• Published 29th Aug 2015
  • 23,724 Views, 1,689 Comments

I'll Do Anything for You - The Abyss

Twilight and Rainbow have just started a new life with their newly-adopted daughter, Scootaloo, but the filly’s old parents have returned with a vengeance.

  • ...

Unbridled Love

“Goodnight, Scootaloo.” Rainbow smiled down at her and laid a small kiss on the filly’s forehead. She had just tucked Scootaloo into bed after an exhausting day of flying lessons. It was already well past her bedtime, but the last chapter of the newest Daring Do book had kept them all up late. Spike had passed out against Twilight’s side as she had read the last chapter out loud for everyone down in the library, a fact that had made Rainbow giggle. He had looked so cute all snuggled up under Twilight’s wing. “That sure was a good book, wasn’t it?”

“Mhm...” Scootaloo smiled and closed her eyes. She stretched out under the covers and yawned, then curled up. “Oh, and thanks for the flying lessons today; I had a blast!”

“Yeah, me too. You’ll get up in the air with me one day, I promise,” Rainbow said, her voice soft and full of love. She brushed a few stray strands of hair out of Scootaloo’s face then gently nuzzled her cheek. “And then we’ll soar through the clouds for as long as you want to.”

“And maybe take naps on them as well?”

“Pfft, totally! That’s like the best part of being a pegasus. Well, aside from flying fast of course.” Rainbow slid off of Scootaloo’s bed. “Now get some rest, okay? I’m pretty busy tomorrow, so do you want to train the next one after that?” Scootaloo nodded happily. “Hehe, and when we’re done, I’ll show you how awesome it is to nap up there! Doesn’t that sound great?”

“Yeah, it sounds awesome, Rainbow! I can’t wait! And, um... can you maybe hold me with your wing?” she asked hopefully. “You know how much I like that...”

“Definitely.” Rainbow smiled and kissed Scootaloo’s forehead. “Now don’t stay up too late, okay?”

“Okay.” Scootaloo rolled over and made herself comfortable. “See you tomorrow,” she said with a small yawn.

“See ya, squirt...” Using her wing, she flicked off the magical lights and turned on the fan, just how Scootaloo liked it. Rainbow cast one last look over her shoulder as she stood in the doorway, and right as she was about to go find Twilight, she heard Scootaloo mumble something. “Say somethin’?”

Scootaloo sleepily cracked an eye open and smiled at her. “Um, I said I love you, Rainbow.”

Rainbow was momentarily taken aback. She blinked a few times as she straightened out her thoughts. Woah... she’s never said that before. Happiness flooded into her, sending tears of joy into her eyes. She cleared her throat and wiped her eyes, then winked at her and smiled. “Oh, I love you, too, Scootaloo.” Rainbow turned and closed the bedroom door, the latch making a soft click.

Rainbow giggled and shook her head. She began to turn but stopped short as she found herself muzzle to muzzle with Twilight. “Oh, hey Twilight. Ready for bed?” she asked sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head. A soft blush tinted her cheeks a rosy pink as she looked up into Twilight’s eyes. This was the part of the day that she looked forward to the most, for it meant that she got to snuggle with her favorite pony in all of Equestria.

“Sure am.” Twilight nuzzled her, then yawned softly. She draped a wing over Rainbow’s back and pulled her up against her side. “Come on, let’s get to bed.”

“Well, I’m not gonna say no to that.” Rainbow chuckled as she let Twilight guide her into their bedroom. She used to call it her bedroom, but Twilight slept in it so often that they just started calling it their bedroom. Twilight used her magic to pull the sheets back and they slid in on opposite sides, meeting in the middle of the bed.

“So... do you want to be the big spoon tonight, or do you want to be the little spoon again?” Twilight asked with a soft smile, running her hoof through Rainbow’s mane. She made herself comfortable and stuck her hind legs under the covers.

