• Published 9th Oct 2015
  • 1,595 Views, 137 Comments

Where did you come from? - Jeweled Pen

During one of Discord's visits and a visit from Rarity's cousin, two new colts arrive claiming their from different times and universes. Could there be any truth to their words?

  • ...

Bonus: Birthday

Claw stared at the pictures, cocking his head to the side. Finally, he pointed to the sparkly pony in one of the boxes. “Ummm. Why am I so sparkly?”

Sweetie glanced down and pointed. “I think it’s supposed to be, ummm… what’s the term… bishounen!”

“Ohhhhh. What’s that mean?”

“It means you look like a girl, dork,” Val said, rolling his eyes.

“Ohhhh!” Claw stared at it, then looked to Val. “Am I a pretty girl?”

Val opened his mouth to snap back. He then looked to the three fillies and Button. Finally he sighed and shook his head. “Sure, fine. You’re beautiful. DON’T HUG ME! OR LICK ME!”

Claw stopped mid lunge. “Okayyyy.”

“So, Silverbelle drew these?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yup! I think. She just left them on the desk when she left today! I didn’t know she could draw like this,” Sweetie said happily.

Val snorted. “They aren’t that good. I’m not even in any of them!”

“Ohhhhh. Jealous?” Applebloom asked him. “Maybe there are a buncha other ones. We should ask her.”

Suddenly the door to the treehouse slammed open. Silverbelle stood in the door frame, her eyes wide with horror. Before they could say anything, her horn glowed and she tore the pages covered in little comic art from their grip and started screaming in Prench.

The ponies stared in shock, until a few moments later Applebloom finally spoke up. “Err… come again? In Equestrian?”

“Why did you take these? There are private! These are!” There was a long pause whle the pony shuffled them around, her cheeks burning red. “Did… did you like them?”

“They were awesome!” Scootaloo said, raising her hoof into the air. “I liked the little four team splash at the beginning! Was that supposed to be all of us? My outfit looked awesome! Just the right amount of lightning bolts.”

Sweetie nodded. “Oh, it was marvelous. I’d love to read more about Magical Mare Silver.”

“The lil monster poppin’ up at the end was pretty cool, too. Lotsa metal,” Applebloom said with a nod. “But yah never finished it. Who was the shadowy figure givin’ it instructions?” Silverbelle eeped and her eyes moved to Val for a moment before she refocused on the others.

“I’m really pretty in it!” Claw said happily.

Val harrumphed. “I for one didn’t like it at all. I mean, I wasn’t even in it! How can you have Claw, but not me?”

Silverbelle blushed and shuffled her hooves. “Y-you’re… in it...” she mumbled softly, her cheeks burning red. She then shook her head. “I-it’s private. P-please don’t tell mother.”

“What? Why? They’re great!” Sweetie said, a big grin on her face. “Maybe they’re what you’re supposed to get your cutie mark in!”

“No! NO!” Silverbelle said with a shake of her head. “T-they’re just… just for fun. T-that’s all. Fun.”

“What? But I thought your mom wanted yah to get into that fancy schmancy school for arty ponies?” Applebloom asked.

Silverbelle blinked and quickly tucked the papers into her saddlebag. “She does. But… this isn’t art. It’s just… comics and ummm… silly ones. Mom doesn’t want me wasting time on things like that...”

Sweetie sighed. “Come oooon. I wanna see more of them! Pleaaaase? They were so good!”

“They weren’t that good at all,” Silverbelle said with a shake of her head. “I completely got the proportions wrong on page three, I messed up the thigh, I should have drawn all of them, even if they were behind a boat at the time, not to mention I messed up the eyes on page six and--” She began going on a long, long rant about every single mistake she’d made as the ponies shared concerned looks. Once she finished, she took a seat and looked around nervously.

“So, errr, now that that’s over. It’s time tah prepare! Diamond’s birthday is comin’ up in a few weeks an’ ah know it’s early, but it’s the first time she’s had a birthday since she stopped bein’ jus’ a sharp pain in everyone’s flanks, I think it’s best we make it a good one! That’s why ah called yah all here! Any questions?” Applebloom asked, then gave a sigh when both Val and Scootaloo raised their hooves. “Yes, Scootaloo?”

“Doesn’t her dad have like… all the bits? Why they need us to throw her a party?”

“Bits are all well and good, but they can’t buy everythin’! Now, ah talked tah Princess Twilight an’ she even said that she’ll give Diamond a flying back ride!”

Claw perked up. “Oh, oh, didn’t she actually say ‘I’ll do whatever you want just keep running before it explodes!’?”

