• Published 9th Oct 2015
  • 1,596 Views, 137 Comments

Where did you come from? - Jeweled Pen

During one of Discord's visits and a visit from Rarity's cousin, two new colts arrive claiming their from different times and universes. Could there be any truth to their words?

  • ...

Bonus: SLEEPOVER!! Part 2

Game Master held on tightly to her chariot, before drawing her next card. “We're almost there! Just a little longer!” she called to the puller, Bestfriend Kun.

“Don't worry, Game! I've got this!”

Suddenly, from the right, Nemesis McBad rammed their cart, her mechanized pony slamming into Bestfriend and sending the pony toppling to the ground and drawing their chariot to a stop. Game barely managed to hold on, but she stared down at her friend. She jumped from the chariot, abandoning her cards, and raced to her friend's side. “No! Bestfriend Kun!”

“Ugh...” the earth pony said weakly, shaking his head.

“Bwa ha ha ha ha!” Nemesis said before her robo pony came to a stop. She pointed from the back of her chariot. “I'm sorry, it seems I lost control for a second there. But it seems you've lost your puller. I guess that means you have no choice but to... forfeit. The princess guard cards are mine!”

“You!” Game said, glowering at her rival. She started to stand, but a hoof stopped her.

“N-no, Game. We... can still win this,” Bestfriend said before slowly getting to his hooves. He cringed in pain.

“No, you're hurt!”

“It doesn't... matter,” he said with a grin. “We never give up, remember? Ever since we met in those slums and were told card games were illegal for us, we knew one day we'd rise up and... and be here. Now go. Get in the chariot. I'll run on stumps if I have to.”

“But... but Bestfriend--”

“Go, Game!” he yelled.

“Impossible!” Nemesis said as she stared in awe at their unrelenting friendship. “H-how can you... give up! Just give up!”

“Never!” Game yelled before she jumped into the chariot. “We'll never give up and never surrender! You may have your money and robots, but it'll never compare to the power of our friendship!” She picked up her card and smiled when the chariot began to move. “And now, we end this. Go, I play the magical armor of the lunar guard!”

“Noooo! Not that card, any card but that!”


“YEAHHHH! BESTFRIEND KUUUUUN!” Val and Button yelled as they hopped up and hoof bumped. “Go Game! You can do it!”

Scootaloo blinked a few times and stared at the screen, before looking to the other girls. “Okay, I'm not the only one who thinks this is kind of... stupid, am I?”

“Eeyup,” Applebloom said with a nod.

“I-I don't think it's bad,” Silverbelle said softly. “S-Sweetie, what do--” She blinked and stared at the other filly besides her.

Sweetie sobbed into a tissue. “B-Bestfriend K-Kun is s-so brave and strong. H-he just cares so much for Game a-and it's j-just so beautiful!”

“Oh, it's obviously just a big marketing ploy,” Diamond said with a roll of her eyes. “I mean, really? The power of love and friendship does not outdo a steam powered horse. It's just silly!”

“I-I think it's pretty sweet,” Silver Spoon said softly, her eyes lowered.

Claw just chewed on the popcorn, occasionally leaning over to nibble on Diamond. Who shrieked and shoved him away.

“Stop that!” she shrieked.

“But you taste like diamondssss!” he whined.

“So? Maybe Applebloom tastes like apples, chew on her for a while!”

“But I like diamonds more... they're chewy.”

Diamond face hoofed and shook her head. “I swear, dragons are crazy.”

When the credits rolled, Val and Button squealed and pushed their hooves together. “Oh my gosh that was so awesome!” Val yelled.

“I know! Can you believe she drew THAT card then?” Button yelled back.

“I know! And the way she comboed those three cards together to defeat the mecha bore and destroy it once and for all!”

“And then when Nemesis drew out the omni-disk, I thought it was over!”

“But then Bestfriend Kun was all 'NO! I believe in you, you can do this!' and she kept going and just eeeeee!” Val hopped in place, flailing his hooves around. “That was so AWESOME!”

“Can you believe that look on Nemesis' face when she had to give over the trophy? I thought she was going to grab it and run off!”

“That would have been hilarious, but then she would have been mocked so badly. Eeeeee! I wanna play now! Did you bring your deck?”

“Of course, I--”

“NO!” Diamond yelled, flailing her hooves. “It's time for truth or dare!” she shrieked. “No more cards, no more!”

“Awwwww,” the two colts said in unison.

“You're all familiar, aren't you?” Diamond asked, cutting off their whining.

