• Published 9th Oct 2015
  • 1,593 Views, 137 Comments

Where did you come from? - Jeweled Pen

During one of Discord's visits and a visit from Rarity's cousin, two new colts arrive claiming their from different times and universes. Could there be any truth to their words?

  • ...

Chapter 19: Other dimensions

Cheerilee awoke with a happy groan, sitting up and stretching. The weekend was finally here! Even better, there was no spider on her face, yay! She crawled out of bed and did another stretch, this time full body. She felt great as she turned back towards the door and started trotting out.

The last three days had gone relatively smoothly. Val hadn't seemed to have any more break downs, the Apples seemed fine with him and the other children were getting along well. Val was normally so tired when they finally got home he'd fall asleep on the couch and barely even twitch when she hauled him off to bed. She was half tempted to drop him off with the Apples again, but she knew that wouldn't be fair. Besides, he could use a bit of rest. The exercise was good, helping to give him some muscle, but sometimes a pony needed some time to play. She hummed softly as she trotted downstairs.

She let out a soft snicker as she walked towards his room. She could hear him snoring in there, making her roll her eyes. Such a silly pony, weekends were supposed to be early wake up days for kids. Well, he'd been working hard, she could let him have a little nap. She trotted towards the kitchen and paused.

A big, purple envelope was laying on the counter. She slowly moved over and flipped it over. A royal seal. She gulped and opened it.

Please bring Val by once you're up and eaten. Thanks!

She sighed and closed it. The princess hadn't even signed the thing. She then looked to the bedroom. Should she skip breakfast and get him up? She shook her head and trotted into the kitchen and started cracking some eggs. It could wait until after breakfast, the princess would have probably just barged in and waited for them in person if it was anything too important. Besides, she wanted to let him sleep a little longer. He was always at his cutest when he was sleeping.

She wondered if maybe she should get him a real bed. Sure, it would be a bit expensive, but he couldn't sleep on the cot forever. In a few weeks it--

She shook her head and cringed. No no NO. He wouldn't be here in a few weeks. He was going somewhere else, they were going to find him some real parents. She couldn't forget that. Just, ugh. She shook her head and trotted towards the room. “Val! Dear, wake up. It's time for breakfast.”

“Grumble...” he grumbled, rolling away so his back was to her and hugging Nibbler to his chest.

“Vallll. Get up.”

“Nooooooo...” he whined. “I don't wanna!”

“There's going to be hay bacon.”

“I don't eat hay!”'

“You eat hay just fine.”

“I do not! It made me sick!”

She rolled her eyes. She'd slid some into his food a few days ago and he'd loved it. Then she'd made the mistake of telling him what it was and, magically, he was suddenly 'poisoned' and 'dying'. It had cured itself the moment the television came on.

“Get up or I'll splash you with a glass of water,” she snapped before walking out. After a few minutes she heard him slide out of bed. She cringed when she heard the inevitable trip and fall.

“I'm okay!”

She rolled her eyes but smiled none the less. It was just how their mornings tended to be. As much as she hated to admit it, she kind of liked it. It was... well... he was... it was all in all...

She shook her head and went back to cooking, ignoring those thoughts that threatened to infect her mind.


“Here it is!” Twilight said proudly as she gestured towards a great mirror standing in the middle of a protected, empty room.

“What... is it?” Cheerilee asked, cocking her head to the side.

“A portal to another dimension!”

“AHHHH!” Val shrieked, before jumping behind Cheerilee. “My mom? Is she coming? Is she going to come through that?”

“What? No! No no no no no!” Twilight said quickly and shook her head. “Not your dimension, a different one entirely. It's safe. Well, far safer than yours.” She grinned back, her right eye twitching. Cheerilee wondered if the mare had gotten any sleep this entire week. “But, it should give me a chance to find out more about you! If I'm correct, in that dimension you may take your normal form. And Sunset will be meeting us there.”

“Is it safe?” Cheerilee asked as she stared at it.

