• Published 21st Nov 2011
  • 36,065 Views, 1,329 Comments

The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds - RK_Striker_JK_5

An old legend from Equestria's past returns, but is there a place for her in this new world?

  • ...

Chapter Eighteen

Celestia looked up at Spykoran as he cupped a couple dozen plates of food in his hand. She spread her wings and floated up into the sky, gliding on air and light. She came to the level of his head and looked him in his reptilian eye. “Having fun?”

Spykoran tilted his head back and cupped his hand over his mouth, swallowing the entire mass whole. He looked at Celestia and rumbled. “Indeed I am, but I doubt that's why you flew up to see me.” He leaned forward, smoke drifting up from his nostrils. “Dargoth's nest... the egg you found there was young Spike. And he is my grandson.”

Celestia closed her eyes for a moment before speaking. “I should've known. The coloration was too close for mere coincidence.” Her eyes opened again. “When I found the egg, I sent an inquiry to the Clan heads about it, but no one claimed it.” She hung her head. “And now I remember you were enraged with grief and leading hunting parties against the Ursae. Oh, sweet Herd I am such a fool!”

Spykoran shook his massive head. “No, I was mad with grief and rage at the time. I know I would not have listened. Besides, he seems to have found a good home, at least.” He looked down at Spike as he hovered close to Twilight. “So, she hatched him for an entrance exam?” A low rumbling came from his gut. “She's stronger than she looks.”

Celestia grinned. “She's the Element of Magic for a reason, old friend. Although I think she got a little boost from a future friend of hers.” She waved him off as he opened his mouth. “Long story that I'll tell you later.” She looked around and her horn brightened. “Wait, I think I sense... Yes!” She grinned. “Queen Rosedust decided to come after all!”

Spykoran rumbled again, chuckling. He raised claw and waved her off. “Go, my old friend. An even older friend awaits you. Tell her I said hi, too!”

Celestia grinned and nodded before her horn glowed. There was a bright flash of light from it, and she vanished.

Queen Rosedust looked up at the sign sticking out of the ground and sighed. “Finally, Ponyville!” She groaned slightly and looked back at her translucent wings. She waggled them gingerly and winced. “I should definitely get out more.”

Sparkling Dawn trotted up beside her, smiling. “Oh, it did us a bit of good to get out of Flutter Valley!” He bent his legs and knelt before popping back up, repeating the motion. He looked back at Blazing Day as he stood by Morning Glory. “How is she?”

Blazing Day sidled up to his mother. “She was all right in flight when we were by her side, but now she's back to... normal.” He hung his head. “She almost talked a few times, Dad.”

Rosedust sighed. “I hope-” A sudden flash of light cut her off, sending her backpedaling. She looked up as Celestia and a clothes-wearing biped appeared. “Celestia, who is-” Her eyes widened as recognition set in. “Megan?!”

Megan waved her arms. “-and I don't even even...” She trailed off and looked around, blinking. “Celestia, where are we?” She looked down at Rosedust and her jaw dropped. “Queen Rosedust?” She ducked low, curtsying. “Your majesty!”

Blazing Day trotted up to Rosedust's side. “Megan?” He cantered around her. “By the Sunstone, it is you!” He bucked back and forth. “Megan, it's me, Blazing Day!”

Megan twirled about, her dress twisting around her body as she followed the colt. “Blazing Day? As in...” her gaze drifted to Rosedust's side and Sparkling Dawn next to her, and then farther back and Morning Glory. She stepped around the two flutter ponies in front and ran over to Morning Glory, dropping down to her knees in front of the gray pony. “Morning Glory? Good lord, what happened to you?” she shouted. She grabbed Morning Glory by a shoulder with one hand and took her chin in the other, tilting her head so she stared straight ahead. “Speak to me, Morning Glory!”

Blazing Day and Sparkling Dawn walked over, father and son hanging their heads. “She might say a word or two,” Sparkling Dawn said, standing by his wife, “but that's about it. Discord mentally tortured her for nearly a week straight. I tried to do something but my own wings were turned against me.” Tears fell from his eyes and he tossed his head back, whinnying. “I couldn't do anything for her when she needed me the most!”