Rainbow brought a hoof up to her chin as she thought. “Um... can you be the big spoon again? I really love it when you, er...” She glanced away, only to have Twilight gently guide her to look back at her.

“You love it when I what, Dashie?” Twilight asked with a sly grin.

Rainbow bit her lip, then looked back into Twilight’s eyes. “I... I just love it when you hold me,” she said softly, her blush deepening.

Twilight nuzzled her cheek. “Good, because I love it too.”

“Awesome... So anyways, you know what Scootaloo said to me after I tucked her in?”

“What? She call you an egghead for liking books like you used to call me?”

“Nah...” Rainbow chuckled again. “She told me that she loved me. She’s never said that before, and...” She trailed off as she tried to come up with a way to finish her sentence that wouldn’t make her sound all mushy.

“Hm?” Twilight prompted after several seconds of silence.

Rainbow awkwardly cleared her throat. Well, I might as well go ahead and say it... “Aaaaaand it meant a lot to me.” She thought that Twilight would poke fun at her, but instead she felt her grab her hoof. “There, I said it. Now you got me saying all this sappy stuff.”

“So?” Twilight asked as she rubbed Rainbow’s hoof. “I think that’s wonderful. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like the sappy you.” She laid a kiss on her cheek. “Oh! And Scootaloo hasn’t had a nightmare for... how many weeks now? I’ve been meaning to ask for a while, but I’ve just been so busy.”

“It’s been about a couple weeks, maybe a day or two more.” Rainbow slid closer to Twilight and settled down on her side. “I’m glad she’s stopped having them, you know? I was afraid we’d have to bug Princess Luna to get involved.”

“Yeah... I’d be fine with asking her to watch over Scootaloo for a few nights, but for a couple weeks? Maybe a year? I don’t think it would be proper to ask that of her.”

“But what if it came to that? What if she starts having nightmares every night? I don’t want Scootaloo to be afraid of going to sleep.”

“Well, I guess we’d figure it if we ever got to that bridge,” Twilight said. “I just hope that it doesn’t come to that.”

“Yeah, same.” Rainbow laid her head down on the pillow and waited until Twilight did the same. “So get this! Rarity said that she could have the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Spike over for a sleepover tomorrow night. You know what that means, right?”

Twilight’s breath caught in her throat and her eyes widened. “Do we finally get to go on our first real date?”

“You know it!” Rainbow giggled and slid closer, a mere inch separating her muzzle from Twilight’s. “And you know where we’re going? The best place in town, that’s where! I already got us a reservation at that cute little place that you like at seven.”

“Oh, this is going to be awesome!” Twilight lifted her head from the pillow and rolled onto her belly. She grabbed Rainbow’s hooves in her own, holding onto them tightly. “To be honest, I never thought that we’d get around to this with all of our responsibilities, and on top of that, I’m gonna have to clear my schedule for tomorrow night, which means I’m gonna have to move what I was going to do to the next night, and I—Mmpf!”

Twilight’s eyes went wide as she felt Rainbow’s lips brush against hers. Her ears fell flat against her head and she blushed furiously, her eyes drifting shut. Those gloriously soft lips made all of the tension melt from her body. She smiled and pushed back a little, only to have Rainbow take the lead. Twilight melted into the kiss as Rainbow gently pushed her back down onto her pillow, small shivers of excitement running through her body. She rolled onto her back, her tail swishing back and forth under the sheets while her wings fluttered beneath her.

With a grin, Rainbow slid on top of her, placing her hooves on either side of her head. Just as Rainbow’s tongue finally breached her lips to meet with her own, Rainbow broke the kiss, a loving smile plastered on her face. Twilight panted softly as she stared up into Rainbow’s eyes, her heart beating frantically. She smiled and bit her lower lip as Rainbow lowered her head to nuzzle her cheek.

