• Published 9th Oct 2015
  • 1,596 Views, 137 Comments

Where did you come from? - Jeweled Pen

During one of Discord's visits and a visit from Rarity's cousin, two new colts arrive claiming their from different times and universes. Could there be any truth to their words?

  • ...

Chapter 12: Meeting Nipper

Cheerilee rolled over in her bed, smiling wistfully. She had such a pleasant dream. It was bright, sunny and... what was tickling her nose.

She opened her eyes to see one of the biggest spiders she'd ever laid her eyes on. Big barbed teeth clicking a bit. She was a teacher, she'd done classes on these spiders before and knew they weren't poisonous or dangerous in the slightest. In fact, most of them were quite friendly.

That did not matter when it was two inches from her nose and poking it with one of its many, many legs. She recoiled and screamed, falling out of the bed and crawling away.

“Look, I found a pet!” Val said happily from the foot of her bed. The spider walked over and crawled over to his leg. He pulled it up and nuzzled it, grinning from ear to ear. The thing was almost as big as his head!

“I... I see. And you had to put it in bed with me... because?”

“I wanted to show you!”

“Where... err... where exactly did you find it?”

“Oh, I was going through your rooms and it fell down and landed on my head. There was a whole bunch of them and--”

“And that's quite enough!” She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. Well, there was nothing for it. She had a spider infestation. That meant one thing and one thing only. A trip to Fluttershy's. She didn't want to imagine what would have happened if it had landed on her head. She imagined fire. Lots and lots and lots of fire.


“Mommy?” Claw asked softly, his head on the side of Rarity's bed.

The mare groaned. “Yes, dear?”

“I'm hungry.”

“Of course you are, dear.” She was beginning to wonder if he ever didn't eat. Sweetie had spent all those bits on jewels and he'd STILL come back home looking for more. How could she possibly feed him? She'd need to go back to the jewel mines and spend hours scavenging them just to feed him for one meal. She slowly lifted her face mask up and smiled. “Did you ask Sweetie to make you breakfast?”

“Mmmm hmmm! It was delicious! Just like mommy's cooking!”

Rarity paused. Then he belched and she got a firm whiff of something burnt and charred. “I... see.” Well, he was her son, after all. Allegedly her son. Maybe. Oh gosh she hoped not she'd really have to hate to kill Spike. “And is... daddy still here?”

“Yup! I let daddy sleep though. He was really tired.”

“Oh, of course you did,” Rarity grumbled as she crawled out of bed and began the process of removing her creams and other nighttime requirements. “No, ack, stop! It's not edible! Eek!” She fell over as Claw decided to completely ignore her objections and continue to lick her face. “Claw! Out, now! Downstairs! Or no gems!”

That made him yipe and run off. She crawled up and glowered into the mirror. “If this is what happens when a pony and dragon...” She shivered and shook her head. Soon, however, she felt refreshed and ready to face whatever new horrors the day brought on.

As she stepped out of her room she could smell the charred remains of said horrors. Oh dear. She trotted to the living room and glanced over to the couch, where Spike was sleeping on his side. She considered waking him, but then shook his head. Despite her annoyance with him, he had been more than gracious and willing to sleep over to help tend to Claw. He was taking all this far better than she was, as well. Then again, it wasn't HIS little sister who...

No, no. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. She would handle this. Perfectly. With poise and grace. She trotted to the kitchen and her eyes twitched. It was a mess. Everything was burnt, her poor pots and pans. Of course, Claw seemed more than happy to eat the food. And some of the plates. Silverbelle, on the other hoof, just stared at her food with despair.

Rarity sighed and motioned them over. “Come along, children. How about we go out for breakfast?”

“What? But I already made it,” Sweetie said with a whine.

“Now now. We have guests. Shouldn't we show them a fabulous time while they're here?” Rarity deflected.

The filly frowned, before nodding. “I guess...”

“Good. Come along, children,” she said, herding them towards the door. Claw gave a little whimper, before drinking the charred black orange juice(or possibly toast, she couldn't be sure) and then following after her.

She stepped outside and let out a sigh of contentment as the fresh morning breeze washed over her. It was looking as if it was going to be a positively fabulous day and that nothing could go wrong. She glanced down at the children. “How about we go to the Grazing Field?”

