• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 17,716 Views, 4,551 Comments

Equestrian Eeveelution. - Symphonicdysonince

So, my friends and I woke up in this forest none of us recognize, and were scattered by these wooden dog things. Now I gotta find my friends before we get into any more trouble. Now if only I wasn't a foot tall, and can say more than "Eevee"....

  • ...

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We're All Just a Little Crazy.

I lay in the Daycare, taking my turn with the eggs. I waited for the rest of the pack to deal with their errands for the day. I carefully turned one of Lulu's eggs while I reflected on possible evolutions.

Well, Yomega's practically a shoe in for an Espeon, I thought as I polished off some dust with my tail. What with him staying with Twilight. And Twilight's interactions with Abes prove that magic is pretty much psychic type.

"Okay, Conner?"

Eh, a normal type. I turned to Lulu's second egg and began inspecting it. He helps so many animals around here that I doubt any feelings he may or may not have for Fluttershy would matter very much.

"Fine then, Vince?"

I rolled the egg over as I did the same with my thoughts. Either a second Jolteon, considering the topaz in him, or an earth type.

"But the games never had an earth type-"

Don't mean that they don't exist. I turned the final of Lulu's eggs. As for myself, I'm hoping for either a Jolteon, or a flying type. I mean, yeah, I can feel the wind in my fur when I go fast enough, and I ride around on Rainbow all the time. Satisfied with Lulu's half of the eggs, I began to look over my own. But it's just an imitation of what I imagine flying under my own power would feel like. I paused in my inspection of my first egg. I want to soar side by side with Rainbow, race side by side with Rainbow, pull stunts with my mare. Fight under my master's command. I gave a happy sigh as I resumed looking over my first egg. I cooed at the red tinting, spending a little extra time on polishing it. A girl can dream... I settled my egg back as I wistfully stared off into space.

I didn't even notice when I was joined by Conner until he spoke. "Alright, my chores are done. We still waiting on the others?"

"Hmm?" I glanced at him. "Oh, yeah. The others should be here soonish."

Conner settled on the floor near me, watching as I continued my ministrations to my eggs. When I had finished, I joined him in looking out the door. With nothing better to do, my thoughts drifted to the sky. I imagined a rainbow contrail in the distance, pulling tight loops. In my mind's eye, it was joined with a pure blue one that intermixed with the more colorful one.

"What'cha thinking about?" Conner brought the blue contrail crashing to earth.

I sighed. "Just thinking."


"Rainbow Dash." I sighed.

Conner gave me a nudge. "Anything specific, or just the mare in general?"

"Yes." I let my dopey smile speak for itself.

Conner gave me a small smirk. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say some-vee was in love..."

I gave him a small shove. "It's not that far-fetched. I was bi before coming here."

Conner nervously chuckled. "Yeah. I remember that one party where you got-"

"I thought we agreed to never speak of that again!" I hissed, feeling my face beginning to flush. "A-and anyway, I was only thinking of what I would do when I can fly with her."

"Sure. 'Fly" with her." Conner teased. "Because you already kinda do."

I smacked him on the back of the head. "You know I don't mean it like that!"

"There's still no flying types."

"That we know of." I shot back. "And don't you think that I haven't noticed the way you've been looking at Fluttershy, mister!" I stuck my snout in the air in my best attempt at a Canterlot noble. "First you leave me with an egg for that harlot, Lulu, and now that she's had your egg, you're already looking at next year's model!" I scoffed. "Have you no shame?"

Conner stammered with his own face aflame. Taking a breath, he finally gave me a valid response. "Like you're any better! First you run off with a pair of twins, then go for our Alpha?"

"Hah!" I turned my head away from him, but still letting him see my smile. "Crossing off a bucket list, and someone who can actually pay his egg support. Respectively." Our 'serious' demeanours broke with a fit of giggles. "In all seriousness, I do mean it about flying. I'm making it a goal, right here and now, that I will fly by Rainbow's side under my own power. And, no," I held a paw out to close Conner's mouth, "I don't mean that peddle-copter of Pinkie's." I felt... something, maybe determination, swell within my breast as I made my declaration.

"Ooh." Conner pulled away from my paw. "That gave me chills. Do it again!"

