• Published 21st Nov 2011
  • 36,067 Views, 1,329 Comments

The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds - RK_Striker_JK_5

An old legend from Equestria's past returns, but is there a place for her in this new world?

  • ...

Chapter Thirty-Six

Megan ran up the tower's steps, huffing and puffing all the while. She suddenly stopped and knelt down. “I am... really too... old for this,” she gasped out between breaths. She swallowed and wiped her sweat-slicked forehead.

Rarity, a few steps above, turned to her. She floated a handkerchief down and wiped Megan's forehead. “Darling, you look absolutely disheveled. Wouldn't it be better for you to stay behind while we deal with that awful Tirac?” She rubbed her chin. “Come to think of it, he wants to possess you, right?” Her eyes widened and she reared back, gasping. “Wouldn't it be better for you to get as far away from here as possible?”

Megan pulled out a bottle of water and sipped from it before passing it around to everyone else. “No can do, Rarity,” she said after swallowing. “I've go nowhere else to go and nothing else to really do. And I'll be damned if I hide from Tirac.” She leaned against the wall and looked up. “This is something I have to be there for and help out, Rarity. It's never been in my nature to sit on the sidelines unless there's no other choice. Besides, we're stronger together, right?”

Twilight nodded. “You're right, Megan.” She looked around at the others. “We are stronger together. We've got each other, but Tirac's got no one else!”

Rarity glanced down at the steps and gently kicked at them. “Quite right, Twilight. My apologies, Megan. I spoke a bit out of turn, there.”

Megan waved her off. “No problem, Rarity. You were just looking out for me.” She slowly stood back up, groaning. “Just give me a minute to catch my breath, and get my heart rate down below two hundred, okay?”

Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash exchanged a brief look before flying over to Megan's sides. They slid their forelegs under Megan's arms and floated up, taking her into the air with them. “We'll get you to the top of this tower in the most awesome way possible!” Rainbow Dash said, grinning.

Fluttershy blushed. “I-if it's all right with you, that is.”

Megan grinned. “My feet and knees thank you both.”

The group continued on, quickly reaching the top floor. They stood outside the room Tirac was trapped in, the door closed. Twilight sucked in a breath. “All right, girls. Now let's formulate-”

Rainbow Dash flew up to the door and kicked at it with all her might, breaking it off the hinges and sending it crashing to the floor. She flew inside and punched the air. “Okay, Tirac! Time for you to go down!”

Bits of Twilight's mane flew up and the right side of her face spasmed. “Or we could just bust the door down with no plan and let the evil warlock know we're here!” She slapped her face with a hoof and slowly dragged it down her cheek. “Oh, sweet Herd,” she said before running in.

Megan held her rifle up. “Come on!” she shouted, charging inside.

Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy followed. Applejack's eyes widened as she spotted Tirac. “Sweet apple cider!” She jabbed a hoof at the centaur. “What's he got goin' on over there?”

Inside, Tirac stood at the far end of the room by the throne. An amorphous blob of black energy floated above it, energy crackling along it and shooting out to the stone below. “Ah, thank you for bringing Megan back to me,” he said. “It saves me the trouble of going out and finding her myself after I kill you.”

Applejack pawed the ground and snorted. “Some strong words for a fella who's already been beaten once. Time to send you to Tartarus once and for all!”

Tirac rolled his eyes and held up a hand. A wave of telekinesis shot from it and slammed into the group. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were launched into the air, smacking up into the ceiling and dropping back down to the floor. Pinkie Pie and Applejack were tossed into the wall, cracking the stone and leaving them dazed. Megan was tossed aside, falling to the floor. Twilight and Rarity's horns glowed as they hastily tried to counter Tirac's magic, but Rarity was still knocked onto her back and Twilight was knocked onto her haunches.

Tirac walked over. “Did you really think it would be this easy, my little ponies? Did you think I'd stand still and wait for you to blast me with the Rainbow of Light? Oh, my apologies! I meant the 'Elements of Harmony',” he said, sketching a mocking bow.

