• Published 26th Dec 2015
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Equestrian Eeveelution. - Symphonicdysonince

So, my friends and I woke up in this forest none of us recognize, and were scattered by these wooden dog things. Now I gotta find my friends before we get into any more trouble. Now if only I wasn't a foot tall, and can say more than "Eevee"....

  • ...

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While the voices from the dessert car were muffled, I imagined things happening as I remembered from the show. I imagined, with what snippets I could see through the door helping, Pinkie ranting and accusing the other bakers in turn. My imaginings and thoughts were interrupted by another's.

"So." Eros looked at Zann and me. I felt her mental powers pulling me down. "What do you know? And, please, I have been reading your thoughts, so don't lie to me."

<<Ya see,>> I glared at Eros, <<that's what I hate the most about you psychics. Can we please have our fucking privacy?!>>

Zann's metal claw bounced off my head. <<Leo, play nice. She deserves our help.>> I raised an eyebrow at him, but he only waved me off. <<What do you already know, Eros?>>

She gave Zann a calculating look. "... I know that you weren't born like this, and that you don't come from either my or this dimension. I know that you are all far more dangerous than you look. You," she pointed at me. "have the most ripples around you, so you must be the most violent of you."

<<Ripples?>> I cocked my head. <<What're you thinking about?>>

"Ask Yomega." She snorted.

<<Fair enough.>> Zann stuck his tail into my face to cut me off. <<Look, Eros, I'm not going to lie to you on this.>>

<<Even though that's the Duo's shitck.>> I grumbled into the fire type's tail.

<<Shush, you.>>

Eros stared at us, rolling a hand. I could almost feel her impatience.

<<Anyways.>> Zann forced himself back on track. <<We do have some select knowledge of what's coming, but it only extends for so far, and only applies to the mares we've... bonded with. We mean them no harm, and we don't want to derail what little knowledge we do have. We understand that our mere presence is affecting things, and our knowledge never included summoning. So, we come in peace, take us to your leader, and all that jazz.

<<But, you want to know about the present. Well, Pinkie and the Cake's masterpiece has had a couple of bites taken from it, and she's blaming the wrong party. At the next tunnel, the other bakers are going to have their's ruined, too. Twilight figures out who wrecked the cake, and then Pinkie gets the second crime.>> Zann glanced down at me. <<Did I get that right?>>

With a sigh and an eye roll, I nodded. <<Yes, yes, you got it right.>> The car was enveloped in darkness as we entered the tunnel. <<In fact, there's the next crime now.>>

A very faint red glow illuminated Eros's face. "The griffon, the mule, and the Canterlot pony each just gave into their temptations and bit into the others' confections. And, Fluttershy and Rarity each ate a bit of the cake?"

<<Blame Pinkie and her too thorough descriptions of the desserts.>> Zann smiled sadly as we left the tunnel.

<<Up next,>> I held up my paw to prevent Eros from talking, <<Twilight will send the others to their rooms while she gathers her evidence, and then she and Pinkie go up and down the train.>> I looked over at the door. <<Any moment now.>>

"They're coming."

<<There, see!>> I chirped as the car doors opened. I smiled at Eros, waiting for the bakers to pass us. <<As you can clearly see, everything is under control. So, could you let go of my butt, now?>> I leaned as close to her as I dared. <<Unless you like my fine ass...>>

I blinked, finding myself surrounded by cleaning supplies. I fought back a wave of nausea as I climbed out of the cupboard. I think she teleported me to the caboose.

"Ya think? What was your first fucking clue?!"

Geeze brain, chill. I stumbled towards the door, my paw steps growing firmer as I walked. It was only a short hop.

"Chill! CHILL!! Do you have ANY idea how much teleporting sucks without a body!?"

Hey, I feel... I slowed to a halt. What?

The door opened as Twilight led Pinkie into the car. "But," Pinkie was saying. "when I got there, he was gone!"

Twilight hummed and hawed as she examined the caboose. I crouched, judged my distances, and then jumped up onto Pinkie's back. Eventually, Twilight let out a disappointed sigh and turned to leave.

"I don't see anything that can help us here, Pinkie. Are you sure you chased him all the way back here?"

Pinkie vigorously nodded. "Yeah-huh! I even ran out the back door and checked the balcony!"

"Well, what happened after that?"

"I heard somepony else in the dessert car, and chased them up to the engine!" Pinkie turned to lead the way back through the train. We passed through the first car, and stepped into the next one. I rode Pinkie halfway through it before Twilight gave out a thoughtful hum.

She levitated an evidence pouch from her saddle bag, and floated it over to one of the seats. Pinkie and I leaned in to try and see what it was Twilight had found, but we couldn't see anything.

I could sure smell a very familiar scent, though. After spending so much time in or near her cottage, I'd never be able to mistake the soft and demure fragrance of Fluttershy.

"I think we've got our first clue." Twilight tucked the pouch back into her bag. "I'll need more before I can name a culprit though."

