• Published 9th Oct 2015
  • 1,596 Views, 137 Comments

Where did you come from? - Jeweled Pen

During one of Discord's visits and a visit from Rarity's cousin, two new colts arrive claiming their from different times and universes. Could there be any truth to their words?

  • ...

Chapter 28: Home

The ponies watched in breathless anticipation as Luna smashed the gemstone across the table. Cheerilee held Val tightly in her hooves, shaking slightly. She'd promised he'd be okay. She'd promised his mother wouldn't find him. Yet she'd come and she'd killed him. Or... at least come close. What if this didn't work? What if he was gone for good? What if they'd failed? She'd sworn to keep him safe, wanted so bad to protect him. And then she'd been helpless and unconscious while he had to face his mother alone and died for it. She felt tears welling up in her eyes.

“Please... Val... c-come back to us,” she whispered softly, holding him closer. She looked down at his broken hoof and felt a few tears falling down her face to dribble onto his chest.

“Owwwwwww,” the little colt whined, letting out a soft whimper as his eyes opened. It took every ounce of control she had to not hug him tighter and squeeze him forever. If his hoof wasn't broken she'd have never, ever let him go.

“Oh thank Celestia,” Cheerilee said, smiling down at him.

“Your welcome,” the princess said with a smile. “Though, my sister is the one more able to identify the spell than I.”

Luna chuckled. “I think that was an expression dear sister.”

“Owwwwwwww,” Val whined again, looking up. “Is... is she... ummmm...” He snuggled in a little closer as he looked towards the princesses. Luna still had the mare resting on her back. His eyes turned to Luna and Celestia. “Are... you two goddesses?” he finally asked.

“No,” Celestia said with a gentle smile. “We are but very old and very powerful. But we are far from omnipotent or omniscient. If we were, none of this would have happened.” She looked down at the other children and smiled. “I... do believe this has been a difficult day for all of you. Perhaps a trip to the hospital is in order? To make sure there was no lasting damage.”

“I believe that would be a fine idea,” Rarity said softly before she slowly got to her hooves, shakily. “Just... what was that magic she used on us?”

“An evil sort,” Twilight said with a shudder. “A stronger version of Val's magic. But, I believe it will fade with time. I'd suggest everypony just get close. I'll teleport us.” Her horn glimmered and... nothing happened.

“I believe you're still drained from your encounter, Twilight,” Celestia said with a gentle smile. “Perhaps walking would be best.”

“Princesses,” a guard said as the door was pushed open. “All lost guards found and accounted for.” There was a moment of silence, followed by a sharp intake of breath. “There... were no casualties. But many of them won't be... able to return to duty for a few weeks.”

Celestia nodded. “That's quite alright. After an encounter like this, I believe most have earned their rest. Now, come along.”


Cheerilee tried not to smile too awkwardly as she looked around at the three princesses. The kids were being tended to, as were many of the adults. Twilight had a few bandages over her body. Now came the important part, discussing what to do next.

“The magic she's used has been gone from our world for millennia,” Celestia said with a sigh. “Many millennia. We thought it gone for good.”

“W-wait, you mean magic like that exists here?” Twilight asked, her eyes wide.

“Long ago, it did,” Luna said with a shake of her head. “Draining one's essence, severing one's soul from the body. Such spells were of the darkest essence and only the darkest, most foul of creatures could use such things. But no pony has been able to use such magics and the creatures that could have long been destroyed. Such things could likely no longer even survive in this world, thanks to the harmony that now courses through it.”

Twilight nodded. Well, that explained what was happening to the remains of those monsters.

“Which, unfortunately brings us to the child,” Celestia said with a sigh. “He is... a threat. If he can use magic such as that, even as weak as his magic is, there's no telling what destruction he could cause. This... disaster from the future could very well be caused by him.”

Cheerilee blinked and stared. He created such a... no way. Val was many things, but he wouldn't destroy the world and kill all his friends. He was... deep down, a good boy. Deep, deep down.

