• Published 29th Aug 2015
  • 23,726 Views, 1,689 Comments

I'll Do Anything for You - The Abyss

Twilight and Rainbow have just started a new life with their newly-adopted daughter, Scootaloo, but the filly’s old parents have returned with a vengeance.

  • ...


“Well, that was a wonderful day, Twilight,” Twilight Velvet said as she wrapped her forelegs around her daughter’s neck. “It is a pity that you guys can’t stay longer... Are you sure that you don’t want to stay another night? The sun’s already well past the horizon.”

“Yeah. We want to make it to Cloudsdale and surprise Rainbow’s parents before they head to bed or something like that. It was Rainbow’s idea, and you know how headstrong she can be when she has her mind set on something,” she said, teasing Rainbow.

Rainbow rolled her eyes with a grin, then looked up at Twilight’s mom. “Ya know you could always stop by our place whenever you want, right?” Rainbow asked, using her muzzle to guide Scootaloo towards the chariot that Spike stood in. The sun was starting its slow descent towards the horizon, giving them at least a few hours of daylight left. “After we get back from our little vacation, of course. Just be sure to give us a day’s notice or two before you come down.” She trotted back up to Twilight’s side and bumped her flank with her own. “Ya ready to go, cutie?” she asked, nuzzling her behind the ear.

“Y-Yeah, in a minute.” Twilight blushed furiously at Rainbow’s display of affection, especially since they were standing in front of her parents. Her ears flicked back as she glanced away for a moment, and after she cleared her throat, she looked back up to see her mother wearing a wide, happy smile.

Night Light bumped his wife’s shoulder with his own. “Might be a good idea to head on down to Ponyville for a week or two, provided that Twilight has enough room in their new house,” he said, nuzzling Velvet behind her ear.

“Oh, we’ve got tons of space back home! Don’t we, Twilight?” Rainbow asked.

“Yup, we sure do! You wanna make sure that Spike and Scootaloo didn’t forget anything?”

“Yeah, okay... Don’t take too long, alright? It’s getting a little chilly out, and I need someone to keep me warm during the flight to my parent’s place,” Rainbow said, her wings ruffling at her sides.

“Okay, I’ll be quick.” Twilight watched Rainbow return to the chariot, then glanced back up at her parents. “So...”

“Hehe, you don’t need to explain yourself, Twilight...” Night Light said with a wink. “I know what true love looks like.” He stepped forward, pulling her into a tight hug. “Thanks for stopping by. It pains me greatly that we don’t see each other more often, and if things go well between you and Rainbow, I think it would be pretty awesome to be Scootaloo’s grandfather one day.”

Twilight’s eyes went wide at that. Marriage? But we haven’t been together for that long... Does he really think that Rainbow and I could get married? Images of a wedding ceremony ran through her mind. Rainbow was staring deep into her eyes, wearing a wonderful white veil that only served to make her even more beautiful. A tear of joy formed in the corner of Twilight’s eye as she imagined hearing Rainbow profess her love for her in front of the massive crowd, though that tear was quickly wiped away by a quick nuzzle into her father’s neck. She stepped back with a light smile. “Heh, we’d have to get married first!” she said. “And it really hasn’t been that long, too.”

“Well... you know your father proposed to me after only four months of dating, right?” Twilight Velvet laid her head on her husband’s neck and nuzzled it with an insistent need.

“When you know, you know, cutie,” Night Light murmured, nuzzling the top of Velvet’s head. “I just couldn’t waste a perfect opportunity, and I think we turned out alright.”

“Hey Twilight, ya coming?” Rainbow yelled from the chariot.

“In a second!” Twilight called back. “So... it’d be great if you two could come down to Ponyville. Like we said, we have a lot of space.”

“Fantastic. I think you should get going now, sweetie. Don’t want to keep your family waiting, after all!” Twilight Velvet used her magic to tighten Twilight’s scarf a little bit, then sat down.

My... family. I like the sound of that... “Yeah, okay...” Twilight turned to walk back to the chariot, then paused. She bit her bottom lip, rolled her eyes with a grin, and turned back around to pull both of them into a hug. “I love you guys...”

“We love you too,” Night Light murmured, letting go of her. “Now go on, really. I’m starting to get a little chilly!”

“Oh, I know a good way to warm you up...” Twilight Velvet purred, wrapping a foreleg around her husband’s. “Why don’t we go back inside and you can... you know...” She twirled a hoof on his chest, making his cheeks flush red.

Twilight giggled. “Heh, I think now would be a good time to leave.” She trotted to the chariot and looked back over her shoulder as her parents walked back inside, then hopped inside. “You guys ready to go to Cloudsdale?” she asked, laying a wing over Rainbow’s back.

“Sure am!” Spike said, sitting down between Twilight’s forelegs and pressing his back up against her stomach for warmth.

Scootaloo spotted what he was doing and did the same thing with Rainbow. “It’s okay if I sit like this, right?” she asked, looking up at Rainbow with hopeful eyes. “It is pretty cold out after all, and like you taught me, the air gets pretty chilly the higher you go!”

“Heh, yeah, that’s right...” Rainbow said, tousling Scootaloo’s mane. She draped a wing over Twilight’s back, then nodded at the two pegasi standing at the ready in front of their chariot. “We’re ready to go now, sirs.”

“Yes, ma’am!” they both barked out.

As the chariot took to the skies, Twilight snuck a glance at Rainbow. Since a stallion usually pops the question, and since we’re both mares... how do we figure out who pops the question? Laying her head on Rainbow’s neck, butterflies appeared in her stomach as she thought, I’ll just have to think about this later...

Rainbow had noticed Twilight glance at her out of the corner of her eye, but had chosen to not bug her about it, but now, feeling Twilight quiver on her neck, she licked her lips and tilted her head to the side, letting her head rest on top of Twilight’s. As they rose above the clouds, she gazed up at the moon that rose off to the right. “Hey, Twilight? Everything okay?” she murmured, feeling Twilight tense up for the smallest of moments, so fast that she wondered if her mind was playing tricks on her.

“Yeah,” Twilight whispered back. “Just thinking about our future...” She closed her eyes as her breathing slowed, though she felt the butterflies in her stomach return with reinforcements.

“Our future?” Rainbow’s eyebrows furrowed as she tried to figure out what she meant by that. “What, uh... what do you mean?” She felt Twilight tense up again, and this time she was sure that she felt it, then she barely heard her let out a soft sigh. Several moments passed in an awkward silence. She bit her lip, then sighed. “This something we should talk about in private?” She felt Twilight nod against her chin.


“Got it.”



“...I love you.”

Rainbow paused, her ears flicking back. Why did that sound like a question? She blinked a few times, tightened her wing’s grasp around Twilight, then grabbed her right hoof with her own. “I love you too...”