• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 17,716 Views, 4,551 Comments

Equestrian Eeveelution. - Symphonicdysonince

So, my friends and I woke up in this forest none of us recognize, and were scattered by these wooden dog things. Now I gotta find my friends before we get into any more trouble. Now if only I wasn't a foot tall, and can say more than "Eevee"....

  • ...

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Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?

"What the hell -

" - Is it one of the new generation -

"Oh, shit -


I ran. We all did. I barely remember anything from that first run. Except the howling, and the stench. (God, did those things stink.) But that's it. The next thing I know, I'm fighting to catch my breath, hiding in the hollow of some tree's roots.

Once I had calmed down enough, I did a quick check of my new body. Two long, narrow ears: check. Four paws: check. Bushy tail: check. Brown fur: all there. Let me tell you, I was one happy Eevee, just for being alive.

"In here!"

Two more Eevee slid into the hollow with me. One was a couple of inches taller, and much wider around. The other had grey and white fur instead of the normal brown and tan. They were also good friends of mine, Villhiem and Yomega respectively. They didn't notice me right away.

"What the hell were those things?" Villhiem panted.

"Those things were made entirely out of wood." I watched the two smack their heads on the roots and dirt. "So they're grass types. What Pokemon do you know that looks like that that are grass?"

"I think they must be part of the newest gen." Yomega looked back towards the entrance to our little bolt hole. "They certainly don't look like anything I remember."

We spent another hour waiting, listening in case those things decided to come back. "Ya know," Yomega said at length, "those things looked kinda like timberwolves." Both Villhiem and I looked at him.

"Way too big to be timberwolves." I stated.

"No, we're just too small."

"Guys....?" Villhiem raised a paw.

"Be that as it may, why would we even come across one, let alone three?"

"Bad trip?"

Villhiem stood up. "Guys."

"When was the last time you had any sort of trip?" I shot back.

"HEY!" Villhiem interrupted us. "The fuck's a timberwolf?"

Yomega and I traded looks. "Uh... You know that one show you said you'd never watch?" I began. "With the ponies?"

He shuddered. "Yea, what about it?"

"I think we might be in it." Yomega finished.

Maybe I should start from the beginning.

My name is Leo, and, before today, I was human.

"Jesus, this blizzard just won't let up." I turned away from the window. "This makes it, what the third day?"

"Fourth." Vincent corrected me. One of my roommates, he was tall and thin. Kinda like a less formal slender man with a face. "I fold."

A chorus of "same" rang out around the table, with Yomega taking the pot. Other than Zann, Conner, and myself, everyone was enjoying a game of poker. Zann, with his close cropped hair and piercings, was grinding out match after match of League before the internet could cut out, and Conner, a fidgety teen who could rock a goatee, was watching him. He was also sitting on his hands to prevent him from playing with any random objects nearby. Me, I had just gotten up, throwing on an Eevee toque to keep my bedhead in check, so I couldn't buy in until this poker game was finished. Which is good, I never fully wake up right away anyways.

Yomega was a rather large, but young looking man. Seriously, I'm surprised he doesn't get carded more often. Villhiem was tall and... wide. The others stuck here were Lulu, a slightly short tomboy, Abes, a native teen with a Bloodborne addiction, and Cy, another tall and lanky one.

... I just realized that, Abes aside, my friends and I are the typical "white nerd" group...

After the game had passed and I had bought in (and I had properly woken up), I turned to Yomega as I dealt out the cards. "So, any progress on that rock I found?"

"Yes and no." He paused to throw in some chips. "I think it might be some type of quartz, but I've never seen a sphere of it with a brown center before. Usually it's in shards or crystals."

" So... When can I have it back?"

He looked at me over his cards. "Dunno. I still got a few sources I want to run down, but they have to wait until the blizzard passes"

With a sigh, I focused back on the game. Chips changed hands. I lost again. And the day passed slowly. We laughed, played board games, anything to take our minds off of our growing cabin fever. Eventually, we turned in. If we had been awake longer, we may have seen the "rock" start to glow.

