• Published 26th Dec 2015
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Equestrian Eeveelution. - Symphonicdysonince

So, my friends and I woke up in this forest none of us recognize, and were scattered by these wooden dog things. Now I gotta find my friends before we get into any more trouble. Now if only I wasn't a foot tall, and can say more than "Eevee"....

  • ...

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Bittersweet Candy

The next few days passed quickly for us. Each of Twilight’s friends found some way in which we could help them get ready for Nightmare Night.

Applejack had Vince and Cy ‘help’ gather the apples for the apple bobbing. Applejack put a few baskets out for them to fill with any apples that didn’t meet Granny Smith’s apple cider standards. Now, granted, she did have to explain to them to pick the apples up by the stem.

Conner decided to keep Fluttershy company, as well as sit outside with a bowl of candy for the trick-or-treaters when they would come by. He even managed to get her out to actually buy the candy, with Angel’s help of course.

Lulu was absent for the majority of the prep. Although, now that I think of it, Rarity always had what she needed on hand. And the bulge in her saddlebags seemed to move every now and then…

Pinkie seemed to keep Zann away from everypony else. On the last night he was with us, he explained that Pinkie had decided to make a costume for Zann so he could be the foals’ chaperone. We all suspected that he was really there to keep an eye on her.

Yomega took it upon himself to help Spike. Carrying extra parchment, quills, helping organize lower shelves, that sort of thing.

Even Villhiem and I were able to keep busy. We ran messages, orders, notes, basically helping keep everything going as smoothly to Twilight’s specifications. Hell, we even... borrowed some spare candy and ran around with bowls on our backs so that every foal could get one or four a day early.

That was the Cutiemark Crusaders' idea.

Don’t give me that look, most of Villhiem and I’s time was spent as damage control for those three!

Abes, with the most important job for the actual night, had decided to barricade himself under a shelf each day, only coming out when everyone else was asleep to eat. Spike was kind enough to leave a couple of bowls of berries out for him.

The rest of us were kind enough to keep Villhiem from eating them.

Finally, Nightmare night rolled around. Rarity and Pinkie Pie both showed up with a surprise for us. Apparently, Pinkie wasn’t the only one to make a costume for us. Pinkie was already in her chicken outfit, but she brought a small vest, tricorn hat, and an eye patch. She even had a small candy bucket to hang around Zann's neck. She placed each of these on Zann, before pulling a small peg leg on a string out from… wherever she keeps her things, finishing up Zann’s pirate costume. She carefully placed him on her back before running out the front door.

Rarity only rolled her eyes, before pulling out the costumes she had made for us. Lulu got what appeared to be a simple black dress, until one saw the vampiric cowl that went with it. Yomega was fitted into a tuxedo with a white mask affixed around his eyes. Vince and Cy were each given mirroring outfits, one red and one blue, obviously designed after the Wonderbolts’ flight suits. For Villhiem, she had created a mini waiter’s outfit. She said that tonight, he would serve the food as opposed to eating it. As for myself, She made a nice and snug pair of pajamas, with a small teddy bear attached to a collar.

Conner had a pair of butterfly wings, but Rarity said she’d drop by Fluttershy’s to fit him with it. She left behind a mask and a burglar’s outfit for Abes, for whenever he decided to show himself.

We didn’t see him before we left for the night.

The library door closed with a soft click. Not a sound disturbed the calm, quiet atmosphere for several minutes. Soon, a soft shuffling was heard, as a brown tail popped out from under the upper floor bookshelves. This tail was quickly followed by the rest of Abes.

Once freed from his previous bolthole, he promptly made his way down to the library’s basement. He had asked for anything that the other Eevees knew about the episode he now found himself in, as well as for anything on the Princess of the Night. Slowly, his opinion of his given role had changed. Tonight, he had an appointment to keep.

He quickly made his way out the tunnel that would bring him out near the market. Making sure he wouldn’t be seen, he made his way over to where he could see where the others had guessed Luna would land. There, he waited, and he watched.

He saw everypony enjoying the games. He made sure to keep track of Rainbow Dash’s cloud so he wouldn’t be scared out of hiding. He saw a piebald colt prancing around with Zann in matching costumes, being led by Pinkie. He saw each of his packmates’ candy bags fill with their sugary loot.

But mostly, he waited.

He didn’t have long to wait. Soon, every foal and nearby Eevee was gathered up, then led out of the square. It wasn’t long before the sky started to darken, thick thunderclouds rolling in from the Everfree. Abes watched as a black chariot driven by two of Luna’s Night Guard flew past overhead. Shortly after that, Princess Luna landed amongst the costumed Ponyville citizens.

And shortly after that, he lost all hearing.

He saw Luna’s interactions with the costumed ponies swiftly deteriorate, but his hearing only returned in time to hear her state her non-farewell as she marched away.

Luna waited until she could no longer see her subjects behind her before breaking into a full gallop. She didn’t know where she was going, just that it was away. Soon, she slowed to a stop, only to look up at a statue depicting her more well-known alter ego.

She let herself flop onto her stomach in a manner not suited to her position as a princess, but she didn’t care. Nopony was there to see, anyways, just a small tan dog carrying a piece of candy in its mouth.

She blinked. The canine crept closer to her, until it boldly lay itself between her front hooves, dropping the candy before her.

“Thou art not going to run away, too?” She sniffed. It only started to wag its tail against her leg with a soft, steady thumping. “Oh, I only wanted make this night a proper festival, but I instead find nothing but a tribute to my darkest memories.” She started to slowly rub the small dog’s back. “And now, the only being that dares approach me canst even understand what I am saying.”

