• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 34,508 Views, 2,421 Comments

Normal Life - Hiver

What's a normal life might be relative. Especially when dating a Princess and being followed around by changelings.

  • ...

Chapter 32

I stared at Luna. “...You are kidding.”

She giggled. “I'm not! There Celestia was, standing before the entire council of lords, completely covered with whipped cream and the first thing that she said was 'I thought this wasn't until tonight!”

I just had to laugh at that mental image. “When was this?”

“Oh, some three thousand years ago.” Luna chuckled. “It was during one of her more 'serious leader' periods. Figured I would make her lighten up some.”

Chuckling, I grinned. “How did that work?” I asked as I picked my spoon up and took a sip from the rich soup.

“Oh no.” Luna said with a grinned back. “Ah, she relaxed again after another couple of years. Honestly, looking back at it, I could see why she was so tense, the political climate at the time wasn't the best. A lot of tension with the griffons back then. Still, there is such a thing as overdoing it.”

Nodding, I took a piece of bread. I'm so glad I'm not involved in the entire politics thing. For one thing, it seemed very... boring.

I would also be too nervous of making a mistake.

Scooping up some soup, I glanced down at it only to see a big yellow eye floating in the middle of the spoon, staring up at me.

“Uagh!” I cried out and scrambled back, sending the spoon flying across the room.

“Page!?” Luna exclaimed as the eye stopped in the middle of the air and a giant brush materialized, trailing along lines and then filling in colors until it had created Discord.

“Ah! Loony and Monkey! How nice to finally meet you in person!” He exclaimed, spreading his mismatched arms. “I am so sorry I have not visited before but I have been busy. Obligations, you know.”

Luna got up from her chair, her wings spreading as she glared at him. “Discord.”

“Don't be like that!” He said with a grin and flashed out of view only to poke his head out of her mane, slithering up to curl around her horn. “I missed you. Celly is fun to tease but you were always the more chaotic one.”

She just glared up at him until he flashed out of view, appearing next to me, his arm around the back of my shoulders.

“And you, Monkey! You, you are interesting! My, my, what a chaotic mind. You would fit right in. You and I should be best friends!”

I looked at the powerful chaos spirit and did the only think I could think of out of hoof: I hit it in the nose as hard as I could. What can I say, I panicked!

Hell, if worked for Sisko.

He actually rocked back and let go of me, teleporting a couple of meters away. “You hit me!”

“Get over here and I'll do it again.” I snarled at him. “Do you have any idea what you did last time you got lose? I want nothing to do with you. So fuck off and go bother somepony else.”

Discord snorted, looking quite amused before he disappeared again to lean against Luna. “Really? That one? You could do much better than Monkey boy over there.”

"Begone, Discord. Go back to from whence you thou camest." Luna ordered him, turning to look at him, "We do not desire thine presence. We find thee annoying and a nuisance. If we had our way, thou wouldst be stone still."

He gave her an annoyed look. “I thought it was all about friendship now? Friendship is magic, is it not?”

“It is.” Luna agreed. "It is, but we can still choose who our friends are. If thou seekest somepony to pester, mine sister is in the southern wing."

“...Now I remember why I preferred Celestia.” Discord grumbled and disappeared in a flash.

Getting my heart under control, I looked around. Everything seemed like before. What in all the fucks just happened?

...Did I just punch a chaos god in the face?

Bloody Hell. I felt my blood chill at the very idea.

“Luna.” I finally said and looked over at her.

She looked highly annoyed, her hair slowly starting to move slower as she refolded her wings. “Yes, my Page?”

“The way you ordered him away? Kind of hot.”

Luna stared at me for a long moment before she giggled. “Was it?” she asked and smiled.

“Mhmm.” I confirmed before I sighed and shook my head. “What was she thinking, releasing him?”

“That he might be useful.” Luna said and frowned. “And she might still be right. Discord was being annoying, not dangerous or malicious. It is quite possible that he might still be... reformed. As evidenced by the fact that the world is still normal.”

“It might be part of some long term plan.” I pointed out as I straightened my chair again. I gave my soup a suspicious look and in the end decided to ignore it in favor of grabbing some more of that bread.

That earned me a snort from the Princess. “Long term plan? Discord?”

...She might have a point there.

“Even so, I don't like it.” I said after a moment, scraping a hoof on the stone floor. “If he keeps himself under some degree of what might generously be called control, it may be much to be worth it. But that's a big if.”

“Perhaps. As with most things, time will tell.”

“Mmm.” I agreed with a nod before I frowned. “...Did you just sic Discord at your sister?”

“She released him, she can deal with him. Besides, he does seem relatively harmless at this point.”