Blazing Day grunted. “I was still barely a colt and still in Flutter Valley,” he said, glancing off to the side and focusing on a patch of grass in the distance. “If I was out there...”

Sparkling Dawn raised a foreleg and patted his son on the shoulder. “Then Discord would've ripped you apart. I told you to stay in Flutter Valley for your own safety.”

Megan cleared her throat, gaining their attention. “So what's been done to help Morning Glory? Has there been therapy or some sort of...” She waved her hands about as she thought. “I don't know, some telepathic contact with her?” She looked back at Morning Glory. “Are the Golden Horseshoes still around? Maybe we could use those.” She stood up, grunting slightly as her knees popped. “Celestia, where's Mimic's descendants?” she asked, looking at the Alicorn.

Celestia pursed her lips and shook her head. “An excellent idea, but they were lost about... oh, a thousand years ago.” She tilted her head to the side and looked at Rosedust. “Although how they were lost is a story for another time, wouldn't you agree?”

Rosedust nodded. She turned around and looked at Megan, Sparkling Dawn and his family. She let out a breath through her nose. “We isolated ourselves after Discord's deprivations, and flutter ponies have no telepathic powers.” She groaned. “I've been a fool for so long. I kept her away from those who could've helped her the most!” she shouted, tossing her head back.

Megan looked past her and to Celestia. “Is there something you can do, Celestia? Or any of the ponies?” She looked back down at Morning Glory and reached out, stroking her mane. “Can I do anything to help her?”

Celestia took a few steps forward and leaned down, nuzzling Morning Glory. The discorded flutter pony shivered slightly, but otherwise remained unresponsive. “Megan, why don't you take Morning Glory, Sparkling Dawn and Blazing Day into Ponyville and to the party?” She turned her head and met Megan's gaze. “Perhaps you could introduce them to Twilight Sparkle?”

Megan met Celestia's gaze and slowly nodded. “Good idea.” She motioned down the road and began walking, leading the three flutter ponies along the road and into town. “So, Blazing Day, you look like you're going through a bit of a growth spurt!”

Celestia and Rosedust watched as they walked off. “Twilight is one of the most powerful unicorns I've ever seen,” Celestia said. “She's almost up to Star Swirl's level and she's still got so far to go.”

Rosedust's muzzle twitched. “So long as she doesn't decide mustache spells are the way to go, we should be fine then.” She barked a short laugh, but it quickly died in her throat. “Celestia, I'm sorry.” She plowed on before the Princess could respond. “I'm sorry for the waste of thirteen-hundred years, for shunning every attempt you made and for isolating the flutter ponies and the Swarm inside and for not helping with Nightmare Moon and- I have been such a fool!” She stomped her hooves on the ground and her wings flared. “So much wasted time, and for what? For me being a shortsighted foal!” She looked up at Celestia, tears in her eyes. “Can you forgive me?”

Celestia observed her for a moment before walking up to her. She leaned her head and neck down and nuzzled Rosedust. “And I'm sorry for not trying harder; for giving up. I'm sorry for losing my temper two days ago and for not seeing your side of the story.” She paused and took a deep breath. “Can you forgive me?”

Rosedust snorted. She craned her neck and returned the nuzzle, moving past and leaning against Celestia's neck in an Equestrian hug. “I think I can, old friend.” She broke the contact and looked down the road as Megan and the others walked further along. “So, a party for her? She deserves it.”

Celestia giggled. “Molly and Danny are there, too.” She turned and began walking off, Rosedust by her side. “She married, too. Nice man named Mike. They have two daughters.” Celestia suddenly bit her lip. “I think the younger one wants to brush the mane and tail of everypony in Equestria!”

Mike wandered around, mug of cider in hand. He took a sip from it and winced slightly. “Little more kick than usual!” he exclaimed, holding the mug up and looking at the amber liquid. He glanced down as Applejack trotted up, mug balanced on her head, hat pushed back and plate of food on her back. “How do you do that?”

Applejack reached up and slid a foreleg into the mug's handle, bending at the elbow and pulling it off. She leaned her head forward, letting the hat tilt forward to its proper place. She took a gulp and looked up at Mike. “Do what, sugarcube?”

