• Published 29th Aug 2015
  • 23,726 Views, 1,689 Comments

I'll Do Anything for You - The Abyss

Twilight and Rainbow have just started a new life with their newly-adopted daughter, Scootaloo, but the filly’s old parents have returned with a vengeance.

  • ...

Our First Real Date

“Ya know, I can’t remember a time when I saw Scootaloo as happy as she was today, Twilight,” Rainbow said as she placed her fork back down on the table. They were in Canterlot’s finest restaurant, and somehow, they had gotten a table even though the waiting list was months long, but Rainbow had figured that it was because of Twilight’s position as a princess. The walls were a scarlet red, complimented by white crown molding all-throughout the establishment. White tablecloths that felt like they were made of silk covered each small table, only big enough for two. Faint light from several flickering candles, one on each table, lit the room with just enough light to set a very romantic mood. Thankfully, the sky was clear, and it seemed as if there wouldn’t be any snow that night.

As a waiter trotted past them, levitating a tray of food for another table, Rainbow eyed the silky white gloves that ran just past her knees, keeping her warm on this most chilliest of nights. They had been a gift from Twilight, along with the rest of her outfit. In stark contrast to her dress that she had worn to her first Grand Galloping Gala, this one was pure white, just like her gloves. It hugged her body as if it was a leotard, and ended in a skirt that stopped a few inches above the ground. It wasn’t really her thing, but it felt wonderful, and if it made Twilight happy, then she would gladly wear it. Thankfully, Twilight was in a similar dress, but instead of white, it was a midnight blue, a color she envied. She was wearing gloves like hers, and to top it all off, she was wearing a cute bow that matched the color of her dress. Rainbow scratched her right ear, feeling her own bow brush against her hoof. She’d almost said no to wearing it, but when she saw how adorable it made Twilight look, she had changed her mind.

“Yeah, same here,” Twilight said, pushing away her empty plate. “I knew that it’d make her really happy, especially after the doctor said… well, you know what he said.” She sat back, biting her bottom lip.

“Sure, but for you to figure out why she can’t fly is a step in the right direction, uh… right?” Rainbow pushed her plate away too as their waiter brought the check. She reached out and grabbed the check before Twilight could. “Uh… Twilight?”

“Yes, Dash?”

“Why is our bill over a hundred bits?” Rainbow let her hoof drift down as she stared at Twilight.

“Well, this is the best restaurant in Canterlot, after all. I told you that we had to dress up really fancy for this, so I had Rarity make us these fantastic dresses.” She took a sip of wine and licked her lips.

Rainbow placed the bill back down on the table, then rubbed her foreleg. “So you had Rarity make us these dresses in what, a day? I know it can take her weeks for her to make a nice dress, but for her to make these overnight had to have been really expensive. And on top of getting us the dresses, you want to pay the bill? You’ve already paid too much, Twilight. Let me pay, please; it’s the least I can do.”

“Nope!” Twilight chirped with a smile on her face. She lit her horn and grabbed the bill, then placed a significantly-sized bag of bits on top of it. There, that should easily cover the bill and the tip… “Each dress was more expensive than this bill, but…” She stood up and nodded towards the door on the other side of the room.

Rainbow stood up and followed Twilight outside, leaving the candle-lit room behind them. “What?” She saw Twilight trot down the sidewalk a little bit, stopping in front of an alleyway. Rainbow walked up next to her and opened her mouth, but instead of words coming out, she felt Twilight’s tongue coming in instead. Her eyes going wide, she felt Twilight push her up against the restaurant’s wall, just inside the alley, pinning her as she moaned softly into her mouth. Rainbow’s eyes drifted shut as she let Twilight take the lead, their tongues dancing a furious, needy tango of love.

Twilight broke their kiss, panting softly as she stared into Rainbow’s eyes. Her heart yearned to feel Rainbow’s lips upon her own once more, but she knew that there would be much more time for that later.

