• Published 21st Nov 2011
  • 36,113 Views, 1,329 Comments

The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds - RK_Striker_JK_5

An old legend from Equestria's past returns, but is there a place for her in this new world?

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Twilight hopped about, finally breaking into a full-blown gallop. “Shiny! Princess Cadance!” she shouted as she approached her big brother and foalsitter. She bounced around them, finally stopping before Shining Armor and leaning her neck against his. “I missed you so much!”

Shining Armor slowly smiled and leaned against Twilight. “Missed you too, Twiley. Missed you, too.”

Twilight leaned back. She turned, spotting Applejack, Big Mac and Fluttershy. “Oh my gosh!” she blurted out. “This is perfect!” Her horn glowed and a clipboard appeared in a flash of magenta light. It hovered close to her face. “Now I can check off 'talking about the family'! This is so great!”

Applejack blinked. “Wait, what?” She craned her neck up and over. “Twilight, wha are you doin'?”

The clipboard floated down, letting Twilight look at Applejack. “I'm checking off 'introduce family to friends' off the list, of course.” The clipboard slid back up and the quill scratched over it. “There we go.” The quill and clipboard vanished with another flash of magenta light. She stepped to the side and waved a foreleg at Shining Armor and Cadance. “Applejack, Big Macintosh, Fluttershy, this is my big brother and best friend Shining Armor, and this is Princess Cadance, best foalsitter in all of Equestria!”

Cadance's cheeks colored slightly. “Oh, Twilight.”

Big Mac chuckled slightly. “I'm afraid we're a mite ahead o' you, Twilight. We met while waitin' on Princess Celestia and the rest o' you.” He looked to Shining Armor and tilted his head down slightly. “Much obliged, Captain Armor.”

Shining Armor returned the nod. “Likewise, Sergeant Apple.” He looked to Twilight, sighing. “Twiley, what did Cadance and I tell you about listing everything in life?” he asked, motioning to Cadance as she stood beside him.

Cadance nodded. “You have to remember to put away the checklists and live life as it comes to you. It's not so orderly that you can 'check off' things like that.”

Twilight shrugged. “I wrote that down right below 'loosen up' and 'make friends'.” She glanced to the sky. “Wait a second.” Her head whipped around to Shining Armor and Cadance. “Oh, I get it! You didn't want me to write that down, right?”

Shining Armor and Cadance glanced to each other, then over to Applejack. “She's like this a lot?” Shining Armor asked.

Applejack shrugged. “She used a book to run her first sleepover.”

Twilight's eyes darted back and forth. Her head ducked down and her cheeks colored slightly. “D-did I do something wrong?” she asked, voice quavering. She looked to Shining and Cadance, swallowing. “I-I just fell into the routine a bit with the checklist. Was there something I missed?”

Celestia's booming voice caught everyone's attention. “Cadance, please step forth!”

Cadance's head shot up at her aunt's voice. “So, that's Megan.” she muttered. She trotted around to Twilight's side, leaned down and gently nuzzled her. “You didn't do anything really wrong, just maybe not as right as you could've.” And with that, she turned and walked off.

Shining cleared his throat, catching Twilight's attention. “I'm just a little curious as to why you didn't tell your friends about me, Twiley.” He scraped the ground with an armored hoof, digging a small furrow. “It's been nearly eleven months since you left Canterlot, and I know I've been busy with the Royal Guard and our letters haven't been as frequent as earlier, but it's just... odd.”

Applejack held up a hoof. “Now hold on, partner. It's not as odd as you might think. Our good buddy Rainbow Dash don't talk much about her folks, and I knew Rarity nearly two years before I even heard mention of her kin. Sometimes that stuff just don't come up in conversation.”

Shining Armor blinked. “Well, that puts things in perspective.” Her looked to Twilight and cleared his throat. “So, Twilight, could you introduce me to your friends? I'd like to meet them!”

Twilight blinked. A slow smile spread across her face. “Everpony, this is my big brother, the best big brother in the world – well, tied with Big Macintosh,” she said, waving to Shining Armor as he drew himself up. “Shining Armor, these are my friends Applejack, Big Macintosh and Fluttershy.”

Applejack tipped her head forward, letting her hat slide down a bit. “Pleasure to meet you, Shining.”

Fluttershy tilted her head to the side, smiling, while Big Mac nodded to him.

Twilight stepped up to Shining Armor's side. “Thanks,” she said. “And I am sorry for not mentioning you beforehoof.”

Shining Armor glanced over Twilight's withers as Cadance and Mike Richards approached. “Well... there is something Cadance and I have to tell you.” He looked to Cadance and smiled, but his grin fell away as his eyes drifted up to Mike. “By the Herd, you're like a minotaur!” He squared his shoulders, planting his hooves apart almost instinctively.

