• Published 21st Nov 2011
  • 36,113 Views, 1,329 Comments

The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds - RK_Striker_JK_5

An old legend from Equestria's past returns, but is there a place for her in this new world?

  • ...

Chapter Fifteen

Danielle limped along, the pain in her body lessened but still there. She, Michelle and the Cutie Mark Crusaders moved through Whitetail Wood, Scootaloo using her scooter and wagon to tow the kite. Danielle walked up to a tree with a spigot screwed into it and a bucket hanging from it. She looked it over. “Is it spring?” she asked, looking to the fillies.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle all exchanged glances. “No, why?” Apple Bloom said, cocking an eyebrow.

Michelle spoke up as she stood in front of another tree. “Well, doesn't sap only run in spring?”

Apple Bloom snorted and laughed. “What? Why'd sap only run in spring?” She looked to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, who only shrugged. “If it only ran in spring, we couldn't have good-tastin' maple syrup all year 'round!” She walked up to a spigot and tapped the screw with her hoof. “Maybe we can all try for our sap-collecting cutie marks again!”

Scootaloo groaned as she hopped off her scooter and approached a tree. “Who wants a sap-collecting cutie mark?!” She slammed her hoof onto a spigot, bending it at the spike. Her wings buzzed, sending her a few inches off of the ground. “Ah, come on!”

Danielle walked over to Scootaloo, pulling out a notebook and pencil. “Do cutie marks have a set time to appear?” she asked, beginning to write. “Do you have to get them while you're young, or can adults who don't have one get them too? What defines 'special talent'? Does it lock you into something? Is it always good?”

The Crusaders all looked to Danielle, then to each other. Sweetie Belle spoke up. “It's our special talent, but it's not... everything about us. Rarity's cutie mark is three gemstones, but she's not a miner. It's about beauty for her.” She thrust a hoof into the air. “And one of these days I'll be just as good as she is at designing!”

Scootaloo snorted. “If your designing was half as good as your singing we might've won the talent show!” She turned back to the spigot and growled, kicking at the tree trunk. “Come on and pour!”

Apple Bloom trotted over to Scootaloo, placing a hoof on her shoulder and spinning her around. “I think you mean your awful songs were what lost us the contest!” She jabbed a foreleg at her. “Now apologize, Scootaloo!”

Scootaloo shrugged Apple Bloom's hoof off and leaned forward. “Only if you apologize for those lame dance moves based off of karate, or whatever it is you're learning!”

Apple Bloom snarled and butted heads with Scootaloo. “Lame? Sensei Iron Butterfly's one of the strongest earth ponies I know! He's almost as strong as Applejack or Big Macintosh!” She jabbed a hoof at Scootaloo's chest. “You want me to show you how 'lame' my Lánjié tí fāngshì is?”

Michelle spoke up. “Lan... “ She cocked her head to the side. “What?”

Applebloom looked up at her. “Way of the' interceptin' hoof in Neighponese.” She then leaned forward once more at Scootaloo, baring her teeth.

Sweetie Belle suddenly appeared between them, thrusting her forelegs out. “Hey, hey! Let's not fight! How are we gonna get our cutie marks if we keep on getting on each other's nerves?”

Michelle walked over to Danielle and leaned in close as the Crusaders began arguing back and forth. “Think we should do something?” she asked. “I kinda don't want to have to explain to anyone how they either got crippled or killed.”

Danielle opened her mouth and raised a hand, but stopped as Scootaloo shoved Apple bloom. “Okay, now we'll stop them.” She ran to the fillies, sliding her notebook into her backpack. “Okay, girls! Let's stop this before someone gets hurt!” She and Michelle stepped around the fillies, holding out arms and pushing them away. “Ugh, stronger than I thought!”