Applebloom coughed into her hoof. “Err, yes, technically. But that was another issue. Anyway, this is gonna be a very special birthday and we need tah ensure she has a great one this year! Now, we don’t have bits like her dad, but we can still make some excellent hoof made gifts and...” She gave an exasperated sigh before face hoofing. “Yes, Val? Yah have a suggestion?”

“Ummm… what’s a birthday?”

Applebloom opened her mouth. Then closed it. Then opened it again. She finally looked to the others who just stared at him.

“What I say?” Val asked.


Chad hummed before he lifted up his ticket. One way to Griffonstone. It would be a nice vacation. Nothing dangerous or exciting ever happened in Griffonstone.

“Chad?” a voice asked from behind him.

He paused and glanced back. “Errr, si?”

“Chad, walker amongst the petals? Slayer of the hydra of Archipelo? Sleeper of the ten thousand tunes? Tamer of the Rowdy Ruff Pack? Champion of the breezies? Painted one to the starkaterri? Gloried shiny to the buffalo? Cat nip to the nose of the nekonians? Gladiator amongst the minotaurs? Hairdresser to the donkeys? Wife to the sphinx?”

Chad gave a groan, his cheeks turning red. “Si, seniorita. But little of those mean anything. I mean, the breezies all I did was move a spider web. I was at the right place at the right time. How was I supposed to know she was a breezie queen? And I didn’t slay that hydra. He is actually really a nice guy once you get to know him, he was just cranky since they kept waking him up at all hours of the night with their rock music. Once I got him some ear covers, he was fine. And about the sphinx, I never agreed to anything!”

“But that is you, correct?”

“Si, but they’re all just a series of misunderstandings and--”

“Can I have your autograph?” the mare said before shoving a small book in his face.

He blinked a few times, before nodding. “Oh. Errr. Si, seniorita.” He reached out and took her pen, drawing on it. A moment later a loud whistle went off and he looked up. “Oh! I need to go. Err, nice meeting you!”

She nodded. “You too, Chad.” The mare watched him go before a wide smile formed on her lips. She turned away and then tapped her necklace. “The hen is in the hen house, train 3. Repeat, the hen is in the hen house. Get Rooster.”

“… What?” came from the necklace.

She rolled her eyes. “Chad. He’s on train 3. Just… just send the information along. Sometimes I wonder why we even have code names.”

“… Who in Equestria would tap this line? Ninety percent of what goes on here are flank jokes. The other ten percent is you complaining about your exes. Besides, wouldn't he be the rooster?”

“Just spread the information along!” she snapped, before blushing when ponies stared at her. “Eh… heh heh.” She quickly darted off.

Chad trotted onto the train, humming softly. He couldn’t believe he had fans! And he couldn’t believe how many titles he’d gotten, she hadn’t even listed half of them. Still, it wasn’t as if he’d done anything for most of them. He’d just always been in the right place at the right time.

He wondered if he should be nervous she was able to track him down. He then shrugged. She’d seemed fine. Besides, with his attuned senses, he was sure he’d pick up if anything strange was going on. He took a seat.

He failed to notice the six unicorns walking onto the train, clad in large trench coats and sitting a few seats behind him.


“What I say?” Val asked as he was dragged off by the girls.

“Val, not now,” Scootaloo said. “We’re talking to your mom.”

“What? Why? I’m sorry I know what a birthday is don’t tell mom I’m sorry!” he squeaked.

“Yah ain’t in trouble!” Applebloom said, shaking her head. “Now jus’, be quiet or ah’ll Claw yah in the face.”

“What? You don’t even have claws! How can you--” Val was cut off by Applebloom tossing Claw in his face. He fell down with a shriek as the dragon pony licked his face and hugged him.

“Yayyyy! Friendship times!”

“So, this means he needs a birthday, a cute-ceanera,” Scootaloo said with a nod. “Anything else?”

“Yah think he’s ever had a happy hearth’s warming?” Sweetie asked. “What about hearts and hooves day?”

“Ah’m gonna go ahead an’ say he hasn’t,” Applebloom said with a nod. “We all met his mom. Even if they had them kinda things where he’s from, there’s no tellin’ what parts of ‘em he experienced.”

“You think this means he's never had a winter wrap-up, either?” Scootaloo asked.

The ponies stopped in place and looked up, their minds collectively imagining the stallion during winter wrap-up. After a few moments Sweetie looked over to the others. “He... he couldn't actually magic a whole herd of snow ponies to do his bidding, could he?”

“No!” Scootaloo, Sweetie and Silverbelle said in unison, their faces pale. Far off behind them they heard Val's cries of ultimate suffering.

“Girls?” Cheerilee asked, cocking her head to the side as the four trotted towards her. “What brings you here?”

“Val!” Sweetie said.

The mare gave a sigh. “What'd he do? How much property damage?”

