• Published 9th Oct 2015
  • 1,596 Views, 137 Comments

Where did you come from? - Jeweled Pen

During one of Discord's visits and a visit from Rarity's cousin, two new colts arrive claiming their from different times and universes. Could there be any truth to their words?

  • ...

Chapter 25: A talk

Cheerilee gently pet Val's back as she watched him. He was so cute right now, relaxing on the bed and grumbling occasionally.

“So, did you have fun with everypony today?” she asked with a small smile.

“Mmmm hmm,” he nodded. “Though Claw shouldn't come anymore. He's annoying.”

“He's just affectionate,” Cheerilee said with a chuckle. “I'm happy you're getting along so well with the other kids. It's nice that you're making friends.”

He nodded. “Uh huh. Some of them are actually... cool.” A grin formed on his lips. “Especially Sweetie...” he said dreamily.

Cheerilee stared for a moment, before shaking her head. Nope, she wasn't touching that one with a ten foot pole. “How about we get a little light reading done before bed, okay?” She pulled out her book and then scooped him up into her lap, making him yipe.

“What? Hey! I don't wanna read!” he said with a whine.

“Too bad. You still need to get some practice in.”

He groaned before giving a nod. “Fine. Whatever,” he muttered as he looked at the words. He then paused. “Can... they come over again tomorrow?”

“Of course they can, dear.”

“Cool... hey, can we play that game then?”

“Which one? The cards?”

“No, the one we found at your house. Where we get to like... go on adventures and stuff? With dragons?”

She smiled. “I'll think about it. Maybe tomorrow.” She then pointed towards the book. “But first, reading. Try spelling out the words.”

“Okay...” he mumbled softly. Slowly he looked over the first page. “The g... g... go... at... go at.”

“Goat. Remember, two vowels together make you say the first vowel's name.”

“Oh, right. The goat... rode...”


Rarity smiled as she tucked Claw into bed, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead. He and the others were really tuckered out tonight, she hoped they weren't too much trouble for Cheerilee. She knew Claw could be a bit of a hoofful at times. Even if he was super cute and adorable at others. She trotted out of the room and then smiled to her aunt. “Anything you want to say?”

“I think you make a fabulous mother,” Precious said with a smile. “I do hope your business hasn't been suffering much for it.”

“Oh, not at all. I... suppose I may have to get an assistant, though. The Canterlot Boutique is still being ran while I'm here. I can still do my creating while they're at school as well. It's really not been any trouble. At least, not so much trouble that...” She glanced towards the room and sighed.

“Being a mother agrees with you, niece,” Precious said with a smile. “Though I must say, the circumstances are it are quite... extreme. Do you think he understands what's going on?”

Rarity sighed and shook her head. “Fully? No. I think in his mind everypony just got younger and some new... friends appeared. I'll have to explain everything to him when he's older. So, tell me, did you enjoy your day in the town?”

“Oh, quite. You were absolutely correct. The spa was absolutely delightful.”

Rarity nodded and trotted down the stairs.

“Rarity, dear? What can you tell me about this Val? Are you sure it's okay for him to be hanging around the children? Silverbelle seemed quite... interesting in him.”

Rarity frowned and stopped. Val was... “He's... difficult. A bit of a brat. But I imagine it is to be expected.” She thought back to those massive spiders. How could such things even exist? What kind of world was he from, where monsters such as that were... she shivered. “But he's young. I imagine after he's been here a few years and adapts, he'll be like any other pony.”

“You don't think he's going to be a bad influence on Silverbelle, do you?”

Rarity shook her head. “No, not really.” To be honest, she was a little more worried about her sister being a bad influence to their cousin. Sweetie was a wonderful sweet child. But she didn't think her aunt would appreciate some of the hijinks the filly was known for doing. “I'm sure that, deep down he is a wonderful child and he will learn quickly.” She paused. “Though, tomorrow I suppose we could go with them and watch them play.”

Precious' eyes lit up. “At the castle? That sounds absolutely marvelous! I'd love to have a better chance to look it over.”

Rarity nodded. “Then we can go over tomorrow to see them, then. I'm sure Cheerilee would absolutely adore having some extra company and adults there to help watch the children.” She frowned and thought about what she'd heard them doing all day, playing with Flash. “Some mature adults.”

Her aunt softly chuckled before looking towards the front room. She promptly turned. “Well, I'd best be off to bed, good night niece.”