Rainbow’s chest rose and fell in quick intervals as her heart raced, beating so fast it was like she had just finished a race with the Wonderbolts. “You know, you didn’t answer my question back there…” she whispered as she felt Twilight’s hoof drift to the back of her head.

Twilight’s eyes drifted almost all the way shut, her lips mere centimeters from Dash’s as she whispered, “Because you’re worth it…” She pulled Dash back in, biting her marefriend’s upper lip. Twilight heard Rainbow whimper as her head slipped down a few inches, so with a sly grin, she kept their lips locked together as she took the more dominant stance.

Rainbow felt her heart flutter at Twilight’s words, making her legs feel as if they were made out of jelly. Using what little reserves of strength she had left, Rainbow pushed up, accidentally breaking their kiss before their tongues could meet once more. Her eyes wide, Rainbow blinked a few times as her ears flicked to lay flat on her head. “Gosh… where’d you learn to kiss like that?” she asked, blushing furiously.

“A book, and I know you’re probably gonna laugh at this, but…” Twilight blushed equally as hard, and as she glanced away, she murmured, “I practiced on my favorite pillow when you weren’t around.” Instead of hearing a snicker, she felt Rainbow’s hoof on her cheek. She flicked her eyes back up and saw Rainbow smiling gently.

“Yeah? You get that idea from me?” Rainbow asked with a snicker.

“…Maybe,” Twilight said, drawing out the word as a grin formed on her face.

“You know, since we’ve been together for a while, you could have just asked me for practice,” Rainbow said with a chuckle.

“Yeah, I know, but I wanted to get a little practice in. You know I’d never go to an exam without studying, so I figured that practicing by myself a little would help when the moment came.” Twilight rubbed the back of her neck, then checked to make sure that her bow was still in place.

“But what about getting a tutor, to… ya know, practice with?” Dash grabbed Twilight’s hoof in her own. “Because I’d love to be that tutor; I know a thing or two about kissing, after all.”

“That’d… that’d be nice,” Twilight said with a widening smile. “But when could we practice? I think it’d be a little awkward if Scootaloo or Spike saw us making out,” she finished with a giggle.

“Yeah, I bet…” Rainbow rubbed her chin, then smiled. “Hey, I know! Why don’t we spend five minutes, or however long we want to, practicing every night in bed before we snuggle, starting tonight?”

“That sounds wonderful, Dashie.” Twilight stood up and nuzzled Rainbow’s neck. “Come, let’s go to the overlook. I hear it’s really nice this time of year, and since it’s a clear sky tonight, we can see for miles…”

“Sure!” Rainbow stood up and followed Twilight down the street. “Should we fly?” she asked, eyeing their dresses as she wondered if it’d be alright for them to fly while wearing them.

“Actually, I kinda wanted to walk there if that’s okay with you.”

“Yeah, that’s cool.” Their conversation lapsed into silence for a minute before Rainbow asked, “Say… any chance of you letting Scootaloo fly again sometime soon? You know I’d love to fly with her.”

“Of course I’ll let her fly sometime soon, but we really cannot do it often,” Twilight said. She lowered her voice, leaned in, then whispered, “To be honest, the spell I used on myself is kind of… illegal.”

“Wait, why?” Rainbow stopped in her tracks as her eyes went wide. Illegal? What’s she talking about, black magic? The doc back in Ponyville said nothing short of black magic would let Scootaloo fly, so… Her heart dropped into her stomach, and as she saw Twilight stop a few steps in front of her, she flapped her wings once to catch up to her. Rainbow sat down in front of her, blocking her path as she stared into Twilight’s eyes, searching for any sliver of an answer.