Mike opened his mouth, but waved himself off. “Never mind, Applejack.” He looked around and focused on Big Macintosh as the stallion stood by Caramel, Blues, and another earth pony, a mare. He looked back down at Applejack as Macintosh looked over. “He's looked at Fluttershy about a dozen times since he arrived at the party,” Mike said. He knelt down slightly. “So, we're on the same wavelength?”

Applejack chuckled. “I reckon, Mike.” She looked around, focusing on Fluttershy as she and Dash moved about, the former on the ground and looking up at the latter as she floated in the air. “And I think yer thinkin' the same thing, Mike. Macintosh and Fluttershy have been friends for a bit, but neither one's made that first trot.” She shook her head. “Both just need a push in the right direction.” She smirked. “So, what do you think?”

Mike shrugged. “I've never been one for matchmaking.” He rolled his eyes. “Danny was the one who set me up with Megan. I was just a shy teen who liked shop class a bit too much back in high school.” He lowered himself to the ground and sat, cracking his neck. “Ah, much better.”

Applejack looked him over. “Only two legs? Must get pretty sore after a' while.”

Mike looked the earth pony over. He held up his hand and waggled his fingers. “There are benefits, you know.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Just like Danny, there.” She hesitated before continuing. “Ah, listen. I'm not one to usually ask for favors, but do you have any time to come back to Sweet Apple Acres for the wheel on the cart? I'll pay you for the work.”

Mike eyed her before waving her off. “Pay me, Applejack? No need.” He rose to his feet and looked around, squinting. “I'll just get Twilight to bring me over tomorrow. Now where is she? Good lord, you all blend together into a technicolor swirl. It's like being at a reunion concert for Jem and the Holograms!”

Applejack blinked. “Nah, I'll ask later. And thank you, Mike!” she said, grinning widely. “At least accept lunch from me tomorrow, all right?”

Mike looked down and nodded. “Thanks, Applejack.” He licked his lips. “Apple fritters?” He suddenly looked to Macintosh and followed the stallion's line of sight, all the way to Fluttershy. “And maybe talk about... those two?” he asked, waving in their direction.

Applejack snorted. She took another swig from her mug and sighed. “Aye, I reckon that's a right fine idea, Mike.” The grin fell away from her face. “Although there's something else first, before you leave fer Earth tonight. Princess Luna has something to tell Megan. It's not my place to say more, but Megan might need you after.”

Mike's tilted his head back a bit and eyed Applejack out of the corner of his eye. “Of course,” he said immediately. “After the party winds down?”

Applejack nodded. “By the hole in space, I think.” Her brow wrinkled. “I better go check. Excuse me.” And with that, she pushed her hat back and placed the mug back on her head before trotting off.

Mike watched her leave. He looked at his own glass and placed it on his thick, black hair. And gingerly let go of it. “Whoa!” he cried out, moving back and forth. He finally grabbed it once more and took it off. “Okay, never try that again.” He looked around as ponies stared at him. “Okay, I'm impressed,” he muttered. “I have hands, you have an insane sense of balance.”

Twilight looked Morning Glory over. She, Morning Glory, Megan, Blazing Day and Sparkling Dawn were inside the library, away from distractions and the party. Her horn glowed and she shivered. “This is...” Her face twisted. “It's magic, but not only that.” She looked to her right and the two flutter ponies standing there. “There's sadness and anger and every other sort of emotion, twisted and distorted.” She closed her eyes and whinnied. “I'm not sure what I can do!”

Megan, standing to Twilight's left, rubbed her chin. “Can you... I don't know, let us inside her head?” She took a step back as everyone looked to her. Her cheeks flushed. “Okay, dumb idea. I'm-”

“-A genius!” Twilight said. Her horn glowed and she stepped forward, right to Morning Glory's forehead. “I'll link you three with her mind. There, you can speak to her psyche directly.” She held up a foreleg and waved it at Morning Glory. “Come in close, everyone. And remember good times, happy times.” Her eyes screwed shut. “Just... be careful.”

Blazing Day's wings beat. “How often have you done this?”

A nervous chuckle escaped Twilight's lips. “Never?”