“Woah...” Twilight whispered, smiling as she felt Rainbow’s soft fur caress her belly. “Where’d you learn to kiss like that?” She squirmed underneath Rainbow, staring straight into those beautiful eyes of hers.

“Heh, believe it or not, but... I practiced on a pillow,” Rainbow admitted with a sheepish smile. “And now I get to practice with you.” She pulled Twilight into another kiss, making Twilight moan softly. Twilight parted her lips just wide enough for her, their tongues dancing a quick tango of love a moment later. Rainbow twirled her tongue around Twilight’s then forced it down, only to have Twilight fight back. Mildly surprised, Rainbow pulled back for a moment and then accepted Twilight’s silent challenge. With a confident grin, she dove back in and wrestled with Twilight’s tongue until she felt the need to breathe. “Heh, you know, you’re not that bad of a kisser. I had always pegged you as an inexperienced bookworm.”

“Beginner’s luck. You know, I wouldn’t mind getting in some ‘practice’ every night,” Twilight cooed happily as Rainbow slid off of her barrel. She snuggled up against her pegasus, Rainbow’s soft wings caressing her belly. “Wow...” she murmured. “How do you get your wings so soft?” Twilight snuggled closer to her, relishing every moment that passed on by.

“Oh, that’s easy.” Rainbow fluffed her pillow and snuggled back in. “I preen them a lot.”

“Preening, huh? You’re supposed to do that only when your feathers start getting out of place, right?”

“What? Nah, you’re supposed to do it... I don’t know, maybe once a week?” Rainbow let off a soft chuckle. “When was the last time you preened yourself?” She felt Twilight fidget a little.

“Um... nearly a month ago?” Twilight asked. “Why, is that bad?”

“Yeah, kinda.” Rainbow lifted her head and looked at her. “You know... if you want, we can preen each other from now on.” She blushed and glanced away for a couple moments. “Do you trust me enough to let me do that? I mean, I’m fine with it if you are, and—”

Twilight cut her off with a gentle kiss to her cheek. “Of course I trust you, Dashie. And I suppose letting someone else preen me would help with those hard to reach feathers.” She loved how all the coldness slipped away from her the moment they touched. Rainbow was especially warm right now, most likely from cuddling down by the fireplace earlier that night. “You’d have to teach me how to do it right, though. There’s only so much one can learn from a book, you know?”

“Yeah. I’d have no problem with that.” Rainbow yawned, then grinned as she heard Twilight yawn behind her. “It just means I get to spend more time with you.”

Twilight unfurled a wing and laid it around Rainbow’s barrel, then tugged her close. She laid her hind leg over Rainbow’s and snuggled closer to her. Rainbow took a deep breath and let it out slowly, her breath teasing the tips of Twilight’s wing.

“You know, I think tomorrow is going to be awesome,” Twilight whispered. She smiled and laid a small kiss on Rainbow’s head.

“Why’s that?” Rainbow murmured, already on the verge of falling asleep.

Twilight lit her horn and tucked the sheets around them with a spell. “Because I get to wake up beside you,” she whispered into Rainbow’s ear. “And that’s the thing that I want most.”

“Mmm... good morning, Dashie,” Twilight whispered into her marefriend’s ear, her voice soft and full of love. It was rather late in the morning, but since today was the start of the weekend, they could sleep in for as long as they wanted.

And that’s exactly what Rainbow was doing. She snoozed away, contentedly lying in Twilight’s embrace with a soft smile. Her back was still firmly pressed up against Twilight’s belly and her forelegs were curled up and pinned to her chest by one of Twilight’s soft wings.

Twilight rubbed her eyes with a hoof, nuzzled her marefriend, then kissed the back of her head right in between her two twitching ears. Rainbow just smiled a bit and shifted in her sleep, gently pushing herself further into her embrace. She mumbled something in her sleep, making Twilight pause. She flicked her ears forward, but after a few moments of silence, Rainbow just squeezed her hoof, still fast asleep.

