• Published 21st Nov 2011
  • 36,113 Views, 1,329 Comments

The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds - RK_Striker_JK_5

An old legend from Equestria's past returns, but is there a place for her in this new world?

  • ...

Chapter Thirty

Tirac stood in the throne room and observed the Shadowbolts as they half-dragged, half-carried Megan into the room. They dropped her at his hooves before turning, flying out and closing the door behind them, leaving the two alone. “Ah, so she returns now.” He knelt down and looked her over. “Welcome, hero of legend. Time has not been kind to you, it seems.”

Megan clenched a fist and slowly rose to one knee. She looked up at Tirac and wiped a bit of blood from her mouth. “Tirac? B-but you're dead! I saw it!”

Tirac barked a laugh. “Yes, I did die, Megan, by your hand!”

“If you're expecting an apology, you'll be waiting a long time,” Megan replied. She rose to her feet, biting back groans of pain. She looked around, finding no one else there but her and Tirac. She focused on him once more. “Okay, what the hell is this? I'm gonna guess revenge, right? Want me groveling before you, begging for mercy? Not happening, Tirac.” She planted her hands on her hips and stared up at him, but her right eyebrow raised as her head only rose a bit. “Wait, you're not as looming and overwhelming as before. Did you shrink?” She snapped her fingers. “Oh, that's right. I grew up.”

Tirac snorted. “You cost me my life, Megan. It's only fitting you repay that debt to me with your own.”

Megan's eyes narrowed. “Okay, mind clarifying just what you're going on about, Tirac? Because I'm fairly sure if you wanted to, you could've killed me back at the Everfree's edge with your Ursa Minor.” She spread her arms out. “So what's going on? Want me to beg for my life before you kill me?”

The centaur tossed his head back and laughed. “Oh, Megan! No, no. I do not mean to end your life. I mean to take your life!” He raised his hands and the stone blocks beneath Megan's feet warped and began flowing up and around her boots, solidifying around them. He turned and walked over to a throne set near the back of the room. Dark mist flowed from the shadows and began swirling about in front of the throne. “I need a body to regain all of my powers and to leave... my current situation. Once I complete the proper ritual, I shall use your body, Megan.” He looked over his shoulder at her and his eyes flared red. “And I shall leave you with just enough consciousness to witness the destruction of those ponies you love so much before finally casting the rest into oblivion!” He tossed his head back and reared up on his hind legs, cackling. He glanced back at her. “And do not bother using any of your weapons. You cannot kill that which is already dead.”

Megan sucked in several deep breaths and closed her eyes for a moment. She looked around the room, spotting no one but her and Tirac in it. Okay, trapped in here with someone who wants some pretty personal revenge against me. We're alone, but like he said he's already dead so physical attacks won't work. The door's closed behind us, probably guarded. There's windows, but too high and also probably guarded or at least with patrols flying by. She shifted her weight slightly and the stone beneath her suddenly shifted. She flailed her arms out a bit before regaining balance. Megan looked down at her feet...

Megan took a step forward, but Luna's wing shot forth, blocking her progress. “Luna?”

“There are sections of the floor that have weakened,” she said, pointing to several patches where stones had begun to sink, the mortar no longer holding them fully in place.

Megan held her arms straight out and began to slowly bend her knees and bend forward at the waist for compensation. She wavered a bit, but soon found herself on her rear end. She looked up at Tirac and breathed a sigh of relief at him still fully absorbed in his rituals.

She grabbed the hilt of her knife in its sheath and, with a sharp tug, pulled it out. She tapped at the mortar holding the stone block in place, digging out a small trough through it with barely any pressure applied! Megan bit back a cry of triumph as she began chipping at the ancient mortar with her knife.

Tirac paid her no mind. His chants grew louder and the dark cloud sucked the light from the room. He stretched his arms to the ceiling

Luna stood in Canterlot castle's throne room. Fancy Pants, Spanish Steel, Shining Armor, Cadance and Blueblood stood before her as she finished up a rather abbreviated recap of the events near the Everfree. “Therefore a Code: Tirac has been declared,” she finished.

Spanish Steel spoke up. “These Shadowbolts, your majesty. My history's a little rusty about them. What are they exactly?'

