• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 34,579 Views, 2,421 Comments

Normal Life - Hiver

What's a normal life might be relative. Especially when dating a Princess and being followed around by changelings.

  • ...

Chapter 17

The ice cold winds hit me like a bag of bricks as I exited the store and lit up my horn, adjusting the thick scarf.

I hate winters. Especially winters in Equestria and this one was especially cold. Renewing the warming spell I stepped down the stairs and the wind proper hit me fully.

Shuddering as the cold wind cut into my fur, blasting straight through the warming spell. I hate winters!

Maybe I should get some winter clothes. I mean, almost nobody else was wearing them, but when the wind and cold was this bad, a warming spell was not good enough. Even a military grade one... not without putting a silly amount of power into it.

It was okay for them, they had their armor to help.

“Why don't you look cold!?” I asked, giving my shadow an unhappy look.

Skitter buzzed her wings, “I am cold. It's freezing, I used to work inside in a warmer climate.”

“You are not even shivering!”

She shrugged, “I don't have those reflexes. No skin. I can add it to the transformation if it would make you more comfortable, sir?”

Sighing, I shook my head, “No, I prefer we fix it instead. Let's go somewhere warm.”

“Tea, sir?”

I nodded, “Yeah. The normal place.”

“Tea would be nice right about now, sir.” my changeling bodyguard admitted, “I am not too fond of it, but drinking something hot would be good.”

“They do have other warm beverages, Skitter. I'm sure we can find something you would like.”

She nodded, “Did you find what you were looking for, sir?”

“I believe so...”

We made our way along the freezing cold street towards the normal tea place and it was not a very long walk. It was however a kind of lonely one.

At least for Canterlot, there were very few ponies around and almost everyone we could see were either guards, pegasi or both.

It must have been at least thirty below freezing with a high wind chill factor outside. Nobody that didn't need too was out and about.

“Sir? May I ask why you needed to go out to find cheese?” Skitter asked as we approached the cafe, “Didn't the castle kitchen have some?”

I nodded, “They did. Tons of cheese in fact, just not the right kind. I need one that reacts the right way to being melted.”

“...I see.” She answered, looking somewhat confused.

Changelings. While they could eat and drink, it was like.... water to them. They needed it, but didn't find it very nourishing and didn't really get any pleasure from the act.

“I need it to be nice and melty while still retaining the right taste.” I explained and pulled the door open with my magic and oh my Luna that was nice.

The smell of freshly baked pastries, buns, bread and is that cinnamon . I am in heaven.

“Lord Page.” Silver Leaf exclaimed with a smile from the counter, “What are you doing out, it's freezing! Can I get you a cup of tea?”

“Marry me.”

That got a giggle and a small blush from the pegasus, “I doubt the princess would approve.”

“Considering the circumstances, I think she wouldn't mind.”

She stuck her tongue out at me, “How about I get you that tea instead? The normal blend?”

“Yes please, Silver. Some of whatever that incredible scent is as well. Oh, and whatever it is my companion wants as well.”

“Of course!” she answered but gave Skitter a bit of a wary look.

Heading over to my normal table, I pulled a small list from my satchel to check what remained. Onions and tomatoes.

The problem was getting good quality tomatoes this time of the year. Those I might actually need to... borrow... from the royal kitchens.

They didn't store very well and that was something Ponies had more difficulty with than humans. Those were mainly a seasonal thing.

Hmm... Bell Peppers?

Yeah, some of those too if I can dig them up somewhere, they should be possible to find in the castle kitchen. Also out of season... I really should have done this during the late summer instead.

Even so, I pulled a quill from my satchel and scribbled it down on the list.

For all the advances and similarities these ponies had compared to humanity, it seemed like not a single one of them had any idea how to make a actual pizza.

The pizzas they did have were... not. Wrong kind of dough! No! Just wrong! It was more like a crispy bread with tomato and cheese on than a actual pizza!

I'm going to make Luna a real one. And then show the royal chefs how a real pizza is made, not those abominations. I might not the best chef in the world, but I could do the basics!

Skitter settled down by the table after making her order, making sure to be facing both entrances into the room, “She does not like me. Her feelings towards me taste bitter.”

“Skitter, changelings attacked Canterlot half a year ago. Give it a bit of time, they will forget and forgive.”

“I am aware. She still tastes bad.”

I shook my head, “Just be friendly, it will pass.” I said quietly, putting my list away. At least I hoped it would. Ponies in general were somewhat... xenophobic. But this was my favorite cafe and I didn't want my shadow to get uncomfortable every time I went here.