“None! This time,” Applebloom said happily. “We were talking and...” She paused. “Where'd he go? Wait, where's Button Mash?”


Button glanced up from his game colt. “Huh? Where'd everypony go?”


“Claw probably has him,” Scootaloo said with a shrug before looking to Cheerilee. “So! We were preparing for Diamond's birthday that's coming up.”

“No fireworks,” Cheerilee said quickly.

“We weren't gonna this time!” Applebloom said defensively.

“I mean it. A class room is no place for fireworks.”

“That ain't the point!” Applebloom said, shaking her head. “We were talkin' about it an' Val asked what a birthday was!”

Cheerilee blinked a few times, staring at them. Finally, she shook her head. “I'm sure he was just messing with you. He has to... know what a...” She frowned and rubbed her chin. Finally she gave a sigh. “Buck.”

“Yah never asked him?”

“It's not exactly something that comes up often. Besides, most ponies end up born around the same time due to...” She paused and eyed them. “Biology. So its been a while since we've had one.”

“Help meeeeeeee,” Val cried out. They turned and saw Val crawling towards them. Claw hugging him around the waist. “Nothing I do stops him. He's just so. Gosh. Darn. Snuggly. And his grip is worse than a thousand webs!”

“Best friend!” Claw said happily.

“I'm not your friend!” Val whined.

“Yup! You're my best friend!”


“Val, dear?” Cheerilee said before trotting up to him. “Tell me. Do you know what a birthday is?”

Val gulped nervously and looked between them. “Errr... yes. It is a... errrr... there's a... party. And it requires... bits. And ummm... Diamond's is soon.”

Cheerilee walked over and gave him a hug, making him yipe. “I am so, so sorry.”

“W-what? What I do? Why is everyone hugging me?!”

“Because I'm a bad mom,” she muttered softly. “I should have asked this ages ago.”

“WHAT? You're an awesome mom! You're an amazing mom! You're the best mom ever please don't say you're bad I'm sorry!” Val shrieked, staring up at her.

Cheerilee blinked and stared down at him. She then smiled before nodding. “Well, there's nothing that can be done about it. You'll need a birthday party.” She coughed into her hoof. “Girls?”

“Yes?” Sweetie asked.

“For a situation like this, there is only one thing that can be done. One name that can be invoked.” She gave a soft, gentle sigh. “Pinkie Pie.”

There was a low hush that fell over the group. “Are... are you sure?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yes. If he has never experienced a birthday party, he'll need a big one. One only Pinkie can provide. One even bigger than--” Cheerilee looked back and shrieked. Pinkie was already standing behind her.

“Sooo, he's never ever EVER had a birthday party?” Pinkie asked with a giant grin. “Well, don't you worry! I'm prepared for just such an occasion!” She gave a quick nod before disappearing, leaving a stream of confetti in her wake.

Cheerilee stared with horror at the dust cloud in the shape of the pink mare. “I didn't even... tell her what I had in mind.”

“You may have doomed us all,” Sweetie said softly.

“What? No! Of course not. I--” Cheerilee looked around, her mouth falling open. The town was covered in banners, confetti, streamers. Flyers were up as well. There was even a chiseled Val ice sculpture by the fountain. “How... when... did she... do... what?”


Chad let out a yipe when suddenly the whole train stopped. He glanced out the window in confusion. It just stopped. Nopony was hurt, in fact everypony was wrapped in magic to avoid getting any damage. He and the other passengers looked around in confusion.

The train seemed to be wrapped in a purple magical aura. There was suddenly a loud crack and, looking up, he saw the roof proceed to be ripped open like a tin can. A goddess gazed down on him, her eyes narrowed to slits.

“Oh buck,” he whispered.

He let out a frightened yelp when magical energies grabbed him, tore the moustache off and tossed the sombrero to a young colt staring with wide eyed adoration.

“We're going to have a long talk when we get back,” the goddess grouched at him, giving him a look that turned his skin to ash and bound his soul to the blackened skeletal husk that was left behind.

Or maybe it just felt like that.

“Sorry about the delay, everypony!” Twilight yelled before waving a hoof and flying up, the roof sealing back behind her without a single crack. He didn't even have a chance to ask about luggage before they disappeared, reappearing in the friendship palace a moment later. She turned to him and blinked. “Why are you crying? I'm not going to throw you in the dungeons or anything.”

Flash whimpered and held his upper lip. “That... that moustache was glued on...”

The princess gave a sigh and face hoofed.


Val looked around nervously as decorations just seemed to pop into existence randomly around the town. If he didn't know better, he'd say it was probably magic. He knew well enough to know it was completely magic. “Mom? What's a birthday? Why is it so important?”