Luna focused on the Spanish Steel. “Bodies without minds, General. I, or rather Tirac, took shadow and molded it into flesh and blood. They are not exactly alive, but can be killed.” Her eyes narrowed. “And make no mistake, any of you. There is no compromise, no way to befriend them or turn them against Tirac. They are merely extensions of his will.” She looked to each of them. “Do you understand?”

Shining Armor spoke up. “Understood, your majesty. No quarter asked or given for them.”

Luna nodded to him. She turned and trotted over to a large door set right behind the Solar Throne and inserted her horn into a keyhole in the center. Her horn flashed for a moment and electric-blue light traveled along grooves emanating from the keyhole. The door opened and an ornate box floated out, wrapped in Luna's magic. She turned and faced the quintet. “I apologize for the rush, but time is short. If we don't hurry, Tirac will possess Megan's body, regain his full power and attempt to usher in a new dark age.”

Fancy Pants held up a hoof. “No need to say anything more, your majesty. We'll take care of things here while you storm the castle for the Mag'ne and fulfill the Final Prophecy of the Moochik. May the Herd travel with you.”

Luna smiled and bowed her head to him. “Thank you, Chancellor. I leave the defense of this fair city in all your capable hooves.” She turned, galloped over to a balcony overlooking the Everfree and spread her wings out. She hopped up and flew off, the box trailing behind her.

The five turned to each other, forming a loose circle. “Right then,” Fancy Pants began, “I believe the first order of business is getting everyone into shelters. I'll get that organized and started before heading to the war room. Herd knows there won't be much in the way of actual governing going on at the moment!”

The group began walking to a door at the far end of the throne room. “I'll give you a hoof with that,” Cadance said. She let out a breath. “Not sure what else I could do, to be honest,” she admitted.

Fancy Pants bowed his head to her. “Any assistance would be most welcome, my dear.”

Shining Armor looked to Spanish Steel. “General, request permission to – ”

“Denied,” Spanish Steel said. He turned his head and looked to Shining Armor out of the corner of his eyes. “No, you cannot go to Ponyville. I need you here for the defense of Canterlot itself. The Royal guard needs its captain, Armor.”

Shining Armor's cheeks turned red. He cantered around to face Spanish Steel. “General, please! My sister's there and – ”

Spanish Steel's right wing, armored and honed to a razor's edge, shot out, swiping at Shining Armor's left flank. Shining Armor's horn flared and a shield sprang up, deflecting away the blow. “That is why I need you here,” Spanish Steel said. “Your shield spell could be the difference if or when Tirac's forces attack.” His expression softened slightly. “I am sorry, but I need my right hoof here.”

Cadance's brow furrowed for a moment. She stepped around to Shining Armor's side. “General, forgive me, but I have an idea. You see, I'm capable of performing the shield spell, same as Captain Armor here. Mine's not as refined, but I do have a greater power reserve than him.” She quickly looked to him. “No offense meant, Shiny!”

Shining Armor cracked a smile. “None taken, Cadance.” He looked to Spanish Steel. “General, the first target won't be Canterlot, but Ponyville. The rest of the Equestrian Armed Forces will be busy elsewhere, but the Royal Guard can secure that town and blunt Tirac's attack there.” He placed a hoof on his chest, right below the Royal Guard's insignia. “General, please! I've spent the past few years rebuilding the Royal Guard into the force it once was. Don't let it go to waste by having them sitting behind my shield and twiddling their pads.”

Spanish Steel hesitated. “I still need someone to coordinate Canterlot's defense, though.” At their looks he nickered slightly. “I'll be leading the attack from my personal airship the Magnus right after I give the order for full mobilization to the armed forces. Captain Armor can maintain his shield and direct the Royal Guard at the same time.” He stared at Cadance through the slits in his helmet. “Can you, Princess?”

Cadance opened her mouth, but closed it. Her eyes shifted back and forth. “I... don't know,” she confessed. She ducked her head low, mane flattening a bit.

Blueblood, standing apart from the others, spoke up. “If I may offer a suggestion, and some help with this?” He walked forward, stopped in front of Shining Armor, snapped to attention and saluted. “First Lieutenant Blueblood, formerly of the Royal Guard, at your command, sir.”

Shining Armor's right foreleg shot up on instinct. He blinked and his foreleg dropped. “Wait, what?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.

Spanish Steel spoke up. “Prince Blueblood was in the Royal Guard before you, Captain.”