“Our options are... limited,” Luna said with a sigh. “We could force a permanent inhibitor on him, destroying his bond to his magic.” She shook her head. “But the damage that could cause is... severe. Sending him back with his mother would--”

“Not a chance!” Cheerilee said, stomping a hoof down so hard pain shot through it, but she didn't care. “Val may be many things, but he is NOT a monster! He's just a child! And in the time I've known him he's done plenty of good. I'll be the first to admit he is a bit... extreme at times, but he's not bad. And he does not deserve to be sent back with that monster. She's a... he's... I'm not letting you send him anywhere, he's staying with me no matter what!” Cheerilee said firmly, glaring up defiantly towards the alicorns.

Luna coughed. “As I was saying. Sending him back with his mother would be extremely cruel, and is therefore not an option.”

“O-oh,” Cheerilee said sheepishly. “Oops.”

“It's quite alright,” Luna said with a nod.

“He will have to be monitored, closely,” Celestia said with a nod. “Every use of his magic, how it develops. Perhaps even his dreams. We cannot allow him to pose a threat to anypony. However, if creatures such as Discord can be rehabilitated to our world, then I see no reason why this drow cannot. Especially when he is so young.” She then glanced down to Cheerilee. “Judging by your outburst, can I take it to mean you wish to adopt the young colt?”

“E-err... w-what?” the teacher asked, paling slightly.

“There is no need for you to,” Luna said with a smile. “We can have him stay in the castle where we can monitor him at all times. He would be safer there.”

Cheerilee gulped. Yes, giving him to the princesses would be better. Safer. It wasn't like he...

“I... I'd like... to adopt him,” she said softly. “I'm sure you could keep him safe and protected but... I think he needs more than that. So much more. He needs a mother. A real mother, one who doesn't hurt him or hate him. I... I can be that for him. Besides, he has friends here. Ponies who care about him. He needs that.”

The two celestial princesses smiled down at him, while Twilight just looked shocked. “Very well,” Luna said. “We will see that it's done. One of us will need to speak with him, at least once a week. To monitor him.”

Cheerilee nodded. Well, she supposed that made sense. She couldn't imagine anypony more qualified to be a therapist for him than the princesses. “Thank you,” she said, bowing her head. “What about his... mother?”

“She will be sent back where she came from and not bother us again,” Luna said firmly.

“What? But she might--”

“She will not bother us again,” Luna said firmly. “I have taken care of it.”


Val's mother shuddered in her sleep, a cold sweat breaking out across her body as she trembled.


Cheerilee gulped and nodded. “Okay.”

“What should we do about Claw?” Twilight asked softly.

“You sent him back here,” Celestia said with a smile. “I trust your judgment. I see no reason why he cannot stay.”

“But... but he's from the future!” Twilight said with a gulp. “He might... well...”

“The past has already been altered,” Luna said with a shrug. “Perhaps for the better. Whatever damage has been done has likely been done for a reason. Perhaps once you've finished repairing your letter, more light will be shed on this, but until then we believe he will be safe in the care of you and your friends. I believe you have all proven yourself more than capable of dealing with such situations. It's not as if we can undo what has already been done.”

Twilight gave a small nod. “Thank you.”

Cheerilee gulped. “I uhhh... am I free to go?” She glanced towards the hospital room that held Val.

“Yes. You may go and be with your child,” Luna said with a smile. The teacher gave a small nod and galloped off.

Once she was gone, Celestia looked to Twilight. “Tomorrow, once your power has returned, we will take this mare back and return her to her realm. We have contacted Discord as well. All four of us shall seal this realm away from ours. They will never bother us again.”

The purple princess nodded. “Thank you. I... I'm sorry I didn't come to you sooner. I thought... I mean, with the thief and everything, I thought I could handle this on my own, I didn't want to bother you.”

Celestia nodded and moved forward, putting a wing over her. “I understand, my dear student. But remember, you may always call on us when you are in need. After all, a teacher never abandons their student. Now... tell me...” She leaned in close, a mischievous grin on her face. “Do you have anything else to report? Perhaps about a certain... royal guard?”