Mike blinked. “What?” He looked himself over.

Twilight looked to Shining Armor, then to Mike. “Oh, no! Shiny, this is Mike Richards, Megan's husband. Mike, this is my big brother, Shining Armor.” She paused and leaned in close. “Shiny?”

Shining Armor stared up at Mike, jaw hanging open slightly. “Husband of the Mag'ne?” he dropped his head, touching his horn to the ground. “I am humbled!”

Mike's jaw worked for a moment before he looked to Cadance. “Help?” he asked, jerking his head in Shining Armor's direction.

Cadance rolled her eyes before trotting around to Shining Armor's side. She reached out with a wing and gently ran the primary coverts across his barrel. “Schmoopie-doo...” she said, a sly smile forming on her muzzle.

Shining Armor's head shot straight up, his eyes rolling around in their sockets and his legs quivering. “C-Cadance!” he blurted out. He cantered to his left, body wobbling. “Twiley's here, for Herd's sake!”

Cadance rolled her eyes. “Then don't bow like that.” She fixed him with a glare. “You know how embarrassing it is for me, right? How do you think Mike feels about it?”

Shining Armor's cheeks blushed. He looked to Mike, meeting his eyes and sucking in a breath. “My apologies, Mike. That was rude of me to treat you like that.” He raised a foreleg to him.

Mike shifted a bit and switched his tool box around before grabbing Shining Armor's proffered hoof with his now free right hand. “Not a problem, Mister Armor.” He let go and bent his legs slightly. “Princess Celestia would like me back at the Ponyville Library afterward. So might be a good idea to get going.”

Applejack nodded. “Sounds good to me, too.” She tipped her head forward once more. “Pleasure meeting you all today.” She trotted over to Mike's side, gently rapping his shin with her elbow. “So, why don't we mosey on over to Sweet Apple Acres? I'll fill you in on what needs to be done there.” She glanced over at Big Mac and Fluttershy. “Big Mac, why don't you escort Fluttershy there?” she said, her right eye twitching slightly.

Big Mac's head shot over, his ears waving. “What?” he asked. He pointed a hoof at Mike. “But I thought-”

Mike rubbed his chin. “Good idea, Applejack.” He bowed slightly to Cadance, Shining Armor and Twilight. “Pleasure meeting you, Cadance and Shining. Twilight, I'll see you at the library.” He waited for Applejack to start walking off before following her, but paused next to Fluttershy. He looked the pegasus over for a second. “Why your mane looks lovely, Fluttershy!” He tilted his head up, looking at Big Mac next to her. “Wouldn't you agree, Big Mac?”

Fluttershy's head drooped down, her mane falling in front of her face as her cheeks turned a shade of red not unlike Big Mac's own coat. Big Mac merely pawed at the dirt, grunting slightly.

Cadance's hoof smacked her forehead, right below her horn. “Good grief.” She looked to Mike. “Not the smoothest I've seen.”

Mike hesitated before shrugging. “I know, I know.” He and Applejack began walking down the path leading to Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres, followed by Big Mac and Fluttershy.

Cadance and Shining Armor looked to Twilight as she stood there. Cadance leaned down, looking at the ribbons tied in Twilight's tail and the braids twisted in her mane. “Twilight, what the hay happened to your mane and tail?”

Twilight's head and shoulders shook. “Michelle... the ribbons... the brushie brushie...” She rolled her eyes. “The daughter of the Magn'e wields a fearsome brush, let's just say.” She suddenly gasped. “Ponyville!”

Shining Armor blinked. “Yes, we're about two minutes away from there.” He cocked his head to the side. “You okay, Twiley?”

Twilight's legs tensed and she bounced around Cadance and Shining Armor. “I have to take you on a tour!” she exclaimed, grinning. “There's a lot of great ponies there and it's so nice!” She stopped right in front of the pair, her grin fading slightly. “And I have to make up for not mentioning you two to my friends,” she said, her ears flattening.

The Captain of the Royal Guard reached out, wrapping a foreleg around Twilight's neck. “Nothing to make up,” he said, nuzzling her slightly. “It was a simple mistake, Twiley.”

Cadance stepped forward, joining in the hug. “Shiny's right, Twilight. Could've happened to anypony. Besides, Shining and I have something that slipped our minds.” She let go, stepping back to look Twilight in the eye. “And it's... big.”

Twilight stared at Cadance as Shining Armor also stepped back. “Big?” She cocked her head to the side. “How big?”

The two older ponies pasted grins on their faces, eyes darting to one another. “How's about I tell you at lunch,” Shining Armor suggested. He waved a foreleg around at the few ponies still gathered around at the edge of the field. “Somewhere a little less open? My treat.”

Twilight nodded. She trotted down the path to Ponyville, Shining Armor and Cadance following. Her head twisted around. “Oh, this'll be so great! You can meet my friends, see where I live, the schoolhouse...”