Scootaloo backed up, rearing back into the already-bent spigot. The external tap snapped off and sap spewed from the hollow spike, covering Scootaloo. She stumbled forward, one foreleg wrapping around Danielle's leg and the other grabbing Sweetie Belle by the neck. "W'aohhhaah!" she screamed as both appendages became stuck to Danielle and Sweetie Belle, dragging the pair with her.

Danielle was knocked to her knees and tumbled to the side, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle wrapped around her legs. The tree sap squirted once more before dying down into a trickle, covering Danielle's back before she fell to the ground. She groaned as her injured back flared once more with new pain. “Argh!” she cried out, wincing.

Michelle moved over to Danielle and knelt down, concern on her face. “Are you all right?” She pulled out her cell phone and flipped it on. “Still no signal!”

Danielle groaned again as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle lay across her legs, both covered in tree sap. Her head rose, leaves and dirt sticking to her hair. “Yeah, I don't think we can count on Dad coming to our rescue, Michelle.” She looked to Scootaloo, who was pulling her hind legs up in a failed attempt to unstick them from Danielle's pants. “So, now what? Lie here and contemplate the meaning of life, the universe and everything?”

Apple Bloom suddenly appeared, pushing a large metal basin of water with her hooves. She grabbed a sponge floating in the water with her teeth and began scrubbing at Scootaloo's legs. She looked up to Michelle and jabbed her head in the basin's direction. After a few seconds, Michelle reached into the tub and pulled out another sponge, dabbing it over Sweetie Belle.

Danielle blinked. “Should I be concerned or relieved you brought a wash basin with you?”

Apple Bloom spat the sponge into the basin and stuck her tongue out. “Blech!” She looked to Danielle. “Ah, we get into all sorts o' trouble when crusading!” She stopped and sighed. “And... covered in tree sap a lot, too.”

Sweetie Belle pulled away from Danielle, lurching back and rolling head over hooves. She landed and shook her head. “Even when we're doing something like-”

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom suddenly were by her side. All three fillies threw their heads back. “CUTIE MARK CRUSADER LIBRARIANS! YAY!”

Michelle held out her hand and helped Danielle to her feet. She looked to the Crusaders. “I think it'd be best if we got back to the library. It's getting late and I wanna make sure Danielle doesn't die out here.”

Danielle grunted and leaned back, cracking her back. She rotated her shoulders and winced. “Yeah, that'd be nice.”

Scootaloo walked over to her scooter, placed her helmet on her head and hopped on. Her tiny wings buzzed and she drove over to Danielle. “Danielle, I'm sorry you got banged up.” She motioned to the wagon behind her and the kite inside. “Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, is it all right if she rides inside on the way back?”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle exchanged a simple glance before Apple Bloom reached in with her forelegs, wrapped them around the kite and began pulling it out. After a few seconds of struggling, Michelle reached over and helped her extract the kite.

Danielle walked over and gingerly climbed in, groaning as she settled into the wagon. “Thanks,” she said. She looked at Scootaloo. “You sure you'll be able to pull me?”

Scootaloo smirked and hunkered down on her handles. “Watch me!' she shouted as her wings buzzed once more, sending the scooter, wagon and Danielle lurching forward. “Time to burn rubber!” she shouted as they careened through Whitetail Wood.

Michelle, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom stood there for a minute as the wagon shot off. Michelle shook her head, then looked to Sweetie Belle. She pulled her hair brush out and held it up. “You think... maybe a cutie mark in hair brushing would be best?”

Applejack looked up from her plate of food as Fluttershy floated over, landing next to her. “Nice to see you make it,” she said, nudging a plate over with her nose. “Plenty of grub left for you, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy smiled as she set a case of apple juice down on the table. “Thank you, Applejack. I bought a case of apple juice from Caramel for the party, but it looks like it wasn't needed!” She looked around at the tables of food. “Oh, my! How did the Cakes make all this food?”

Applejack snorted. “Two days shut in with Pinkie Pie will do that for you.” She looked around. “Speaking of which, where's Pinkie and Dash?”