Twilight couldn’t help but giggle, barely being able to stifle herself with a hoof in time. She absolutely loved it when Rainbow did that, or anything cute in her sleep for that matter. Ever since Rainbow had asked her out that wondrous night a month ago, Twilight had made it a point to snuggle with her every night that they were able to. Rainbow never said no anytime that Twilight wanted to snuggle with her, and even though she would never admit it to anyone but Twilight, she had started being the little spoon more and more. It helped that Twilight was slightly bigger than her, and to make things even better, Rainbow had suggested that they go to bed earlier so that they’d have more time for each other.

The sun’s morning rays shined through the window, lighting up the opposite cloud wall in a soft yellow light. Worried that the light would wake Rainbow up and stop them from cuddling, Twilight lit her horn and yanked the curtains shut. She froze as she felt Rainbow start to stir, so she loosened her grasp on her, but instead of waking up, Rainbow simply rolled over and snuggled back in.

Rainbow tucked her forelegs back up to her chest and laid her head under Twilight’s, giving her an unintentional nuzzle in the process. Much to her surprise, she opened a wing and slowly laid it over her, all while staying asleep. She really does like to snuggle... With a soft and content chuckle, Twilight laid her wing back over Rainbow and tugged her a little closer, then used her magic to tuck the sheets back in. Her marefriend’s warmth threatened to pull her back to sleep but Twilight didn’t mind one bit. They had the morning to themselves, after all.

Waking up next to you is the thing I want most... Twilight repeated Rainbow’s words over and over in her mind, butterflies flitting about in her stomach. She squeezed her and held her close, and even though Rainbow was still fast asleep, Twilight still felt loved and that’s all that mattered to her.

In the past month, the word ‘love’ had bounced around on the tip of her tongue, but something had always held her back from saying it. Their responsibilities with their jobs and taking care of Scootaloo had kept them from going out on the town for their official first date, but that was going to change tonight and she couldn’t be more excited.

Twilight felt Rainbow’s heart beat against her chest, making her wonder if she could feel hers too. The warmth from her body and the blankets threatened to pull her back into the world of dreams, so Twilight gave in. She closed her eyes, fluffed her pillow, and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

Rainbow stirred awake hours later, feeling relaxed and, above all else, safe. Being able to sleep soundly next to someone meant that you trusted them without any reservations, and she was happy that she was able to trust someone on such an intimate level. The snuggling was just the icing on the cake, for what she really craved was to be loved by somepony special.

She had woken up a few times, but Twilight looked so cute and adorable sleeping beside her that she didn’t want to disturb her. Part of her had thought it was a competition to see who could last the longest, and she had been pretty determined to not lose. Although, as time went on, she came to realize that Twilight was simply enjoying the moment like she was.

After a few minutes, Rainbow felt that it was finally time to get up. She folded her wing back to her side, nuzzled Twilight, and laid her head on her neck. “Morning, sleepyhead,” she mumbled. “Or is it the afternoon?” She shrugged, smiling when she felt Twilight stretch.

“Uhhh...” Twilight glanced at the clock. “Yeah, it’s definitely the afternoon.”

“What makes you say that?” Rainbow mumbled back.

“Because it’s two o’clock.” Twilight chuckled. “We sure slept in, didn’t we?”

Rainbow giggled. “Yeah, I guess you could say that. C’mere, you!” Before Twilight could respond, Rainbow rolled onto her back and pulled Twilight on top of her in one fell swoop. Belly to belly, Twilight looked down at her with her eyes wide open. “You know, you look beautiful even with the worst bedhead.” She pushed a few strands of hair out of Twilight’s face, then used the same hoof to pull her head down. They locked lips for a brief kiss, though it was nothing passionate like the one last night. Still, it was the thought that counted, and Rainbow was going to make sure that Twilight knew she cared for her. Rainbow rolled onto her side and let Twilight slide off of her with a soft ‘oomph.’