Chip ran his fingers along the edge of a shelf, his eyes scanning the spines of the books there. He stepped forward, his legs whirring slightly under his pant legs. He picked a book, slid it out and, with practiced ease, opened it, adjusting his glasses. “I assume this is your native language?” He looked up at Celestia, holding the book open and motioning to the symbols on the pages.

Celestia sat across the main foyer of the Ponyville Public Library on a large cushion, a table in front of her with snacks and beverages placed on it. She craned her long neck up and over, looking at the book Chip held in front of him. “Ah, I loved that one! And yes, it's an evolved form of Old High Equuish. It was spoken mostly at Queen Majesty's court at Dream Castle, at least before the Great Sundering.”

Chip's lips pursed slightly. He put the book back and pulled his cell phone out of his pocket. Within moments he was scrolling through screens of text. “I don't recall anything about a 'Great Sundering'. Queen Majesty was mentioned a few times, though.”

Celestia waited for him to sit down on a cushion right across from her before speaking. “About twenty years before Megan arrived, Queen Majesty ruled over a beautiful kingdom, or at least that's how the Princess Ponies told it,” she said, glancing down at the floor. “Unfortunately, she was the last queen. Tirac the Abomination stormed Dream Castle one day, destroying the kingdom in one night...

Thunder boomed, lightning flashed and storm clouds roiled through the air as Queen Majesty's horn sliced through the air. The white-coated unicorn cantered about, spells firing from her horn at her opponent. “You can't win, Tirac!' she cried out, one hoof slipping ever so slightly against the rain-soaked grass. “The Moochik already has the Rainbow, and the Princess ponies have fled to Crystal Castle!” Her horn lit up once more, a green fog coming from it and surrounding the only other being there.

Tirac the Abomination stood, a sneer on the demonic centaur's gray lips. He held up a blood-red hand and the fog dispersed. “How pathetic,” he growled, his voice like nails on a chalkboard. “Majesty, the time of the ponies is gone. The power of your ancestors has fled. Accept it and pass to your precious Herd with a minimum of pain.”

Majesty continued galloping around him in a circle. “Never!” she cried out, suddenly stopping and angling her direction for a charge right at Tirac's ash-gray right flank. She lowered her head as she approached – and let out a gurgling gasp as Tirac's hand snaked out, grabbing her horn.

His muscular arms strained as he dragged Majesty around. Her horn sparked, but any spell was stopped as he squeezed, cracking the keratin. Majesty's eyes rolled back as pain washed through her skull. She dug her hooves into the grass, but found little purchase in the mud.

“Brave, but futile,” Tirac stated, his voice holding almost an air of boredom to it. He raised his arm, dragging Majesty up to eye-level. “And thus, your kingdom dies.” His free hand went to a pulsating bag tied around his neck. “Prepare for death, Majesty.”

Majesty's eyes glittered. Her lips curled back and she spat a glob of saliva onto Tirac's red face. “Enjoy your victory while you can,” she snarled. “I have foreseen it, Tirac. Over the rainbow shall come your doom, one who will reunite the ponies in a new golden age!”

Tirac's fingers continued to loosen the knot keeping the bag around his neck closed. “Perhaps, but you will not be there to see it.”

The bag opened up and a black rainbow shot out, wrapping around Majesty's head and body. It pulsed, a muffled cry echoed through Ponyland and Majesty was no more.

“... The kingdom fractured into dozens of enclaves and mini-states. Tirac hunted them down one by one, wiping out a half-dozen before attacking the ponies at Midnight Castle.” A bittersweet smile crossed Celestia's lips. “That was when Firefly crossed the original Rainbow Bridge. And you know the rest.” She looked away. “I told Megan that Luna and I remain princesses to keep close to our subjects, and to attend tea parties. The truth is, I feel like we're stewards, waiting for Queen Majesty's true heir to reappear.”

Chip sipped on his tea. “I'm sorry,” he said, keeping his eyes on the table. “You've done a lot to rebuild.”

Celestia nodded. She glanced to the door and Ponyville beyond. “Megan, Molly and Danny gave us the tools and the impetus to reform and rebuild. Without them our dark ages would still be going on.” She focused on Chip. “Humans seem to be very good at that, from what I heard about those metal ones from the stars.”

Chip's eyebrow arched as he looked up at her. “Oh, the Autobots?” He shrugged. “We can be good at it, but we've had dark times in our history.” He shook his head, sighing. “A lot of dark times.”

The alicorn chuckled slightly. “I know, Chip. A lot of the books we were given were history books.” She leaned in. “We ponies don't have lily-white hooves, especially in the twenty years between Majesty's death and Megan's arrival. And there's also minotaurs, goats, cows, zebras, penguins, crabnasties...” She met Chip's eyes. “We can be as bad as humans, but also as good as humans. So, let's focus on the good we can do together, Mister Chase.”