Fluttershy hopped up and hovered, twisting around. “Oh, they're talking to those two earth ponies there with the cute hats!” She landed once more, then looked around at several unfamiliar ponies. “Applejack, if you don't mind me asking, who are these other ponies here?”

Applejack set her plate down and swallowed before speaking. “Ah, they're the Princess Ponies. Old friends of the Princesses or some such like that. I dunno.” She took another bite and noticed Fluttershy's expression. “Twilight, Megan and her siblings flew off to Canterlot to meet with Celestia and Luna, and her husband and her fillies went off to Ponyville fer some sightseeing.”

Fluttershy grinned. “Oh, yes! I met him when I bought the juice from your stand. He was helping Big Macintosh to fix a wheel on your stand.” She looked at her hooves. “Those hands he has are very useful. If I had them, think of how much more I could do to help all the animals!”

Applejack's mouth turned up. “He did?” At Fluttershy's nod she grinned even wider. “Well, shucks! Forget about half-off, he gets it all for free!”

Fluttershy smiled, but anything she might've said was interrupted by a harried Rarity arriving. “Oh, my!” Fluttershy said. “Rarity, what a lovely dress!” She looked the shimmering ensemble over. “How many gemstones did you use?”

Rarity trotted up, her body clad in a blue dress with alternating stripes of rubies and sapphires running across. She wore a tiara just in front of her horn, a simple gold strand of a necklace and earrings with small diamonds in them. She walked up to Applejack and Fluttershy, tail sashaying a bit. “What do you think?” she asked, turning around so the gems caught the sun's light just so. “I figured for the king of the Dragon Clans, gems are a mare's best friend!”

Applejack and Fluttershy both winced as the light hit them in the eyes, dazzling them. “Quit it!” Applejack said, backing up and shaking her head. “Land's sakes, Rarity! I don't need to go blind yet or even get glasses!”

Rarity stepped closer, into the library's shadow. “Sorry, Applejack. I just got so caught up in designing and making this one. It took a lot of gems, but in the end it's worth it.” She looked around, first at the tables of food. “My, my! I hope Mister and Missus Cake are well compensated for such a gorgeous spread!” She wiped her mouth with a foreleg. “I'm famished just looking at it!” Two plates of food and a bowl of salad floated over to her. “I simply don't know where to begin!”

Applejack chuckled. “Well, be careful Rarity. We don't want you bursting outta your dress.” She looked her over. “Although considerin' what you're wearing, might be a bit lethal if you do.”

Rarity chuckled, but it died down as she spotted the Princess Ponies. “I do say, who are these others? Friends of... the... Princesses?” Her eyes lit upon their hats and her already-pale coat somehow managed to blanch even more. She leaned in close to Applejack. “And what in the name of the Herd are they wearing on their heads?! It looks like a bad party hat!”

Just then, Rainbow Dash's head whipped around, locking onto Rarity. “Oh, there she is!” She hopped up and flew over, landing next to Rarity. A pure-white pegasus followed, landing next to her. "Rarity, this is Princess Tiffany, one of the Princess Ponies!” She leaned in close to the unicorn. “What she's a princess of, I'm not quite sure. They won't say.” She hovered over and motioned at Tiffany with her forelegs. “But Tiffany knew the original Firefly, from Dream Valley! The one who did the first sonic rainboom!!” She held her forelegs up to her face and squeezed them. “It's so awesome!” she squealed.

Rarity chuckled, then looked to Tiffany. “The Princess Ponies? The... PRINCESS PONIES?!” She looked herself over. “Oh, my! O-oh, my! I had no idea more royalty would be here!” She twisted about, the gems in her dress catching the light. “Oh, my! Am I properly dressed? Is this dress enough for ponies and dragons of such personage?” She wrapped her forelegs around Dash's neck and shook. “Is it? Is it?! I NEED TO KNOW!”