Twilight blinked a few times. Royal... guard? Oh! Flash! Her cheeks turned bright red as she looked at her teacher. “P-princess!”

“Oh, come now. Everypony loves a bit of gossip,” the princess of the sun said. “Do tell.”

“Lunaaaaaa!” Twilight whined, looking towards the other princess.

“I do not know what you expect me to do,” Luna said with a smile. “After all, the night is for lovers.”

“Gahhhh! Fine! I didn't... well, do anything. I just didn't have the time. I've been too busy trying to solve this problem.” Her cheeks turned redder. “N-not that I intended to do anything. I mean, maybe talk a bit, b-but that's all!”

Both princesses looked so disappointed. “See, I told you you shouldn't have told her about the theft,” Luna said with a roll of her eyes. “You never were good with playing match maker.”

“I had to come up with some excuse to send him,” Celestia said with a sigh.

Twilight blinked. Blinked a great many times, before her eyes narrowed. “You... mean to tell me... there WAS no theft?”

“Oh, there was,” Celestia said with a soft chuckle. “But nothing of true value was stolen. Just an old tome that had been reprinted a thousand times. Honestly, I can't imagine why the pony would even have stolen that. But it was the perfect excuse to send him, no?”

Twilight's eyes twitched slightly. She couldn't yell at the princess. She was the princess. That was a crime, right.


Cheerilee slid into the bed besides Val, gently smiling down at him. He gave a nervous smile back. “So... I ummmm... I'm sorry,” she said, before reaching out and hugging him for a second before pulling back. Huh? Why was Twilight screaming all of a sudden? She shrugged and tried to ignore it, focusing on Val.

He smiled back for a few moments, before breaking down into a crying fit. He lunged forward and gave her a hug, both his good leg and leg wrapped in a cast hugging her. “I-I was so scared I thought she was going to t-take me away I-I didn't want to g-go I-I thought she was going to kill me a-and destroy m-my soul,” he sobbed, trembling against her.

“I'm so, so sorry,” she whispered, holding him. “I... I didn't think... I didn't know. She... did she...”

He nodded. “I-I saw everything. T-trapped in her... in her necklace, I-I saw it all...” he gave another soft sob. “I didn't know you had... you had actual g-goddesses w-watching over you.”

“They aren't goddesses,” she whispered softly. “They're just the princesses,” she sad gently. “Our protectors.”

He nodded, sniffling a bit. “How... how many were... killed?”

“None,” Cheerilee said with a smile.

“N-nopony was?” he asked, staring with shock. “But... my mother... she didn't... what?”

“Many were knocked out, but none were killed.”

Val stared for a moment. How had none of them been killed? His mother wouldn't have not TRIED to kill them. She'd probably just blast them and forget. How then--

A new thought occurred to him. If those weren't goddesses and were instead just their rulers, how powerful were these ponies? He'd assumed they were weak and delicate. But what if they weren't? What if they were far more durable than he was led to believe? What if the drow couldn't actually kill them? What if... He closed his eyes and whimpered, laying his head close against her chest. He didn't care. Bleep it. He just wanted his mommy. His new mommy who loved him and cared about him and didn't let anypony hurt him. “I love you mommy,” he mumbled softly.

“I love you too, Val.” She held her hooves tightly around him, cradling him to her chest. “Val... do you want to stay here with us, forever? With all the kids and... in my home? As my... son?”

“Uh huh...”

“Okay,” she whispered softly, before leaning down to give him a soft kiss on the forehead. “Then you can...”

He nodded, his eyes closed. “Ummm... mommy...?”


“What's a harem?”

Cheerilee face hoofed. Three seconds and she was already regretting the decision. Was it too late to just take him back? Maybe the princesses would watch him after all. “I-I'll... explain it when you're... older. And what a herd is.” Maybe she could bribe one of the other's parents into giving him the talk when they told their kids. She bet Big Mac gave a great 'the talk'.