“Wanna make some breakfast?” Twilight stretched again and laid a wing over Rainbow’s back. “Well, technically it’d be a late lunch, but I could whip us up some pancakes.”

“Yeah, that can work.” Rainbow stretched and let loose a yawn. “You mind making them? I want to fit in a quick flight around town.” She slid out of bed and stretched out her wings.

“Of course, Rainbow. How many do you want?”

“As many as you want to make me! I’m pretty hungry, and I’m sure I’ll be starved by the time I get back. I shouldn’t be too long, maybe ten minutes?”

“Well, if we’re going out pretty soon, why don’t I just make us something small? Maybe one or two pancakes each instead of a whole stack?”

“Oh... yeah.” Rainbow giggled. “That’s probably a good idea. I’ll see you soon, alright?”

“Sure. I’ll be down in the kitchen in the library,” she said as she turned to walk out of their bedroom. “And when we finish our ‘lunch’, we can pick out our dresses for our date!”

“Sounds great, Twi!” Rainbow walked out onto the balcony. She took off a moment later, leaving Twilight standing alone in the bedroom.

Twilight heard her stomach grumble, so she trotted from the room. She didn’t see Spike or Scootaloo anywhere as she walked through Rainbow’s house, nor did she hear them as she made her way into her kitchen. Movement outside caught her eye, so she glanced up to see Spike and Scootaloo in a snowball fight just outside the kitchen window.

Twilight smiled, then went and searched around for the cooking supplies. After she got the stove heated up, she found a large pan, made a small batch of batter for the pancakes, then poured it all into the pan. As the pancakes cooked, Twilight looked outside to find Rainbow dropping snowballs on Spike and Scootaloo. She couldn’t help but giggle as she watched Scootaloo hit Rainbow with one as she flew past her.

After a few more minutes, Rainbow trotted through the front door of the library, brushing snow from her coat. She was panting slightly, and as soon as she spotted Twilight, she made a beeline for the kitchen. They ate their pancakes in relative silence, the two of them sneaking looks at each other. Every time their eyes met, they’d look away, butterflies flitting about in their stomach.

“So...” Rainbow stood up and put their dirty dishes in the sink. “Think we should get ready for this date of ours?”

Twilight nodded, an excited smile on her face. “Sure! I’m gonna go jump in the shower in a few minutes. You should probably do the same.”

“Yeah, not a bad idea. I’ll be back down in about twenty minutes or so. I love letting the hot water soak into my coat,” Rainbow said.

“Okay, see you soon.” Twilight stood up and used her magic to wash the dishes. She put them back up where she had grabbed them from and then made her way outside to find Scootaloo and Spike still in an intense snowball fight. “Hey, you two! It’s time to come in so we can get you all packed up for your sleepover tonight!”

“Aw, already?” Scootaloo lowered her hoof, a freshly-made snowball ready to be thrown. “But we’re having so much fun!”

Twilight giggled. “I’m sure you guys can resume your snowball fight at Rarity’s. Who knows, she might even join in!”

“Hey, yeah! And then maybe we could get more ponies to join in, too!” Spike exclaimed. He dropped the snowball he held in his hand, but only after he saw Scootaloo do the same. Spike looked at Scootaloo and yelled, “Truce?”

“Truce!” Scootaloo called back. “Wanna be on the same team over at Rarity’s? You’re a pretty good shot!”

“Sure!” Spike stood up from behind his makeshift fort and brushed the snow from his knees. “Might as well get this over with so we can get over there sooner, right?”

Scootaloo nodded. “Yeah, I guess. Last one inside’s a rotten egg!” She bolted off, running around the corner with Spike hot on her hooves.

Twilight merely chuckled and followed them inside. After closing the door behind her, a small shiver ran down her spine as the library’s warmth abolished the winter cold from her coat. “Alright, you two, settle down!” she said with a small smile. “Spike, have you packed your stuff for tonight?”

