• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 17,716 Views, 4,551 Comments

Equestrian Eeveelution. - Symphonicdysonince

So, my friends and I woke up in this forest none of us recognize, and were scattered by these wooden dog things. Now I gotta find my friends before we get into any more trouble. Now if only I wasn't a foot tall, and can say more than "Eevee"....

  • ...

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Weather Research

"... And so now that's a thing." I had just finished recapping Angel on the whole Changeling thing at my next session with him. "Just another thing to throw onto my guilty conscience."

"I mean, you can if you want to." Angel shrugged, scratching something into his notebook. "But there's nothing you can do about it right now, so why worry about it?"


"The only thing that will make them change their opinion of you is time," Angel stared at me over his papers, "and you actively trying to make yourself a better... Eevee."

I broke eye contact with a snort. "You were about to say pony, weren't ya?"

He shrugged. "Still, if you're going to stew on it, use it to drive your progress to be better." Another note. "While we're talking about progress, how are things on that front?"

I shuffled around to get comfortable, unintentionally taking up the loaf position. "Well, Rainbow and I are still trying to get me to learn how to make it snow, which is what's been taking up my last few days."

"So you're going to focus on weather improvement, then?" More scribbling. "I assume that you've hit a snag?"

"Yeah. It's..." I paused. "I'm having problems getting the rain drops to get hard enough to turn into hailstones, or even just snowflakes. We've had Rainbow wait outside so that she doesn't accidentally get hurt, we've had her standing right beside me, in the loft, everywhere! She can't seem to figure it out either. So she's doing something drastic." I stuck my tongue out. "Research." We both chuckled. "Anyways, she's looking through the library for anything promising."

"Alright, fair enough. And how-." The chiming of the clock cut him off. "Damn, it's already been an hour? Well, next session, I want to know how things are going between you and the rest of the Pack, okay?" We both jumped off of our seats, although he blocked my path with the notebook. "I'm not asking you to focus on your Pack, just that you consider how things have changed between you and let me know your thoughts next time, okay?"

"Will do." I nodded. "I'm going to be checking in on the eggs and staying in the Daycare until Rainbow gets back."

"Alright." Angel placed the notebook down and jumped up to open the door. "I'll let Fluttershy know."

I padded out through the cottage, making use of Fluttershy's numerous pet doors. It wasn't until I had reached the Daycare's ramp that I registered that Angel had been drawing doodles in the margins. "Oh, that ass!" I scowled. "He had better be taking this seriously, or... or!"

"Or what?" Zann asked from previously empty space under the ramp.

"Or I'll tell Fluttershy!" I smirked victoriously. With a determined nod, I fully entered the Daycare and began to look over the first egg.

My ear twitched to Zann's muttering from outside. "Three... Two... One..."

"Mew FUCKED!" I yelped, jumping hard enough to brush my head against the ceiling. I zipped back to the opening, alternately staring at the emerged fire type and the slightly too small gap he crawled out of. "When?! How?!" Mentally measuring sizes and noting the lack of fresh dirt, I concluded that there was no way he had fit under there. "Bwuh?!"

"You're not the only one training with their mare." The bastard smirked. "Anyways, you got a sec? I need to ask you something, and Yomega's asked me to ask you something."

"I can't even fit under there..." I muttered. I stared for a second longer before sitting on my haunches and giving my cheeks a firm smack. "No, no! That way lies madness!" When I felt sufficiently calmed, I refocused on Zann. "W-what did you need?"

"Well~," He drew the word out, "Yomega wants to know when you might next have a chance to fill everyone in on the episode list, and I wanted to know if you've seen my cross peen hammer?"

"... Your what?"

"Cross peen hammer." Zann shrugged. "I've got some raw ores I wanted to smelt and work with, but they're a little too big to fit in my smelter, so I was going to use it to smash them into little pieces after I mailed them to myself. Had to settle for using my sledge instead."

"I haven't even heard of such a thing before, I wouldn't know it if it fell out of the sky onto me." I admitted. "Maybe if you pin a picture up here, we can know what to look for?"

"Okie-dokie!" He started pushing me back into the Daycare. Once I had given him some space, he began to unroll a missing poster for the tool in question. Reaching into the rafters, he grabbed a roll of tape. "An' wut a'out Yo'ega's thin'?" He asked around it.

"I'll have to get Rainbow's permission to stay here for a night, which could take some time. I wanna tentatively say two weeks from now?" I got back to checking up on the eggs. "Anything else you needed?" The sounds of tape being pulled and applied told me that I was going to be waiting for my answer. I managed to finish up the egg I was with at the same time Zann finished taping his poster up.

"Well, there is this one trick I've been working on..." He finally answered.

"Not in the daycare." I reminded him.

"Bah!" He grumbled. "It can't be that bad!"

I just stared at him. "This is a wooden shack, Zann."

"Point." He hobbled outside. "Alright, I'll show you, but then I need to let Yomega know what you said. You can give me your thoughts when we next see each other, 'kay?"

I shrugged out my acceptance. Zann smiled, before spreading his legs, arching his back, and began hacking up gouts of smoke. Soon enough, the cloud was big enough to completely obscure him. Although I couldn't see him, I could hear him stop coughing, and then some dull thumps of him moving around. Huh, so he learned Smokescreen. Neat.

Then the slight breeze blew the cloud away, revealing Zann to be missing. "What the fuck?" I asked the air, looking around. In doing so, I spotted Zann crossing the bridge leading to Fluttershy's cottage, hauling ass back towards Ponyville. There was another puff of smoke on this side of the bridge with a wispy trail connecting it to the one in front of me. "... There's a fire type Teleport? So cool!" I briefly gushed before returning to the eggs.