Rarity smiled as she held Claw to he chest, nuzzling him affectionately. The poor colt was doing far better now that they'd managed to free him from the ground, but she still didn't want to let him go. To imagine, they'd all almost died. To think that... monster had come and nearly ended all of their lives. Just the thought made her shiver and want to curl up in bed. Instead, she shivered and held Claw close to her chest, not even minding when he occasionally licked her face.

Spike was sitting besides her, his claws nervously poking together. “Sorry...” he said for what had to at least be the eighteenth time.

“Spike, nopony could have expected you to stand against that mare's magic,” Rarity said with a small smile. “Come on.” She grabbed him in her magic and pulled him into the hug. Such a silly dragon. Her eyes wandered over to Silverbelle.

The little filly was laying in her bed, curled up. Precious and Rare were sitting over her, occasionally reaching out to pat or pet her. Occasionally they'd mumble things to each other, but there wasn't much to say. It had been a traumatic experience to all of them. Finally Precious got to her hooves and looked to Rarity. “Niece? Could we speak for a moment?”

“Hm? Of course,” Rarity said before slowly pulling away from the hug. “I'll be back soon, don't worry,” she said before trotting out with her niece. Once they were outside of the room, the elder mare turned back to face her.

“Rarity, I need to make a request.”

“Oh? What is it?”

Precious reached up and gently rubbed the amulet around her neck. “We... have decided to extend our stay. After everything that's happened, we think it would be best if Silverbelle doesn't have to move around much for a while. She's been attending classes here and making plenty of friends, so we think it might be good for her to relax and enjoy herself for a while longer. Just for a few more months, for now. Do you know of any places for sale around here that would make for a good vacation home?”

Rarity blinked a few times. “W-wait, moving here? But I thought--”

“A summer home, dear. Well, I suppose not summer, but you know what I mean. It's not permanent, of course. But somewhere we can stay when we visit the town. Besides, we have plenty of friends back home who will positively adore the idea of coming to this little town once we return and tell them about it. A place like that would pay for itself in no time.”

Rarity nodded. “I... I see. I would suggest talking with Mayor Mare. She'll be able to tell you if there are any available... locales.”

“Good, thank you,” Precious said, before looking towards the room. “It's... not always so dangerous here, is it?”

“Oh, of course not! This kind of danger was... quite unexpected. I'm sure nothing quite like this will happen again,” Rarity said with a dismissive wave of her hooves. “Besides, the princesses are personally dealing with it. I'm sure before long, all of this will just be a bad memory.”


Luna took a deep breath as she looked down at the now untied, but still magically restrained unicorn. Val's mother. To think such a little thing could have done so much damage and almost destroyed so many lives.

She, Celestia, Twilight and Discord had all come to the location of her arrival. The air positively flickered from the magical energies filling it. “Shall I awaken her?” the princess of the night asked.

“Oh, do,” Discord said with a chuckle. “I'm positively besides myself with excitement to know what new words she'll use.” The other two nodded, though they didn't add their opinion on the matter.

Luna rolled her eyes before leaning forward and putting her head to the unicorn's. Her eyes opened and she recoiled.

“Y-you. G-get away from me, you... you... n-nightmare... monster,” the mare said.

Luna merely gazed down at her. “You are the one of nightmares,” she said with a shake of her head. “Creatures of your sort are not welcome here.”

“But, we are not without our mercy,” Celestia said with a smile. “You will return to your realm, never to return here.”

The mare stared at them, but slowly her eyes narrowed. “You... cowards. You are weak! You think showing me mercy will stop me? I will-- ack!”

Luna stared into her eyes. “No. You are the one who is weak. We do not show you mercy because we are afraid to kill. We have killed before. It would be far, far easier to just kill you. But we are strong enough that we don't have to kill you. You are a despicable monster that corrupts all that you touch. But you are not of our world and we know not what effect killing you would have on your own world. So we will show you mercy and allow you to live.” She moved in closer, her face nearly touching the mare's. “Perhaps when you are older and wiser, you will understand. The truly strong do not need to kill.” Her horn glowed and the unicorn disappeared.

