• Published 9th Oct 2015
  • 1,596 Views, 137 Comments

Where did you come from? - Jeweled Pen

During one of Discord's visits and a visit from Rarity's cousin, two new colts arrive claiming their from different times and universes. Could there be any truth to their words?

  • ...

Chapter 22: Survival

The ponies broke out of the trees with great relief. The sun felt so warm and, more importantly, safe around them. They'd made it. They were out of whatever was... in there. Cheerilee sighed. All their plans had shown them was that, apparently some things were getting through. She looked down and raised a hoof to gently pat Val's head.

“It's okay. We're safe now,” she said comfortingly.

“No we're not!” he screamed, a fresh sob wrenching its way out of his throat. “You stupid, stupid ponies!”

“Val,” Cheerilee said soothingly as Rarity and the guard turned to look at them.

“No, don't you see? D-don't any of you see?” he asked, looking up with tear filled eyes. “T-those... those were scouts. S-she was... she was investigating. L-looking. She's looking for me. S-she's coming. N-nothing we can do c-can... can stop her. She knows where I am and she's going to find me. She's going to... she's going to kill a-all of you and... and to me she's going to...”

Cheerilee couldn't make out the rest of the words he said, staring down as he sobbed and wailed, his head pushed to her chest. They came out as a pathetic, sobbing mass of noise. Her hooves wrapped around him and she struggled to comfort him, but what could she possibly say? If those... things came from his home, then that made all the other things he'd said seem all the more real. And if things like that existed, if everything he said was true, what could she possibly say? What could she possibly do? They'd gone in with a simple plan to just look and three of them were almost killed. What would happen now?

She thought of nothing she could do or say, so instead she just went with her instincts. Slowly her hooves wrapped around the sobbing child and held her close. “It's okay, Val. It's going to be okay. Mommy's here.” The words made her freeze and her eyes widen. Wait, why did she say that? She wasn't, no no no no NO! She wasn't his--

She mentally scolded herself. Here he was, terrified of a monster coming after him worse than anything she'd ever imagined and she was getting upset because he might think of her as his mom? The buck was wrong with her? If anypony ever needed a mommy, HE did. “It's okay. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere and neither are you. I don't care if she comes and brings Tartarus with her, you're staying here where it's safe. For good.”

He sobbed softly still, huddled against her. Slowly, though, he began to relax and the sobs began to turn to soft, weak little whimpers. Her hooves never left him.

“W-what's going to happen? She... she's coming,” Val said softly. “S-she's going to find me. She's going to... she's going to t-take me... take me b-back. Y-your princess can't... can't stop her.”

“Maybe I can't,” Twilight said, making all of them jump. Cheerilee looked up in shock, when had the alicorn arrived? “But I'm not going to.” Her face was set with grim determination. “Those are... things are different. I thought I had more time, that I could study more. I may have weeks, but that doesn't matter now. Those... things pose a real and dangerous threat to Equestria. To all of Equestria. I thought I could handle it, but I was wrong. I'm going to the princess and requesting their full aid along with full military might.” She paused. “I may even need to call in my brother.”

Rarity's eyes widened slightly. “Your brother? Isn't that... excessive?”

“You saw those things,” Twilight said firmly. “If we can't stop them, there's no telling what damage they'll do. Val, Cheerilee, until further notice I want the two of you to stay at the castle. I'm going to request more guards to come and keep an eye on things while I discuss with the princesses. And to examine the Everfree Forest.”

Cheerilee sighed. It would cause problems with her job, but oddly after nearly dying the prospect didn't seem quite so scary. Besides, she really didn't want to leave Val alone right now.

Twilight took a deep breath. “Rarity... Claw should be fine. I don't know why he fainted, but the nurse didn't see any bite marks on him. I couldn't stick around long enough to find out the cause, but I think it might have been simple exhaustion. If we had time I'd love to spend a few weeks studying that change of his.” She looked towards the forest, her eyes set in determination. “But we don't have time.”

Rarity nodded. “How about... the others?”

