• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 34,579 Views, 2,421 Comments

Normal Life - Hiver

What's a normal life might be relative. Especially when dating a Princess and being followed around by changelings.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Luna snorted and smiled. “You are being silly.”

“Just feels like the throne room should reflect you as much as your sister.” I said with a frown as I picked a cookie from the tray. We were in one of the small antechambers next to the throne room, and Night Court ended just a couple of minutes ago. Mmm, chocolate.

Luna flexed her wings before folding them again. “And so it should. It is, however, quite a large renovating job.” she explained, “It will take several moons during which we can not use the throne room at all. But there has yet to be a good time. It is budgeted for next summer when we can hold court in the royal gardens during the time. It is much more suitable than temporarily converting one of the large halls.”


“It is sweet that you look out for me, Page, but it is not needed.” Luna sighed and shifted closer. “But, thank you.”

“It just struck me when I looked around the throne room. Didn't seem fair.”

That earned me a nuzzle at my ear before Luna turned her attention to her cup of tea. “How was your night?” she asked.

I frowned slightly at that. “...Unproductive.”

“No progress on your book?”

“No, I just scribbled some some loose ideas.” I sighed and hmm-ed. “I have been thinking about that, actually. I'm not sure I can do this whole nocturnal thing.”

Lunas ears flicked back and she nodded. “I understand.” she answered, her eyes focused on her tea.

I rolled my eyes and leaned against her side. I didn't reach her ear, so instead I gave her neck a firm nip. “Now you are being silly. I'm not talking about going back to our old schedule. It's just that when you are busy with your duties, I get bored. So I was thinking of changing my sleeping pattern a bit. Something like... being awake between noon and three to five in the morning or something like that. Give us time together in the evening and the start of the night while I can still be awake at the same time as my other friends.”


She almost smacked me when she spread her wings and I blinked. Huh. Unconscious reflex reaction to physical or emotional stimuli. In this case, 'look how pretty my feathers are'.

That didn't happen often.

I grinned and shifted back a bit to look up at her. “Liked that, did you? I need to remember that spot.”

That earned me a poke to the side as she fought down a blush, refolding her wings. “Be nice.”

“So what do you think?” I asked after a moment.

“I think it's a good idea.” She sighed. “I'm going to miss having you next to me during the day, but I do want you to have your own life, my Page.”

“I do,” I answered. “I will miss that too, but I think this is the best compromise. I love your night, Luna, but there is so much stuff I miss during the day.”

Then I rubbed my forehead with my hoof just under my horn. “Besides... It will make book signings and meetings and such less of a pain in the flank.”

Luna nodded. “I imagine it would. Sorry, I shouldn't have asked...”

I bumped my side against hers. “Stop that. It was my idea, remember.”

She sighed and frowned in thought. “Speaking of book signings, don't you have one of those for The Jedi Returns soon?”

I nodded. “Yeah, in a week or so.”

I had mixed feelings on those. On one hand it was really nice to meet ponies who liked my books. To hear their thoughts on them firsthand and not just from a couple of reviews in the papers.

On the other hand I didn't really like all that attention. That's not why I wrote. I wasn't very good with crowds either.

“Want me to come?”

I blinked and looked up at Luna before I chuckled. “Yeah, well, at least it would draw less attention to me.”

“...Perhaps that would be a bad idea.” She admitted.

“No, I would actually appreciate it.” I sighed and shifted a bit closer to her side. “However, it would probably cause quite a commotion. Might be best to... not.”

Luna nodded, moving her wing around me. “I do wish I could be there.”

“Yeah, me too. Speaking of which, though, I was thinking about that whole thing with you and your sister.”

Luna tilted her head in question. “In what way?”

“Well, she has the summer sun celebration, right? Longest day of the year? Couldn't you have something similar during the longest night?” I suggested.

Looking thoughtful, Luna nibbled at a cookie. “...Perhaps. But it's during the middle of winter and close to Hearthswarming Eve. It's not good to have holidays so close together. It's also freezing cold and... well... most ponies sleep during the night. And introducing a new holiday so soon after returning... I don't know.”

“In my experience most people, ponies or otherwise, are always looking for an excuse for a party with good friends, food and drink.” I pointed out. “And freezing winter or not, if you make the moon shine brighter and brighter stars in the sky, ponies will watch it. Add some nothern lights and... Well, call it a holiday.”

“...I'll consider it.”