“I think so. It sounds like a game we have back home. But where are the torture devices? You at least need a rack,” Val said, cocking his head to the side.

Diamond sighed and face hoofed. “It works on the honor system, Val. Who ever's turn it is asks someone truth or dare. If they choose dare, you dare them to do something and they have to do it. Truth, then they have to answer a question you ask them, honestly.” She paused. “But it has to be something within reason.”

Val cocked his head to the side. “Why can't a pony just lie?”

“If they do, they lose,” Diamond said. She then looked to Claw. “Claw, since it's your party, you should go first.”

Claw nodded and rubbed his chin. He looked between all the ponies, before finally his eyes narrowed on Diamond. “Truth or dare!”

The filly smirked. “Oh ho ho ho. I of course choose...” She was silent for a moment. “Truth.”

“Why do you taste like diamonds?” Claw asked.

Diamond blinked, then gave a little smile. She fluffed her mane with her hoof. “Oh? Isn't it obvious? I use Pettycoat's Diamond Encrusted Shampoo, guaranteed to keep your coat and mane glimmering in all kinds of weather.”

“Yah know doin' somethin' like that is practically beggin' Claw tah jump yah, right?” Applebloom asked deadpan.

Diamond blinked and scowled. “I was using that shampoo long before he showed his way to town and that is no excuse for him to keep nibbling on me!”

“Yeah, but that'd be like one of us dressing up like a big spider and then not expecting Val to fall in love with us,” Scootaloo said with a snicker.

“Wait, what?” Val asked, glaring at them. “I-I wouldn't do that! Nipper is the only spider for me!” He hugged the spider to his chest. “Isn't that right?”

Applebloom and Scootaloo snickered and rolled their eyes.

“Anyway,” Diamond said coldly, glowering at the two. “Val, truth or dare?”

Val grinned and stood up proudly. “Ha! I am a proud, noble drow pony!” he said firmly. “I choose dare, do your worst, harem pony!”

“VAL!” Rarity snapped, glaring at him. “Do you want to go home?”

He squeaked and shook his head. “N-no.”

“Then no more harem talk, understand?”

“Yes ma'am...” he said softly.

“Dare, huh? You're brave, I'll give you that,” Diamond said with a smirk before rubbing her chin. Slowly a grin formed on her lip. “I dare you to give Claw a kiss.”

The color drained from his face and he squeaked. “W-what?”

“Ahem?” Rarity asked, glaring over her nose at the filly.

Diamond squeaked. “I-it was a joke!” she said quickly, waving a hoof dismissively. “I, errrr...” She blinked, before perking up. “I dare you to put on one of Rarity's dresses!”

Val blinked and then gave a shrug. “Oh, okay. That's easy enough.”

Button gasped with horror, a hoof over his mouth. “S-so cruel, so evil!”

The other fillies just stared at Diamond, who blushed. “I-I panicked,” she said with a squeak. “I-I was expecting truth!”

“You! Clothes mare and mother of the abomi...” He paused at the glare Rarity was giving him. “Mother of Claw, bring me your most awesome dress so I may win this challenge.”

Rarity sighed and got to her hooves. “Fine. Val, but I swear, you're on thin ice,” she muttered before trotting off.

“You're actually going to do it?” Button asked, staring at Val with wide eyed horror.

“Yes. Why wouldn't I?”

“It's a dress!”

“... So?”

“It's a dress!!”

“... And... that's a problem... why?”

“It's a dress!!!”

He sighed and shook his head, before looking to Diamond. “Explain.”

“Colts don't usually wear dresses here,” she said with a shrug. “Well, some do, but they tend to be... Applebloom's big brother.”

“HEY!” the little apple filly objected. “That was a one time thing an' he was doin' it for all the right reasons! Even if it was a bit painful tah watch.”

“It's a dress,” Val said, deadpan. “It's a garment worn by... ponies, in this case. I'm hardly going to be intimidated by something so silly.” He rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Besides, I've worn dresses plenty of times.”

“WHAT?” the ponies shrieked.

Followed by Diamond's shriek. “CLAW STOP EATING MY MANE!”

Val cocked an eye. “You ponies are just weird. We all wore dresses.”

“I think it's a cultural thing,” Diamond said suddenly. “Here, the males don't wear dresses. I guess in your world, it's not uncommon.”

“Not particularly, no. Especially for children,” he said with a shake of his head. “I didn't see the adult males wear them often.”

“Well, there you go,” Diamond said with a nod.

“Then again, most of the adult males I saw were either slaves or sacrifices, so they usually didn't wear much.”