Dash's eyes rolled around in her head and she flew back, out of Rarity's grasp. “Relax, Rarity!” She motioned to the other Princess ponies as they approached. “They're all pretty cool, and they're only wearing their royal office hats... or something.” She touched back onto the ground. “And either stay in the shade or inside when you're wearing that thing!”

Rarity blushed slightly. “I suppose I overdid it a bit. So sorry.” She took to one knee in front of Tiffany. “An honor to meet you, my dear.”

Tiffany giggled. “Likewise.” She craned her neck around. “I do hope Mike and his children show up soon, as well as Celestia, Luna and the others.” She looked up at the sun, past midday and beginning its descent. “Where could they be?”

Mike patted Macintosh on his back as they approached the library. “Come on, you'll see. She'll love a guy like you!”

Macintosh hesitated, digging his hooves into the ground. “I don't know.” He spotted the yellow pegasus as she chatted with Applejack and seemed to shrink into himself. “So pretty, what's a colt like myself got to offer a filly like her? Modeling career, Element of Kindness, best darned animal worker in Equestria, and I'm just a dumb farmhoof!”

Mike crossed his arms and shook his head. “No, you're not! You're smarter than you seem and don't mince words. You've also got a big heart and some pretty deep thoughts.” He wrapped his arm around Macintosh's neck and pointed to Fluttershy. “Go for it, Mac! Go to her and tell her your feelings!”

Macintosh's brow furrowed, but an orange blur racing to him and Mike from the side caught his attention. “Scootaloo?” he said as the pegasus raced up on her scooter, wagon and Danielle in tow. He stepped back and whinnied. “What happened?”

Mike's jaw dropped as he saw his daughter, clothes torn and tree sap sticking to them, branches and leaves in her hair and smudges on her face. “What the...” He ran up to the wagon and dropped to his knees. “Danielle, are you all right? What happened?” He stood up and over Scootaloo. “What did you do to my daughter?!”

Scootaloo swallowed and her head bobbed. “Hi, Mike.”

Mike growled. “Don't you 'Hi, Mike' me! What happened, a demolition derby?”

Danielle swung her legs around over the side of the wagon and planted her feet on the ground. She groaned as she levered herself up and out. “Dad, Dad!” She stepped around, holding up her hands. “It's all right, Dad. See?” She waved her arms over herself. “No broken bones, internal bleeding or amputated limbs.” She paused and cracked her neck. “That we know of.”

Michelle, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle ran up. “Mike, we're sorry!” Apple Bloom blurted out. She looked over at Macintosh. “Hi, Macintosh! What are you doin'?”

Macintosh waved a hoof at her. “Howdy, Apple Bloom. Crusading go well?”

Mike cleared his throat. “Okay, just what happened out there? And why didn't you call?” He looked at Danielle, who looked away. “Lemme guess, no bars?”

Danielle sighed. “No bars,” she mumbled. She looked back up at Mike. “Well, we went to their clubhouse – which is actually like the one you built for us – and we then went kite flying. But the kite got tangled in a tree and I climbed up to get it.”

Apple Bloom spoke up. “But she fell and got tangled in the cord, so I had Scootaloo climb up to chop 'her down with a machete onto a trampoline underneath!” She paused. “It would've been fine, but Scootaloo fell and bounced into her, knocking her to the ground.”

Mike's face paled. “A... a machete?” He focused on Scootaloo and held up a hand. “You swung a machete around my daughter to cut her down? Good lord what were you thinking?!” He then glared at Apple Bloom. “And what made you think that was even a good idea?”

Danielle spoke up. “It wasn't swung at me, but at the cord tying me up, Dad! And it was either that or let me hang.” She placed her hands on her hips. “And trust me, they both got plenty chewed out by me after I got cut down.”

Mike groaned and rubbed his forehead. “Then what happened?”

