• Published 21st Nov 2011
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The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds - RK_Striker_JK_5

An old legend from Equestria's past returns, but is there a place for her in this new world?

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Chapter Seventeen

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Megan. She was inquisitive, a bit headstrong, but loved helping people. One night while she was helping out on her aunt's farm, a terrible storm blew in, sending down sheets of rain and flashes of lightning!

When it cleared, a beautiful rainbow appeared! But something else dropped out of the sky-a pink pegasus pony! It fell into the well with a splash! Megan and her pony TJ ran to haul her out.

When she emerged, she talked! "Hello!" the pegasus said.

Megan was astonished. "Talking pony!" And then she saw the wings. "Talking flying pony!"

Her name was Firefly, and she needed help for her friends in Horseyland! "My friends need help," she said. "A terrible monster named Tirac has captured them!"

Opening text from "My Little Horsey Volume One: the Tale of the Terrible Tirac, published in 2005

Before the time of Celestia, before Luna, before Equestria, our kind was in peril. Lavan, Grogar, the Witches and more. But none worse than Tirac the Abomination! Upon a throne of bone he sat, plotting for Eternal Night and domination.

We cried out, "Save us!" For as much as we wanted to, nopony could stand against his horde of demons. And so again we cried out, "Save us!" And we despaired at ever finding hope...

But upon the endless plains of Key'Tuck, the Herd listened, and debated about what to do, until one day the Fireflye breached the river of fire to plead for their help. The Herd listened, and one of them spoke up.

"I shall help!" She said, one who walked on her hind hooves and had a mane of purest gold. "Take me to your lands so I might smite Tirac and bring forth peace to Dream Valley!"

Fireflye bowed her head, but She shook her head. "Do not bow to me. I am merely a friend, someone who wishes to help. I am the Mag'ne."

Opening texts from the Scriptures of the Mag'ne, first written four hundred years after the founding of Equestria

Ditzy, Dinky, and Scootaloo stood close to the library as various citizens of Ponyville milled about the tables of food. Ditzy looked down at Scootaloo. “Why isn't anypony eating?”

Scootaloo shrugged. “Beats me. The food's awesome!” She ran up to a table and grabbed a plate off of it, running back to Ditzy. “Although, the Cakes seem to have a lot of it, inside and out. Who did they expect to show up, the Royal Army?”

Ditzy shrugged as Mister Cake walked up to her. He leaned in close. “I think the Missus and I made enough food for the guest list, but if the rest of Ponyville shows up? We might run out near the end.”

Mayor Mare trotted over, a plate balanced on her loin and hips. “Miss Doo?” As Ditzy turned to her, Mayor Mare continued. She waved a hoof at the banner strung up in front of the library. “Who precisely are Megan, Molly and Danny?” She narrowed her eyes and stared at Ditzy over the glasses clipped to her nose. “Well?”

Scootaloo strode forward. “They're totally awesome, Mayor!” She looked to the side and rubbed her chin with a foreleg in thought. “Well, Megan's kids were awesome. I didn't speak much to Megan when we got here.” She looked back at the Mayor, eyes wide and grinning. “But Michelle and Danielle? Awesome!” She looked to Dinky. “When you join the Crusaders, you can meet them too!”

Dinky hesitated. “I don't know, Scootaloo. You three seem to get into a lot of trouble doing your crusading.” She looked herself over. “And how hard is it to get tree sap out of your coat, anyway?”

Scootaloo waved her off. “Ah, tree sap is nothing! Just some water and you're all clean.” She suddenly stopped and her eyes turned hollow. “Although the crashing sometimes can haunt you for days.” Her eyes suddenly brightened. “But other than that it's fine!”

Dinky, Ditzy, Mister Cake and Mayor Mare stared at Scootaloo for a moment before Mayor Mare backed up, chuckling nervously. “I see, Scootaloo. Well, I'll leave you to your crusading, gotta go mayoral stuff bye!” She spun around on her hind hooves and bolted off, disappearing into the crowd.

Ditzy stared off at her with one eye while the other stayed focused on Dinky, but any response was cut short as the crowd backed up, some pointing at the sky and shouting in fear as two dragons appeared, circling overhead. Several others backed up and bowed their heads, some dropping their heads to the ground. She followed that group with both eyes and gasped as both Princesses Celestia and Luna trotted forth from the direction of the Everfree, leading a procession of ponies and humans up to the library.