“Nah, not yet. Want me to go and get that done now?” Twilight nodded. “Alright. I’ll be back in a little bit,” Spike said, making his way towards the stairs.

“Scootaloo, I left some bits in a bag for you and Spike to share if you two wanted to get some snacks at the bakery, okay? It’s in the desk on the far side of the room, so go ahead and grab that before you head upstairs to pack.” Twilight pointed to her desk that lay against the wall. “I’m going to go upstairs and jump in the shower for my date with Rainbow tonight!” She pranced in place for a few moments, then trotted upstairs. “I’ll be back downstairs to see you and Spike off in a little bit!” she called out as she turned the corner at the top of the stairs.

“Okay!” Scootaloo called out after her. She trotted across the room and walked up to the desk that Twilight had just pointed out. I wonder which drawer she put it in... Might as well start on the bottom and work our way up from there... She pulled the bottom drawer on the right open and looked inside. The bag of money was nowhere to be seen, so she pushed it shut then pulled open the next one. The drawer held a bunch of desk supplies, so she rummaged through it, hoping to find the small bag of bits.

Just as she was about to give up and move onto the next drawer, a manila folder with her name on it caught her attention. It had the words ‘Ponyville General Hospital’ on the front just below her name, piquing her interest.

Huh... never saw this before... Scootaloo pulled out the folder and laid it on the ground. She used a hoof to flip open the cover and saw a bunch of official-looking documents that she didn’t care much for. She realized that the dates on the papers were from when her parents had attacked her. Scootaloo flipped through the papers, and just as she was about to put it all back, she discovered that the last page was titled ‘Summary.’

Scootaloo figured that it was just a bunch of boring stuff, but a certain word caught her eye.


Her heart beating faster, she laid that piece of paper down and started to read, skimming through the boring technical parts until she found the word again.

The patient, Scootaloo, has a very unique wing condition that renders her flightless, one that I have not encountered outside of an academic setting. This young filly has a wingspan smaller than any other pegasus her age would have, and I have been made aware that she has much difficulty flying at this point in time. Records show that fillies and colts a full year younger than her have been able to attain most of their flying abilities, and that leads me to believe that this filly will never be able to fly.

Tears welled up in Scootaloo’s eyes. Her eyes glazed over as the document slipped from her hoof to rest on top of the folder. “Never be able to f-f-fly?” she whispered to herself, her mind struggling to comprehend what she had just said. She reread the last part of the document and pushed it away from her. Why would Rainbow give me flight lessons if she knows I’ll never fly?

Spike was stuffing a few comics into his backpack for the sleepover when he heard the library’s front door slam shut. His curiosity piqued, he scampered over to the window and looked outside just in time to see Scootaloo jump on her scooter. He watched, confused, as Scootaloo pushed herself forward a few feet, fell down, and then repeated that a few more times until she got her balance. Much to his disbelief, she looked like she was very upset. Tears streamed down Scootaloo’s face and he heard her sobbing through the window. He knocked on the window, trying to get her attention, but Scootaloo never looked up.

Spike turned around and ran out of his room, running as fast as he could go. He bolted down the stairs, and just as he yanked open the front door, he saw that Scootaloo was already halfway down the street. His shoulders slumped in defeat, for he knew he had no chance of catching up to her.

Spike shook his head and closed the library door. “What happened in the few minutes that I was gone? She seemed like she was alright when I was playing with her...” He saw a bunch of scattered documents on the other side of the room, marring the appearance of the otherwise clean room. Slightly annoyed at the mess, he rolled his eyes and walked over there. He found the empty manila folder under the desk and saw that it was from Ponyville’s hospital. What was Scootaloo doing looking at some hospital folder? He glanced down and saw Scootaloo’s name written on the front.