Twilight shook her head. “It's... too soon to tell. They're working on it.” She took another deep breath and turned her back to them. “I'm returning to the castle for a little bit, then going to the princess. If you want to go see Claw, I'll make sure to let Spike know where you are before I go.”

“Thank you,” Rarity said before quickly trotting off.

Cheerilee stared at the princess. There was something different about her. Before she'd seemed so... well, a bit crazy and curious, but inquisitive. Now she seemed completely determined. There was no more curiousness in her tone or movements. Now she had set her mind to what needed to be done and was going to do it. A part of her was comforted by this thought, but another part made her wish there was no need for any of this. Why couldn't everything just be safe?

“Val, Cheerilee, please follow me. Anything you need can be retrieved by guards later.” She started trotting away.

This was the princess, a guardian of her ponies. Yet all Cheerilee could feel was sadness that they'd been driven to this point. How could such things even exist? She followed behind the mare, occasionally glancing down at Val who never left her side. For the first time in many years she wished she had been born a pegasus. Having a wing to wrap around his side would have done him a world of good. Instead, all she could do was walk close to him and give her warmth to his poor, frightened body.

Why did any of this have to happen?


Rarity sat on the side of the hospital bed, her hoof gently petting Claw's mane back. The doctor had told her he was just exhausted, there was no real damage. He hadn't been bit, he was just tired and would probably wake up soon, in the morning at the latest. Yet she couldn't help feeling nervous as she watched her baby boy laying in a hospital bed. She knew it was silly, but she couldn't stop worrying that they had missed something, that he was far more hurt than they thought.

Ugh, was this what it was like to be a mother? Spending all her time worrying about things she could not control? She did not like it one bit, nuh uh.

“How is he?” a familiar voice asked from the door. She looked back and smiled at Spike.

“He'll be fine,” she said softly.

“Okay.” Spike stared at him. “Can I come in?”

“What? Oh! Of course, darling,” she said with a soft giggle. “He is your son, after all.”

He nodded and moved to sit besides her. For a few moments there was silence, then he spoke up. “Twilight has gone to get help. The princesses and... military. Said she's going to have them comb the forest for some kind of... spiders?”

“It was quite the experience,” Rarity said gently before resting a hoof on Claw's cheek. “He saved my life. I don't know what that was, though.”

He nodded. “Twilight kind of... rushed telling me everything, so do you think you could fill me in? And uhhh... your aunt, cousin and sister are all here too. They're out in the waiting room.”

Rarity nodded. “I'll come out and... explain everything in a minute. For now, I just want to sit with him, okay?” She softly stroked his cheek, smiling. Her strong, courageous little baby boy. She looked back to Spike and... slowly reached out a hoof to pull him close. He didn't resist. His eyes were latched onto the boy as well, scrunched up in worry. He really was a good father. Or at least he would be.

She leaned down slightly and pushed her lips to his.


“Then Spike got here and we sat with Claw for a few minutes and absolutely nothing else happened,” Rarity said firmly, her cheeks tinted red as she made sure that she absolutely, positively did not meet her aunt's gaze. Spike was at her side, his eyes never leaving the ground as he blushed far darker.

“Truly? Nothing else happened?” Precious asked with a cocked eye.

“Nothing at all,” Rarity said firmly, stomping a hoof. “Claw should wake up soon. I'll be staying here until they release him. That is all.”

“Uh huh. Well, I suppose I should take the children home,” Precious said firmly, before pausing. A soft sound had come from Silverbelle. She glanced back to her daughter. “Yes?”

“W-well... I ummm... I just...” She lightly shuffled her hooves. “Was... Val okay?”

Rarity blinked before giving a nod. “Oh, yes. He was quite alright. He seems... under a bit of duress, mind you. But I believe after a day or two of rest he'll be better. He's staying in the castle until everything is sorted out.”

Silverbelle nodded, her hoof scuffing the ground a bit as her mother stared at her with a cocked eye. “I'd best take the children home. Help them calm down after all this excitement.”

“Spike, would you go with them and help?” Rarity asked sweetly.

