out and patting her on the shoulder. “Hey, you still fought it, just like the one before. If you didn't do that, then...” He trailed off, shuddering slightly.

Trixie slowly looked to him. “Thanks, Spike,” she said, smiling genuinely. “Was there any doubt?” she asked, smirking.

Spike waggled a claw at her. “Hey, don't push it too far.”

Mike nodded. “Listen to the drake, Trixie. That's real bravery right, there.” He looked to Spike. “Hey, you know Twilight's back, right? Have you seen her?”

Spike's eyes shifted from Mike, to Trixie and back to Mike. “I will, but Trixie and I wanted to make sure the foals were okay. Trixie's got something to say to Twilight, too, and I told her I'd be there when she does it.” He puffed his chest up and tapped it. “And I never go back on my word.”

“That reminds me of an old friend,” Megan said. “You'd do him proud.” She looked to Trixie. “Well, thank you again for your actions, Trixie. I'll see you later, okay?” With that, she hugged Trixie before turning and walking off.

Mike followed suit, shaking her foreleg before walking off.

Trixie looked at her foreleg, eyes shining. “I don't think I'll wash this leg again.”

Spike snorted, small jets of flame shooting out of his nostrils. “Oh, come on! Who ever heard of getting so worked up over a sign of affection like that?”

Trixie's eyes narrowed. “Does a Miss Rarity Belle sound familiar to you, perchance?” She smirked and her horn lit up. “Perhaps we should tell the tale of true love?”

Spike threw his arms out and turned to the audience, which by now had begun getting antsy. “Hey, who's up for some more magic?”

Sweetie Belle shot her hooves into the air. “Ooh, ooh! I am!”

The rest of the foals joined in, shouting and stamping hooves on the ground.

Trixie threw her forelegs into the air and a small burst of fireworks erupted right above everyone. “Then watch in awe as the Great and Powerful Trixie, along with her assistant Spike the Strong, continue to entertain and amaze you!” she dropped back down and looked to Spike. “Up for one more round before I see Twilight and apologize?”

Spike nodded. “Sounds like a plan, Trixie. And nice, Spike the Strong!” He rubbed his chin. “You think Rarity would go for that?”

Trixie arched an eyebrow. “We'll work on it later.”

Celestia, Luna and the Princess Ponies, along with cleaned-up bushwoolies, stood near Sugarcube Corner, eating cake and sipping cider. Although the occasional passerby would stop and bow, they were apart from the rest of the party, chatting quietly. Celestia glanced up as Rosedust, Morning Glory, Sparkling Dawn and Blazing Day landed. “Your majesty,” Celestia said, bowing. “Thank you for your help. Your actions today saved many lives and helped stop one of the worst evils in this planet's history.”

Rosedust hesitated a bit before returning the bow. “You're welcome, Celestia. It was gratifying to be able to do something this time.” She let out a sigh. “It was nice to get out of Flutter Province twice in one week. The next time might be a bit longer in coming, but they'll be more frequent. I'm sure you'll be seeing more flutter ponies and bumbles before you know it.”

Luna approached Morning Glory and her family and knelt down next to her. “Morning Glory, how are you handling yourself?”

Morning Glory's head shot up. “Oh, me? I... guess all right?” She glanced to her husband and son. “Am I all right?”

Sparkling Dawn nuzzled her. “You're better, and getting better every day.”

Morning Glory eyed him. “But?”

Blazing Day spoke up. “W-well, sometimes you get this faraway look in your eyes, like it w-was before Twilight helped you.” He kicked at the ground. “And a lot's happened since, well, you know, that t-thing back then w-with Discord. You look confused a lot of times. I'm not sure how we can help,” he said, looking down.

It was a moment before Morning Glory spoke. She touched Blazing Day's chin and raised his head to look at her. “Blazing Day, you and your father have given me so much help over the centuries. You've cared for me, kept me company and saved my mind. You have helped me. All right?”

Blazing Day nodded.

Luna spoke up. “Morning Glory, time has passed you by while you were trapped in your mind.” She placed a hoof on her chest. “Time has also passed me by. I know the confusion you feel.” She waved a wing at Celestia. “My dear sister has done all she can for me, and it's helped immensely, but her perspective is, how shall we say, not the best. Morning Glory, if you need someone to talk to, to commiserate on the passage of time, do not hesitate to call for me. I will be there for you.”

Morning Glory and her family looked up at the alicorn, tears welling in Morning Glory's eyes. “Thank you,” she whispered. “I'll definitely take you up on that.”

Blazing Day suddenly flew up and hugged Luna. “Thanks!” he said. “You're the best princess ever!”

Celestia and the Princess Ponies exchanged glances and bit their lips, but light snickering could still be heard.

Luna turned and glared at Celestia. “Oh, stop that.” She then extended a wing and patted Blazing Day. “Thank you,” she said, her expression softening.

Tiffany motioned to the partying. “It might get a bit crowded, but I'm sure Ponyville's got room for you all to stay and enjoy the festivities.”

Rosedust shook her head. “Tempting, my old friend, but no. We all have a long journey ahead of us back home, and it's best we start now.” She leaned over and gently nuzzled Tiffany. “Take care, and don't get lost in that dusty old castle of yours,” she chided gently.

Royal Blue stared down her muzzle at Rosedust, her eyes twinkling. “And remember to get out of Flutter Valley every once in a while.” She and the rest of the Princess Ponies exchanged goodbyes with Rosedust, Morning Glory and her family.

Rosedust spread her gossamer wings and flew up, but stopped a few feet above Celestia. “Oh, before I forget,” she called down, “Spykoran wants to speak to you before he and his friends fly back to the Dragon Lands.” Her wings lit up. “Until we meet again!” she said before flying off, leaving a glittering contrail in the night sky. The bumbles and other flutter ponies followed her, their own wings lighting up and painting the sky a kaleidoscope of colors.

Those below stopped their partying and looked up, oohing at the sight. They stomped their hooves or clapped their hands at the show, keeping it up even after it had faded away.

Celestia stepped up to Luna's side as the flutter ponies and bumbles flew off. “I wondered why Spykoran and the other dragons kept their distance from us while flying back here,” she said, arching an eyebrow. “I thought he at least would want to say hi to Megan and make sure she's all right.”

Luna tossed her mane back. “Well, we can find out now.” She looked down at the Princess Ponies. “Mothers, we can send for a pair of chariots to take you back to Crystal Castle if you wish.”

Sparkle twirled her horn in the air, the tip leaving a trail of light. “Oh, no need! I'm sure I can-”

Primrose shoved a hoof into her mouth. “The chariots would be most appreciated,” she said, staring daggers at Sparkle, who stared right back.

Celestia bit her lip and composed herself before spreading her wings and flying off, Luna following right behind. They flew to the edge of the Everfree and the three dragons hovering above it. Catrina and Rep flew alongside them, Rep transforming into a flying animal and acting as Catrina's streed. Celestia's horn blazed and the area around them lit up, bright as day. “Your Majesty, we cannot thank you enough for your help,” Celestia said, bowing her head.

Spykoran waved her off. “My pleasure, Celestia. I'm glad Tirac was stopped before he got too far. I remember last time, the pain and misery. Scorpan tried to hide it from me, but even when I was a hatchling I could tell.” His gaze drifted, going back through the centuries. He suddenly shook his head. “Anyway! I was wondering if I could see Megan, Molly or Danny before we fly back to the Dragon Lands?”