A pale-blue flutter pony stood in the endless white. She cantered back and forth, looking around at the infinity and seeing nothing. “Blazing Day?” Morning Glory shouted. “Sparkling Dawn?” She increased her speed, hooves pounding against nothing and propelling her forward. She spread her delicate wings and jumped into the ether. “Rosedust? Megan?” She stopped in midflight and dropped down, landing. She sat on her haunches and sniffed. “All alone. Always alone.”

“Morning Glory?

“All alone...”

Blazing Day and Sparkling Dawn galloped forward, appearing out of the white. Megan followed, falling behind as husband and son ran to her. They slowed and skidded to a halt as Morning Glory stayed on the horizon. “What's going on?!” Blazing Day shouted. “Why can't we reach her? MOM! MOM, LOOK AT ME!” He raised up on his hindlegs and waved his hooves. “MOM... Mommy?”

Megan caught up. She narrowed her eyes. “Why aren't we closer? She stepped forward and looked down, at Sparkling Dawn's hooves. Her head shot up as she looked the stallion in the eyes. “And why are we the same height again?” She looked herself over, at the blue jeans, flannel shirt and neckerchief now adorning her teen body. “Why am I a kid again?”

Sparkling Dawn glanced to Blazing Day and gasped. “Blazing Day, you're smaller!”

Blazing Day gasped and leaped back, his wings beating. “What's going on?” he squeaked out. His cheeks reddened. “I don't wanna be a foal again!”

Megan patted herself down. “I think...” She snapped her fingers. “This isn't real!” She threw her hands up. “We're inside Morning Glory's mind. She thinks she's all alone. But we have to remind her she isn't alone!” She balled a hand into a fist and smacked it into the palm of her other hand. “We have to think, remember the good times!”

Blazing Day cocked his head to the side. “Like that old story from Earth?” He rubbed his chin. “Where you clap your hooves if you believe?”

Megan hesitated a second. “Something...” She waved him off. “Well, no clapping of the hooves.” She placed a hand on Sparkling Dawn and Blazing Day and closed her eyes. “Remember the good times, the happy times. Think of Morning Glory, of her and you!”

Blazing Day's eyes screwed shut. “Mom... you taught me to fly, you gave me life! Remember the fields, the flowers? Please...”

Morning Glory blinked. There was nothing, and then her son was there. She shot to her hooves. “Blazing Day? Blazing Day!' She wrapped her forelegs around his neck, tears streaming down her face. “I-I thought I w-was a-a-l-lone...”

Blazing Day returned the hug. “No, Mom. I'm here. Dad and Megan are here, too. Please, come back to us!”

Sparkling Dawn bowed his head. “We met near the river, at the banks. I dove in to get a hat back you dropped, and then you dove in and saved me. I was embarrassed, but grateful. Please, remember. I proposed to you beneath the Sunstone. Queen Rosedust herself presided over our ceremony...”

Morning Glory let go of her son. She sighed. “Sparkling Dawn, here? No, he's not here” She looked around-and came snout-to-snout with him. She shouted and stumbled back, falling to her haunches. “Ah!” She looked up as he hovered over her. “My love?” She hopped to all four hooves, mouth agape. “Sparkling?”

Tears brimmed in the stallion's eyes. “I'm here.” He held out a foreleg. “I've always been here, for you. I'm so sorry about Discord, and about what... he did to you.”

Morning Glory bent her foreleg at the elbow around Sparkling Dawn's outstretched foreleg and pulled herself to her hooves. Her head whipped back and forth. "I'm...” Her eyes widened. “I'm not alone?”

Megan breathed in and out. “Meeting for the first time, defeating the Witches, helping you give birth...” She looked up. “Morning Glory, remember!”

A sudden shadow fell over the three flutter ponies. Morning Glory turned around to find Megan standing there. “Megan!” She looked her over. “You're here, too! And you look so much younger, too!”

Megan bit her lip. “We're in your mind, Morning Glory.” She held out her hand and patted Morning Glory on the head, ruffling her mane. “We're all here.” She pointed past Morning Glory. “And the world's out there, my friend. We all miss you.”