Cheerilee smiled down at the little colt who had, after much difficulty, pried himself out of both hugs. “Val, a birthday is a special day we use to celebrate the day somepony was born. We celebrate it every year and it's kind of a way to say... we love you and we're thankful you're a part of our lives.”

Val blinked a few times and lowered his eyes. “O-oh. So... you're...”

She reached out and put a hoof on his head. “I'm very thankful. Every day I have you with me is another day I am so thankful you fell into my life. And I'm sure the others feel that way too.”

“I'm happy we're best friends!” Claw said helpfully.

“See?” she said with a smile, petting his head. “And I know back home you probably didn't have something like that.”

He shuffled his hooves. “I... don't know if we did? I was kind of the... disappointment. Being male and all,” he mumbled softly. “Sorry.”

“Honey, you have nothing to be sorry for.” She paused and then leaned in, kissing his forehead just above the horn. “Okay, you have a lot of things to be sorry for, but not that.”

“So like... what happens? Just a bunch of games and decorations?”

“Oh, you get presents, too,” she said with a nod. “Oh, just wait until hearths warming eve. I think that's going to be a favorite for you as well.” She grinned. He'd look absolutely adorable in little booties and a scarf. “And it's your first birthday, too!”

“Soooo... what does all that mean? It kind of seems a bit... silly.”

“It means today is going to be all about you. Or...” She looked around. “I was planning to do it this weekend, but it seems Pinkie has other plans. I'm not sure I could stop her if I tried. Or even if I really want to.”

“Does this mean I can rule the town for the day?” he asked, his eyes glowing.

She stared down at him and sighed. “We'll see. But probably not.”



“So, Chad,” Twilight said before glancing over her desk at him. It was covered in papers.

Flash just gulped nervously as he watched the princess. Suddenly the demon child was only the second scariest thing around.

“According to the reports, you are now married to... thirteen females, of varying species, sixteen males, of varying species, and...” She paused and looked down at one. “One... unidentifiable ancient spirit.”

“We aren't technically married. We're life bonded. I think it's more like being brothers and, really, he just needed somepony to play tennis with once in a while. It gets lonely locked up in a tree for eternity. He only uses it on tuesday nights so as long as I go to bed early I don't have any problems.”

She gave a soft sigh. “So... how many of them are true? I mean, technically as a pony of Equestria we allow herds, but not all of these countries--”

“N-none of them!” he squeaked, his cheeks turning red. “P-princess, I assure you, I have no harem of which to speak! I-I merely, err, there were a lot of mistakes. And incidents. And just... things really got blown out of proportion.”

She nodded and then snorted. “Also, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna both want to have supper with you.”


“Why, yes. According to some of the rumors you impregnated them both and it led to the creation of new spirits, why, some even believe you created Discord. Quite the feat considering how much older he is than you. They merely want to meet the stallion behind the legend.”

He groaned and face desked. “I don't even know where that one came from. Princess, I assure you I--”

“I know, I know,” she said with a light snicker, enjoying this far more than she knew she should have.

“I'm married to my job! I would never, ever try anything so... uncouth with any mare while I'm still serving my term as a royal guard.”

That wiped the smile off her face. “Oh. I see. There is the matter of you going AWOL, of course.”

He irked, before taking a deep breath. “I understand. If… I am required to face a prison sentence, I will face it with the dignity of a royal guard.”

“Oh, no,” she said with a shake of her head. “Actually, considering the things you’ve done… well… you have managed to deal with a number of... issues that Equestria has longed to deal with for ages. Unfortunately, we couldn’t as we were a country and it would have been considered an invasion of sorts to try. However, this ‘Chad’ of yours managed to deal with them with the promptness and skill we’d expect from a royal guard of such standing.”

His cheeks burned bright red and he shuffled in place. “Y-you flatter me, princess.”

“Indeed,” she said with a smile. “As such, we have decided that your punishment will be far less severe. In fact, we’re hopeful you’ll rub off on somepony else.”

“Oh? Who?” he asked, cocking his head to the side.

She just grinned.

Slowly the smile drained from his face, the color following soon after. “You… you don’t mean… the demon on four tiny legs?”

She nodded. “Indeed. Princess Luna has expressed a desire to find him a proper role model. Somepony he can look up to who can lead him on the proper way of life. One without destructive tendencies or… well… just destruction in general. I can’t imagine anypony more qualified than a royal guard, not to mention one with such a resume.” She motioned to the paperwork before her.

“NO!” he shrieked, falling to his knees. “Please, princess! Have mercy! I-I’ll go to jail! I’ll be flogged! Whipped! Hung by my hooves! Anything but that! Anything but that!”