“It would be the purr-fect opportunity to say hello again,” Catrina said, rubbing her chin.

Luna smiled. “I'll be back with them in a moment.” Her body turned to mist and it flew back towards Ponyville, far faster than if she remained as an alicorn. Within a few minutes it flew back up, Megan, Molly and Danny trailing behind in a protective bubble.

Molly's eyes were glued to the stars while her hands were clenched in white-knuckle terror and waving in front of her chest. “Next time I take a chariot. Next time I take a chariot. Next time I take a chariot!”

Danny rolled his eyes, but his own hands were gripped tightly on his wheelchair's armrests. He jutted an arm up and waved it. “Hey, Spike! Thanks for the saves down there!”

Megan floated over to Spykoran's head. She wobbled a bit and waved her arms in circles, but eventually righted herself. She grinned at the huge dragon. “Hey, thanks.” She reached out and hugged his snout, kissing it, then making a face. “Ugh, why didn't I learn from last time?”

Jormun and Mei Long snickered while Spykoran's cheeks turned red. His eyes hardened for a moment, but they lost it quickly and turned misty. “It was merely payment for old debts,” he rumbled.

Danny chuckled. “Looks like you found those good dragons after all.”

Spykoran smiled, but said nothing.

Megan rolled her eyes. “Like that ever mattered.” She floated back and bowed to Mei Long, then to Jormun. “Thank you very much for coming to Spike's aid.”

Mei Long studied Megan for a moment, stroking her chin. “I think I see why Spykoran holds you in such regard now, and why your legends grew over time.”

Megan swallowed and looked down, but she suddenly looked back up as her cheeks turned from red to white. “Oh, boy.” Her gaze shifted along, finally settling on Catrina and Rep. Her eyes widened. “Celestia and Luna told me, but I still don't believe it.” She floated over to the pair. “I thought you two would've left with Scorpan and the other humanoid species, or would be, you know...”

Catrina grinned, baring her sharp teeth but still managing to look friendly. “My people are very long-lived, and have, as your saying goes, nine lives. I've used up most of mine, but I've got a pair left.” She patted Rep's head. “I was tempted to go with everyone else, but my dear friend here would never leave his people. And where Rep goes, I go.”

Molly's right eyebrow raised. “Wait, you were a dragon all this time? But you're still so small!”

Rep barked out a laugh. “There's more than the big dragons, Molly. My own clan may not be giants, but none of the others can change shape like we can.”

Catrina looked at Celestia and Luna. “Princesses, with your permission, Rep and I are going to remain in Equestria for a few weeks. We'd like to catch up a bit more thoroughly with them when we're not hanging over this accursed forest. The height's making me a bit dizzy.” She looked down. “No offense, Rep.”

Rep shrugged, bouncing Catrina a bit and forcing her to grab the saddle's pommel. “None taken,” he said, smirking.

Celestia and Luna looked to each other before Luna nodded. “No permission needed, you two. Stay as long as you wish, both of you,” Luna said. “I know how nice it is to catch up after so long apart,” she said, winking.

Catrina nodded to her. “Thank you.” She looked to Megan and flashed a toothy grin, her fangs rather prominent. “We'll see you down in Ponyville, you three, with the town's best ale waiting. We've got a lot of catching up to do!” She looked to Mei Long. “By your leave?”

At Mei Long's nod, Rep banked and flew down to Ponyville.

Jormun's head darted forward. “As much as I hate to break this up, we do have a long journey back to the Dragon Lands. And hopefully we can explain to the border forts why we shot over them without stopping or saying anything.”

Celestia blinked, then slammed a hoof into her forehead, sending out a gust of wind that rippled through the treetops. “Oh, buck it, I knew I forgot something!”

Luna rolled her eyes. “Send the letter after, all right?”

Megan gently patted Spykoran's beak. “Well, don't be a stranger, okay? I don't want it to be another twenty years or some world-ending crisis before I see you again.” She rubbed her chin. “Then again, we could visit you in the Dragon Lands.” She smiled. “It'd be fun!”

Celestia's jaw opened, but it took her a moment to articulate any speech. “W-well, 'fun' is not exactly how I would describe going there. It's not exactly the most hospitable place on this planet.”

Megan waved her off. “Oh, compared to some of the places I went to back in the old days there shouldn't be any problem at all!”

Danny nodded. “Yeah, yeah! I mean we can't do it right now, but sometime in the future would be awesome. A quick trip to see Spykoran's people would be rather insightful.”

Molly rolled her eyes. “Not to mention pretty dangerous. Then again, it's like Megan said. Ponyland was a pretty deadly place back in the day. And Earth hasn't exactly been a vacation spot the past twenty years either.” Her expression brightened. “I'm in!”

Megan placed her hands on her hips and nodded. “Mike loves dragons, so he'll come for sure. I'm not sure about Danielle or Michelle, though. They're still pretty young.”

Mei Long spoke up. “I can assure you they'll be just as safe as you will be, which will be plenty. Dragons can be a rowdy bunch, but we can restrain ourselves around weaker species. No offense.”

Megan waved her off. “None taken, Councilor. That means it's settled, then.”

Celestia flew up to Spykoran's face. “Little help, here?”

Spykoran smirked. “But of course, Celestia! I'll make sure there are suitable lodgings for them and they're paid the highest respects.” He eyed her. You and Luna make sure they are well-protected from the air and heat.”

Luna flew to Celestia's side and bowed her head, her entire body dipping forward. “But of course, King Spykoran!” she half-shouted, ruffling his scales. “And we'll make sure they are afforded full protection from the elements.”

Celestia's head whipped back and forth between the two. “B-but I didn't mean that!”

Luna cocked her head to the side. “Then what did you mean, sister? Megan's made up her mind, and I seriously doubt you or I can dissuade her.” A mischievous grin crossed her mouth. “Not that you would try, right?”

Megan held up a hand and waved it. “You remember we're right here, right?”

Celestia grunted slightly and ducked her head. “My apologies. I'll make the necessary arrangements for the trip.” She turned to look right at Megan. “It's just, we just got you back. The Dragon Lands can be dangerous, and I don't want to risk losing you again,” she said, turning and blushing slightly.

Megan floated over and patted Celestia on the neck. “Sorry, Celestia. I guess we got a little too enthusiastic for a moment about this. I don't think we even considered that.” He placed his hand on his chest. “I swear to you we'll be careful and not take any risks there. Cross our hearts and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in our eye,” she said, tapping her chest and then covering her eye.

Celestia folded a wing over, wrapping it around Megan in a hug. “Thank you. And I'll make sure your visit is a safe one.”

Spykoran spread his wings and flapped them. “Then I look forward to your visit, my old friends. We shall see you there.” He twisted around in midair before flying off, passing over Ponyville and covering the town in shadow. Mei Long flew right behind him, her body corkscrewing around. Jormun simply held up a hand and waved before flying off after them.

Molly and the others waved and shouted goodbyes to them. She kicked at the air and her cheeks flushed. “Okay, can we go back to the ground, now? I'm getting a crick in my neck from looking up at the sky!” She pointed at the inky blackness. “Although I gotta say, Luna, the night does look lovely.”

“Twilight Sparkle!”