Apple Bloom swallowed before continuing. “Well, at Whitetail Wood, we were collecting tree sap to try for our tree sap collecting cutie mark again. One of the spigots broke and Scootaloo was knocked into Danielle and Sweetie Belle.”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “It was sticky. Also, tree sap only runs in spring on Earth? What about maple syrup for pancakes?”

Mike focused on Sweetie Belle. “We store it, as well as use preservatives for later use. And how did we get offtrack?” He rubbed his forehead. “Megan is gonna kill me.”

Danielle shook her head. “Aw, come on, Dad! This isn't any worse than when Michelle and I climbed the trees out in the fields, or went fishing or anything like that! So I got a bit dirty and bruised. I had fun.” She looked back at Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. “And I made some really cool friends.” She looked back at Mike. “So if you're gonna be angry, be angry at me.”

Macintosh spoke up. “Aw, Mike! There was no harm in what happened. Just some kids foolin' 'round and bein' kids. No one was hurt and they all had fun. So why the big worry?”

Mike looked to him, then to Danielle. He held his arms up and wrapped them around her in a hug. “Well, long as you're all right.”

Danielle snaked her arms around Mike and returned the hug. “Thanks, Dad.” They both let go and she looked over at the library. “Wow, looks like there's more ponies there!” She winced as light reflected off one dress. “What is she wearing?” she said, holding her hands up to cover her eyes.

Sweetie Belle bounced up and down. “Oh, that's Rarity!” Her eyes widened. “That dress is incredible!” She turned and galloped off, shouting, “Rarity!” the while.

Macintosh chuckled, then looked to Mike with a serious expression. “Mike, you're right. I might have somethin' to offer Fluttershy, but I'm already nervous 'bout leaving Caramel at the stand. His heart's in the right place, but it'd take a miracle for him not to put his hoof on the one rake in the field, if you know what I mean?”

Mike sighed. “Yeah, he's a bit scatterbrained.” He held out his hand, but dropped it. “Gotta stop doing that,” he said. He tossed Macintosh a salute as he turned and left. “Nice guy.” He looked to everyone else. “So, the party?”

Apple Bloom furrowed her brow, then looked up and gasped. “Ah, shucks! I got Lánjié tí fāngshì class in an hour. Sensei Iron Butterfly wants me in the advanced classes soon.” She waved her hoof at everyone before turning and trotting off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.

Danielle looked to Scootaloo. “Well, wanna come along as my official guest?”

Scootaloo's mouth widened in a rather large grin. “Do I?” She jumped up, wrapping her forelegs around Danielle in a hug. “Thank you!” She let go and landed, galloping off to the library.

Rarity laughed. “Oh, what a delightful joke!” she said to Tiffany, keeping her eyes down and away from her head, mane and her hat. She took a sip of juice and bit into a daisy sandwich before continuing. “Just as I was telling my client Hoity-Toity of Canterlot the other day, a mare must be-”

Sweetie Belle suddenly ran up, dancing around Rarity. “Sis, sis!” she cried out. She stopped and looked Rarity over. “Ooh, that dress is so lovely!” she said, eyes sparkling.

A smile crept across Rarity's face. She patted Sweetie Belle on the head. “That's very kind of you to say, dear. Thank you.” She looked up to Tiffany. “Princess Tiffany, this is my sister Sweetie Belle. Sweetie Belle, this is Princess Tiffany of the Princess Ponies.”

Tiffany bowed her head and chuckled. “What a delightful young filly!” She held out a hoof. “Sweetie Belle, I am pleased to meet you!”

Sweetie Belle touched Tiffany's hoof. “Thanks! I really like your hat!” She cocked her head to the side. “Wait, you're a princess? Princess of what?”

Rarity swallowed and a sheen of sweat crossed her brow. She knelt down and leaned in close to Sweetie Belle. “We're not sure, but they know Celestia and Luna, so we're taking it at face value for the moment.” She stood back up and laughed softly at Tiffany. “Hehe, kids!”