Rarity paused and then turned around. Spike was sitting on the couch, his hands clasped over his knees and his head down. She sighed and slowly trotted over. She supposed they had to get this over with. She sat by him and tried to think of what to say.

“Did... you trip?” Spike finally asked.


“I mean... errr... w-when you kissed me. I ummm, I-I've been thinking about it all day. Well, that and Claw, but... he's okay now and I just...”

She smiled. “No, I did not trip and you didn't just happen to catch me with your mouth,” she said with a light chuckle.

“Okay,” he said softly, poking his claws together. “You didn't... err... I mean... you weren't just... taken in by the moment... were you?”

She paused and then reached out, putting a hoof around him, pulling him to her side. “Yes, I was.” She felt him tense up. “But I didn't regret it. I still don't. Spike... I think... well... I don't think I've been fair to you. I've known for a very, very long time you've had a crush on me.”

“W-what?” he asked softly. “B-but I've t-tried my hardest to keep it secret!”

She struggled and, barely, managed to keep from laughing. “Darling, to one such as I, it was clear as day.” She couldn't imagine there was a pony in Ponyville who didn't know, but she ignored that. “But, I haven't been fair. I knew, but I tried to ignore it. Pretended it would just go away, that your fancy would evaporate. I... admit on more than a few occasions I took advantage of it for my own desires and that was selfish of me. But... I've always just ignored it. That wasn't fair to you.” Her hoof tightened over him slightly. “You're still just a baby dragon, Spike.”


“Hush, let me finish,” she said firmly. “You're just a baby dragon now, but you won't be forever. Claw... is proof of that. And, for all my complaints... well... you aren't really that much younger than I. There have certainly been larger age gaps in relationships. Even in my own family. In the end, you're a dragon with the ability to make your own decisions and it was wrong of me to just assume it was a phase you were going through.” She smiled down at him. “For all of your... youthfulness, on more than a few occasions you have demonstrated great maturity. Stars know that Twilight would be absolutely hopeless without you there to take care of her. So... I believe I have been unfair in just ignoring your desires, rather than facing them.”

He nodded nervously. “S-so... err... y-you know... everything...”

She nodded again, before sighing. “Claw is here, there is no doubt about that. But it does not mean that there is a guarantee to be another one. If he's mine or Sweetie's, either way we were different ponies and you were a different dragon then. And... in the end, for now, you are still young. But...” She took a deep, slow breath. “I... would not be directly opposed to perhaps... trying such a relationship with the two of us, once all of this is settled.”

His eyes lit up like emeralds. “R-really?”

“Yes, dear. It will be slow, very slow. But... given time, maturity, even...” She blushed. “Romance... who knows what the future holds?”

He tried not to squeal as his claws poked together.

“We will, however, need to discuss all this with Twilight. As your caretaker, she does have a right to know. And I'm sure she's going to have... quite a few views on the matter.”

Spike sighed. “More than a few...”

“Knowing her, she'll have books to say on the subject.” She smiled down at him. “But... that's fine. She cares about you. Loves you. You are her little baby Spike and always will be. And I know you love her just as much and would never want to hurt her.”

He gave a small, timid nod.

“And that's why we need to do this right. But to do that, we need to wait until after this disaster has passed. Okay?”

He nodded and smiled up at her. “So... then... errr... you don't mind that I'm a dragon?”

She shrugged and shook her head. “Dragon or no, you've always been a true gentlecolt. Besides, I'd always imagined myself ending up with a prince. Considering your attachments with Twilight, I imagine you more or less qualify, no?” she said with just a hint of teasing.

He blushed and gave a little nod. “O-okay. I-I'd love being your prince.”

She nodded. “But, for now, let's get some sleep. It will likely be another busy morning tomorrow. Aunt Precious and I will likely be going to visit Cheerilee at the castle after school tomorrow. Would you like to come?”

He blushed and gave a little nod. “O-okay.”

“Wonderful,” she said before gently picking him up and depositing him on his bed. He gave her a pair of pouty eyes, but she shook her head. “No. Patience, dear Spike. The best things in life are worth waiting for.”

“Then you must be worth waiting forever for.”

She paused and blinked, before sighing. “Very well, you silver tongued devil.” She scooped him up and pulled him into her hooves, snuggling him close under the covers. “Just this once. And only this once. Understand?”

He eed a little and nodded. “O-of course!”

She closed her eyes and smiled, snuggling him close. Oh, he did smell pretty good. Reminded her of gemstones. She wondered if it was all the ones he ate?