Twilight's head whipped around at the sound of a vaguely-familiar voice. She was standing in front of Golden Oaks with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. The party had begun winding down slightly, even with Pinkie Pie's best efforts to turn it into a week-long affair. Twilight leaned back as Trixie walked up, Spike and Ditzy flanking her. She looked to Spike as the dragon ran up to her and hugged her. “Oh, Spike! I was wondering where the hay you'd gone to!” she said, leaning into the hug.

Spike broke the hug and scratched the back of his head. “Sorry, Twilight. Trixie and I got kinda caught up in entertaining the foals and putting on a show. Then Ditzy and the Doctor showed up and we started talking.” He held out his arms. “Nothing up my sleeves, but what's this!” He reached up to Twilight's ear and 'pulled' out a long-stemmed rose. “For you, to make up for not coming earlier!”

Twilight's jaw dropped. She gently took the rose with her magic and floated it out of Spike's claws. “Why thank you, Spike!” She looked to Trixie. “You taught him this?”

Trixie bowed, sweeping a foreleg across her chest. “Spike caught on rather quickly with sleight of hoof. He was a very eager student.” She straightened up, her expression serious. “But lessons about magic aren't why I'm here. Twilight Sparkle. T-I am here to say sorry, for directly challenging you like a foal when I first rolled into town. You did absolutely nothing wrong, but I was a flankhole to you. That was wrong, and I'm sorry.” She raised her right foreleg up and extended it to Twilight.

Twilight stared down at the foreleg before raising her own. She touched hooves with Trixie and shook it. “Apology accepted, Trixie. And thank you for what you did earlier, saving the Cutie Mark Crusaders from that Ursa Minor. I guess you really can say you vanquished one now,” she said, winking.

Trixie glanced to Twilight's left. “Only if I make mention of the Awe-inspiring Applejack, who bailed me out at the end when my magic ran dry.”

Applejack tipped her hat forward. “Much obliged, Trixie.”

Rainbow Dash flew up and around Trixie, finally stopping by her right shoulder. “So, got any more apologies for anyone else?” she asked, smirking.

Applejack trotted forward and stopped right between the two blue-coated mares. She reared up and thrust her forelegs out. “All right, we are not startin' this!” she shouted. “Trixie did some wrong back then, she admits it. But we wronged her, too. We heckled her show instead of walking away and acted like foals. So instead of throwing accusations back and forth, let's just drop the entire thing and start fresh, okay?”

Trixie let out a sigh. “I'll be willing to let bygones be bygones if you all are. I'll apologize for some of the things I did during my first appearance here.”

Rarity wrapped a foreleg around Sweetie Belle. “Trixie, for saving my sister's life, I am more than willing to wash my hooves of that whole dreadful incident. It was wrong of me to rip down your curtain to make that dress, even if it turned out lovely.”

Applejack smiled at her. “Well, might neighborly of you, Rarity.” She looked back up at Dash. “Come on, darlin'. Please?”

Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs and rolled her eyes. “Oh, all right!” She let out a sigh and cartwheeled around. “I'm sorry for heckling you!” she blurted out. “And thanks for saving Scootaloo's life. That was actually pretty awesome of you.”

Trixie bowed her head. “I''m sorry for zapping you with a lightning bolt, for tying up Applejack and for turning Rarity's hair into a rat's nest.”

Ditzy suddenly clapped her hooves together. “See? I told you it'd be okay!” She suddenly hugged Trixie, squeezing tightly.

Trixie's face turned red. “Ditzy, not so tight!” she gasped out. She sucked in a breath as the pegasus let go. “And Ditzy, thanks for letting me stay tonight with your family before I head back to Hoofington tomorrow.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gasped. They galloped up to Trixie, knocking into her slightly. “Wait, you're goin' back to Hoofington?!” Apple Bloom cried out. “You can't do that!”

Sweetie Belle nodded frantically. “Yeah, you're gonna teach us slightly of hoof! You can't do that if you're in Hoofington!”

Trixie's eyes darted between the two fillies. “W-well, I'd love to, but I can't. My house is in Hoofington. I mean I suppose I could come visit when I get the time, but I can't stay here in Ponyville.” She reached out and gently tousled their manes. “Sorry.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle's heads drooped. “But that's on the other side o' the Everfree,” Applebloom said. “It takes a pegasus a full day to fly there.”

“By the time you get here, it'll be time to leave,” Sweetie Belle said.

Pinkie Pie tilted her head back and forth. Suddenly, she bounced forward. “Well, why not move here to Ponyville?” She suddenly gasped. “Ooh, if you do that, I can throw a 'Welcome-to-Ponyville-and-Thank-You-for Saving-the-Lives-of-the Cutie-Mark-Crusaders' party! You can even be the guest of honor and the entertainment!” She bounced around, a small cannon suddenly appearing. “You can even use my party cannon!”

Trixie blinked. “Wait, what?” She shook her head. “No, that couldn't work. Sell my house, how? And what would I do here for money?”

Pinkie Pie darted off, returning with a chalkboard and wearing a lab coat. “Hoofington is currently a seller's market, according to a report I read while helping Mayor Mare with office work. And oh wow she needed help with that,” she said, writing as she spoke. “There's the old Ponyville Theater right across the street from Sugarcube Corner you can get for a song.” She suddenly darted forward and stared at Trixie, completely serious. “But only attempt that if you've got a backing chorus!”

Trixie leaned back, falling onto her haunches. “I'll remember that.”

Pinkie grinned, then ran back to the chalkboard. She drew several crude buildings. “Now then, that might take up most of your money, but Applejack's hiring at Sweet Apple Acres.” She sidled up to Applejack. “What do you say?”

Applejack rubbed her chin. “You know, that'd be a humdinger of an idea, Pinkie. Now that I think about it, we got the wreckage of your old wagon behind one of the storage sheds. Most of the stuff inside survived and looked like it was well-maintained. Would you be willin' to be hired on to help maintain our equipment and tools?”

Trixie gasped. “The stuff inside? Did that include Ma-my hat and cape?”

Applejack winced slightly at Trixie's slip of the tongue. “That stuff was your mother's?”

Trixie slowly nodded. “It was hers, before she passed away, leaving me an orphan.” She looked away, nickering slightly. “How are their condition?”

Rarity spoke up. “They're both in my shop at the moment, darling. They're a little tattered and frayed, but I can fix them up in no time for you.” She held up a foreleg and waved it in front of Trixie. “No charge, of course. Ah, ah! I insist, for your actions earlier.”

Trixie's mouth opened a few times, her jaw wavering slightly. Ditzy patted her on her back. “Are you all right?” she asked, both eyes focusing on her.

Trixie shrugged. “I don't know what to say,” she admitted.

“Usually, 'thank you' is the proper response,” Ditzy said, winking.

Trixie chuckled. “Then thank you, Rarity. And thank you, Applejack. I accept your offer of employment.” She thrust out her shoulders, making her cape ripple. “Your tools shall be in their best condition ever!”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle cantered around Trixie, letting out a cheer at the news.

Trixie smiled at Ditzy. “I guess you were right back then. Ponyvillians can be pretty awesome.”

Ditzy nodded. “To borrow a phrase from a friend, was there any doubt?”

It was just past midnight by the time Megan, Mike, Molly, Danny, Danielle, Michelle, Twilight Sparkle, Minerva, Luna and Celestia made their way back to the Equestrian end of the Rainbow Bridge.