Off to the side, Applejack tipped her hat forward as Mike walked up. “Mike, Fluttershy told me what you did for our cart at the marketplace. I'm much appreciated of it, good sir!” She spread her forelegs. “Next time you're there, it's on the house!”

Mike waved at Fluttershy, who waved back. “Thanks, but it wasn't much. Just a quick patch job.“ He walked around to Fluttershy. “Big Mac did the hard work, keeping the cart steady. Yeah, a steady kind of a guy.” He rubbed his chin. “Yeah, definitely a nice guy. What do you think, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy's cheeks turned a bright crimson. She let out an “eep!” before her wings spread and she flew off, to the far side of the party.

Mike watched as she flew off and smacked his forehead, dragging his hand down his face. “I screwed up,” he flatly stated.

Applejack chuckled and shook her head. “Don't worry none, Mike. I think Mac and 'Shy would be a good match, too. Celestia knows I've tried to get those two crazy kids together, but he doesn't think he's good enough for her and she's too shy to broach the subject!” She rolled her eyes. “It's not right, I tell you!”

Mike shrugged. “Remind me to tell you about when I first met Megan.” He looked up as a speck in the sky caught his attention. “Say is that a pegasus with a package strapped to... “ His eyes narrowed. “Her? Yeah, her.”

The speck quickly resolved into Ditzy Doo, who flew in over the library. A small wooden crate dangled from her harness, swaying a bit. She tugged on a strap and the harness released, dropping it to the ground with a mild thud. She landed on top if it and looked around at the party. “Ah... hi?” she said, waving weakly. “Delivery for the... Ponyville... should I leave?”

Spike ran out of the library and up to the crate. “Oh, Ditzy! Is this from Hoofington?”

Ditzy spread her wings and hopped down. She fished her clipboard out of her saddlebags and held it out for Spike. He took the pen and signed the documents. “Hmm, from Modesty Mare in Hoofington.” He waved Ditzy off. “Don't worry, I'll take care of this.” He leaned in close to her. “And it'll keep me away from Pinkie Pie, too!”

A pink blur suddenly appeared between Spike and Ditzy, wrapping her forelegs around the two and pulling them in for a hug. “Ooh, a package?” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. She let go and hopped over, twisting her neck all around as she stared at the crate. She hopped up on top of it and stamped at it with her hooves. “A good surprise? A bad surprise? A weird surprise? Let's see!”

Spike groaned. “Weird's a good word for it.” He looked the paperwork over. “I think Twilight and I can have the next order for Modesty ready by Wednesday, but with the Gala coming up it might be tight.” he looked up at Ditzy. “So, what's she like, anyway? We've never met her.”

Ditzy paused, her right eye wandering a bit. “She's... nice.”

Trixie looked up as Ditzy strapped herself to the crate. “You don't have to do this for Tri-for me,” she said.

Ditzy looked down. “And you didn't have to let me stay the night or help out with your magic show at the inn.” She grinned widely. “That was fun, by the way!”

Trixie shrugged. “It's been going a lot better without... lying, or humiliating others.” She held out a foreleg and a top hat appeared in a puff of smoke. “Leaves more room for theatrics and actually good performances.” She placed the hat on her head, over her horn. “Thanks, Ditzy. I'll pay you back, somehow.”

Ditzy smirked. “Come on down to Ponyville and meet Dinky and Sparkler for a day. How's that?”

Trixie's eyes widened. “Ditzy, I'd be run out of town! After the Ursa Minor and my wagon and that performance...” She trailed off and looked down, her eyes watering. “I don't deserve to go back.”

Ditzy paused before shrugging off her harness and hopping down. She placed a hoof on Trixie's shoulder. “Trixie, if it makes any difference, I forgive you. And Ponyvillians are pretty awesome.” She cleared her throat and spread her wings, flapping them and floating back up. Within a minute she had the harness secured once more. “You'll see!” And with that, she slowly lifted the crate into the air and flew off.