“Well… the reason why I was late to Scootaloo’s check-up this morning was two-fold. I had gone to prepare the last bit of our date night, and once that was taken care of, I had accessed Celestia’s personal library in her bedroom, with her permission, of course. I searched for spells that could help Scootaloo, but I guess a part of me knew I had to access the restricted section. Celestia unlocked it for me, and I found the spell I used on Scootaloo after only a few minutes…” Twilight sat down, flicking her tail up to keep part of her dress from getting dirty on the ground. “You see, Celestia, over time, has eradicated as many of the books that held such spells that she deemed illegal or unsafe to use by the general population, only keeping one copy of each spell for herself while making sure that every other book that held the knowledge on how to perform such spells no longer existed, aside from her own personal library. Lots of unicorns have died from using the spell I used on Scootaloo due to giving away too much of their energy. You saw how exhausted I was when I got home earlier, after all.” Twilight saw something out of the corner of her eye, and as she looked to her left, she saw a couple of ponies walking on the other side of the road. Not a moment later, she felt Rainbow’s hoof hit her breast. With her eyebrows furrowing in confusion, she looked back at Rainbow and found her glaring at her.

After she set her hoof back on the ground, Rainbow glanced both ways down the sidewalk to make sure that nopony could eavesdrop on them. “I know you’re really experienced in using magic and all that, Twi, but if there’s even the smallest chance of you dying from helping Scootaloo, I don’t want you using that magic, ever,” she snarled.

“Rainbow, you saw how happy Scootaloo was… And you had just asked me if I could use the spell more often. I know my boundaries, so I really think it’s safe enough to use,” Twilight said as calmly as she could, keeping her voice soft. “I’m not going to die, so you don’t have to worry about that.”

“No!” Rainbow said, her voice cold and firm. “There has to be another way!” Her wings bristled in anger as she stomped on the ground, making Twilight jump slightly. Tears formed in the corner of her eyes as her voice caught in her throat. “Y-You were so c-cold back when I helped you into bed. You were so weak, and… pale.” Her voice lost its nervousness. “You looked like you were on the verge of death, and to hear you say that you were literally hanging onto life by a thread?” She turned away from Twilight as tears leaked out of her eyes. Rainbow didn’t bother to wipe them away as she tried to keep the idea of her best friend dying out of her mind.

It didn’t work.

Twilight wrapped her forelegs around Rainbow’s neck, then wrapped her wings around her as she nuzzled the side of her neck. “I… I didn’t know you would feel so strongly about that, Rainbow…” Twilight whispered as she swayed back and forth, much like she was rocking a baby to sleep. Rainbow wiped her eyes with a hoof, then laid it on top of Twilight’s legs. “I promise I’ll never use that spell again. In hindsight, I should have talked to you first before using such a risky spell, but… I just wanted to see Scootaloo happy after this new doctor told us she’d never fly…” She planted a light kiss on the side of Rainbow’s neck, humming softly in content when she felt Rainbow lay her head against hers. “You know I didn’t do this to hurt you, Dash… I’d never do something like that…”

“Th-Thank you,” Rainbow choked out, feeling Twilight’s ear flick back and forth against hers. “Just the thought of losing you over something so small makes me feel like I’m going to be sick. I know we haven’t been together for that long, but I really, really care for you… I hope you know that.”

“I do, Rainbow… I do,” Twilight whispered into Rainbow’s ear. She closed her eyes as Rainbow’s grip on her legs tightened. “I promise I’ll never leave you; Scootaloo’s too cute to leave behind, after all,” she added with a soft giggle. She planted a few kisses on Rainbow’s cheek, feeling Rainbow’s wings tickle her belly through the bottom of her dress.

“Yeah, she is,” Rainbow stood up, making Twilight lose her grip as she turned to face her. “I’m sorry I got a little emotional, but…” She bit her lip and glanced away as she scratched her cutie mark.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about, Dash,” Twilight said as she stood up. “It was wrong of me to risk my life to give Scootaloo a minute of happiness… I didn’t even think about how you would feel about me using that spell, so… I’m sorry,” she whispered, pressing her head against Dash’s forehead. Several moments passed in silence as she listened to Rainbow’s breaths slow, the sounds of the city’s night life buzzing all around them. A pair of ponies walked past them, but she paid them no mind. “Want to call it quits for the night?” she asked, her tone making it sound like she’d be let down if Dash wanted to go back home. The rest of her plans would be ruined if Rainbow wanted to call it a night.