A small, shimmering wall of light was left in her wake. The three alicorns and spirit looked at it, before their magics enveloped it. The light disappeared after a few moments, with a soft popping.

“And the world is saved, all is well, peace and harmony return. Are we done here?” Discord asked. Three pairs of angry eyes turned on him. “What?”

“Discord...” Twilight said softly.

“Yes?” he asked, an arrogant grin forming on his lips.

“Just how responsible are you for all of this?” Luna asked, glowering at him.

“What? I? Responsible?” He put a paw to his chest and had the decency to look wounded. “I am hurt by your baseless accusations! Why, I did nothing of the sort! I didn't bring that most... interesting of ponies here,” he said with a big grin.

“Uh huh,” Twilight said, staring at him flatly. “And you can honestly say you had absolutely, positively, not a single thing to do with Val getting here?”

“Welllllll,” the spirit said with a grin. “I couldn't go that far.”

“What did you do, Discord?” Celestia asked, glowering at him. “We won't get mad.”

“Speak for yourself,” Twilight said quickly.

The being of chaos chuckled. “Now now, I didn't take him from his home. That was all due to something from his world. You'd be amazed what mixing all kinds of different magics during a war can do,” he said with with a light chuckle. “I just merely noticed the poor, innocent, delightful, adorable, chaotic child flowing through the vast, empty abyss between the dimensions. I could have just let him go along, land at any number of different worlds. Why, in one he even meets Nosflutteratu.”

“Who?” Twilight asked, cocking an eye.

“Nopony you need to worry about,” he said with a chuckle. “I just thought it would be interesting to direct his path here. And my oh my, it has been quite interesting. Three such interesting young foals have arrived. I do so look forward to seeing what chaos they'll bring.”

“Is anything else coming we need to worry about?” Celestia asked, glaring.

“I do not know, perhaps?” he said with a shrug. “That is the joy of chaos, dear princess. You just never know how things will turn out.”

Twilight sighed. “Discord, you do realize it's because of things like this that nopony trusts you?”

He frowned then and crossed his arms, a third one going up to hold his cheek as his eyes went wide. “Why, princess, I am shocked and appalled. Are you saying I should have left the little colt out and alone? Let him go to some other dimension where he could have been killed? Tut tut. And here I thought you cared about all children.”

Twilight's cheeks burned. “You should have told us!”

“Now where would the fun in that be? What's the point of a good story if you just skip ahead to the end?” he asked with a chuckle. “Besides, you've saved the world now, haven't you? Sending that pony back in time... why, that is something even I could never have predicted you'd do. It makes me look forward all the more to seeing what kind of pony you'll grow up to be, princess.”

Twilight's cheeks turned scarlet and she turned around, shaking her head. “Ugh! I'm going home! I've got a letter to finish deciphering! Hopefully there's mention of turning you back into stone!” she yelled back angrily.

“So testy,” Discord said before snapping his fingers and disappearing. He reappeared a moment later in his home in the chaos realm. He hummed softly as he looked at his desk where a few cards were laying, face up.

One of Val, Claw and Silverbelle. He moved over to the desk and flipped over Val's card. “Oh such a naive little princess. This story is only just beginning.” He drew another card from the deck, revealing another black unicorn with a white mane, a young mare. His eyes then wandered to a small letter laying above the cards, written on titanium impregnated parchment. “Let's make sure it has a happy ending this time, shall we?” He said before snapping his fingers and making the deck disappear.

Author's Note:

Okay, and that's the story... sorta. The first part, or book the series is now done. Now, there are more points to the story in the future, but I'm going to be taking a break from the story for a lil bit. I want to work on my avatar story. Once I've finished a book of that and likely another non-fan fiction book, I'll probably be writing some more of this, likely in the form of slice of life mini stories before moving onto another big story with them. Hope you all enjoyed this and like the next one just as much. :)