Rainbow Dash suddenly hopped to her hooves and snarled. Her wings buzzed and she took off, right at Tirac's head. She skidded to a halt right before his nose, turned and began kicking him in the face. Each blow literally rearranged Tirac's face, turning it into a pasty smear that reformed, only to be distorted again.

After nearly a minute, both of Tirac's hands clenched. Rainbow Dash's body suddenly went rigid, her joints locking up. Tirac's eyes danced with an inner fire as he spun her around in midair. “I know your bloodline, impetuous fool. Your ancestor helped bring about my first defeat.” He brought his arms up and Rainbow Dash's wings stretched out. He sneered as she grimaced in pain. “What, so stoic? You won't be when I rip your wings out of their sockets and-”

Fluttershy suddenly appeared in Tirac's face, eyes ablaze. She Stared at him, teeth grinding together. Tirac's grip on Rainbow Dash weakened as his concentration faltered. She dropped to the floor. “Leave! Her! Alone!” Fluttershy shouted, wings flaring. She struck Tirac in the face with her front hooves, swinging them wildly. “You horrible, horrible person, you! Why can't you just leave us alone in peace? Why can't you just not fight anyone, huh? Why all this killing and fighting?”

Tirac brought his arms up and blocked Fluttershy's blows. He swept her forelegs away, then backhanded her in the muzzle. Fluttershy's entire body whipped around and she flew back, blood spurting from her nose and mouth as she fell to the floor beside Rainbow Dash. He let out an inarticulate roar and stomped on the floor, shaking the entire tower.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie galloped up to Tirac's sides, a length of rope in their mouths. They ran around him, the rope enmeshing itself in his legs. After circling him they spat the ropes out of their mouths, scooped up Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash and ran off. “Twilight, Rarity, light him up!” Applejack shouted.

Twilight and Rarity, both standing, lit their horns up and fired a stream of magic at the loose ends of the rope. The charge raced along it and into Tirac. He cried out in pain and anger as his body lit up and he dropped down, clawing at the air.

Pinkie Pie hopped up and down. “It's working, it's working!” She suddenly stopped and her body began shaking. “Oh, no! This is a-”

Tirac roared and slammed a fist into the floor. Tendrils of black magic seeped from his body, wound along its length and backtracked right to Rarity's and Twilight's horns. The foul energy wrapped around their horns and heads and they cried out in pain. Tirac slowly rose back to four hooves. “I will not be denied my prize! You pathetic whelps will not stop me from-”

A bolt of magic struck his arm and it exploded. The tendrils faded from around Twilight and Rarity and they both dropped to their knees, groaning. Tirac held up the stump of his limb as it slowly regenerated. He looked to his right, eyes wide. “You?”

Megan lowered her rifle and shifted out of her firing stance. She worked the lever and the rifle hummed softly. “You want me, Tirac? Come and get me!” she said, raising her rifle once more.

Tirac's body shook with rage. He waved his now-regenerated arm in her direction as he turned to fully face her. Megan held the rifle back up, but he waved his hand and the shot went into the ceiling.“Do you think that can permanently stop me? I am dead already, but soon, I will not be!” He began walking towards her and held out his hands. Megan suddenly lurched forward and slid along the floor, right up to Tirac.“What do you think you accomplished by doing that, exactly? You only made me angrier than before, foolish girl!” He raised his hand and Megan slowly rose into the air.

Megan kept her eyes on Tirac even as her feet dangled in the air. “I wasn't trying to kill you, Tirac.”

Tirac's eyes shifted. He suddenly let go of Megan and turned to the door. There, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were gathered. The immediate area around their bodies flashed white and their Elements glowed. Twilight's eyes turned white and the Rainbow of Light shot forth into the sky, barreling down towards Tirac.

Tirac held up his hands and cupped them together. “You will not defeat me so easily!” A grayish light formed around them and the Rainbow of Darkness, a band of muted hues, emerged. It hit the Rainbow of Light. The two forces pushed against each other, screeching and grinding. The point of impact was blindingly bright from one angle, but total blackness from another.