Sweetie eeked and nodded. “Ohhhh! Can I get a cabbage omelette with hay bacon?”

“Of course, Sweetie,” Rarity said as she trotted. “What would you like, Silverbelle?”

The child just gave a little shrug. “I... I guess... ummmm... pancakes?”

“And you, Claw?”


She rolled her eyes and gave a little nod. “Of course. Come along them, children.”

“Oh, come on!” Sweetie objected, pointing a hoof out. “How did he get it already? It's only been one day!”

Rarity blinked and looked ahead. There were Cheerilee and the young child again. Val, she believed he was called. Across his flank was a great big spider. A strange cutie mark, to be sure, but--

Then the spider moved and climbed up his back, making her cringe. “I... ahhhh... I do not believe that is a cutie mark, Sweetie.”

“Oh. Yay! We can still help him get it then!” Sweetie said before looking back towards her cousin and Claw. “After breakfast can we go down to the tree house?”

She considered it for a moment before giving a nod. “I suppose there wouldn't be any harm in that.” Though, she supposed her sister and friends could find someway to make it harmful.


Cheerilee walked at a quick, steady pace as Val trailed behind, struggling to keep up. “Walk slower! These legs are all... short and stumpy and stupid!” he whined.

“I errr, I just think we should rush,” Cheerilee said quickly, occasionally glancing back towards the spider. She couldn't believe she had a whole nest of them. A nest! A whole nest of those big, creepy, web filled... she gave a little shudder.

“Come on, Nipper.” Then Val started running, panting a little as he passed her by.

Of course, Nipper. Why would somepony call their pet spider anything else? Finally, Fluttershy's cottage came into view and she smiled. A few knocks on the door brought a gentle call from inside.

“Hello?” Fluttershy's voice called a moment before the door opened. “Can I help... Miss Cheerilee?”

What was it with Rarity and all her friends calling her miss? She really wasn't that old! “Hello, I just need to speak with you about a minor spider problem in my home. It...” She looked down at Val. He was staring at the pegasus with wide eyes, completely star struck. “That, err, particular breed.” She motioned to the one on Val's head.

“Ohhhhh!” Fluttershy plucked the spider from his head and it wiggled about on her hoof as she pet it. Cheerilee felt a sudden rush of shame at her fright. “Well, there's no need for you to fret. These types of spiders are completely safe and non-hostile. In fact, they're great at scaring away all kinds of nasty little bugs. Even parasprites.”

The teacher nodded. “That's... delightful. But I'm afraid the room they're currently in I will be needing cleaned out.”

“We could keep them in there, with me,” Val offered. “I could have a whole army of spiders to do my bidding!”

The teacher's eyes widened and horror spread through her. Dear Celestia, no.

“Ohhhh, I see,” Fluttershy said with a charming smile. “Don't worry one bit, Miss Cheerilee. I'll be by this afternoon to relocate them.”

“Thank you, Fluttershy,” she said before looking down at Val. “How about we go get something to eat? Would you like to join us?” she asked, glancing back to the animal caretaker.

“Oh, no. I'm afraid I'm really quite busy today,” Fluttershy said with a sheepish smile.

Concern flooded through the teacher. “O-oh. If you'd like, we could delay the move until you have more time? I don't want to be a bother.”

“Oh, no, it's nothing like that. I just have a lot of chores to get done. I fell a teensy tiny bit behind yesterday, with Discord and all. I need to clean out the otter cave before anything else, that'll take most the morning. I'll be over as soon as I'm done.”

“Of... of course,” Cheerilee said, trying not to remember that... creature. She still suspected he had something to do with Val's arrival. She then yelped as she felt a sudden weight on her back. She looked back to see Val, with the spider on his back, riding her back.

“To the place of dinner!”

The teacher cringed and sighed, trotting back. Just don't think about the spider, don't think about the spider, don't think about the spider crawling all over your skin you're a grown mare Cheerilee there is no need to be scared of a harmless giant spider! Fluttershy could pet it, you can handle it!


Claw moped softly, his head on the table as he eyed his empty plate. The Grazing Field did make delightful meals from scratch, unfortunately they had a tendency to take a while to arrive. “So much food back at home,” the baby dragon pony whined. “Big black milky toast. Charred and runny pancakes. Bubbling haybacon...”