Rainbow’s head whipped up. “What? Of course not! We’ve already had so much fun together, so why cut it so short?” Her tail flicked once as she fluffed her wings. “Didn’t you have more planned for us to do?” She wiped the tears from her eyes with a hoof, the soft silk of the glove gliding wonderfully across her fur.

“Well, yes,” Twilight said carefully. “If you feel like you’re up for it, I’d love to take you to the overlook. I hear it’s really pretty at night.”

“Of course I feel up for it!” Dash nuzzled Twilight’s neck, then opened her wing. She placed it on Twilight’s rump and pushed, then nodded down the sidewalk. “Also, Twi?” She felt Twilight lay a wing over her back, so she did the same. “Please don’t tell anypony that I cried a little back there, especially on our first date.”

“Heh, I might tell Scootaloo,” Twilight teased.

“You wouldn’t dare!” Rainbow said in a playful tone. “She’d stop seeing me as the super strong and awesome pony that you have as a marefriend!”

“Yes, that might be a problem… I might just have to tell Pinkie Pie, then!”

Rainbow gasped. “You… no. You know how she is with secrets; she’d tell everypony in town before I could say I love you.”

“Hehe, yeah, you’re probably right.” Twilight grinned as they walked onto the path that ran along the length of the overlook. “You know, last night was the first time I heard you say you loved me…” she admitted with a blush.

“Really?” Rainbow stopped and sat down in front of the low wall that kept them from falling over the edge of the cliff, taking care to not get her dress dirty. She glanced away as she thought for a few moments, then said, “Yeah, I guess it was…” She felt Twilight’s lips surround the tip of her left ear a moment before she felt her tongue brush against her super-sensitive hairs on her ear. “Hey, that tickles!” she said as she pulled away with a giggle. She rubbed her ear with a hoof as Twilight sat down next to her, keeping her wing wrapped around her back. Dash let out a content sigh as she laid her head against Twilight’s neck. She closed her eyes as she flicked her ears to lay flat on her head, nuzzling aside Twilight’s mane so that she could get a good view of the stars.

“Can you say it again?” Twilight asked, her voice so soft that she barely heard herself speak. “…Please?”

“Huh? Say what, it tickles?” Rainbow asked with a light giggle, which abruptly stopped as her eyes widened. “Oh… oh! Of course...” She licked her lips as she lifted her head from Twilight’s neck. Rainbow planted a tiny kiss just underneath Twilight’s ear, nuzzled it in as she smiled, then whispered, “I love you, Twilight.” She felt her heart blossom into a million beautiful roses as she spoke those words. Rainbow shifted closer to her and wrapped her foreleg around Twilight’s as a cold breeze sent a shiver down her back. Her wings bristled in nervous excitement as she heard Twilight hum happily, and as Twilight tightened her grip on her hoof, she felt her lips make a trail down from the side of her forehead, to her cheek, then finally to her lips.

Twilight couldn’t help but smile as she flicked her tongue against Rainbow’s lips, letting off a soft moan as she bit her marefriend’s bottom lip. Her ears flicked up as she heard voices come from further up the path, and as a small part of her rational mind screamed at her to break the kiss to preserve what little decency they had left, a much bigger part of her screamed equally as loud for her to not care. She felt her heart race in her chest as a small group of ponies walked past them, whispers of “Is that Princess Twilight?” echoing from them. She let go of Rainbow’s hoof, letting it slide up her back until it rested on the back of her head, keeping Rainbow exactly where she wanted her.