Wondering if this was what had caused her to leave in such a hurry, he looked through the papers but didn’t see anything remotely interesting. “Eh, whatever it was, it sure messed her up...” he muttered to himself. Spike stood up when a crumpled up piece of paper hidden behind the cushion caught his eye. Fearing that it was what had caused Scootaloo to become so upset, he placed the folder on top of the desk and reached for the paper.

His eyebrows furrowing, Spike flattened the paper out and read it. His breath caught in his throat as he read the last line, and all he could mutter was a soft, “Oh...” Spike glanced about the library as the full ramifications of what the paper said sunk into him. “Twilight! Twilight, I need you!” he yelled. When he heard no response, he ran towards the stairs, the document held tightly in his claw. He was halfway up the stairs when he felt that familiar sensation in his throat: an incoming letter.

Spike paused as he burped the letter out. He snatched it out of the air and recognized Princess Celestia’s royal seal on it. “Probably just another letter of them catching up...” Spike took another few steps up the stairs before he glanced at the scroll again. While the typical scroll from Celestia bore no markings other than her royal seal on it, this one was different. The words “Important: Read Now!” were written on both sides of the seal, so without further ado, Spike ripped open the letter.

Princess Twilight,

I regret that I had to send this letter to you so late, but I will get straight to the point. Scootaloo’s parents escaped from prison a few days ago, and I have only just learned of this now. The guards stationed at the prison tried everything they could to recapture the parents, but they were not able to do so.

I fear that they might already be in Ponyville. Because of that, I have dispatched a squad of my guards to your location. My sister has been made aware of this situation, and she has sent her personal guards as well.

I pray that this letter finds you all well. My stallions should be there within the hour.

“Twilight!” Spike screamed at the top of his lungs. He scrambled up the rest of the stairs and raced to Twilight’s room. He slammed into the door at top speed and started hitting it with his fists. “Twilight, open up! It’s important!”

The door opened several moments later. “Spike, what’s wrong?” Twilight asked. Her ears flicked forward and her face bore a look of concern.

“Look!” Spike panted as he thrust the papers up at Twilight. “Did you or Rainbow ever tell Scootaloo what you guys learned about her at the hospital?” he asked as Twilight read through it all. “If not, then I think she just found out that she’ll never fly. I found those sheets scattered on the floor by your desk. She ran out the front door, and before I could stop her, she was already gone!”

All of the color drained from Twilight’s face. “She ran away?!” she shrieked. “And Scootaloo’s parents escaped days ago?!” Twilight felt her heart rate rocket sky-high. Sweat grew on her brow as she stared at the papers and she felt a shiver run down her back. “Oh no, oh no oh no oh no! This couldn’t have happened at a worse time, Spike!” She felt all of her strength leave her. Her legs nearly gave out from under her, so she sat down, her mind a whirlwind of mixed thoughts. “Rainbow...” she mumbled. I have to get her... She has to know! Tears formed in her eyes but she wiped those away with a hoof.

Twilight stood up on shaky legs, then lit her horn and teleported into Rainbow’s bedroom. She heard Rainbow singing some tune in the shower, so she rapped on the wood door with a hoof. “Rainbow! We have to talk!” she called out. “It’s about Scootaloo; she ran away!” She heard the water shut off a second later, then heard the shower curtain being ripped aside.

“What?!” Rainbow yanked the bathroom door open. “Why?” she demanded.

“I think she found the doctor’s note saying that she’ll never fly...” Twilight mumbled, the note falling from her grasp. “Spike found it lying on the floor next to the desk where I had left some bits for them for their sleepover, but...”

“But what, Twi?! Spit it out!” Rainbow grabbed a nearby towel and dried herself off as quickly as she could.

“That’s not the worst part...” Twilight sat down, her tail flicking from side to side. Her ears lay flat on her head, and she couldn’t bear to look up at Rainbow. Tears formed in her eyes as she thought of what could potentially happen.

“Then what is??” Rainbow flexed her wings, ready to fly at a moment’s notice.