“Aaaaaand we're moving on,” the filly said quickly. “Your turn, choose somepony.”

“Okay!” the colt said, looking between the gathered ponies. A wicked grin formed on his lips and he pointed at Silverbelle. “You. Jumpy pony.”

The filly's mane nearly stood on end and she squeaked.

“H-hey, that ain't fair, Val. No pickin' on Sweetie's cousin,” Applebloom said with a frown.

“Nonsense. It is my right to choose whoever I desire, and I desire her,” he said with the wickedest of grin, completely missing the red flare to the filly's cheeks. “Now, I will defeat her and win this game! Filly, truth or dare?”

Silverbelle squeaked and shook her head. Finally, after a few moments, she spoke up. “D-dare.”


There was a long, long, long pause. Followed by the sound of many hooves connecting with many faces.

“I think we better go over the rules again,” Diamond said with a sigh. Then squeaked. “Claw, stop trying to eat my tail.”


Val nodded, rubbing his chin. Rarity had returned to supervise, bringing a small black dress with her. While the colt had gotten dressed, the others had explained the rules to him. “I... see,” he said finally. “So the... goal is not to create a dare or truth so horrible they cannot perform it? Then how does one win?”

“Nopony wins truth or dare,” Sweetie said with a shake of her head. “It's just for fun, ya dope.”

Val sighed and gave a nod. “Very well, then. You, nervous pony!” he said, pointing a hoof at Silverbelle and making her squeak. “I challenge you to a duel! You and I shall fight and--”

“Val,” Rarity said, her eyes narrowed on him.

He squeaked and nodded. “Ummm... I... errr... I dare you... to ummmm...” He poked his hooves together. “Hop... on one hoof?” he tried. There was a collective sigh of relief.

Silverbelle did as she was dared, hoping and then falling face first onto the ground. “Ow...” She slowly got back up and looked around, before looking to Sweetie. “Ummmm... cousin. Errrr... truth or... dare?” she tried softly.

“Dare!” Sweetie said proudly.

“Errr... ummmm... You... uhhhh...” The filly rubbed her chin. “I dare you to... eat... spaghetti with toothpaste?” the filly said meekly.

“Ohhhhhh!” Applebloom and Scootaloo said in unison.

“I didn't know she had it in her!” Diamond said with a grin.

“That may be the first dare that's an actual dare,” Silver Spoon said with a chuckle. She then glanced to Val. “Are you going to take that dress off? It's a little weird.”

“What? No. I look fabulous,” he said with a snort. “Besides, it matches my make up.”

Sweetie nodded and then galloped off. She soon returned with some tooth paste and a small bowl of spaghetti noodles. A few seconds later she was hacking and coughing on the ground, shaking her head. “Ugh. Ewwwwww.”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Ah, to be young again.”

“Seems silly to me,” Spike muttered.

“It is silly, that's half the fun.”

“Scootaloo, truth or dare!” Sweetie said with a wide grin.

“Ha, dare!”

“I dare you to wear a dress and sing one of big sister's operas!”

The color drained from Scootaloo's face and she squeaked. “T-truth?” she tried, shaking.

“Nooo, you said dare.”

“Two truths?”


“THREE truths?”

Sweetie rubbed her chin, before nodding. “Okay! Three truths it is! First question... hmmmm...” She looked around, before her eyes honed on Val. “What do you really think of Val and Claw?”

Scootaloo shrugged. “Ehhhhh. Claw is cool, I guess. Val is kinda weird sometimes and a bit lame.”

“W-what?” Val asked, staring at the pegasus. “Y-you think I'm lame?”

The filly cringed. “Not... that lame, really. Just... you know...” She gave a dismissive wave. “You're just kind of... like... you talk a lot but don't say much, I guess. It's a little boring sometimes.”

“Y-you think I'm BORING?” Val asked, now looking on the verge of tears.

“What? No, it's not that, just, you know... you're no Rainbow Dash.”

“What do bright colors have to do with anything?” Val asked, harrumphing and crossing his hooves. “I'm awesome and I'm TOTALLY not boring.”

“I didn't mean it like that,” Scootaloo said with a sigh. “You're fine, really. I just think sometimes... you get all over intense and it's kinda annoying.”

“I do NOT get over intense. I am just the right amount of intense,” Val muttered darkly.

“Can we just move onto the next question?” Scootaloo asked, shaking her head.

“R-right,” Sweetie said firmly, before coughing into her hoof. She then leaned in. “Can... you cook?”

Scootaloo's shrugged. “I can make popsickles? That's... it, really.”