Minerva hung back with the alicorns, walking between them. She reached inside her jacket and pulled out an envelope. “I was going to give this to you earlier, but all hell threatened to break loose. Literally, now that I think about it.” She held it up. “It's an invitation from Clayton Abernathy, the President of the United States, to come to Earth and to establish formal diplomatic relations.”

Celestia lifted the envelope out of Minerva's hand, slid a letter out of it and read it before floating it over to Luna to read. “Would this just be with the United States, or with other countries?” Celestia asked.

“There would be other countries at this meeting,” Minerva replied. “Most governments have signed what's known as the Geneva Accords, a series of treaties concerning contact with non-human life, cooperation in case of attack, colonization practices and a host of other things. Almost all the countries, barring a few rogue states like North Korea, are moving towards a single planetary government, if only for easing paperwork concerning our planetary defense forces and exploration of space.”

Luna snorted. “A fine goal, Miss Yamamoto. Paperwork is the bane of any organization.” Writing implements and a scroll suddenly popped into existence in front of her head. She unrolled the scroll, wrote down a few sentences and floated it and the quill over to Celestia, who read it and signed her name at the bottom next to Luna's. “We accept President Abernathy's invitation and look forward to seeing him and other world leaders,” Luna said, giving the scroll to Minerva.

Celestia looked to the young woman. “And on behalf of Equestria, thank you for your actions in Ponyville. You saved a lot of lives then.”

Minerva bowed her head. “You're welcome. Maybe I'll get that time off I requested after all.”

Celestia smiled, but her expression changed. “Do you have any idea how these negotiations might go?”

Minerva shook her head. “Off the top of my head, no. First contact with non-humans happens about twice a week nowadays, so there's nothing inherently strange in meeting you. What will be a bit of a sticking point is that you've got a portal that leads right into the heart of the United States.”

Celestia and Luna exchanged a glance. “Excellent point,” Celestia admitted.

The group arrived at the Rainbow Bridge. Megan looked around at the toppled trees, ripped up ground and other signs of the battle that had been waged here a few hours ago. She let out a slow whistle and shook her head. “I don't think I'll ever understand why Tirac did what he did.”

Twilight trotted up to her side. “I hate to say it, but it could've been a lot worse if Tirac hadn't been stopped.”

Megan dropped to one knee. “Hey, we took him out together and saved the day. Not a bad day's work,” she said, holding out a fist that Twilight gently bumped with a hoof. Megan grinned and began to straighten up, but groaned and rolled her eyes almost into the back of her skull. “And there goes the adrenaline and here comes the exhaustion,” she said, leaning forward.

Mike and Molly grabbed Megan's arms and steadied her. “No passing out until we get back home,” Molly said, a bit unsteady herself. “Then we can all drop onto the living room floor and sleep for a week.”

Mike grunted. “'A week', Molly? I think I'm gonna curl into a ball for a month, minimum.” His grip tightened slightly on Megan's arm. “You sure you're all right?”

Megan heaved a sigh and waved him off. “I'm sure, honey, thanks. Just let me curl into a ball until the sun burns out and I'll be rested.”

Twilight looked at them, then back to Celestia and Luna. “Princesses, I know we were gonna go over to their house for a visit, but under the circumstances, I think I speak for everyone when I say we all need a good, long rest after today.”

Celestia's muzzle twitched, but she finally nodded. “Excellent observation, my student.” She waited for Minerva and Danny to join the others under the Rainbow Bridge and for Twilight to canter off. Her horn started glowing. “I'll just send you all over there.”

Megan's head shot around. “Wait!” She slid her arms out from Mike and Molly's grip, turned and slowly hobbled over to the alicorns. She reached up and patted Celestia and Luna on their cheeks. “Thank you,” she said, smiling.

Celestia and Luna blinked, their eyes growing moist. “No,” Luna said, “Thank you.” She turned and looked to the others. “All of you.”

Megan opened her mouth, but simply turned and walked back. She looked up at the hole. “Okay, let's go back.”

There was a sudden buzz from Minerva's jacket. She reached in and pulled out her phone. “Oh, finally, a signal!” she said. She tapped the screen a few times. “Wait, I have-”


“-fifty messages?” Minerva's head shot up as she realized she was no longer in Equestria. She raised her arms as bright light and cacophonous noise assaulted her senses. “What the hell?”

A half-dozen helicopters hovered in the air above the Richards' house, spotlights trained on the Rainbow Bridge or the yard itself. Two Autobots stood near the patio, a plethora of equipment scattered around them. And a dozen soldiers from the United States Army stood in the largest open area, all wearing blue-tinted power armor. The sounds of heavy vehicles could be heard in the street beyond.

Megan slowly looked around the backyard, jaw wavering. She jabbed a finger erratically at everything. “W-what the... I-I j-just...” She finally threw her arms into the air.

Danny rolled over to Minerva, who was tapping at her cellphone. “So, any of those messages saying anything about this, or was this set up by Pinkie Pie as the mother of all surprise parties?”

Minerva's head shot over and she glared at Danny. “Ha, ha! Trust me, for a Class-Seven incursion this is small fry!” She began scrolling through the messages. “Yeah, first thing we do is set up a wireless connection to Equestria.”

One of the soldiers walked up, the visor on his helmet sliding up to reveal a dark-skinned man in his mid-thirties. “Agent Minerva Yamamoto?” At Minerva's acknowledgment he focused on her. “I'm Master Sergeant Robert Epps of the United States Army. We're here in response to your message.” He waved a gauntleted arm at the two Autobot scientists standing near the patio. “Wheeljack and Perceptor are working on a way to get to Ponyville without a space bridge terminal on that side.” He looked to Megan and the rest of her family. “If that's necessary at this point.”

Minerva scratched the back of her head. “At the moment, it's not, Sergeant. Tirac was defeated and the threat's over.”

Megan spoke up. “Sergeant Epps?” She waited for him to look to her before continuing. “I do appreciate the response, but we've all had a very long day. Is there any chance you could pull back for tonight?”

Epps nodded. “Sure thing, Missus Richards. We can pull back within the hour.” he tapped the side of his helmet and a soft burst of static came through. “All units, stand down. I say again; stand down. Class-Seven incursion has been averted.” He looked to Minerva. “We'll need to debrief you. Be in the front yard in ten minutes” And with that, he spun about and marched back to the others.

Minerva rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Simmons and Banachek are never going to let me live this down.”

Two Weeks after Tirac's Defeat
Danielle paced back and forth in the kitchen. Her hands waved about in the air as she talked to herself. “Okay, okay. It won't be bad. They'll say yes, I know it.” She stopped and looked up at the refrigerator. “Or they'll ground me for life.”

“And why would we do that?”

Danielle jumped and shouted as Megan and Mike walked in. “Ah, don't do that!” she said, clutching her chest.

Megan glanced at her elder daughter down her nose. “Sorry, didn't realize I needed to announce my presence when going into my kitchen.”

Mike chuckled. “Maybe we should ask if any of the ponies would play trumpets when we enter a room.”

Megan covered her mouth and bit her lip. “Don't ask them, they'll take you up on that.” She and Mike walked up to the table and sat down. Megan looked up at Danielle as she sat down. “So, what is it you wanted to talk about?”

Danielle swallowed. She leaned forward, sucked in a breath and said, “I wanna put off attending the University of Kentucky for a year and live in Ponyville.” She held up her hands. “Please, please don't tell me no right off. I have good reasons!”