Mayor Mare forced her way through the crowd, bowing low and sweeping a foreleg out. “Princess Celestia!” she said. “It's an honor for you to be here, and for Ponyville to be invited to this party!” She looked to the sky and panted slightly. “W-we seem to have-”

Celestia held up a hoof. “My apologies, Mayor Mare. The two dragons are King Spykoran the Old and Councilor Mei Long of the Dragon clans.” Her eyes lifted and she gazed out at the crowd. “They are here by personal invitation to the party.”

The ponies let out sighs of relief, some returning to their plates of food and glasses of juice and ale. Mayor Mare looked up back up at Celestia as she remained standing there and her lips trembled. “I-is there something wrong?”

Celestia shook her head. “Oh, not at all! I was simply waiting for you to tell my sister, Princess Luna, what an honor it is for her to be here.” She leaned her head down, pointing her horn right at Mayor Mare. “After all, I didn't want to be rude or anything like that.”

Mayor Mare looked over at the Alicorn, the princess of the night and guardian of the moon. Luna stared back, her eyes narrowing as much as Mayor Mare's were widening. Mayor Mare bowed her head once more. “It is an... honor to see you, Princess Luna!”

Luna stared down at Mayor Mare. Her nostrils flared and she looked to Celestia. “Now?” At Celestia's nod she raised a hoof and shoved it to the sky. “Citizens of Ponyville! We are honored to present to you friends and family from olden times.” She swept her hoof at the Princess Ponies, who stepped forward and took to one knee. “May I present Princesses Starburst, Tiffany, Royal Blue, Serena, Primrose and Sparkle!”

Celestia blinked and leaned in close to Luna. “Nice job,” she whispered. “I think only two of them had their manes whipped back,” she said, winking.

Luna rolled her eyes before staring out at the ponies once more. “I also introduce to you the heroes of Ponyville! Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash!” She waved her hoof as those six stepped forward, Fluttershy having to be pushed by Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. The crowd stomped their applause, shaking the ground slightly.

Luna bowed her head and stepped back, allowing Celestia to come forward. She smiled and looked over the crowd. “Before I introduce the last group, I must ask a question.” her horn glowed and a large hardcover book suddenly popped into existence. It flipped open to a page with an old-style drawing of a cloaked biped holding a staff aloft while ponies stood around her. “Who here knows of the tales of the Mag'ne?”

There was silence as the stomping abruptly stopped. The ponies looked around before a voice from back called out. “She is the Giver of Gifts?” Ditzy shouted.

Another voice, this one belonging to Blues, sounded out. “She was Defender of the Stable, and wielder of the Spear of Fire!”

More voices called out, each one louder and clearer then the last.

“She was the Teacher of Knowledge!” said Sparkler, a deep-pink unicorn who was Ditzy's daughter and Dinky's older sister.

“She commanded Mount Eohippus itself to turn into Canterlot!”

Megan stepped up to Celestia's side and leaned in close to her head. “You have got to be kidding me on that last one!” she exclaimed. “I told a mountain to reshape itself? What do they take me for?!”

Celestia bobbed her head slightly. “They take you for the Mag'ne.” A smirk crossed her lips. “Besides, if the mountain could hear you, I'd have every confidence you could convince it to do such a thing.” She stepped forward, away from Megan, and cleared her throat. “I wish to introduce you to a dear friend of mine, but first her family.” She looked back at Mike, Michelle and Danielle and motioned to them with her head. “Come on; nothing to be afraid of.”

Mike placed his hands on his daughter's shoulders as they all walked forward. “My name is Mike Richards,” Mike said, voice breaking slightly. “These are my daughters, Michelle and Danielle.” All three bowed at the waist. Michelle waved after straightening up.

Danny looked up to Molly. “Guess it's our turn for the honors.” And with that, he rolled forward. “Name's Danny,” he said to the ponies gathered around. He grinned as a few waved back.

Molly rolled her eyes and massaged her temple. “I never figured out how Megan did this,” she said before walking up to Danny's side. “My name's Molly, and it's nice to meet you!” She laughed as more ponies waved back at her. “I think they like us.”

Celestia and Luna both trotted around, flanking Megan. “This is one of our oldest friends,” Celestia announced in a booming voice. “She taught us everything we know, when we were mere foals and eventually fillies.” Her voice trailed off and she looked around.

Silence permeated the party before Mayor Mare jumped into the air, mane standing on end and glasses flying off the tip of her nose. She dropped back to the ground and pressed her forehead to the ground, shivering. “M-Mag'ne!” she cried out. “She has re-”

Megan walked up to Mayor Mare and knelt down. “No!” she yelled. “Do not kneel before me!” She grabbed the Mayor's shoulders and shook them. “Please, stand up as the pony you are!” She looked out at the others, some with expressions of fear and others with uncertainty. Several dropped to two legs, bowing to her and shaking. She held out her arms. “Please, stand up, on all four hooves! Be the proud ponies you should be!” She threw her arms out. “You have built Equestria with your hooves and mouths! Stand up, my little ponies!”