"Mufasa." I chuckled. We sat in silence for a while. Looking over a Conner, I had to get one last jab in. "So, when're you going to ask Joy out?"

"I need to work up the courage first." He replied absentmindedly. "Angel's already given his blessing."

"Wait, wait, wait!" I stared at Conner, "How did you get that ornery bastard to agree to that?!"

Conner glared. "He's not like that!" His tail lashed from one side to the other. "He can be very sweet when he warms up to ya."

"Angel Bunny." I stated. "The Demon Lagomorph, He Who Laughs in the Face of Antioch, First Sign of the Apocalypse, Herald of Kindness, Daemon Prince of the Dreaded Thirteenth Black Crusade. That Angel Bunny. Can be sweet?!"

"Oh, stop." Conner waved a paw. "You'll make him blush."

I shook my head. "That's it. Immersion broken. This has to be a dream. Everything is false, nothing is permitted. Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold," I got up to stretch my legs, "bye!"

As the sun began its descent, a shadowy mist crawled its way into the Daycare, lazily forming the final member of the pack. Abes finished solidifying with a hearty yawn.

"Took ya long enough." Vince growled.

"Had a big bag t' go through last night." Abes murmured. "What're we all here for?"

"I called this one." I stated, bring the attention onto myself. "Just need to make sure everyone are on the same page with the timeline. Since you fucks've decided that I'm the archivist of the show's episodes..."

"Oh?" Yomega asked. "And where are we?"

"We just passed the episode with probably the longest name: The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy Six Thousand." I shrugged. "Things did not go according to the episode. And we didn't even need to do anything. Murphy threw us a bone on that one." Furrowing my brow in thought, I took a moment to remember the list. "Right, so. We've got 'Read It and Weep' queued up first. Rainbow breaks her wing and gets stuck in the hospital until it heals up." I saw everyone tense. "Relax. This is when she learns to love reading. I'm not letting her lose that joy." I waited for them to settle back down. Besides, she can hopefully teach me to read Equestrian.

"I think at least one of the others can teach you that."

Bah, I have a cool image to uphold. I shook my mind from its tangent. "After that will be 'Hearts and Hooves Day'. Basically Valentine's Day. The Crusaders will... Huh. That one might not actually happen. When are they going for their written exam, again?" I directed my question to Villhiem.

"Um, I think they said a couple of days after Hearts and Hooves?"

"Find out." Yomega ordered. "Just in case, what's supposed to happen, Leo?"

"They accidentally love poison Big Mac and Cheerilee." I held my paws up to hold back the outcries from the pack. "I know, I know. Apple Bloom should've learned her lesson with the Heart's Desire. All we'll need to do is keep Big Mac and Cheerilee from kissing, and the poison will wear off on its own. That said, I really don't think that that will happen anyways. They've all gotten a good lesson about meddling with strange potions and incantations from the summoning accident.

"Anyways, after that is a 'Friend in Deed', where Pinkie tries to befriend a cranky ass. Then there is 'Putting Your Hoof Down', where Fluttershy briefly becomes a bully and snaps herself out of it." I saw Conner frown. "After that is 'It's About Time', where Twilight learns how to stop worrying and love the bomb, er, future.

"Then there's the next really big one, 'Dragon Quest'." I looked at Yomega. "This one's in your court. The dragon migration will pass over or near Ponyville, and Rainbow will cause Spike to become antsy about his draconic heritage. Spike will leave to join the migration to learn about dragons first paw, while Twilight, Rarity and Rainbow will follow in a crappy costume to keep an eye on him. Short story, things go south in about a day, and Spike ends up defending himself and a phoenix egg from some teenage dragons and the mares are forced to stand with him.

"I, huh, I don't remember how that one ends." I saw worry flash through Yomega's eyes. "I do know that they all make it back, and Spike adopts Peewee."

"Who?" Lulu asked.

"The phoenix egg." I explained. "It hatches and Spike raises it for an indeterminate amount of time before giving it back to its parents."

"Good luck!" Zann draped his good foreleg over Yomega's shoulder. "If there's one thing I've learned from the Cakes, it's just how much of a pawful babies can be. And, unlike me, you're not fire proof!"

Author's Note:

There ya guys go. More filler and delicious, tasty info for potential shipping wars.

See you all next chapter, until then, Read, Review, and Enjoy!

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