“Okay, final question! Do, uhhhh...” She rubbed her chin, then grinned. “Is there any dress you ever WANTED to wear?”

Scootaloo's face lit up and she covered her face. “One.”

“Ohhhh, which one?”

“That wasn't the question! So, uhhh, Button, truth or dare!”

“Awwww, come on,” Sweetie whined.

“Nope, not the question, my turn. Button, truth or dare.”

“Oh, uhhh... truth.”

A wide grin formed on her face. “Of all of us here, which one is your favorite?”

His face turned bright red. “W-what?” he asked softly.

“Which is your favorite of all of us here?” Scootaloo repeated, grinning wider.

“M-my favorite?” He covered his face with his hoof. “It's... it's... m-my favorite? It's... it's... Sw...”

“That's quite enough of that!” Rarity said firmly, making the ponies jump.

“What?” Scootaloo asked. “Awwww, but we were getting to the good part!”

“This game is on the verge of getting out of hoof, so we're stopping it now,” Rarity said with a shake of her head. “Perhaps we should move onto something else? You have watched a video... a few too many videos. Make overs, truth or dare. Now, what else is there?”

“Ghost stories!” Diamond said with a grin.

Rarity sighed, before nodding. Her horn glowed and she flicked the lights down, leaving only one lamp on. “Very well, but after that, it is time for bed, children.” She got up and trotted from the room. “I'll get the sleeping bags for everypony.” She wondered if smores would be okay, but shook her head. Adding sugar to this particular mix was not a good idea.

“What are ghost stories?” Val asked.

“It's where we tell stories tah try tah scare everypony,” Applejack said with a grin. “Somethin' truly frightenin', like the story of slendermare or the headless horse.”

Val nodded. “Oh, in that case, I know a story about--”

“I vote that Val not be allowed to tell a story,” Silver Spoon said quickly.

Val blinked, then glared. “What?! That's not fair! You can't just... stop me from playing!”

Silver Spoon shook her head. “Think about it. Any story he tells will be about the place he's from, that... horrifying place. Not only that, it's likely to be a REAL story. Something that's actually happening in that dimension. Do we REALLY want to hear that kind of story?”

The other fillies and colts looked thoughtful for a moment, before quickly nodding.

“Agreed,” Applebloom said with a nod.

“Sorry Val, have to agree,” Scootaloo said with a nod. “I wanna get some sleep tonight.”

“Yup. We don't need those kinds of stories,” Silverbelle said with a smile. “But it'll still be fun, Val! Really! You'll be able to listen and hear all of ours.”

“But I want to tell one of my scary ones,” he whined.

“And I want to get some sleep tonight,” Diamond said. Then blinked. “How about this. We'll let you tell your story IF! And this is the if. If you agree to sleep next to Claw.”

Val blinked, looked to the dragon pony who was subtly trying to nibble on Diamond's tail. He sighed and shook his head. “I'll just not tell any stories.”

“Okay! So, who's going to go first?” Scootaloo asked.

“Ah'll go first,” Applebloom said with a grin. “It's the story... of the rotten field,” she said softly, grinning from ear to ear. “So, it all started long ago. It was jus' two hours before dark an' Applesquirt an' Big Munch decided tah go off an' get all the apples from their southernmost fields. Now, these fields had always been a bit... weird. Their granny always told 'em not tah go there, but those big, ripe, juicy apples jus' called tah 'em.”

Val rolled his eyes. “Let me guess, they had worms?” he asked with a snort.

“Let meh finish the story!” Applebloom snapped. “Now, the two had been workin' for hours when they realized it was startin' tah get dark. Then... they started noticin' a buncha... strange, weird scare crows all over the fields. The kind they'd never seen before. With scythes sharper an' any knife.”


“Applesquirt ran inta the tree house an' locked the door! Soon, there was a knock on the door an' she shook her head, terrified. She asked who it was. Big Munch answered. Told her tah let 'im in. She said no. He kept poundin', demandin' he let her in. She didn't believe it was 'im. She backed away. Then, the door burst open an' the scarecrow stood in the door and lunged! She screamed!” Applebloom grinned wide. “An' that's mah story!”

“Ha! Not scary at all,” Scootaloo said, before reaching down and trying to steady her shaking hoof.

“Where ever did you hear such a frightful story?” Rarity asked, shaking her head. “I mean, it is truly ghastly!”

“Granny Smith,” Applebloom said proudly.

“C-can't... breathe...” Button said weakly. All the eyes turned to see him, Val on top of him with hooves wrapped tightly around his neck. The unicorn squeaked and quickly pulled away.