She rolled her eyes. “Really, Flash? Do you have to be so melodramatic?”

He sighed and face desked. “But… But it’s VAL. Truly he is a demon! I should know, I ran into like, five on this trip!”

She nodded. “He is. But… he’s really getting to be quite sweet. Listen, we don’t want you to raise him or anything like that. Just… be there for him. He needs a positive role model. And it was you or Big Mac and, frankly, he has enough on his plate without Val. This will go into line with your other duties, so it’ll be fine.”

He groaned softly, before sighing and then looking up. “The princesses wish for this?”

“We do, you don’t--”

“Then... there's nothing else that can be done. I’ll do it!” he said firmly, standing up strong, though the color had yet to return to his face. “As a royal guard, it is my duty to attend to any needs of the princesses with the fervor and strength of all of my might!” He lifted a hoof into the air. “For this is the land I--”

“Hey Twilight, can I borrow your crown? It turns out it’s Val’s birthday and he’s NEVER had one before! Well, it’s not his birthday, but we’re making it his birthday because we can’t carbon date him. Well, we probably could but that wouldn’t really be nice so is it okay if he has your crown today?”

Twilight stared in shock at the pink pony that had materialized in her office. Finally, she sighed and then glanced to the shelf. “Hold on. Ummmm… here.” She hovered over a cheap, plastic crown. “It was a toy I had as a kid. He can have this.”

“Yay! Wait, why do you have this in your office?”

Twilight’s cheeks turned red. “L-listen I have plenty of things in my office don’t you have a party to plan? I’m not on trial here!”

“Okay! Hey Flash, happy to see you’re back! I got a letter from my parents about Chad, thanks for helping them with that big rock!” Pinkie called back before running back.

Flash stood there, frozen in horror.

Twilight sighed. “You’ll be given an allowance to buy him a gift with, don’t worry. You’ll end up earning it,” she muttered before pulling out some papers. “Flash? Are you okay?”

“You… you know I never said you had a harem, right?” he finally squeaked out.

She paused and then stared at him. She then gave a little fit of giggles. “Oh, THAT? I realized that a few minutes after Val left. I can’t imagine where he gets half of his silly ideas.” She shook her head. “Though, it has given me a few ideas of getting a harem of my own.” She paused, then batted her eyes at him. “Would you like to join in it?”

She stared for a few moments. Then reached a hoof out and waved it in front of his face. “Flash? Flash? Oh. Uh oh. Ummm, are you okay?”

He fell over, eyes wide.

“Oh dear. Was that too much?”


Val stared at city hall, his eyes wide with wonder. There was a fountain of chocolate, a giant cake he could climb and dozens of gifts. “How?” he finally asked. “And you do this EVERY year? For multiple ponies? Why? It seems so...”

“Awesome?” Sweetie asked.

“Stupid,” he finally said.

Silence reigned for a few moments as the ponies stared at him. “What?” Applebloom finally asked.

“If the whole point of this is to let me know you ponies care about me, well, I already know that,” he said with a shrug. “I mean, you’re nice to me, Cheerilee takes care of me. Claw is annoying as buck, but I definitely know he likes me. You’re all members of my harem, so I know you adore me. Why do I need a special day or presents to let me know that?” He then looked off to the side. “Besides. I… like all you guys, too. Most of you. I don’t need some stupid day to tell me that...”

Scootaloo blinked and stared at him. She then sighed. “That was… actually a little sweet, especially from you, Val. But it’s not like that. It’s like… something special. Unique. A once a day year where we get to...” She rubbed her chin. “Celebrate how awesome you are.”

“How awesome I am?” His eyes lit up.

“Exactly! And you get to like, get away with anythin’!” Applebloom added.

“So… it’s like a day of--” And then a little plastic crown appeared on his head. His eyes bulged.

“Happy Birthday!” Pinkie yelled before disappearing again.

“I… I get to be princess for the day?” he asked, his eyes wide with delight.

The girls shared looks, before collectively face hoofing. “No dooming anypony to executions or anythin’ like that. Okay, Val?”

“Huh? Oh, right, yeah, sure. Listen well, my subjects!” he yelled out, posing dramatically and thrusting out his chest. “You have all chosen to honor me on this day and I will remember this, when my time as ruler comes! Just you wait!”

Scootaloo sighed and shook her head. “Come on, Princess Val. Party isn’t starting yet. Listen, we’ll explain a few things. Like, when the cake comes, they put candles on it and you blow them out, after making a wish. You can’t tell anypony the wish, though, or it won’t come true. And then there’s--” She let out a yipe and suddenly the girls were inside a bouncy house, as was Val and many of their other classmates. They shared concerned looks. “Pinkie?”

“Pinkie,” they said in unison.