“W-what? But--”

“Please,” she said with a bit more firmness than she'd wanted to. He stared for a moment, before nodding.


She watched them leave and let out a soft sigh. She trotted back towards the room with a heavy heart. She shouldn't have done that. She really, really shouldn't have done that. Her aunt's words played in her mind again, though. He wouldn't be a baby forever. In fact, he'd probably be far more mature and grown up before she knew it. He'd grown up considerably in the time they'd known each other. Even saved her at least once. And they were... physically compatible, at least. Claw was proof of that. Was she stealing him from her sister?

No, no no no no. Not thinking about it like that. Besides, if she was going to think of that, SHE had him first. It's not like her sister had expressed any romantic interest in him and he had multiple times expressed interest in her and if she hadn't died then maybe they would and maybe they kind of did because Claw might still be hers after all he had her coat but he had Sweetie'scoatandhehadherluxuriousandandandand--

She yelped and shook her head, steam rising from her ears. Her cheeks were practically burning.

He was a baby. Just a little baby dragon. But one day he wouldn't be. A few years. She sat down by Claw and reached out, gently stroking his mane.

He was a baby. He wouldn't be forever. And she could wait. He was worth waiting for. Besides, if Claw could come from something like that, then it couldn't be bad.


“We could go help them plan out the hay maze, or tree climbing, or maybe I could teach you how to run backwards,” Sweetie said happily as she hopped around her cousin, her aunt leading them through the town.

“I ummm... I... liked the... flower arranging,” Silverbelle said softly. “But... I ummmm... I'd like to...” She mumbled the last few words too softly to hear.

“Oh? Flower arranging? Dear, that reminds me,” Precious said as she glanced back. “Have you been keeping up on your painting?”

The little filly let out an eep and shook her head.

Her mother let out a sigh. “Now, darling, you're never going to get into Ms. Richerford's if you don't practice every day. Only the most talented are allowed in.”

“Sorry...” the filly said gently.

“Painting?” Sweetie asked, looking between the two.

“Why, yes. My darling little Silverbelle is the most talented painter you've ever seen. At least, for her age. I did make sure to bring some of your supplies, so how about we head home and you can do some work? Sweetie, would you care to join us?”

“Oh, sure!”

“Wonderful. Also, I would positively adore hearing about how you got your cutie mark. I must say it is quite unique. A cutie mark about getting cutie marks? I'd never heard of such a thing.”

Sweetie's grin grew even wider. “Well, it's one of my favorite stories to tell! You see, it all started when I met Applebloom at Diamond's...”


Cheerilee sat besides Val, softly stroking the colt's back as he lay in one of the many beds of the castle. Most of the color had drained from both of their faces as he whimpered and sobbed into the bed. Story after story had come from his mouth, telling her the horrors of what his mother and family had done to those who had upset them.

None of it was pleasant.

“I can still hear the screams of the Irkrashgra clan in my dreams,” he whispered weakly. “One of them is still alive, you know. Trapped, unmoving. Mother won't let her die. I think she was the clan head. She just sits in a chair in the main foyer, a decoration to show the might of my family. I had to walk by it every day.”

She nodded, softly massaging his back. No colt should have to... nopony should have had to witness these things, let alone a child. Her mother deserved to... to... she deserved to die. Cheerilee never thought she'd say that about a pony, but she did. Nopony that was filled with such cruelty and evil deserved to live.

“S-she's going t-to come a-and take me back. I-I couldn't get back on my own, what'll she do to me? I'm too weak, too... m-my magic isn't enough. I-I don't want t-to be a... I don't want to...”

“You're not going anywhere,” she whispered softly, reaching down to pull him into a hug. “You're safe and sound. Nopony is going to hurt you ever again. I promise. Never, ever, ever.”

He whimpered softly, hugging her back. “S-she's coming... I can feel it.”

“The princesses are coming as well. They'll be here soon, then everything will be okay. Your mother will never find you again. I promise.”

He let out a soft whimper, nuzzling her. “I-I don't wanna go... I never wanna go. I-I wanna stay here with you and the ponies and Sweetie Belle a-and even the annoying clawed one.”