Megan blinked. She and Mike locked eyes for a moment, then both focused on their older daughter. “Wait, what?” Megan asked, leaning forward.

Danielle motioned to a stack of 'My Little Horsey' books on the table. She picked one up and leafed through it. “Mom, what you, Uncle Danny and Aunt Molly did way back then influenced and changed Equestrian culture. It's a unique blend of ancient pony culture and traditions with human technology reverse-engineered over generations and our own culture from the nineteen-eighties and before. Barring the Junkions, we've never encountered a species like this. I want to study it, live it and write about it.”

Mike waved his hand about as he gathered his thoughts. “Okay, this seems a bit sudden. How long have you been thinking about doing this?”

Danielle blushed and ducked her head. “Since about twenty minutes after meeting Twilight?”

Megan rubbed her forehead. “Danielle Wind Whistler Richards, do you have any idea how dangerous this idea could be? You haven't forgotten what happened a couple of weeks ago, right?”

“And what about the scholarship you've got?” Mike continued.

Danielle smiled slightly. She held up an envelope that was on the table. “I can defer the scholarship for a year, no problem. And yes, Mom. I kinda remember the whole menaced by a star bear thing. It's not like Earth is a bastion of safety.”

Mike opened his mouth, but stopped and shrank slightly. “Okay, some good points there. You've been rehearsing this.”

Danielle shrugged. “Like I said, twenty minutes after meeting Twilight. Oh, and to answer your next question, Twilight says I can live at Golden Oaks with her and Spike. I can also work part-time there, and at Trixie's theater, so money's all set, too.” She sat up, grinning widely. “I can even stop by a few times a week for dinner.”

Megan slowly nodded. “Okay, you really have thought this through.” She drummed her fingers on the table before shaking her head. “Danielle, I just don't know if you've thought this through enough, though. Moving to Ponyville is not something to be taken lightly.”

Danielle shrugged. “Like when I was gonna move to the UK campus? I'll be closer than if I've enrolled there, and learning invaluable life lessons at the same time.”

Mike shook his head. “I'm still pretty unsure about this, Danielle. Is there something else about this you're not telling us? Two weeks or not, it's still pretty sudden.”

Danielle hesitated for a moment. “I guess, Dad. Maybe?” Her gaze drifted between her parents. “Mom, Uncle Danny and Aunt Molly did so much for the ponies back then. And I remember hearing about Dad helping out people during the eighties during Decepticon or Cobra attacks, not to mention stopping some psycho back in high school. And then I look back on the past eighteen years of my own life. What have I done that's so grand? This is something that can matter far past going to college.”

Megan shook her head. “Different circumstances and situations, Danielle. I'm glad you're not in such dangerous situations like that.”

“And this is a lot less dangerous,” Danielle countered. “You'll both know where I am, and I can even cross over for dinner on Sunday.” She clasped her hands together. “Please, let me do this. I swear I'll be as careful as I can there. This is something that I think can really help both humans and ponies.”

Mike blew out a breath. “You're absolutely sure about this, Danielle? You'll take every precaution you can and keep in contact with us?”

Danielle straightened up. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” she said, crossing herself and placing her hand over her left eye.

Megan slowly stood up. “All right, if you're gonna do this, then there's something you need.” She turned and left the kitchen.

Danielle watched her leave, but her gaze went back to Mike as he looked at her. “Dad, you all right?”

Mike shook his head. “I'm just thinking back to the Gala when I saw you all dressed up, now I'm really wondering where the time's gone.” He held up a hand. “You'll understand when you have kids yourself.”

Megan walked back into the kitchen, clutching her Marlin lever-action rifle. She placed it on the table in front of Danielle. “You'll need some protection, when Trixie and Twilight aren't around. Lord knows how much I would've needed one in the early days.” She motioned to the engravings and etchings along the barrel. “Celestia did some quick enchantments to it during Tirac's invasion so it could shoot magic fireballs. She and Luna made them permanent. Now it's time for the next generation to use it.”

Danielle slowly stood up, followed by Mike. “Mom, thank you!” She walked around the table and threw her arms around Megan, hugging her tightly.

Mike joined in the hug, kissing his daughter on the forehead. “I guess my little girl's not so little anymore,” he choked out.

There was a gentle knocking at the back door. At Megan's call to come in, it opened and a United States Marine walked in, followed by a unicorn in uniform. “Sorry to interrupt,” he said, “but there's a message for you.”

The unicorn trotted forward and knelt. “Begging your pardon, but I have an invitation from Princesses Celestia and Luna.” His horn glowed and a lavishly-decorated envelope slid out of a saddlebag and up to Megan. “There is to be a celebration held in your honor in two week's time, as well as a surprise.”

Megan opened the envelope. She, Mike and Danielle skimmed it. “Oh, this looks even bigger than the Gala,” Mike remarked. “I hope Rarity's tux will be fancy enough. I don't think I can go any more formal than that.”

Megan picked up a pen and quickly wrote on the invitation before holding it out for the unicorn to levitate back into his saddlebag. “Please inform the Princesses we'll all be there.”

Danielle arched an eyebrow. “Now I'm curious about this surprise.”

The unicorn chuckled slightly. “Well, if I told you, I don't think it'd be much of a surprise, then.”

Two Weeks Later
Equestria had turned itself into one huge party. Balloons floated from every lamppost and banners hung from every window and in front of every building. Food had been prepared and music, both recorded and live, filled the air. Schools were on holiday, businesses were closed and the citizens all gathered together in song and celebration over Tirac's defeat.

Canterlot, however, outdid them all. The entire city had turned out for this, along with almost the entire population of Ponyville. Most of them were scattered throughout the city, taking in the sights and massive quantities of food. But a number of them were clustered in a square in front of one of the largest walls of Canterlot Palace, a wall that was currently covered with an unbelievably huge tarp.

Megan, Mike, Danielle and Michelle stood near a fountain in the middle of the street. Danny sat near one of the edges of the tarp, Molly standing behind him and scowling as he tried to peek behind it.

Others were scattered around the square. Twilight and Spike stood near her parents, Senator Night Light and head librarian Twilight Velvet. Applejack and her family sat by a long table groaning with food, Fluttershy sitting next to Big Macintosh with a wing draped over his back. Big Macintosh himself was wearing his old dress uniform. Rarity and Blueblood chatted almost amicably, the two even laughing on occasion. Rainbow Dash flew about, Pinkie Pie bouncing along and firing off her party cannon to the consternation of the Royal Guard present.

Among the crowd, Catrina and Rep chatted with Zecora about certain forms of magic. The Whooves family stood clustered together with Scootaloo and her family. Bonbon served candy while Lyra strummed her lyre. Mayor Mare walked about, shaking hooves and trying to kiss babies. The Princess Ponies stood in a group, waving at passersby while the bushwoolies rolled along.

Off to the side, a large stage had been set up. Trixie was on it, entertaining a large crowd that included Queen Rosedust, Morning Glory, and a few dozen other flutter ponies and bumbles. She was fully in her element, performing various tricks and sleight of hoof that brought oohs, aahs, and applause so loud it could've been mistaken for a stampede.

Reporters and camera crews lined the perimeter, recording the events.