Shining Armor's horn sparked. His eyes narrowed and he pawed at the floor. “So what in Tartaurus makes you think I'd put the Royal Guard in the hooves of someone from before I worked my flank off rebuilding it into something good?” he asked, staring at Blueblood.

Blueblood met his stare with one of surprising intensity. “Because Auntie wanted me to do that, Shiny.” His horn glowed and his body was enveloped in a blue sphere. It quickly faded, revealing armor covering him from muzzle to tail. “I'll admit some of my colleagues preferred a more... relaxed attitude.”

“You mean revolting,” Shining Armor countered.

“Well, perhaps. But I assure you my own tour of duty was exemplary. Just ask General Steel, here,” Blueblood said, looking to the pegasus.

The other three looked to Spanish Steel and he nodded. “I'll admit, Blueblood did a darned good job while in the Royal Guard. In fact, Princess Celestia wanted him to do what you've done with it.” He glanced to Blueblood. “Still not sure why you resigned.”

Blueblood shrugged. “At the time it seemed to be made the captain of a sinking ship. I am glad that Captain Armor's done such a good job with it.” He looked to Shining Armor and his expression intensified. “Captain, I project the air of a foppish layabout, and some of it may be true, but I truly love Canterlot and Equestria. And Tirac's forces will conquer this city over my dead body. Do you understand me?”

Shining Armor met Blueblood's stare with one of his own. “Understood, Blueblood.”

Spanish Steel spoke up. “All right then, Captains.”

Both Blueblood and Shining Armor looked to him. “'Captains'?” they both asked.

Spanish Steel rolled his eyes. “Consider it a field-promotion.” His wings extended and he drew both unicorns close to his head with them. “Now, before I fly off to the Magnus, let me make one thing clear to the both of you. If either of you try any power plays or stepping on each other's pads, I will find out about it, and then I will be displeased.” his wings snapped back, letting the two step back. “Do you two understand me?”

Blueblood and Shining Armor snapped to attention and saluted. “Yes, sir!” both shouted.

Spanish Steel turned to Cadance and Fancy Pants. “Chancellor, Princess, may the Herd travel with you in these dark hours. If you'll excuse me, my soldiers need me.” And with that, he flew into the air, sped to the balcony and out of the throne room.

Fancy Pants tossed him a salute as he left. “And may They walk with you, General.” He looked to his fellow unicorns. “Gentlestallions, I believe it'd be prudent for me to escort her highness to the highest level of the palace for her shield spell. ” He smiled as she stared at him. “I believe it'd be best to avoid flying there, for safety's sake. And I know a shortcut or two that can shave some time off the trip there.”

Cadance bowed her head to him. “Thank you, Chancellor.” She cantered over to Shining Armor and nuzzled him. “Be careful,” she whispered into his ear. “I love you.”

Shining Armor returned the nuzzle. “I love you, too. And I will.” They broke off, staring into each other's eyes for a moment before sharply turning away, red coloring their cheeks as slight snickering could be heard.

Fancy Pants and Cadance exited the throne room, Blueblood and Shining Armor behind them. They stepped into a crowded corridor, ponies and other species running back and forth. A small group waiting just outside the door surged forward, asking questions that quickly turned into incoherent background noise.

Fancy Pants' horn lit up and his monocle flew about, following his gaze as he focused on several members of the Senate and Cabinet. “Quiet, I say quiet!” He waited for the babbling to die down before continuing. “Busy Body, begin organizing the evacuation if it hasn't already started. Lifestyles, get the rest of the Senate into shelters. As for the rest of you who aren't soldiers, if you don't have anything to do that helps with the security of Canterlot I suggest you get to safety now. Does everyone understand?” At their nods and affirmations he smiled. “Good show, then.” He looked up at Cadance. “Your majesty, if you'll follow me?”

The pair turned and galloped off, most of the others leaving as well. A few ponies and donkeys in the armor of the Royal Guard stood in front of Shining Armor and Blueblood, awaiting orders from the former and staring quizzically at the latter.

Shining Armor focused on a tan-coated pegasus. “Lieutenant Sentry, please escort Captain Blueblood – yes, Captain Blueblood – to the war room. And send word for every squad captain to gather in the war room for instructions.”

Lieutenant Flash Sentry snapped to attention and saluted with a wing. “Sir, yes sir!” he barked out before taking to the air and flying over to Blueblood's side. “If you'll follow me... Captain.”