Spike shrugged. “That's it?” At Ditzy's nod he sighed and grabbed the straps, dragging the crate off to the side. “Help yourself to the food,” he said, waving at the tables still laden with food.

As Ditzy trotted off and grabbed a plate, two more specks appeared, darting away from Canterlot. They quickly resolved into two chariots, approaching at high speed. The first one carried Celestia and Luna, while the second had Twilight, Megan, Danny and Molly. Everyone around the library backed up as they touched down.

The five disembarked from their chariots, Celestia pausing at the pegasi who towed hers. “An excellent, smooth ride, Sergeant,” she said. She looked back at the chariot that Twilight, Megan, Danny and Molly rode in. “An excellent flight from you as well.” She looked back to the blushing pegasus. “Take the rest of the afternoon off, Cracker Roll. With pay, mind you.”

Cracker Roll dipped his head. “Thank you, your majesty,” he said. He whinnied and the two chariots took off into the air once more, circling around before angling off for Canterlot.

Luna raised a hoof. “Citizens of Ponyville!” she shouted. “We come to greet you, and to show you... our...” She looked around, then leaned in close to Celestia. “Where's everypony else? I thought there'd be a bigger crowd!”

Celestia shook her head. “I sent the message to Mayor Mare right before we left.” She looked up. “Five minutes ago. We went the direct route this time!”

Starburst rolled her eyes. “You always were a drama queen, Luna.” She looked to Danny. “Remember when you showed us that moving picture of the Princess Bride?” She held up a hoof and swung it around. “I am tha Dwead Piwate Wooon!” she said, voice pitching up. “I shall save Buttacup fwom Humperdinck!”

Luna's cheeks turned purple and she held a wing up over her face. “Starburst!” she screeched. “It's not funny!”

Danny rolled up and shook his head, a solemn expression on his face. “No, it's not.” He reached under his wheelchair and pulled out a photo album. “This, though, is.” He held it up. “Who wants to see filly photos?”

Celestia and Luna both froze in place as Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle all gathered around him. “Lemme see, lemme see!” Dash shouted. “What's a moving picture?” She scratched her head, right behind her mane. “How can a picture move?”

Megan shook her head. “Danny, I can't believe this!” She shrugged off her backpack and pulled out her own photo album. “I thought I was the only one to bring old photos from Dream Valley,” she said, a devilish grin on her face.

Celestia swallowed. She looked around before spotting Mike, Danielle and Michelle. “Megan, your husband and children!” she said, jabbing a foreleg in their direction. “Surely they want to see you!”

Megan looked over as the three walked up. She placed the photo album back in her backpack before wrapping her arms around Mike for a hug and kiss. “God, I'm so glad to see you three,” she murmured.

Mike let go and leaned back. He traced a finger down her cheek and frowned at the dried tears still there. “You all right?”

Megan swallowed and nodded. “I wasn't, but now I am.” She held a hand to her heart. “I got to say goodbye.” She hugged him again with one arm before letting go and looking to Danielle and Michelle. She frowned slightly at Danielle's disheveled appearance. “Get into some trouble?”

Danielle sighed. “Yeah. I climbed a tree, fell out onto a trampoline and got covered in tree sap.” She turned and waved at Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, who were standing by Spike. “But I made some friends and we had a good time. Right, Michelle?”

Michelle nodded. “We stayed in a clubhouse for a while, had some snacks and flew a kite. Although that was before the tree climbing.” A giggle escaped her. “And I think Sweetie Belle might be going for her hairbrushing cutie mark now.”

Megan smiled and waved at Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, who waved back. She picked her backpack up and walked over to Celestia and Luna. She pointed at the sky over the Everfree Forest and a rather large cloud of smoke hanging overhead. “Okay, there's a lot more smoke there than this morning. This Dragon King is gonna take care of the dragon inside this Everfree Forest?”