“W-wasn't scared I've heard a lot scarier it was just a silly scarecrow s-shut up!” he said shrilly, his face burning.

“Nopony said anything,” Diamond said as she laid down in her sleeping bag. “Shall I go next? Mine... is the story of the cursed coin.”

The ponies slowly nestled up in their beds, huddled up on the ground in their sleeping bags as they told story after story, until finally the soft sound of snoring filled the room. Rarity sighed as she laid down, before glancing to Spike and smiling at him. “Are you sure you're okay, darling?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine,” he said with a chuckle. “A bunch of ghost stories won't scare me,” he said, pretending his claws weren't shaking.

Rarity nodded, then lifted him in her magic and pulled him into her hooves, hugging him to her. “Well, I for one am absolutely terrified after those frightful stories. But you'd protect me, wouldn't you?”

“Y-yeah. O-of course. Always, Rarity.”

“I thought as much,” she said with a smile, hugging the dragon to her chest. “I must say, aside from a few bumps... this wasn't at all bad. I wouldn't want to do it again but... I think their little slumber party actually worked out.”

“Yeah, it did a little bit,” he mumbled softly. “They're going home first thing in the morning, right?”

“As soon as they eat pancakes. Every last one of them,” Rarity said, deadpan.


Cuttalon stared, his beak falling open. His eyes wandered slowly over the downed griffons surrounding the strange, sombrero wearing pony. "Im... impossible. How... how can you do this? Who are you?"

The pony walked forward, lifting the sombrero up slightly. "Chad, senior. And I am here to put an end to your tyranny. Your plan was... interesting, to say the least. The Rowdy Ruff dogs, the sheriff. But you should always plan for... the lone wanderer fleeing from demons."

The griffon growled, digging his talons into the ground. He charged, but in a single move the pony had him laid out on the sand. He groaned and looked up at the mustached pony. Chad reached into his cloak and the griffon closed his eyes. So this was how it was going to end. He'd always hoped it would have been more... glorious.

He felt something land on his chest. He opened his eyes and stared at the paper. "What... what's this?"

"Citizenship papers, senior. If you and your flock really need a new home, go to Canterlot. Citizen transfers are done in building 431, they meet monday through thursday, from nine am to three pm. Ask for Inkeye, she's dealt with more griffons than anypony I know."

The griffon stared, his beak falling even more open, before looking to the pony. "But... but why?"

Chad adjusted his sombrero. "Because, senior..." The light of the sun seemed to surround him as he spoke. "All ponies deserve a safe, happy home where they may raise their family. Even when they aren't ponies. Now you and your flock get out of here, Canterlot isn't more than a few days travel and you should have everything sorted before you know it. A lot easier than laying out fake gems or setting up land grab schemes."

The griffon stared, before slowly nodding. "Thank you... senior." He gathered up his beaten comrades and, together, they flew off into the distance.

Chad watched them for a few moments and, once they were out of sight... he reached back and started scratching his flank. "Ow ow ow ow ow oh my gosh that itch has been driving me crazy gahhhhh!"

Author's Note:

I really hope I'm not the only pony who's ever been stuck in that particular situation and you just want the person to go so they don't see you itch somewhere... uncouth.

Now, what you've all waited for! WHAT! IS! VAL?!

First, race. I'm sure this will come as a shock and surprise. BUT! Val is...

Wait for it...

A unicorn. Okay, no, not really. He's a drow. The ECL 0 version.

Now, onto the secret of his magic. I'm sure you've all been wondering what is that weird spell he's been using to do such strange magic? The answer may surprise you. In fact, it is the sole reason Val even exists. Seriously. I saw this feat and I was all 'I wanna make a character like this!' and it ended up being Val, but a... something version of him. The character changed a bit, to become less stupid(Yes, the original val was dumber), and a bit more evil/maniacal, but for the most part Val was in there. Now, the feats. Fell drain, usually comboed with easy metamagic or some other spell to make it only cost one level.

Now, the final part. What CLASS is he? I'm sure lots of people have guesses. He claims to be a warlock after all, but he's not. Val is, after all... A factotum!

Okay, no, not really. Val is a sorcerer. Yet another reason to disappoint his mother, not even a proper warlock. Now go, with those three tid bits, Val can be made just about anyway! Enjoy!

Oh, PS. Val just dinged a level. Enjoy the coming chapters.

Oh, PS, for those who are curious about the story Applebloom told, it's based on one from filly gamez. Check out their youtube channel, it's pretty much defunct but they had some pretty chilling stuff on it.