Rainbow Dash's teeth rattled in their roots. “It's not enough!” she shouted. “Can we give the Rainbow any more power?”

Twilight shook her head. “I don't think so! But we can't give up against Tirac. If we do, he'll conquer the whole world!”

Tirac leaned forward. “I do not intend to conquer this planet, Twilight Sparkle. I intend to raze it to the ground!”

Megan stared at the battle. “You can't give up!” she shouted. She rose to her feet. “Come on, you can do it! He's got no one else, but you've all got each other and all of Equestria!”

Twilight gritted her teeth. “We won't give up, Megan! Tirac won't stop us!”

Tirac chuckled. “Small words from a smaller being. I will crush you all, then I shall leave here and crush this world!”

Megan threw her hands into the air. She looked around and spotted her rifle a few feet away. She ran to it and scooped it off the floor. For a moment she looked it over. The rifle still hummed slightly and the metal faintly glowed. “I can't kill him... But I don't have to!” She turned and strode back over, working the rifle's lever several more times. With each pull on it the humming increased in pitch. Finally she stopped a few feet from Tirac, aimed and fired.

A large blast of orange and white energy shot forth, knocking Megan onto her back. Her head struck the floor and bounced once before stopping. The bolt struck Tirac's arms and hands, vaporizing them. Tirac cried out and fell back onto his haunches. The Rainbow of Darkness wavered for a moment, then shattered. The Rainbow of Light enveloped Tirac, consuming his entire form. He cried out in anguish that faded into nothingness, followed quickly by his final vestiges of existence.

Rainbow Dash blinked as she remained in midair. “Twilight, it's not stopping!”

Twilight's horn sparked and sizzled. “I have no idea what's going on!” She strained to look to her left, where Megan lay, sprawled out and not moving. “Megan? Megan!”

The Rainbow spiraled around where Tirac once stood, forming a dome. It quickly grew, expanding and covering Megan. It continued on, out of the room, into the Everfree and beyond.

The Ursa Major roared and fired a beam from its forehead at Luna and Celestia as they flew around. The two alicorns dodged and weaved around the beam as they soared towards its head. Their horns fired off twin beams at the Ursa's head, Celestia's golden and Luna's black as midnight. They struck the Ursa's muzzle, shooting holes into it. The bear leaned back, patting down its muzzle with its paws and growling.

Luna and Celestia shot up to the level of the Ursa's head. Their eyes turned white and thunderclouds formed around them. The wind picked up, pulling out a few trees and smacking them against the Ursa's body. The Ursa roared at them, sending their manes and tails whipping back but failing to actually move their bodies. It quickly slammed its paws together in an attempt to crush the alicorns, but twin spheres formed around them, stopping the Ursa and forcing its paws apart.

Celestia glanced to Luna out of the corners of her eyes. “Would you like this one?” she asked, her voice breaking slightly.

Luna nodded. “Thank you, sister.” Her sphere dropped and the energy flowed back into her horn. She leaned forward, opened her mouth and shouted as she fired a midnight-blue beam of magic right at the Ursa's head. It struck the bear right between the eyes, burning through the mark on its forehead and killing it. It fell back, slowly breaking apart and its body fading away.

Down below, Mike slashed at a pegasus as it dove at him, slicing through its wing and sending it crashing into an earth pony. He looked around at the Shadowbolts around him. “Well, come on!” he shouted, motioning to them. “I paid attention to Basil Rathbone, not Errol Flynn when I watched old movies!” He held his sword up and shifted his stance a bit. An earth pony charged at him, but he sidestepped it and swung down, killing it. A unicorn fired a bolt of magic at him, but he held up his arm. The armor lit up and a curved shield formed, deflecting the bolt back at the unicorn.

The top of the tower lit up. A rainbow-colored shock wave blasted out of it, spreading out over the Everfree. The Shadowbolts whinnied and turned away from it, but the shock wave passed over them and they faded back into the shadows that they were made from. Even the dead ones faded away.