Mayor Mare's head tilted up and she rose onto four shaky legs. She swallowed and looked at Megan, barely able to meet her eyes for more than a few seconds at a time. “B-but are you the Mag'ne?

Megan looked back at Celestia and Luna, who stood there. The two strode forward, flanking Megan. “She is our friend,” Celestia announced. “That is all you need to know, Mayor Mare. We trusted her and her siblings with our lives and, well, look where we are now,” she said, smirking slightly.

Luna's gaze drifted upward at the still-circling dragons. “King Spykoran the Old and Mei Long, we beseech thee to land and take part in the merriment below!”

The two dragons dove to the ground. Spykoran's wings flared out, slowing his descent. He landed much softer this time, on the opposite side of the library from the party. He still towered over the hollowed-out tree, the top of the weathervane barely reaching halfway up his chest. He dipped his head low and bared his fangs in a smile. “A pleasure to meet you all, little ponies,” he said, his voice as soft as possible.

Mei Long slithered down, wrapping her long body up into a coil at the base of Spykoran's legs. Her head peeked out from around the library's back. “I am honored to be here today,” she said, smiling.

Celestia and Luna walked up to one of the tables that still had food on it. Plates floated up and over to the Alicorns. “Mister Cake,” Celestia said, zeroing in on the him and his wife, “I commend you for your efforts today. The food is excellent, the tables have been well-maintained and you and Pinkie Pie have been most diligent.” She turned and cast her gaze out at the ponies. “It would be a shame for all this to go to waste, wouldn't you say?”

The citizens of Ponyville all looked at each other before trotting back to their food. Mayor Mare turned to Megan and dipped her head. “Mag'ne nor not, you are welcome here in my town,” she said.

Megan bowed her head in return to the Mayor. “Thanks.” She watched as the Mayor walked off before turning to see Mike, Michelle and Danielle standing behind her. She let out a breath. “So, what do you think?” she asked, throwing her arms out to the side.

Mike stepped forward and put his hands on Megan's shoulders, grinning. “Megan, that was incredible! Did you make speeches like that all the time back in Ponyland?”

A short gasp escaped Megan's mouth and she chuckled. “Sometimes, but later on I passed the speeches to Wind Whistler.” She rolled her eyes. “Always did like the two-dollar words, that mare.”

Danielle spoke up. “Mom, I read some books about that 'Mag'ne' they think you are.” She leaned in close to her mother. “That stuff the ponies were talking about is the tip of the iceberg. It's like you're some Greek demigod or something. And where you came from...” She paused. “It's called Key'Tuck.”

Megan blinked. “As in Kentucky?” She shrugged. “So, what?” She glanced to Mike. “I just doomed myself, didn't I.”

Mike nodded. “Sorry, Megan, but you did.” He looked to Danielle. “All right, what's so bad about our home state being where Megan's from?”

Danielle shrugged off her backpack and pulled her notebook out. She thumbed through some pages before stopping and squinting even more. “Well, from what I read, Key'Tuck is where the 'Herd' comes from,” she said, making quote marks with one hand. “And that is some sort of combination heaven and where the Mag'ne came from.” She put the notebook back. “So what do they think of humans when they find out the 'Mag'ne' is human?”

Megan's brow furrowed. “And then...” She looked to Mike, then to the ground. “That's odd...” She scratched her head. “I seem to remember there being a 'Herd' in that sense back then, too. And it was like the gods that watched over the ponies.” Her eyes suddenly widened. “And they added Kentucky and me to it?!” She looked around, spotting Celestia still near one of the tables and Luna standing near Danny, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy. “Spellion and Star Swirl or not, we are so gonna have a talk later.”

Danny took a bite out of an apple and his eyes rolled into the back of his head. “Good lord, Applejack! I don't think I can eat store-bought apples again.” He took a few more bites out of it, reducing it to the core.

Applejack smirked and tapped the ground with the edge of a hoof. “Thank you kindly, Danny. Grown in the fertile soil of Sweet Apple Acres with love and care by generations of my clan.” She looked over her shoulder and pointed off to the distance. “Right down that a way. Big Macintosh could take you for a tour.” She stopped as her eyes focused on his wheelchair. “Well, we got a ramp for Granny Smith and there's not much in the way o'-”

Danny waved her off and patted the lightly-glowing wheel. “Luna put some sort of enchantment on the wheels for some real all-terrain action.” He turned his head around and looked up at the Alicorn as she munched on a plate of carrots and side of hay fries. “Did I mention thanks? Because seriously, thanks.”