I hopped down and followed the mares through the cars. After a few minutes, we had made it back to the passenger car where Zann awaited me.

Eros was there too, of course, but I doubt she was waiting for me. She had moved to the other side of the car.

<<Glad to see you're back!>> Zann said while shooting Eros a glare. <<I was worried you had fallen off the back.>>

<<Nope, she missed by a foot.>> I hopped up beside him. <<Well, it shouldn't be long before those two get back from the front. What's our E.T.A for Canterlot?>>

<<I'd guess at another couple of hours.>> Zann shrugged. <<In the meantime, you need to apologize to Eros.>>

I turned to stare at the fire type. <<What?! Why?>>

<<For your general behavior against her.>>

<<She started it!>> I snapped.

Zann smacked his metal paw onto my back and pressed down. <<And I don't care. I've already talked to Eros about the Pack. She's agreed to leave us be, so long as we don't hurt the Crusaders in general and Sweetie in particular. But she wants an apology from you.>>

<<But I didn't do anything...>> I grumbled as Zann let me up. I sulked across the aisle to the Ralts. <<I was told you wanted an apology? Fine. Here it is. I don't know what it is I did to you specifically, but I'm sorry for it. We cool?>>

"How could you not know?" Eros stared coldly down at me. "You've been nothing but an asshole to me since I first got to Ponyville."

I snorted. <<I'm not sure if you've noticed, Eros, but that's kinda my thing. I'm an ass to everyone. If I see a chance to poke fun at someone, I'll take it. Hell, I leave openings for people to poke fun at me!>> I placed a paw on my chest. <<I don't discriminate, and expect and accept retaliation in kind.>>


My ear swiveled as a faint thump sounded from the dessert car. <<Because it keeps people on their toes, and it does wonders for preventing my friends from getting too big of an ego.>> I hopped up and sat beside the psychic type. <<And, I have to stress this, I fully expect people to be an ass back. I am sorry I went farther than you were comfortable with, but I...>> I sighed. <<I may not be able to stop myself from sniping at you time to time. Could you accept that?>>

She mulled my words over as Pinkie passed by us. "... I can, now that I know your reasoning."

We both watched the bakers march pass us again. <<Thanks. And, Eros?>> I turned to make sure she was looking at me. <<Please let me know when I go too far. I'll do the same for you.>>

She nodded, and we both lapsed into silence. After a few minutes, Eros turned to look at me. "Aren't you going to sit with Zann?"

<<Nope.>> I smiled. <<So, what brings Silver to Canterlot that requires a guard, Sweetie and you?>>

"She's going to be applying for a course that will let her learn about summoning from Runic back in Ponyville." Eros answered. "Since it's part of her parole conditions, the guard needs to be here to supervise and witness. He'd also be able to smooth things along for her. Sweetie needs to be there to provide a licensed signature."

<<Really?>> I tilted my head in confusion. <<Wouldn't Runic have been a better option? Sweetie hasn't had her license for very long. Is she even eligible to sign for something like this?>>

"Not really." Eros held a hand out and tilted it back and forth. "But, since Runic and Twilight can't sign, and the Circle requires a local summoner to sign off on it, the Crusaders were the only option."

<<I assume Twilight hasn't renewed her license yet, but why can't Runic sign?>>

Eros shrugged. "Twilight's license was lost in the mail. And Runic can't sign because he's the perspective teacher. His bias would be called into question." She paused, tapping her chin in thought. "Which is strange, considering Sweetie's connection to all this."

<<Maybe the guard can help with all of that?>> I mused.

Once it was clear the conversation was over, I curled up where I was sitting, and settled in for a nap. I briefly awoke when I felt Eros lay her head on my body for a pillow, but quickly fell back asleep.

I woke up when the train lurched to a halt. Eros sat up and blearily glanced around before teleporting to Sweetie's side. I stretched and jumped down to stand by Zann. I glanced over at Eros in time to see her stifle a yawn while rubbing at one eye.

Once we were allowed to leave the train, Zann and I stood off to the side and waited for the cake to be unloaded. After that, it was a simple hike up to the castle to partake in the competition. We had to stay close to the bakers so that Zann's lack of collar wouldn't give him any issues. Once we made it to the castle itself, we did it so that I wouldn't get "adopted" or Zann thrown out.

Finally, after almost an hour after leaving the train, we got the monstrosity of a baked good into the right hall.

<<Pity we can't eat any of this.>> Zann sighed.

<<Eeyup.>> I nodded. <<So, what're we going to do for tonight?>> I yawned. <<I assume we're staying at the castle and catch tomorrow morning's train again.>>

"I'll talk to you guys after the competition. I have something to show you guys. Also, you wouldn't believe the range I get with this." Luke's voice invaded my head, interrupting whatever Zann was about to say. I started looking around for the Lucario, taking an embarrassingly long time to find him.

<<Well,>> Zann leaned over to me, <<that answers that. Just follow me once this is all done.>>

<<You think your Zann Sense will tell you where to go?>>

Zann blinked down at me in confusion. <<I have a what now?>>

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