General Spanish Steel, Chancellor Fancy Pants and his wife Fleur stood near the castle's main gate, glancing over their shoulders at it. Suddenly, the gates swung open. Members of the Royal Guard marched and flew out, lining up in two columns. A hush fell over the crowd as Celestia, Luna and Cadance trotted out in full regalia. Each alicorn sparkled and shone under the sun as they walked forth. Those in attendance bowed or curtsied as they walked forward, their hooves clip-clopping on the concrete.

Molly and Danny stepped and rolled back as they strode to the center of the tarp. “Who here has heard the Tales of the Mag'ne?” Celestia asked, her voice carrying across the square. “Or of the Dannil or the Molye? Who here knows of how She traveled across the River of Fire from Key'Tuck to bring us Her gifts, Her wisdom?”

Luna continued. “It is true that Firefly crossed the original Rainbow Bridge and brought back help, but it was not some quasi-divine being who came across to help stop Tirac's depredations, but a young girl who wanted to help those who needed it. A young girl who saw other beings suffering, and could not stand by while others suffered. She and her brother and sister helped those who needed it, simply because it was the right thing to do.”

Cadance spoke. “They themselves will tell you their actions weren't too meaningful, that the ponies themselves built Equestria. While that is somewhat true, without the knowledge and tools they brought us, they would not have been able to start at all.”

Celestia extended a wing. “Megan, Molly, Danny, could you come here, please?” She waited for them to approach her. “Long ago, Star Swirl the Bearded and Spellion the Powerful said that it would be best for you to fade into legend, so that ponies could stand on their own four hooves. I am not sure if they were right or wrong, but the time has now passed for the Mag'ne. It is now time for Equestria to look back on Dream Valley and Ponyland and remember all who struggled during those dark days, to help usher in this new age.”

The alicorns’ horns glowed. The tarp wavered a bit before vanishing, revealing a mural nearly fifty-feet tall. It was roughly divided into two sections. On the left, Megan, Molly and Danny stood on a field of green grass looking to the right, drawn as young adults. Twilight Wish, Applejack, little Spike, Bowtie, Baby Moondancer, Magic Star, Fizzy, Shady and other unicorn or earth ponies stood by the three or just behind. Firefly, Medley, Wind Whistler, Heart Throb, Surprise, Paradise and other pegasi flew above them, caught in the middle of cartwheels and loop-de-loops. Flutter ponies clustered behind them. Stonebacks and crabnasties were visible in the background, relatively small but still very detailed. Catrina, Rep, the Princess Ponies and King Scorpan stood near the back, right in front of grand images of Dream Castle, Crystal Castle and Paradise Estate itself.

Princesses Celestia, Luna and Cadance faced them. Celestia's foreleg was extended, gently gripped by Megan. Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fancy Pants, Trixie, Shining Armor, and other unicorns or earth ponies stood by them or right behind on their own field of grass. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Ditzy and other pegasi flew about. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, all six of them, played around a tree in the background. Near the far right side, Mike stood in his armor, holding Megan's rifle. Spanish Steel and Big Macintosh stood by him, nearly in the same positions as Scorpan, Catrina and Rep. Canterlot was suspended in the upper-right corner, with scenes from modern-day Equestria below it.

The crowd gasped at the mural. Megan swallowed. “It's so... I'm not sure what to say. Thank you for this, for remembering all of them.” She, Molly and Danny faced the Princesses and began to bow, but Celestia held out a wing.

“No, my friends,” she said, smiling. “You three bow to no one.” With that, she, Luna and Cadance lowered their heads and dropped down.

Danny sat up. “No, no!” he shouted, getting everyone's attention. “If we don't bow to you, you don't bow to us,” he said, waggling a finger at them. He wheeled around to look at everyone else there. “We're all friends after all, right?”

There was silence for a moment, then someone began stomping their hooves. Within seconds everyone there was stomping, shouting and cheering. The noise echoed across the city, across Equestria and across generations.

Mike opened up the oven door, slid out a tray of haddock and placed it on the counter. He turned to four ponies sitting at the table. “Food's done,” he said, sliding the haddock onto plates. He moved to grab them, but the plates suddenly floated up and over to the Royal Guardsponies sitting at the table. “Okay, I guess horns can be useful for some things,” he said, smirking.

The unicorn who grabbed the plates inhaled the aroma of the fish and sighed. “This brings back memories of fishing with my father,” she said, smiling. She looked up at Mike. “Thank you very much for this, sir.”

Mike started to speak, but his cellphone rang. He looked at the caller ID and grinned as he thumbed open the connection. “Hey, kiddo!” he said, grinning. “How are things?”

Danielle's voice came over. “Fine Dad, thanks. Twilight, Spike, and I are getting ready for Mister Galloway's visit next week. We'll have everything all set for him.”

Mike swallowed. “Now, you're not planning any pranks or setting up false emergencies, are you?”

“Don't worry, Dad. We had Pinkie and Dash promise and swear not to pull any pranks on him while he's here. It'll be a nice, normal week at Ponyville for him.”

Mike's face turned pale. “We'll be getting the director of the NSA back in one piece, right?”

“Physically, yes. Mentally, who can say?” There was a pause. “Say, where's Mom? I couldn't connect with her.”

Mike hesitated. “She went to Aunt June's ranch. She said she had some things to take care of there. I'm not sure what, though.”

The drive to the old ranch took longer than Megan thought it would and passed by quicker than she wanted it to. Before she knew it she was pulling her truck into the driveway and saying hi to Aunt June, her mother's sister. They talked for a bit and reminisced, but Megan's attention soon drifted to the vague reason she was here. She politely asked if she could take a walk, and Aunt June said yes, letting her be.

Megan walked to where the old stables were, so many years ago. Their location hadn't changed, but so much work had been done on them they might as well have been new. She walked around, stopping by TJ's grave and paying her respects. She walked up to the old well, half-expecting to see an old friend there, but not surprised to find no one there. She patted the wooden handle, turned to go, but stopped at a sight in the sky.

A rainbow hung in the air, stretching from one point on the horizon to the other. Despite no clouds in the sky or no rain for three days, it was there, bright and thick. And tiny motes danced and zigzagged around it, changing direction and zooming all about but staying in the same relative area. And they stayed together, like a group.

Megan reached for her cellphone, but stopped. She stared at the rainbow for a few minutes before raising her arm and slowly waving it in the air. The motes all suddenly stopped for a moment, then bunched together. They bounced up and down, gradually slowing and stopping.

Tears streamed down from Megan's eyes even as she smiled. She wiped her eyes, composed herself and turned. She bade Aunt June goodbye before climbing back into her truck, starting the engine and going home.

The End

Author's Note:

1. Thanks to shubzilla for proofreading.

2. In the Hasbroverse and my own headcanon, Wheejack and Windcharger survived the Battle of Autobot City in the 1986 animated movie. This story takes place in late 2011.

3. Full acknowledgements/notes/author's thoughts will be coming later and be posted to a blog that shall be linked here.

4. Full acknowledgements here

Comments ( 73 )

I'm happy to see this end and sad that it's ended. Thank you for the great story.

I like how at the end, she went back to where it all began. She didn't know it at the time but that random encounter changed two worlds.

that was a very beautiful and I don't really think there was any other way to end it

Nice 'Return of the King' moment there near the end :twilightsmile:

This has been a great ride and I loved it! Hopefully there will be more stories yet to come. Great work! :pinkiehappy:

the Bushwoolies rolled along.

I don't know why, but this had me laughing quite heavily.:rainbowlaugh:

Thanks for writing this, it was fun to read!