Twilight’s smile widened as Dash bit her bottom lip, holding it in place as her tongue teased it. As Dash let go of her lip, Twilight spotted her opportunity, and with the help of her hoof tactically placed on the back of Rainbow’s head, she pushed her tongue inside of Rainbow’s mouth, fighting with her tongue until it grew too sore. She let off a surprised ‘eep’ as Rainbow took the lead, pushing her tongue back into her mouth as she stood up. As she felt her breath start to run low, Twilight broke the kiss and panted softly as she stared up into Rainbow’s eyes, a small bridge of saliva connecting their lips. She licked her lips, breaking that bridge as her wings bristled. The words of ‘I love you’ that had rested on the tip of her tongue for so long simply begged for her to utter them once more, but she knew they could wait a few seconds more. Twilight’s eyes slowly drifted shut as she leaned back in for a quick peck on Rainbow’s lips, and as she nuzzled Rainbow’s cheek, she whispered, “And I love you, Rainbow…”

Rainbow blushed as she saw Twilight sit back, so she scooted over so that they were sitting side by side again. After laying her wing across Twilight’s back, she smiled when Twilight laid her head against hers. “So… I know we’ve been together for only a couple of months, but… well, it just makes me really happy to hear you say you love me. Some ponies might think we’re taking things too fast, but who cares, right? So long as you’re happy, I’m happy.”

“Yeah…” Twilight murmured as she thought back to last night. “I think my father was a little put-off when you told him you were in love with me, by the way.”

“He didn’t say anything bad about us being together back at dinner last night, so what makes you say that?”

“Trust me, I know my dad. Just because he didn’t say anything about it now doesn’t mean he won’t say something about it later. I saw the way his face changed when you said you loved me. I’m just glad you said it in front of everybody because I’m sure I would have gotten an earful about it.”

“About what?”

“Well… let’s just say my dad is a little old fashioned. He was always talking about getting grand foals from both Shining Armor and I, and since neither of us is a stallion, well… you know,” Twilight finished her sentence in a whisper.

“We have Scootaloo, though. Technically, since we’re both her legal guardians now, she has your parents as grandparents; same with mine. She’s our daughter, so that means your dad is her grandfather.”

“Yeah, I know that, but… I think my father was expecting me to give him foals, and since I’m his only daughter...” Twilight sighed. “I don’t regret that we can’t have a foal together at all, just in case you’re wondering, Rainbow. I couldn’t be happier with you at my side…”

Rainbow took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yeah, who needs a stallion when you have a wonderful, loving, and adorable mare like you?” she asked, blushing a teensy bit. After a few moments of silence, she asked, “So what about Spike? How does he fit into all of this? You raised him, right? So wouldn’t that make him your son? Just because you didn’t give birth to him doesn’t mean he's not your son.”

Twilight shrugged. “I suppose, but our relationship has always felt more like a brother and a sister. I don’t know what he thinks about it, but that’s just how I feel. But with Scootaloo in the picture now, I think it’d be best to consider him my son just like how I consider Scootaloo our daughter. And if we ever get married…” Twilight glanced over at Rainbow to gauge her reaction, worrying that she’d feel uncomfortable at the mere mention of marriage, but found her smiling back at her, giving her the courage to finish, “By law, he’d be your son.”

“Yeah… so should we make it official?” Rainbow felt Twilight lift her head from her neck as she peered down at her with wide eyes. Oops! Gotta learn how to phrase that stuff better… “Uh… you know, like… should we tell Scootaloo that they’re brother and sister now?”

“Oh!” I could have sworn she was going to propose to me, and on our first date! “Isn’t it a little early to tell?” Twilight asked, her heart racing in her chest. “I mean, what if we break up, kinda like how we almost did back at Ponyville’s hospital?”

“We didn’t even come close to breaking up, Twilight,” Rainbow’s tone was firm, yet her voice was as gentle as ever. “We just had a stupid fight, is all.”

“I wouldn’t really call it stupid, but… yeah.” Twilight took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I want you to know that I’m in this relationship for the long haul. We’ve been friends for so long, and I’m ashamed that it’s taken me so long to uncover this awesome, sensitive side that you have, so… I guess what I’m trying to say is that I would love nothing more than to be with you, Dashie…”

“Yeah, same,” Rainbow whispered. “I know Scootaloo would hate to lose you as a mom, and I’m not saying I want you to stick around just because of her, either. You mean more to me than you can ever know, and…” She licked her dry lips and swallowed. “I know we’re gonna have some fights now and then, but that’s normal with every relationship, right? I know that we can get through them, just like that night.”