Blueblood looked to Shining Armor. “Coming, fellow captain?”

Shining Armor shook his head. “I have to check the perimeter, Blueblood. But I'll be along as soon as I can.” He turned and galloped off, looking behind him and shouting, “Don't give away Canterlot until I come back!” before turning a corner and disappearing.

Blueblood slapped a hoof against his face. “He will never let me forget that, will he.” He turned to Flash Sentry. “Lieutenant, it might be best for you to take point. It's been a while since I've been down to the war room. A bit too long,” he admitted, cheeks coloring red.

Flash Sentry nodded to him. “Understandable. If you'll follow me, Captain?” He spread his wings out a bit, using them as an impromptu shield to batter away any obstacles in their path.

Blueblood followed him. His gaze drifted up to several stained-glass windows along the hallway, several of them of Celestia, Luna or both. He suppressed a shudder before speeding his gait up, following Flash Sentry and squashing any bad feelings emerging.

Celestia looked up at the sun and stretched her wings out. She basked in the golden glow, feeling her strength returning to her under its golden rays. The occasional Shadowbolt walked out from the Everfree, but a bolt of her magic either sent it scurrying back into the undergrowth or outright vaporized it.

Two hemispheres of light suddenly formed, popping out of existence and leaving behind the Princess Ponies and a ball of bushwoolies. The ponies all had their wands strapped to their barrels and wore battered old armor, while the bolies wore helmets, gauntlets and carried oversized swords and shields. Royal Blue and Serena stumbled away from the others, eyes crossed. “W-warn us next time you're going to do that!” Serena said. She suddenly turned and ran behind a bush before emptying the contents of her stomach.

Sparkle nickered and closed her eyes. “I told you it's been too long since I've winked!” She looked up at Celestia. “Oh, my!” Her wand floated off her armor and at the alicorn, glowing slightly. “Overtaxed yourself?” she asked.

Celestia's wings rippled as she felt magic flowing into her. “Good to see you,” she said. “We missed you at the Gala.”

Primrose trotted up to Sparkle's flank and knocked into her. “Very sorry about that, but someone got us lost and refused to ask for directions.” She tossed her head back. “I mean it's not like we rarely get to Canterlot, and then it's by air-chariot during the daytime!”

Sparkle stumbled a bit, the wand waving back and forth. An errant wave of magic washed over a patch of grass, sending it shooting nearly a foot into the air. Sparkle turned and glared at Primrose. “Do you mind?”

The bushwoolies flowed along, somehow keeping together and rolling along the ground. Swords were thrust out at irregular intervals to steer the writhing mass along. “Gotta help Megan!” “Yeah, yeah! Gotta help her!” “Gotta stop Tirac, too!” “Yeah, stop Tirac too!”

A minute passed and Luna came into view. She corkscrewed around as several pegasi dove at her, their wings slashing through the air. Her body dissolved into mist and two of them slammed into each other, falling to the forest and crashing into the canopy. Luna's body reformed and she spun around, razor-sharp feathers flying from her wings. They sliced through several more Shadowbolts, ending their existence.

She landed, the box flying forward and over to Celestia. “Here are the Elements,” Luna said. She looked to the Princess Ponies and bushwoolies and smiled. “Thank you for coming so quickly.”

Tiffany and Primrose walked over and gave her a quick nuzzle. “The least we could do for missing the Gala,” Primrose said before giving Sparkle a playful look and wink.

Luna looked up at the hole leading to Earth. “I assume Mike and the others haven't returned?”

Celestia trotted over to her sister's side and shook her head. “Not yet, but they should be along soon.” She glanced away from Luna and swallowed. “I... hope they'll be along soon.”

Luna extended a wing and brought Celestia in for a hug. “They will be, Celly. It's not like last time. They'll be back.”

Minerva stood in the Richards' backyard, cellphone in hand. She paced back and forth, waving wildly with her free hand and stopping every once in a while to massage her forehead. “Yes, sir. It's safe to assume that if Tirac succeeds, we're looking at a Class-Seven incursion. With the power he's stolen and the power he already had, we're looking at someone capable of affecting planetary bodies, at least.” She paused for a moment before continuing. “But I – yes, sir. Yes, I know. I'll tell them. Thank you, sir.” She disconnected and slid her phone into her pocket.