Flash sighed and looked around his room. Well, it seemed that he’d be here a while now. He started walking around, dusting off a few things before tearing off his covers. Covered in dust. He’d have to spend all night cleaning.

He paused when he noticed a few suitcases by the door. At least his luggage had made it here okay. He smiled and walked over, pulling it open and beginning to pull things out.

Pictures of all the friends he’d made, little souvenirs he’d picked up. An ancient relic that supposedly housed an ancient fire spirit but he found was the best for buffing his hooves. He couldn’t believe how scott free he was getting.

Then remembered he had to be Val’s… role model. He gave a shudder, then. Maybe he’d gone too far if THAT was the punishment he was receiving. He’d never thought the princess could be so cruel. He walked to his desk and picked up the files that had been dropped off, skimming over them. Apparently Val had a sleep over.

However, one thing caught his attention and made him frown. He lifted it up and stared. “There’s… no way.” He flipped through it.

A report from Princess Luna about his development. The colt had actually gotten his cutie mark, which he couldn’t deny feeling a little swelling of pride for.

Then he saw the note on how he got it. Protecting other ponies, scaring off giant spiders. He felt a bit more pride surge inside. Maybe the little colt wasn’t so bad after all. However, the note at the end still drew his attention back and filled him with worry.

Considerations to have Val join the lunar guard academy when he grew up. Just the thought of that colt in a position of military… anything filled the stallion with dread. He wondered if this was why they wanted him to be a role model. Were they hoping some of his respect and dedication to the crown would wear off on the colt? He couldn’t see that happening.

He gave a soft sigh before putting it back down. It was just a consideration, after all. Not fact. At least, not yet. If the colt had gotten his cutie mark in such a way… well, maybe there was hope for him yet.


Val’s heart hammered and he tried to stay as calm as possible, but it was quite difficult. He knew he was safe, but he definitely didn’t feel safe. He was blindfolded and now the party games had come in full swing. Pin the wings on the parasprite, such a stupid game and why did they have to blindfold him for it? He felt dread rise in him before he took another slow step closer.

He could hear them, calling, giving him directions. But they were all watching him. It was easy for them, they weren’t the ones blindfolded. Helpless. If it had been anypony else but Cheerilee who’d done it, he’d have had a panic attack. He slowly reached out and felt the wall, pinning it to it. He quickly stepped back and took off the blind fold. He wasn’t even close.

Still, the crowd cheered and they hollered and the next pony stepped in line. He took a step back, moving as best out of the crowd as he could.

Why did so many ponies have to come here? He didn’t even know most of them. In fact, he didn’t think he knew any of them. Yet they kept coming up to congratulate him and say how wonderful and great it was to be here. How he was just such a wonderful colt. He knew that wasn’t true, they knew it wasn’t. It was all just filled with lies. He didn’t even think most of these ponies liked him. Most were probably indifferent. Was this what a birthday was? He'd expected something more grand. With ponies he actually knew well.

And then there was the others. They kept getting swept up in doing things. Silverbelle kept eying him, too, but it didn't last long. He wanted to spend time with them. Instead he was being ferried around from game to game, having ‘fun’.

He sighed as he was gently guided towards the 'bobs for apples'. Another waste of time. He didn't even LIKE apples, and now he had to treat them like some kind of treasure while he dove his head into water? A complete waste of his time and everyone else's.

But all the ponies seemed to be having fun, so he endeavored to have fun as well. It would make his mom happy, at least. He was pretty sure.

He sighed as he came to the bucket and looked out over the sea of happy ponies, most of them watching him. He felt that nervousness rising in him again. At least he wasn't blindfolded this time. He gave a small little smile before closing his eyes and dunking his head under the water, splashing about a few moments before coming up. He gave a sheepish smile, not even trying to get an apple.

He couldn't believe how much energy ponies had. They did this for fun? All of them? Multiple times a year? It made him shudder just to think about.

“Hey Val!” A pair of clawed hooves wrapped around him. Val was almost happy to have Claw assault him for once. Almost.

He gave an exasperated sigh, for appearance's sake. “Hey, Claw. What now?”

“Come with me!”

Val let out a yipe when he was suddenly hauled off. The adults just laughed and he let out a frustrated growl. “Claw, not now. I'm--” However, a few moments later he was out of the room and into another, smaller room. Filled with bookshelves and a big fancy desk.

There weren't any crowds or anything. In fact, the only one here was Silverbelle. He stared at her in confusion. “Mission accomplished!” Claw said proudly, puffing out his chest.

“Thanks, Claw,” Silverbelle said, nervously looking to Val. “I ummm... sorry... you just didn't look like you were having fun...”

