• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 34,582 Views, 2,421 Comments

Normal Life - Hiver

What's a normal life might be relative. Especially when dating a Princess and being followed around by changelings.

  • ...

Chapter 25

“There. Royal Archives.” I said as we entered through the doors. The royal archives were large and covered several floors.

Inside was contained a copy of every important book ever printed in Equestria. The rarer and older ones were, of course, locked up or kept down in the vaults alongside the dangerous ones.

Not even the medallion could give me access to those.

“I've seen this before. There was a school trip once when I was a little filly.” Moondancer said and looked around. “I have tried to get access, but... it was never approved.”

I nodded. “They do try to keep traffic here to a minimum. Let's see what we can find on dragons, shall we? Because if you really are on to something there, it might be important.”


Turning I looked over at the elderly librarian, a earth pony mare that looked as old as Princess Celestia was, her mane tied up in a bun on top of her head, her coat a simple white.

“Can I help you, Lord Page?” she asked, giving Moondancer a suspicious look.

“Ah, yes, thank you Faded Ink. If you could point us in the right direction, that would be fantastic. We seek information about dragons, specifically their migration patterns.”

Faded Ink frowned slight before she slowly nodded. “Shelf 34C, Book 12. Draco Animas Investigari by Flutter Cloud. That might hold what you seek.”

“Thank you.” I said with a nod before looking back at Moondancer. “Come on, let's see what we can find.”

“...Lord?” she asked, looking slightly confused.

Son of a bitch.


“Seems like I was wrong.” Moondancer finally said, reviewing her notes. “The migration paths have been more or less unchanged for the last five hundred years, regardless of the continued spread of pony civilization.”

Sighing, I nodded and carefully closed the old book. “Lucky for us. If the dragons really became disturbed by that kind of thing, it could have gone badly for a lot of ponies.”

She nodded in agreement. “Yes. Thanks for getting me access, if not, I might have been stuck using the books in the public libraries and never even gotten far enough to find out.”

“It was a good idea. You would probably have gotten access through proper channels, it would just taken a while. It wasn't that urgent.” I countered before I stood up and cracked my neck. “Not like dragon migrations happen every day.”

Hours of research really does take it out of you a bit.

“More than a hundred hears between them.” Moondancer said and adjusted her glasses, picking the books up in her magic before returning to the stacks to reshelf them.

Looking around, I checked the clock on the wall above the door.


It was later than I thought, we had been at it for over five hours. Time to wake up Luna soon.

The door of the archives opened and the last pony I expected walked inside.

Or maybe I should say changeling.

Rounding the reading table I approached to give her a bow. “Queen Chrysalis.”

“Lord Page.” the changeling queen answered smoothly. “I did not expect to see you here.”

Rising from the bow, I looked up at her. “Doing some research, your highness.” I explained. “Dragon migrations.”

She raised an eye ridge. “I see.”

The wound I dealt her during the fight was completely gone now. It had taken three moltings to get completely rid of it, but you could no longer see where my spell struck her.

Queen Chrysalis' relationship to me was a bit odd. She didn't seem to blame me for my part in her defeat. I think it was the changeling viewpoint. I was part of Celestia's 'swarm' and as such any actions I took in a conflict were Celestia's, not mine.

So she didn't bear me any ill will.

But she also didn't treat me as quite as 'you are air' as she did other ponies. Not as an equal, she didn't even really treat the Princesses in that way.

No, she almost seemed... slightly wary around me. I was not entirely sure why, it might be because of what she knew about my past. Not entirely sure why that applied because even as a human she was powerful enough to have been able to crush me like... well, a bug.

“Can I help you find something, your highness?” I asked, one front hoof raised slightly off the floor. “I might not be a librarian, but I have spent enough time in the archives to know the general area for most things.”

Chrysalis regarded me for a moment before she nodded. “Maps and geography.”

“One story up, west corner.”

That was one part I knew well, I had spent hours poring over the damn things for my book research.

Sparing me a nod, she moved into the stacks without a word.

Moments later, Moondancer exited from a completely different reaction, looking in the direction the changeling queen had disappeared. “...Was that...” she whispered as she got close.

I nodded. “Queen Chrysalis. She was looking for some maps.”

“...Nothing about that seemed strange to you?”

“No, why should it? I see her around the castle from time to time. It's pretty normal.”

“...You have some very strange ideas about what's normal.”

She might have a point there.

Shrugging, I headed towards the door. “Maybe. Anyway, I need to go, I'm almost late to meet my marefriend for tea.” I said before I paused and looked back at her. “Wanna come? It is getting a bit late. Might be time to get something to eat anyway.”

Might as well get it over with.

Moondancer hesitated for several long seconds before her stomach broke the silence with a rumble, causing her to shy back slightly and then nod. “...I guess.” she said and followed me. “Does your marefriend work in the castle?”

“...You could say that.”