“Her parents es...” Twilight choked up as tears streamed down her face. She took a few deep breaths and looked back at Rainbow. “Her parents escaped. Princess Celestia thinks that they’re here in Ponyville, so she sent a bunch of guards down to keep us all safe...”

“They... Scootaloo’s parents are here? In Ponyville?!” Rainbow poked Twilight’s chest, shocking her. “If they hurt her, I swear...” She shook her head angrily. “I can’t be held accountable for what I’m going to do to them.” She paced back and forth, her breath coming in short, angry pants. “Okay, okay...”

“What?” Twilight asked weakly.

“Here’s what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna go out and look for her, and when the guards get here, I want you to organize search parties. Got it?” she asked, her voice demanding and harsh. “Get everypony in town involved if you have to.”

Twilight nodded and sniffled, tears running freely down her cheeks.

Rainbow looked up at Twilight and saw that she was an absolute wreck. She was trembling and she was staring at the floor with an empty gaze. “Hey...” she said as she calmed herself down. She stepped up to Twilight and pulled her into a hug, then wrapped her wings around her. “Everything’s gonna work out fine, Twilight. Don’t worry, we’re gonna find her,” she said with a comforting nuzzle.

“Y—You promise?” Twilight asked. She felt Rainbow pull away only to feel her kiss her on the cheek.

“Yeah, Twi... I promise.”

Scootaloo was lost in a bleary tear-filled haze. She lost all track of time as she rode out of Ponyville. Luckily for her, the roads were relatively clear of snow, only giving her minor problems as she sped off. Tears streamed down her face, and she had never felt more hurt and betrayed in her life. Her limbs shook with exhaustion, screaming at her to stop and rest for a minute. She blocked those feelings out, for the amount of pain she felt in her heart was more than enough, more than she could bear.

Somehow, she ended up at her old parent’s house. Scootaloo let her scooter fall to the ground as she stared at the place that she had once called home. It looked as bad as it always had, but a yellow sign hung from the front door. Slightly curious, and more than freezing cold, Scootaloo numbly walked up the steps and lifted her head.

Condemned... she read. Just like I am... Scootaloo pushed the door open and slammed it shut behind her. I’m worthless... What good is a freakin’ pegasus that can’t even fly? She walked upstairs, heading to the only place where she ever felt safe: her old bedroom. The tears flowed as freely as they ever did as she stepped into her bedroom. Everything was just like how she’d left it. Her Wonderbolts posters were still on the walls and her room was still rather messy.

Scootaloo hopped up on her bed and sobbed into her only pillow. Why didn’t they tell me? Why would they lie to me?? She slammed a hoof down onto her mattress, then rolled over onto her other side. Maybe... maybe it was because they knew I wouldn’t be able to take it...

Scootaloo cried into her pillow for the next several minutes, torn over what she had done. She remembered all the awesome times that she had spent with Rainbow and Twilight, especially the time when she had flown with Rainbow on the way to Canterlot for the trial. Fresh tears streamed down her cheeks as she slowly came to realize that she had thrown away her only chance at a better life.

Another hour passed in a haze of tears but to her it felt like a lifetime. She heard the door slam shut downstairs, jerking her fully alert. It’s probably Rainbow and Twilight... Gosh, they must be worried sick. She felt a dagger of guilt pierce her heart; she never meant to hurt them like this.

“R—Rainbow?” she called out weakly. The sounds from downstairs ceased completely, so she slid off of her bed and opened her bedroom door. Her legs trembled as she walked down the hallway. “Twilight? Guys, I’m so sorr—” She turned and looked down the stairs, and instead of seeing Twilight and Rainbow, she saw the terrifying sight of her real parents. Scootaloo locked eyes with her father for several seconds, her heart racing a million miles a second.

“You!” Brick Lump roared, his voice full of anger and hate. “You’re going to pay for what you did to us!”

Scootaloo gulped.