• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 17,716 Views, 4,551 Comments

Equestrian Eeveelution. - Symphonicdysonince

So, my friends and I woke up in this forest none of us recognize, and were scattered by these wooden dog things. Now I gotta find my friends before we get into any more trouble. Now if only I wasn't a foot tall, and can say more than "Eevee"....

  • ...

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Painful Addition.

Panting, I calmed from my rant. I felt emotionally drained. Even my fur seemed to be drooping. To make things worse, I thought I was starting to cramp. My ears twitched to a familiar faint noise. "You two hear something?" I croaked out.

"No." A two-toned voice replied. "We have heard nothing after your explanation. And as you have explained your bond with Rainbow, we shall explain ours with Applejack."

I looked up in confusion. Vince and Cy both sat up straight, the sun streaming into the Daycare making them seemingly glow orange. Not sure how they got their eyes to do it too...

"We see within that 'Country Hick' a quality your own speedster lacks." Vince began.

"Rainbow will bail on minor inconveniences." Cy continued. "Yes, she will be there when she is needed most." I could feel my gut begin to cramp.

"But she lacks Applejack's integrity. Applejack will always keep her word once given. We feel that she represents everything that we must strive for." Vince finished. Both Eevees blinked, barely visible orange bursts of light briefly shining from their eyes. "Whoa, that felt weird."

I then felt something shift within me.


The sun was setting in the distance, on the far side of the Daycare's opening. Conner and I made our way past Fluttershy's home on our way to the Daycare. I can't believe that name won out. It should've been something simple, like the Nest. And besides, none of us have trainers, right?

"Are you trapped in tiny little balls?"

Well, no. But I don't think the trainers of ancient times needed them. Still, if anyplace deserves to be called the Daycare, it's Twi's library! Fluttershy's is a pokè-center at best!

"You're brooding again." Conner broke our silence. "What're ya thinking about?"

"I don't 'brood'." I slowed our pace. "Just thinking of the Daycare's name."

"I can't believe we had to resort to a damn hat." Conner shook his head. "Did Button ever get his hat back?"

"You'll have to ask Villhiem." I paused. "What did you put in?"

"The Rookery. Yes, I'm a nerd too."

We shared a chuckle. I broke my laughter off, snapping my gaze to the Daycare. That's when we heard the screaming.

Conner and I bolted to the doorway. There, I could see Leo doubled over in pain, rear legs spread. Vince and Cy were freaking out. "What's going on?!"

Vince snapped his panicked eyes to mine. "I don't know! We were just talking, everything got hazy, then Leo started screaming in pain!"

I looked in on Leo, who had yet to change position. "Alright. Cy, you go get the others." Cy gulped, but nodded. "Conner, you go find Fluttershy. She should still be in the main town." I looked between the two of them. "Why are you still here? Go!"

Both canines took off for Ponyville proper. I made my way around Leo, trying to make sense of her symptoms. "Talk to me, Leo. What's happening?"

She didn't respond at first. "... I don't know. My stomach's cramping, I feel like I need to crap, but-" She spasmed "-it's not the same!" Her eyes never left the floor. Her tail was arched over her back, and her rear legs were spread wide enough for her to be squatting.

It didn't take me long to figure it out. "Jesus, another one!"

"Another what?" Vince asked.

By the look on Leo's face, she'd just figured it out too. "No, no no no. No!" Her eye snapped up to meet mine. "Dear god, please, no!" Leo began to shake her head. "This is nothing like the first egg I laid!"

"Another what?!" I think Vince may be catching on.

I placed a paw on her shoulder. I needed to get her mind off her body. "What happened with the first one?"

"I don't know!" She snapped. "It just popped up between Conner and I!"

"No pain?" Vince asked.

Leo and I shot glares at him. "No." Leo snarked through gritted teeth. "This isn't pain. Pain is what I will do to you if you open your fucking mouth again!"

"Hey! I'm just-"

"Vincent!" I glared at the offending Eevee. "Not helping!"


"FOR FUCK SAKES," Leo roared, "I'm trying to pass a FUCKING FOOTBALL through my CROTCH!"


"OUT!!" Vince turned tail and fled the room.

I spent the next few minutes trying, and failing, to keep Leo calm. I was just about to try and get her to just push it out when we were interrupted by voices outside.

