• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 17,717 Views, 4,551 Comments

Equestrian Eeveelution. - Symphonicdysonince

So, my friends and I woke up in this forest none of us recognize, and were scattered by these wooden dog things. Now I gotta find my friends before we get into any more trouble. Now if only I wasn't a foot tall, and can say more than "Eevee"....

  • ...

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Destello de la Luna.

... One. I fell into my shadow and blurred across a monochromatic world. In less than a blink of an eye, I was flying up a tower wall in Canterlot. Sliding in through an open window, I rose from where my shadow had stopped.

"Good to see you could make it tonight." Luna addressed me without turning away from her desk. "We've set up a surprise for you, but for after you've finished with Philomena. She should be here momentarily."

<<Until then,>> I stepped up to her side, <<can you give me any updates on Leo?>>

Luna scowled at the open books arrayed in front of her. "Nay. We've made no progress upon the Dreaming front, unfortunately. I've turned to doing my own research, using Lady Twilight's and Moon Dancer's as a base."

I nodded. <<Any luck so far?>>

"Again, We have not." Luna sighed. "We are disappointed that dreaming research has been neglected this past millennium, although, not surprised. Knowing that, it is even less surprising that ponies have not even considered asking if summons can dream."

<<Would that have to do with their recent kernal discovery?>>

"It does, yes." Luna's horn briefly lit up as she flicked a page over. "Once We had discovered the ability known as Dream Eater, We commissioned the Circles to researching how it works, as well as summon dreams in general. Until they are able to give Us results, We are forced to..." She paused, before turning an arched eye brow to me. "'Cool our heels' We believe the term is?"

<<Yeah, Leo's not going to like hearing that.>> I sighed. <<I mean, it sucks, yeah. But she understands when something is out of our control.>>

Further conversation was cut off by a polite knock at the door. "Your Highness?" A Thestral guardsmare leaned in. "You have a visitor."

"Send them in." Luna instructed. Philomena swooped in and landed on the back of an unused chair. The guardsmare nodded and closed the door. Luna stood with a stretch. "We shall give the two of you some privacy. Please inform me when you are finished." She left into one of the further rooms of her suite.

I cleared my throat, then gave the royal phoenix a practiced bow. "Lady Philomena-"

"Ach, cut th' crap." She waved a wing at me. "Ah've heard aboot ya, ya're th' one who's gone an' stolen tha' sweet lass's heart. Far's Ah'm concerned, tha' at least makes ya my nocturn'l counterpart." She winked at me. "So ya can cut oot all tha' fancy crap, ya ken?"


"Processing... processing... Yeah, I've got nothing."

"Well, spit it oot. Ah've not got all night."

I snapped back to awareness. "R-right. I'm, ah, assuming you've heard about Peewee by now?"

"Aye, tha' Ah have." She nodded. "Th' wee tike's lucky he fell inta yer paws. Ah'm assumin' tha' yer askin' fer somethin' fer 'im?"

"I am." I glanced out of the window. "We know that it's only a matter of time before he starts asking about his real family. Could you please find his original family for us? We know that the nest he came from was destroyed by some dragons during the migration, but we don't know if it's been completely abandoned."

Philomena stretched her wings out. "Ah can do tha' fer ya, aye." With a flap, she flew to the door. Rapping her beak on it, she waited just long enough for the guard to open it before flying off. "OI, SUNBUTT, Ah've got some'in ta tell ya, so git yer royal arse outta bed, ya lazy c-" The guard closed the door with a sigh.

Luna leaned back into the room with a sigh. "A thousand years, and that bird hasn't changed. Did you accomplish what you needed?"

<<Aye.>> I shook my head. <<I mean, yes.>>

"Well," Luna smiled, "We did mention a surprise. Come, We've just finished setting it up."

I followed her further into the suite. I paused in the doorway at the sight. <<Is that what I think it is?>>


<<And the pieces?>>

"Marble and onyx. Carved them ourselves." Luna stated with pride. "This is our personal set."

I carefully approached the table. <<I notice that two of the pieces are missing. Side selection?>>

"Of course."