“Of course. I've gone through it dozens of times,” Twilight said proudly. “Spike, too.” She paused and looked at Cheerilee sheepishly. “Though... I think it would be best if just Val and I went. We wouldn't want you meeting your other self. Trust me, I met my other self and... it's very, very disconcerting. That and the two legs thing... just trust me.”

The teacher nodded and looked down at Val. “Well... if you're sure, princess. Val, make sure you're careful and do whatever the princess says?”

He nodded, watching the portal. “So it's like a dimensional portal? I once traveled through one to an elemental plane, they aren't so bad.” He paused. “Well... okay, that one was. But that was more because of... anyway. I'll be fine.” He stepped forward confidently and looked up at the princess. “So, me first?”

“No, I will.” She smiled to the guards standing by the doorway. “Just keep everything under control while we're gone, okay?”

They looked worried, but nodded. Then, slowly, the alicorn and unicorn turned and walked into the mirror. Cheerilee watched them, chewing on her lower lip. Ohhhh, she hoped he'd be okay. What if something there hurt him?”

“Do you want to play a game?” one of the guards asked.

“Huh? Oh... no. I think I just want to wait,” she mumbled softly. It couldn't take that long, could it?


That feeling of worry had slowly been shifting into a new feeling.

Boredom. The princess and Val had been gone for HOURS, without any sign of when they were coming back. Well, there was one sign. A small book that apparently linked the two dimensions. Twilight had sent a message saying they'd met up with her friend and everything was fine, but that was hours ago. So now they just had to wait. She'd finally caved and joined the guards in a small board game. She was losing, hoofedly.

“How often do you ponies play these games?” she mumbled as she rolled the dice.

“Well,” Flash said sheepishly. “Royal guard duty is, for the most part, kind of boring. There's very rarely any need for us to do things. So only a fraction of the populace of guards is actually working at any time. The rest are on call and have to be available at a moment's notice, so we have to remain at the castle or where ever we've been chosen to be. There's only so much training and practice you can do, so a lot of us bring games to pass the time when we're off.”

She nodded. “Oh.” Then sighed as the pegasus rolled the dice.

“Sorry, I win again,” he said sheepishly, smiling at her.

She hmphed. “I saw you let Val win.”

“Well, of course. He was just a little colt. It would be kind of insulting to just let you win.” He paused. “Did... you want me to? Sorry, I didn't want to be rude.”

She sighed. While it would be a little insulting, she still kind of wished he'd let her just once. He--

There was a squeak from behind and she turned in time to see a small wagon, filled with jars, come through. They were filled with.... fluids and things of assorted colors. Twilight stepped forward a moment later, covered in... the fluids as well. She looked furious.

Val came through after, looking worried and a tad smug.

“I CAN'T BELIEVE, YOU... JUST... YOU... GROUNDED!” Twilight finally roared with enough fury to send their game board across the room.

“W-what? But I--”


“F-for a day?” he asked hopeful like.

“FOR ALL OF THE DAYS!” the princess screamed, rearing up.

Cheerilee stared at the frazzled, obviously exhausted and... slime covered princess. “What... happened?”

“HE STARTED A CULT!” Twilight screamed, her voice in full royal canterlot mode.

“I-it was a small cult...” Val objected.

“But he is a colt?” Flash said, looking confused.

“HE SUMMONED AN ELDRITCH ABOMINATION!” Twilight shrieked, stomping a hoof so hard the stone floor cracked.

“I-it was a small eldritch abomination...” Val said pitifully.

“W-what?” Cheerilee asked, her eyes widening.


“S-she got better!”


“W-well, that can happen when you... hit a demon with... laser beams made of friendship. I guess. And giant pony thing.”

“W-wait, I nearly drowned?” Flash asked, looking even more confused.

Cheerilee's mouth fell open. “He... he made a colt?”

“YES! HE MADE A CULT!” Twilight screamed, a nearby window shattering. “AND SUMMONED A DEMON! HIS MAGIC WORKS THERE! IT--”

“Princess, inside voice!” Cheerilee finally screamed, the sheer volume of the voice and extended sentences having finally sent the royal guards toppling over, not to mention it left a ringing in their ears.