A sigh escaped Morning Glory's lips. “I-I don't know.” She closed her eyes. “I miss everypony so much, Megan. But what happened to me was so...” She shuddered. “I hated it so much! I hated Discord, what he did! I wanted to stop him, but I couldn't!”

Blazing Day and Sparkling Dawn sidled up to her and leaned close. “I'm so sorry you went through that, Mom. But please, you have to come back to us!”

Megan nodded. “We can all help you, Morning Glory, but only if you come back with us. Only then can we help you out.”

Sparkling Dawn nodded. “Please, my love. We need you.” He lowered his head and rubbed against her neck. “And we miss you.”

Morning Glory sucked in a breath. "I miss you. I so miss you all...” As she spoke, the white brightened. “I'm tired, too.” She blinked. “So tired.” She looked around. “You'll be there when I arrive?”

Sparkling Dawn nodded and held up a foreleg. “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” he said, crossing his chest and placing a hoof over his closed right eye.

The three flutter ponies and Megan were now little more than blurs in the nothingness. Morning Glory closed her eyes. “Then I think I'll go home.”

Twilight's eyes shot open. She fell back on her haunches and her eyes rolled. “Well, that was... draining.” She leaned forward and her gaze fell upon Morning Glory. Her jaw dropped. “What the Herd?”

Morning Glory was standing with her mouth open as her coat changed from gray to blue. Her wings buzzed and she hopped up, hovering in the air before landing again. She looked around, eyes wide. “I had the worst dream,” she whispered. She suddenly focused on Megan and she lowered her head. “It wasn't a dream.”

Sparkling Dawn stood there for a moment before launching himself at his wife, wrapping his forelegs around her neck and squeezing. He rocked her back and forth, tears flowing. He sniffled. “I never thought I'd see this day,” he squeaked out.

Blazing Day quickly followed suit. His right foreleg wrapped around the back of Sparkling Dawn's neck and his left went around Morning Glory's neck. He shuddered from the pent-up emotion, boiling below the surface. “Mom, Mom...” he repeated.

Megan stepped around and over to Twilight. She knelt down and gave the her a hug. “Twilight, you did it!” she said, grinning.

Twilight blinked. “I did?” She chuckled. “I did it!” She broke away from the hug and looked at the reunited family. “I'm so glad she's better!” The smile fell away and her eyes widened. “Oh, but she's been so ill for so long!”

Megan looked over. "Oh. Twilight, do you have therapists or psychologists in Equestria?"

Twilight's eyes narrowed. "No psychologists, but we have therapists!" she said, stomping a hoof against the floor. She cocked her head to the side. "Wait, what's a psychologist?"

There was silence for a moment before Megan waved a hand. "Never mind," she muttered. She stood and turned to the door. "I'll get Celestia and Rosedust!" she said before exiting the library.

Twilight watched her go, then looked back at the family as they hugged. “Take your time,” she said out loud, an odd peace washing over her. “They've got a lot of catching up to do.”

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Dinky wandered around the various tables and between the ponies. Most were still there, but some had begun leaving as the day wore on. She looked up and spotted Celestia in the sky, flying along with the sun. “Whoa...” she exclaimed.

Sweetie Belle and Dinky looked up too as the Princess adjusted the course of the sun, her silhouette almost swallowed by the light. “She's so beautiful!” Sweetie Belle said, eyes sparkling.

Dinky walked up to Scootaloo's side. “You sure Apple Bloom is here? Maybe that instructor of hers kept her for lessons instead of coming to the party.”

Scootaloo glanced at Dinky with a raised eyebrow. “Didn't Princess Celestia herself invite everypony to the party?” She rubbed her chin with a hoof. “I also wanna see if Danielle and Michelle are around. There's something I wanna ask them.”

Sweetie Belle hopped up and onto Scootaloo's back. She held a foreleg to her forehead and craned her neck. She wobbled as Scootaloo stumbled. “Keep steady!” she said. She suddenly pointed at the edge of the library, right near a large root and close to another tree. “There they are!” she said before hopping down.

Scootaloo grunted. “Next time warn me when you do that!” She wiggled her shoulders. “Okay, let's go!” She led the three through the crowd, only spilling a few drinks and knocking over one plate of food before finding their friend.