Mike blinked as the shock wave continued on. He looked around the small clearing he was in as Celestia and Luna flew down and landed next to him. “What-what just happened?” He turned completely around. “Where did they go? What was that light? D-did they win?”

Celestia looked up at the tower and smiled. “They won, Mike.” She motioned around the area with a wing. “His armies and his darkness have been dispelled, once and for all.”

Mike's body sagged. He sheathed his sword and let out a sigh. “Oh, thank god! This has been one of the most... interesting days of my life.”

Luna glanced down at him. “You mean 'dangerous', correct?” she said, winking.

Mike snorted. “Okay, that too.” He looked back at the tower. “So, up there to meet Megan and the others? Do we wait on them?” He scratched his forehead. “Sorry, not used to this.”

Celestia floated Mike up and onto her back. She spread her wings, stepped forward and launched herself into the air, Luna following close behind.

Big Macintosh kicked a Shadowbolt in the ribs while shooting another with an arrow from his foreleg-mounted crossbow. In front of him, Shining Armor thrust a spear at a pair of earth ponies, stabbing them. Big Mac's eyes widened as two pegasi dove at Shining Armor from behind. “Captain, at your six!” he shouted, pulling out an explosive from his bandoleer and tossing it at the unicorn.

Shining Armor's horn shot out a beam and a small ramp formed in front of him. The explosive hit it and shot up at the pegasi. It exploded right in their midst, throwing shrapnel at them and through them. Shining Armor nodded to Big Mac, who saluted in return.

The rainbow wave hit Ponyville, passing through the town. The Shadowbolts dissolved, leaving the defenders alone in their town, looking about in confusion. “What just happened?” Lyra asked, her head darting back and forth.

The Doctor trotted around, waving his sonic screwdriver about. “Well, it seems the force behind their existence was wiped out, destroying their will. Without their minds, the resulting energy wave had no problem turning their bodies back into the shadow they were formed from. And the light itself dissolved the shadow!”

Lyra blinked and her ears folded down. “So... we won?”

The Doctor stared at her for a moment. “I do believe that's what I said, yes.”

Everyone there looked at each other before throwing either front limbs into the air and cheering. They hugged, laughed, cried and several impromptu song-and-dance numbers broke out. Minerva powered down her laser pistol and holstered it. “Works for me!” She startled slightly as Thunderlane flew up to her and hugged her. “Okay, thanks.” She awkwardly hugged him back

Just outside the crowd, Molly and Danny stood and sat, wavering back and forth slightly. Their eyes stared up at something off in the distance, just beyond the horizon. Molly's mouth opened slightly and she said, “Megan?”

“Megan? Megan, it's time to get up. You're going to the ranch today!”

Megan shot out of bed, panting slightly. She looked around the bedroom, her old bedroom from childhood. She slowly slid out from under the covers and stepped onto the hardwood floor. “Just a dream,” she said to herself. “Yeah, just a dream.”

She found herself downstairs, eating breakfast with her parents and siblings. She moved mechanically, not even really tasting the food. After a few minutes Megan was outside, waiting for her Aunt June to pick her up and drive her to the ranch where her favorite horse TJ was. “Just a dream,” she repeated to herself.

The ranch was fuzzy, details not there or washed out. The grass was faded, the stable seemingly hollow. Megan walked along the path, straining to hear any sounds. She turned a corner and stopped dead in her tracks. “Not a dream,” she said.

A magnificent pegasus stood near a well, the well. She was nearly six-feet tall, with an electric-blue mane and matching tail. A pair of blue lightning bolts adorned her flank. She turned to face Megan and smiled. “Hello!”

Megan's mouth dropped. “Talking pony!” she gasped.

The pegasus shook her head. “Oh, not this again! And I'm not exactly a 'pony' anymore.” She walked up to Megan and poked her muzzle at her. “Don't you remember your old friend Firefly?”

As if snapping out of a trance, Megan reached forward and hugged Firefly's neck. “Oh, god, oh god,” she said, tears beginning to fall. “I can't believe it! No, it can't be you, it can't!” She broke the embrace and stared at Firefly, eyes wide. “Is it?”