<<Then I choose left.>> I stated, watching her float a black pawn from under her left wing. She added it and its counterpart to the chessboard on the table. I jumped up onto the chair behind the black side, and waited for Luna to make her opening move.

Several games later, I decided to voice a thought that had been brewing. <<Luna, can I ask you a potentially risky and personal question?>>

"We suppose." She idly took my rook.

<<Do...>> I tried to moisten my suddenly dry mouth, sweeping a knight around to take her queen. Biting the bullet, I rushed my question out. <<Do you think you could, hypothetically, ever love an Umbreon?>>

Luna picked up her bishop, moving it to claim my offending knight, before pausing with a blink. She carefully set the piece back where it had started, leaning away from the board to give my question considerable thought. Her eyes flicked from side to side as she mused, a blush rising and falling from her cheeks. Eventually, she returned her attention to the board, committing her bishop to it's prior move. "No." She bluntly answered as she set the captured piece aside.

She glanced at me. "At least, not as things stand now, and not openly."

My ears perked back up as I considered my next few moves. <<O-oh?>>

"Yes." Luna gave me a soft smile. "The main issue is that you are a sentient creature, not a sapient one."

<<What do you mean?>> I turned my gaze up to her. <<I'm obviously sapient, so are the cows on Applejack's farm.>>

"Forgive us, we used the simplified terms." Luna sighed. "Think of it as if... in the eyes of civilization, you are an animal, a pet. So are Lady Applejack's cows, even though they can hold conversations with her."

<<So, as things stand, you're worried that the tabloids would accuse you of beastiality?>>

"Yes." Luna gave me a sad smile. "No matter how much We may love Our hypothetical Umbreon back, nor how long both of them may have had these mutual feelings." I jolted, dropping a pawn. I glanced up to see her faintly blushing. "You were subtle about it, but I'm very good at reading others..."

I scrambled to pick my piece up and place it where I wanted to. I could feel my cheeks heating up. <<A-and what is required to be considered 'sapient'?>>

"One's species must meet three criteria." Luna slid a pawn across. "Firstly, they must either have, or be capable of learning, a language. Secondly, they must have a definable culture. Lastly, they must be capable and willing to sustain themselves.

"Cows are unwilling to meet the third criteria, wishing instead to be cared for, so they are not considered 'sapient'. That does not mean that they are not without rights, though. We... I could find you a book on this, if you wish to know more."

<<I would like that, yes. Check.>>

Luna smiled as she moved her King. "Of course, the second criteria was added to prevent beings such as chimera, who do fend for themselves, even using rudimentary tools, from being captured and locked away for countless 'murders'." She noted my confused look. "They do still have rights, mostly to territory. Ponies are always warned about areas where they could be hunted, though many of the creatures that could prey upon ponies avoid doing so."

<<They don't want to be driven off their hunting ranges?>> I guessed.

"And rightly so." Luna nodded. "Checkmate."

I blinked and focused on the board. <<Well, fuck. Care for another go?>> I looked up to see Luna walking towards her bedroom. <<Uh, L-Luna?>>

"We do not have much time before the sun is to rise. I believe we should get some rest." She paused at the door.

I hopped from my chair. <<I've gotten much better at shadow-porting...>>

"We could use some rest." She gave me a smirk.

<<Wha- O-oh!>> I blushed, rushing to her side. <<B-but what about your guards? A-and the whole sapience thing?>>

Luna smiled at the window. "They value their jobs more than that." She closed the curtains. "Besides, they are already aware of our... unique situation." She picked me up in her magic, blushes growing on our faces. "And I've never truly cared for what the tabloids think." I saw the floor rotate away from me, my tail stiffly trailing along behind me.

Then the bed come into view.

I saw and felt that first kiss.

I'll never forget the rest.


In the gardens, a certain statue stood. A new crack had joined the general weathering on it, a small one leading off of one corner of the mouth. If it had a mind, and if one could listen into it, they'd be confused by what they'd hear.

Wonder what that little ringed- OH DEAR ME! WHY DID I LOOK RIGHT THEN!?

Author's Note:

In honor of the upcoming Sword and Shield, I give you Philomena.

The TRSS Lunabreon is on her maiden voyage!

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