A few minutes passed and Mike, Molly and Danny exited the house, each one with various firearms, ammunition and a knapsack. Minerva looked them over. “Armed for bear, I see.” She suddenly slapped her forehead. “Sorry, sorry! Stupid choice of words on my part!”

Mike waved her off with a gauntleted hand. “No worries, Minerva.” He clutched Megan's rifle in his other hand and held it up

Molly stepped up to Minerva's side. “So, any word from the government about when they're sending something here?”

Minerva glanced up at the Rainbow Bridge. “It's gonna be a few hours before anything can arrive. But personally I don't have a damned clue what's gonna be able to fit through that small hole in the sky beyond maybe a soldier, one at a time and without any substantial equipment.” She shook her head. “Vehicles, heavy weapons... it's just too tiny!” She looked to the three and her expression softened. “I'm sorry. I wish there was something more I could do.”

Molly reached over and patted Minerva on the shoulder. “Hey, no worries. You got the word out at least.” She looked up at the hole in space, then reached into her pocket and withdrew the silver teleportation disc Celestia had given her. “Okay, one last check before we go, everyone. We all went to the bathroom, right?”

Danny snapped his fingers. “Oh, darn! I knew there was something I forgot!”

Molly stared down at him. “Tell me you're joking.”

Danny stared back at her, tilting his head to the side. “I'm joking.” He looked up to Mike. “I swear she was adopted, sometimes.”

Minerva looked them over. “You three are sure you'll be all right over there? This sounds like it's gonna be a war zone over there.”

Mike shook his head, the motion somewhat hindered by the helmet he wore. “There's nothing that's gonna stop me from saving Megan.” He held up her rifle. “I'll charge through those Shadowbolts and Ursa Majors and whatever the hell Tirac's got up his sleeves!”

Danny patted him on his armored forearm while looking at Minerva. “I don't think there's any chance of stopping Mike here, Minerva. As for Molly and I, we've got a lot of experience with this sort of thing. Everything Megan wrote in her books happened. There might have been some mild... exaggeration here and there, but overall what she wrote, we lived through.”

Minerva let out a breath. “Thank you.” She slid a pair of sunglasses out of her jacket pocket and slid them over her eyes. She slid a small button on the right temple arm and the interior of the lenses lit up with a soft-blue glow. She turned from the others, slid her laser pistol out of its holster and held it up. A targeting reticule appeared on the right lens. “Syncing complete,” a soft voice chimed out. Minerva turned back and pulled out her own disc. “See you on the other side,” she said, squeezing it and vanishing in a silver flash.

Molly, Mike and Danny soon followed, disappearing from Earth and quickly reappearing back in Equestria. They looked around, quickly spotting Celestia, Luna, the Princess Ponies and the bushwoolie blob. They ran over to them, their gaze drawn to the Shadowbolts hovering over the Everfree and moving from the edge of the foreboding forest.

Celestia and Luna's heads whipped around as the quartet approached. “You're back!” Celestia cried out, smiling as tears glimmered in her eyes. She leaned down and nuzzled Mike slightly. “I'm so... glad you're back!”

Mike gently patted the side of Celestia's head. “No way anyone's keeping me from this.” He looked up at the darkening sky. “That's a lot of bad guys up there.”

Luna snorted, steam billowing from her nostrils and scorching the air. “Shadowbolts, Mike. They are not quite alive, but they can die.” Her mane rippled and the chest in her telekinesis floated over. “Hopefully with these they can be stopped once and for all.”

Minerva stepped up to Celestia and Luna and bowed. “Princesses, I've sent word to my government. They're sending soldiers and vehicles, but it's going to be a few hours before any substantial forces arrive, and I'm not sure what can fit through the Rainbow Bridge without teleportation anyway.”

Celestia broke from Mike's side and trotted up to Minerva. “Thank you,” she said. “And thank you for coming back to help.”

Minerva adjusted her sunglasses. “Not a problem, your highness.”

Molly and Danny, meanwhile, wandered over to the Princess Ponies. “Missed you at the Gala,” Danny said, winking at Sparkle.

Sparkle's pale-blue coat blushed and she hunkered down slightly, kicking at the dirt. “I...” She groaned. “Okay, I got us lost! I'm sorry!”