"How the fuck can he sleep through this shit?!"

I groaned. "Shut the fuck up, I'm tryin' ta sleep!" I felt something shove me off the rock I was on. Wait, rock? That got me to open my eyes. A brown puppy-like face with over-sized eyes and ears and a thick mane of tan fur around it's neck filled my vision. "The fuck we get a dog?" I mumbled out. Like I said, I'm not a "morning person".

"Leo," The dog shouted, "wake the fuck up!"



Is there a talking dog in front of me?


Oh, okay. Just checking. Can I freak out now?

"I don't see why not."

I pushed away from the dog-thing. "Holy fucking shit, what the fuck are you?!" In doing so, I could see more of the dog things behind it.

"Not again." The only grey one muttered.

"Easy, Leo." The one in front of me said in the tone that one would use to talk to a large dog or horse. "It's me, Vince."

"Bullshit! Vince is a human, not a dog thing." I yelled, pointing a paw at it. Wait, paw?! I followed the leg from the paw to where my shoulder should be. All I saw instead was a ruffle of tan fur. Brain?

"I'm sorry, Brain is unavailable at the moment. Please leave a message after the tone...."

The gathered dog's all folded back their ears -one even went so far as to cover them- at the pitch of my girlish shrieks of terror manly outburst of profanity. It took me a while to properly freak out and calm down. When it was all said and done, I was quivering in the midst of the dog things. "What the fucking hell happened last night?" I frantically looked around at the group.

"No idea." Chorused back.

"Whatever else may have happened," The one claiming to be Cy continued, "don't you guys think we look like Eevees?"

Zann tilted his head to the side. "How the fuck does that even happen?"

"Sounds like a bad fan fiction to me." I groused.

Conner stepped forward. "As much as we need that answered, I wanna know where we even are."

We were obviously in a forest of some sort. But the colors were off, like someone had come through and painted everything with dark pastels. And the place was completely overgrown. I think our little clearing was the only place the sun shone in the whole damned forest. "Somewhere far south, I think?" Lulu guessed. "I mean, there's no snow at all..."

I was worried before. Now I was just plain scared.

"So someone, somehow broke into our place, kidnapped us, dragged us all the way down here, and turned us into Eevees?" Vincent growled, stomping a paw. "How fucking long were we out?"

We started arguing back and forth about how we got here, and what we should do now. Eventually, we decided that we were going to find a river, and follow it until we came across someone who could help us. Hopefully.

Zann had wondered to the edge of our little clearing to look for some berries or other easy-to-find food. He lifted his nose, and started sniffing the air. "Ugh." He looked back at us, tiny muzzle scrunched up and paw covering his nose. "Okay, whoever did that, own up. It fucking reeks!"

We stopped talking, and took quick sniffs ourselves. Good god, what the fuck is that smell? I started rubbing my nose in the vain hope to rid it of the god awful stench. I was so busy rubbing, I didn't hear the bushes rustle.

"Oh, shit!" Thankfully Lulu did. "Zann! Get outta there!"

Zann bolted past me. I looked up to see three wolves step out of the bushes. They towered over us.

"What the hell -"

" - Is it one of the new generation -"

The two outer wolves started to move around the clearing, while the bigger, middle one crouched down, ready to pounce.

"Oh, shit -"


So, yeah. That's how that happened.

Now, Villhiem, Yomega and I were stuck under a random tree in a forest none of us knew.

"There is no fuckin' way we're in some little girls show!"

And Villhiem was having his own little freak out.

Author's Note:

So, that's the first chapter done and out of the way. A lot of backstory done and out of the way, but things still feel rushed to me.

Just further proof that I can't write opening chapters :facehoof:.....

I was dead tired when I wrote this, so if ya spot any mistakes, hit me over the head with 'em until they're fixed.

Til next time!

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