“OH.” Twilight's horn glowed for a moment. “Right, sorry. Didn't even notice I turned that on. His magic works there. HIS magic, as in where ever he's from. He made a cult! We were only there a few hours and he made a cult!”

“But it was awesome,” Val whined.

“What part of MAKING a cult is AWESOME?” Twilight asked, before lifting up the jars. “Fortunately, when the monster exploded, we managed to get a ton of samples.” She paused for a moment. “And I'm sure Flash and Sunset will be fine after some therapy. A lot of therapy.”

“W-what? Why do I need therapy?” Flash asked, the confusion now permanently etched in his face.

“Nothing! I'm just going to research all this and then find out what's going on and how I can stop whatever those things are and--”

Cheerilee held a hoof to the princess' mouth, staring into her eyes. “Princess, when is the last time you slept? As in, a full night's sleep?”

“A few days, but don't need it. You see, there's so many more questions that I need to ask. Like why does his magic work there, but not here? Is his magic not supposed to work there? Why was he able to summon a creature like that? Was it even really alive? What if there's more, does his world have more like it? Does it--”

She was silenced by another hoof. “Princess. With all due respect. Go clean yourself off and take a shower. Then, get some sleep.”

“But I--”

“Now. Shower, then bed,” she said in full teacher voice, glaring at the mare. Even Val had suddenly stood at attention.

Twilight gulped, before sheepishly nodding and lowering her head. “Okay...” She walked off with her tail between her legs.

The guards watched her go, before Flash finally spoke up. “How did you do that? We've been trying to get her to sleep for days.”

“Teacher voice. It works on any good student, no matter how old or... princessy they are.” She then looked to Val and scowled. “Now. How did you make a colt?”

“Oh, I found a couple of idiots and convinced them through my magic that I was a leader of some great faction and then I used them as focuses for some dark, arcane magics. She needs to relax, it wasn't really anything dangerous. We used to summon things like that all the time back home. They're like... servants.”

“And... you turned these ponies into colts?”

“What? No. I made them my followers and we made a cult.”

“So you used this creature to make a colt?”

“What? No, I used the cult to make the demon.”

“Then how did you make the colt?”

“I told you, I got my followers to obey me and we made a cult.”

“So you turned one of your followers into a colt?” Cheerilee asked, staring in confusion. He just wasn't making any sense.

“I... what? No? They became members of my cult!”

“If they joined with the colt, where did the first colt come from?”

“I made it!”

“How? You... don't have life creating magic, do you?”

“What? No, why would I... what?”

The two just stared at each other in confusion, before looking to Flash.

“Hey, I don't know,” the stallion said with a shrug. “I'm still wondering how I almost drowned and why I need therapy.” He was reminded of his first day of training. His teacher had warned him that being a guard was ninety-five percent boredom, five percent terror and almost a hundred percent being so confused you wrapped back around to know what was going on.

“Ughhh, you suck,” Val grumbled, before eeping as Cheerilee turned her gaze back on him.

“You, young man, are grounded for, as the princess put it, 'all of the days'. Come on.” She turned and trotted towards the door, shaking her head. “I don't know how a colt can summon another colt and a... whatever she called it. Edith thing. Ugh.” She looked to Flash and gave him a small smile. “When the princess finally awakens, do let her know we will be back tomorrow? I'm sure after a good night's sleep she'll have plenty of new ideas. Hopefully ones that don't end in... that.” She motioned to the jars.

He gave a swift nod. “Of course. I will let her know immediately. Just as soon as she awakens.” He gave a quick salute.

She sighed and trotted off, only glancing back to make sure Val was still following her. “Val, do you enjoy this?”




Rarity took a deep breath as she eyed the approaching train. It was only a little further away, making her squint slightly in order to see the small billowing trail of smoke coming from the top. She smiled wide and sat down. “They should be here any moment, Silverbelle,” she said with a smile.

“Y-yay,” the little filly said softly, her eyes still lowered. Sweetie was sitting next to her, looking as bored as could be but at least trying to keep still. Claw was... well...