Luna's plate floated down to the table and she swallowed, coughing slightly. A glass of water floated up to her lips and she sipped it before speaking. “You're welcome Danny. Again.” She looked to her right as Lyra and an earth pony with a pale-cream coat and a cutie mark of three pieces of candy tentatively approached. “Yes, my subjects?”

Lyra swallowed and craned her neck up at Luna. “Y-your majesty, I-I was wondering if I could s-speak with Danny here.” Her eyes darted around, finally focusing on a clump of grass near a table leg. “Or maybe I should just go.”

Luna's eyes softened. She stepped back and her wings flapped before folding close to her body. “Child, you have nothing to fear from us. The hatred of Nightmare Moon is gone from me, forevermore.” She looked to Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash and bowed her head. “The Elements of Harmony saved my soul.” Her gaze drifted down as Danny's wheelchair spun around. “Oh, no...”

Danny came face-to-face with Luna and wheeled forward. “Nightmare what?” he exclaimed. He continued rolling forward as Luna backed up. “Hatred of Nightmare Moon? Elements of Harmony were used on you? Luna, what happened to you?”

Dash dropped her plate and flew around between the two. She stuck her forelegs out. “Whoa, whoa! Danny, not now. All right?” She waved around as other ponies began looking over and staring. “Please, for Luna?”

Danny bit his lip. He nodded to Dash. “You're right. You're right!” He leaned over and looked at Luna as she stood there, face almost purple from shame. “Luna, I'm sorry. But I want to hear about this later, all right?”

Luna rubbed her forehead with a hoof and nodded, blinking away moisture in her eyes. “I swear, Danny. I'll tell you, Megan and Molly. Before you leave, I swear I'll tell you three.” Her mane flattened and flashed from translucent to solid and back. “Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, will you be there, please?”

All three nodded. Fluttershy hovered off the ground and looked around. “Oh, should we get Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie Pie, too? If they're not busy, that is... and if it's all right with you too, as well.” She landed and kicked at the ground, sending up a small cloud of dirt.

Danny nodded to her. “Good idea, there. Thanks, Fluttershy.” He glanced over and saw Lyra and her friend standing next to each other but slowly backing away. “Oh, sorry about that. It's been a while since I've been here.” He grabbed the wheels and spun around to face them fully. “So, you know my name, but what's yours?” he asked, extending his hand.

Lyra stared at his hand, mouth open and eyes wide. “Wow...” She blinked and shook her head. “Sorry!” She motioned to the earth pony. “This is my friend Bon Bon, and my name's Lyra.” She bounded forward, right up to Danny's hand. She glanced over at a similarly-staring Bon Bon. “I told you, Bon Bon! Danny has hands! Imagine what he can do with them!”

Danny snorted. “What I can do with them?” He brought his other hand up to his lips and whistled, causing everypony around him to flinch and shy away. “How's that?”

Lyra unwound and leaned forward. “So, you can use it for whistling?” She arched an eyebrow. “But what else?”

Danny leaned forward and pulled his photo album out from underneath his wheelchair. He opened it up and thumbed through the pages. He slid a photo out from a plastic holder and held it up for Lyra to see. “Books are easy for me.” He looked around. “Anyone got a pen?”

Bon Bon leaned back and pulled a pen out from a saddlebag and held it out for Danny. He gingerly plucked it from between her lips and wiped it on his shirt sleeve before twirling it around in his hand, bringing 'oohs' from almost everypony around.

Luna shook her head. “Showoff,” she muttered, eyes twinkling.

Danny looked to his right. He stuck his tongue out at her and waggled a finger at her. “Don't forget about later on,” he admonished the Alicorn before looking back to Lyra and Bon Bon. He held the picture up once more. “It's a good thing I chose this one, now that I think about it...”

Luna's cheeks blushed. “Oh, Danny you didn't!”

Danny held the picture up as Rainbow Dash flew up and over his shoulder. “Oh, I did,” he said, a wide grin on his face.

Dash's eyes widened and her mouth opened. “Oh... you have got to be kidding me!” she said as she saw a picture of a young Luna. She had socks on her forelegs and one on her horn. She was hugging a white-coated unicorn while Megan, Wind Whistler and two others stood off in the background...