“After all we’ve gone through as friends, if we can’t get through an argument as marefriends, then we really shouldn’t be together,” Twilight said with a giggle. “Because relationships, as awesome as they can be, will always have issues. But with us? I can’t see us not being able to find a solution to whatever problem that may arise in the future.”

“Yeah, but… what about Scootaloo’s old parents? What are we gonna do about them?” Dash asked, her voice filled with no small amount of worry. “I mean, ever since they escaped and put our daughter in the hospital, I’ve been getting startled by the littlest of things. I’ve done my best to not let it show, but… yeah.”

“I know what you mean, Dash,” Twilight said.

“I… Have you ever wondered what you would do if we catch them ourselves?” Rainbow asked before Twilight could continue speaking, her voice hard. “After all they’ve done to Scootaloo, I… I don’t know what I would do.”

Twilight took a few moments to collect her thoughts, wondering what Rainbow was thinking about. “I… That’s a good question. I haven’t really given it much thought, but I would prefer for the guards to catch them. If they’re anywhere near Scootaloo, you know I would do everything in my power to protect her, and you if need be. I don’t want you to end up in prison because you wanted a little revenge, after all. And since we don’t know where they are, we can’t really go and catch them. If they aren’t in Ponyville, who knows where they could be?”

“Cloudsdale, maybe? If I was a pegasus and on the run, I’d go there.” Rainbow ran a hoof over her muzzle as she groaned. “Aaaand we’re going there next to see my parents tomorrow evening. Great… Should we just cancel on them and go straight to the Crystal Empire instead, or just stay here for another couple of days?”

“Well, there’s no reason to believe that they’re actually in Cloudsdale, so I don’t think we should cancel on your parents just because of the possibility of Scootaloo’s old parents being there. For all we know, they could be halfway across the country by now. If they had even an ounce of smarts, they won’t go anywhere near Canterlot or Ponyville, especially if they think that Scootaloo is dead.”

“I guess… I wonder how excited my parents are gonna be when we swing by their place. They already know about Scootaloo being our daughter, but not that we’re in love. I think the last time I saw them, I told them that I had this huge crush on you, so for me to bring you home to them as my marefriend is gonna make them really happy for me… for us. In the letter I sent before we left on this trip, I left out the fact that we’re together because I wanted to keep it a surprise for them. The last time I was home, I know that they hoped you would feel the same way about me that I felt about you.” Dash felt herself shiver again. “So… have anything else on your list for tonight, you know… like a bedroom? It is getting pretty chilly, after all.”

Twilight threw on a sly grin, then nuzzled Rainbow’s cheek. “I have just the place, Dashie,” she whispered, nipping at her lips. She lit her horn, and as she concentrated on where exactly she wanted to go, she enveloped Dash with her magic, then cast the teleportation spell. They reappeared exactly where she wanted them to: her old bedroom back in Canterlot’s castle. Rose petals marked a path to the bed, where more petals lay scattered all over the sheets. The bed was surrounded by many candles, their flickering luminescence giving them just enough light to see in the dark.

Rainbow looked around the room in awe as she felt the night’s cold slip from her feathers. When she heard Twilight light her horn again, she glanced back at Twilight and saw her slowly unzipping the back of her dress. With her eyes going wide and her breath catching in her throat, Rainbow stared as the dress slipped from Twilight’s body.

“I told my mother not to wait up for us tonight, Dashie,” Twilight said as she stalked forward, making Rainbow step back until her hind legs hit the bed. “Because you and I are going to spend all night to ourselves, without…” She leaned in until their lips were less than an inch apart, then breathed, “Any… interruptions…”

In the moment before Twilight’s lips met her own, Rainbow’s wings made a soft ‘pomf’ sound as they unfurled from her body, the very tips of her feathers tingling with excitement.

Author's Note:

Remember how I had asked a while ago if I should write a clop chapter, as a separate story, naturally? Yeah, well, I'm totally going to do it because I've set it up so perfectly!

The clopfic is up! It's called "I'll Do Anything To You"