• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 34,578 Views, 2,421 Comments

Normal Life - Hiver

What's a normal life might be relative. Especially when dating a Princess and being followed around by changelings.

  • ...

Chapter 42

“...And during the night phase, I move my Iron Beak Raiders through the swamp, their flying negating the movement penalty so they can reach your camp in one turn for a sneak attack.” I said and moved my troops on the map. “Then I play my 'Furious Roar' card, boosting their combat damage for this turn by twice. Hitting your trops for...” I rolled my dice. “Seven plus the bonus, fourteen. Armor save of three, that still eradicates all fourteen hundred warmages.”

The game was called 'Rise of Empires'. It was a strange mix of card game, board game and pen and paper.

You played as the grand general out to conquer the world. You built a deck of buffs and debuffs for your troops and each kind of troops had different stats.

It was Celestia who suggested it for the train ride. Neither Luna nor I had heard of it before, but we were all about it now.

Luna narrowed her eyes at me. “So that's what those troops were.”

I nodded, eyeing my cards a bit smugly. I had picked the griffons as my choice. No direct combat magic, but all their units could fly and they had some great one turn buffs for their troops.

She hmm-ed. “Well... in response I'll play my 'It's all an illusion' ability.” she said, putting a card on the table. “Once a game, I am able to take all my troops and relocate them anywhere I want inside my borders.”

Uhm, what.

Luna smirked and snatched all her troops up with her magic, moving them out of danger and towards the left border of my territory. “Then I attack with all during the day phase, using my Princess Celestia's 'Solar Flare' ability to reduce your fortifications to zero in the 'Manehattan' territory.”

I just watched as she rolled her dice before completely eradicating the troops that held my most valuable and heavily defended province. That had been a quarter of my troops.

Ponies OP. Plz Nerf.

Sighing I checked my collection of cards in hand. Nothing I had that could prevent any of that. All my troops were arranged to counter her previous positions.

I had been ready for the solar flare, that's why I had so many troops there to counter the troops she had at the ready.

Her Unicorns might be slower moving, but they had ranged magic and a ton of 'Once a game you may' abilities.

Shaking my head, I let my cards drop on the table. “Good game, you win.”

“Huzza!” she cheered. “Another?”

Celestia looked up from her book. “That was your fifth game, isn't that enough? We should arrive soon.”

I nodded. “Yeah, I think that's enough for me. I think I have gotten my tail kicked enough for today.” Out of five games, I had won once and been close a second.

The other three, Luna had just dominated.

Apparently actual battlefield experience carried over nicely to this game as it was more flexible than something like chess.

Luna pouted, but then nodded and grinned. “I stand victorious over all then. And I will claim my prize.”

I just chuckled and started packing the game away. “Later. We are almost there, right?”

Celestia nodded from her couch. “We should arrive in thirty minutes.”

The Crystal Empire. It had been a long trainride, but we were almost there. This was going to be awesome. While the Princesses did... princessly things, I could explore the place and hang out with Shining Armor. Which was awesome.

“Say, Princess...” I started to ask as I put the last figurines back into the box, turning to Celestia. “That Solar Flare... is that actually something you can do?”

That got a chuckle from the Sun Princess. “Not as such. The creators of the game imagined a spear of fire from the skies. I can greatly increase the sunlight in a area, but it's more 'make things bright' than 'Burn everything'. There are better spells for that, anyway.”

Huh. Made sense.

I nodded and folded the map up, putting it into the box before closing it as I pointed my hoof at Luna. “I will have my revenge.”

“We will play more on the way home.” She chuckled and scooted closer to nuzzle at my ear. In turn, I shifted to lean against her.

Maybe I'll pick Pegasi next time. They also had flying. Less attack power, but they could move two territories a turn and what they lacked in buffs, they made up for in weather magic. Both used for area debuffs and direct attack magic.

Closing my eyes, I relaxed. “Mmm... when are Twilight going to show anyway?”

“Tomorrow.” Luna mumbled, resting her head across the back of my neck. “Her friends are coming... didn't want to pull them away from their jobs early.”


Makes sense. Princess of Friendship and all that.

Would be good to see her again, didn't really get much time to talk during the entire coronation and all that.

Would actually be fun to talk to Rainbow as well. She might be a bit enthusiastic about things, but that was fun too at times. It was kind of cool to have somepony to really geek out over stuff with.