A well done piece of work. I look forward to your next idea.

Its over. I'm sad to see it go, it was a great story.
But we have all the various sequels to look forward to!

Awesome LOTR reference, this was awesome dude!

Of course Wheeljack survived. No one can keep a good mad engineer down!

The end?! Noooo! i want more!:pinkiesad2:

wtdtd #12 · Dec 16th, 2014 · · 11 ·

So, its over.

It started really well, but i am sad to say that the writing quality of the later chapters dropped to such a degree that i started skimming them instead of reading them, for they could not hold my attention anymore. Still a good try on your part though.

maybe a shorter story next time?

I must have forgotten something- what was that "stopping a psycho" thing that Mike did in high school, and what was he doing during Decepticon and Cobra attacks?

Amazing end to the story.^^ Well done.

That was one heck of an epic journey. Great work on this masterpiece and how it ended. All I can say now is good luck with any future stories.

“No, my friends,” she said, smiling. “You three bow to no one.” With that, she, Luna and Cadance lowered their heads and dropped down.

Nice LOTR reference there.

not to mention stopping some psycho back in high school.

Ooo, tell us more!

Anyway, both sad and happy to see this end, and can't wait for more in this delightful verse. Will we read the slow descent into madness of that poor, poor NSA man?

I liked that a lot. Thank you for writing it.

So as you've got characters from the Bay Transformer films did they happen in your universe as well in some way?

Danielle living in Ponyville... why do I have the feeling Megan is going to learn her daughter faced down Discord????? On the other hand... seeing Discord get blasted is fun.

Awesome story, it's been a fun read. I've enjoyed every bit!!!!

A great end to a great story. Now to work on United We Stand!!!

And so it comes to a close. At least, this adventure does. There's a whole wide universe out there still, full of highly marketable adventure and excitement.

(Also, the mention of the Junkions kind of makes me want to see Wreck-Gar in Equestria.)

A most enjoyable journey. Thank you for it. I look forward to whatever else you have planned for this setting.

5390340 Wheeljack... AJ's nickname when she gets as old as Granny Smith and needs a wheelchair. :trollestia:

5390462 I have a good guess who that "psycho" might be.

A lovely ending. As Danny said (back in Chapter 6), Megan found her way back over the rainbow and, as a consequence, come somewhat to terms with her past.

This time, it seems, the Rainbow is here to stay. Only time could tell what this will mean for the future for human, Nebulan Transformer and pony alike.

A great ending to a great story. I could imagine how to fit a lost Hasbro property (Visionaries) into this universe.

5392633 oh, don't worry: these humans are very level-headed.
Well, compared to our current world.

5395451 no, Zerg Rush as in one of the races in StarCraft, the Zerg, which likes to create a lot of tiny units and attack en masse.

5395482 don't worry, my family still has some of those, and I can remember setting the timer on the VCR to record children shows on the over-air networks. Granted, I'm 26…

So, here we are at the end. The villain finally stopped, and the last rites in progress.:pinkiesmile:

To start, the finishers returned, with Mike even admitting that with their armor, regalia and ragged look, they seem pretty deserving of being bowed to, especially since they finished off tirac once and for all. And Shy finally got her first kiss with Big Mac. Well, it's about time. :moustache:There was also that happy reunion between the human hero family. With Danny, Molly, Danielle and Michelle finally joining back with Megan and Mike.

Also, it seems it definitely wasn't a dream. They did meet the creator and her perfecter, they were together, and there was a promise that one day Danny will get his legs back.

Meanwhile, Trixie and her new assistant spike were working on using tricks to make the foals squeal in awe. And of course, having finally made it just now, Trixie thought it only fare to give the The Mag'ne her due. After which the mag'ne and the me'ki gave their due as well to the unicorn who saved their girls. A real honor for trixie to be personally thanked by a legend.:rainbowkiss:

Trixie also was given a chance to give herself closure with the mane 6 as well. A chance for them all to iron out their differences, give their apologies for all the heckling and bite backs and so forth. And...even giving trixie a chance to find a better, more permanent home around ponyville. With her family performing costume in tow. Looks like the elements are going to have a new ally settling into town for once. Although, business pony pinkie is very funny, because we often forget how much planning has to go into pinkie's partying, in terms of remembering, planning, setting up and so forth. And thanks to her time with the government, she can even talk permits as well.:pinkiehappy:

The politicians meanwhile got some time to debrief each other. Rosedust and her kin finally got to help stop something and feel like they genuinely contributed rather than get tossed around like toys, and Morning Glory even found a new councilor to confide in. Someone else who really knows what it's like to go all rip van winkle on your world. Way to go Luna. Now here's a way you really can be different from your sister.

Meanwhile, it was time for the 6 princesses to go home as well, having had quite enough of the original sparkle's teleporting for a while. And time for a final hello and goodbye by the dragons before they departed. Though it seems Molly might have a trouble with lunar transportation. But at the least, we found out how catrina stuck around for so long, and why Rep is different. A shapeshifting dragon. Well I'll be. Though in terms of visiting the dragon lands? Well, something tells me that will be a story for another time. At the least, it's kinda nice to see celestia as the scared one, afraid of what a wild girl her adopted mommy megan still is.:trollestia:

But like so many things, the party wound down, until it was finally time to go home. The last of the humans needed a moment to get an invitation to better contact earth thanks to the alicorns visiting them for once, and it seems that thanks to the transformers's influence, that humanity is actually genuinely moving closer to a 1 world state. It seems that for all the trouble giant robots caused the organic squishies, they did finally get all the factions to put aside their rivalries in the interest of survival and ease. So the heroes of G1 and G4 gave one last appendage bump, and then it was time to go home.

And for a brief cameo from the rest of the hasbroversse. Seeing that they were ready for any trouble from tirac just in case. Smooth moves Earth Defense Force.

Time passes, and then the eldest daughter decided she wanted to intern in the magical land of ponies for a special kind of life experience. An experience in studying a mixture of archaic human values mixed with a unique culture of magic, while blended with princesses, love and harmony. Truly a fascinating case study. If you can get your book out before anyone else, you'll become as famous an author as your mom. And seeing as you already have a plan going forward, you sound like you're more prepared for your gap year than I am for my year after college. Very impressive ms. DWR. And it seems that it's now her turn to inherit the sun rifle of destiny. So it goes, one generation passes the torch onto the next.

Then, there was the formal grand celebration that came a month after the defeat of "the corruption". The grand party that pinkie would die for. Also, I didn't realize twilight's father was a politician. Who'd think so? And scoots does have a family here too. Yet it's here at the end when the 3 princesses stepped forth that this ending took on a regal dimension, bringing us back to what celestia once told Twilight about myths and truths about the famed Mag'ne and her family. Who came from a faraway land to give gifts and wisdom. Who stood up like Captain Marvel and the marvel family, who in innocence and bravery stood side by side with others to help and serve against the forces of darkness and evil. Who, contrary to her own claims, founded equestria through the alliances, the patience, the education of the future princesses, managed to create a nation that still stands proud and tall today. So, to end the myth of the mag'ne, it's now time for the legend of megan to become plain as day, for G1 to be honored forever. With the 3 siblings, their trusty pony team and the home they fought for on one side, and the world they helped create, the next generation of heroes extending their thanks on the other side. Heroes, children, friends, loyal family, and all the great leaders now standing tall next to the founders forever.