Rarity shivered at the thought of that... meal. “Now, dear, you must be patient. A meal should never be rushed. Besides, this gives us ample time to talk.” She paused. “I just wish Twilight were here. Perhaps we can visit her after all this is over. See how she is coming along.”

“Awwwww,” Sweetie whined. “I wanted to go meet up with Applebloom and Scootaloo.”

Rarity nodded. “I suppose there wouldn't be any trouble in that. You can take your cousin and your... and Claw. I'm sure Twilight could use my help, too.” She glanced to Silver. “How have you been enjoying your trip so far?”

“What? Oh, ummm... it's been pleasant. Very... ummm, pleasant,” the filly said softly, lowering her eyes. “Sorry.”

“There's no need for you to be sorry, dear,” Rarity said with a light chuckle. “I'm sorry we haven't had a chance to do more, though. It's just been a... very hectic day.” She cringed when she glanced to Claw. “I'm sure everything will calm down soon.”

Suddenly the door to the restaurant slammed open. “Listen you meager peasants! I demand mead and the finest cuts of beef! And lamb! And--” Val let out a yelp as he was grabbed and plucked into the air.

“No. Now say you're sorry,” Cheerilee said firmly.


“Say it or we're going back home and no television OR cakes for a week.”

He glowered at her with fury in his eyes, before looking back towards the stunned room. “Sorry,” he grumbled darkly. He was gently put back down.

“Ohhhh, it's Miss Cheerilee and that new pony,” Sweetie said, raising a hoof. “Miss Cheerilee, over here! Look, look! Sit with us!” she said happily.

The teacher looked over and gave a sigh, before she and Rarity shared a look. For a moment it was as if the two shared a special bond as they apologized profusely for what was bound to happen within the next few minutes. Still, the unicorn's horn glowed and she pulled out a chair for the bedraggled earth pony. “So, darling, what brings you out here this morning?”

“I had to have a talk with Fluttershy,” Cheerilee said as she eyed Val. He had chosen a seat between Sweetie and Silverbelle. She eyed him suspiciously. Then shivered as his spider walked off his hoof onto the table.

“Wanna see my familiar?” he asked Sweetie, who nudged it with a hoof.

“Ohhhh, what's a familiar?”

He puffed up his chest proudly. “Why, it's an animal companion that obeys the whims of its master. Only the greatest and most powerful warlocks have them. Warlocks like me.”

“H-hi, my names Silverbelle,” the other mare said softly, her voice only a whisper.

“What?” he asked, turning his attention to her. She merely gave a little squeak and looked down.

Val shrugged and then pointed a hoof at Sweetie. “You, unicorn. You must know many great magics as well, correct?”

“Ummmm... a... a little,” Sweetie said nervously. Her horn glowed and she picked up the bowl. “Like this?”

“... You can lift bowls? That's pathetic,” Val said with a grimace. “Truly a unicorn of such purity must--”

Cheerilee cringed as Claw suddenly leaped the table and tackled the unicorn, starting to lick his face.

“Claw, stop it, you're making a scene!” Rarity said, shaking her head. Her horn glowed and quickly separated the two, depositing them back in their seats. Cheerilee got to her hooves and walked over, wiping his face with a napkin.

“We should probably go,” the teacher said with a shake of her head. “I think all this... excitement might be a bit too much for him.”

“Nooooo,” Val whined. “I don't wanna go! I like it here!”

Rarity looked around. Practically every eye in the restaurant was on them. “Errr... I think that may have been more... Claw's fault. Claw, darling, please remain sitting, no more jumping on ponies.” She put her hoof down on the table and felt something rub against her hoof. She looked down to see Val's giant spider nuzzling her hoof.

She stared for a few seconds, before screaming like a banshee, flinging her hooves wide and falling back, kicking the table with her hooves as she went. Her blow sent the spider flying into the air, where it wiggled its legs wildly before landing on her. It skittered about for a moment before the unicorn jumped to her hooves and started running. “Get it off get it off get it OFFFFFFFF!”

Val watched for a moment before looking back to Sweetie. “So, magic?”


The door slammed shut behind them and Rarity and Cheerilee hung their heads in shame.

“I really am truly, absolutely, positively sorry about that, Miss Cheerilee,” Rarity said softly before shaking her head. “I just don't know what came over me.”