Firefly chuckled. “Well, of course it is! Who else could it be?” She stepped back, knelt down and spread her wings. “Now, come on!”

Megan looked her over. “Come on for what?” She gasped. “Oh, no. I'm dead, aren't I?”

Firefly's eyebrows furrowed. “What?”

Megan let out a sigh. “Well, at least Tirac's gone for good this time.” She looked to the sky. “I just wish I could've said goodbye to Molly, Danny, Michelle and Danielle. Mike, I told him I loved him, but did that count?” She threw her arms into the air. “I love you all!” She looked back to Firefly. “Think they heard?”

Firefly slapped her forehead with a hoof. “Megan, you're not dead. There's just some folks who'd like to meet you is all and this seemed like the best time to do it.” She motioned to her back. “Now hop on, just like the old days!”

Megan hesitated before climbing onto Firefly's back. Firefly stood up, and they were in the sky. Megan leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Firefly's neck. She closed her eyes, relishing the old familiar feeling once more. The land itself faded away, turning into a white void of nothingness.

After some time, Firefly kicked her legs and stepped onto the void. “Okay, we're here!”

Megan looked around at the void. “Where's that? Where are we?”

A voice echoed out. “You have nothing to fear, Missus Richards. Please dismount from Firefly. It's all right.”

Megan swallowed, but slid a bit off her old friend. She jabbed her foot at the void before finally sliding all the way off. Her feet hit something and she waggled back and forth a bit before finding her balance. “Whoa!”

A tear formed in the void. It quickly expanded and a pair of white-coated alicorns stepped out. The larger one had her blond mane tied into a bun and a pair of glasses perched on the end of her muzzle. She wore a necklace with a golden medallion on it and had a rainbow with a pony silhouette under it for a cutie mark. The smaller had a red mane, with an inkwell and quill for a cutie mark. The older bowed her head to Megan. “Greetings, Megan. My name is... Granny Bonnie, the Creator. And my companion may be called Faust, the Scribe.”

Faust waved a hoof at her. “Hi, there!”

Megan looked at the pair, then curtsied. “An honor to meet you!” she said.

Granny Bonnie waved her off. “Oh, no! There's no need for you to bow to us! If anything, we should bow to you for all you and your siblings did to help my little ponies.” She ducked her head low. “I could not be there when they needed me, but you three were. For that, you have my eternal gratitude!”

Megan half-smiled and wiped a tear from her eyes. “They were my friends. What else could I do?”

Molly's voice from behind caught her attention. “Megan?” Molly said as she and Danny walked forward. “Where are we?”

Megan gasped as she beheld her brother. “Danny, you're walking!”

Danny looked down at himself, as if suddenly aware of his recovered mobility. “Well, what do you know!” He hopped up and down and twirled about. “It's a miracle!”

Megan and Molly reached out and hugged him tightly. The three clasped hands and danced about in a circle, laughing and shouting. Granny Bonnie, Faust and Firefly watched them, smiling. After a few minutes Megan, Molly and Danny stopped and turned back to face the other three. “I don't know how this happened, but thank you so much!” Danny said, grinning from ear to ear.

Faust pursed her lips. “I am afraid at the moment this is the only place you'll be able to walk, Danny. When you return – or awaken, whichever you prefer – you'll still be paralyzed. “She hung her head. “I am sorry.”

Danny sucked in a breath. He stepped forward and held out a hand to Faust. “Well, thanks for this, at least. Better than nothing.”

Granny Bonnie spoke up. “It might be breaking the rules a little, but what the hay. Danny, some day you will walk once more. It will not be tomorrow or the next day, but soon.”

Danny opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Molly looked to Firefly. “What have you been eating?” she teased.

Firefly snorted. “Just the right things, that's all.”

Megan smiled at her, then turned to the alicorns. “Thank you for this. I... don't know what to say.”

“Then let me say it for you. Surprise!”