He was chasing a bug that was trying in vane to escape the little dragon pony. She was just thankful he wasn't trying to break anything or cause any mass destruction. There were a few other ponies waiting for the train, but all in all it seemed quite calm and relaxed.

She cringed as the train started to come to a stop, the shriek of metal brakes grinding against the metal rails. After a few more moments the train stopped and the doors opened. She held her breath in anticipation. Any moment now. Ponies started making their ways off, but there was no sign of the two. Rarity started to feel her smile waver. Could they have actually not come? How incredibly rude! They could have at least warned them! They--

Then two ponies stepped into sight and Silverbelle gasped. She galloped forward and started speaking in rapid prench. The two ponies spoke back, looking down at the mare with delight as they stepped out. There was no doubt who they were.

The stallion had a golden coat with a silver mane and was wearing a dashing black tuxedo. Rare Find, her uncle by marriage. However, the mare with him was wearing a flowing green dress made of some metallic material that... there was no way. Could those be shaved mana gems? The mare's coat was white with a golden mane. Around her neck was a small blue amulet carved with all manner of different symbols. Her aunt, on her mother's side, Precious.

“Oh, Rarity!” Precious said before stepping forward and hugging the mare, a moment before giving her a kiss on either cheek. “I simply must apologize for this last week! We truly did mean to arrive sooner, but we just kept getting swept up in the most problematic of commitments. First there was Hoity Toity, then Fancy Pants. We simply must tell you all about it!”

“It was no problem at all, aunty,” Rarity said with a smile as she hugged the mare. “Silverbelle has been an absolute doll. Such a well behaved and pleasant child.”

The mare nodded. “That is marvelous, simply marvelous.” She then stepped back and smiled down at the children. “And you must be Sweetie Belle.” She gave a light giggle at the shocked look on the filly's face. “I'll be honest, I was a bit miffed that my dear sister got to the name before I did. But I have heard that Sweetie Belle just suits you marvelously. I'm sorry it's been so long since we last met, I doubt you even remember me.”

“Oh, there's one more you need to meet,” Rarity said before bracing herself. It was now or never. “This is Claw. Claw! Come here, this is your...” She paused. “Great... aunt... I suppose.”

That made the mare pause and Rare's mouth fall open. Precious coughed into her hoof. “Great... aunt? You're... you had a child? I would have thought... oh...” She stared down at the little dragon pony as he came closer. “Is he... is...”

“Sweetie, how about you run along home with Claw and Silverbelle? I think I'd best have a chat with our aunt and uncle.”

“Awwww, but it's just getting good!” the filly whined, but quickly relented after a glare from her sister. Once they were out of sight the unicorn smiled to them.

“I'm truly sorry. You see... well...” How to explain Claw? She couldn't really imagine any easy way. “He's possibly Sweetie's child sent from the future to stop a major disaster that could possibly claim my life and the life of many others. Well, he could actually be my child from the future but... time magic is... finicky, it seems. And quite headache inducing.”

The color drained from their faces and Precious took a step back, a hoof going to rub her necklace nervously. “T-time travel? Future child? Just... just what has been going on here? I thought...Silverbelle isn't caught up in any of this, is she? She's just a child!”

“Of course not!” Rarity said quickly and shook her head. “She is completely safe. In fact, the princess, who is the one who sent him back in the future, is currently working on fixing all of this. Finding out what happened in the future that could cause such a disaster and require her to send him back in the first place.”

The two slowly nodded, but shared worried looks. Finally, Precious nodded. “And you're quite sure it's all okay? And... the child, is he...”

“Part dragon? Yes. His father is currently staying with me as well. It's... complicated. Very, very complicated.”

“Are you quite sure you're okay with us visiting now? Oh, I wish I had known all this was happening to you, Rarity. I would have never sent Silverbelle on ahead. I do hope she hasn't been any bother.”

“No, no, of course not,” Rarity said with a shake of her head. “It's... really all quite well and good, now. I mean, at first it was quite... difficult. But now? It has been getting a little easier every day. Silverbelle has been an absolute pleasure and while Claw is... sometimes a bit strange, he is a very sweet child. I think you'll like him quite a lot.”