He sighed and shook his head. “Oh, no, I was having loads of fun. Who doesn't love being herded around like an animal, thrust at a bunch of weird games they don't understand and then having their face dunked in water? Water boarding, not just a form of torture, but a party game,” he said, his voice filled with bitterness. “How do you ponies do this?”

Silverbelle nodded. “If... it bothers you that much, could tell Cheerilee and umm--”

“No!” Val said quickly, shaking his head and his eyes going wide. “No no. No. This is a pony thing. It... makes her happy so ummm... I'm fine. I'll just--”

The filly nodded before looking to Claw. “Can you go get the others?”

“Aye aye!” Claw said, before darting off.

Silverbelle then took a small step forward moving in front of him. She pulled out a large envelope from her saddlebag and held it out. “I ummm... I... I wanted you to have this. It's not really... errr... I just ummm...”

He sighed. “Okay, that's another thing. This whole... gift thing. It's stupid.”


“Why wait for a special day to give somepony a gift? If you want to give them a gift, just give them a stupid gift. You shouldn't have to wait for a certain day to give somepony something.”

She nodded slowly. “I... I guess. H-here.”

He looked down at it before shaking his head. “If you're just giving it to me because you're supposed to, don't,” he said with a sigh. “I know you like me, you're part of my harem, right? You don't need to prove it with some stupid party or gift.”

“I'm not! I want you to have it because I really like you a-and I think you're kind of cool and you saved my life a-and just take it you--” And then the filly started ranting in prench and he stared. Finally he nodded and took it. It took him a few moments and a bit of clumsy moving with his hooves but, finally, he opened it and spilled the contents across the ground. “I-it's not much b-but I--”

“Oh my gosh I look AWESOME!” Val yelled, staring at the picture.

It was an image of Silverbelle laying on the ground, Val standing over her. Val was tall, strong, covered in muscles and his horn glowed with arcane magic. Giant spiders surrounded them, held back by his magic light. Not only that, he sparkled.

“So... you don't mind being, errrr...”

“What?” he asked, staring at the picture. “I look amazing! So tough!”

“The... errr... sparkles?”

“Eh, so what? This is almost exactly how I remember it, too! It's awesome! I am soooo cooooool!”

Silverbelle blushed and fidgeted in place. “O-okay. I... I'm happy you like it. I uhhh... thank you.”

He nodded, grinning down at the picture. He looked soooooo cool. “Hey, Val, what are you doing in here?” Scootaloo asked, making him jump.

“Huh?” he asked, glancing back. Claw had Sweetie, Scootaloo, Applebloom, Diamond, Silver Spoon and Button herded around him. “Oh, uhh, just catching a small br--”

“He's not enjoying the party,” Silverbelle said.

He cringed. “It's... it's not that. Really. It's not. It's a lot of fun just... I don't like all the...”

“Yah'd prefer somethin' a lil less bustlin'?” Applebloom asked.

“Really? Val?” Scootaloo asked, cocking an eye. “I figured you'd want a parade in your honor or something.”

“I do!” he said quickly with a nod. “And I intend to get one, some day. But this all just seems kind of... ehhhhh.” He wiggled his hoof. “It doesn't matter, though. I'll endure it. Besides, it makes mom happy if I'm having fun so--”

“Ah, don't be like that,” Applebloom said with a grin, moving up and giving him a little bump with her rump. “If yah ain't havin' fun, yah ain't havin' fun. No reason yah gotta force yahself tah go out an' have a wild hoot'n annie if yah ain't gonna like it. It's your birthday. So come on, what's yah wanna do?”

He sheepishly nudged the ground. “I... kinda just wanna hang out here, with my friends? Maybe play a few of the smaller games, without the crowds?”

“Well, then that's what we'll do,” Applebloom said with a nod before punching him in the leg, making him cringe.

“O-ow,” he squeaked.

“Ah didn't hurt yah, did ah?”

“W-what? No! No no. Not at all.” He couldn't feel his leg. “Don't tell mom, okay?”

“We ain't gonna tell a soul, don't yah worry,” Applebloom said.


Cheerilee smiled as she pulled open the door, revealing Flash. “I haven't seen you in a while. Where have you been?”

“Oh... around,” the stallion said with a sheepish smile. He held out his gift in his wing. “It's not much, just what I could find so fast. Hope it's okay?”

“Hm? Oh, you didn't need to do anything like that. Pinkie has all of that under control. She's like a rocket, that one,” she said before moving aside.

He stepped inside. “So, where's the birthday boy? He having fun?”

“I think so,” Cheerilee said with a sigh before looking at all the games Pinkie had set up. “Honestly, I lost track of him a while ago. We'll be hitting the pinata soon and I want him to get a few good wallops in.”