Apple Bloom stood next to a brown-coated earth pony stallion with almond-shaped brown eyes. His mane was done up in a queue, long and tied into a braided ponytail. His cutie mark was a flowing red dragon, covering a large portion of his flank. He held up a toned, muscular foreleg and waved it. “Focus on what you see, now what you see with, Apple Bloom. Otherwise, you might miss all of Celestia's glory.” He looked out the corner of his eye as the Crusaders approached. “And your friends have arrived, I see.”

Scootaloo walked around him, looking the earth pony over. “So, you're Iron Butterfly, from Neighpon?” she asked, arching an eyebrow. She looked to Apple Bloom. “Is he awesome, like Rainbow Dash?”

Apple Bloom sputtered, but Iron Butterfly merely chuckled. “Ah, Rainbow Dash? She is one of my students in Lánjié tí fāngshì.” He leaned down and eyed the orange pegasus. “Ah, you are Scootaloo?” He looked over. “And Sweetie Belle and Dinky Doo as well, I believe.”

Scootaloo gasped. “How do you know me?”

Iron Butterfly smirked. “Rainbow Dash talks of you often at lessons, young one. She finds you amusing, but enthusiastic as well.” He looked to Apple Bloom. “Your lessons were short, but well-learned. Remember, think, but also feel. Instincts can help, but also hinder if not guided properly.” He stood up on his hind hooves and clapped his front hooves together, bowing his head down. “I shall leave you to your friends, Apple Bloom. Until next week?”

Apple Bloom stood up and clapped her own front hooves together, bowing her head even lower and bending her neck down. “Until next week, Master.” She dropped down to her four legs as Iron Butterfly trotted away. She turned to Scootaloo as she watched him walk away. “What is it?”

Scootaloo pushed her face into Apple Bloom's, grinning madly. “Did you hear that, did you did you did you?!” She hopped into the air, tiny wings keeping her aloft for a few seconds. “Rainbow Dash thinks I'm amusing and enthusiastic!” She twirled around. “This is so awesome it goes beyond that!”

Apple Bloom backed up slightly. “Ah, yeah...” She looked to Dinky and Sweetie Belle. “So, what are you doin' here?”

Sweetie Belle sidestepped Scootaloo and approached Apple Bloom. “We were wondering if you thought if Dinky could join the Crusaders.” Her head cocked to the side and her brow wrinkled. “Wait, that came out wrong.”

Apple Bloom opened her mouth, but stopped. She looked to Dinky, who shrugged. “I think what you mean is you want Dinky to join the Crusaders?” She grinned. “Well, of course!” She walked up to Dinky and extended a hoof. “Welcome to the Crusaders!”

Dinky smiled and touched her hoof to Apple Bloom's proffered hoof, and was shaken about by Apple Bloom's hoofshake. She bounced about a bit before letting go, her foreleg throbbing. “Ouch...” She looked up. “So, I'm a Crusader? Really?”

Apple Bloom nodded. “If it's all right with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, it's all right with me!” She looked to Scootaloo, who was still hopping around. “Scootaloo!”

Scootaloo landed on the ground and turned around. “Yeah, one more Crusader!” She reached out with her forelegs. “You know what that means?”

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom sidled up to her. Sweetie Belle motioned to Dinky and pointed to her own side. When Dinky stood there she leaned close to her ear and whispered into it. Dinky nodded and all four thrust their forelegs into the air.


Scootaloo dropped back down. “All right, not bad for your first cheer, Dinky.” She looked around. “Now where are Michelle and Danielle?” She suddenly hopped back as Sweetie Belle approached her. “Hey, not this time!”

Sweetie Belle waved her off. “I already know where they are.” She motioned for the three others to come close. “Where's the only place we haven't been?” she asked.

Scootaloo swallowed and a fine sheen of sweat appeared on her brow. “Y-you can't mean there!”

Dinky trotted away, looking around. She hopped up and jabbed a foreleg, pointing across the party to the other side of the library. “She does! And it's the only place we haven't been!” She landed back down and shuddered. “Near... the dragon!”

Apple Bloom marched forward, past Dinky. “Well, what are we waitin' for?” She stopped suddenly. “What am I sayin'? Goin' near that dragon?”