Precious nodded before looking past her. “And... his father is... a dragon? Does that... I mean... how did...”

“The father is the assistant of Princess Twilight,” Rarity said with a nod. “Quite the gentlecolt and a fine pony. Even if... not quite a pony. You'll be meeting him as well and I assure you, you'll find him quite charming.”

The mare nodded, her cheeks quite red. “Are... err... are you and he... in a... relationship? Now?”

Rarity's cheeks turned just as red and she shook her head. “No, no no no no. No. Absolutely no,” she said firmly. “He has... always had quite a bit of a crush on me, but to be honest, he's always felt like more of a little brother. I couldn't imagine him... no.” She shook her head again and started walking away, towards the exit. “He is actually about Sweetie's age as well, so in a way it makes sense that they... well...”

“I-I see. That's quite... and from the future? How did he... well... I...”

“Twilight, the princess. Apparently there has been some great disaster in the future and it needs to be stopped.”

“I would actually love to meet her,” Precious said with a grin. “When I'd heard there was a fourth and new princess, I absolutely knew I needed to meet her one day. I can't deny gossip about you has been quite important up in Prance. Unveiling a new princess in Luna, defeating some great threat that even the princesses couldn't stop, creating a new princess. Why, you and your friends have been quite the talk of everywhere. Most ponies won't even believe you're a member of my family.”

Rarity's cheeks burned for a whole new reason. “O-oh, you flatter me. Are... they really talking about us that much?”

“Indeed. Not to mention your gowns and dresses. Why, the princess dress was an absolute smash, though I must admit I was a bit disappointed I failed to order one before they were discontinued. You have quite the business sense though, dear. Creating such a limited edition item.”

Rarity's cheeks burned again and she shook her head. “Ah... well, it was less that. I was merely... tired of the dress. Creating the same dress over and over again, it was... draining. I wasn't allowed much chance to innovate or express my creativity.” She then paused and looked back towards her. “Speaking of. That necklace, is it one of yours?”

“What? This old thing?” Precious asked before holding it up. “No. I actually picked it up in Zebraconia during our travels. You won't believe this, but it's rumored to have belonged to Starswirl the bearded.” She snickered softly. “Though, I imagine it's just a rumor made up to raise the price. Still, it was quite beautiful and quite the antique, I just had to add it to my collection. Ah, do hold a moment.” The three stopped by the luggage pick up before the mare's horn glowed. A large, black suitcase with wheels lifted up. “This should do. Most of our things are still in Canterlot, unfortunately. We'll be returning there for a week after our visit here.”

“Oh? That's simply marvelous,” Rarity said, eying the luggage. It then popped open.

“And, of course I didn't forget about my darling little niece,” Precious said before a small golden necklace with a blue, yellow, purple, white, orange and pink gemstone set on the face hovered up. “I felt absolutely inspired to make this after I heard about your defeat of Nightmare Moon. I knew I had to bring it in person, but I've just never had the time.” It hovered over and clasped around the unicorn's throat.

“Oh, it's simply divine,” Rarity said with a low giggle as she touched it with her hoof.

“Now, I wasn't sure what kind of thing to get Sweetie. I heard she doesn't quite have the family's love for jewelry. However, I have a wonderful diamond tiara or a small heart pendant with--”

“Give her the pendant,” Rarity said quickly.

“Are you sure? I thought a tiara would be something she'd adore.”

“Trust me. Get her the pendant,” Rarity said with a quick shake of her head. “Her and... she is not very fond of Tiara's. I dug out my old plastic one to give to her a few months back and just... no. No no no. No.” She turned and started walking again. “Noooo.”

“Very well, the pendant it is.” She closed the bag up and smiled. “Would you be willing to introduce us to the newest princess? I just have to meet her.”

The unicorn gave a little nod. “I don't see why not. Though, I should mention she can be a... bit eccentric at times. But she is quite wonderful once you get to know her. It's just that at the moment, it is a very stressful time for her.” She did hope Twilight managed to get a bit of rest. A whole week in full research mode, she couldn't imagine how much work Spike had to do to help her during these times.