<<What's going on?>>

<<Leo's laying again.>>

"Again?! Everypony, stay here, please." Fluttershy slowly poked her head in. "How far along?"

<<I don't fucking know!>> Leo snapped.

I gave Fluttershy an apologetic look. <<She's been in pain for a little while now.>>

"Has she been pushing?"

<<No~o. I've been standing like this for fucking shits and giggles!>>

"I... Don't know some of those words."

<<Unless you got something that will help, Joy...>> Leo started.

She nodded. "How many colors are in Rainbows mane?"

<<I- What?>>

I nodded at Fluttershy. <<Now push!>> I commanded.

That did it. It still took a few minutes, Leo biting down on my tail, and both of us screaming in pain, but another vivid brown and tan egg entered the world.

As Fluttershy bandaged my poor tail, I gave Leo a slight poke. <<You okay now? Is it safe to let the others in?>>

Leo nodded. <<Send Twilight in first, let her get her nerding done with. Then I can sleep.>>

"I'll let them know, you rest up now." Fluttershy backed out of the Daycare.

[Third person]

Fluttershy turned to the Eevee pack. The hopeful canines gave her their undivided attention. "It's all done now. Leo's laid another egg. I just ask you to wait just a bit longer." The timid mare shifted her attention to Twilight. "Leo want us to do any check ups we need to get done, done. I'll go get my scales. Do please be careful, she's very tired."

Twilight barely waited to acknowledge her friend before diving for the opening. Yomega growled at her sudden appearance, but Leo barely moved. She lay beside a glistening egg, licking a slimy natural lubricant from her fur. Twilight quickly pulled the remains of the slime from the egg and teleported it to her lab.

Hopefully that landed in an empty jar. She thought in passing, and began casting diagnostic spells over Leo and her second egg. Vital signs are normal, for a given definition of normal for these canines. The shell's already hardened, which is good. The embryo appears to be in good health, just need to wait for Fluttershy to weigh it.

Her scanning done, Twilight left the room. She passed by Fluttershy as the yellow pegasus brought her scale into the Daycare. She calmly trotted past the cottage, and into the edge of the Everfree. With a brief glance back to see if anyone had followed her, Twilight dropped a sound proof dome around her.

"How in the wide, wide world of Equis could that little canine carry two of those eggs?!" Twilight screamed out. "Just one egg is physically impossible! It's almost half as big as she is!" The lavender mare began pacing with in her dome. "What is with the slight color difference? Does that signify anything, or is it just another random aspect of these Eevees? And why was there a gap between the two layings? Either Eevees have a ridiculously fast cycle, or..." A quill and parchment popped into existence by Twilight's head. Without realizing it, Twilight began dictating to her newest companions. The poor quill struggled to keep up.

"The sheer size of the eggs prevent more than one from being made at a time, and maybe they have some form of short-term sperm storage allowing them to lay multiple eggs in a season. That would make some sort of evolutionary sense. It would let them produce more eggs, for one thing. and each larger egg would be sturdier than any smaller eggs laid in a clutch. This might mean that each egg is better suited to a multitude of environments. There's an 'n' after the first 'e'." The quill nodded. "It would also seem that Rainbow's observation from earlier is correct: the full pack take up the care of the eggs.

"Although, it would seem that the individual laying the egg will only accept one, maybe two other Eevees to be near it when laying. This may be a defensive strategy to allow the mother to hide, while still keeping at least one other pack member nearby to spot for predators... I must add this to my notes." With a muffled pop, Twilight, her newest notes and her quill teleported to her lab. The dome stayed in place for a little longer before it too vanished.


I curled my back up against the wall, trying my best to hug both of my eggs. I felt drained and sore all over. I knew It would take some time for me to regain my strength. As it was, I could barely summon the energy to talk.

"Who's the father? Conner?" Villhiem asked.

I just flicked my tail at Vince and Cy.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Abes rounded on the now scared Eevees. "It's bad enough that we had to keep her trapped in here all week, did you have to mount her too? It's not even mating season!"

"It's not that!" Cy protested. "We were talking, then everything went hazy, then Leo was yelling! I swear, we did nothing!"

"It's true." I croaked out.

"Everyone, calm down!" Yomega demanded. "Let's not fight in front of the kids. Now," He turned to the Reckless Duo, "What do you mean when you said everything went hazy?"

"Just that." Vince explained. "It was like we were trying to see the world through our own fur. Everything appeared orangey brownish."