Scootaloo raced forward, pushing past a few ponies and spilling their food. “No, Apple Bloom! We gotta do this! If Danielle and Michelle can go near Mei Long, then we can too!”

Apple Bloom walked up beside her friend and nodded. “You're right, Scootaloo!” She looked around as Dinky and Sweetie Belle joined them. “We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders! We go for our cutie marks!” She suddenly paused. “Wait, why do you wanna go see them, anyway?”

Scootaloo explained her plan, and the other three Crusaders quickly smiled. “Great idea!” Sweetie Belle said, nodding her approval.

Scootaloo nodded. “Right, Apple Bloom. Just one thing, though!”

“What's that?”

Scootaloo suddenly toppled over, rolling onto her back. One of her legs kicked in the air. “Put me in the wagon and push me there!”

The Crusaders cautiously approached the other side of the library and the huge head and serpentine body of Mei Long. Danielle and Michelle stood in front of her, the former holding a cup of juice and the latter with a plate in her hands. Mei Long's slitted eyes shifted and stared right at the Crusaders. “Ah, more visitors!” She held up a paw and waved at them. “Come closer, young fillies!”

Apple Bloom swallowed. “Princess Celestia's your friend, right? And Princess Luna too?” She shifted slightly before trotting up right beside Michelle. Her eyes widened. “Whoa... You're huge!”

Sweetie Belle was by Danielle's side. She gasped and was suddenly right next to Mei Long. She held up a hoof and pointed at the multicolored fringe lining her cheeks and grinned. “I really like your fringe!” she exclaimed. “It's so shiny!”

Mei Long chuckled and brushed against the fringe, jiggling it. “I polish it with the occasional diamond, young one.”

Sweetie Belle rubbed her chin. “I might have to tell Sis about that.”

Danielle looked around as Scootaloo and Dinky walked up. “Hey, Scoots. What brings you over here?” She looked to Dinky. And hi, there. You're Ditzy's daughter, right?”

Dinky nodded and extended a hoof. “Yeah, nice to meet you!”

Danielle looked at the proffered hoof. She tentatively reached out and grabbed it, wincing slightly. A sigh escaped as the filly unicorn gently shook her hoof before letting go. “Okay, much better.”

Scootaloo leaned back and stood up on her back hooves. “Danielle, Michelle, I have a very important question for you two!” She waited until both turned to her before continuing. “Would you like to become honorary Cutie Mark Crusaders?”

Danielle blinked. Her mouth opened slightly before she spoke. “Us?” Her cheeks colored slightly. “That's... really nice, but we're not getting cutie marks, Scootaloo. Humans don't work that way.”

Michelle shrugged. “We could get tattoos.”

Danielle's head whipped around and she glared at her younger sister. “And then we make out our last will and testament, Michelle.” She rolled her eyes and looked back to Scootaloo, who was looking up at her with big, shiny eyes. “I suppose so, Scootaloo.” Her eyes narrowed, almost closing. “Although the tree sap is out!”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “We can't guarantee that, Danielle.”

Mei Long spoke up. “To be invited into a close circle of friends is an honor among dragons, Danielle. I suspect the same is true of ponies and humans.”

Michelle's head bobbed up and down. “Yeah, Danielle!” She dropped down to one knee. “I'd love to become an honorary Cutie mark Crusader, Scootaloo!”

Danielle nodded and joined her sister on one knee. “Same here, Scootaloo.” She held out a hand. “Thanks!”

Scootaloo placed a hoof over Danielle's hand. “We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders! We crusade for our cutie marks!”

Apple Bloom sidled up to Scootaloo and extended her own hoof. “We'll leave no stone unturned!”

Michelle shifted position and held out her arm. “No tree unclimbed!” she said, winking at Danielle, who merely rolled her eyes.

Dinky stood next to Apple Bloom, foreleg in the center. “No book unread!”

Sweetie Belle completed the circle of friends. “And no path untread!”

The six friends all smiled at one another. "WE ARE THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS! YAY!”

Author's Note:

Brief notes, thanks to my proofreader Shubzilla. Also, did I mention I have a trope page? I do. Any tropes you might feel appropriate for it or crowning moments would be appreciated.