Primrose and Royal Blue sidled up to her, leaning in close. “We're just teasing you,” Primrose said. “But I suppose we went a bit too far. Sorry.”

Sparkle waved her off with a hoof. “No need, Primrose. No need.” She looked up at Molly and Danny. “Will you be helping out with rescuing Megan?”

Danny and Molly exchanged a look. “I think even with the spell Luna put on my wheelchair, I'd slow everyone down,” Danny said, patting the glowing rims of his wheels with one hand while the other tapped the barrel of a Remington Model 870 pump-action shotgun. “I think if any Shadowbolts make it into Ponyville, they're going to be in for a rude surprise from Bessie, here.”

Molly motioned to a pair of pistols holstered at her hips and her knapsack. “I'll be in Ponyville, too. Although if I see anyone injured I'll do my best to help them.”

Minerva walked over. “I'll watch your backs.” She looked at the Princess Ponies and their old-style armor. “Princess Ponies, right? Guardians of the Heart of Ponyland?”

Danny chuckled. “You did your research. I'll make sure Megan autographs your copies.”

Primrose hefted her wand in her teeth. “We shall hold the line here!” she proclaimed, stomping the ground with her armored hooves and leaving small imprints in it. “No Shadowbolt shall pass by us as long as we draw breath in our bodies!”

Sparkle and Royal Blue looked to her. “Well, we'll do our best,” Royal Blue said. “We won't stop all of them, but we'll take out as many as we can.”

The bushwoolies, meanwhile, rolled to the Everfree, tumbling about with swords and shields at the ready. A pair of earth pony Shadowbolts rushed it, but it rolled right over them, barely stopping. It continued on, leaving the Shadowbolts behind bleeding profusely and bruised.

Celestia walked back to Mike. “Mike, may I see Megan's rifle, please?” She gently gripped it in her telekinesis and floated it in front of her. The tip of her horn glowed and a thin beam of magic shot out, carving intricate designs into the barrel and stock. She floated it back to Mike, who grabbed it from her. “That should do for now.”

Mike held it up and looked down the sight. “Do what for now?” He aimed at a small group of Shadowbolt pegasi hovering above the canopy and squeezed the trigger. A large bolt of energy shot from the barrel, flying up at the pegasi and exploding into a fireball that engulfed them before any could react. It faded, leaving behind little more than ash floating on the wind.

Mike slowly lowered the rifle and whistled. “Thanks.” He turned around and looked to the Everfree, inching towards it. “So, any idea when Twilight's getting back with her friends?” he asked, clenching the rifle in his gauntleted hands.

Twilight and Spike appeared in the center of Main Street. The townsfolk all around them were in various states of panic, most staring at the clouds of Shadowbolts hanging over the Everfree and the Ursa Majors standing guard, but a few had begun running around. The Flower Trio had fainted in front of their flowershop, forelegs still held to their forehead.

Twilight glanced to her left as Zecora galloped up, cloak fluttering behind her and stick balanced across her left shoulder. “Oh, thank goodness!” she exclaimed as the zebra slowed down. “Zecora – oh! I'm so sorry I didn't go to check on you or... anything,” Twilight said, her ears flattening against her skull.

Zecora reached out and patted Twilight on the shoulder. “Do not worry, dear Twilight. You have much on your plate concerning Tirac's might. I fear there will be much pain and sorrow before the end of this night.”

Spike stepped over to her. “Hey, did Steven Magnet make it out, too?”

“His exit was rushed, but he slithered out quick. He did indeed give the Shadowbolts the slip.”

Fluttershy peeked out from behind a barrel at the river serpent lounging in the river beside her cottage. “A-are you all right, Mister Magnet?”

Steven looked to her and at the rest of the animals gathered around her. “Quite fine, dearie. Terribly sorry for startling you like that!”

Twilight, Spike and Zecora looked around at the chaos. Mayor Mare stumbled by, a silver flask clutched in the fold of her right foreleg. “Keep calm, everyone!” she half-shouted, stumbling around. “Just... oh, buck it!” She took a swig from the flask and stumbled off, hiccuping.

Twilight narrowed her eyes. She floated a barrel over, leaped onto it and shouted, “LISTEN UP, EVERYONE!” She waited for some of them to gather around before continuing. “I know things look pretty bad at the moment, but right now panicking is the last thing any of us can afford to do right now.” She looked around. “Has anyone seen Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, or Pinkie Pie?”