Megan walked through one of the rooms of Paradise Estate, Wind Whistler to one side and three visitors to her right. She stopped and turned to face Blueblood I, king of the Unicorn Tribes and leader of the Mages of the Rock, along with Star Swirl the Bearded and Spellion the Powerful. “I thank you for coming here, your majesty,” she said, bowing deeply at the waist. “Clover spoke of your wisdom, and I see that in seeking to join the Equestrian Alliance.”

Blueblood I, a large unicorn with a snow-white coat, a long horn, robe and jewel-studded crown, bowed his head. “Thank you, Megan,” the aged king said. “When Clover, Smart Cookie and Pansy told us of what happened, I knew peace was the only solution.” He snorted and seemed to deflate. “I only wish...”

Star Swirl stepped forward, the bells on his robe and hat jingling slightly. “She learned in the end, at least,” he said, a note of wistfulness in his voice. He looked to Megan. “I apologize, young one. Since Princess Platinum was frozen by the windigoes, it's been hard for Blueblood.”

Megan nodded. “I can understand. Losing a loved one is never easy.”

The group walked in silence for a minute, through the room and door down a hallway. Megan and Wind Whistler led the delegation to a door. “I understand you wished to meet Luna and Celestia,” Megan said as she grabbed the door handle and turned it. “They're two special ponies and-” The door opened and she looked inside the room. “Luna?”

Luna sat on the floor, forelegs in the air. Both hooves were covered in gray socks and a magenta one covered her horn. Danny stood behind her, one hand over his face and the other holding a camera. “Hi, Megan,” he muttered.

Luna looked up and smiled, waving her forelegs. “Hi! I wanted to dress up pretty for you, but I got a bit mixed up.” She tilted her head as she stared at a foreleg. ”I got a bit confused. I''m not used to wearing such fancy stuff.”

Blueblood I stared at her for a moment before a small smile cracked his face. “Platinum didn't understand, before she started loving her fancy robes and crown.” He bowed his head and tears started rolling from his eyes, down his cheeks. “I-I'm sorry,” he said, backing up.

Luna stood up on all four hooves. She walked up to Blueblood I. She looked at him for a moment before wrapping her forelegs around him in a hug. “I'm sorry you're so sad and lonely,” she said.

Wind Whistler's wings flared out. “Luna, please do not-” She stopped as Megan placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked up. “Megan?”

Megan held up her hand. “Give her a second,” she said, smiling and nodding to Luna.

Blueblood I let out a sigh. “Thank you, my child.” He patted her on the back. “Sometimes I forget and dwell a bit too much on what I've lost and forget what I still have.”

Spellion spoke up. “Like your son?”

Blueblood I snorted. “Like my son. Thank you, Spellion.” He gently extricated himself from Luna's grasp and turned to Megan and Wind Whistler. “I believe we have a treaty to discuss and sign?” he said, a smile playing at the edge of his lips.

Wind Whistler tucked her wings back close to her body. “Indeed, your majesty. And thank you.” She looked up to Megan. “It appears your lessons on kindness and empathy have indeed taken root in Luna's psyche. A most illuminating display, here.”

Megan snorted. “In other words, she can put other pony's feelings first?”

Wind Whistler's eyes narrowed. “I believe that is what I was referring to, yes.”

Luna let out a sigh. “The Mages of the Rock joined the Equestrian Alliance that night, the Ponies of the Plains and Sky Clans following the next week.” She looked up and stared off into the distance. “Blueblood and I talked for a while about his daughter, his son, the Mages and lots of stuff.”

Lyra and Bon Bon walked up to Luna's. Lyra craned her head up at the Alicorn and held out a foreleg. “I'm sorry you were so lonely,” she said, patting Luna's own leg.

Luna looked down at her and swallowed. She sat down and gently nuzzled Lyra, then Bon Bon. “Thank you.”

Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack and Danny all gathered around the Princess as well, Dash and Fluttershy in the air. “Yer part of tha' family, Princess Luna,” Applejack said, tipping her head forward and letting her hat slide down slightly. “Ya'll never be alone again.”

Dash nodded. “Right, Applejack! As long as I live, I'll be there for you.” She glanced over to Fluttershy. “Right, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy's body lowered and she patted Luna on her head, right behind her horn. She sniffed and blinked. “I'm so sorry!” she said, lips trembling before she threw her forelegs around Luna's neck in a hug.

Danny simply smiled. “Well, Luna. Looks like you've got some good friends. Including me.”

Luna looked around at those gathered and smiled, her eyes bright. “And where there are friends, there are no more Nightmares.”