“Princess Luna?” A voice called out. “Hello, my name is-”

“Starswirl the Bearded.” Luna interrupted, stand as she did so. She noticed the dog move to sit under her. “A commendable costume. Thou even got the bells right.”

“Thank you!” Twilight cheered. “Finally, somepony who gets my costume!”

An awkward silence stretched between the two mares. “Uh, I just came to welcome you to our celebration.” Twilight began, moving to shorten the distance between her and Luna. “My actual name is-”

“Twilight Sparkle.” Luna cut in before beginning to hover, causing a strong wind to blow. “It was thou who unleashed the powers of Harmony upon Us, and took away our dark powers!” The wind began pushing Twilight back, though the dog managed to stay where it was.

Thou art also the second to greet me this night!” Luna thundered.

Twilight took a moment to adjust her costume before replying. “And that’s a good- Wait, second? You met somepony else already?”

That is what We have just stated.”

“I’m sorry, but it’s a little hard to understand you with you yelling at me.”

“But it is tradition to speak with the royal we, and speak with this much volume when addressing our subjects!”

Again, Twilight had to readjust her costume, using the time it gave her to form her response. “Ya know, that might explain why your appearance was met with… mixed results. I think that if you changed your approach a bit, you might be met with a warmer reception.”

Changed our approach?”

“Lowered your volume.” Twilight clarified.

“Oh. We have been locked away for the past thousand years, We are not sure We can.” Luna used her magic to lift the dog that stayed by her side. “Besides, this one does not appear to be affected!”

<<Please stop the ringing…>>

Twilight shot a quick glare at it. “There you are! We were looking everywhere for you!”

Luna brought the dog around to face her. “And what manner of canine art thou?”

Twilight looked away with a blush. “That would be one of the Eevee that I wrote to Princess Celestia about. That one has been hiding from us lately, and Fluttershy has been worried about him, and- that’s it!”

Luna let Twilight lead her from the clearing, placing the slightly dazed Eevee to rest on her back. Twilight led her around the largest groups of Nightmare Night festivities, taking Luna to a cottage a short distance from town.

The interaction between Luna and Fluttershy didn’t begin very well, with the timid mare being barely able to stutter a coherent sentence and trying to bolt back into her home. She was stopped by Twilight slamming her door shut, letting Fluttershy plow face first into it and mashing the face of a costumed Eevee behind it. This in turn caused a scene when Luna tried to thank Fluttershy for her help, which was misinterpreted by a large chicken and a group of foals.

Luna let her hoof fall after trying to reassure the fleeing ponies, feeling the sadness start to well up again. A small body pressed against her back, reminding her of the Eevee that had sought her out.

“Come on, Princess.” Twilight tried to reassure. “Time for Plan B.”

Plan B, being to take the ‘terrifying’ Princess of the Night through the town of easily frightened ponies to bring her to Applejack. Once Luna was convinced to try a few of the games, it actually started to work. Ponies were starting to warm up to her.

Until she saved a young colt from falling into the basin for the apple bobbing. The group of foals from before misinterpreted the rescue, and, instigated by the Pink Chicken, began to panic. The fear spread to the rest of the townsponies, who began to back away.

This was, in turn, misunderstood by the princess, who only made matters worse. Her misguided attempt to salvage the situation caused a fear driven stampede that only ended with a thunderclap, and a shouted proclamation of the permanent cancelation of Nightmare Night.

In her sorrow and anger, Luna disappeared in a swirl of mist. She sped away from the square, dropping back into her pony form near the pond in the park. Again, she laid upon her stomach staring out over the still waters.

“Vee~ee.” Came a groan from behind her. Startled, Luna snapped her head behind her. There, the Eevee from before had slid down off her back. He made his way up to her head on uneasy legs.

“We’re sorry, little one,” Luna murmured as the canine nuzzled up against her neck, “We had forgotten that you were with Us.”

For a time, the pair lay together looking out over the pond. Still, despite her company, Luna started to slip into her sadness. “We- I thought that ponies would’ve changed.” She lamented. “I thought a thousand years would be long enough for ponies to forgive, if nothing else. Yet I am still remembered by my past mistakes, with only Twilight and yourself being the only ones to try to know me. I know that the years I have spent away have left me… outdated,” She glanced down at the Eevee with her, “but I thought that these traditions that I knew would still be practiced. Now I fear that I may be driving our subjects away from me.” Luna returned her gaze to the waters before her. “I’m afraid that this is how it all started a millennia ago. I worry that I am doomed to repeat my past mistakes. Doomed to spend an eternity alone, and unappreciated.” She gazed down at her companion, the moonlight reflecting from his eyes making them appear to glow. “Worse yet, I’m scared that nopony save my sister and Twilight will care. Heh, I doubt you can even understand the words I’m saying.”

“You’re wrong, though.” A stallion’s voice seemed to whisper. The Eevee in her forelegs began to glow with a blinding light.

“I do care. And you are not alone.”

Author's Note:

So, I know what you are all going to ask. I just feel the burning desire to know. So I shall proceed to answer your most pressing question: A tricorn hat was a style of head wear used in the times of piracy, hence why Pinkie made one for Zann's costume. It is distinguished by the three folds along it's brim, giving it a distinct triangular shape.

Also, I completely forgot that Pipsqueak was also dressed up a pirate until I reviewed the episode for Luna's dialogue, which was after I wrote out Zann's costume. Funny how some things work out....

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