“Yay,” the mare said with a happy little sqwee.

Rarity paused and glanced back to Rare. “Is everything okay?”

He gave a nod.

“Oh, don't mind him,” Precious said with a soft chuckle. “He's a stallion of... few words. I do believe the only words he said on our wedding day were 'I do'.”

“That must have made the vows interesting,” Rarity said with a light chuckle.

“Oh, it was. We had to record them over a few weeks time.”

The unicorn blinked, her eyes widening. There was no way that-- she giggled softly when she realized the mare was joking. How silly of her. “We can stop by the castle, first. I'm sure Twilight will have a little bit of time to speak with us. But she is quite busy, so we shouldn't stay long.”

“Of course. So... does she have any idea of... what problems could arise? I mean... err... the dangers of this... time magic?”

Rarity shook her head. “No. But I'm certain whatever it is, the future her knew the consequences and dealt with it accordingly. There it is,” she said before gesturing towards the great tree-like castle. The two ponies stopped and stared, their eyes wide.

“She lives in that? How did they make it?”

“When we defeated Tirek, it just popped into existence. It was... well, quite a spectacular sight, let me tell you. I believe Twilight had a long explanation for how it came to exist, truly, but I can't remember it for the life of me,” Rarity said with a soft chuckle. “It involved the magic of harmony and... well, it's quite difficult to understand unless you have a solid grasp of magic, to the extent she does.”

“I'd love to hear the theory on it,” Precious whispered. “I have been known to dabble in different magics as well, over the years. Though nothing of even close to that magnitude.”

“Ohhhh! Is that how you came about that dress?” Rarity asked, her eyes glimmering. “Those are shaved mana gems, aren't they? Isn't that dangerous?”

“Oh, of course not. They aren't live. The magic has long been drained from them before the process.” She shook the gown. “I didn't create it, though. It's actually from this fabulous designer up in Saddle Arabia. The original gown had full mana gems the size of an orange and it was positively dazzling. Sadly, it weighed far too much for any pony to want to wear often. This is the more casual version made of mana gem shavings. It came in all sorts of colors, even. I almost got the red one, but I finally settled on the green.”

“I for one think it is positively dazzling,” Rarity said with a soft sigh. “I am absolutely jealous. I didn't even know such things could be done with mana gems. I... don't suppose...”

“I can send her a message. She might be willing to give you the information on how she does it, but I make no promises,” Precious said with a soft chuckle. “Though, I don't think she does much business with ponies, so perhaps she would find it exciting to work with one.”

Rarity let out a little excited sqwee of glee. “Oh, thank you thank you thank you! I can only begin to imagine the things I could create with such pieces.” She sighed softly before stopping in front of the castle and smiling at the guard. “Hello. Is Twilight in? We'd like to speak with her.”

“I'm afraid the princess is not to be disturbed.”

Rarity sighed. “I'm sure an exception can be made, just let her know it's Rarity.”

The guard shook his head. “I'm afraid we cannot. For her own well being, we are to keep everypony out until she has finished sleeping.”

That gave the mare pause. “Sleeping? But... it's the middle of the day. Why is she sleeping so long?”

The guard shook his head before coughing a little. “Actually... as far as I know, this is the first time she's slept in the last three or four days.”

The unicorn stared for a few moments before sighing. “Of course. We'll come back later. Could you... let us know once she awakens?”

“Of course,” the guard said with a nod.

She turned and started trotting away. Precious watched the guard for a moment before turning to follow. “Did that pony say the princess hasn't slept in three days?”

“Yes. Twilight can get a bit... absorbed sometimes. She'll forget the little things. Like sleeping. And eating. And I do believe Spike once said she forgot to breath for a few minutes. But she's really quite smart, honest. She just... sometimes gets carried away. A lot. Outside of those situations she's simply marvelous. A true friend who would do anything for those she cares about.”

“I... see. And she's a princess with... her own kingdom. And everything,” Precious said, just a hint of worry in her tone.