Celestia nodded, a mysterious smile on her face. “Yes, he will.” Her horn glowed suddenly, flaring to life. “And he approaches.” She looked over at the crowd gathered around Danny. “Twilight, do you sense something approaching?”

Twilight broke from the group and walked over. “Sense something? Sense what?” She half-closed her eyes and her own horn began brightening. “Wait... I sense old, powerful magic.” Her head swayed about, finally setting on the west. “Yes, it's coming this way!” She looked to Celestia. “Is it Spykoran the Old?”

Celestia dipped her head and nuzzled Twilight's cheek. “Indeed it is. An excellent job!” She looked back up and cleared her throat. “Everyone? If I could have your attention, please?” As everyone focused on Celestia, she began to speak. “Spykoran the Old will be arriving at the edge of the Everfree Forest to deal with the rogue dragon there. However, I sent a message to Mayor Mare to gather everypony in Ponyville here for the latter stages of the party. Is there anyone who would be willing to stay behind to explain where we are and that we'll be back as soon as we can?”

Ditzy raised her hoof and waved it. “I will, your majesty!” she yelled.

Celestia dipped her head. “Thank you, Ditzy. I am most appreciative of your kind offer.”

Ditzy gasped. “You-you know my name?”

Celestia met her eyes. “Of course. I know all my beloved subjects. And again, thank you.” She looked around. “All right, a short walk to the Everfree. Everyone all set?”

Celestia and Luna turned and walked off, Megan and her family close to their sides. The Princess Ponies followed close behind. Twilight trotted over to get Spike before turning and catching up with her friends.

Rarity walked up to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo as they stood by Ditzy. “Coming?” she asked.

Sweetie Belle looked to Ditzy, then shook her head. “Sorry, sis, but I wanna stay and keep Ditzy company. I don't want her to be lonely.”

Scootaloo nodded and patted Sweetie Belle on the shoulder. “And I don't want my friend to be lonely, either.”

Rarity smiled at the pair. She held her forelegs up and hugged the two fillies. “That is very generous and kind of you two.” She let go and gave Ditzy a hug as well. “Thank you for staying, Ditzy. You are an excellent friend.”

Ditzy returned the hug. “Ah, think nothing of it, Rarity.” She let go and waved as she trotted off. “Have fun!”

Sweetie Belle looked to Scootaloo. “So... Cutie Mark Crusader Librarians?”

Scootaloo shook her head. “Nah.” She walked up to a table, placed some food on a plate and walked back. “Time for lunch!”

A small line of drool dropped from Sweetie Belle's mouth. She ran up to a table for her own plate of food before running back. She took a bite from a daffodil sandwich and drank some fruit juice. “Ah, hits the spot!” She suddenly looked up at Ditzy, who was watching them. “Missus Doo, can I get you some food?”

Ditzy shook her head. “No, I'm fine.” She sat back on her haunches and sighed. “I just hope Dinky is all right. She's with Carrot Top right now. It's the first time I wasn't able to tuck her in, sing her a song or kiss her goodnight.” She glanced at the two fillies munching on their food. “Have you two met Dinky?”

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle both shook their heads. “She's in our class, but never really talked to her,” Scootaloo said. She rubbed her chin. “Last time I checked, she doesn't have a cutie mark...”

Sweetie Belle stood up on her hind legs. “We have a fourth Crusader!” she shouted, waving her forelegs in the air. She dropped back down to all fours, then back to her haunches. She held out her forelegs and twiddled her hooves. “If that's all right with Missus Doo, that is.”

Ditzy reached over and gently stroked Sweetie Belle's mane. “It's all right with me, Sweetie Belle. I think Dinky could use some new friends.”

Scootaloo grinned. “Then it's settled! We'll just double-check with Apple Bloom when we see her, but for now?” She jumped up. “The Crusaders have a fourth member!”