A cloud suddenly dropped out of the sky and shook apart, revealing Dash. Applejack galloped down the street from the merchant's section while Rarity and Pinkie Pie trotted and bounced down from the opposite direction. “Okay, Twilight, mind filling us in on the Shadowbolts over the Everfree?” Dash asked, arching an eyebrow.

Twilight sucked in a breath. “Tirac the Abomination's come back from the dead, kidnapped Megan to possess her and has summoned an army to try and conquer Equestria. Princess Luna's gone off to get the Elements of Harmony for us and Princess Celestia is summoning help as I speak,” she said, the words rushing out.

The crowd stared at her for a few moments. Applejack suddenly reared back and kicked at the air. “All right, listen up, folks! I already spotted some panickin' ponies 'round here, but we ain't got time for that! We need everyone to keep calm, you hear?”

Murmurs swept the others, but no one ran off or screamed. Cheerilee spoke up. “Twilight, do you have a plan?”

Twilight focused on the teacher. “I...” She screwed her eyes shut. “Does anyone know where Fluttershy is?”

Dash's foreleg shot up. “She's back at her cottage! Want me to go get her?” At Twilight's nod she turned and zoomed off, a rainbow-colored contrail behind her. Manes and trees fluttered in her wake as she sped off, quickly disappearing.

Twilight bit her lip. “Okay. I need everyone to get inside and stay inside. It's gonna get dangerous out here and we don't need anyone hurt or killed.” She looked to Cheerilee, then to Ditzy hovering in the air and finally to Spike. “Can you three please gather all the foals to the schoolhouse?”

Cheerilee and Ditzy looked to each other, then to Twilight. “You can count on us,” Cheerilee said, her expression grim. She turned and galloped off. “Come on, Ditzy!” she shouted over her shoulder. “My students need me!”

Spike stood up straight and saluted. “You can count on me, Twilight!”

Twilight smiled and wrapped her forelegs around him. “I know, Spike. Thank you.” She broke the embrace as he ran off after Cheerilee. “Okay, that's good progress.”

Applejack's eyes shifted back and forth. “Twilight, the Crusaders are back at their treehouse. And I know the shortest way there.”

Twilight hopped off the barrel and patted her friend on the shoulder. “Thanks, Applejack. Mike was worried about Danielle and Michelle anyway. How fast can you get there and back?”

Applejack adjusted her hat. “Faster than a parasprite can eat a bushel o' apples!”

Twilight's horn glowed and a headset suddenly appeared in front of Applejack. It floated up onto her head, over her hat. Another one appeared on her head. “Thanks. Radio in when you're done, okay?”

Applejack reared back, kicked the air and whinnied before running and galloping off, leaving a trail of dust behind.

Rarity spoke up. “Twilight, dear, what should Pinkie and I do?”

Twilight focused on them. “Get to the Rainbow Bridge as fast and as safely as you can and please tell the Princesses we'll all be along as quickly as we can.”

Pinkie Pie rose to her hind legs and saluted. “Gotcha, Twilight!” She looked to Rarity. “Wanna race? Okay one-two-three go!” she said before turning and galloping off.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “So unbecoming.” She suddenly took off. “And you cheated!”

Twilight let out a breath and looked at the rest of the ponies standing there. “Okay, get to cover!” she shouted, telekinetically pushing them off. She looked to Zecora as the ponies ran off to various buildings. “Ah, Zecora, it might be best for you to get inside, too. I mean no offense, but if the Shadowbolts attack Ponyville they'll kill anyone and everyone they see.”

Zecora bowed her head. “There is no need to fret. Without my potions or equipment, there's little I can do as of yet.” She turned, but stopped and looked to Twilight. “But please, my friend, be careful too. Tirac will not hesitate to end you.”

Twilight shrugged as Zecora left. “Wouldn't be the first time for my friends and I, and probably won't be the last.” She tilted her head to the side. “And now I wonder if it's good or bad I'm getting used to life-threatening situations.”

Mayor Mare stumbled by once more, her flask gone and her speech somewhat more slurred.

“Okay, that answers that question. Good to know!”

Author's Note:

1. Thanks to shubzilla for the proofreading. :)

2. Let me clarify. No, there will be no Autobot/Earth Defense Command intervention. To be honest, this isn't their story.

3. Sorry about the wait.