“Really! It's quite alright, I swear.” Rarity took a deep breath and stopped. “I know she may seem a bit strange, or off, or even... well, weird. But trust me, there is no pony more deserving of being a princess than her. She would give everything she has for her friends, for those she cares about. In fact, she has. Even though she knew it would destroy her. She'd even do it for those she... didn't like very much, just because she knew they couldn't be saved without her. She will never give up and never surrender. She sometimes makes mistakes, but who doesn't? You've just happened to catch her in a bad time.”

Precious nodded. “I see. I do suppose... well, this talk of time travel and... future dangers, it must be all quite difficult for the princess. I suppose anypony would be rattled.”

“Exactly. Now, how about we head back to my place and wait for the princess to be available? You must be absolutely famished after your long trip.”

“Eeyup,” Rare said with a nod.

“Indeed,” Precious added.


“Then, if you add just a hint of fire ruby with some basil, it adds this amazing zing to the powder,” Spike said with a nod as he started gathering up the empty plates and bowls from the table. Precious couldn't take her eyes off the dragon, staring.

“I... must say, Mister Spike, you've been absolutely... charming. When I heard a dragon was staying here, well, I wasn't sure what to expect. But you have absolutely shattered my expectations.”

The dragon chuckled and waved a claw dismissively. “Oh, it's nothing. Besides, I'm a guest here, I have to make myself useful somehow.”

Precious chuckled and glanced towards Rarity, who was blushing slightly. “Well, dear dragon, if you ever feel like visiting my place in Prance, know you would be welcome. That was simply the most delightful lasagna I've had in years. I've never tried ground up gemstones before.”

“Oh, they're really not that bad,” Spike said with a shrug. “I've seen Pinkie eat a whole rock before, though she's from a rock farm. But I've found as long as they're ground up extra fine, nopony has any trouble and when you mix them with the sauce, they give a nice tingle. The magic in them adds a little pop, too.”

“Well, I think you're a credit to your species,” Precious said with a nod, before glancing over towards the front room where Sweetie, Silverbelle and Claw were playing with dolls. “In fact, I think I'm beginning to see where this Claw came to be. A gentlecolt like you is hard to come by, I can understand why Rarity fell for you.”

There was the sound of shattering glass as Spike dropped the plates. He yelped. “Sorry, sorry!” His cheeks were burning bright red.

Rarity barely even noticed. “I-it's quite alright, Spike darling, i-it happens,” she squeaked, before glaring at her aunt. “Aunt, you shouldn't say such things! That's just... embarrassing!”

“Oh dear,” the mare said with a shake of her head, a hoof rising up to her cheek. “Why ever for? I see nothing wrong with your romance. So long as he treats you well and loves you with all of his heart, why worry about the species?” She then glanced back towards Claw. “Especially since you two are... obviously compatible.”

Spike quickly escaped to get a broom, while Rarity glowered at her aunt. “Compatible or not, he is still just a baby dragon, he--”

“Won't be one forever,” Precious said smoothly. “And it wasn't that long ago that you were a baby as well, so the age difference isn't that severe.” She then glanced towards Rare. “In fact, the age difference between me and my husband might be even more.” She then smiled to her niece. “Or would you rather your sister end up grabbing him? Dragon or not, it's obvious he dotes on you and, judging by how red your face has gotten, you aren't... completely opposed to the idea.”

Rarity took a deep, slow breath to calm her nerves, before glaring at her aunt. “While I do appreciate your.... advice, dear aunt, he is still just a child. Perhaps in a few years when he has... matured, there could be something there. Perhaps! I'm not saying there will be!” she added quickly. “But there is always that chance. Now, if you would be so kind, please... stop trying to embarrass me and my guest. It is quite rude.”

Precious chuckled and gave a little nod. “Very well. But I will give one last little piece of advice. He's young now, but he won't be forever. Dragon or no, he is still connected to a princess, a gentlecolt and quite charming. He will find no shortage of prospective suitors once he is... on the menu, so to speak. You have no competition now, but don't expect that to always be the case.”

Rarity's cheeks burned and she got to her hooves, trotting out to check on the children. “I'd best ensure they're being safe.”