Chip shifted a bit on his cushion. “Well, this is more of a fact-finding mission, your majesty.” He waved his left arm around in the air. “I'm not really authorized to conduct negotiations at the moment. I came here to determine the threat level of the inter-dimensional hole to Earth and learn what I can.”

Celestia leaned in. “Is the Rainbow Bridge a threat?”

“No,” Chip replied. He leaned on the table, threading his fingers together and leaning his elbows on the table. “No, it’s not. From all indications it's stable, and won't grow or shrink without massive outside influence. ” He waved to Celestia. ”So, there's a 'Rainbow Bridge' on Earth leading to an alternate reality. The question now becomes, what do you want?”

Celestia took a long sip of tea and a few bites of a sandwich. “Your phone, it can record?” At Chips' nod she stood up and trotted over to an empty space in the foyer. “What is the name of your current president?” she asked, spinning around to face Chip.

Chip stood up, holding his phone in his hand. “Clayton Abernathy.” He touched his phone's screen and held it up. “This isn't the usual way we send messages,” he said, smirking.

Celestia paused and held up a foreleg. “Wait.” She turned, her ethereal mane flowing out. “Could you wait here for a moment, please? I need to get Luna. It wouldn't be right for me to deliver this message alone, and I can travel much faster without passengers.”

Chip nodded. He pocketed his camera and walked over to a bookshelf and slid out a thick tome. “I'll do some light reading,” he said.

Celestia smiled. “Thank you.” She turned and trotted to an already opening front door. As soon as she stepped out her entire form contracted into a golden sphere. It flew off, quickly disappearing. Two minutes passed before the sphere returned, expanding into Celestia. She ducked her head as she entered. “Chip Chase, I present the Lunar Diarch of the Equestrian Alliance, Princess Luna.”

Celestia stepped aside as a blue mist drifted in. The interior darkened slightly as the mist expanded, legs, neck, head and wings flowing out from the mist. Lightning flashed and thunder crashed in the clear blue sky as Luna stepped forward, her body solidifying. “Greetings!” she shouted, thrusting a hoof into the air. “I am Princess Luna, ruler of the night!”

Chip put the book down and bowed at the waist. “I am Chip Chase, representative of Earth and of the United States of America.”

Luna sucked in a breath. She walked forward, circling around Chip. “We are... known, on Earth?” She stopped in front of him and waved a wing at him. “Pray tell, what is the intent of your government concerning Equestria and Ponyland?”

Chip straightened up, raising his head to look Luna in her eyes. “Well, we'd like to establish peaceful relations with you, if possible. Trade, diplomatic relations and cultural exchanges. If you're willing to, that is.”

Luna's head bobbed slightly. “Quite willing, Chip Chase. My sister and I wish for peaceful relations with humanity.” She extended a foreleg.

Chip looked her over before reaching out and grabbing Luna's proffered limb, squeezing it gently. He let go and held up his camera. “I can record a message from you for President Abernathy to watch when I get back to Earth.”

Celestia walked up to her sister's side. She leaned down, looking at the lens on the back of Chip's phone. “That's a phone and a recorder, just like Megan's! How much recording time do you have on that?”

Chip shrugged. “About... eight hours’ worth, I think.” He stepped back and held it up. “Whenever you're ready.”

Celestia and Luna exchanged a glance, both blushing. “Well, go on,” Luna said, motioning with a wing.

Celestia cleared her throat. “All right. Please start now, Chip.” She waited a moment before speaking.

“President Clayton Abernathy, I am Princess Celestia, and this is my sister, Princess Luna. We are the diarchs of the Equestrian Alliance. One thousand, five hundred and nine years ago, by our reckoning, three humans came to Ponyland, bringing knowledge and a sense of unity to the various pony tribes. Without their help, our world would be covered in darkness, torn apart by war and death.”

Luna spoke. “We wish to extend to you, and to all of humanity, our hoof in friendship. It is our hope and desire that together, pony and human can accomplish so much more than alone, as has been done before. Thank you.” There was silence for a moment before Luna leaned down, peering into the lens. “Is it off?”

Chip bit his lip and cleared his throat. He touched the screen. “It is, now.” He slid it into his pocket. “You two did that pretty quickly. I'm guessing you don't employ speechwriters?”

Celestia shook her head. “I've been doing this a long time. And Luna and I are sisters.” She extended a wing, folding it over Luna's back, smiling. “We're more complementary to each other than opposites.”

Luna leaned her neck against Celestia's. “Thank you, sister.” She straightened up. “I trust this shall be delivered to your president?”

Chip placed a hand on his chest. “You have my word, your majesty.”

Luna's eyes softened slightly. “Please, call me Luna.”