He snickered and gave a nod. “Ah, the time honored tradition of beating up paper mache. Want me to help you find him?”

She nodded. “If you could. See if he wandered off somewhere, okay? I'll keep looking amongst the kids.”

He nodded and trotted off, humming softly. He peeped into a few doors, but didn't see them. However, when he passed Mayor Mare's office he heard a loud laugh from inside. He frowned and opened the door a crack, peeping inside.

Val and the others were sitting around a circle, playing one of the boardgames that'd been brought for the party. He paused before slowly closing the door and sneaking away, not that he had to hide himself considering how loud the party was. “Found them,” he said once he found Cheerilee.

“Huh? Them?”

“Yeah. He snuck off with a bunch of the other kids into Mayor Mare's office. They're playing some board games.”

Cheerilee blinked before trotting towards the door. She inched it open, just a bit, before closing it again. She then gave a little shrug. “Well... I guess it's fine. As long as he's having fun, right?”

Flash nodded. “Right. I think Pinkie is planning to set up a dance soon.”

“Oh? Why do you say that?”

“She's got the disco ball out. That or it's the pinata. Either way, I'm going to go get a drink. Have fun!”

Cheerilee blinked and then sighed, shaking her head. However, once the ball was in the air she felt a light tap on her withers. She glanced over and saw Big Mac smiling at her. “Big Mac! You came! I didn't think you'd have time.”

He gave a shrug.

“I do hope it wasn't too much trouble.”

“Nnnnnope,” he said with a shake of his head. He then nudged towards the floor.

She glanced over before her cheeks turned a little red. “W-what? Me? Dance? I have four right hooves!”

He shrugged. “Eeyup.”

She sighed and gave a little nod. “Well, I guess. Val's keeping himself entertained and I might as well have a little fun here, right?”


Flash sipped some fruit punch, giving a light smile. Maybe being back wouldn't be so bad, maybe--

He turned and came face to face with Princess Twilight. The shock made him expel the liquid from his mouth before he quickly went into a salute, followed by diving for napkins.

The princess sighed and grabbed them before he could, dabbing the mess off her face with them. “It's fine, Flash. I didn't mean to surprise you like that.”

“I-I am so sorry princess, I didn't expect you to--”

“It's fine,” she said again, before smiling to him. “Pinkie is going to start up the dance in a moment. I was curious if you'd care to join me?”

He paused and cocked his head to the side. “Me?”

“Yes, you. Or would you rather have a fake moustache and sombrero first?”

His cheeks burned red. “L-listen, about that--”

“I told you it's fine, for now. But I have heard legends of the great 'Chad' and his skill with the dance. I want to see how much of it is true.”

He sighed. “I should warn you, that, like almost everything else, has likely been greatly exaggerated.”

“So you didn't perform a rain dance that ended a drought?”

“Well, that is technically true, but actually the whole drought was a simple cause of--” His explanation was cut off by his hoof being grabbed and him being dragged off to the dance floor, making him yipe.


Cheerilee smiled and gently tucked Val into bed, giving him a little kiss on the forehead. She then smiled down at him. “Did you have fun?”

He nodded, giving Nipper a little hug. “Uh huh. I had a really awesome day.”

She nodded and thought back to where he had spent most the evening. “How about next year, we have something smaller, okay?”

His eyes glowed. “Really?”

“Of course, honey.” She turned and started to walk away, before stopping. “Val?”


“You know I'm happy you're here, right? That it's... not like it was, with your other mom?”

He was silent for a moment before glancing towards her. “Mom... of course I know,” he said softly. “You're the best mom ever! You're always happy to see me and let me know how much you love me. I don't need some silly birthday to tell me that.”

She nodded before smiling. “Good. I just... never want you to forget.”

“I know, mom,” he said before nestling up into bed. “I love you, mom.”

“I love you too, Val.”

Author's Note:

Guess who's back? Finished another book, so all good to fanfic for a while! This will likely be the last Val story, at least for a while.
If I decide to do book two, well... look forward to finding out about that thief, Silver's secret future, a possible glimpse into Val's future, love potions, hearts and hooves day, hearths warming and winter wrap up! Possibly a visit from another of Val's family as well.

Comments ( 4 )

Thanks for the update!

All of my YESYESYESYES!!! Ah, nice to feel the warm fuzzies every now and then too. And to think, WE STILL HAVE NO IDEA HOW OLD VAL IS! And we're all safer for it.

So you are also writing "Avatar"crossover and "No Spell For That". Both of which I have in my Tracking Bookshelf.
I didn't even started any other of your stories yet besides "Where did you come from?" but I already can't wait for its Sequel.

This is, like, the fourth time you've said it was the last Val story for a bit.


Book two pls?

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