"Not cool, hot."

I began musing aloud as I worked. "Wait... If there's a fire type Teleport, and there's a dark type Teleport, does that mean that there's a Teleport for each type?"

"I would assume so."

"I need to step up my game!" I heard a thump behind me as I turned over the last egg. <<Rainbow?>>

"Yup, wassup?"

I stomped my way towards, then past her. <<We need to get Hail working pronto! I've got a new project for our training afterwards, and I'll be damned if I'm the slowest of the pack!>>

"What are you going on about?"

<<To the Weather Institute!>>

"You mean our training barn?"

<<That's what I said!>> I picked up my speed, jogging ahead. <<Did you turn up anything while you were at the Library?>>

"Not much, but I think I found some things that could help. First is the..."

<<Well, that sucked.>> I grumbled, wringing the slush from my fur.

"At least we seem to be going in the right direction." Rainbow offered from under her umbrella.

<<And at least you're dry.>> I launched a Sunny Day and stretched out under it with a sigh. <<Going to have to call it here, think I'm starting to run low on mana for this. Going to stay here and dry slash warm up.>> I glanced over at my mare to see her squinting thoughtfully at the Sunny Day orb. <<Bit for your thoughts?>>

"Just wondering how long that lasts." Rainbow finally looked away, blinking rapidly. "Could use it to replace Tank's heat lamp and save some electricity."

I snorted. <<Not nearly long enough.>> The orb winked out, forcing me to fire another one up. <<See?>>

"Well, darn." Rainbow sighed, hanging her umbrella by the door. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask something, but I'm not sure how to ask it..."

<<Just ask the gist of it, maybe?>> I shrug. <<Should be able to make it clearer from there.>>

"Okay, fair enough." Rainbow floated up and draped herself on a dried beam. "So... why do you have weather affecting abilities? I mean, I'm guessing that it's from you guys evolving from summons, but why do they have them?"

I blurred up to join her. <<Beyond the normal crazy powers have, you mean?>> I settled in on her barrel. <<You remember when we were talking about ability priorities?>> Rainbow nodded. <<Well, abilities also have other... attributes, like power, type and accuracy. But, just because an ability may be naturally weak or inaccurate, that can be overcome by how well the individual summon, or Eevee, trains. And summons have their own attributes. You with me so far?>>

"Seems simple enough so far..."

<<So, the vast majority of abilities are just creative ways to hurt each other. But there are some that mess with a summon's attributes, either on their own, or in addition to dealing damage.>>

"I'm not sure I understand.." Rainbow frowned. "Can you give me an example?"

<<Three off the top of my head would be Baby-Doll Eyes, Sand Attack, and Confuse Ray. The first makes us weaker, the second makes us less accurate, and the third just makes us confused, meaning we can accidentally release our mana early and hurt ourselves or allies without meaning to. None of them directly hurts the opposing summon, but they make it easier to fight them. Makes sense?>>

Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, but I don't see how that means you can affect the weather."

<<Honestly, I'm not sure on the "how" either, but I do know the "why". One of the attributes that all abilities and summons share is typing, or element. And each type has strengths and weaknesses against other types, Fire burns Grass, Water puts out Fire, it's all one large, confusing rock-paper-scissors mess. Where this all matters is if the type of an ability matches the type of the summon. Fire abilities are stronger when used by a Fire summon. Good so far?>>

"Yup. So, what type are you?"

I snorted. <<Normal. The most basic type. But us Eevees are unique, we completely change our types when we evolve. No other summon can do that. Yomega's a Psychic type, Zann's Fire, Lulu's Water, but all of them used to be Normal. This is where the weather abilities kick in.>> I felt Rainbow shuffle under me as she focused her attention. <<Each of them boosts the power of a different type, makes some abilities more accurate, and can do even stranger things based on an individual summon's biology. For example, Rain Dance, the first one I learned? Yes, it makes it rain, but it also boosts Water type abilities, weakens Fire type abilities, makes a few Electric type abilities more accurate, and some summons can use it to get faster or even regenerate damage. Some summons use these weather abilities to empower themselves, but others like me use them to empower our Pack.>>

"I guess you can't boost multiple types?" I gave Rainbow a questioning look. "Well, your Rain Dance and Sunny Day seem to stop the other one from happening, so..."

<<Yeah, that's right. There can only be one weather ability going on at any one time.>> I settled in for a proper nap. <<Makes me glad I haven't run into anything else that can do what I can, yet. We'd be fighting over the sky for the majority of the fight...>>


Princess Celestia sat on her throne, Raven at her side, working steadily through the day's paper work. Her two usual guards stared stoically ahead.

Or they could be sleeping with their eyes open again. Celestia couldn't blame them, paperwork was one of the dullest parts of ruling. At least Raven did an excellent job of vetting the unnecessary forms out.

The Princess of the Day had just put her signature on the latest denial for a tax increase when the court doors opened. One of her guards, Swift Wind, started running towards the throne. It was clear that he had run straight to her from his post in the guard's communications center.

"News from Northern Equestria!" He called once he was closer.

Oh? Could it be, after all this time? Celestia dismissed Raven.

The guard quickly dropped into a bow, almost forgetting his decorum. "Uh, your highness..."


"I am simply to tell you that... it has returned."

Author's Note:

I hope the info dump with the moves was useful to all five of you who needed it! :trollestia:

Not much to say about this one, other than something about packing warm.

As always, Read, Review, and Enjoy!

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