Precious chuckled and glanced to Rare. “I did warn you that my family could have interesting tastes. Imagine, a dragon. I would love to see mother's face when she finds out. Then again, my sister has always been a bit eccentric in her ways. Perhaps some of it has finally rubbed off on her daughter?”

The stallion merely gave a nod.

“Truly, you always know what to say, darling.” She reached up and rubbed her amulet. “I do hope we'll be able to meet the princess, though. I'd love to meet the caretaker of such a fine dragon.”


Rarity smiled as she sat at the foot of the bed, once again. She gently pet Claw's head, brushing his mane as he slowly began to drift off. Instead of her reading this time, Spike read the story. Sweetie and Silverbelle had already drifted off and, as usual, Claw was being the fussy one who was lingering awake. Precious and Rare were watching from the doorway with knowing grins that made Rarity want to grind her teeth, but she ignored it.

Finally, the little dragon pony drifted off and she began the slow process of scooping him up and taking him to his bed. Once she finished dropping him off, she stepped out of the room and closed the door with a smile. “And there.” She glared at her aunt. “Is there something you're dying to say, dear aunt?”

“Me? Oh no no no no. No,” she said with a wide grin. “Well... I must say that was quite adorable. I'm happy to know you've been taking such great care of my daughter while she was here.”

“Of course. She is my cousin, after all,” Rarity said before she started trotting towards her room. “Now, you two can sleep in here. The bed is made for one, but it should be fine.”

A look of concern spread across the mare's face. “Are you sure you're okay with this? If you like, we can sleep on the couch, it--”

“I won't hear of it,” Rarity said with a shake of her head. “You are my guests and I will not have you sleeping on the couch, it's nowhere near big enough for two. I can sleep on the couch for a few weeks, it's fine.”

The mare sighed. “Well, if you're certain.”

“I am.” Rarity pushed open the door and motioned towards the bed. Things had gotten a bit more cramped than she'd expected. The addition of Claw had been a surprise, a pleasant one but one none the less. All of her rooms were taken which meant somepony had to sleep in the front room. Or worse, dismantle her work room! No, she would NOT hear of such a thing. They'd managed to grab Spike's bed during the last week and it was fortunately small enough she could just put it in the front room besides the couch. Which would leave the couch for her.

Things would probably settle down once all this was over. Sweetie could return to their parents home whenever they returned from... wherever they went these days. She suspected that her mother and aunt didn't quite get along too well. But then she could set up the guest room properly, or maybe take the second bed apart and use the room for storage again, while Claw had his own room. Maybe even give Spike a room and--

She quickly shook her head. Spike was not staying here, this was just temporary. No no no no. He was just a baby, she was not going down that path. Still, for now everything would be fine. Fortunately she used only the finest couch and it was as soft as could be, she would have no trouble sleeping on it for a few days.

“Now, slee--”

She was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Who would... oh!” Rarity gasped, before turning and trotting downstairs. She could hear more hoof steps behind her as her aunt and uncle followed. When she got downstairs, Spike was already at the door and holding it open, talking to one of the royal guards. He turned back with a grin.

“Twilight's finally up. And, well... errr...”

“She's already at it, isn't she?” Rarity asked flatly.

The dragon nodded sheepishly.

Rarity turned back and smiled. “Well, if you wish to see our glorious princess in action, now is your chance.”

“I'd absolutely adore the opportunity!” Precious said with a big grin and a little sqwee. Rare merely nodded.

Rarity then smiled down at Spike. “Spike, darling, would you be willing to watch the children while we're away? They're asleep, but we just can't leave them alone.”

The dragon quickly nodded, giving a salute. “Nothing will happen while you're away!”

“Of course not.” She then looked to the guard. “Are you our escort?”

“Indeed,” he said with a bow of his head. “Lady Rarity and family, please follow me.” He turned and started trotting away.

The mare let out a soft sigh, before following after. Her eyes lingered on Spike as she passed him. He was just a baby, right? Shouldn't she be trying to watch him, not leaving him to watch others? But then why did it feel so easy to trust him... like that?