"Yeah like that. Then we blinked, and everything was normal again." Cy finished.

Zann raised a paw. "What's with the 'we'? Shouldn't you be speaking in singular?"

Cy opened his mouth, but Vince spoke first. "I think what ever happened with the eye thing briefly connected us together somehow."

I sighed. "Could you guys do your twenty questions later? You're all giving me a headache."

Conner nuzzled up to me. "Just one last question: Did you see anything odd about Vince and Cy before you started laying?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I think I saw their eyes glowing orange before they blinked."

"Kinda like when I saw your eyes glow red before your first egg?" Conner pressed.

"His eyes did what now?" Lulu asked.

Yomega squinted at Conner. "Good question."

Conner's ears flattened against his head. "Hey, I thought I was seeing things when it happened."

"Hey!" I snapped. "I just want to sleep right now, could you guys kindly shut up for, like, ten minutes so I can do so?"

A round of sheepish apologies rang out. Everyone quietly agreed that we were staying in the Daycare tonight. Not even five minutes had passed before the silence was broken.

"So, what's new with everyone else?" I asked.

"Didn't you just ask for us to shut up?" Vince asked.

"I've been stuck in here for the last little bit, I'm just curious is all."

Zann spoke up from where he lay. "I don't think I told you guys this, but the ovens have been getting worse at Sugarcube. Thankfully, Twilight and Spike grew some fire rubies to replace the faulty ones. We're just waiting for the repair pony to come around and install them."

"Shouldn't the repair pony be able to supply the rubies?" Lulu asked.

Zann flipped onto his back. "He said something about it costing twice as much and taking twice as long to fix the ovens, but they would reduce the price of the repairs if we could supply the fire rubies. Since Pinkie somehow knew Spike was growing and shaping his own fire ruby, she just asked for the biggest shavings he could spare."

"Eh," Conner shrugged. "I don't see anything going wrong with that. Any news from the capital, Abes?"

"Well, Blueblood's been pushing to get his newest reform through the noble houses." Abes spoke up from the doorway. "He's working with Fancypants on this one. Blueblood's diving into the legal aspects, while Fancypants is hobnobbing with the most influential nobles to get them on their side. If it goes through, all merchant vessels will be retro-fitted with-" His ears twitched. "Hold on, I gotta take this, Luna's on the line." With that, Abes left the room, settling just outside.

We waited until Abes could finish his conversation. I was about to fall asleep when he came back in. "So, Luna just got Twilight's latest report on us. Congrats, Yomega, you're an official subspecies! You're called an Mutis Enigmus Eevee Albus now."

"No Dumbledore jokes, please..." Yomega groaned.

"Sure thing, Headmaster." Abes nodded. "Anyways, Twilight has yet to figure out how Villhiem can create roots and vines like he can. Other than that, she only has theories and speculation. Celestia and Luna have granted her request for a specter thumb pick scanner, what ever the hell that is. Maybe she needs extra security for her lab?"

Yomega face-pawed. "Spectro-Thaumic Scanner. S.T.S. for short. Think of a magic x-ray. Twi's been talking about getting one lately. She thinks it will provide the break through she needs to figure us out."

I'm not sure who snickered first, but we all burst out laughing.

"I can't believe you said that with a straight face!" Zann gasped out.

"Neither can I!" Yomega admitted. Slowly, the laughter died back down. "So, you mentioned something about the merchant fleet, Abes?"

We spent the next few hours trading gossip. Eventually we managed to drift off into slumber.

In Canterlot, a slight breeze kicked up. Loose leaves, scraps of newspapers, and other such debris bounced along with the wind as it passed through the Canterlot Gardens. It briefly swirled around a mismatched statue. A very faint whistling pick up from the small cracks hidden near its brow and tail. If anypony had been nearby, they would've wondered where the malevolent chuckling was coming from.

Author's Note:

Oh, that can't be good.

The name has now been chosen for the extension to Fluttershy's chicken coop. Congratulations to Empty Shelf, and all those who voted for his/her name. You all win a virtual cookie, even if your vote didn't win. (Treat yourself to an actual cookie if you feel so inclined, I can't stop you.)

Also, to be honest, I was kinda expecting everyone to vote for "The Room" to be the name, just to troll me.

As always, read, review, and post any spelling errors in the comments.

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