Suddenly the void was filled with ponies, surrounding Danny, Molly and Megan. Pegasi floated in the air while earth and unicorn ponies crowded in.

Megan gasped at all the familiar faces. “Wind Whistler? Twilight Wish? Dazzler? Oh, is it really you?”

Molly looked around. “Applejack? Shady? Fizzy? Where did you come from?”

Danny belted out a laugh. “Surprise! Galaxy, North Star, I thought I'd never see you again!”

Wind Whistler shook her head. “This turn of events was improbable, but not impossible, Danny. It merely required the right set of circumstances to occur.”

Megan held her arms out, patting everyone she could. Her smile was still there, but tears flowed freely from her eyes. “Oh, this is so wonderful! I'm so happy,” she said, hiccuping.

Shady looked her over. “Are you all right? Did we do something wrong?” She kicked at the white. “It was me, wasn't it.”

Danny shook his head. “Same old Shady.”

Megan swallowed. “I just never thought I'd get the chance to say goodbye to you, to say I'm sorry for leaving and not being able to say bye and you're all here now all here now and I can say goodbye but I don't wanna say goodbye to you because then you'll leave and I don't want you to say goodbye...” She trailed off and wiped her eyes.

North Star spoke up. “Don't you dare say you're sorry for leaving! We knew you had to take care of Danny. It's not your fault the old Rainbow Bridge closed up.”

“Besides,” Heart Throb said, “who says this has to be it?”

“Wait, what?” Molly asked.

Faust stepped forward. “In due time you shall be reunited with your friends. It will not be for some time, but one day you shall see each other again, where the grass is always green, the river a clear blue and a gentle breeze stirs your hair.”

Granny Bonnie nodded. “You were owed this. You were owed closure and the chance to see your friends.” She and Faust bowed their heads to Megan. “Again, for all you have done, and all you will do, thank you.”

Megan locked eyes with her. “Thank you, Faust. Thank you, Granny Bonnie.” She closed her eyes. “So, this is it?”

Wind Whistler shook her head. “This is it, for now. Goodbye, Megan. Until next we meet, in the fields of the Herd.”

Goodbyes, hugs and kisses were exchanged among old and dear friend. The ponies slowly faded away, Granny Bonnie and Faust the last. Granny Bonnie looked to Megan. “And now, the waking world awaits, Megan...”


Megan's eyes opened. Mike, Celestia, Luna and Twilight surrounded her. In her peripheral vision she spotted Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack standing farther away. She shot up, only for her eyes to cross and for her to fall back. Celestia caught her with her magic and gently lowered her back. “Oh, that was something. What happened?”

Twilight rose to all fours and bounced up and down. “We beat Tirac and his army's gone. We did it, with your help!”

Mike leaned over his wife. “How are you? Twilight said you hit your head and were unconscious until just now. Do you feel dizzy? A headache? Anything?”

Megan waved him off. “I've got a headache the size of the Empire State Building.” She waved a hand in the air. “Celestia, Luna, remove it if you please.”

Celestia and Luna exchanged a glance. “I don't think we can do that,” Celestia said.

Megan scoffed. “Oh, I'm the Mag'ne, Celestia. If I have to I'll smite it or something.” She raised her head slightly and grinned. “Tirac learned the hard way not to get on my bad side, so why not a headache? I'll use my spear of fire on it or something.” She rubbed her chin. “Or perhaps some aspirin and a checkup?”

Mike chuckled. He leaned down and kissed Megan on the forehead. “Maybe that's the best option for you. I don't think headaches take too well to 'smiting'.”

Megan bit her lip, but laughter born of released tension soon escaped. Mike joined in, followed by Celestia and Luna. After a few minutes Celestia knelt down. “Would you like a ride back to Ponyville?”

Mike helped Megan to her feet. She slowly got onto Celestia's saddle. Luna's horn glowed and a saddle formed from her own regalia, allowing Mike to mount up.

Megan looked out at her friends and family. “Let's go home.”

Author's Note:

1. Thanks to shubzilla for proofreading.