“No, please, it's fine,” the teacher said with a sigh. “I really shouldn't have brought Val here anyway...” She glanced back to the colt, who was busy trying to talk with Sweetie again, while simultaneously trying to avoid Claw nipping at his tail. “Nipper tends to be a bit... much... for anypony to deal with.”

Rarity glanced down at the spider. “I can't imagine why you let him keep the ghastly thing. Surely Fluttershy would be more than able to... errr...”

Cheerilee sighed and shook her head. “She'll remove the nest. Or nests. But... I think it reminds him of home.” She shuddered. “In a good way. Makes him feel more comfortable.”

Rarity nodded and then glanced to Claw. “I'd best see if I can aid Twilight in her research. Sweetie!” she called out gently, making the unicorn filly look up. “How about you take Silverbelle and Claw to your tree house and have fun? I'll be at the castle if you need anything.”

“Okay!” Sweetie said before she started to trot off, the other two in tow. She stopped after a few feet and glanced back at Val. “Are you coming? We'll help you get your cutie mark too!”

Val just stared for a moment before perking up. “Hah! Of course I am, I--” He let out a yelp as suddenly Cheerilee put a hoof down in front of him.

“Oh no, Val,” she said firmly. “I think it would be best if we go and help the princess. See what we can do about getting some more information about your home.”

He let out a whine. “But I wanna go have fun!”

“Yeah, can he please come? Pleeeeeeeeease?” Sweetie asked, looking up with the big wide eyes of filly doom. Cheerilee quickly looked away as Silverbelle and Claw added theirs. She suspected the latter didn't even know why he was doing it, he just was.

“No. No. Not a chance.” She gave a pleading look to Rarity. Alas, the other adult had already been captured in the gaze of the three foals.

“I don't see how it could cause any problems...” she said softly, mesmerized in the filly adorastare.

The teacher let out a frustrated grumble, before nodding. She knew when to accept defeat. “Very well. But I expect you to be on your best behavior, Val!” she said firmly.

“Some kind of mind magic, it must be,” Val mumbled as he stared into the gaze, his eyes little swirls.

“What? No, snap out of it!” Cheerilee said, lightly shaking the colt. She then gazed back at the three, their stares of adorableness gone to be replaced by those of excitement. “If he causes any problems, though, just...” She shivered. “Please just get an adult.” She really, really didn't want to imagine Val out in the world by his own. “Maybe I should come with you, just to be sure.”

Val huffed. “I can take care of myself!” he said firmly. “I do not want, nor need, an escort. I--”

“Okay, that's it, no,” Cheerilee said firmly, glaring at him. “If you won't be on your best behavior, you're not going anywhere.”

“I'll be good, I'll be good!” Val said with a quick nod. “Promise, promise!”

The teacher glared down at him for a few more moments before finally relenting with a soft sigh. “Fine. I'm trusting you, Val. No problems. No destruction. No. Magic. Understand?”

“I won't cast a single spell, I give my word on the honor of the drow.” He crossed a hoof over his heart. He was getting good at the whole moving and standing thing. She couldn't help feeling a tiny bit proud.

She nodded and then watched him run off with the others. It would be good for him, probably. From another dimension or not, he was still just a little colt. Being around ponies his age would help him adapt better. Maybe make him less jumpy and scared. Hopefully give him a better grasp of what to do.

“Did... did I just agree to something?” Rarity asked as she looked around in confusion. “I was looking at the kids and then... nothing. Where'd they go?”

Cheerilee glanced back at the other adult and sighed, hanging her head and shaking it. “They went to their club house. Come on, let's go help the princess.”

Author's Note:

Okay, I know it's been a while since my last update, but there's a good reason, I swear.

I'm taking a brief hiatus from the story. Emphasis on brief.

See, this story was originally going to be very, very short and I expected it to be not well received. I really thought it would be hated since, well, frankly all the ocs and stuff. I really wanted to write it, though. People have been reacting well to it and it's encouraged me to write more. The main problem, though, is that I'm starting to realize how long the story is going to end up being. It looks like a lot is going to be happening in it. So rather than doing it all off my mind, I'm switching to writing up an outline before continuing, so everything is thought out in advance. I should be back to finishing the story in a week. In the mean time, I'll be posting my vinyl/tavi story I finished and probably start putting up some of my avatar stuff.

So story should be back in a week or so, bigger and better than ever.