“No, my friends,” she said, smiling. “You three bow to no one.” (Lord of the Rings! One last reference from that series in here. I know you've included that several times already, and it's so nice to see that famous hobbit scene at minas tirith recreated here. Something I'm sure Celestia, Luna and the humans would've recognized in some way. And then reciprocated with humility and love, because, “If we don't bow to you, you don't bow to us.” And so they all applauded this humble team, thanking them for everything they did to make this land their home.

Some time later, things were getting into a new routine. They finally have cell service in equestria (who's Mister Galloway anyways?), Mike's playing nice with the unicorns, and Danielle's settling into her life studying equestria.

But for Megan, it was time for one last flashback to her old life. Seeing her elderly aunt june, visiting the horse who got her out to that ranch that day. Seeing the old well where destiny found her the first time. But, as she was walking out, she had one final vision of her old life. The vision of her friends, using the rainbow of light to wave hello from heaven. Well, so it goes. The hero of time may be too old for that adventure anymore, but she's got a new life now, and that life has reached a chapter she never thought she could.

Yet this would not be her happy ending. :applecry: For out of the mists of the multiverse, another equestria, one which failed to receive the healing power of the human trio, would seek to dominate megan's first home, while shutting out the second one. It would lead to a war where technology would be raised, magic would be tested, bonds would be shaken, and Megan the human would become Megan the Omnicorn. Beyond the embrace of death for a very long time, and now at war with misguided evil. A new war to expand her legend, and create new ones for all her friends. It would be a time to Unite and Stand against...The conversion Bureau. So while this epic has reached its end, the story of the hasbroverse of ponies is To BE CONTINUED....:rainbowdetermined2:

Thank you for this interesting and touching story. You truly are one of fim's great authors. I admit sometimes it felt like things were dragging just a bit, though I think that's more in the story's style of mixing the ordinary with the extraordinary. Regardless, I still immensely enjoyed it, and I look forward to seeing what you do with this next. God Bless, eric-emanwu.

A beautiful and moving piece of work, one of the best to come out of the talent that is on this site, you had readers rivited and brought everything to a close perfectly. Good work. :pinkiehappy:

This story was truly filled to the brim with adventure! :pinkiehappy:

So, what's next?

I love this version of Trixie. About the sequel, I wonder when it will be updated?

The Conversion Bureau: United We Stand....I think

Aw, no G'nash, and Sludge, or Porcina, or Pluma?

This was great fun. Good working-in of some cool G1 moments and expansion of the G1-verse (and you're right, Dream Valley WAS more like a nightmare to live in). I dug seeing Megan matured into a capable leader - and how that clashed with Twilight, an equally capable leader in a different era.

One or two issues with pacing; the threat from the villain came quite late into the piece without any foreshadowing or build-up of tension, while I noticed him monologuing a lot about his intentions. There was also a bit of repetition between narration and dialogue that could be trimmed. This could just be my e-reader conversion messing up some of the formatting, but the flashback scenes didn't seem to be separated out from the text immediately before and after?

I liked seeing the implications of some characters' longevity. I'd even have liked to see that gone into more. The Princess Ponies being still alive whereas the bushwoolies had gone through many generations... oh, and I thought the origins you gave Celestia and Luna were a neat twist. And Morning Glory... poor Morning Glory. And poor TJ, going the way Earth horses do. Great that you gave him a mention.

I liked that last scene. The fragments of the old Rainbow Bridge are still there, I take it?

I found this story to be very touching. You managed to link two separate generations of a popular franchise, and create a tale for the world of Equestria that feels natural. I hope you continue to write in this universe.

I gotta ask though. Are the Transformers seen in this fanverse from G1, from the Michael Bay series, or just a mix of both?

And they lived happily ever after.

“Oh, come on! Who ever heard of getting so worked up over a sign of affection like that?”


He turned to four ponies sitting at the table. “Food's done,” he said, sliding the haddock onto plates.

...... Ponies eat fish now?

Okay. Wow. This was really quite the journey. I'm glad to have taken it, seen Megan and her legends, so many characters from a long-(not really)forgotten era, experienced loads of bonding and interactions...

Here's my overall review of the story.


Good Sweet Baby Celestia on high that was awesome and the epilouge was just as so! Setting things up for the future while wrapping things up for us all.This personally was playing for me the entire time.

Now, while I will not say that this is my favorite fic of all time, this does come close to hitting that top twelve spot (13 or fourteen) It is one of my favorite G4/G1 crossovers. ar surpassing a certian other fic that I will not mention ue to not wanting a fight, this does it slpendly. No evil MEgan, no bashing, wonderfully written characters, But, you know this, you have seen what I have written for the chapter reviews. So, I think I will jsut talk about my favorite part of this fic...


See, I am the guy who cringes at the words "The human character will be played by..." the human characters, to me, will usually take away valuable character development from the heroes or mains. i.e the Transformers movies. and/or will hog the action and leave you wondering "What is the point?" So believe me, you had to work hard to make me like a girl I thought that would take away from the antics of the mane six.

You did.

You gave a wonderfully realizd character, one who I could root for and want to see again. I loved it!

As always, I leave the first chapter of the live rea up, for all who want to see it to enjoy

I don't remember, did the author of this ever state what they thought of G4 Tirek?

Well, I finally finished reading this story. I know it's been finished for a while, but I've been really looking forward to reading it. Overall, I have to say this story is pretty much a time capsule. Not only for those who appreciate G1 MLP, but since it took so many years to write, it preserves a lot of stuff that was common in the Brony fandom early on and stuff. Reading this story got me into G1 MLP, and it was worth it. (Especially with Tirek in "Twilight's Kingdom" and the Smooze will be appearing in Season 5.)

I think I've already said a few times how much a fan I am of Transformers and did like how especially there seemed to be more references to it peppered in this chapter. I understand how you blended the canons of the various Transformers series and films together, but I was still pleasantly surprised to see some of the characters of the Michael Bay films show up or get mentioned. It would have been even more fun if Agent Fowler from Transformers: Prime got a shout out. (You know in Transformers: Prime they don't need a terminal at the target site to open a ground or space bridge. If Prime's Ratchet had been there, they would have gotten a bridge open in Ponyville.)

Anyway, this was a great story, and I appreciate how it was a unique blend of G1 MLP and MLP:FIM. I really hope we'll see a sequel soon, and how that deals with the developments in FIM's canon since this was conceptualized. Kind of bittersweet having to say this for the last time, but as always, keep up the really good work. :pinkiehappy:

5715402 I second this motion

As of today, I can say, I have read every chapter of this fic, eh

And now that I've read the completed story, I reaffirm what I said at the half way mark. This story is not only a cross over between G1 and G4 but also between Slice of Life and Adventure - and I can't help but feel those things just don't go well together in a single story. Huge sections could be cut out without any loss to the story. I do like many of the basic ideas here, and some of the individual scenes are very evocative, but for me the execution left a lot to be desired.

6166438 That was the one :pinkiehappy: Thank you!

beautiful end to an amazing story

Nice story. For me as one who haven't known the first generation it was quite fun and informative to read. However I really dislike your comments at the end of the chapters. They contain spoiler which kind of spoil the fun when reading it. I stopped reading them after half of the book or so with the nagging feeling to miss some nice additional thoughts by the author (which are not spoilers).

6405426 Since I read this story, I actually went and watched G1, so now I know who she is. But thanks!

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