She nodded. “And you will. I promise.”

There was a knock on the door and she glanced back. “Come in.”

It opened and a guard stepped inside. “Lady Cheerilee, news from the princess. One of her spells has finished and she's identified when the attack will happen. Two weeks from now.”

She shivered.

“During that time you and Val will be evacuated to a safe location and the princesses should arrive in order to help keep everypony safe. We'll be expecting more guards to arrive by tonight. The school has already been informed of your temporary absence.”

She nodded. “Thank you very much.”

“Of course. Lady Cheerilee, dinner will be ready soon. Would you like us to bring it to you?”

She looked back at Val for a moment before nodding. She couldn't imagine making him walk anywhere in his current state. “Yes. And can you have a second bed or a cot brought in here? I don't think Val will be okay alone tonight.”

“Of course.” He turned and stopped in the doorway. “Nothing will intrude while you are here. The royal guards will keep you safe, no matter what.” He then stepped out and closed the door.

“See, Val? Everypony is working to keep you safe. Your mother has no chance of finding you here.”

He nodded softly, though he still shook. “Those... those spiders are just the beginning,” he mumbled. “I... I hope you ponies are ready.”


“No, no no no,” Precious said with a shake of her head before her horn glowed and she gripped the brush held in Silverbelle's magic, moving it from side to side. “You really must try harder, dear. Otherwise the texture of the tail just will not appear right.”

“Sorry,” Silverbelle said meekly as she tried again, glancing out towards Sweetie, who was sitting on a chair, her front hooves folded over her lap and trying to maintain a dignified air.

“Am I doing okay?” she asked softly.

“Of course, darling,” Precious said before tut tutting. “Silverbelle, darling. You really have gone out of practice. You're never going to succeed if you don't keep trying.”

“Sorry,” the filly mumbled as she went back to painting the other filly.

“Why didn't you tell us you liked to paint?” Sweetie asked.

“Oh, my little Silverbelle absolutely hates to brag,” Precious said with a shake of her head. “But she is really quite talented. Why, I just absolutely know she'll get her cutie mark in her spectacular art one day. Creating does run in the family, after all.”

Silverbelle gave a soft shudder, but kept painting, the brush dipping into the paints as she wrote the lines of her cousin. The other filly was at least making this easy by not moving much.

“We could probably get Applebloom to model, too,” Sweetie offered with a grin. “Scootaloo would probably be too jumpy. Ohhhh, I bet Diamond and Silver Spoon would love it, too. Snips and Snails love the attention so they'd be all for it. Button would be easy, just give him his joy boy and he won't move for hours. Maybe you could paint Pipsqueak in something regal, as class president.”

Silverbelle whimpered, the brush shaking in her magic as she listened to all those names. “I-I'd rather... n-not. S-so many...”

“Oh, nonsense,” Precious said with a shake of her head. “A fresh artist like yourself must always expand her horizons and paint new models where ever she can find them. Why, this could be a new means of practice for you. It might even be how you get your cutie mark.”

The filly gave a soft sigh, but nodded. “Okay...”

Sweetie frowned as she watched the two, rubbing her chin. Then her eyes lit up. “Ohhhh, and I bet we could do Claw and Val, too!”

Silverbelle yelped and dropped the brush, her mother only barely catching it in time.

“Dear, you really must work on your grip. You can't be dropping your precious instruments like that,” her mother said with a sigh. “Now, keep working.”

Sweetie stared for a moment, her eyes widening. Wait, that was a weird reaction. Her magic had completely flickered out. It could mean only one thing.

Silverbelle had a crush on Claw! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Just wait until Applebloom and Scootaloo find out!

But, wait. Weren't they like... aunt and nephew? Or removed aunt and nephew? Whatever the term was? She'd need to ask her big sister when she got back. Either way... ewwwww.

But either way, they could fix her, she was sure of it! Cutie mark crusaders crush breakers go!

Silverbelle shuddered again. Why did she suddenly feel so uneasy?